List of utility methods to do Second Format
String | formatSeconds(long millis) Formats the given long to X hour, Y min, Z sec. long[] values = new long[4]; values[0] = millis / MILLIS_PER_DAY; values[1] = (millis / MILLIS_PER_HOUR) % 24; values[2] = (millis / MILLIS_PER_MINUTE) % 60; values[3] = (millis / MILLIS_PER_SECOND) % 60; String[] fields = { " d ", " h ", " min ", " sec" }; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(64); boolean valueOutput = false; ... |
String | formatSeconds(long s, boolean letters) format Seconds String string = ""; if (s < 1) return "00:00"; long remainder; long days = (int) s / 86400; long hours = (int) (s % 86400) / 3600; remainder = s - days * 86400 - hours * 3600; long mins = (int) remainder / 60; ... |
String | formatSeconds(long seconds) Formats a number of seconds to hours, minutes and seconds. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); long hours = seconds / (3600); if (hours > 0) { sb.append(hours + " h"); long secondsRemaining = seconds % (3600); long minutes = secondsRemaining / 60; if (minutes > 0) { ... |
String | formatSeconds(long seconds) format Seconds long d = seconds / 3600 / 24; long h = (seconds / 3600) % 24; long m = (seconds / 60) % 60; long s = seconds % 60; if (d > 0) return d + "d" + h + "h" + m + "m" + s + "s"; if (h > 0) return h + "h" + m + "m" + s + "s"; ... |
String | formatSeconds(long secsIn) format Seconds long hours = secsIn / 3600, remainder = secsIn % 3600, minutes = remainder / 60, seconds = remainder % 60; String displayhours = hours == 0 ? "" : hours + " hour" + getPlural(hours); String displayMin = minutes == 0 ? "" : minutes + " minut" + getPlural(minutes); String displaySec = seconds == 0 ? "" : seconds + " second" + getPlural(seconds); return displayhours + displayMin + displaySec; |
String | formatSeconds(long time) format Seconds long kbsize = Math.round((float) time / SECONDS_IN_MILLIS); return String.valueOf(kbsize) + SECONDS; |
String | formatSeconds(long time) format Seconds if (time == Long.MAX_VALUE) { return "DNF"; String sign = ""; if (time < 0) { sign = "-"; time = -time; time = (time + 5) / 10; long seconds = time / 100; long centiseconds = time % 100; return sign + seconds + "." + (centiseconds < 10 ? "0" + centiseconds : centiseconds); |
String | formatSeconds(long time, String timerPrecisionId, boolean round) format Seconds String result = ""; if (time == Long.MAX_VALUE) { return "DNF"; String sign = ""; if (time < 0) { sign = "-"; time = -time; ... |
String | formatSecondsRegular(int seconds) format Seconds Regular int sec = seconds % 60; int min = seconds / 60 % 60; int h = seconds / 3600; return ((h != 0) ? h + " h " : "") + ((min != 0) ? min + " min" : sec + " s"); |
String | formatSecondsWithHour(int seconds) format seconds in hh:mm:ss format int hours = seconds / 3600; int minutes = (seconds % 3600) / 60; seconds = seconds % 60; return hours + ":" + (minutes < 10 ? "0" : "") + minutes + ":" + (seconds < 10 ? "0" : "") + seconds; |