Java tutorial
/* * Copyrights : CNRS * Author : Oleg Lodygensky * Acknowledgment : XtremWeb-HEP is based on XtremWeb 1.8.0 by inria : * Web : * * This file is part of XtremWeb-HEP. * * XtremWeb-HEP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * XtremWeb-HEP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with XtremWeb-HEP. If not, see <>. * */ package xtremweb.dispatcher; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Base64; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.Cookie; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItemFactory; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.disk.DiskFileItemFactory; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.servlet.ServletFileUpload; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server; import com.auth0.jwt.interfaces.DecodedJWT; import xtremweb.common.BytePacket; import xtremweb.common.DataInterface; import xtremweb.common.DataTypeEnum; import xtremweb.common.Logger; import xtremweb.common.StatusEnum; import xtremweb.common.StreamIO; import xtremweb.common.Table; import xtremweb.common.UID; import xtremweb.common.UserInterface; import xtremweb.common.UserRightEnum; import xtremweb.common.XMLHashtable; import xtremweb.common.XMLable; import xtremweb.common.XWConfigurator; import xtremweb.common.XWPropertyDefs; import xtremweb.common.XWTools; import xtremweb.communications.Connection; import xtremweb.communications.IdRpc; import xtremweb.communications.URI; import xtremweb.communications.XMLRPCCommand; import xtremweb.communications.XMLRPCCommandActivateHost; import xtremweb.communications.XMLRPCCommandChmod; import xtremweb.communications.XMLRPCCommandWorkAlive; import xtremweb.communications.XWPostParams; import xtremweb.database.SQLRequest; import xtremweb.dispatcher.HTTPOAuthHandler.OAuthException; import; /** * This handles incoming communications through TCP<br> * This answers request from TCPClient * * Created: August 2005 * * @see xtremweb.communications.TCPClient * @author Oleg Lodygensky * @version RPCXW */ public class HTTPHandler extends xtremweb.dispatcher.CommHandler { public static final String PATH = "/"; public static final String APIPATH = "/api"; /** * This is the name of the cookie containing the user UID */ public static final String COOKIE_USERUID = "USERUID"; /** * This is the name of the cookie containing the facebook app id */ public static final String COOKIE_FACEBOOKAPP = "XWFACEBOOKAPP"; /** * This is the name of the cookie containing the google app id */ public static final String COOKIE_GOOGLEAPP = "XWGOOGLEAPP"; /** * This is the name of the cookie containing the twitter app id */ public static final String COOKIE_TWITTERAPP = "XWTWITTERAPP"; /** * This is the name of the cookie containing the yahoo app id */ public static final String COOKIE_YAHOOAPP = "XWYAHOOAPP"; /** * This is the resource path in the xtremweb java archive (xtremweb.jar) : * "data" */ public static final String RESOURCE_PATH = "misc"; /** * This is the Bootstrap dashboard HTML file name : dashboard.html * * @since 10.2.0 */ public static final String DASHBOARDFILENAME_HTML = "/dashboard.html"; /** * This is the Bootstrap dashboard CSS file name : dashboard.css * * @since 10.2.0 */ public static final String DASHBOARDFILENAME_CSS = "/dashboard.css"; /** * This is JavaScript -extracted from xwserver.html- file name : xwserver.js * * @since 10.2.0 */ public static final String SCRIPTFILENAME_JS = "/xwserver.js"; /** * This is the favicon file name : favicon.ico * * @since 10.2.0 */ public static final String FAVICOFILENAME_ICO = "/favicon.ico"; /** * This is the logo file name : logo.jpg */ public static final String RESOURCEFILENAME_LOGO = "/logo.jpg"; private static final String[] names = { DASHBOARDFILENAME_HTML, DASHBOARDFILENAME_CSS, FAVICOFILENAME_ICO, RESOURCEFILENAME_LOGO, SCRIPTFILENAME_JS }; private static final String TEXTHTML = "text/html"; private static final String TEXTCSS = "text/css"; private static final String IMAGEXICON = "image/x-icon"; private static final String IMAGEJPEG = "image/jpeg"; private static final String APPJS = "application/javascript"; private static final String[] mimeTypes = { TEXTHTML, TEXTCSS, IMAGEXICON, IMAGEJPEG, APPJS }; /** * This enumerates resources needed by the dashboard html file (css, images, * javascript) * * @since 8.3.0 */ public enum Resources { /** * This is the Bootstrap dashboard HTML * * @since 10.2.0 */ DASHBOARDHTML, /** * This is the Bootstrap carousel HTML * * @since 10.2.0 */ DASHBOARDCSS, /** * This is the favicon resource * * @since 10.2.0 */ FAVICON, LOGO, /** * This is JavaScript, extracted from xwserver.html * * @since 10.2.0 */ XWJS; /** * This retrieves the resource name started with a slash. This is both * used to retrieve resource from the archive and as path for web access * * @return the resource name */ public String getName() { return names[this.ordinal()]; } /** * This retrieves the resource path in the xtremweb java archive * (xtremweb.jar) * * @return the resource path in the archive */ public String getPath() { return RESOURCE_PATH + this.getName(); } /** * @return the resource path */ public String getMimeType() { return mimeTypes[this.ordinal()]; } /** * This writes resource content to the given response. This calls * writeBinary() for non text resources * * @param response * is the output channel to write to * @throws IOException * is thrown if resource is not found */ public void write(final HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { final InputStream reader = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(getPath()); if (reader == null) { throw new IOException(getPath() + " not found"); } response.setHeader(CONTENTLENGTHLABEL, Integer.toString(reader.available())); final OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); final byte[] buf = new byte[10240]; for (int n =; n > 0; n = { out.write(buf, 0, n); } out.flush(); } } /** This is the content type label HTTP header */ private static final String CONTENTTYPELABEL = "Content-Type"; /** This is the content type default value : application/octet-stream */ private static final String CONTENTTYPEVALUE = "application/octet-stream"; /** This is the content length label HTTP header */ private static final String CONTENTLENGTHLABEL = "Content-Length"; /** This is the content shasum label HTTP header */ private static final String CONTENTSHASUMLABEL = "Content-SHASUM"; /** This is the content disposition label HTTP header */ private static final String CONTENTDISPOSITIONLABEL = "Content-Disposition"; /** This is the last modified label HTTP header */ private static final String LASTMODIFIEDLABEL = "Last-Modified"; private static final String DEFAULT_ANSWER_HEAD = "<html><head><title>XtremWeb-HEP API</title></head>" + "<body><center><h1>XtremWeb-HEP API</h1><br /><h3>%s</h3></center><br /><br /><a href=\"/\">Go to the client interface</a><br /><br />" + "Available interface commands :<br /><ul>"; private static final String DEFAULT_UPLOAD_FORM = "<form action=\"%s/" + IdRpc.UPLOADDATA + "\"" + " enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" method=\"post\">" + "<div style=\"margin:10px;padding:10px;background-color:lightgrey\"><p><h2>Upload form</h2></p>" + "<p style=\"color:red\">You must have registered your data first</p>" + "<p>Registered Data UID:<br>" + "<input type=\"text\" name=\"" + XWPostParams.DATAUID + "\" size=\"40\"></p><p>" + "<p>Registered Data size:<br>" + "<input type=\"text\" name=\"" + XWPostParams.DATASIZE + "\" size=\"40\"></p><p>" + "<p>Registered Data shasum:<br>" + "<input type=\"text\" name=\"" + XWPostParams.DATASHASUM + "\" size=\"40\"></p><p>" + "Please specify a file:<br>" + "<input type=\"file\" name=\"" + XWPostParams.DATAFILE + "\" size=\"45\"></p><div>" + "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Send\"></div></form>"; private static final String DEFAULT_ANSWER_TAIL = "</ul><br /><ul><li> to retrieve a specific objet : %s/get/a_specific_uid</ul></body></html>"; private IdRpc idRpc; private synchronized void resetIdRpc() { getLogger().debug(Thread.currentThread().getId() + " : resetIdRpc"); idRpc = null; notifyAll(); } private synchronized void setIdRpc(final IdRpc i) { getLogger().debug(Thread.currentThread().getId() + " : setIdRpc " + i); idRpc = i; notifyAll(); } private synchronized void waitIdRpc(final IdRpc i) { while (getIdRpc() != null) { try { getLogger().debug(Thread.currentThread().getId() + " : waitIdRpc " + i); wait(); getLogger().debug(Thread.currentThread().getId() + " : waitIdRpc woken up"); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { } } setIdRpc(i); notifyAll(); } private synchronized IdRpc getIdRpc() { getLogger().warn(Thread.currentThread().getId() + " : getIdRpc a ete synchronise ! " + idRpc); getLogger().debug(Thread.currentThread().getId() + " : getIdRpc " + idRpc); return idRpc; } protected HttpServletRequest request; protected HttpServletResponse response; private FileItem dataUpload; private String dataUploadshasum; private final FileItemFactory diskFactory; private final ServletFileUpload servletUpload; public static final String NAME = "HTTPHandler"; /** * This is the email address header in the certificate distinguish name. * <br /> * The certificate distinguish name looks like * <code>, CN=Oleg Lodygensky, OU=UMR8607, O=CNRS, C=FR</code> * * @since 8.3.0 */ private static final String DNHEADER_EMAIL = "EMAILADDRESS="; private static final int DNHEADERLENGTH_EMAIL = DNHEADER_EMAIL.length(); /** * This is the common name header in the certificate distinguish name.<br /> * * @see #DNHEADER_EMAIL * @since 8.3.0 */ private static final String DNHEADER_CN = "CN="; private static final int DNHEADERLENGTH_CN = DNHEADER_CN.length(); /** * This is the organization unit header in the certificate distinguish name. * <br /> * * @see #DNHEADER_EMAIL * @since 8.3.0 */ private static final String DNHEADER_OU = "OU="; private static final int DNHEADERLENGTH_OU = DNHEADER_OU.length(); /** * This is the organization header in the certificate distinguish name. * <br /> * * @see #DNHEADER_EMAIL * @since 8.3.0 */ private static final String DNHEADER_O = "O="; private static final int DNHEADERLENGTH_O = DNHEADER_O.length(); /** * This is the country header in the certificate distinguish name.<br /> * * @see #DNHEADER_EMAIL * @since 8.3.0 */ private static final String DNHEADER_C = "C="; private static final int DNHEADERLENGTH_C = DNHEADER_C.length(); /** * This is the default constructor which only calls super(NAME) */ public HTTPHandler() { super(NAME); dataUpload = null; diskFactory = new DiskFileItemFactory(); servletUpload = new ServletFileUpload(diskFactory); servletUpload.setSizeMax(XWPostParams.MAXUPLOADSIZE); getLogger().debug("new Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName()); } /** * This is the default constructor which only calls super(NAME) */ public HTTPHandler(final XWConfigurator c) { this(NAME, c); } /** * */ public HTTPHandler(final String n, final XWConfigurator c) { super(n, c); dataUpload = null; diskFactory = new DiskFileItemFactory(); servletUpload = new ServletFileUpload(diskFactory); servletUpload.setSizeMax(XWPostParams.MAXUPLOADSIZE); getLogger().debug("new Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName()); } /** * This constructor call the previous constructor * * @param socket * is not used * @see #HTTPHandler(XWConfigurator) */ public HTTPHandler(final SSLSocket socket, final XWConfigurator c) throws RemoteException { this(c); } /** * This does nothing */ @Override public void setSocket(final Socket s) throws RemoteException { } /** * This does nothing */ @Override public void setSocket(final SSLSocket s) throws RemoteException { } /** * This throws an exception since setPacket() is dedicated to UDP comms * * @exception RemoteException * is always thrown since this method is dedicated to UDP * comms */ @Override public void setPacket(final DatagramSocket s, final DatagramPacket p) throws RemoteException { throw new RemoteException("HTTPHandler#setPacket() TCP can't set packet"); } /** * @see xtremweb.communications.CommHandler#setSocket(Socket) * @exception RemoteException * is always thrown since this method is dedicated to UDP * comms */ @Override public void setPacket(final DatagramChannel c, final SocketAddress r, final BytePacket p) throws RemoteException { throw new RemoteException("HTTPHandler#setPacket() TCP can't set packet"); } /** * This does nothing and must be overidden by any HTTP handler This is * inherited from org.mortbay.jetty.Handler */ @Override public void setServer(final Server server) { } /** * This does nothing and must be overidden by any HTTP handler This is * inherited from org.mortbay.jetty.Handler */ @Override public Server getServer() { return null; } /** * This does nothing and must be overidden by any HTTP handler This is * inherited from org.mortbay.component.LifeCycle * * @return true */ @Override public boolean isFailed() { return true; } /** * This does nothing and must be overidden by any HTTP handler This is * inherited from org.mortbay.component.LifeCycle * * @return false */ @Override public boolean isRunning() { return false; } /** * This does nothing and must be overidden by any HTTP handler This is * inherited from org.mortbay.component.LifeCycle * * @return false */ @Override public boolean isStarted() { return false; } /** * This does nothing and must be overidden by any HTTP handler This is * inherited from org.mortbay.component.LifeCycle * * @return false */ @Override public boolean isStarting() { return false; } /** * This does nothing and must be overidden by any HTTP handler This is * inherited from org.mortbay.component.LifeCycle * * @return true */ @Override public boolean isStopped() { return true; } /** * This does nothing and must be overidden by any HTTP handler This is * inherited from org.mortbay.component.LifeCycle * * @return false */ @Override public boolean isStopping() { return false; } /** * This does nothing and must be overidden by any HTTP handler This is * inherited from org.mortbay.component.LifeCycle */ @Override public void start() { } /** * This writes parameter to output channel */ @Override protected synchronized void write(final XMLable answer) throws IOException { final Logger logger = getLogger(); mileStone("<write>"); if (getIdRpc() == IdRpc.DOWNLOADDATA) { logger.debug("DOWNLOADDATA : don't write out"); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); resetIdRpc(); notifyAll(); return; } if (response == null) { mileStone("<error method='write' msg='no response' />"); mileStone("</write>"); getLogger().error("Can't write : this.response is not set"); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); resetIdRpc(); notifyAll(); return; } try { response.setDateHeader("Date", new Date().getTime()); response.setContentType("text/xml;charset=UTF-8"); String msg = XMLable.XMLHEADER + "<" + XMLable.ROOTTAG + ">"; // response.getWriter().println(XMLable.XMLHEADER + "<" + // XMLable.ROOTTAG + ">"); if (answer != null) { getLogger().debug("HTTPHandler#write(" + answer.toXml() + ")"); // response.getWriter().println(answer.toXml()); msg += answer.toXml(); } msg += "</" + XMLable.ROOTTAG + ">"; response.setHeader(CONTENTLENGTHLABEL, Integer.toString(msg.length())); response.getWriter().println(msg); } catch (final Exception e) { logger.exception(e); mileStone("<error method='write' msg='" + e.getMessage() + "' />"); throw new IOException(e.toString()); } finally { response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); resetIdRpc(); mileStone("</write>"); notifyAll(); } } /** * This sets google application cookie * * @since 10.5.0 */ private void setFacebookAppCookie() { if (HTTPOAuthHandler.Operator.FACEBOOK.getAppId() == null) { getLogger().debug("Facebook AppId not set"); return; } final String facebookAppID = Dispatcher.getConfig().getProperty(XWPropertyDefs.FACEBOOKAPPID); final boolean facebookApp = (facebookAppID != null) && (facebookAppID.length() > 0); if (facebookApp) { final Cookie cookiefacebook = new Cookie(COOKIE_FACEBOOKAPP, facebookAppID); getLogger().debug(COOKIE_FACEBOOKAPP + " = " + facebookAppID); response.addCookie(cookiefacebook); } } /** * This sets google application cookie * * @since 10.5.0 */ private void setGoogleAppCookie() { if (HTTPOAuthHandler.Operator.GOOGLE.getAppId() == null) { getLogger().debug("Google AppId not set"); return; } final String googleAppID = Dispatcher.getConfig().getProperty(XWPropertyDefs.GOOGLEAPPID); getLogger().debug("googleAppID = " + googleAppID); final boolean googleApp = (googleAppID != null) && (googleAppID.length() > 0); if (googleApp) { final Cookie cookieGoogle = new Cookie(COOKIE_GOOGLEAPP, googleAppID); getLogger().debug(COOKIE_GOOGLEAPP + " = " + googleAppID); response.addCookie(cookieGoogle); } } /** * This sets twitter application cookie * * @since 10.5.0 */ private void setTwitterAppCookie() { if (HTTPOAuthHandler.Operator.TWITTER.getAppId() == null) { getLogger().debug("Twitter AppId not set"); return; } final String twitterAppID = Dispatcher.getConfig().getProperty(XWPropertyDefs.TWITTERAPPID); final boolean twitterApp = (twitterAppID != null) && (twitterAppID.length() > 0); if (twitterApp) { final Cookie cookieTwitter = new Cookie(COOKIE_TWITTERAPP, twitterAppID); getLogger().debug(COOKIE_TWITTERAPP + " = " + twitterAppID); response.addCookie(cookieTwitter); } } /** * This sets yahoo application cookie * * @since 10.5.0 */ private void setYahooAppCookie() { if (HTTPOAuthHandler.Operator.YAHOO.getAppId() == null) { getLogger().debug("Yahoo AppId not set"); return; } final String yahooAppID = Dispatcher.getConfig().getProperty(XWPropertyDefs.YAHOOAPPID); final boolean yahooApp = (yahooAppID != null) && (yahooAppID.length() > 0); if (yahooApp) { final Cookie cookieYahoo = new Cookie(COOKIE_YAHOOAPP, yahooAppID); getLogger().debug(COOKIE_YAHOOAPP + " = " + yahooAppID); response.addCookie(cookieYahoo); } } /** * This sets application cookie * * @since 10.5.0 */ private void setAppCookies() { setFacebookAppCookie(); setGoogleAppCookie(); setTwitterAppCookie(); setYahooAppCookie(); } /** * This sends the HTML page to the client * * @since 8.1.0 */ private void sendDashboard(final UserInterface client) throws IOException { final Cookie cookieUser = new Cookie(COOKIE_USERUID, client.getUID().toString()); getLogger().debug("setCookie " + COOKIE_USERUID + " = " + client.getUID().toString()); response.addCookie(cookieUser); setAppCookies(); sendResource(Resources.DASHBOARDHTML); } /** * This sends the resource to the client * * @since 8.3.0 */ private void sendResource(final Resources r) throws IOException { getLogger() .debug("sendind " + r + " ; " + (r.getMimeType() != null ? r.getMimeType() : "unkown mime type")); if (r.getMimeType() != null) { response.setContentType(r.getMimeType()); } r.write(response); // response.getWriter().flush(); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); } /** * This displays the page proposing to log using openid or to go to the * statistics page This sends back the HTML status * HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED * * @since 8.2.0 */ private void redirectPage(final Request baseRequest, final Resources res) throws IOException { getLogger().debug("redirectPage " + res); setAppCookies(); response.setContentType(TEXTHTML); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED); response.sendRedirect(res.getName()); baseRequest.setHandled(true); } /** * This writes the API to output stream * * @since 8.0.2 */ protected synchronized void writeApi(final UserInterface client, final URI baseUri) throws IOException { if (response == null) { throw new IOException("Can't write : this.response is not set"); } mileStone("<writeApi str='" + baseUri + "'>"); try { final PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter(); final StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); if (client != null) { msg.append(String.format(DEFAULT_ANSWER_HEAD, "You are logged as \"" + client.getEMail() != null ? client.getEMail() : client.getLogin()) + "\""); } else { msg.append(String.format(DEFAULT_ANSWER_HEAD, "<i>You are not logged</i>")); } response.setContentType(TEXTHTML + ";charset=UTF-8"); for (final IdRpc i : IdRpc.values()) { msg.append("<li> <a href=\"" + baseUri + "/" + i + "\">" + baseUri + "/" + i + "</a> : " + i.helpRestApi()); } msg.append(String.format(DEFAULT_UPLOAD_FORM, baseUri)); msg.append(String.format(DEFAULT_ANSWER_TAIL, baseUri)); response.setHeader(CONTENTLENGTHLABEL, "" + msg.length()); writer.println(msg); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); } catch (final Exception e) { getLogger().exception(e); mileStone("<error method='writeapi' msg='" + e.getMessage() + "' />"); throw new IOException(e.toString()); } finally { response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); resetIdRpc(); mileStone("</writeApi>"); notifyAll(); } } /** * This writes parameter to output channel */ protected synchronized <T extends Table> void writeRows(final T row) throws IOException { if (response == null) { throw new IOException("Can't write : this.response is not set"); } mileStone("<writeRows>"); try { final Collection<T> rows = DBInterface.getInstance().selectAllPublic(row); if (rows != null) { final Iterator<T> rowsEnum = rows.iterator(); while (rowsEnum.hasNext()) { final T r =; if (r instanceof UserInterface) { ((UserInterface) r).setCertificate("****"); ((UserInterface) r).setPassword("****"); } response.getWriter().println(r.toXml()); } } } catch (final Exception e) { getLogger().exception(e); mileStone("<error method='writeRows' msg='" + e.getMessage() + "' />"); getLogger().error(e.toString()); throw new IOException(e.toString()); } finally { response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); mileStone("</writeRows>"); notifyAll(); } } /** * This write file content to output stream * * @param f * is the file to write */ @Override public synchronized void writeFile(final File f) throws IOException { try (final StreamIO io = new StreamIO(new DataOutputStream(response.getOutputStream()), null, false)) { mileStone("<writeFile file='" + f + "'>"); io.writeFileContent(f, XWPostParams.MAXUPLOADSIZE); } catch (final Exception e) { getLogger().exception(e); mileStone("<error method='writeFile' msg='" + e.getMessage() + "' />"); throw new IOException(e.toString()); } finally { mileStone("</writeFile>"); notifyAll(); } } /** * This is not implemented and always throws an IOException */ @Override public void readFile(final File f) throws IOException { throw new IOException("HTTPHandler#readFile not implemented"); } private UserInterface getUser() throws IOException { UserInterface user = null; user = userFromBasicAuth(request); if (user != null) { return user; } try { user = userFromJWTEthereumAuth(request); if (user != null) { return user; } user = userFromOAuth(request); if (user != null) { return user; } user = userFromOpenId(request); if (user != null) { return user; } user = userFromPostParams(request); if (user != null) { return user; } user = userFromCertificate(request); if (user != null) { return user; } return null; } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } } /** * This retrieves noredirect from query string * @return true by default; the value of noredirect from the current request query string * @since 12.2.9 * @see XWPostParams#NOREDIRECT */ protected boolean redirect() { try { final String value = request.getParameter(XWPostParams.NOREDIRECT.toString().toLowerCase()) != null ? request.getParameter(XWPostParams.NOREDIRECT.toString().toLowerCase()) : request.getParameter(XWPostParams.NOREDIRECT.toString()); return !Boolean.parseBoolean(value); } catch (final Exception e) { getLogger().exception(e); return true; } } /** * This handles incoming connections. This is inherited from * org.mortbay.jetty.Handler. This expects a POST parameter : * XWPostParams.COMMAND * @see xtremweb.communications.XWPostParams */ @Override public synchronized void handle(final String target, final Request baseRequest, final HttpServletRequest _request, final HttpServletResponse _response) throws IOException, ServletException { XMLRPCCommand command = null; final Logger logger = getLogger(); Table obj = null; dataUpload = null; request = _request; response = _response; response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); String reqUri = baseRequest.getRequestURI(); if (request.getUserPrincipal() == null) { logger.debug("Handling user principal = null"); } else { logger.debug("Handling user principal = " + request.getUserPrincipal().getName()); } logger.debug("Handling target = " + target); logger.finest("Handling request = " + request.getContentLength() + " " + request.getContentType()); logger.debug("Handling request auth = " + request.getAuthType()); logger.debug("Handling request user = " + request.getRemoteUser()); logger.debug("Handling parameter size = " + request.getParameterMap().size()); logger.debug("Handling query string = " + request.getQueryString()); logger.debug("Handling method = " + request.getMethod()); logger.debug("Request URI = " + reqUri); // logger.debug("Request server = " + request.getServerName()); // logger.debug("Request port = " + request.getServerPort()); // logger.debug("Authorization = " + // request.getHeader(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION)); for (final Enumeration<String> e = request.getParameterNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) { logger.finest("parameter " + e.nextElement()); } for (final Enumeration<String> e = request.getHeaderNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) { final String headerName = e.nextElement(); logger.finest("header " + headerName + " : " + request.getHeader(headerName)); } final Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies(); logger.debug("cookies.length = " + (cookies == null ? "0" : cookies.length)); if (cookies != null) { for (int c = 0; c < cookies.length; c++) { final Cookie cookie = cookies[c]; logger.finest("cookie " + cookie.getName() + " : " + cookie.getValue()); } } if (request.getParameterMap().size() <= 0) { if (target.equals(PATH)) { logger.debug("redirecting to dashboard"); redirectPage(baseRequest, Resources.DASHBOARDHTML); return; } for (final Resources r : Resources.values()) { if (r.getName().compareToIgnoreCase(target) == 0) { logger.debug("redirecting to " + r); sendResource(r); return; } } } final HttpSession session = request.getSession(true); final String mandatingLogin = (request.getParameter(XWPostParams.XWMANDATINGLOGIN.toString()) != null ? request.getParameter(XWPostParams.XWMANDATINGLOGIN.toString()) : (String) session.getAttribute(XWPostParams.XWMANDATINGLOGIN.toString())); final String authState = (request.getParameter(XWPostParams.AUTH_STATE.toString()) != null ? request.getParameter(XWPostParams.AUTH_STATE.toString()) : (String) session.getAttribute(XWPostParams.AUTH_STATE.toString())); final String authEmail = (request.getParameter(XWPostParams.AUTH_EMAIL.toString()) != null ? request.getParameter(XWPostParams.AUTH_EMAIL.toString()) : (String) session.getAttribute(XWPostParams.AUTH_EMAIL.toString())); final String authId = (request.getParameter(XWPostParams.AUTH_IDENTITY.toString()) != null ? request.getParameter(XWPostParams.AUTH_IDENTITY.toString()) : (String) session.getAttribute(XWPostParams.AUTH_IDENTITY.toString())); getLogger().debug("oauthState = " + authState); getLogger().debug("oauthEmail= " + authEmail); getLogger().debug("oauthId= " + authId); final UserInterface user = getUser(); final Vector<String> paths = (Vector<String>) XWTools.split(target, "/"); logger.debug("paths.size() = " + paths.size()); URI baseUri = null; try { baseUri = new URI(Connection.httpsScheme() + "://" + XWTools.getHostName(request.getServerName()) + ":" + request.getServerPort()); } catch (final URISyntaxException e) { resetIdRpc(); throw new IOException(e); } if (target.compareToIgnoreCase(APIPATH) == 0) { resetIdRpc(); writeApi(user, baseUri); baseRequest.setHandled(true); return; } if (!target.equals(PATH)) { try { final IdRpc i = IdRpc.valueOf(paths.elementAt(0).toUpperCase()); waitIdRpc(i); } catch (final Exception e) { // let other handlers manage this (e.g. /stats, /openid) logger.debug("not handling " + reqUri); return; } } if (user == null) { resetIdRpc(); logger.debug("no credential found"); redirectPage(baseRequest, Resources.DASHBOARDHTML); return; } logger.debug("User = " + user.toString()); try { final boolean isMultipart = ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request); logger.debug("Handling ismultipart = " + isMultipart); // // HTML form // if (isMultipart) { final List parts = servletUpload.parseRequest(request); logger.debug("parts.size = " + parts.size()); if (parts != null) { for (final Iterator it = parts.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { final FileItem item = (FileItem); logger.debug("multipart item = " + item.getFieldName().toUpperCase()); try { logger.debug("XWPostParams.valueOf(" + item.getFieldName().toUpperCase() + ") = " + XWPostParams.valueOf(item.getFieldName().toUpperCase())); switch (XWPostParams.valueOf(item.getFieldName().toUpperCase())) { case DATAUID: reqUri += "/" + item.getString(); break; case DATAFILE: dataUpload = item; break; case DATASHASUM: dataUploadshasum = item.getString(); break; } } catch (final Exception e) { logger.exception(e); } } } } for (final Enumeration<String> e = request.getParameterNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) { logger.debug("parameter " + e.nextElement()); } for (final Enumeration<String> e = request.getHeaderNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) { logger.debug("header " + e.nextElement()); } if (target.equals(PATH)) { sendDashboard(user); baseRequest.setHandled(true); return; } if (dataUpload != null) { final String value = request.getParameter(XWPostParams.DATASHASUM.toString()); if (value != null) { if (dataUploadshasum == null) { dataUploadshasum = value; } } logger.debug("Parameters upload size = " + dataUpload.getSize() + " dataUploadshasum = " + dataUploadshasum); } final Iterator<String> it = paths.iterator(); final StringBuilder uriWithoutCmd = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { final String st =; logger.debug("Parsing path path = " + st); if (i++ > 0) { uriWithoutCmd.append("/" + st); } } final URI uri = new URI(Connection.httpsScheme() + "://" + XWTools.getHostName(request.getServerName()) + ":" + request.getServerPort() + uriWithoutCmd.toString()); logger.debug("URI = " + uri); final String objXmlDesc = request.getParameter(XWPostParams.XMLDESC.toString()); logger.finest("objXmlDesc = " + objXmlDesc); if (objXmlDesc != null) { final ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(objXmlDesc.getBytes()); try { obj = Table.newInterface(in); } finally { in.close(); } } if (obj != null) { logger.debug("obj = " + obj.toXml()); if (obj.getUID() == null) { obj.setUID(new UID()); } } else { logger.debug("obj = null"); } command = getIdRpc().newCommand(uri, user, obj); command.setMandatingLogin(mandatingLogin); final String parameter = request.getParameter(XWPostParams.PARAMETER.toString()); logger.debug("parameter = " + parameter); if (parameter != null) { switch (getIdRpc()) { case CHMOD: { final XWAccessRights ar = new XWAccessRights(parameter); ((XMLRPCCommandChmod) command).setModifier(ar); break; } case ACTIVATEHOST: { final Boolean b = new Boolean(parameter); ((XMLRPCCommandActivateHost) command).setActivation(b); break; } case WORKALIVE: { final XMLHashtable p = new XMLHashtable(; logger.debug("XMLHastable = " + (p == null ? "null" : p.toXml())); ((XMLRPCCommandWorkAlive) command).setParameter(p); break; } default: break; } } command.getUser().setLogin(user.getLogin()); command.getUser().setPassword(user.getPassword()); command.getUser().setUID(user.getUID()); } catch (final Exception e) { command = null; logger.exception(e); logger.error(e.toString()); } try { if (command != null) { command.setRemoteName(request.getRemoteHost()); command.setRemoteIP(request.getRemoteAddr()); command.setRemotePort(request.getRemotePort()); logger.debug("cmd = " + command.toXml()); if (command.getIdRpc() == IdRpc.DOWNLOADDATA) { final UID uid = command.getURI().getUID(); String contentTypeValue = CONTENTTYPEVALUE; try { final DataInterface theData = DBInterface.getInstance().getData(command); final DataTypeEnum dataType = theData != null ? theData.getType() : null; final Date lastModified = theData != null ? theData.getMTime() : null; if (theData != null) { if (lastModified != null) { response.setHeader(LASTMODIFIEDLABEL, lastModified.toString()); } response.setHeader(CONTENTLENGTHLABEL, "" + theData.getSize()); response.setHeader(CONTENTSHASUMLABEL, theData.getShasum()); response.setHeader(CONTENTDISPOSITIONLABEL, "attachment; filename=\"" + theData.getName() + "\""); } if (dataType != null) { contentTypeValue = dataType.getMimeType(); } } catch (final Exception e) { if (logger.debug()) { logger.exception(e); } } logger.debug("set " + CONTENTTYPELABEL + " : " + contentTypeValue); response.setHeader(CONTENTTYPELABEL, contentTypeValue); }; } else { write((XMLable) null); } } finally { command = null; obj = null; baseRequest.setHandled(true); notifyAll(); } } /** * This retrieves the user from its X509 certificate * * @throws IOException * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException */ private UserInterface userFromCertificate(final HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { final Object certChain = request.getAttribute("javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate"); if (certChain == null) { return null; } final Logger logger = getLogger(); final UserInterface client = new UserInterface(); final X509Certificate certs[] = (X509Certificate[]) certChain; int i = 0; for (final X509Certificate cert : certs) { final String dn = cert.getSubjectDN().getName(); logger.debug("SubjectDN[" + i++ + "] = " + dn); try { final String dnu = dn.toUpperCase(); final int idx = dnu.indexOf(DNHEADER_EMAIL); if (idx != -1) { final int startemail = idx + DNHEADERLENGTH_EMAIL; int endemail = dnu.indexOf(',', startemail); if (endemail == -1) { endemail = dnu.length() - startemail; } final String email = dn.substring(startemail, endemail); logger.debug("email = " + email); if (email != null) { client.setEMail(email); } } } catch (final Exception e) { } } final String subjectName = certs[0].getSubjectX500Principal().getName(); final String issuerName = certs[0].getIssuerX500Principal().getName(); final String loginName = subjectName + "_" + issuerName; final String random = loginName + Math.random() + System.currentTimeMillis(); final String shastr = XWTools.sha256(random); client.setLogin(loginName); // login may be truncated; see // UserIntergace.USERLOGINLENGTH final UserInterface ret = DBInterface.getInstance() .user(UserInterface.Columns.LOGIN.toString() + "= '" + client.getLogin() + "'"); if (ret != null) { ret.setEMail(client.getEMail()); logger.debug(("user = " + ret) == null ? "null" : ret.toXml()); return ret; } final UserInterface admin = Dispatcher.getConfig().getProperty(XWPropertyDefs.ADMINLOGIN) == null ? null : DBInterface.getInstance() .user(SQLRequest.MAINTABLEALIAS + "." + UserInterface.Columns.LOGIN.toString() + "='" + Dispatcher.getConfig().getProperty(XWPropertyDefs.ADMINLOGIN) + "'"); if (admin == null) { throw new IOException("can't insert new certified user"); } client.setUID(new UID()); client.setLogin(loginName); client.setPassword(shastr); if (client.getEMail() == null) { client.setEMail(loginName); } client.setOwner(Dispatcher.getConfig().getAdminUid()); client.setRights(UserRightEnum.STANDARD_USER); try { DBInterface.getInstance().addUser(admin, client); return client; } catch (final Exception e) { throw new IOException("user certification error : " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * This retrieves the user from a remove OpenId server * * @deprecated since 10.5.0, OAuth is preferred */ @Deprecated private UserInterface userFromOpenId(final HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException { final HttpSession session = request.getSession(true); final String authNonce = (request.getParameter(XWPostParams.AUTH_NONCE.toString()) != null ? request.getParameter(XWPostParams.AUTH_NONCE.toString()) : (String) session.getAttribute(XWPostParams.AUTH_NONCE.toString())); final String authEmail = (request.getParameter(XWPostParams.AUTH_EMAIL.toString()) != null ? request.getParameter(XWPostParams.AUTH_EMAIL.toString()) : (String) session.getAttribute(XWPostParams.AUTH_EMAIL.toString())); final String authId = (request.getParameter(XWPostParams.AUTH_IDENTITY.toString()) != null ? request.getParameter(XWPostParams.AUTH_IDENTITY.toString()) : (String) session.getAttribute(XWPostParams.AUTH_IDENTITY.toString())); if ((authNonce == null) || (authEmail == null)) { return null; } UserInterface ret = null; try { HTTPOpenIdHandler.getInstance().verifyNonce(authNonce); ret = DBInterface.getInstance().user(UserInterface.Columns.EMAIL.toString() + "= '" + authEmail + "'"); if (ret == null) { ret = newUser(authId, authEmail); /* if (Dispatcher.getConfig().getBoolean(XWPropertyDefs.DELEGATEDREGISTRATION) == false) { throw new IOException("delegated registration is not allowed"); } final UserInterface admin = (Dispatcher.getConfig().getProperty(XWPropertyDefs.ADMINLOGIN) == null ? null : DBInterface.getInstance() .user(SQLRequest.MAINTABLEALIAS + "." + UserInterface.Columns.LOGIN.toString() + "='" + Dispatcher.getConfig().getProperty(XWPropertyDefs.ADMINLOGIN) + "'")); if (admin == null) { throw new IOException("can't insert new OpenId user (cant't retrieve admin)"); } final String random = authEmail + System.currentTimeMillis() + Math.random(); final String shastr = XWTools.sha256(random); final UserInterface client = new UserInterface(); client.setUID(new UID()); client.setOwner(Dispatcher.getConfig().getAdminUid()); client.setLogin(authId); client.setPassword(shastr); client.setRights(UserRightEnum.STANDARD_USER); client.setEMail(authEmail); DBInterface.getInstance().addUser(admin, client); ret = client; */ } session.setAttribute(XWPostParams.AUTH_NONCE.toString(), authNonce); session.setAttribute(XWPostParams.AUTH_EMAIL.toString(), authEmail); } catch (final Exception e) { getLogger().exception("openid delegation error", e); throw new IOException("openid delegation error : " + e.getMessage()); } return ret; } /** * This retrieves the user from a remove OAuth server * @throws IOException * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException */ private UserInterface userFromJWTEthereumAuth(final HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { final HttpSession session = request.getSession(true); final String ethauthState = (request.getParameter(XWPostParams.AUTH_STATE.toString()) != null ? request.getParameter(XWPostParams.AUTH_STATE.toString()) : (String) session.getAttribute(XWPostParams.AUTH_STATE.toString())); getLogger().debug("eth auth state = " + ethauthState); if (ethauthState == null) { return null; } final DecodedJWT jwt = HTTPJWTEthereumAuthHandler.getInstance() .getToken(HTTPJWTEthereumAuthHandler.getInstance().getState(ethauthState)); if (jwt == null) { throw new IOException("JWT error"); } final String authAddr = ((HTTPJWTEthereumAuthHandler) HTTPJWTEthereumAuthHandler.getInstance()) .getEthereumAddress(jwt); UserInterface ret = DBInterface.getInstance() .user(UserInterface.Columns.LOGIN.toString() + "= '" + authAddr + "'"); getLogger().debug("userFromJWTEthereumAuth ret = " + (ret == null ? "null" : ret.toXml())); if (ret == null) { try { ret = newUser(authAddr); } catch (InvalidKeyException | AccessControlException e) { getLogger().exception(e); throw new IOException(e.toString()); } } session.setAttribute(XWPostParams.AUTH_EMAIL.toString(), authAddr); session.setAttribute(XWPostParams.AUTH_STATE.toString(), ethauthState); return ret; } /** * This retrieves the user from a remove OAuth server * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws OAuthException */ private UserInterface userFromOAuth(final HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { final HttpSession session = request.getSession(true); final String authState = (request.getParameter(XWPostParams.AUTH_STATE.toString()) != null ? request.getParameter(XWPostParams.AUTH_STATE.toString()) : (String) session.getAttribute(XWPostParams.AUTH_STATE.toString())); final String authEmail = (request.getParameter(XWPostParams.AUTH_EMAIL.toString()) != null ? request.getParameter(XWPostParams.AUTH_EMAIL.toString()) : (String) session.getAttribute(XWPostParams.AUTH_EMAIL.toString())); final String authId = (request.getParameter(XWPostParams.AUTH_IDENTITY.toString()) != null ? request.getParameter(XWPostParams.AUTH_IDENTITY.toString()) : (String) session.getAttribute(XWPostParams.AUTH_IDENTITY.toString())); getLogger().debug("oauthState = " + authState); getLogger().debug("oauthEmail= " + authEmail); getLogger().debug("oauthId= " + authId); if ((authState == null) || (authEmail == null)) { return null; } UserInterface ret = null; try { HTTPOAuthHandler.getInstance().checkState(authState); ret = DBInterface.getInstance().user(UserInterface.Columns.EMAIL.toString() + "= '" + authEmail + "'"); if (ret == null) { ret = newUser(authId, authEmail); } } catch (OAuthException | InvalidKeyException | AccessControlException e) { throw new IOException(e.toString()); } session.setAttribute(XWPostParams.AUTH_EMAIL.toString(), authEmail); session.setAttribute(XWPostParams.AUTH_STATE.toString(), authState); session.setAttribute(XWPostParams.AUTH_IDENTITY.toString(), authId); return ret; } /** * This retrieves the user from login/password * * @since 10.2.0 */ private UserInterface userFromPostParams(final HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException { final HttpSession session = request.getSession(true); final String login = (request.getParameter(XWPostParams.XWLOGIN.toString()) != null ? request.getParameter(XWPostParams.XWLOGIN.toString()) : (String) session.getAttribute(XWPostParams.XWLOGIN.toString())); final String passwd = (request.getParameter(XWPostParams.XWPASSWD.toString()) != null ? request.getParameter(XWPostParams.XWPASSWD.toString()) : (String) session.getAttribute(XWPostParams.XWPASSWD.toString())); if ((login == null) || (passwd == null)) { return null; } try { final UserInterface ret = DBInterface.getInstance() .user(SQLRequest.MAINTABLEALIAS + "." + UserInterface.Columns.LOGIN.toString() + "='" + login + "' AND " + SQLRequest.MAINTABLEALIAS + "." + UserInterface.Columns.PASSWORD.toString() + "='" + passwd + "'"); session.setAttribute(XWPostParams.XWLOGIN.toString(), login); session.setAttribute(XWPostParams.XWPASSWD.toString(), passwd); return ret; } catch (final Exception e) { throw new IOException("userFromPostParams error : " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * This retrieves the user from login/password inside Authorization header * * @since 10.2.0 */ private UserInterface userFromBasicAuth(final HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException { final HttpSession session = request.getSession(true); String login = null; String password = null; ; final String authorization = request.getHeader("Authorization"); if (authorization != null && authorization.startsWith("Basic")) { // Authorization: Basic base64credentials String base64Credentials = authorization.substring("Basic".length()).trim(); String credentials = new String(Base64.getDecoder().decode(base64Credentials), Charset.forName("UTF-8")); // credentials = username:password final String[] values = credentials.split(":", 2); if (values != null && values.length > 1) { login = values[0]; password = values[1]; } if ((login == null) || (password == null)) { return null; } try { final UserInterface ret = DBInterface.getInstance() .user(SQLRequest.MAINTABLEALIAS + "." + UserInterface.Columns.LOGIN.toString() + "='" + login + "' AND " + SQLRequest.MAINTABLEALIAS + "." + UserInterface.Columns.PASSWORD.toString() + "='" + password + "'"); session.setAttribute(XWPostParams.XWLOGIN.toString(), login); session.setAttribute(XWPostParams.XWPASSWD.toString(), password); return ret; } catch (final Exception e) { throw new IOException("userFromPostParams error : " + e.getMessage()); } } return null; } /** * This calls newUser(login, null) * @param login is the user login * @return a new user * @throws IOException * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException * @since 11.0.0 */ private UserInterface newUser(String login) throws IOException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { return newUser(login, ""); } /** * @param login is the new user login * @param emailaddr is the new user email address * @return a new user * @throws IOException * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException * @since 11.0.0 */ private UserInterface newUser(String login, final String emailaddr) throws IOException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { if (!Dispatcher.getConfig().getBoolean(XWPropertyDefs.DELEGATEDREGISTRATION)) { throw new AccessControlException("DELEGATEDREGISTRATION is not allowed"); } final UserInterface admin = Dispatcher.getConfig().getProperty(XWPropertyDefs.ADMINLOGIN) == null ? null : DBInterface.getInstance() .user(SQLRequest.MAINTABLEALIAS + "." + UserInterface.Columns.LOGIN.toString() + "='" + Dispatcher.getConfig().getProperty(XWPropertyDefs.ADMINLOGIN) + "'"); if (admin == null) { throw new AccessControlException("can't insert new OAuth user"); } final String random = emailaddr + System.currentTimeMillis() + Math.random(); final String shastr = XWTools.sha256(random); final UserInterface client = new UserInterface(); client.setUID(new UID()); client.setOwner(Dispatcher.getConfig().getAdminUid()); client.setLogin(login); client.setPassword(shastr); client.setRights(UserRightEnum.STANDARD_USER); client.setEMail(emailaddr); DBInterface.getInstance().addUser(admin, client); return client; } /** * This uploads a data to server<br /> * Data must be defined on server side (i.e. sendData() must be called * first) * * @param command * is the command */ @Override public synchronized long uploadData(final XMLRPCCommand command) throws IOException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException { final DataInterface theData = (DataInterface) get(command); final UID uid = command.getURI().getUID(); long ret = 0; if (dataUpload.getSize() > XWTools.MAXFILESIZE) { throw new IOException(theData.getPath() + " upload file too long"); } mileStone("<uploadData>"); try { if (theData == null) { mileStone("<error method='uploadData' msg='no data' />"); mileStone("</uploadData>"); notifyAll(); throw new RemoteException("uploadData(" + uid + ") data not found"); } final File dFile = theData.getPath(); if (dataUpload == null) { mileStone("<error method='uploadData' msg='no data upload' />"); mileStone("</uploadData>"); notifyAll(); throw new IOException("upload is null"); } dataUpload.write(dFile); final long fsize = dFile.length(); final String shasum = XWTools.sha256CheckSum(dFile); if (fsize != dataUpload.getSize()) { dFile.delete(); throw new IOException( "Upload file size error should be " + dataUpload.getSize() + " but found " + fsize); } if ((dataUploadshasum == null) || (dataUploadshasum.compareToIgnoreCase(shasum) != 0)) { dFile.delete(); throw new IOException( "Upload file SHASUM error should be " + dataUploadshasum + " but found " + shasum); } theData.setSize(fsize); theData.setShasum(shasum); theData.setStatus(StatusEnum.AVAILABLE); theData.update(); ret = dFile.length(); } catch (final InvalidKeyException | AccessControlException e) { mileStone("<error method='uploadData' msg='" + e.getMessage() + "' />"); throw e; } catch (final Exception e) { try { if (theData != null) { theData.setStatus(StatusEnum.ERROR); theData.update(); } } catch (final Exception e2) { getLogger().exception(e2); } getLogger().exception(e); mileStone("<error method='uploadData' msg='" + e.getMessage() + "' />"); throw new RemoteException(e.toString()); } finally { dataUpload = null; dataUploadshasum = null; mileStone("</uploadData>"); notifyAll(); } return ret; } /** * This cleans and closes communications */ @Override public void close() { mileStone("<close>"); try { request.getInputStream().close(); } catch (final Exception e) { } try { response.getWriter().flush(); } catch (final Exception e) { } try { response.getWriter().close(); } catch (final Exception e) { } mileStone("</close>"); } }