Java Utililty Methods Second Convert

List of utility methods to do Second Convert


The list of methods to do Second Convert are organized into topic(s).


doublesecondsToHours(double seconds)
seconds To Hours
return seconds / 3600.0;
StringsecondsToHours(int s)
seconds To Hours
int h = s / 3600;
int q = s % 3600;
int m = q / 60;
int ss = q % 60;
return align(h) + ":" + align(m) + ":" + align(ss);
intsecondsToInternal(int seconds)
Helper method that converts from seconds into internal time unit (which is approximately "quarter of a second")
if (seconds < MAX_SECONDS_FOR_INT) {
    return (seconds * 1000) >>> 8;
long msecs = 1000L * seconds;
return (int) (msecs >>> 8);
longsecondsToNanoseconds(long seconds)
seconds To Nanoseconds
return seconds * 1000000000;
StringsecondsToReadableBiggest(int seconds)
Changes the amount of seconds to its biggest part
More then an hour returns "xx hour"
Less then an hour but more then a minute returns "xx min"
Otherwise returns "xx sec"
if (seconds > 60 * 60)
    return Math.round(seconds / (60 * 60)) + " hour";
else if (seconds > 60)
    return Math.round(seconds / 60) + " min";
    return seconds + " sec";
StringsecondsToString(int seconds)
seconds To String
int h = seconds / (60 * 60);
int m = seconds / 60 % 60;
int s = seconds % 60;
return toStr2(h) + ":" + toStr2(m) + (s == 0 ? "" : ":" + toStr2(s));
StringsecondsToString(long seconds)
seconds To String
long h = seconds / 3600;
long m = (seconds - (h * 3600)) / 60;
long s = seconds - (h * 3600) - (m * 60);
return String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", h, m, s);
StringSecondsToString(long seconds)
Formats number of seconds to a string consists of number of seconds, minutes, hours or days and the corresponding entity (e.g.
String timeString = null;
if (seconds < 60) {
    timeString = seconds + " seconds";
} else if (seconds < 3600) {
    timeString = (seconds / 60) + " minutes";
} else if (seconds < 86400) {
    timeString = (seconds / 3600) + " hours";
} else {
StringsecondsToString(long seconds)
Converts seconds from long to a String in the format "mm:ss".
if (seconds < 0) {
    seconds = seconds * -1;
return String.format("%02d:%02d", seconds / 60, seconds % 60);
StringsecondsToString(long time)
seconds To String
return millisecondsToString(time * 1000);