List of utility methods to do Second Convert
long | convertToTenthsOfASecond(long epochSeconds, int nanos) Event rate rate limiting uses a tenths of a seconds units to cater to monitor intervals of 0.1 seconds, 0.5 seconds etc.. int tenthsPieceOfNanos = (nanos / (100000000)); if (tenthsPieceOfNanos > 9) { throw new NumberFormatException( "Tenths of nanos cannot be greater than 9 but this is " + tenthsPieceOfNanos); return epochSeconds * 10 + tenthsPieceOfNanos; |
String | secondConvertToString(final long spentSeconds) Convert the seconds to jira format (1h 30m) String. String summaryString = ""; long spentMin = spentSeconds / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE; long spentHour = spentMin / MINUTES_PER_HOUR; long days = spentHour / WORK_HOURS_PER_DAY; long hours = spentHour % WORK_HOURS_PER_DAY; long mins = spentMin % MINUTES_PER_HOUR; if (days != 0) { summaryString = days + "d " + hours + "h " + mins + "m"; ... |
double | seconds2microseconds(double secs) Convert its argument from seconds to microseconds. return 1000000d * secs;
String | seconds2String(long seconds) seconds String int minutes = (int) seconds / 60; seconds = seconds % 60; return minutes + ":" + (seconds < 10 ? "0" : "") + seconds; |
String | seconds2time(long seconds) Converts a value in seconds to: "d:hh:mm:ss" where d=days, hh=hours, mm=minutes, ss=seconds, or "h:mm:ss" where h=hours<24, mm=minutes, ss=seconds, or "m:ss" where m=minutes<60, ss=seconds long minutes = seconds / 60; seconds = seconds - minutes * 60; long hours = minutes / 60; minutes = minutes - hours * 60; long days = hours / 24; hours = hours - days * 24; StringBuilder time = new StringBuilder(); if (days != 0) { ... |
int | seconds2timecents(double seconds) secondstimecents if (seconds <= 0) { return -32768; } else if (seconds >= 165910888) { return 32767; return (int) (1200.0 * Math.log(seconds) / Math.log(2)); |
long | secondsToCycles(double secs, double hz) seconds To Cycles return (long) (hz * secs); |
String | secondsToHHMMSS(int secs) seconds To HHMMSS String result = ""; int hours = secs / 3600, remainder = secs % 3600, minutes = remainder / 60, seconds = remainder % 60; String disHour = (hours < 10 ? "0" : "") + hours, disMinu = (minutes < 10 ? "0" : "") + minutes, disSec = (seconds < 10 ? "0" : "") + seconds; result = disHour + ":" + disMinu + ":" + disSec; return result; |
String | secondsToHHMMSS(long secs) seconds To HHMMSS int hours = (int) (secs / 3600); int remainder = (int) (secs % 3600); int minutes = remainder / 60; int seconds = remainder % 60; return ((hours < 10 ? "0" : "") + hours + ":" + (minutes < 10 ? "0" : "") + minutes + ":" + (seconds < 10 ? "0" : "") + seconds); |
String | secondsToHour(int time) seconds To Hour if (time < 0) return null; int hours = (time / 3600) % 12; String hoursStr = hours == 0 ? "12" : hours + ""; return hoursStr; |