Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2009 eXtensible Catalog Organization * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT/X11 license. The text of the * license can be found at and copy of the license can be found on the project * website * */ package; import static*; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.regex.*; import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVParser; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVStrategy; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.Namespace; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import xc.mst.constants.Status; import xc.mst.dao.DatabaseConfigException; import xc.mst.repo.Repository; import; import; import xc.mst.utils.LogWriter; import xc.mst.utils.MSTConfiguration; import xc.mst.utils.TimingLogger; import xc.mst.utils.XmlHelper; import xc.mst.utils.Util; /** * A Metadata Service which for each unprocessed marcxml record creates a new * record which is a copy of the original record after cleaning up common problems. * * @author Eric Osisek */ public class NormalizationService extends GenericMetadataService { protected Namespace marcNamespace = Namespace.getNamespace("marc", ""); /** * The Properties file with information on which Normalization steps to run */ protected Properties enabledSteps = null; /** * The 003 Org Code */ protected String organizationCode = null; /** * The Properties file with the location name mappings */ protected Properties locationNameProperties = null; /** * The Properties file with the location limit name mappings */ protected Properties locationLimitNameProperties = null; /** * The Properties file with the DCMI type information for the leader 06 */ protected Properties dcmiType06Properties = null; /** * The Properties file with the MARC Vocabulary information for the leader 06 */ protected Properties leader06MarcVocabProperties = null; /** * The Properties file with the vocab information for the leader 06 */ protected Properties vocab06Properties = null; /** * The Properties file with the mode of issuance information in it */ protected Properties modeOfIssuanceProperties = null; /** * The Properties file with the DCMI type information for the 00 offset 07 */ protected Properties dcmiType0007Properties = null; /** * The Properties file with the vocab information for the 007 offset 00 */ protected Properties vocab007Properties = null; /** * The Properties file with the smd type information for the 007 offset 00 */ protected Properties smdType007Properties = null; /** * The Properties file with the language term information */ protected Properties languageTermProperties = null; /** * The Properties file with the audience information for the 008 offset 22 */ protected Properties audienceFrom006_008Properties = null; /** * The Properties file with the audience information for the 006/008 offset 23 */ protected Properties formFrom006_008Properties = null; /** * The output format (marcxml) for records processed from this service */ protected Format marc21 = null; protected XmlHelper xmlHelper = new XmlHelper(); private HashMap<String, String> m_map_014keyValuePairs; //private List<RegisteredData> m_recordRegisteredData = new ArrayList<RegisteredData>(); // private List<RegisteredData> m_recordRegisteredData = new ArrayList<RegisteredData>(); private HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>> orgCodeProperties001; private HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>> orgCodeProperties003; // 035 processing private static Pattern variablePattern = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{([0-9]+)\\}"); private static int MAX_035_REGEX_MATCHES = 5; private static List<String> matches = new ArrayList<String>(MAX_035_REGEX_MATCHES); private List<HashMap<String, Object>> substitute035_a; private List<HashMap<String, Object>> substitute035_9; private List<HashMap<String, String>> substitute035_a_b; private Pattern valid_035a_format_pattern = null; private static String default_035a_org_code = ""; private String sourceRepositoryURL; /** * Construct a NormalizationService Object * - note this is called by spring */ public void init() { // Initialize the XC format try { marc21 = getFormatService().getFormatByName("marc21"); loadConfiguration(getUtil().slurp("service.xccfg", getClass().getClassLoader())); m_map_014keyValuePairs = get014keyValuePairs(); for (String key : m_map_014keyValuePairs.keySet()) { LOG.debug("*** m_map_014keyValuePairs, key = " + key); } if (m_map_014keyValuePairs.size() < 1) { LOG.error("*** m_map_014keyValuePairs empty!"); } } catch (DatabaseConfigException e) { LOG.error("Could not connect to the database with the parameters in the configuration file.", e); } catch (Exception e2) { LOG.error("Problem with init.", e2); } } /** * Gets the URL of the service's Source Repository URL (OAI Server) * * @return This service's Source Repository URL */ public String getSourceRepositoryURL() { return sourceRepositoryURL; } /** * Gets the status of the service * * @return This service's status */ public Status getServiceStatus() { if (service.getStatus() != null) { if (service.getStatus().equals(Status.ERROR)) { return Status.ERROR; } } return super.getServiceStatus(); } @Override public void setup() {"NormalizationService.setup"); try { validateService(); } catch (ServiceValidationException e) { // Update database with status of service service.setStatus(Status.ERROR); LOG.error("Error validating service:", e); LogWriter.addInfo(service.getServicesLogFileName(), "** Error validating service - service will not run " + e.getMessage() + " **"); sendReportEmail("Error validating service: " + e.getMessage()); // in case the WorkerThread code addition causes issues, simply uncomment the below: // throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public void process(Repository repo, Format inputFormat, Set inputSet, Set outputSet) { // First, save this Repo's URL; different source URLs may be treated differently sourceRepositoryURL = repo.getProvider().getOaiProviderUrl(); LOG.debug("Source Repository URL: " + sourceRepositoryURL); try { super.process(repo, inputFormat, inputSet, outputSet); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("NormalizationService, processing repo " + repo.getName() + " failed.", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public List<OutputRecord> process(InputRecord recordIn) { TimingLogger.add("xpath", 0); LOG.debug("recordIn.getId(): " + recordIn.getId()); TimingLogger.start("processRecord"); try { List<OutputRecord> results = null; // If the record was deleted, delete and reprocess all records that were processed from it if (recordIn.getDeleted()) { results = new ArrayList<OutputRecord>(); TimingLogger.start("processRecord.getDeleted"); List<OutputRecord> successors = recordIn.getSuccessors(); // If there are successors then the record exist and needs to be deleted. Since we are // deleting the record, we need to decrement the count. if (successors != null && successors.size() > 0) { inputRecordCount--; } // Handle reprocessing of successors for (OutputRecord successor : successors) { successor.setStatus(Record.DELETED); successor.setFormat(marc21); results.add(successor); } TimingLogger.stop("processRecord.getDeleted"); } else { // Get the results of processing the record TimingLogger.start("processRecord.convertRecord"); // TODO: make sure that recordIn is used to create the successors results = convertRecord(recordIn); TimingLogger.stop("processRecord.convertRecord"); TimingLogger.stop("processRecord"); } if (results.size() != 1) { // TODO incr records counts no output addMessage(recordIn, 108, RecordMessage.ERROR); } return results; } catch (Throwable t) { getUtil().throwIt(t); } return null; } private List<OutputRecord> convertRecord(InputRecord record) { // We need to know, early on, the record ID of the record we are currently processing. // If it's an "update" we can figure it out via its successor record; if not, we need to pre-create the new // record so we know what the record ID will eventually become. boolean newRecord = false; OutputRecord thisOutputRecord = null; if (record.getSuccessors() != null && record.getSuccessors().size() > 0) { // Get the record which was processed from the record we just processed // (there should only be one) thisOutputRecord = record.getSuccessors().get(0); } else { newRecord = true; thisOutputRecord = getRecordService().createRecord(); } // The list of records resulting from processing the incoming record ArrayList<OutputRecord> results = new ArrayList<OutputRecord>(); try { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Normalizing record with ID " + record.getId() + "."); // The XML after normalizing the record Element marcXml = null; TimingLogger.start("create dom"); record.setMode(Record.JDOM_MODE); marcXml = record.getOaiXmlEl(); TimingLogger.stop("create dom"); // Create a MarcXmlManagerForNormalizationService for the record MarcXmlManager normalizedXml = new MarcXmlManager(marcXml, getOrganizationCode()); normalizedXml.setInputRecord(record); LOG.debug("normalizedXml: " + normalizedXml); LOG.debug("normalizedXml.getLeader(): " + normalizedXml.getLeader()); // Get the Leader 06. This will allow us to determine the record's type, and we'll put it in the correct set for that type char leader06 = normalizedXml.getLeader().charAt(6); // Run these steps only if the record is a bibliographic record String type = null; if ("abcdefghijkmnoprt".contains("" + leader06)) { type = "b"; } else if ("uvxy".contains("" + leader06)) { type = "h"; } ((Record) record).setType(type); if (getSourceOfOrganizationCode()) { try { normalizedXml = processSourceOfRecord(normalizedXml, record); } catch (Exception e) { // Fatal error: do not process this record further LOG.error("Got an exception in getSourceOfOrganizationCode(): " + e); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw)); String stacktrace = sw.toString(); LOG.error(stacktrace); return results; // results is empty } } if (sourceOf9XXFieldsEnabled()) { normalizedXml.setSourceOfOrganizationCode(XC_SOURCE_OF_MARC_ORG); } if (type != null && type.equals("b")) { TimingLogger.start("bibsteps"); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_REMOVE_OCOLC_003, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = removeOcolc003(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_DCMI_TYPE_06, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = dcmiType06(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_LEADER_06_VOCAB, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = leader06MarcVocab(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_007_VOCAB_06, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = vocab06(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_MODE_OF_ISSUANCE, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = modeOfIssuance(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_MOVE_MARC_ORG_CODE, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = moveMarcOrgCode(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_DCMI_TYPE_00_07, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = dcmiType0007(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_007_VOCAB, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = vocab007(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_007_SMD_TYPE, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = smdType007(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_FICTION_OR_NONFICTION, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = fictionOrNonfiction(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_008_DATE_RANGE, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = dateRange(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_LANGUAGE_SPLIT, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = languageSplit(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_LANGUAGE_TERM, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = languageTerm(normalizedXml); boolean process006 = enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_006_AUDIENCE, "0").equals("1"); boolean process008 = enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_008_AUDIENCE, "0").equals("1"); if (process006 || process008) normalizedXml = audienceFrom006_008(normalizedXml, process006, process008); process006 = enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_006_FORM, "0").equals("1"); process008 = enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_008_FORM, "0").equals("1"); if (process006 || process008) normalizedXml = formFrom006_008(normalizedXml, process006, process008); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_008_THESIS, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = thesisFrom008(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_ISBN_MOVE, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = isbnMove024(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_ISBN_CLEANUP, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = isbnCleanup(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_LCCN_CLEANUP, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = lccnCleanup(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_SUPPLY_MARC_ORG_CODE, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = supplyMARCOrgCode(normalizedXml); if (needToFix035()) { normalizedXml = fix035(normalizedXml); } if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_DEDUP_035, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = dedup035(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_ROLE_AUTHOR, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = roleAuthor(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_ROLE_COMPOSER, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = roleComposer(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_UNIFORM_TITLE, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = uniformTitle(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_NRU_GENRE, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = nruGenre(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_NRU_DATABASE_GENRE, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = nruDatabaseGenre(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_TOPIC_SPLIT, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = topicSplit(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_CHRON_SPLIT, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = chronSplit(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_GEOG_SPLIT, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = geogSplit(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_GENRE_SPLIT, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = genreSplit(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_DEDUP_DCMI_TYPE, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = dedupDcmiType(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_DEDUP_007_VOCAB, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = dedup007Vocab(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_SEPARATE_NAME, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = separateName(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_DEDUP_9XX, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = dedup9XX(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_TITLE_ARTICLE, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = titleArticle(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_BIB_LOCATION_NAME, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = bibLocationName(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_III_LOCATION_NAME, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = IIILocationName(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_REMOVE_945_FIELD, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = remove945Field(normalizedXml); TimingLogger.stop("bibsteps"); } // Run these steps only if the record is a holding record if (type != null && type.equals("h")) { TimingLogger.start("holdsteps"); // Remove any invalid 014s String valid014 = enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_VALID_FIRST_CHAR_014, ""); String invalid014 = enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_INVALID_FIRST_CHAR_014, ""); if (valid014.length() > 0 || invalid014.length() > 0) normalizedXml = removeInvalid014s(normalizedXml, valid014, invalid014); String fixMultiple004s = enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_REPLACE_014, "off").toLowerCase(); if (!fixMultiple004s.equals("off")) normalizedXml = fixMultiple004s(normalizedXml, fixMultiple004s); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_HOLDINGS_LOCATION_NAME, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = holdingsLocationName(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_LOCATION_LIMIT_NAME, "0").equals("1")) normalizedXml = locationLimitName(normalizedXml); if (enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_014_SOURCE, "0").equals("1")) { normalizedXml = add014source(normalizedXml); } TimingLogger.stop("holdsteps"); } // set 005 to current time normalizedXml.set005(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Creating the normalized record."); // Get any records which were processed from the record we're processing // If there are any (there should be at most 1) we need to update them // instead of inserting a new Record // If there was already a processed record for the record we just processed, update it if (!newRecord) { TimingLogger.start("update"); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug( "Updating the record which was processed from an older version of the record we just processed."); // Get the record which was processed from the record we just processed // (there should only be one) //OutputRecord oldNormalizedRecord = record.getSuccessors().get(0); // Commenting-out above. We needed to discover this record earlier in this method. OutputRecord oldNormalizedRecord = thisOutputRecord; oldNormalizedRecord.setMode(Record.JDOM_MODE); oldNormalizedRecord.setFormat(marc21); oldNormalizedRecord.setStatus(Record.ACTIVE); // Set the XML to the new normalized XML oldNormalizedRecord.setOaiXmlEl(normalizedXml.getModifiedMarcXml()); // Add the normalized record after modifications were made to it to // the list of modified records. oldNormalizedRecord.setType(type); results.add(oldNormalizedRecord); TimingLogger.stop("update"); return results; // We need to create a new normalized record since we haven't normalized an older version of the original record // Do this only if the record we're processing is not deleted } else { TimingLogger.start("new"); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug( "Inserting the record since it was not processed from an older version of the record we just processed."); // Create the normalized record //OutputRecord normalizedRecord = getRecordService().createRecord(); // Commenting-out above. We need to create this new OutputRecord sooner because some normalization steps may need to know the record ID ahead of time. OutputRecord normalizedRecord = thisOutputRecord; normalizedRecord.setOaiXmlEl(normalizedXml.getModifiedMarcXml()); normalizedRecord.setFormat(marc21); // Insert the normalized record // The setSpec and set Description of the "type" set we should add the normalized record to String setSpec = null; String setDescription = null; String setName = null; // Setup the setSpec and description based on the leader 06 if ("abcdefghijkmnoprt".contains("" + leader06)) { setSpec = "MARCXMLbibliographic"; setName = "MARCXML Bibliographic Records"; setDescription = "A set of all MARCXML Bibliographic records in the repository."; } else if (leader06 == 'u' || leader06 == 'v' || leader06 == 'x' || leader06 == 'y') { setSpec = "MARCXMLholding"; setName = "MARCXML Holding Records"; setDescription = "A set of all MARCXML Holding records in the repository."; } else if (leader06 == 'z') { setSpec = "MARCXMLauthority"; setName = "MARCXML Authority Records"; setDescription = "A set of all MARCXML Authority records in the repository."; } else { // If leader 6th character is invalid, then log error and do not process that record. logDebug("Record Id " + record.getId() + " with leader character " + leader06 + " not processed."); return new ArrayList<OutputRecord>(); } TimingLogger.add(setName, 0); if (setSpec != null) { // Get the set for the provider TimingLogger.start("getSetBySetSpec"); Set recordTypeSet = getSetService().getSetBySetSpec(setSpec); TimingLogger.stop("getSetBySetSpec"); // Add the set if it doesn't already exist if (recordTypeSet == null) recordTypeSet = addSet(setSpec, setName, setDescription); // Add the set to the record normalizedRecord.addSet(recordTypeSet); } // Add the record to the list of records resulting from processing the // incoming record normalizedRecord.setType(type); results.add(normalizedRecord); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Created normalized record from unnormalized record with ID " + record.getId()); TimingLogger.stop("new"); return results; } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("An error occurred while normalizing the record with ID " + record.getId(), e); return results; } } private MarcXmlManager processSourceOfRecord(MarcXmlManager marcXml, InputRecord record) throws Exception { String repoURL = getSourceRepositoryURL(); //"In NormalizationService:processSourceOfRecord: Source Repo URL: " + repoURL); HashMap<String, String> the001Props = null; HashMap<String, String> the003Props = null; if (orgCodeProperties001.containsKey(repoURL)) { the001Props = orgCodeProperties001.get(repoURL); } if (orgCodeProperties003.containsKey(repoURL)) { the003Props = orgCodeProperties003.get(repoURL); } boolean isBib = false; boolean isHolding = false; try { isBib = record.getType().equals("b"); isHolding = record.getType().equals("h"); } catch (Exception e) { // getType() can be null... } if (!isBib && !isHolding) return marcXml; // nothing to do // Process 001 if (the001Props == null) { addMessage(record, 110, RecordMessage.WARN, MSG_MISSING_001_CONFIG); } else { String the001 = marcXml.getField001(); boolean empty001 = (the001 == null || the001.length() < 1); if (isBib) { String supply001 = the001Props.get("Supply_001_for_Bib"); if (supply001.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) { if (!empty001) { addMessage(record, 110, RecordMessage.ERROR, MSG_UNEXPECTED_VALUE_001_FIELD); throw new Exception(MSG_UNEXPECTED_VALUE_001_FIELD); } marcXml.addMarcXmlControlField("001", String.valueOf(record.getId())); marcXml.setField001(String.valueOf(record.getId())); } else if (supply001.equalsIgnoreCase("N")) { if (empty001) { addMessage(record, 110, RecordMessage.ERROR, MSG_MISSING_001_FIELD); throw new Exception(MSG_MISSING_001_FIELD); } } } else if (isHolding) { String check001 = the001Props.get("Check_for_Holdings_001"); if (check001.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) { if (!empty001) { // do nothing } else { addMessage(record, 110, RecordMessage.ERROR, MSG_MISSING_001_FIELD); throw new Exception(MSG_MISSING_001_FIELD); } } else if (check001.equalsIgnoreCase("N")) { // do nothing } } } // Process 003 if (the003Props == null) { addMessage(record, 110, RecordMessage.WARN, MSG_MISSING_003_CONFIG); } else { String the003 = marcXml.getField003(); boolean empty003 = (the003 == null || the003.length() < 1); String orgCode = the003Props.get("MARC_Org_Code"); if (isBib) { String check003 = the003Props.get("Check_Bib_003"); if (check003.equalsIgnoreCase("0")) { // do nothing } else if (check003.equalsIgnoreCase("M")) { if (empty003) { addMessage(record, 110, RecordMessage.WARN, MSG_MISSING_003_FIELD); } else { if (!the003.equalsIgnoreCase(orgCode)) { addMessage(record, 110, RecordMessage.WARN, MSG_INCORRECT_003_FIELD); } } } else if (check003.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) { if (empty003) { addMessage(record, 110, RecordMessage.WARN, MSG_MISSING_003_FIELD); } } else if (check003.equalsIgnoreCase("N")) { if (!empty003) { addMessage(record, 110, RecordMessage.WARN, MSG_UNEXPECTED_003_FIELD); } } String overwrite003 = the003Props.get("Overwrite_Bib_003"); if (overwrite003.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) { if (empty003) { marcXml.addMarcXmlControlField("003", orgCode); } else { marcXml.setMarcXmlControlField("003", orgCode); } marcXml.setField003(orgCode); marcXml.setOrganizationCode(orgCode); setOrganizationCode(orgCode); } else if (overwrite003.equalsIgnoreCase("N")) { // do nothing } } else if (isHolding) { String check003 = the003Props.get("Check_Holdings_003"); if (check003.equalsIgnoreCase("0")) { // do nothing } else if (check003.equalsIgnoreCase("N")) { if (!empty003) { addMessage(record, 110, RecordMessage.WARN, MSG_UNEXPECTED_003_FIELD); } } else if (check003.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) { if (empty003) { addMessage(record, 110, RecordMessage.WARN, MSG_MISSING_003_FIELD); } } else if (check003.equalsIgnoreCase("M")) { if (empty003) { addMessage(record, 110, RecordMessage.WARN, MSG_MISSING_003_FIELD); } else { if (!the003.equalsIgnoreCase(orgCode)) { addMessage(record, 110, RecordMessage.WARN, MSG_INCORRECT_003_FIELD); } } } String overwrite003 = the003Props.get("Overwrite_Holdings_003"); if (overwrite003.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) { if (empty003) { marcXml.addMarcXmlControlField("003", orgCode); } else { marcXml.setMarcXmlControlField("003", orgCode); } marcXml.setField003(orgCode); marcXml.setOrganizationCode(orgCode); setOrganizationCode(orgCode); } else if (overwrite003.equalsIgnoreCase("N")) { // do nothing } } } return marcXml; } /** * If the 003's value is "OCoLC", remove it. * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager removeOcolc003(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering RemoveOCoLC003 normalization step."); // Check if the 003 is "OCoLC" String field003 = marcXml.getField003(); if (field003 != null && field003.equals("OCoLC")) marcXml.removeControlField("003"); return marcXml; } /** * Creates a DCMI Type field based on the record's Leader 06 value. * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @param fixMultiple004s * on - create 014s for additional 004s * off - do nothing * protect - generate error if multiple 004s found * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. * @throws Exception */ private MarcXmlManager fixMultiple004s(MarcXmlManager marcXml, String fixMultiple004s) throws Exception { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering fixMultiple004s normalization step."); if (!marcXml.fixMultiple004s(fixMultiple004s)) { addMessage(marcXml.getInputRecord(), 109, RecordMessage.ERROR, "Multiple 004s not allowed."); throw new Exception("fixMultiple004s error."); } return marcXml; } /** * If the 014 is invalid, remove it * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @param validFirstChars * List of valid first characters * @param invalidFirstChars * List of invalid first characters * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager removeInvalid014s(MarcXmlManager marcXml, String validFirstChars, String invalidFirstChars) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering removeInvalid014s normalization step."); marcXml.removeInvalid014s(validFirstChars, invalidFirstChars); return marcXml; } /** * If the valid ISBN-13s exist in 024, move them to 020 * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager isbnMove024(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering isbnMove024 normalization step."); marcXml.isbnMove024(); return marcXml; } /** * Creates a DCMI Type field based on the record's Leader 06 value. * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager dcmiType06(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering DCMIType06 normalization step."); // The character at offset 6 of the leader field char leader06 = marcXml.getLeader().charAt(6); // Pull the DCMI type mapping from the configuration file based on the leader 06 value. String dcmiType = dcmiType06Properties.getProperty("" + leader06, null); // If there was no mapping for the provided leader 06, we can't create the field. In this case return the unmodified MARCXML if (dcmiType == null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Cannot find a DCMI Type mapping for the leader 06 value of " + leader06 + ", returning the unmodified MARCXML."); } else { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Found the DCMI Type " + dcmiType + " for the leader 06 value of " + leader06 + "."); // Add a MARCXML field to store the DCMI Type marcXml.addMarcXmlField(FIELD_9XX_DCMI_TYPE, dcmiType); } for (String field006 : marcXml.getField006()) { if (field006 != null && field006.length() > 0) { // The character at offset 6 of the leader field char field006_0 = field006.charAt(0); // Pull the DCMI type mapping from the configuration file based on the leader 06 value. String dcmiType006_0 = dcmiType06Properties.getProperty("" + field006_0, null); // If there was no mapping for the provided leader 06, we can't create the field. In this case return the unmodified MARCXML if (dcmiType006_0 == null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Cannot find a DCMI Type mapping for the 006 offset 0 value of " + dcmiType006_0 + "."); } else { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Found the DCMI Type " + dcmiType006_0 + " for the 006 offset 0 value of " + field006_0 + "."); // Add a MARCXML field to store the DCMI Type marcXml.addMarcXmlField(FIELD_9XX_DCMI_TYPE, dcmiType006_0); } } } // Return the modified MARCXML record return marcXml; } /** * Creates a vocabulary field based on the record's Leader 06 value. * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager leader06MarcVocab(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering Leader06Vocab normalization step."); // The character at offset 6 of the leader field char leader06 = marcXml.getLeader().charAt(6); // Pull the SMD Vocab mapping from the configuration file based on the leader 06 value. String marcVocab = leader06MarcVocabProperties.getProperty("" + leader06, null); // If there was no mapping for the provided leader 06, we can't create the field. In this case return the unmodified MARCXML if (marcVocab == null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Cannot find a MARC vocabulary mapping for the leader 06 value of " + leader06 + "."); if (leader06 != ' ') { addMessage(marcXml.getInputRecord(), 102, RecordMessage.INFO); // addMessage(marcXml.getInputRecord(), 102, RecordMessage.INFO, "Invalid leader 06 value: " + leader06)); } } else { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug( "Found the MARC vocabulary " + marcVocab + " for the leader 06 value of " + leader06 + "."); // Add a MARCXML field to store the SMD Vocab marcXml.addMarcXmlField(FIELD_9XX_007_MARC_VOCAB, marcVocab); } for (String field006 : marcXml.getField006()) { if (field006 != null && field006.length() > 0) { // The character at offset 6 of the leader field char field006_0 = field006.charAt(0); // Pull the DCMI type mapping from the configuration file based on the leader 06 value. String marcVocab006_0 = leader06MarcVocabProperties.getProperty("" + field006_0, null); // If there was no mapping for the provided leader 06, we can't create the field. In this case return the unmodified MARCXML if (marcVocab006_0 == null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Cannot find a MARC vocabulary mapping for the 006 offset 0 value of " + marcVocab006_0 + "."); } else { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Found the MARC vocabulary " + marcVocab006_0 + " for the 006 offset 0 value of " + marcVocab006_0 + "."); // Add a MARCXML field to store the SMD Vocab marcXml.addMarcXmlField(FIELD_9XX_007_MARC_VOCAB, marcVocab006_0); } } } // Return the modified MARCXML record return marcXml; } /** * Creates a vocabulary field based on the record's Leader 06 value. * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager vocab06(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering 007Vocab06 normalization step."); char leader06 = ' '; // The character at offset 6 of the leader field if (marcXml.getLeader() != null && marcXml.getLeader().length() >= 7) { leader06 = marcXml.getLeader().charAt(6); } // Pull the SMD Vocab mapping from the configuration file based on the leader 06 value. String marcVocab = vocab06Properties.getProperty("" + leader06, null); // If there was no mapping for the provided leader 06, we can't create the field. In this case return the unmodified MARCXML if (marcVocab == null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Cannot find a vocab mapping for the leader 06 value of " + leader06 + ", returning the unmodified MARCXML."); return marcXml; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Found the vocab " + marcVocab + " for the leader 06 value of " + leader06 + "."); // Add a MARCXML field to store the SMD Vocab marcXml.addMarcXmlField(FIELD_9XX_007_VOCAB, marcVocab); // Return the modified MARCXML record return marcXml; } /** * Creates a mode of issuance field based upon single letter in Leader07 * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager modeOfIssuance(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering ModeOfIssuance normalization step."); // The character at offset 7 of the leader field char leader07 = marcXml.getLeader().charAt(7); // Pull the mode of issuance mapping from the configuration file based on the leader 07 value. String modeOfIssuance = modeOfIssuanceProperties.getProperty("" + leader07, null); // If there was no mapping for the provided leader 07, we can't create the field. In this case return the unmodified MARCXML if (modeOfIssuance == null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Cannot find a mode of issuance mapping for the leader 07 value of " + leader07 + ", returning the unmodified MARCXML."); addMessage(marcXml.getInputRecord(), 103, RecordMessage.INFO); // addMessage(marcXml.getInputRecord(), 103, RecordMessage.INFO, "Invalid leader 07 value: " + leader07); return marcXml; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Found the mode of issuance " + modeOfIssuance + " for the leader 07 value of " + leader07 + "."); // Add a MARCXML field to store the mode of issuance marcXml.addMarcXmlField(FIELD_9XX_MODE_OF_ISSUANCE, modeOfIssuance); return marcXml; } /** * Creates a new 035 field on the record based on the existing 001 and 003 fields * for example, if 001 = 12345 and 003 = NRU, the new 035 will be (NRU)12345. * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager moveMarcOrgCode(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering MoveMarcOrgCode normalization step."); // Get the 001 and 003 control fields String control001 = marcXml.getField001(); String control003 = marcXml.getField003(); if (control001 == null) { addMessage(marcXml.getInputRecord(), 103, RecordMessage.INFO); // addMessage(marcXml.getInputRecord(), 103, RecordMessage.INFO, " - Cannot create 035 from 001."); } // If either control field didn't exist, we don't have to do anything if (control001 == null || control003 == null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug( "The record was missing either an 001 or an 003 control field, so we do not have to move the old marc organization code into a new 035 field."); return marcXml; } boolean moveAllOrgCodes = enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_MOVE_ALL_MARC_ORG_CODES, "0").equals("1"); // Create the new 035 field if (moveAllOrgCodes || control003.equalsIgnoreCase(getOrganizationCode())) { String new035 = null; if (Character.isLetter(control001.charAt(0))) { int index = 0; StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); while (Character.isLetter(control001.charAt(index))) { s.append(control001.charAt(index)); index++; } String new003 = s.toString(); control001 = control001.substring(new003.length()); new035 = "(" + new003 + ")" + control001; } else { new035 = "(" + control003 + ")" + control001; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Moving the record's organization code to a new 035 field with value " + new035 + "."); // Add the new 035 field marcXml.addMarcXmlField("035", new035); } return marcXml; } /** * Creates a DCMI Type field based on the record's 007 offset 00 value. * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager dcmiType0007(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering DCMIType0007 normalization step."); // The value of field 007 String field007 = marcXml.getField007(); // The character at offset 00 of the 007 field char field007offset00 = ((field007 != null && field007.length() > 0) ? field007.charAt(0) : ' '); // Pull the DCMI type mapping from the configuration file based on the leader 06 value. String dcmiType = dcmiType0007Properties.getProperty("" + field007offset00, null); // If there was no mapping for the provided 007 offset 00, we can't create the field. In this case return the unmodified MARCXML if (dcmiType == null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Cannot find a DCMI Type mapping for the 007 offset 00 value of " + field007offset00 + ", returning the unmodified MARCXML."); return marcXml; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Found the DCMI Type " + dcmiType + " for the 007 offset 00 value of " + field007offset00 + "."); // Add a MARCXML field to store the DCMI Type marcXml.addMarcXmlField(FIELD_9XX_DCMI_TYPE, dcmiType); // Return the modified MARCXML record return marcXml; } /** * Creates an 007 vocabulary field based on the record's 007 offset 00 value. * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager vocab007(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering 007Vocab normalization step."); // The value of field 007 String field007 = marcXml.getField007(); if (field007 != null && field007.length() > 0) { // The character at offset 00 of the 007 field char field007offset00 = field007.charAt(0); // Pull the 007 Vocab mapping from the configuration file based on the leader 06 value. String smdVocab = vocab007Properties.getProperty("" + field007offset00, null); // If there was no mapping for the provided 007 offset 00, we can't create the field. In this case return the unmodified MARCXML if (smdVocab == null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Cannot find an 007 Vocab mapping for the 007 offset 00 value of " + field007offset00 + ", returning the unmodified MARCXML." + "field007==>" + field007 + "<--"); addMessage(marcXml.getInputRecord(), 104, RecordMessage.INFO); // addMessage(marcXml.getInputRecord(), 104, RecordMessage.INFO, "Invalid value in Control Field 007 offset 00: " + field007offset00); return marcXml; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Found the 007 Vocab " + smdVocab + " for the 007 offset 00 value of " + field007offset00 + "."); // Add a MARCXML field to store the SMD Vocab marcXml.addMarcXmlField(FIELD_9XX_007_VOCAB, smdVocab); } // Return the modified MARCXML record return marcXml; } /** * Creates an SMD vocabulary field based on the record's 007 offset 00 and offset 01 values. * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager smdType007(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering 007SMDVocab normalization step."); // The value of field 007 String field007 = marcXml.getField007(); // If don't have an 007 will get " ", and subsequently won't try to continue processing. // The character at offsets 00 and 01 of the 007 field String field007offset00and01 = ((field007 != null && field007.length() >= 3) ? field007.substring(0, 2) : " "); if (!field007offset00and01.equals(" ")) { // Pull the SMD type mapping from the configuration file based on the leader 06 value. String smdVocab = smdType007Properties.getProperty(field007offset00and01, null); // If there was no mapping for the provided 007 offset 00, we can't create the field. In this case return the unmodified MARCXML if (smdVocab == null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Cannot find a SMD Vocab mapping for the 007 offset 00 and 01 values of " + field007offset00and01 + ", returning the unmodified MARCXML."); addMessage(marcXml.getInputRecord(), 104, RecordMessage.INFO); // addMessage(marcXml.getInputRecord(), 104, RecordMessage.INFO, "Invalid value in Control Field 007 offset 00: " + field007offset00and01); return marcXml; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Found the SMD type " + smdVocab + " for the 007 offset 00 and 01 values of " + field007offset00and01 + "."); // Add a MARCXML field to store the SMD Vocab marcXml.addMarcXmlField(FIELD_9XX_SMD_VOCAB, smdVocab); } // Return the modified MARCXML record return marcXml; } /** * Creates a field with a value of "Fiction" if the Leader 06 value is 'a' * and the 008 offset 33 value is '1', otherwise creates the field with a value * of "Non-Fiction" * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager fictionOrNonfiction(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering FictionOrNonfiction normalization step."); // The character at offset 6 of the leader field char leader06 = marcXml.getLeader().charAt(6); // The value of field 008 String field008 = marcXml.getField008(); // The character at offset 33 of the 008 field char field008offset33 = ((field008 != null && field008.length() >= 34) ? field008.charAt(33) : ' '); if (leader06 == 'a' || leader06 == 't') { if (field008offset33 == '1') marcXml.addMarcXmlField(FIELD_9XX_FICTION_OR_NONFICTION, "Fiction"); else marcXml.addMarcXmlField(FIELD_9XX_FICTION_OR_NONFICTION, "Non-Fiction"); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Leader 06 = " + leader06 + " and 008 offset 33 is " + field008offset33 + "."); } ArrayList<String> field006s = marcXml.getField006(); for (String field006 : field006s) { if (field006 != null && field006.length() >= 34) { if (field006.charAt(0) == 'a' || field006.charAt(0) == 't') { if (field006.charAt(33) == '1') marcXml.addMarcXmlField(FIELD_9XX_FICTION_OR_NONFICTION, "Fiction"); else marcXml.addMarcXmlField(FIELD_9XX_FICTION_OR_NONFICTION, "Non-Fiction"); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("006 offset 0 is " + field006.charAt(0) + ". 006 offset 33 is " + field006.charAt(33) + "."); } } } // Return the modified MARCXML record return marcXml; } /** * Creates a field with the date range specified in the 008 control field * if 008 offset 06 is 'r' * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager dateRange(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering 008DateRange normalization step."); // The value of field 008 String field008 = marcXml.getField008(); // If 008 offset 06 is not 'c', 'd', or 'k' we don't need to do anything. if (field008 == null || field008.length() < 7 || (field008.charAt(6) != 'c' && field008.charAt(6) != 'd' && field008.charAt(6) != 'k')) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("008 offset 6 was not 'c', 'd' or 'k' so we will not add a field with the date range."); return marcXml; } // If we got here, 008 offset 06 was 'r' and we need to add a field with the date range String dateRange = field008.substring(7, 11) + "-" + field008.substring(11, 15); // If either date is '9999', replace it with the empty string. So "1983-9999" becomes "1983- " dateRange = dateRange.replaceAll("9999", " "); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("008 offset 6 was 'c', 'd' or 'k' so we will add a field with the date range " + dateRange + "."); // Add the date range field marcXml.addMarcXmlField(FIELD_9XX_DATE_RANGE, dateRange); return marcXml; } /** * Creates a field for each language found in the original record's 008 offset 35-38 * and 041 $a and $d fields. Only one field is added when the original record * would produce duplicates of it. * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager languageSplit(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering LanguageSplit normalization step."); // A list of language fields we're adding as fields. ArrayList<String> languages = new ArrayList<String>(); // The value of field 008 String field008 = marcXml.getField008(); // If the 008 field non null, add the language it specified so the list of languages // provided that languages is valid if (field008 != null && field008.length() >= 39) { String langFrom008 = field008.substring(35, 38); if (isLanguageValid(langFrom008)) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Found the valid language " + langFrom008 + " in the 008 field."); languages.add(langFrom008.toLowerCase()); } } // The 041 $a and $d fields ArrayList<String> fields041a = marcXml.getField041subfieldA(); ArrayList<String> fields041d = marcXml.getField041subfieldD(); // Add the languages in 041 $a to the list of languages assuming doing so wouldn't create duplicates for (String field041a : fields041a) { // Every group of three characters should be treated as a separate language code. // So characters 1-3 are one language, 4-6 are another, etc. for (int counter = 0; counter + 3 <= field041a.length(); counter += 3) { String language = field041a.substring(counter, counter + 3); if (!languages.contains(language.toLowerCase())) { if (isLanguageValid(language)) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Found the valid language " + language + " in the 041 $a field."); languages.add(language.toLowerCase()); } } } } // Add the languages in 041 $d to the list of languages assuming doing so wouldn't create duplicates for (String field041d : fields041d) { // Every group of three characters should be treated as a separate language code. // So characters 1-3 are one language, 4-6 are another, etc. for (int counter = 0; counter + 3 <= field041d.length(); counter += 3) { String language = field041d.substring(counter, counter + 3); if (!languages.contains(language.toLowerCase())) { if (isLanguageValid(language)) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Found the valid language " + language + " in the 041 $d field."); languages.add(language.toLowerCase()); } } } } // Add each language to the MARCXML in a new field for (String language : languages) if (!language.equals(" ")) { marcXml.addMarcXmlField(FIELD_9XX_LANGUAGE_SPLIT, language); } return marcXml; } /** * Creates a field which contains the full name of the language based for * each language code from the LanguageSplit step. * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager languageTerm(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering LanguageTerm normalization step."); // A list of language code fields we've add. ArrayList<String> languageCodes = marcXml.getAddedLanguageCodes(); // Add each language term to the MARCXML in a new field for (String languageCode : languageCodes) { // Pull the language term mapping from the configuration file based on the language code. String languageTerm = languageTermProperties.getProperty(languageCode, null); // If no mapping for language code, then check for capitalized language code if (languageTerm == null) { languageTerm = languageTermProperties.getProperty(languageCode.toUpperCase(), null); } // If there was no mapping for the provided language code, we can't create the field. In this case continue to the next language code if (languageTerm == null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Cannot find a language term mapping for the language code " + languageCode + "."); // The service should ignore any 008 with lang value 'mul'. As long as 'mul' does not appear in the .xccfg file, this will // happen and you will see the 'mul' as the language code not found in the message seen in browse records. addMessage(marcXml.getInputRecord(), 106, RecordMessage.INFO, languageCode); continue; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug( "Found the language term " + languageTerm + " for the language code " + languageCode + "."); // Add a MARCXML field to store the SMD Vocab marcXml.addMarcXmlField(FIELD_9XX_LANGUAGE_TERM, languageTerm); } return marcXml; } /** * If leader 06 contains certain values, create a field with the intended audience from the * 008 offset 05 value. * * If 006 offset 00 contains certain values, create a field with the intended audience from the * 006 offset 05 value * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @param field006 * flag determining whether or not to process 006 fields * @param field008 * flag determining whether or not to process 008 fields * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager audienceFrom006_008(MarcXmlManager marcXml, boolean field006, boolean field008) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering 006/008Audience normalization step."); ArrayList<String> flds = new ArrayList<String>(); if (field008) { // The character at offset 6 of the leader field String leader = marcXml.getLeader(); char leader06 = (leader != null && leader.length() >= 7 ? leader.charAt(6) : ' '); switch (leader06) { case 'a': case 'c': case 'd': case 'g': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'm': case 'o': case 'r': case 't': flds.add(marcXml.getField008()); } } if (field006) { for (String fld : marcXml.getField006()) { char offset00 = (fld != null && fld.length() >= 1 ? fld.charAt(0) : ' '); switch (offset00) { case 'a': case 'c': case 'd': case 'g': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'm': case 'o': case 'r': case 't': flds.add(fld); } } } for (String fld : flds) { // The character at offset 05 of the 006/008 field char offset05 = (fld != null && fld.length() >= 6 ? fld.charAt(5) : ' '); // Pull the audience mapping from the configuration file based on the 006/008 offset 05 value. String audience = audienceFrom006_008Properties.getProperty("" + offset05, null); // If there was no mapping for the provided 006/008 offset 05, we can't create the field. In this case return the unmodified MARCXML if (audience == null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Cannot find an audience mapping for the 006/008 offset 05 value of " + offset05 + ", returning the unmodified MARCXML."); continue; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug( "Found the audience " + audience + " for the 006/008 offset 05 value of " + offset05 + "."); // Add a MARCXML field to store the audience marcXml.addMarcXmlField(FIELD_9XX_AUDIENCE, audience); } return marcXml; } /** * If Leader/06 (in the case of 008) or 006/00 contains certain values, create a field with the "Form of Item" from the * appropriate 006 and 008 offsets. * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager formFrom006_008(MarcXmlManager marcXml, boolean field006, boolean field008) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering formFrom006_008 normalization step."); ArrayList<String> flds006 = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> flds008 = new ArrayList<String>(); // There will only ever by a single 008 if (field008) { flds008.add(marcXml.getField008()); } // Multiple 006s are possible if (field006) { for (String fld : marcXml.getField006()) { flds006.add(fld); } } for (String field : flds006) { // The character at offset 00 char offset00 = (field != null && field.length() >= 1 ? field.charAt(0) : ' '); // The character at offset 06 or 12 determines "Form of Item" // Process only if offset 00 is one of the following: int offset = -1; switch (offset00) { case 'a': case 'c': case 'd': case 'i': case 'j': case 'm': case 'p': case 's': case 't': offset = 6; break; case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'k': case 'o': case 'r': offset = 12; break; } if (offset == -1) continue; char offsetXX = (field != null && field.length() >= (offset + 1) ? field.charAt(offset) : ' '); // Pull the audience mapping from the configuration file based on the 006/06 or 006/12 value. String form = formFrom006_008Properties.getProperty("" + offsetXX, null); // If there was no mapping for the provided 006/06 or 006/12, we can't create the field. In this case return the unmodified MARCXML if (form == null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Cannot find an form mapping for the 006 offset " + offset + " value of " + offsetXX + ", returning the unmodified MARCXML."); continue; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug( "Found the form " + form + " for the 006 offset " + offset + " value of " + offsetXX + "."); marcXml.addMarcXmlField(FIELD_9XX_FORM, form); } for (String field : flds008) { // Get the leader 06 char leader06 = marcXml.getLeader().charAt(6); // The character at offset 23 or 29 determines "Form of Item" // Process only if Leader/06 is one of the following: int offset = -1; switch (leader06) { case 'a': case 'c': case 'd': case 'i': case 'j': case 'm': case 'p': case 's': case 't': offset = 23; break; case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'k': case 'o': case 'r': offset = 29; break; } if (offset == -1) continue; char offsetXX = (field != null && field.length() >= (offset + 1) ? field.charAt(offset) : ' '); // Pull the audience mapping from the configuration file based on the 008/23 or 008/29 value. String form = formFrom006_008Properties.getProperty("" + offsetXX, null); // If there was no mapping for the provided 008/23 or 008/29, we can't create the field. In this case return the unmodified MARCXML if (form == null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Cannot find an form mapping for the 008 offset " + offset + " value of " + offsetXX + ", returning the unmodified MARCXML."); continue; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug( "Found the form " + form + " for the 008 offset " + offset + " value of " + offsetXX + "."); marcXml.addMarcXmlField(FIELD_9XX_FORM, form); } return marcXml; } /** * If there is no 502 field, create one with the value "Thesis" if 08 offset 24, 25, 26 or 27 is 'm'. * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager thesisFrom008(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering 008Thesis normalization step."); // If there is already a 502 field, don't make any changes if (marcXml.getField502() != null && marcXml.getField502().size() > 0) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("502 field already exists, so we won't add another."); return marcXml; } // Get the leader 06 char leader06 = marcXml.getLeader().charAt(6); // If the leader 06 is not 'a' return without doing anything if (leader06 != 'a') { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("The leader 06 is not 'a', so this cannot be a Thesis."); return marcXml; } // The value of field 008 String field008 = marcXml.getField008(); // If the 008 offset 24, 25, 26, or 27 is 'm', add a 502 tag with the value "Thesis." if (field008 != null && field008.length() >= 29 && field008.substring(24, 28).contains("m")) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Adding 502 field with the value \"Thesis.\""); // Add a MARCXML 502 field with the value "Thesis" marcXml.addMarcXmlField("502", "Thesis."); } else if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Not adding 502 field with the value \"Thesis.\""); return marcXml; } /** * Creates a field for each 020 field with the same $a value except that * everything after the first left parenthesis is removed. * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager isbnCleanup(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering ISBNCleanup normalization step."); // The 020 $a field ArrayList<String> fields020a = marcXml.getField020(); // Return if there was no 020 $a if (fields020a.size() == 0) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("The record did not have an 020 $a field so we don't have to normalize the ISBN number."); return marcXml; } // The index of the first left parenthesis in the 020 $a for (String field020a : fields020a) { int leftParenIndex = field020a.indexOf('('); int colonIndex = field020a.indexOf(':'); int endIndex = (leftParenIndex < 0 ? colonIndex : (colonIndex < 0 || leftParenIndex < colonIndex ? leftParenIndex : colonIndex)); // The cleaned up ISBN number. This is the 020 $a with everything after the first left parenthesis removed String cleanIsbn = (endIndex >= 0 ? field020a.substring(0, endIndex) : field020a); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Adding the cleaned up ISBN number " + cleanIsbn + " to the normalized record."); // Add the cleaned up ISBN to the MARCXML in a new field marcXml.addMarcXmlField(FIELD_9XX_CLEAN_ISBN, cleanIsbn); } return marcXml; } /** * Creates a 655 [$a $2] field for each 999 $a containing the word "database" * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager nruDatabaseGenre(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering nruDatabaseGenre normalization step."); // The 999 $a field String field999 = marcXml.getField999(); if (field999 == null) return marcXml; String[] tokens = field999.split("\\s"); boolean found = false; for (int x = 0; x < tokens.length; x++) { if (tokens[x].equalsIgnoreCase("database")) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) return marcXml; Element newFieldElement = new Element("datafield", marcNamespace); newFieldElement.setAttribute("tag", "655"); newFieldElement.setAttribute("ind1", " "); newFieldElement.setAttribute("ind2", "0"); // Add the $a subfield Element newFieldASubfield = new Element("subfield", marcNamespace); newFieldASubfield.setAttribute("code", "a"); newFieldASubfield.setText("Database"); // Add the $a subfield to the new datafield newFieldElement.addContent("\n\t").addContent(newFieldASubfield).addContent("\n"); // Add the $2 subfield Element newField2Subfield = new Element("subfield", marcNamespace); newField2Subfield.setAttribute("code", "2"); newField2Subfield.setText(field999); // Add the $2 subfield to the new datafield newFieldElement.addContent("\n\t").addContent(newField2Subfield).addContent("\n"); // Add the new field to the end of the MARC XML if we didn't insert it already marcXml.getModifiedMarcXml().addContent(newFieldElement).addContent("\n\n"); return marcXml; } /** * Remove everything after (and including) the first forward slash from LCCN * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager lccnCleanup(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering isbnMove024 normalization step."); marcXml.lccnCleanup(); return marcXml; } /** * Creates a new 035 field on the record based on the existing 001 field if * there is no 003 field. For example, if 001 = 12345 and the organization * code in the configuration file is NRU, the new 035 will be (NRU)12345. * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager supplyMARCOrgCode(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering SupplyMARCOrgCode normalization step."); // Get the 001 and 003 control fields String control001 = marcXml.getField001(); String control003 = marcXml.getField003(); // If either control field didn't exist, we don't have to do anything if (control003 != null || control001 == null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug( "The record was missing either an 001 or contained an 003 control field, so we do not have to supply a marc organization code into a new 035 field."); return marcXml; } String new003 = null; if (Character.isLetter(control001.charAt(0))) { int index = 0; StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); while (Character.isLetter(control001.charAt(index))) { s.append(control001.charAt(index)); index++; } new003 = s.toString(); control001 = control001.substring(new003.length()); } else { // Add an 003 to the header new003 = getOrganizationCode(); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Supplying the record's organization code to a new 003 field with value " + new003 + "."); // Add the new 003 field marcXml.addMarcXmlControlField("003", new003); marcXml.setField003(new003); // Create the new 035 field String new035 = "(" + getOrganizationCode() + ")" + control001; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Supplying the record's organization code to a new 035 field with value " + new035 + "."); // Add the new 035 field marcXml.addMarcXmlField("035", new035); return marcXml; } /** * Edits OCLC 035 records with common incorrect formats to take the format * (OCoLC)%CONTROL_NUMBER%. * * Current list of patterns we will process: * * 035 $b ocm $a <control_number> * 035 $b ocn $a <control_number> * 035 $b ocl $a <control_number> * 035 $b on $a <control_number> * * 035 $9 ocm<control_number> * 035 $9 ocn<control_number> * 035 $9 ocl<control_number> * 035 $9 on<control_number> * * 035 $a (OCoLC)ocm<control_number> * 035 $a (OCoLC)ocn<control_number> * 035 $a (OCoLC)ocl<control_number> * 035 $a (OCoLC)on<control_number> * 035 $a ocm<control_number> * 035 $a ocn<control_number> * 035 $a ocl<control_number> * 035 $a on<control_number> * 035 $a (OCLC)ocm<control_number> * 035 $a (OCLC)ocn<control_number> * 035 $a (OCLC)ocl<control_number> * 035 $a (OCLC)on<control_number> * 035 $a (OCLC)<control_number> * 035 $a (OCoCL)ocm<control_number> * 035 $a (OCoCL)ocn<control_number> * 035 $a (OCoCL)ocl<control_number> * 035 $a (OCoCL)on<control_number> * 035 $a (OCoCL)<control_number> * * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private MarcXmlManager fix035(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering fix035 normalization step."); boolean fix035_0s = enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_035_LEADING_ZERO, "0").equals("1"); // Get the original list of 035 elements. We know that any 035 we // supplied had the correct format, so all incorrect 035 records must // be contained in this list ArrayList<Element> field035Elements = marcXml.getOriginal035Fields(); LOG.debug("*** field035Elements size=" + field035Elements.size()); // Loop over the 035 elements for (Element field035 : field035Elements) { // The $a and $b subfields of Element aSubfield = null; Element bSubfield = null; Element subfield9 = null; // Get the control fields List<Element> subfields = field035.getChildren("subfield", marcNamespace); //StringBuilder err_sb = new StringBuilder(""); // Iterate over the subfields to find the $a and $b subfields for (Element subfield : subfields) { // Initialize the aSubfield if we found the $a if (subfield.getAttribute("code").getValue().equals("a")) { aSubfield = subfield; } // Initialize the bSubfield if we found the $b else if (subfield.getAttribute("code").getValue().equals("b")) { //err_sb.append("subfield b"); bSubfield = subfield; } // Initialize the subfield9 if we found the $9 else if (subfield.getAttribute("code").getValue().equals("9")) { //err_sb.append("subfield 9"); subfield9 = subfield; } } // end loop over 035 subfields boolean modified = false; // First, process those b/a patterns: /* * 035 $b ocm $a <control_number> * 035 $b ocn $a <control_number> * 035 $b ocl $a <control_number> * 035 $b on $a <control_number> */ if (aSubfield != null && bSubfield != null && substitute035_a_b != null) { for (int i = 0; i < substitute035_a_b.size(); i++) { final String matchPrefix = substitute035_a_b.get(i).get("MatchPrefix"); if (matchPrefix != null) { final String replaceWith = substitute035_a_b.get(i).get("ReplaceWith"); if (bSubfield.getText().equals(matchPrefix)) { String controlNumber = aSubfield.getText().trim(); // Set $a to (OCoLC)%CONTROL_NUMBER% aSubfield.setText(replaceWith + controlNumber); modified = true; break; } } } } // Now, the sub-9-only patterns: /* * 035 $9 ocm<control_number> * 035 $9 ocn<control_number> * 035 $9 ocl<control_number> * 035 $9 on<control_number> */ else if (subfield9 != null && substitute035_9 != null) { for (int i = 0; i < substitute035_9.size(); i++) { final Pattern matchPrefix = (Pattern) substitute035_9.get(i).get("MatchPrefix"); if (matchPrefix != null) { Matcher matcher = matchPrefix.matcher(subfield9.getText()); if (matcher.find()) { matches.clear(); int numMatches = matcher.groupCount(); for (int j = 1; j <= MAX_035_REGEX_MATCHES && j <= numMatches; j++) { matches.add(j - 1,; } final String replaceWith = (String) substitute035_9.get(i).get("ReplaceWith"); Matcher action = variablePattern.matcher(replaceWith); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(replaceWith.length()); int j = 0; while (action.find()) { String text = matches.get(j++); action.appendReplacement(sb, Matcher.quoteReplacement(text)); } action.appendTail(sb); // Add an $a subfield if there wasn't one if (aSubfield == null) { aSubfield = new Element("subfield", marcNamespace); aSubfield.setAttribute("code", "a"); field035.addContent("\t").addContent(aSubfield).addContent("\n"); } // Set $a to (OCoLC)%CONTROL_NUMBER% aSubfield.setText(sb.toString()); modified = true; break; } } } } // Finally, the sub-a-only patterns: /* * 035 $a (OCoLC)ocm<control_number> * 035 $a (OCoLC)ocn<control_number> * 035 $a (OCoLC)ocl<control_number> * 035 $a (OCoLC)on<control_number> * 035 $a ocm<control_number> * 035 $a ocn<control_number> * 035 $a ocl<control_number> * 035 $a on<control_number> * 035 $a (OCLC)ocm<control_number> * 035 $a (OCLC)ocn<control_number> * 035 $a (OCLC)ocl<control_number> * 035 $a (OCLC)on<control_number> * 035 $a (OCLC)<control_number> * 035 $a (OCoCL)ocm<control_number> * 035 $a (OCoCL)ocn<control_number> * 035 $a (OCoCL)ocl<control_number> * 035 $a (OCoCL)on<control_number> * 035 $a (OCoCL)<control_number> * */ else if (aSubfield != null && substitute035_a != null) { for (int i = 0; i < substitute035_a.size(); i++) { final Pattern matchPrefix = (Pattern) substitute035_a.get(i).get("MatchPrefix"); if (matchPrefix != null) { Matcher matcher = matchPrefix.matcher(aSubfield.getText()); if (matcher.find()) { matches.clear(); int numMatches = matcher.groupCount(); for (int j = 1; j <= MAX_035_REGEX_MATCHES && j <= numMatches; j++) { matches.add(j - 1,; } final String replaceWith = (String) substitute035_a.get(i).get("ReplaceWith"); Matcher action = variablePattern.matcher(replaceWith); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(replaceWith.length()); int j = 0; while (action.find()) { String text = matches.get(j++); action.appendReplacement(sb, Matcher.quoteReplacement(text)); } action.appendTail(sb); // Set $a to (OCoLC)%CONTROL_NUMBER% aSubfield.setText(sb.toString()); modified = true; break; } } } } // Allow admin to supply a prefix for 035$a's lacking one if (aSubfield != null && !modified && valid_035a_format_pattern != null) { final Matcher matcher = valid_035a_format_pattern.matcher(aSubfield.getText()); // if it doesn't match, it's invalid if (!matcher.find()) { // Set $a to (OCoLC)%CONTROL_NUMBER% aSubfield.setText("(" + default_035a_org_code + ")" + aSubfield.getText()); modified = true; } } // If the $a has more than one prefix, only use the first one if (modified && aSubfield != null) { String aSubfieldText = aSubfield.getText(); if (aSubfieldText.contains("(") && aSubfieldText.contains(")")) aSubfield.setText(aSubfieldText.substring(0, aSubfieldText.indexOf(')') + 1) + aSubfieldText.substring(aSubfieldText.lastIndexOf(')') + 1)); } // remove preceeding 0s if (aSubfield != null && fix035_0s) { // Get value of $a String value = aSubfield.getText(); // Remove leading zeros in value. Ex. Change (OCoLC)000214052 to (OCoLC)214052 int indexOfBracket = value.indexOf(")"); if (indexOfBracket >= 0) { StringBuffer newValue = new StringBuffer(value.length()); int currInx = indexOfBracket + 1; newValue.append(value.substring(0, currInx)); // ignore any white space after closing parenthesis and before numeric while (String.valueOf(value.charAt(currInx)).matches("\\s")) currInx++; // now, ignore any leading zeroes while (value.charAt(currInx) == '0') currInx++; // finally, keep the rest newValue.append(value.substring(currInx)); // Set the new value back in subfield $a aSubfield.setText(newValue.toString()); } } // Remove unnecessary sub-b and sub-9 if (modified && bSubfield != null) { field035.removeContent(bSubfield); } if (modified && subfield9 != null) { field035.removeContent(subfield9); } } // end loop over 035 elements return marcXml; } /** * Removes duplicate 035 fields. * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager dedup035(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering dedup035 normalization step."); marcXml.stripSubfields("035", "a", null); marcXml.deduplicateMarcXmlField("035"); return marcXml; } /** * If 100 $4, 110 $4, or 111 $4 are empty and leader 06 is 'a', * set the empty $4 subfields to "aut". * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager roleAuthor(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering RoleAuthor normalization step."); // If leader 06 is 'a', set the $4 subfields of 100, 110 and 111 to "aut" if they're not already set if (marcXml.getLeader().charAt(6) == 'a') { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Setting 100, 110, and 111 $4 to \"aut\" if they're not set to something else already."); for (Element field100 : marcXml.getField100Element()) { if (marcXml.getSubfieldsOfField(field100, '4').size() <= 0) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Adding $4 to 100 with value aut."); // Add the subfield to the field with the specified value Element newSubfield = new Element("subfield", marcNamespace); newSubfield.setAttribute("code", "4"); newSubfield.setText("aut"); field100.addContent("\t").addContent(newSubfield).addContent("\n\t"); } } for (Element field110 : marcXml.getField110Element()) { if (marcXml.getSubfieldsOfField(field110, '4').size() <= 0) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Adding $4 to 110 with value aut."); // Add the subfield to the field with the specified value Element newSubfield = new Element("subfield", marcNamespace); newSubfield.setAttribute("code", "4"); newSubfield.setText("aut"); field110.addContent("\t").addContent(newSubfield).addContent("\n\t"); } } for (Element field111 : marcXml.getField111Element()) { if (marcXml.getSubfieldsOfField(field111, '4').size() <= 0) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Adding $4 to 111 with value aut."); // Add the subfield to the field with the specified value Element newSubfield = new Element("subfield", marcNamespace); newSubfield.setAttribute("code", "4"); newSubfield.setText("aut"); field111.addContent("\t").addContent(newSubfield).addContent("\n\t"); } } } return marcXml; } /** * If 100 $4, 110 $4, or 111 $4 are empty and leader 06 is 'c', * set the empty $4 subfields to "cmp". * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager roleComposer(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering RoleComposer normalization step."); // If leader 06 is 'c', set the $4 subfields of 100, 110 and 111 to "cmp" if they're not already set if (marcXml.getLeader().charAt(6) == 'c') { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Setting 100, 110, and 111 $4 to \"cmp\" if they're not set to something else already."); for (Element field100 : marcXml.getField100Element()) { if (marcXml.getSubfieldsOfField(field100, '4').size() <= 0) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Adding $4 to 100 with value cmp."); // Add the subfield to the field with the specified value Element newSubfield = new Element("subfield", marcNamespace); newSubfield.setAttribute("code", "4"); newSubfield.setText("cmp"); field100.addContent("\t").addContent(newSubfield).addContent("\n\t"); } } for (Element field110 : marcXml.getField110Element()) { if (marcXml.getSubfieldsOfField(field110, '4').size() <= 0) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Adding $4 to 110 with value cmp."); // Add the subfield to the field with the specified value Element newSubfield = new Element("subfield", marcNamespace); newSubfield.setAttribute("code", "4"); newSubfield.setText("cmp"); field110.addContent("\t").addContent(newSubfield).addContent("\n\t"); } } for (Element field111 : marcXml.getField111Element()) { if (marcXml.getSubfieldsOfField(field111, '4').size() <= 0) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Adding $4 to 111 with value cmp."); // Add the subfield to the field with the specified value Element newSubfield = new Element("subfield", marcNamespace); newSubfield.setAttribute("code", "4"); newSubfield.setText("cmp"); field111.addContent("\t").addContent(newSubfield).addContent("\n\t"); } } } return marcXml; } /** * If 130, 240, and 243 all don't exist and 245 does exist, copy the 245 into * a new 243 field. Only copies subfields afknp * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager uniformTitle(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering UniformTitle normalization step."); // If 130, 240, and 243 all don't exist and 245 does exist, copy the 245 into a new 240 field. // Only copy subfields afknp. if (marcXml.getField130() == null && marcXml.getField240() == null && marcXml.getField243() == null && marcXml.getField245() != null) { if (marcXml.getField100Element().size() > 0 || marcXml.getField110Element().size() > 0 || marcXml.getField111Element().size() > 0) marcXml.copyMarcXmlField("245", "240", "afknp", "0", "0", true); else marcXml.copyMarcXmlField("245", "130", "afknp", "0", " ", true); } return marcXml; } /** * Changes 655 $2 subfield to "NRUgenre" and deletes the 655 $5 subfield * for each 655 field with $2 = "local" and $5 = "NRU" * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private MarcXmlManager nruGenre(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering nruGenre normalization step."); // A list of all the 655 fields in the MARCXML record ArrayList<Element> field655elements = marcXml.getField655Elements(); // Fix each 655 with $2 = "local" and $5 = "NRU" for (Element field655 : field655elements) { // The $2 and $5 subfields Element subfield2 = null; Element subfield5 = null; // Get the control fields List<Element> subfields = field655.getChildren("subfield", marcNamespace); // Iterate over the subfields, and append each one to the subject display if it // is in the list of key 655 subfields for (Element subfield : subfields) { // Save the current subfield if it's the $2 subfield if (subfield.getAttribute("code").getValue().equals("2")) subfield2 = subfield; // Save the current subfield if it's the $5 subfield if (subfield.getAttribute("code").getValue().equals("5")) subfield5 = subfield; } // If the $2 is "local" and the $5 is "NRU", delete the $5 and set // the $2 to "NRUgenre" if (subfield2 != null && subfield5 != null && subfield2.getText().equals("local") && subfield5.getText().equals("NRU")) { field655.removeContent(subfield5); subfield2.setText("NRUgenre"); } } return marcXml; } /** * Copies relevant fields from the 600, 610, 611, 630, and 650 datafields into * 9xx fields. * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager topicSplit(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering TopicSplit normalization step."); // A list of the tags to copy ArrayList<String> tagsToCopy = new ArrayList<String>(); tagsToCopy.add("600"); tagsToCopy.add("610"); tagsToCopy.add("611"); tagsToCopy.add("630"); tagsToCopy.add("650"); // Copy the fields marcXml.splitField(tagsToCopy, FIELD_9XX_TOPIC_SPLIT, "vxyz"); // Add the fields which we want to copy just the $x subfield from tagsToCopy.add("648"); tagsToCopy.add("651"); tagsToCopy.add("652"); tagsToCopy.add("653"); tagsToCopy.add("654"); tagsToCopy.add("655"); // Copy just the $x subfields of the fields marcXml.splitField(tagsToCopy, FIELD_9XX_TOPIC_SPLIT, 'x'); return marcXml; } /** * Copies relevant fields from the 648 datafield into 9xx fields. * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager chronSplit(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering ChronSplit normalization step."); // A list of the tags to copy ArrayList<String> tagsToCopy = new ArrayList<String>(); tagsToCopy.add("648"); // Copy the fields marcXml.splitField(tagsToCopy, FIELD_9XX_CHRON_SPLIT, "vxyz"); // Add the fields which we want to copy just the $y subfield from tagsToCopy.add("600"); tagsToCopy.add("610"); tagsToCopy.add("611"); tagsToCopy.add("630"); tagsToCopy.add("650"); tagsToCopy.add("651"); tagsToCopy.add("652"); tagsToCopy.add("653"); tagsToCopy.add("654"); tagsToCopy.add("655"); // Copy just the $y subfields of the fields marcXml.splitField(tagsToCopy, FIELD_9XX_CHRON_SPLIT, 'y'); return marcXml; } /** * Copies relevant fields from the 651 datafield into 9xx fields. * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager geogSplit(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering GeogSplit normalization step."); // A list of the tags to copy ArrayList<String> tagsToCopy = new ArrayList<String>(); tagsToCopy.add("651"); // Copy the fields marcXml.splitField(tagsToCopy, FIELD_9XX_GEOG_SPLIT, "vxyz"); // Add the fields which we want to copy just the $z subfield from tagsToCopy.add("600"); tagsToCopy.add("610"); tagsToCopy.add("611"); tagsToCopy.add("630"); tagsToCopy.add("650"); tagsToCopy.add("648"); tagsToCopy.add("652"); tagsToCopy.add("653"); tagsToCopy.add("654"); tagsToCopy.add("655"); // Copy just the $z subfields of the fields marcXml.splitField(tagsToCopy, FIELD_9XX_GEOG_SPLIT, 'z'); return marcXml; } /** * Copies relevant fields from the 655 datafield into 9xx fields. * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager genreSplit(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering GenreSplit normalization step."); // A list of the tags to copy ArrayList<String> tagsToCopy = new ArrayList<String>(); tagsToCopy.add("655"); // Copy the fields marcXml.splitField(tagsToCopy, FIELD_9XX_GENRE_SPLIT, "vxyz"); // Reset tags to copy to contain only those fields which we want to copy just the $v subfield from tagsToCopy.add("600"); tagsToCopy.add("610"); tagsToCopy.add("611"); tagsToCopy.add("630"); tagsToCopy.add("650"); tagsToCopy.add("648"); tagsToCopy.add("652"); tagsToCopy.add("653"); tagsToCopy.add("654"); tagsToCopy.add("651"); // Copy just the $v subfields of the fields marcXml.splitField(tagsToCopy, FIELD_9XX_GENRE_SPLIT, 'v'); return marcXml; } /** * Removes duplicate DCMI type fields. * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager dedupDcmiType(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering DedupDCMIType normalization step."); marcXml.deduplicateMarcXmlField(FIELD_9XX_DCMI_TYPE); return marcXml; } /** * Removes duplicate 007 vocab fields. * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager dedup007Vocab(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering Dedup007Vocab normalization step."); marcXml.deduplicateMarcXmlField(FIELD_9XX_007_VOCAB); return marcXml; } private HashMap<String, String> get014keyValuePairs() { try { // there is probably a more righteous way to grab the service name. final PropertiesConfiguration props = new PropertiesConfiguration( MSTConfiguration.getUrlPath() + "/services/" + getUtil().normalizeName("MARCNormalization") + "/META-INF/classes/xc/mst/services/"); // substitutions.014.key=ocm, pitt, roc // substitutions.014.value=OCoLC, steel, flour final List<String> keys = Util.castList(String.class, props.getList("substitutions.014.key")); final List<String> values = Util.castList(String.class, props.getList("substitutions.014.value")); HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) { // want a guaranteed order if (values.get(i) != null) { map.put(keys.get(i), values.get(i)); } else { LOG.error("Error less values in substitutions.014.value than keys in substitutions.014.key"); } } return map; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error loading for service: " + this.getServiceName(), e); return null; } } /** * if the field 014 has a value beginning with the characters 'ocm' , add a subfield b to the 014 containing the characters 'OCoLC' */ private MarcXmlManager add014source(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Entering add014source normalization step."); } if (m_map_014keyValuePairs == null) { LOG.error("Can not check for 014 datafields - nothing in configuration for 014 data checking."); return marcXml; } // Get dataFiled with tag=014 List<Element> dataFields = marcXml.getDataFields("014"); // Loop through the 014 - note, there will only be 1, max! for (Element dataField : dataFields) { // Get all $a for that field (there will only be 1 max) final List<Element> field014subfieldA = marcXml.getSubfieldsOfField(dataField, 'a'); // both $a and $b are (NR) fields (non repeatable) // , check the 014 $a value, if it has what we are looking for, populate $b, if necessary. Element _field014subfieldA; if (field014subfieldA != null) { if (field014subfieldA.size() > 0) { _field014subfieldA = field014subfieldA.get(0); for (String key : m_map_014keyValuePairs.keySet()) { if (_field014subfieldA.getText().startsWith(key)) { LOG.debug("*** Found match " + _field014subfieldA.getText() + " for key:" + key); // not really expecting to find subfield b but need to check. final ArrayList<String> field014subfieldB = marcXml.getField014subfieldB(); if (field014subfieldB != null) { if (field014subfieldB.size() > 0) { // problem LOG.error("** SUBFIELD B ALREADY EXISTS! " + field014subfieldB.get(0)); } else { // Add the $b subfield to the MARC XML field 014 Element newSubfieldB = new Element("subfield", marcNamespace); newSubfieldB.setAttribute("code", "b"); newSubfieldB.setText(m_map_014keyValuePairs.get(key)); // Add the $b subfield to the new dataField dataField.addContent("\n\t").addContent(newSubfieldB).addContent("\n"); } } else { // Add the $b subfield to the MARC XML field 014 Element newSubfieldB = new Element("subfield", marcNamespace); newSubfieldB.setAttribute("code", "b"); newSubfieldB.setText(m_map_014keyValuePairs.get(key)); // Add the $b subfield to the new datafield dataField.addContent("\n\t").addContent(newSubfieldB).addContent("\n"); } break; } else { LOG.debug( "*** No match yet for " + _field014subfieldA.getText() + " tried key: " + key); } } } } } return marcXml; } /** * Replaces the location code in 852 $b with the name of the location it represents. * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager bibLocationName(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering bibLocationName normalization step."); // The 852 $l value ArrayList<String> field852subfieldBs = marcXml.getField852subfieldBs(); // Pull the location mapping from the configuration file based on the 852 $l value. for (String field852subfieldB : field852subfieldBs) { String location = locationNameProperties.getProperty(field852subfieldB.replace(' ', '_'), null); // If there was no mapping for the provided 852 $b, we can't create the field. In this case return the unmodified MARCXML if (location == null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Cannot find a location mapping for the 852 $b value of " + field852subfieldB + ", returning the unmodified MARCXML."); return marcXml; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Found the location " + location + " for the 852 $b value of " + field852subfieldB + "."); // Set the 852 $l value to the location we found for the location code. marcXml.setMarcXmlSubfield("852", "b", location, field852subfieldB); } return marcXml; } /** * For the location code in 852 $b, it assigns corresponding location name to new 852 $c. * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager holdingsLocationName(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering holdingsLocationName normalization step."); // Get dataField with tag=852 List<Element> dataFields = marcXml.getDataFields("852"); // Loop through the 852 for (Element dataField : dataFields) { // Get all $b for that field List<Element> subFieldsB = marcXml.getSubfieldsOfField(dataField, 'b'); // Loop through the $b values for (Element subFieldB : subFieldsB) { int index = dataField.indexOf(subFieldB); String limitName = locationNameProperties.getProperty(subFieldB.getText().replace(' ', '_'), null); // If there was no mapping for the provided 852 $b, we can't set the value. In this case do nothing and start looking at next $b if (limitName == null) { continue; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Found the location " + limitName + " for the 852 $b value of " + subFieldB.getText() + "."); // Add the $c subfield to the MARC XML field 852 Element newSubfieldC = new Element("subfield", marcNamespace); newSubfieldC.setAttribute("code", "c"); newSubfieldC.setText(limitName); // Add the $c subfield to the new datafield dataField.addContent("\n\t").addContent(index + 1, newSubfieldC).addContent("\n"); } } return marcXml; } /** * For the location code in 852 $b, it assigns corresponding location limit name to 852 $b. * In case of more than 1 limit name exist then put each limit name in separate $b within same 852 * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager locationLimitName(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering locationLimitName normalization step."); // Get dataField with tag=852 List<Element> dataFields = marcXml.getDataFields("852"); // Loop through the 852 for (Element dataField : dataFields) { // Get all $b for that field List<Element> subFieldsB = marcXml.getSubfieldsOfField(dataField, 'b'); // Loop through the $b values for (Element subFieldB : subFieldsB) { String limitNames = locationLimitNameProperties.getProperty(subFieldB.getText().replace(' ', '_'), null); // If there was no mapping for the provided 852 $b, we can't set the value. In this case do nothing and start looking at next $b if (limitNames == null) { continue; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Found the location " + limitNames + " for the 852 $b value of " + subFieldB.getText() + "."); // Limit names are delimited by | StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(limitNames, "|"); int tokenCount = 1; while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String limitName = tokenizer.nextToken().trim(); if (tokenCount == 1) { subFieldB.setText(limitName); } else { // Add the $b subfield to the MARC XML field 852 Element newSubfieldB = new Element("subfield", marcNamespace); newSubfieldB.setAttribute("code", "b"); newSubfieldB.setText(limitName); // Add the $b subfield to the new datafield dataField.addContent("\n\t").addContent(newSubfieldB).addContent("\n"); } tokenCount++; } } } return marcXml; } /** * Replaces the location code in 945 $l with the name of the location it represents. * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager IIILocationName(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering IIILocationName normalization step."); // The 945 $l value ArrayList<String> field945subfieldLs = marcXml.getField945subfieldLs(); // Pull the location mapping from the configuration file based on the 852 $l value. for (String field945subfieldL : field945subfieldLs) { String location = locationNameProperties.getProperty(field945subfieldL.replace(' ', '_'), null); // If there was no mapping for the provided 945 $l, we can't create the field. In this case return the unmodified MARCXML if (location == null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Cannot find a location mapping for the 945 $l value of " + field945subfieldL + ", returning the unmodified MARCXML."); return marcXml; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Found the location " + location + " for the 945 $l value of " + field945subfieldL + "."); // Set the 945 $l value to the location we found for the location code. marcXml.setMarcXmlSubfield("945", "l", location, field945subfieldL); } return marcXml; } /** * Removes 945 field if there is no $5 field with organization code * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private MarcXmlManager remove945Field(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering remove945Field normalization step."); // The 945 $l value List<Element> field945s = marcXml.getField945(); for (Element field945 : field945s) { // Get the subfields of the current element List<Element> subfields = field945.getChildren("subfield", marcNamespace); boolean remove945 = true; // Check if $5 is present as a subfield with institution code for (Element subfield : subfields) { if (subfield.getAttribute("code").getValue().equals("5") && subfield.getText().equals(getOrganizationCode())) { // Remove this field remove945 = false; } } if (remove945) { marcXml.remove945(field945); } } return marcXml; } /** * Copies relevant fields from the 651 datafield into 9xx fields. * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager separateName(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering SeparateName normalization step."); // A list of the tags to copy ArrayList<String> tagsToCopy = new ArrayList<String>(); tagsToCopy.add("700"); tagsToCopy.add("710"); tagsToCopy.add("711"); // Copy the fields, but only if they contain a $t subfield marcXml.separateNames(tagsToCopy, FIELD_9XX_SEPARATE_NAME); return marcXml; } /** * Create a 246 field without an initial article whenever a 245 exists with an initial article. * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager titleArticle(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering TitleArticle normalization step."); // Get dataFiled with tag=245 List<Element> dataFields = marcXml.getDataFields("245"); for (Element dataField : dataFields) { // Execute step only if 1st indicator is 1 & 2nd indicator is not 0 for tag=245 if (marcXml.getIndicatorOfField(dataField, "1").equals("1") && !marcXml.getIndicatorOfField(dataField, "2").equals("0") && !marcXml.getIndicatorOfField(dataField, "2").equals(" ") && !marcXml.getIndicatorOfField(dataField, "2").equals("")) { // Create field 246 marcXml.copyMarcXmlField("245", "246", "anpf", "3", "0", true); // Deduplicate 246 marcXml.deduplicateMarcXmlField("246"); } } return marcXml; } /** * Removes duplicate 959, 963, 965, 967, and 969 fields * * @param marcXml * The original MARCXML record * @return The MARCXML record after performing this normalization step. */ private MarcXmlManager dedup9XX(MarcXmlManager marcXml) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Entering Dedup9XX normalization step."); marcXml.deduplicateMarcXmlField(FIELD_9XX_CHRON_SPLIT); marcXml.deduplicateMarcXmlField(FIELD_9XX_TOPIC_SPLIT); marcXml.deduplicateMarcXmlField(FIELD_9XX_GEOG_SPLIT); marcXml.deduplicateMarcXmlField(FIELD_9XX_GENRE_SPLIT); marcXml.deduplicateMarcXml959Field(); return marcXml; } /** * Returns true if the passed language is valid and false otherwise. The following languages are invalid: * "mul", "N/A", "xxx", "und", " ", and languages with more or less than three characters * * * @param language * The language code we're testing * @return true if the passed language is valid and false otherwise. */ private boolean isLanguageValid(String language) { String languageLower = (language != null ? language.toLowerCase() : null); return (languageLower != null && languageLower.length() == 3 && !languageLower.contains("|") && !languageLower.equals("mul") && !languageLower.equals("n/a") && !languageLower.equals("xxx") && !languageLower.equals("und") && !languageLower.equals("zxx")); } @Override public void loadConfiguration(String configuration) { String[] configurationLines = configuration.split("\n"); // The Properties file we're currently populating Properties current = null; LOG.debug("loadConfiguration: " + this); for (String line : configurationLines) { line = line.trim(); // Skip comments and blank lines if (line.startsWith("#") || line.length() == 0) continue; // If the line contains a property, add it to the current Properties Object else if (line.contains("=")) { String key = line.substring(0, line.indexOf('=')).trim(); String value = (line.contains("#") ? line.substring(line.indexOf('=') + 1, line.indexOf('#')) : line.substring(line.indexOf('=') + 1)).trim(); current.setProperty(key, value); } // Otherwise check whether the line contains a valid properties heading else { if (line.equals("LOCATION CODE TO LOCATION")) { if (locationNameProperties == null) locationNameProperties = new Properties(); current = locationNameProperties; } if (line.equals("LOCATION CODE TO LOCATION LIMIT NAME")) { if (locationLimitNameProperties == null) locationLimitNameProperties = new Properties(); current = locationLimitNameProperties; } else if (line.equals("LEADER 06 TO DCMI TYPE")) { if (dcmiType06Properties == null) dcmiType06Properties = new Properties(); current = dcmiType06Properties; } else if (line.equals("LEADER 06 TO MARC VOCAB")) { if (leader06MarcVocabProperties == null) leader06MarcVocabProperties = new Properties(); current = leader06MarcVocabProperties; } else if (line.equals("LEADER 06 TO FULL TYPE")) { if (vocab06Properties == null) vocab06Properties = new Properties(); current = vocab06Properties; } else if (line.equals("LEADER 07 TO MODE OF ISSUANCE")) { if (modeOfIssuanceProperties == null) modeOfIssuanceProperties = new Properties(); current = modeOfIssuanceProperties; } else if (line.equals("FIELD 007 OFFSET 00 TO DCMI TYPE")) { if (dcmiType0007Properties == null) dcmiType0007Properties = new Properties(); current = dcmiType0007Properties; } else if (line.equals("FIELD 007 OFFSET 00 TO FULL TYPE")) { if (vocab007Properties == null) vocab007Properties = new Properties(); current = vocab007Properties; } else if (line.equals("FIELD 007 OFFSET 00 TO SMD TYPE")) { if (smdType007Properties == null) smdType007Properties = new Properties(); current = smdType007Properties; } else if (line.equals("LANGUAGE CODE TO LANGUAGE")) { if (languageTermProperties == null) languageTermProperties = new Properties(); current = languageTermProperties; } else if (line.equals("FIELD 006/008 OFFSET TO AUDIENCE")) { if (audienceFrom006_008Properties == null) audienceFrom006_008Properties = new Properties(); current = audienceFrom006_008Properties; } else if (line.equals("FIELD 006/008 OFFSET 23 TO FORM OF ITEM")) { if (formFrom006_008Properties == null) formFrom006_008Properties = new Properties(); current = formFrom006_008Properties; } else if (line.equals("ENABLED STEPS")) { if (enabledSteps == null) enabledSteps = new Properties(); current = enabledSteps; } } } } @Override protected void validateService() throws ServiceValidationException { if (locationNameProperties == null) throw new ServiceValidationException( "Service configuration file is missing the required section: LOCATION CODE TO LOCATION"); else if (dcmiType06Properties == null) throw new ServiceValidationException( "Service configuration file is missing the required section: LEADER 06 TO DCMI TYPE"); else if (leader06MarcVocabProperties == null) throw new ServiceValidationException( "Service configuration file is missing the required section: LEADER 06 TO MARC VOCAB"); else if (vocab06Properties == null) throw new ServiceValidationException( "Service configuration file is missing the required section: LEADER 06 TO FULL TYPE"); else if (modeOfIssuanceProperties == null) throw new ServiceValidationException( "Service configuration file is missing the required section: LEADER 07 TO MODE OF ISSUANCE"); else if (dcmiType0007Properties == null) throw new ServiceValidationException( "Service configuration file is missing the required section: FIELD 007 OFFSET 00 TO DCMI TYPE"); else if (vocab007Properties == null) throw new ServiceValidationException( "Service configuration file is missing the required section: FIELD 007 OFFSET 00 TO FULL TYPE"); else if (smdType007Properties == null) throw new ServiceValidationException( "Service configuration file is missing the required section: FIELD 007 OFFSET 00 TO SMD TYPE"); else if (languageTermProperties == null) throw new ServiceValidationException( "Service configuration file is missing the required section: LANGUAGE CODE TO LANGUAGE"); else if (audienceFrom006_008Properties == null) throw new ServiceValidationException( "Service configuration file is missing the required section: FIELD 008 OFFSET 22 TO AUDIENCE"); else if (formFrom006_008Properties == null) throw new ServiceValidationException( "Service configuration file is missing the required section: FIELD 006/008 OFFSET 23 TO FORM OF ITEM"); else if (enabledSteps == null) throw new ServiceValidationException( "Service configuration file is missing the required section: ENABLED STEPS"); else if (getSourceOfOrganizationCode()) { setupOrganizationCodeProperties(); } else if (!getSourceOfOrganizationCode()) { if (getOrganizationCode() == null) throw new ServiceValidationException( "Service configuration file Organization Code error: Please set an OrganizationCode."); if (getOrganizationCode().equals("CHANGE_ME")) throw new ServiceValidationException( "Service configuration file Organization Code error: Please change CHANGE_ME to a valid OrganizationCode."); } else if (locationLimitNameProperties == null) throw new ServiceValidationException( "Service configuration file is missing the required section: LOCATION CODE TO LOCATION LIMIT NAME"); setupFix035Parameters(); } protected boolean needToFix035() { return substitute035_a != null || substitute035_9 != null || substitute035_a_b != null || enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ENABLED_035_LEADING_ZERO, "0").equals("1"); } protected void setupFix035Parameters() throws ServiceValidationException { int num035_aProperties = 0; try { num035_aProperties = Integer.parseInt(enabledSteps.getProperty("Substitute035_aWithMap.NumberOfRows")); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { num035_aProperties = 0; substitute035_a = null; } if (num035_aProperties > 0) { substitute035_a = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>(num035_aProperties); for (int i = 1; i <= num035_aProperties; i++) { HashMap<String, Object> parms = new HashMap<String, Object>(2); // currently 2 parms each instance final String matchPrefixString = enabledSteps .getProperty("Substitute035_aWithMap." + i + ".MatchPrefix", ""); if (matchPrefixString.length() > 0) { Pattern matchPrefix = Pattern.compile(matchPrefixString); parms.put("MatchPrefix", matchPrefix); parms.put("ReplaceWith", enabledSteps.getProperty("Substitute035_aWithMap." + i + ".ReplaceWith", "")); } else { parms.put("MatchPrefix", null); } substitute035_a.add(i - 1, parms); } } int num035_9Properties = 0; try { num035_9Properties = Integer.parseInt(enabledSteps.getProperty("Substitute035_9WithMap.NumberOfRows")); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { num035_9Properties = 0; substitute035_9 = null; } if (num035_9Properties > 0) { substitute035_9 = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>(num035_9Properties); for (int i = 1; i <= num035_9Properties; i++) { HashMap<String, Object> parms = new HashMap<String, Object>(2); // currently 2 parms each instance final String matchPrefixString = enabledSteps .getProperty("Substitute035_9WithMap." + i + ".MatchPrefix", ""); if (matchPrefixString.length() > 0) { Pattern matchPrefix = Pattern.compile(matchPrefixString); parms.put("MatchPrefix", matchPrefix); parms.put("ReplaceWith", enabledSteps.getProperty("Substitute035_9WithMap." + i + ".ReplaceWith", "")); } else { parms.put("MatchPrefix", null); } substitute035_9.add(i - 1, parms); } } int num035_a_bProperties = 0; try { num035_a_bProperties = Integer .parseInt(enabledSteps.getProperty("Substitute035_a_bWithMap.NumberOfRows")); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { num035_a_bProperties = 0; substitute035_a_b = null; } if (num035_a_bProperties > 0) { substitute035_a_b = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>(num035_a_bProperties); for (int i = 1; i <= num035_a_bProperties; i++) { HashMap<String, String> parms = new HashMap<String, String>(2); // currently 2 parms each instance final String matchPrefixString = enabledSteps .getProperty("Substitute035_a_bWithMap." + i + ".MatchPrefix", ""); if (matchPrefixString.length() > 0) { parms.put("MatchPrefix", matchPrefixString); parms.put("ReplaceWith", enabledSteps.getProperty("Substitute035_a_bWithMap." + i + ".ReplaceWith", "")); } else { parms.put("MatchPrefix", null); } substitute035_a_b.add(i - 1, parms); } } final String valid_035a_format = enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_VALID_035A_FORMAT, ""); default_035a_org_code = enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_DEFAULT_035A_ORG_CODE, ""); if (valid_035a_format.length() > 0 && default_035a_org_code.length() > 0) { try { valid_035a_format_pattern = Pattern.compile(valid_035a_format); } catch (Exception e) { valid_035a_format_pattern = null; } } } protected boolean getSourceOfOrganizationCode() { return enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_SOURCE_OF_MARC_ORG, "0").equals("1"); } protected void setupOrganizationCodeProperties() throws ServiceValidationException { int num001Properties = 0; boolean valid = true; try { num001Properties = Integer.parseInt(enabledSteps.getProperty("001Config.NumberOfRows")); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { valid = false; } if (num001Properties < 1) valid = false; if (!valid) { throw new ServiceValidationException( "Service configuration file Organization Code error: 001Config.NumberOfRows must be an integer value greater than zero."); } orgCodeProperties001 = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>(num001Properties); // # 001Config.<row>=<Source_repository_URL>,<Supply_001_for_Bib>,<Check_for_Holdings_001> HashMap<String, String> uniqueURLs = new HashMap<String, String>(num001Properties); for (int i = 1; i <= num001Properties; i++) { String row = enabledSteps.getProperty("001Config." + i); CSVParser csv = new CSVParser(new StringReader(row), CSVStrategy.EXCEL_STRATEGY); try { String values[] = csv.getLine(); if (values.length != 3) { throw new ServiceValidationException( "Service configuration file Organization Code error: Couldn't parse 001Config row: expecting 3 values separated by commas."); } if (uniqueURLs.containsKey(values[0])) { throw new ServiceValidationException( "Service configuration file Organization Code error: <Source_repository_URLs> must all be unique."); } uniqueURLs.put(values[0], values[0]); HashMap<String, String> hm = new HashMap<String, String>(2); String[] yn = { "Y", "N" }; ValidateSOCConfig(true, "Supply_001_for_Bib", values[1], yn); hm.put("Supply_001_for_Bib", values[1]); ValidateSOCConfig(true, "Check_for_Holdings_001", values[2], yn); hm.put("Check_for_Holdings_001", values[2]); orgCodeProperties001.put(values[0], hm); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ServiceValidationException( "Service configuration file Organization Code error: Couldn't parse 001Config row: " + e.getMessage()); } } int num003Properties = 0; try { num003Properties = Integer.parseInt(enabledSteps.getProperty("003Config.NumberOfRows")); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { valid = false; } if (num003Properties < 1) valid = false; if (!valid) { throw new ServiceValidationException( "Service configuration file Organization Code error: 003Config.NumberOfRows must be an integer value greater than zero."); } orgCodeProperties003 = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>(num003Properties); // # 003Config.<row>=<Source repository_URL>,<MARC_Org_Code>,<Check_Bib_003>,<Overwrite_Bib_003>,<Check_Holdings_003>,<Overwrite_Holdings_003> uniqueURLs = new HashMap<String, String>(num003Properties); for (int i = 1; i <= num003Properties; i++) { String row = enabledSteps.getProperty("003Config." + i); CSVParser csv = new CSVParser(new StringReader(row), CSVStrategy.EXCEL_STRATEGY); try { String values[] = csv.getLine(); if (values.length != 6) { throw new ServiceValidationException( "Service configuration file Organization Code error: Couldn't parse 003Config row: expecting 6 values separated by commas."); } if (uniqueURLs.containsKey(values[0])) { throw new ServiceValidationException( "Service configuration file Organization Code error: <Source_repository_URLs> must all be unique."); } uniqueURLs.put(values[0], values[0]); HashMap<String, String> hm = new HashMap<String, String>(5); if (values[1].length() < 1) ValidateSOCConfig(false, "MARC_Org_Code", null, null); hm.put("MARC_Org_Code", values[1]); String[] ynm0 = { "Y", "N", "M", "0" }; ValidateSOCConfig(false, "Check_Bib_003", values[2], ynm0); hm.put("Check_Bib_003", values[2]); String[] yn = { "Y", "N" }; ValidateSOCConfig(false, "Overwrite_Bib_003", values[3], yn); hm.put("Overwrite_Bib_003", values[3]); ValidateSOCConfig(false, "Check_Holdings_003", values[4], ynm0); hm.put("Check_Holdings_003", values[4]); ValidateSOCConfig(false, "Overwrite_Holdings_003", values[5], yn); hm.put("Overwrite_Holdings_003", values[5]); orgCodeProperties003.put(values[0], hm); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ServiceValidationException( "Service configuration file Organization Code error: Couldn't parse 003Config row: " + e.getMessage()); } } } private void ValidateSOCConfig(boolean is001, String param, String val, String[] valids) throws ServiceValidationException { String fatalError = is001 ? "001" : "003"; fatalError += "Config is set up incorrectly for parameter " + param; if (val == null || valids == null) { throw new ServiceValidationException(fatalError); } boolean isValid = false; for (String valid : valids) { if (valid.equalsIgnoreCase(val)) { isValid = true; break; } } if (!isValid) { throw new ServiceValidationException(fatalError); } } protected String getOrganizationCode() { return organizationCode == null ? enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_ORG_CODE) : organizationCode; } private void setOrganizationCode(String org) { this.organizationCode = org; } protected boolean sourceOf9XXFieldsEnabled() { return enabledSteps.getProperty(CONFIG_SOURCE_OF_9XX_FIELDS).equals("1"); } /* * //for solr indexer * public List<RegisteredData> getRegisteredIdentifiers(InputRecord ri) { * //implement here is decide to go back to way where individual service provides identifiers. * // Get the 001 and 003 control fields * * // The XML after normalizing the record * Element marcXml = null; * * //TimingLogger.start("create dom"); * ri.setMode(Record.JDOM_MODE); * marcXml = ri.getOaiXmlEl(); * //TimingLogger.stop("create dom"); * * // Create a MarcXmlManagerForNormalizationService for the record * MarcXmlManager normalizedXml = new MarcXmlManager(marcXml, getOrganizationCode()); * normalizedXml.setInputRecord(ri); * * ArrayList<RegisteredData> identifiers = new ArrayList<RegisteredData> (); * String control001 = normalizedXml.getField001(); * String control245 = normalizedXml.getField245(); * * if (control001 != null) { * identifiers.add(new RegisteredData("id_001_key", control001, "001")); * } * // call it 'title?' * if (control245 != null) { * identifiers.add(new RegisteredData("id_title_key", control245, "title")); * } * if (identifiers.size() <1) { * LOG.error("*** NO NORM. IDENTIFIERS FOUND! for"+ri.getId()); * } * return identifiers; * } */ protected void applyRulesToRecordCounts(RecordCounts mostRecentIncomingRecordCounts) { /* * contains starting point for properties fetched here. * rule_checking_enabled=true */ // need to get input record counts to Norm (incoming are all that exist) and normalization outgoing record counts, and run rules. if (MSTConfiguration.getInstance().getPropertyAsBoolean("rule_checking_enabled", false)) { final Logger LOG2 = getRulesLogger(); try { RecordCounts rcIn; RecordCounts rcOut; try { Service s = service; if (s == null) { LOG2.error("*** can not calculate record counts, no service found"); return; } rcIn = getRecordCountsDAO().getTotalIncomingRecordCounts(s.getName()); if (rcIn == null) { LOG2.error("*** can not calculate record counts null recordCounts returned for service: " + s.getName()); return; } rcOut = getRecordCountsDAO().getTotalOutgoingRecordCounts(s.getName()); if (rcOut == null) { LOG2.error("*** can not calculate record counts null recordCounts returned for service: " + s.getName()); return; } } catch (Exception e) { LOG2.error("*** can not calculate record counts: ", e); return; } // TODO: Bug?: The UNEXPECTED_ERROR counts retrieved can be null! Map<String, AtomicInteger> counts4typeIn_t = rcIn.getCounts().get(RecordCounts.TOTALS); Map<String, AtomicInteger> counts4typeIn_b = rcIn.getCounts().get("b"); Map<String, AtomicInteger> counts4typeIn_h = rcIn.getCounts().get("h"); Map<String, AtomicInteger> counts4typeOut_t = rcOut.getCounts().get(RecordCounts.TOTALS); Map<String, AtomicInteger> counts4typeOut_b = rcOut.getCounts().get("b"); Map<String, AtomicInteger> counts4typeOut_h = rcOut.getCounts().get("h"); // TODO this belongs in dynamic script so it can be modified easily - pass array of values to script."%%%");"message.ruleCheckingHeaderNormalization"));// = Rules for Normalization:"message.ruleNormalizationNTIA_eq_NTOA"));// = Norm Total Active In = Normalization Total Active Out String result = ""; try { if (counts4typeIn_t.get(RecordCounts.NEW_ACTIVE).get() == counts4typeOut_t .get(RecordCounts.NEW_ACTIVE).get()) { result = " ** PASS **"; } else { result = " ** FAIL **"; }"NTIA=" + counts4typeIn_t.get(RecordCounts.NEW_ACTIVE) + ", NTOA=" + counts4typeOut_t.get(RecordCounts.NEW_ACTIVE) + result); } catch (Exception e2) {"Could not calculate previous rule, null data"); }"message.ruleNormalizationNBIA_eq_NBOA"));// = Norm Bibs In Active = Normalization Bibs Out Active try { if (counts4typeIn_b.get(RecordCounts.NEW_ACTIVE).get() == counts4typeOut_b .get(RecordCounts.NEW_ACTIVE).get()) { result = " ** PASS **"; } else { result = " ** FAIL **"; }"NBIA=" + counts4typeIn_b.get(RecordCounts.NEW_ACTIVE) + ", NBOA=" + counts4typeOut_b.get(RecordCounts.NEW_ACTIVE) + result); } catch (Exception e1) {"Could not calculate previous rule, null data"); }"message.ruleNormalizationNHIA_eq_NHOA"));// = Norm Holdings In Active = Normalization Holdings Out Active try { if (counts4typeIn_h.get(RecordCounts.NEW_ACTIVE).get() == counts4typeOut_h .get(RecordCounts.NEW_ACTIVE).get()) { result = " ** PASS **"; } else { result = " ** FAIL **"; }"NHIA=" + counts4typeIn_h.get(RecordCounts.NEW_ACTIVE) + ", NHOA=" + counts4typeOut_h.get(RecordCounts.NEW_ACTIVE) + result); } catch (Exception e) {"Could not calculate previous rule, null data"); }"%%%"); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("", e); LOG2.error("", e); } } } }