Java Utililty Methods Second Format

List of utility methods to do Second Format


The list of methods to do Second Format are organized into topic(s).


StringformatNanoseconds(final long ns)
format Nanoseconds
String s;
final long NS_ONE_MICROSECOND = 1_000L;
final long NS_ONE_SECOND = 1_000 * NS_ONE_MILLISECOND;
final long NS_ONE_MINUTE = 60L * NS_ONE_SECOND;
final long NS_ONE_HOUR = 60L * NS_ONE_MINUTE;
final long NS_ONE_DAY = 24L * NS_ONE_HOUR;
StringformatSecondFractions(long numUnits, int denominator)
format Second Fractions
if (numUnits == 0) {
    return "0:00:00";
StringBuffer timeStr = new StringBuffer(10);
long seconds = (numUnits / denominator) % 60;
long minutes = (numUnits / denominator / 60) % 60;
long hours = (numUnits / denominator / 60 / 60);
StringformatSeconds(double seconds)
format Seconds
int i = (int) seconds;
int s = i % 60;
int m = i / 60;
int min = m % 60;
int h = m / 60;
return (h > 0 ? fillZeros(h, 2) + ":" : "") + (m > 0 || h > 0 ? fillZeros(min, 2) + ":" : "")
        + fillZeros(s, 2) + "." + (seconds % 1 != 0 ? String.valueOf(seconds % 1).substring(2, 3) : "0");
StringformatSeconds(double seconds)
Formats seconds in human readable form.
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
int minutes = (int) (seconds / 60);
int digits = 1;
if (seconds < 0.01) {
    digits = 6;
} else if (seconds < 1) {
    digits = 3;
seconds -= minutes * 60;
if (minutes > 0) {
    result.append(minutes).append(" m ");
result.append(String.format("%,." + digits + "f s", seconds));
return result.toString();
StringformatSeconds(double seconds, int precision)
format Seconds
int min = (int) ((Math.round(seconds)) / 60);
int hrs = min / 60;
if (min > 0)
    seconds -= min * 60;
if (seconds < 0)
    seconds = 0;
if (hrs > 0)
    min -= hrs * 60;
StringformatSeconds(double value)
format Seconds
return String.format("%4.2f", value);
StringformatSeconds(final int total)
format Seconds
final int minutes = (total / 60);
final int seconds = (total % 60);
String secs = Integer.toString(seconds);
if (seconds < 10) {
    secs = "0" + seconds;
final String time = minutes + ":" + secs;
return time;
StringformatSeconds(int seconds)
Formats the specified amount of seconds to a short format.
int hour = 0, min = 0;
if (seconds >= 3600) {
    hour = seconds / 3600;
    seconds = seconds % 3600;
if (seconds >= 60) {
    min = seconds / 60;
    seconds = seconds % 60;
StringformatSeconds(int seconds)
formats seconds into mm:ss format
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("mm:ss");
return format.format(new Date((long) seconds * 1000));
StringformatSeconds(long dSeconds, boolean exact)
format Seconds
int iSeconds = (int) dSeconds;
int seconds = iSeconds % 60;
int minutes = iSeconds / 60 % 60;
int hours = iSeconds / 3600 % 24;
int days = iSeconds / 86400;
String sSeconds = seconds + "s";
if (days == 0 && hours == 0 && minutes == 0) {
    return sSeconds;