Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2009 eXtensible Catalog Organization * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT/X11 license. The text of the * license can be found at and copy of the license can be found on the project * website * */ package xc.mst.repo; import gnu.trove.TLongArrayList; import gnu.trove.TLongByteHashMap; import gnu.trove.TLongHashSet; import gnu.trove.TLongIterator; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException; import org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.BatchPreparedStatementSetter; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.PreparedStatementCallback; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.PreparedStatementSetter; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.SimpleJdbcCall; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import xc.mst.cache.DynKeyLongMap; import xc.mst.constants.Constants; import xc.mst.dao.BaseDAO; import xc.mst.dao.record.MessageDAO; import xc.mst.utils.MSTConfiguration; import xc.mst.utils.TimingLogger; import xc.mst.utils.Util; public class RepositoryDAO extends BaseDAO { private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(RepositoryDAO.class); public final static String RECORDS_TABLE = "records"; public final static String RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE = "record_updates"; public final static String RECORDS_XML_TABLE = "records_xml"; public final static String RECORDS_SETS_TABLE = "record_sets"; public final static String RECORD_PREDECESSORS_TABLE = "record_predecessors"; public final static String RECORD_OAI_IDS = "record_oai_ids"; public final static String REPOS_TABLE = "repos"; public final static String RECORD_LINKS_TABLE = "record_links"; public final static String PROPERTIES = "properties"; public final static String PREV_INCOMING_RECORD_STATUSES = "prev_incoming_record_statuses"; public int lastCompleteListSizeMethod = 0; protected Lock oaiIdLock = new ReentrantLock(); protected int nextId = -1; protected int nextIdInDB = -1; protected SimpleJdbcCall getNextOaiId = null; protected final static String RECORDS_TABLE_COLUMNS = "r.record_id, " + "r.oai_datestamp, " + "r.format_id, " + "r.status, " + "r.type, " + "r.prev_status "; protected final static String RECORD_MESSAGES_TABLE_COLUMNS = "rm.record_message_id, " + "rm.rec_in_out, " + "rm.record_id, " + "rm.msg_code, " + "rm.msg_level, " + "rm.service_id, " + "rm.detail "; protected boolean inBatch = false; protected List<Record> recordsToAdd = null; protected Map<Long, Record> recordsToAddInx = null; public void init() { LOG.debug("RepositoryDAO.init()"); recordsToAdd = new ArrayList<Record>(); recordsToAddInx = new HashMap<Long, Record>(); try { if (!tableExists(REPOS_TABLE)) { for (String file : new String[] { "xc/mst/repo/sql/create_repo_platform.sql", "xc/mst/repo/sql/create_oai_id_seq.sql" }) { executeServiceDBScripts(file); } } else { // getversion and update if necessary // you should update all the tables here so that you can do it in a transaction } } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.debug("", t); getUtil().throwIt(t); } } // probably a bad idea exposing some of this implementation stuff but am going for it. public boolean haveUnpersistedRecord(Long id) { return recordsToAddInx == null ? false : recordsToAddInx.containsKey(id); } public Record getUnpersistedRecord(long id) { if (haveUnpersistedRecord(id)) { return recordsToAddInx.get(id); } return null; } public boolean deleteUnpersistedRecord(Long id) { Record recordToDelete = getUnpersistedRecord(id); if (recordToDelete != null) { recordsToAdd.remove(recordToDelete); recordsToAddInx.remove(id); return true; } return false; } public Repository createRepository(Provider provider) { Repository r = (Repository) config.getBean("Repository"); r.setProvider(provider); r.setName(provider.getName()); createRepo(r); return r; } public void createRepository(Service service) { Repository r = (Repository) config.getBean("Repository"); r.setService(service); r.setName(service.getName()); createRepo(r); } @Override public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { super.setDataSource(dataSource); this.getNextOaiId = new SimpleJdbcCall(jdbcTemplate).withFunctionName("get_next_oai_id"); } public List<Repository> getAll() { List<Repository> repos = this.jdbcTemplate .query("select r.repo_name, p.provider_id,, p.oai_provider_url " + "from repos r, providers p " + "where p.provider_id = r.provider_id", new RepoMapper()); List<Repository> tempRepos = this.jdbcTemplate.query("select r.repo_name, s.service_id, s.service_name " + "from repos r, services s " + "where s.service_id = r.service_id", new RepoMapper()); if (tempRepos != null) { repos.addAll(tempRepos); } return repos; } public int getNumRecords(String name) { return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForInt("select count(*) from " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE)); } public int getNumActiveRecords(String name) { return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForInt("select count(*) from " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE) + " where status = '" + Record.ACTIVE + "'"); } public Date getLastModified(String name) { // the below change was recommended by Kyushu developers, GC issue 316 return (Date) this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject( "select addtime(max(date_updated), '0 0:0:1') from " + getTableName(name, RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE), Date.class); } public Date getLastModifiedOai(String name) { return (Date) this.jdbcTemplate .queryForObject("select max(oai_datestamp) from " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE), Date.class); } public List<Record> getSuccessors(String name, long id) { String sql = "select " + RECORDS_TABLE_COLUMNS + ", x.xml " + "from " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE) + " r, " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_XML_TABLE) + " x, " + getTableName(name, RECORD_PREDECESSORS_TABLE) + " rp " + "where rp.pred_record_id = ? " + "and rp.record_id = r.record_id " + "and x.record_id = r.record_id"; return this.jdbcTemplate.query(sql, new Object[] { id }, new RecordMapper(new String[] { RECORDS_TABLE, RECORDS_XML_TABLE }, this)); } public List<Long> getPredecessors(String name, long id) { String sql = "select rp.pred_record_id " + "from " + getTableName(name, RECORD_PREDECESSORS_TABLE) + " rp " + "where rp.record_id = ? "; return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, Long.class, id); } protected String getTableName(String repoName, String tableName) { return " " + getUtil().getDBSchema(repoName) + "." + tableName; } public int getSize(String name) { return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForInt("select count(*) from " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE)); } public long resetIdSequence(long id) { this.nextId = -1; this.nextIdInDB = -1; oaiIdLock.lock(); long retId = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForLong("select id from oai_id_sequence"); this.jdbcTemplate.update("update oai_id_sequence set id=?", id); oaiIdLock.unlock(); return retId; } public void injectId(Record r) { r.setId(getNextIdAndIncr()); } public long getNextIdAndIncr() { oaiIdLock.lock(); if (nextId == nextIdInDB) { // special case: when we are restarting the MST, let's use a continuous sequence of IDs // (i.e., no "holes"). This is especially helpful during MST testing and regression testing. if (nextId == -1) { resetNextId(); } int idsAtOnce = 1000; nextId = this.getNextOaiId.executeObject(Integer.class, idsAtOnce); nextIdInDB = nextId + idsAtOnce; } long id = this.nextId; this.nextId++; oaiIdLock.unlock(); return id; } public void resetNextId() { long maxId = -1; List<Repository> allRepos = getAll(); for (Repository r : allRepos) { long retId = this.jdbcTemplate .queryForLong("select max(record_id) from " + getTableName(r.getName(), RECORDS_TABLE)); if (retId > maxId) maxId = retId; } if (maxId != -1) { maxId++; this.jdbcTemplate.update("update oai_id_sequence set id=?", maxId); } } public long getNextId() { return this.nextId + 1; } public void addRecords(String name, List<Record> records) { addRecords(name, records, false); } public void addRecord(String name, Record r) { recordsToAdd.add(r); recordsToAddInx.put(r.getId(), r); } public void addRecords(String name, List<Record> records, boolean force) { for (Record r : records) { recordsToAdd.add(r); recordsToAddInx.put(r.getId(), r); } } private double getMemUsage() { Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime(); long maxMem = r.maxMemory() / 1048576; long totalMem = r.totalMemory() / 1048576; long freeBytes = r.freeMemory(); long freeMem = freeBytes / 1048576; long usedMem = totalMem - freeMem; double percentageUsed = ((double) usedMem) / maxMem; LOG.debug(""); LOG.debug("Free memory: " + StringUtils.leftPad(freeMem + "", 7) + " MB."); LOG.debug("Used memory: " + StringUtils.leftPad(usedMem + "", 7) + " MB."); LOG.debug("Total memory: " + StringUtils.leftPad(totalMem + "", 7) + " MB."); LOG.debug("Max'm memory: " + StringUtils.leftPad(maxMem + "", 7) + " MB."); LOG.debug("memory percentageUsed: " + StringUtils.leftPad(Double.toString(percentageUsed), 7)); return percentageUsed; } protected boolean isNecessaryToCommit(boolean force, int batchSize, double memoryPercentageUsed) { if (force) { return true; } if (batchSize <= recordsToAdd.size()) { return true; } // double memoryUsageThreshold = MSTConfiguration.getInstance().getPropertyAsDouble("memoryUsageThreshold", .99); // if (memoryPercentageUsed >= memoryUsageThreshold) { // return true; // } return false; } protected boolean commitIfNecessary(String name, boolean force, long processedRecordsCount) { // LOG.debug("commitIfNecessary:Inbatch : " + inBatch); int batchSize = MSTConfiguration.getInstance().getPropertyAsInt("db.insertsAtOnce", 10000); double memoryPercentageUsed = getMemUsage(); if (recordsToAdd != null) { // LOG.error("beluga highest id: "+recordsToAdd.get(recordsToAdd.size()-1).getId()); } if (isNecessaryToCommit(force, batchSize, memoryPercentageUsed)) { // LOG.error("beluga commit!!!"); TimingLogger.start("commit to db"); final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (ready4harvest(name)) { String sql = "insert into " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE) + " (record_id, oai_datestamp, type, status, prev_status, format_id ) " + "values (?,?,?,?,?,?) " + "on duplicate key update " + "type=?, " + "status=?, " + "prev_status=?, " + "format_id=?, " + "oai_datestamp=? " + ";"; TimingLogger.start("RECORDS_TABLE.insert"); int[] updateCounts = jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(sql, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() { public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int j) throws SQLException { int i = 1; Record r = recordsToAdd.get(j); ps.setLong(i++, r.getId()); if (r.getOaiDatestamp() == null) { ps.setTimestamp(i++, new Timestamp(startTime)); } else { ps.setTimestamp(i++, new Timestamp(r.getOaiDatestamp().getTime())); } for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) { if (r.getType() != null && r.getType().length() > 0) { ps.setString(i++, "" + r.getType().charAt(0)); } else { ps.setString(i++, null); } ps.setString(i++, String.valueOf(r.getStatus())); ps.setString(i++, String.valueOf(r.getPreviousStatus())); if (r.getFormat() != null) { ps.setInt(i++, r.getFormat().getId()); } else { ps.setObject(i++, null); } } if (r.getOaiDatestamp() == null) { ps.setTimestamp(i++, new Timestamp(startTime)); } else { ps.setTimestamp(i++, new Timestamp(r.getOaiDatestamp().getTime())); } } public int getBatchSize() { return recordsToAdd.size(); } }); TimingLogger.stop("RECORDS_TABLE.insert"); final long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); final List<Record> recordXmls2Add = new ArrayList<Record>(); for (Record r : recordsToAdd) { r.setMode(Record.STRING_MODE); if (!Record.UNCHANGED.equals(r.getOaiXml())) { // If it's changed and the XML (payload) is null, // this means it's a DELETE. // Let's *NOT* update the records_xml table, because // I want to keep the payload information intact. if (r.getOaiXml() != null) { recordXmls2Add.add(r); } } } TimingLogger.start("RECORDS_XML_TABLE.insert"); sql = "insert into " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_XML_TABLE) + " (record_id, xml) " + "values (?,?) " + "on duplicate key update " + "xml=? " + ";"; updateCounts = jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(sql, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() { public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int j) throws SQLException { int i = 1; Record r = recordXmls2Add.get(j); r.setMode(Record.STRING_MODE); ps.setLong(i++, r.getId()); ps.setString(i++, r.getOaiXml()); ps.setString(i++, r.getOaiXml()); if (r.getOaiXml() != null) { TimingLogger.add("RECORDS_XML_LENGTH", r.getOaiXml().length()); } else { TimingLogger.add("RECORDS_XML_LENGTH", 0); } } public int getBatchSize() { return recordXmls2Add.size(); } }); TimingLogger.stop("RECORDS_XML_TABLE.insert"); /* TimingLogger.start("RECORDS_XML_TABLE.fs_insert"); try { OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream( MSTConfiguration.getUrlPath()+"/records/"+recordsToAdd.get(0).getId()+".xml")); for (Record r : recordsToAdd) { r.setMode(Record.STRING_MODE); os.write(r.getOaiXml().getBytes("UTF-8")); } os.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("", t); } TimingLogger.stop("RECORDS_XML_TABLE.fs_insert"); */ TimingLogger.start("RECORDS_SETS_TABLE.insert"); sql = "insert ignore into " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_SETS_TABLE) + " (record_id, set_id) " + "values (?,?) " + ";"; updateCounts = jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(sql, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() { int recordSetInserts = 0; public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int j) throws SQLException { int k = 0; Record r = recordsToAdd.get(j); if (r.getSets() != null && r.getSets().size() > 0) { int totalSets = r.getSets().size(); for (Set s : r.getSets()) { int i = 1; recordSetInserts++; ps.setLong(i++, r.getId()); ps.setLong(i++, s.getId()); if (++k < totalSets) { ps.addBatch(); } } } else { ps.setObject(++k, null); ps.setObject(++k, null); } } public int getBatchSize() { return recordsToAdd.size(); } }); TimingLogger.stop("RECORDS_SETS_TABLE.insert"); TimingLogger.start("RECORD_PREDECESSORS_TABLE.insert"); // TODO: Delete previous predecessors that are no longer there. sql = "insert ignore into " + getTableName(name, RECORD_PREDECESSORS_TABLE) + " (record_id, pred_record_id) " + "values (?,?) " + ";"; List<long[]> recordPreds = new ArrayList<long[]>(); for (Record r : recordsToAdd) { if (r.getPredecessors() != null) { for (RecordIfc p : r.getPredecessors()) { long[] recPredRow = new long[2]; recPredRow[0] = r.getId(); recPredRow[1] = p.getId(); recordPreds.add(recPredRow); } } } updateCounts = jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(sql, new RecPredBatchPreparedStatementSetter(recordPreds)); TimingLogger.stop("RECORD_PREDECESSORS_TABLE.insert"); TimingLogger.start("RECORD_OAI_IDS.insert"); sql = "insert ignore into " + getTableName(name, RECORD_OAI_IDS) + " (record_id, oai_id) " + "values (?,?) " + ";"; updateCounts = this.jdbcTemplate.execute(sql, new PreparedStatementCallback<int[]>() { public int[] doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { for (Record r : recordsToAdd) { if (r.getHarvestedOaiIdentifier() != null) { ps.setLong(1, r.getId()); ps.setString(2, r.getHarvestedOaiIdentifier()); ps.addBatch(); } } return ps.executeBatch(); } }); TimingLogger.stop("RECORD_OAI_IDS.insert"); // I slightly future dating the timestamp of the records so that a record will always // have been available from it's update_date forward. If we don't do this, then it's // possible for harvests to miss records. final long updateTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + (endTime - startTime) + 3000; TimingLogger.start("RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE.insert"); sql = "insert into " + getTableName(name, RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE) + " (record_id, date_updated) " + "values (?,?) " + ";"; updateCounts = jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(sql, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() { public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int j) throws SQLException { int i = 1; Record r = recordsToAdd.get(j); ps.setLong(i++, r.getId()); if (r.getUpdatedAt() == null) { ps.setTimestamp(i++, new Timestamp(updateTime)); } else { ps.setTimestamp(i++, new Timestamp(r.getUpdatedAt().getTime())); } } public int getBatchSize() { return recordsToAdd.size(); } }); TimingLogger.stop("RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE.insert"); LOG.debug(RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE + " committed: " + new Date()); LOG.debug("updateTime: " + new Date(updateTime)); LOG.debug("processedRecordsCount: " + processedRecordsCount); /**** * Why is this in here? I could maybe understand if you dropped indices *before* the updates (then later re-created them)... ****/ LOG.debug("db.numInserts2dropIndexes: " + MSTConfiguration.getInstance().getPropertyAsInt("db.numInserts2dropIndexes", 0)); if (processedRecordsCount > MSTConfiguration.getInstance() .getPropertyAsInt("db.numInserts2dropIndexes", 0)) { dropIndices(name); } } else { try { LOG.debug("recordsToAdd.size(): " + recordsToAdd.size()); String dbLoadFileStr = (MSTConfiguration.getUrlPath() + "/").replace('\\', '/'); LOG.debug("dbLoadFileStr: " + dbLoadFileStr); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); byte[] startTimeBytes = sdf.format(new Date(startTime)).getBytes(); byte[] tabBytes = "\t".getBytes(); byte[] newLineBytes = "\n".getBytes(); byte[] nullBytes = "\u0000\n".getBytes(); byte[] bellBytes = "\u0000\t".getBytes(); File dbLoadFile = new File(dbLoadFileStr); if (dbLoadFile.exists()) { dbLoadFile.delete(); } OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(dbLoadFileStr)); int i = 0; TimingLogger.start("RECORDS_TABLE.insert"); TimingLogger.start("RECORDS_TABLE.insert.create_infile"); for (Record r : recordsToAdd) { if (i++ > 0) { os.write(newLineBytes); } os.write(String.valueOf(r.getId()).getBytes()); os.write(tabBytes); if (r.getOaiDatestamp() == null) { os.write(startTimeBytes); } else { os.write(sdf.format(r.getOaiDatestamp()).getBytes()); } os.write(tabBytes); if (r.getType() != null && r.getType().length() > 0) { os.write(r.getType().substring(0, 1).getBytes()); } else { os.write("\\N".getBytes()); } os.write(tabBytes); os.write(String.valueOf(r.getStatus()).getBytes()); os.write(tabBytes); os.write(String.valueOf(r.getPreviousStatus()).getBytes()); os.write(tabBytes); if (r.getFormat() != null) os.write(String.valueOf(r.getFormat().getId()).getBytes()); } os.close(); TimingLogger.stop("RECORDS_TABLE.insert.create_infile"); TimingLogger.start("RECORDS_TABLE.insert.load_infile"); this.jdbcTemplate.execute("load data infile '" + dbLoadFileStr + "' REPLACE into table " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE) + " character set utf8 fields terminated by '\\t' lines terminated by '\\n'"); TimingLogger.stop("RECORDS_TABLE.insert.load_infile"); TimingLogger.stop("RECORDS_TABLE.insert"); final long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); final List<Record> recordXmls2Add = new ArrayList<Record>(); for (Record r : recordsToAdd) { r.setMode(Record.STRING_MODE); if (!Record.UNCHANGED.equals(r.getOaiXml())) { recordXmls2Add.add(r); } } if (dbLoadFile.exists()) { dbLoadFile.delete(); } os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(dbLoadFileStr)); i = 0; TimingLogger.start("RECORDS_XML_TABLE.insert"); TimingLogger.start("RECORDS_XML_TABLE.insert.create_infile"); for (Record r : recordsToAdd) { if (i++ > 0) { os.write(nullBytes); } os.write(String.valueOf(r.getId()).getBytes()); os.write(bellBytes); r.setMode(Record.STRING_MODE); if (r.getOaiXml() != null) os.write(String.valueOf(r.getOaiXml()).getBytes("UTF-8")); } os.close(); TimingLogger.stop("RECORDS_XML_TABLE.insert.create_infile"); TimingLogger.start("RECORDS_XML_TABLE.insert.load_infile"); this.jdbcTemplate.execute("load data infile '" + dbLoadFileStr + "' REPLACE into table " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_XML_TABLE) + " character set utf8 fields terminated by '\\0\\t' escaped by '' lines terminated by '\\0\\n'"); TimingLogger.stop("RECORDS_XML_TABLE.insert.load_infile"); TimingLogger.stop("RECORDS_XML_TABLE.insert"); if (dbLoadFile.exists()) { dbLoadFile.delete(); } os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(dbLoadFileStr)); i = 0; TimingLogger.start("RECORDS_SETS_TABLE.insert"); TimingLogger.start("RECORDS_SETS_TABLE.insert.create_infile"); for (Record r : recordsToAdd) { if (r.getSets() != null) { for (Set s : r.getSets()) { if (i++ > 0) { os.write(newLineBytes); } os.write(String.valueOf(r.getId()).getBytes()); os.write(tabBytes); os.write(String.valueOf(s.getId()).getBytes()); } } } os.close(); TimingLogger.stop("RECORDS_SETS_TABLE.insert.create_infile"); TimingLogger.start("RECORDS_SETS_TABLE.insert.load_infile"); this.jdbcTemplate.execute("load data infile '" + dbLoadFileStr + "' REPLACE into table " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_SETS_TABLE) + " character set utf8 fields terminated by '\\t' lines terminated by '\\n'"); TimingLogger.stop("RECORDS_SETS_TABLE.insert.load_infile"); TimingLogger.stop("RECORDS_SETS_TABLE.insert"); if (dbLoadFile.exists()) { dbLoadFile.delete(); } os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(dbLoadFileStr)); i = 0; TimingLogger.start("RECORD_PREDECESSORS_TABLE.insert"); TimingLogger.start("RECORD_PREDECESSORS_TABLE.insert.create_infile"); for (Record r : recordsToAdd) { if (r.getPredecessors() != null) { for (RecordIfc p : r.getPredecessors()) { if (i++ > 0) { os.write(newLineBytes); } os.write(String.valueOf(r.getId()).getBytes()); os.write(tabBytes); os.write(String.valueOf(p.getId()).getBytes()); } } } os.close(); TimingLogger.stop("RECORD_PREDECESSORS_TABLE.insert.create_infile"); TimingLogger.start("RECORDS_SETS_TABLE.insert.load_infile"); this.jdbcTemplate.execute("load data infile '" + dbLoadFileStr + "' REPLACE into table " + getTableName(name, RECORD_PREDECESSORS_TABLE) + " character set utf8 fields terminated by '\\t' lines terminated by '\\n'"); TimingLogger.stop("RECORDS_SETS_TABLE.insert.load_infile"); TimingLogger.stop("RECORD_PREDECESSORS_TABLE.insert"); if (dbLoadFile.exists()) { dbLoadFile.delete(); } boolean atLeastOne = false; os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(dbLoadFileStr)); i = 0; TimingLogger.start("RECORD_OAI_IDS.insert"); TimingLogger.start("RECORD_OAI_IDS.insert.create_infile"); for (Record r : recordsToAdd) { if (r.getHarvestedOaiIdentifier() != null) { atLeastOne = true; if (i++ > 0) { os.write(newLineBytes); } os.write(String.valueOf(r.getId()).getBytes()); os.write(tabBytes); os.write(String.valueOf(r.getHarvestedOaiIdentifier()).getBytes("UTF-8")); } } os.close(); TimingLogger.stop("RECORD_OAI_IDS.insert.create_infile"); TimingLogger.start("RECORDS_OAI_IDS.insert.load_infile"); if (atLeastOne) { this.jdbcTemplate.execute("load data infile '" + dbLoadFileStr + "' REPLACE into table " + getTableName(name, RECORD_OAI_IDS) + " character set utf8 fields terminated by '\\t' lines terminated by '\\n'"); } TimingLogger.stop("RECORDS_OAI_IDS.insert.load_infile"); TimingLogger.stop("RECORD_OAI_IDS.insert"); if (dbLoadFile.exists()) { dbLoadFile.delete(); } os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(dbLoadFileStr)); i = 0; TimingLogger.start("RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE.insert"); TimingLogger.start("RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE.insert.create_infile"); // I'm slightly future dating the timestamp of the records so that a record will always // have been available from it's update_date forward. If we don't do this, then it's // possible for harvests to miss records. final long updateTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + (endTime - startTime) + 3000; byte[] updateTimeBytes = sdf.format(updateTime).getBytes(); for (Record r : recordsToAdd) { if (i++ > 0) { os.write(newLineBytes); } os.write(String.valueOf(r.getId()).getBytes()); os.write(tabBytes); if (r.getUpdatedAt() == null) { os.write(updateTimeBytes); } else { os.write(sdf.format(r.getUpdatedAt()).getBytes()); } } os.close(); TimingLogger.stop("RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE.insert.create_infile"); TimingLogger.start("RECORDS_UPDATES_TABLE.insert.load_infile"); this.jdbcTemplate.execute("load data infile '" + dbLoadFileStr + "' into table " + getTableName(name, RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE) + " character set utf8 fields terminated by '\\t' lines terminated by '\\n'"); TimingLogger.stop("RECORDS_UPDATES_TABLE.insert.load_infile"); TimingLogger.stop("RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE.insert"); } catch (Throwable t) { getUtil().throwIt(t); } } recordsToAdd = new ArrayList<Record>(); recordsToAddInx = new HashMap<Long, Record>(); TimingLogger.stop("commit to db"); if (force) { inBatch = false; } return true; } else { return force; } } public Long getRecordId(String repoName, String oaiId) { String sql = "select record_id from " + getTableName(repoName, RECORD_OAI_IDS) + " where oai_id = ?"; Long recordId = null; try { recordId = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, Long.class, oaiId); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException t) { return null; } return recordId; } protected List<Map<String, Object>> getHarvestCache(String name, int page) { TimingLogger.start("getHarvestCache"); int recordsAtOnce = 100000; String sql = "select record_id, oai_id from " + getTableName(name, RECORD_OAI_IDS) + " limit " + (page * recordsAtOnce) + "," + recordsAtOnce;; List<Map<String, Object>> rowList = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql); TimingLogger.stop("getHarvestCache"); return rowList; } public void populateHarvestCache(String name, DynKeyLongMap harvestCache) { TimingLogger.start("populateHarvestCache"); int page = 0; List<Map<String, Object>> rowList = getHarvestCache(name, page); while (rowList != null && rowList.size() > 0) { for (Map<String, Object> row : rowList) { Long recordId = (Long) row.get("record_id"); String oaiId = (String) row.get("oai_id"); oaiId = getUtil().getNonRedundantOaiId(oaiId); harvestCache.put(oaiId, recordId); } rowList = getHarvestCache(name, ++page); } TimingLogger.stop("populateHarvestCache"); } public char getPreviousStatus(String repoName, Long recordId, boolean service) { String tableName = null; if (service) { tableName = PREV_INCOMING_RECORD_STATUSES; } else { tableName = RECORDS_TABLE; } String sql = "select status from " + getTableName(repoName, tableName) + " where record_id = ?"; String status; try { status = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, String.class, recordId); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException t) { return (char) 0; } return status.length() == 1 ? status.charAt(0) : (char) 0; } protected List<Map<String, Object>> getPreviousStatuses(String name, int page, boolean service) { String tableName = null; if (service) { tableName = PREV_INCOMING_RECORD_STATUSES; } else { tableName = RECORDS_TABLE; } TimingLogger.start("getPreviousStatuses"); int recordsAtOnce = 100000; String sql = "select record_id, status from " + getTableName(name, tableName) + " limit " + (page * recordsAtOnce) + "," + recordsAtOnce;; List<Map<String, Object>> rowList = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql); TimingLogger.stop("getPreviousStatuses"); return rowList; } public void populatePreviousStatuses(String name, TLongByteHashMap previousStatuses, boolean service) { TimingLogger.start("populatePreviousStatuses"); int page = 0; List<Map<String, Object>> rowList = getPreviousStatuses(name, page, service); while (rowList != null && rowList.size() > 0) { for (Map<String, Object> row : rowList) { char prevStatus = ((String) row.get("status")).charAt(0); previousStatuses.put(getUtil().getLongPrim(row.get("record_id")), (byte) prevStatus); } rowList = getPreviousStatuses(name, ++page, service); } TimingLogger.stop("populatePreviousStatuses"); } private final static class RecPredBatchPreparedStatementSetter implements BatchPreparedStatementSetter { protected List<long[]> recPreds = null; public RecPredBatchPreparedStatementSetter(List<long[]> recPreds) { this.recPreds = recPreds; } public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int j) throws SQLException { int i = 1; // LOG.debug("this.recPreds.get("+j+")[0]: "+this.recPreds.get(j)[0]); ps.setLong(i++, this.recPreds.get(j)[0]); // LOG.debug("this.recPreds.get("+j+")[1]: "+this.recPreds.get(j)[1]); ps.setLong(i++, this.recPreds.get(j)[1]); } public int getBatchSize() { return this.recPreds.size(); } } private final static class RecMessageBatchPreparedStatementSetter implements BatchPreparedStatementSetter { protected List<Object[]> recMessages = null; public RecMessageBatchPreparedStatementSetter(List<Object[]> recMessages) { this.recMessages = recMessages; } public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int j) throws SQLException { int i = 1; ps.setLong(i++, (Long) this.recMessages.get(j)[0]); ps.setBoolean(i++, (Boolean) this.recMessages.get(j)[1]); ps.setString(i++, (String) this.recMessages.get(j)[2]); ps.setString(i++, (String) this.recMessages.get(j)[3]); ps.setInt(i++, (Integer) this.recMessages.get(j)[4]); ps.setString(i++, (String) this.recMessages.get(j)[5]); } public int getBatchSize() { return this.recMessages.size(); } } public boolean exists(String name) { try { this.jdbcTemplate.queryForInt("select count(*) from " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE)); return true; } catch (Throwable t) { return false; } } // first check that the table exists public boolean hasOnlyRecordsOfStatus(String name, char status) { try { List<Map<String, Object>> rows = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList( "select count(*), status from " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE) + " group by status"); for (Map<String, Object> row : rows) { char stat = ((String) row.get("status")).charAt(0); if (stat != status) { LOG.debug( "**** looking to see if have record type: " + status + "FALSE now looking at: " + stat); return false; } else { LOG.debug( "**** looking to see if have record type: " + status + "TRUE now looking at: " + stat); } } return true; } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("unexpected exception in RepositoryDAO.hasOnlyRecordsOfStatus"); return true; } } protected void createRepo(Repository repo) { String name = repo.getName(); try { deleteSchema(name); } catch (Throwable t) { // do nothing } createSchema(name); Integer serviceId = null; if (repo.getService() != null) { serviceId = repo.getService().getId(); } Integer providerId = null; if (repo.getProvider() != null) { providerId = repo.getProvider().getId(); } this.jdbcTemplate.update( "insert into " + REPOS_TABLE + " (repo_name, service_id, provider_id) " + "values (?, ?, ?) ", name, serviceId, providerId); } public void deleteRepo(String name) { this.jdbcTemplate.update("delete from " + REPOS_TABLE + " where repo_name = ? ", getUtil().getDBSchema(name)); deleteSchema(getUtil().getDBSchema(name)); } public void createTables(Repository repo) { runSql(repo, "xc/mst/repo/sql/create_repo.sql"); if (repo.getProvider() != null) { runSql(repo, "xc/mst/repo/sql/create_harvest_repo.sql"); } else if (repo.getService() != null) { runSql(repo, "xc/mst/repo/sql/create_service_repo.sql"); } //"xc/mst/repo/sql/create_repo_platform.sql" } protected void runSql(Repository repo, String sqlFile) { String name = repo.getName(); String createTablesContents = getUtil().slurp(sqlFile); createTablesContents = createTablesContents.replaceAll("REPO_NAME", getUtil().getDBSchema(name)); createTablesContents = createTablesContents.replaceAll("repo_name", getUtil().getDBSchema(name)); String[] tokens = createTablesContents.split(";"); for (String sql : tokens) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(StringUtils.trim(sql))) { continue; } sql = sql + ";";; this.jdbcTemplate.execute(sql); } } public Record getRecord(String name, long id) { String sql = "select " + RECORDS_TABLE_COLUMNS + ", x.xml, " + " max(u.date_updated) as date_updated " + "from " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE) + " r, " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_XML_TABLE) + " x, " + getTableName(name, RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE) + " u " + "where r.record_id=? " + "and r.record_id = x.record_id " + "and r.record_id = u.record_id " + "group by r.record_id"; Record r = null; try { r = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, new RecordMapper(new String[] { RECORDS_TABLE, RECORDS_XML_TABLE, RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE }, this), id); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { //"record not found for id: "+id); //"sql: "+sql); } return r; } public void injectHarvestInfo(String name, Record r) { String sql = "select oai_id from " + getTableName(name, RECORD_OAI_IDS) + " where record_id = ?"; r.setHarvestedOaiIdentifier(this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, String.class, (Long) r.getId())); } private void addStatusesInClause(StringBuilder sb, char[] statuses) { if (statuses != null) { if (statuses.length == 1) { sb.append(" where status = '").append(statuses[0]).append("' "); } else { sb.append(" where status in ("); for (char status : statuses) { sb.append("'"); sb.append(status); sb.append("'"); sb.append(','); } sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); sb.append(")"); } } } protected void addStatusesInWhereClause(StringBuilder sb, char[] statuses) { if (statuses != null) { if (statuses.length == 1) { sb.append(" and status = '").append(statuses[0]).append("' "); } else { sb.append(" and status in ("); for (char status : statuses) { sb.append("'"); sb.append(status); sb.append("'"); sb.append(','); } sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); sb.append(")"); } } } /** * check if row returned, if so have records with given status * @param name repo_name * @param format_id * @param set_id - allowed to be null * @param statuses - the record statuses we are looking for * @return false if no rows with statuses, return true if found a row with the status */ public boolean hasRecordsOfStatus(String name, int format_id, Integer set_id, char[] statuses) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("select 1"); /* select 1 from records r where status in ('A','H') and r.format_id = 1 limit 1 */ if (set_id == null) { sb.append(" from ").append(getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE)).append(" r "); addStatusesInClause(sb, statuses); sb.append(" and r.format_id = ").append(format_id); sb.append(" limit 1"); } // if set_id != null, run this and see if a row is returned: /* select 1 from records r, record_sets rs where status in ('A','H') and r.format_id = 1 and rs.record_id = r.record_id and rs.set_id = 3 limit 1 */ else { sb.append(" from ").append(getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE)).append(" r , ") .append(getTableName(name, RECORDS_SETS_TABLE)).append(" rs "); addStatusesInClause(sb, statuses); sb.append(" and r.format_id = ").append(format_id); sb.append(" and rs.record_id = r.record_id "); sb.append(" and rs.set_id = ").append(set_id.intValue()); sb.append(" limit 1"); } List<Map<String, Object>> rows = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sb.toString()); return rows.size() > 0; } public List<Record> getRecords(String name, Date from, Date until, Long startingId, Format inputFormat, Set inputSet) { return getRecords(name, from, until, startingId, inputFormat, inputSet, new char[] { Record.ACTIVE, Record.DELETED }); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Record> getRecords(String name, Date from, Date until, Long startingId, Format inputFormat, Set inputSet, char[] statuses) { long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>(); if (until == null) { until = new Date(); } if (startingId == null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("select straight_join 1 ").append(" from ").append(getTableName(name, RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE)) .append(" u force index (idx_record_updates_date_updated) , ") .append(getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE)).append(" r ") .append("where r.record_id = u.record_id and (u.date_updated >= ? or ? is null) and u.date_updated <= ? "); addStatusesInWhereClause(sb, statuses); sb.append(" limit 1"); List atleastone = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sb.toString(), from, from, until); if (atleastone == null || atleastone.size() == 0) { return new ArrayList<Record>(); } } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(" select straight_join " + RECORDS_TABLE_COLUMNS + " , x.xml, " + " max(u.date_updated) as date_updated " + " from "); sb.append(getTableName(name, RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE) + " u force index (idx_record_updates_record_id)"); sb.append(", "); sb.append(getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE) + " r "); if (inputFormat != null) { sb.append("IGNORE index (idx_records_format_id) "); } sb.append(", "); sb.append(getTableName(name, RECORDS_XML_TABLE) + " x "); if (inputSet != null) { sb.append(", " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_SETS_TABLE) + " rs ignore index (idx_" + RECORDS_SETS_TABLE + "_set_id) "); } sb.append(" where r.record_id = x.record_id " + " and (r.record_id > ? or ? is null) " + " and r.record_id = u.record_id " + " and (u.date_updated >= ? or ? is null) " + " and u.date_updated <= ? "); addStatusesInWhereClause(sb, statuses); if (inputFormat != null) { sb.append(" and r.format_id = ? "); } params.add(startingId); params.add(startingId); params.add(from); params.add(from); params.add(until); if (inputFormat != null) { params.add(inputFormat.getId()); } if (inputSet != null) { sb.append(" and r.record_id = rs.record_id " + " and rs.set_id = ? "); params.add(inputSet.getId()); } sb.append(" group by u.record_id " + " order by u.record_id " + " limit " + MSTConfiguration.getInstance().getPropertyAsInt(Constants.CONFIG_OAI_REPO_MAX_RECORDS, 5000)); Object obj[] = params.toArray(); List<Record> records = null; try { /* LOG.error(sb.toString()); LOG.error("startingId: "+startingId); LOG.error("from: "+from); LOG.error("until: "+until); LOG.error("inputSet: "+inputSet); LOG.error("inputFormat: "+inputFormat); */ records = this.jdbcTemplate.query(sb.toString(), obj, new RecordMapper( new String[] { RECORDS_TABLE, RECORDS_XML_TABLE, RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE }, this)); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {"no records found for from: " + from + " until: " + until + " startingId: " + startingId + " format:" + inputFormat + " inputSet:" + inputSet); } LOG.debug("records.size(): " + records.size()); if (records != null && records.size() > 0) { TimingLogger.add("GET_RECORDS_TIME", System.currentTimeMillis() - t0); TimingLogger.add("GET_RECORDS_NUM", records.size()); } return records; } public List<Record> getRecordHeader(String name, Date from, Date until, Long startingId, Format inputFormat, Set inputSet) { List<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>(); if (until == null) { until = new Date(); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(" select " + RECORDS_TABLE_COLUMNS + " , max(u.date_updated) as u.date_updated " + " from " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE) + " r, " + getTableName(name, RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE) + " u "); if (inputSet != null) { sb.append(", " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_SETS_TABLE) + " rs "); } sb.append(" where (r.record_id > ? or ? is null) " + " and r.record_id = u.record_id " + " and (u.date_updated >= ? or ? is null) " + " and u.date_updated <= ? " + " group by r.record_id "); if (inputFormat != null) { sb.append(" and r.format_id = ? "); } params.add(startingId); params.add(startingId); params.add(from); params.add(from); params.add(until); if (inputFormat != null) { params.add(inputFormat.getId()); } if (inputSet != null) { sb.append(" and r.record_id = rs.record_id " + " and rs.set_id = ? "); params.add(inputSet.getId()); } sb.append(" order by u.record_id limit " + MSTConfiguration.getInstance().getPropertyAsInt(Constants.CONFIG_OAI_REPO_MAX_IDENTIFIERS, 5000)); Object obj[] = params.toArray(); List<Record> records = null; try { records = this.jdbcTemplate.query(sb.toString(), obj, new RecordMapper(new String[] { RECORDS_TABLE, RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE }, this)); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {"no records found for from: " + from + " until: " + until + " startingId: " + startingId + " format:" + inputFormat + " inputSet:" + inputSet); } LOG.debug("records.size(): " + records.size()); return records; } protected int getMaxExplain() { return config.getPropertyAsInt("harvestProvider.maxExplain", 1000); } protected int getEstimateCompleteListSizeThreshold() { return config.getPropertyAsInt("harvestProvider.estimateCompleteListSizeThreshold", 1000); } public boolean checkOutsideRange(String sql, AtomicInteger tally, AtomicInteger numMatching) { // could LIMIT accomplish the same thing as explain ? // no - I dont think so, because if the answer is zero - limit takes a looooong time List<Map<String, Object>> records = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList("explain " + sql); BigInteger rows2examine = (BigInteger) records.get(0).get("rows"); LOG.debug("rows: " + rows2examine); if (rows2examine == null) { return false; } else if (rows2examine.intValue() > getEstimateCompleteListSizeThreshold()) { if (tally != null) { tally.addAndGet(2); } if (numMatching != null) { numMatching.set(rows2examine.intValue()); } } else { int exactCount = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForInt(sql); if (exactCount > 0) { if (tally != null) { tally.addAndGet(1); } if (numMatching != null) { numMatching.set(exactCount); } } } if (tally != null) LOG.debug("tally: " + tally.get()); if (numMatching != null) LOG.debug("numMatching: " + numMatching.get()); return true; } // You used to have a tally param (and startingId). The purpose was to send it along in each resumptionToken. // This way, if you found the actual num usual step #3, you could add the already harvested // total to this. I don't think it's necessary anymore because by the time the harvester will // have gotten to that point, the background thread will already have completed. public long getRecordCount(String name, Date from, Date until, Format inputFormat, Set inputSet, boolean force) { force = true; /****** COMPLEXITY I do not like the inconsistent results coming from of all this complexity. Just "force" a complete count! For now, I'm going to enclose all the complexity within long asterisk comment; eventually, we should just remove it all. // return -1l; LOG.debug("from: " + from); LOG.debug("until: " + until); LOG.debug("inputFormat: " + inputFormat); LOG.debug("inputSet: " + inputSet); // int countMethod2use = 0; int completeListSizeThreshold = config.getPropertyAsInt("harvestProvider.estimateCompleteListSizeThreshold", 1000000); // Check to see if all match if (!force) { AtomicInteger numNonMatches = new AtomicInteger(); AtomicInteger numOutsideRange = new AtomicInteger(); List<String> sqls = new ArrayList<String>(); sqls.add("select count(*) from " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE) + " where status = '" + Record.HELD + "'"); if (inputFormat != null) { sqls.add("select count(*) from " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE) + " where format_id <> " + inputFormat.getId()); } if (inputSet != null) { sqls.add("select count(*) from " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_SETS_TABLE) + " where set_id <> " + inputSet.getId()); } if (!Util.dateIsNull(from) || until != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("select count(*) " + "from " + getTableName(name, RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE) + " "); boolean whereInserted = false; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd kk:mm:ss"); if (!Util.dateIsNull(from)) { whereInserted = true; sb.append("where date_updated <= '"); sb.append(sdf.format(from)); sb.append("'"); } if (until != null) { if (!whereInserted) { sb.append("where "); } else { sb.append("or "); } sb.append("date_updated >= '"); sb.append(sdf.format(until)); sb.append("'"); } sqls.add(sb.toString()); } for (String sql : sqls) { if (numNonMatches.get() < 2) { if (!checkOutsideRange(sql, numNonMatches, numOutsideRange)) { return 0; } } } if (numNonMatches.get() < 2) { countMethod2use = 1; long allRecords = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForLong("select count(*) from " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE)); lastCompleteListSizeMethod = 1; return allRecords - numOutsideRange.get(); } // Check to see if none match } if (!force) { AtomicInteger numFound = new AtomicInteger(); List<String> sqls = new ArrayList<String>(); if (Util.dateIsNull(from)) { sqls.add("select count(*) from " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE) + " where status = '" + Record.ACTIVE + "'"); } else { sqls.add("select count(*) from " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE) + " where status in ('" + Record.ACTIVE + "', '" + Record.DELETED + "')"); } if (inputFormat != null) { sqls.add("select count(*) from " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE) + " where format_id = " + inputFormat.getId()); } if (inputSet != null) { sqls.add("select count(*) from " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_SETS_TABLE) + " where set_id = " + inputSet.getId()); } if (!Util.dateIsNull(from) || until != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("select count(*) " + "from " + getTableName(name, RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE) + " "); boolean whereInserted = false; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd kk:mm:ss"); if (!Util.dateIsNull(from)) { whereInserted = true; sb.append("where date_updated >= '"); sb.append(sdf.format(from)); sb.append("'"); } if (until != null) { if (!whereInserted) { sb.append("where "); } else { sb.append("or "); } sb.append("date_updated <= '"); sb.append(sdf.format(until)); sb.append("'"); } sqls.add(sb.toString()); } for (String sql : sqls) { checkOutsideRange(sql, null, numFound); if (numFound.get() == 0) { lastCompleteListSizeMethod = 2; return 0; } } } COMPLEXITY *******/ { List<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>(); if (until == null) { until = new Date(); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(" select straight_join count(distinct u.record_id) " + " from " + getTableName(name, RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE) + " u force index (idx_record_updates_date_updated), " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE) + " r IGNORE index (idx_records_format_id)"); if (inputSet != null) { sb.append(", " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_SETS_TABLE) + " rs ignore index (idx_record_sets_set_id) "); } if (Util.dateIsNull(from)) { sb.append(" where r.status = '" + Record.ACTIVE + "'" + " and r.record_id = u.record_id " + " and (u.date_updated <= ? or ? is null) "); params.add(until); params.add(until); } else { sb.append(" where r.status in ('" + Record.ACTIVE + "','" + Record.DELETED + "')" + " and r.record_id = u.record_id " + " and (u.date_updated >= ? or ? is null) " + " and (u.date_updated <= ? or ? is null) "); params.add(from); params.add(from); params.add(until); params.add(until); } if (inputFormat != null) { sb.append(" and r.format_id = ? "); params.add(inputFormat.getId()); } if (inputSet != null) { sb.append(" and r.record_id = rs.record_id " + " and rs.set_id = ? "); params.add(inputSet.getId()); } Object obj[] = params.toArray(); long recordCount = 0; List<Map<String, Object>> records = null; BigInteger rows2examine = null; records = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList("explain " + sb.toString(), obj); rows2examine = (BigInteger) records.get(0).get("rows"); LOG.debug("rows: " + rows2examine); LOG.debug("force: " + force); /******* COMPLEXITY if (rows2examine.intValue() < completeListSizeThreshold || force) { countMethod2use = 3; COMPLEXITY *******/ recordCount = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForLong(sb.toString(), obj); lastCompleteListSizeMethod = 3; return recordCount; /******* COMPLEXITY } COMPLEXITY ******/ } /******* COMPLEXITY if (countMethod2use == 0) { // TODO: take a guess return -1l; } return -1l; COMPLEXITY ********/ } public List<Set> getSets(String repoName, long recordId) { List<Set> sets = new ArrayList<Set>(); List<Map<String, Object>> rows = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(" select s.set_spec, s.display_name " + " from sets s, " + getTableName(repoName, RECORDS_SETS_TABLE) + " rs" + " where s.set_id = rs.set_id " + " and rs.record_id = ?", recordId); for (Map<String, Object> row : rows) { Set s = new Set(); s.setSetSpec((String) row.get("set_spec")); s.setDisplayName((String) row.get("display_name")); sets.add(s); } return sets; } public List<Record> getRecordsWSets(String name, Date from, Date until, Long startingId) { return getRecordsWSets(name, from, until, startingId, null, null, new char[] { Record.ACTIVE, Record.DELETED }); } public List<Record> getRecordsWSets(String name, Date from, Date until, Long startingId, Format inputFormat, Set inputSet, char[] statuses) { List<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>(); if (until == null) { until = new Date(); } List<Record> records = getRecords(name, from, until, startingId, inputFormat, inputSet, statuses); if (records != null && records.size() > 0) { Long highestId = records.get(records.size() - 1).getId(); startingId = records.get(0).getId(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(" select straight_join rs.record_id, " + "s.set_id, " + "s.set_spec, " + "s.display_name " + " from " + getTableName(name, RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE) + " u force index (idx_record_updates_record_id), " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_SETS_TABLE) + " rs, " + " sets s " + " where rs.record_id = u.record_id " + " and rs.set_id = s.set_id " + " and (rs.record_id >= ? or ? is null) " + " and rs.record_id <= ? " + " and (u.date_updated >= ? or ? is null) " + " and u.date_updated <= ? " + " group by u.record_id " + " order by u.record_id "); LOG.debug("name: " + name + " startingId: " + startingId + " highestId: " + highestId + " from:" + from + " until:" + until); params.add(startingId); params.add(startingId); params.add(highestId); params.add(from); params.add(from); params.add(until); Object obj[] = params.toArray(); List<Record> recordsWSets = null; try { // LOG.error("records_w_sets_query"); TimingLogger.start("records_w_sets_query"); recordsWSets = this.jdbcTemplate.query(sb.toString(), obj, new RecordMapper(new String[] { RECORDS_SETS_TABLE }, this)); LOG.debug("recordsWSets.size() " + recordsWSets.size()); TimingLogger.stop("records_w_sets_query"); int recIdx = 0; Record currentRecord = records.get(recIdx); /* for (Record rws : recordsWSets) { LOG.debug("rws.getId(): "+rws.getId()); } for (Record r : records) { LOG.debug("r.getId(): "+r.getId()); } */ for (Record rws : recordsWSets) { // LOG.debug("currentRecord.getId(): "+currentRecord.getId()); // LOG.debug("rws.getId(): "+rws.getId()); if (rws.getId() < currentRecord.getId()) { continue; } while (rws.getId() > currentRecord.getId()) { // LOG.debug("recIdx: "+recIdx); currentRecord = records.get(++recIdx); } currentRecord.addSet(rws.getSets().get(0)); } } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {"no recordsWSets found for from: " + from + " until: " + until + " startingId: " + startingId); } sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(" select m.record_id, " + "m.rec_in_out, " + "m.msg_code, " + "m.msg_level, " + "m.service_id, " + "md.detail " + " from " + getTableName(name, RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE) + " u " + " inner join (" + MessageDAO.MESSAGES_TABLE + " m) on (m.record_id=u.record_id) " + " left outer join (" + MessageDAO.MESSAGE_DETAILS_TABLE + " md) on (m.record_message_id=md.record_message_id) " + " where (u.record_id >= ? or ? is null) " + " and u.record_id <= ? " + " and (u.date_updated >= ? or ? is null) " + " and u.date_updated <= ? " + " order by u.record_id "); LOG.debug("name: " + name + " startingId: " + startingId + " highestId: " + highestId + " from:" + from + " until:" + until); params = new ArrayList<Object>(); params.add(startingId); params.add(startingId); params.add(highestId); params.add(from); params.add(from); params.add(until); Object obj2[] = params.toArray(); List<Record> recordsWMessages = null; try { // LOG.error("records_w_sets_query"); TimingLogger.start("records_w_messages_query"); recordsWMessages = this.jdbcTemplate.query(sb.toString(), obj2, new RecordMapper( new String[] { MessageDAO.MESSAGES_TABLE, MessageDAO.MESSAGE_DETAILS_TABLE }, this)); LOG.debug("recordsWMessages.size() " + recordsWMessages.size()); TimingLogger.stop("records_w_messages_query"); int recIdx = 0; Record currentRecord = records.get(recIdx); for (Record rws : recordsWMessages) { if (rws.getId() < currentRecord.getId()) { continue; } while (rws.getId() > currentRecord.getId()) { currentRecord = records.get(++recIdx); } currentRecord.addMessage(rws.getMessages().get(0)); } } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {"no recordsWMessages found for from: " + from + " until: " + until + " startingId: " + startingId); } LOG.debug("records.size(): " + records.size()); } return records; } protected List<Map<String, Object>> getPredecessors(String name, int page) { TimingLogger.start("getPredecessors"); int recordsAtOnce = 100000; List<Map<String, Object>> rowList = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList( " select record_id, pred_record_id " + " from " + getTableName(name, RECORD_PREDECESSORS_TABLE) + " limit " + (page * recordsAtOnce) + "," + recordsAtOnce); TimingLogger.stop("getPredecessors"); return rowList; } public void populatePredecessors(String name, TLongHashSet predecessors) { TimingLogger.outputMemory(); TimingLogger.start("populatePredecessors"); int page = 0; List<Map<String, Object>> rowList = getPredecessors(name, page); while (rowList != null && rowList.size() > 0) { for (Map<String, Object> row : rowList) { TimingLogger.add("pred_record", 0); // Long succId = (Long)row.get("record_id"); Long predId = (Long) row.get("pred_record_id"); predecessors.add(predId); } rowList = getPredecessors(name, ++page); } TimingLogger.stop("populatePredecessors"); TimingLogger.reset(); } public java.util.Set<Record> getSuccessorIds(String name, Long predId) { TimingLogger.start("RepositoryDAO.getSuccessorIds"); java.util.Set<Record> succIds = new TreeSet<Record>(); List<Map<String, Object>> rowList = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList( " select r.record_id, status, type " + " from " + getTableName(name, RECORD_PREDECESSORS_TABLE) + " rp, " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE) + " r " + " where rp.pred_record_id=? " + " and rp.record_id = r.record_id ", predId); for (Map<String, Object> row : rowList) { LOG.debug("row: " + row); Integer succId = (Integer) row.get("record_id"); LOG.debug("succId: " + succId); Record r = new Record(); r.setId(succId); r.setType((String) row.get("type")); r.setStatus(((String) row.get("status")).charAt(0)); succIds.add(r); } TimingLogger.stop("RepositoryDAO.getSuccessorIds"); return succIds; } public void populateRecordLinks(String name, Map<Long, List<Long>> fromToList) { List<Map<String, Object>> rowList = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList( " select from_record_id, to_record_id " + " from " + getTableName(name, RECORD_LINKS_TABLE)); for (Map<String, Object> row : rowList) { Long fromId = (Long) row.get("from_record_id"); Long toId = (Long) row.get("to_record_id"); List<Long> m = fromToList.get(fromId); if (m == null) { m = new ArrayList<Long>(); fromToList.put(fromId, m); } m.add(toId); } } public List<Long> getLinkedRecordIds(String name, Long toRecordId) { List<Long> linkedRecordsIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); String sql = "select from_record_id from " + getTableName(name, RECORD_LINKS_TABLE) + " where to_record_id = ?"; List<Map<String, Object>> results = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, toRecordId); if (results != null) { for (Map<String, Object> row : results) { linkedRecordsIds.add((Long) row.get("from_record_id")); } } return linkedRecordsIds; } public List<Long> getLinkedToRecordIds(String name, Long fromRecordId) { List<Long> linkedRecordsIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); String sql = "select to_record_id from " + getTableName(name, RECORD_LINKS_TABLE) + " where from_record_id = ?"; List<Map<String, Object>> results = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, fromRecordId); if (results != null) { for (Map<String, Object> row : results) { linkedRecordsIds.add((Long) row.get("to_record_id")); } } return linkedRecordsIds; } public void persistLinkedRecordIds(String name, final List<long[]> links) { String sql = "replace into " + getTableName(name, RECORD_LINKS_TABLE) + " (from_record_id, to_record_id) values (?,?)"; TimingLogger.start(RECORD_LINKS_TABLE + ".insert"); int[] updateCounts = jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(sql, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() { public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int j) throws SQLException { long[] link = links.get(j); ps.setLong(1, link[0]); ps.setLong(2, link[1]); } public int getBatchSize() { return links.size(); } }); TimingLogger.stop(RECORD_LINKS_TABLE + ".insert"); } public void persistLinkedRecordIdsRemoved(String name, final List<long[]> links) { String sql = "delete from " + getTableName(name, RECORD_LINKS_TABLE) + " where from_record_id=? and to_record_id=?"; TimingLogger.start(RECORD_LINKS_TABLE + ".delete"); int[] updateCounts = jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(sql, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() { public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int j) throws SQLException { long[] link = links.get(j); ps.setLong(1, link[0]); ps.setLong(2, link[1]); } public int getBatchSize() { return links.size(); } }); TimingLogger.stop(RECORD_LINKS_TABLE + ".delete"); } public void persistPreviousStatuses(String repoName, TLongByteHashMap previousStatuses) { try { String dbLoadFileStr = (MSTConfiguration.getUrlPath() + "/").replace('\\', '/'); byte[] tabBytes = "\t".getBytes(); byte[] newLineBytes = "\n".getBytes(); File dbLoadFile = new File(dbLoadFileStr); if (dbLoadFile.exists()) { dbLoadFile.delete(); } OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(dbLoadFileStr)); int i = 0; TimingLogger.start(PREV_INCOMING_RECORD_STATUSES + ".insert"); TimingLogger.start(PREV_INCOMING_RECORD_STATUSES + ".insert.create_infile"); for (long recordId : previousStatuses.keys()) { if (i++ > 0) { os.write(newLineBytes); } os.write((recordId + "").getBytes()); os.write(tabBytes); os.write(previousStatuses.get(recordId)); } os.close(); TimingLogger.stop(PREV_INCOMING_RECORD_STATUSES + ".insert.create_infile"); TimingLogger.start(PREV_INCOMING_RECORD_STATUSES + ".insert.load_infile"); this.jdbcTemplate.execute("load data infile '" + dbLoadFileStr + "' REPLACE into table " + getTableName(repoName, PREV_INCOMING_RECORD_STATUSES) + " character set utf8 fields terminated by '\\t' lines terminated by '\\n'"); TimingLogger.stop(PREV_INCOMING_RECORD_STATUSES + ".insert.load_infile"); TimingLogger.stop(PREV_INCOMING_RECORD_STATUSES + ".insert"); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new RuntimeException(t); } } /* * This method determines whether or not a holdings record's links (to its referenced bib -- either the MARC 004 or 014) are present and active. * This is useful to know in decided when/if to activate a previously "held" holdings record. mysql> select * from record_links l left join records r on l.to_record_id = r.record_id where r.status = 'A' and l.from_record_id = 2314; +----------------+--------------+-----------+---------------------+------+--------+-------------+-----------+ | from_record_id | to_record_id | record_id | oai_datestamp | type | status | prev_status | format_id | +----------------+--------------+-----------+---------------------+------+--------+-------------+-----------+ | 2314 | 2248 | 2248 | 2012-12-04 14:32:21 | m | A | N | 5 | +----------------+--------------+-----------+---------------------+------+--------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> select * from record_links where from_record_id = 2314; +----------------+--------------+ | from_record_id | to_record_id | +----------------+--------------+ | 2314 | 2248 | | 2314 | 2313 | +----------------+--------------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec) */ public boolean hasActiveRecordLinks(String name, long holdingsId) { java.util.Set<Long> linkToIds = new TreeSet<Long>(); String sql = "select to_record_id from " + getTableName(name, RECORD_LINKS_TABLE) + " where from_record_id = " + holdingsId; List<Map<String, Object>> rowList = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql); for (Map<String, Object> row : rowList) { Long recId = (Long) row.get("to_record_id"); linkToIds.add(recId); } java.util.Set<Long> linkToActiveIds = new TreeSet<Long>(); sql = "select l.to_record_id as to_record_id from " + getTableName(name, RECORD_LINKS_TABLE) + " l left join " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE) + " r on l.to_record_id = r.record_id where r.status = 'A' and l.from_record_id = " + holdingsId; rowList = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql); for (Map<String, Object> row : rowList) { Long recId = (Long) row.get("to_record_id"); linkToActiveIds.add(recId); } return linkToIds.equals(linkToActiveIds); } public List<Integer> getAllRecordIdsHavingStatus(String name, char status) { List<Integer> recIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); String sql = "select record_id from " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE) + " where status = '" + status + "'"; List<Map<String, Object>> rowList = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql); for (Map<String, Object> row : rowList) { Integer recId = (Integer) row.get("record_id"); recIds.add(recId); } return recIds; } public void activateRecords(String name, final TLongHashSet recordIds) { if (recordIds.size() > 0) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); TimingLogger.start("activateRecords"); String sql = "update " + getTableName(name, RepositoryDAO.RECORDS_TABLE) + " set status='" + Record.ACTIVE + "', prev_status=status " + // in future may need flex. to pass in prev_status;true today though " where record_id = ?"; final TLongIterator it = recordIds.iterator(); int[] updateCount = jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(sql, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() { public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int j) throws SQLException { ps.setLong(1,; } public int getBatchSize() { return recordIds.size(); } }); TimingLogger.stop("activateRecords"); long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long updateTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + (endTime - startTime) + 3000; final TLongIterator it2 = recordIds.iterator(); TimingLogger.start("RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE.insert"); sql = "insert into " + getTableName(name, RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE) + " (record_id, date_updated) " + "values (?,?) " + ";"; jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(sql, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() { public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int j) throws SQLException { int i = 1; ps.setLong(i++,; ps.setTimestamp(i++, new Timestamp(updateTime)); } public int getBatchSize() { return recordIds.size(); } }); TimingLogger.stop("RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE.insert"); } else { LOG.debug("linkedToIds is null or empty"); } } public void activateLinkedRecords(String name, final TLongArrayList linkedToIds) { if (linkedToIds.size() > 0) { TimingLogger.start("activateHeldHoldings"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("update " + getTableName(name, RepositoryDAO.RECORDS_TABLE) + " set status='" + Record.ACTIVE + "'" + " where record_id in (select from_record_id from links where to_record_id in ("); for (int i = 0; i < linkedToIds.size(); i++) { sb.append("?"); if (i + 1 < linkedToIds.size()) { sb.append(", "); } } sb.append("))"); LOG.debug("sb.toString(): " + sb.toString()); int updateCount = jdbcTemplate.update(sb.toString(), new PreparedStatementSetter() { public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException { for (int i = 0; i < linkedToIds.size(); i++) { ps.setLong(i + 1, linkedToIds.get(i)); } } }); TimingLogger.stop("activateHeldHoldings"); } else { LOG.debug("linkedToIds is null or empty"); } } public void setAllLastModifiedOais(String name, Date d) { this.jdbcTemplate.update("update " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE) + " set oai_datestamp=?", d); } public void deleteAllData(String name) { this.jdbcTemplate.update("delete from " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE)); this.jdbcTemplate.update("delete from " + getTableName(name, RECORD_PREDECESSORS_TABLE)); this.jdbcTemplate.update("delete from " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_SETS_TABLE)); this.jdbcTemplate.update("delete from " + getTableName(name, RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE)); this.jdbcTemplate.update("delete from " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE)); this.jdbcTemplate.update("delete from " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_XML_TABLE)); } private static final class RepoMapper implements RowMapper<Repository> { public Repository mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { Repository r = new DefaultRepository(); r.setName(rs.getString("r.repo_name")); try { Provider p = new Provider(); p.setName(rs.getString("")); p.setOaiProviderUrl(rs.getString("p.oai_provider_url")); p.setId(rs.getInt("p.provider_id")); r.setProvider(p); } catch (SQLException t) { // LOG.debug("", t); Service s = new Service(); s.setName(rs.getString("s.service_name")); s.setId(rs.getInt("s.service_id")); r.setService(s); } return r; } } private static final class RecordMapper implements RowMapper<Record> { protected List<String> tables = null; protected RepositoryDAO thisthis = null; public RecordMapper(String[] tables, RepositoryDAO thisthis) { this.tables = Arrays.asList(tables); this.thisthis = thisthis; } public Record mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { Record r = new Record(); if (tables.contains(RECORDS_TABLE)) { r.setId(rs.getLong("r.record_id")); r.setCreatedAt(rs.getTimestamp("r.oai_datestamp")); r.setType(rs.getString("type")); String status = rs.getString("r.status"); String prevStatus = rs.getString("r.prev_status"); try { Integer formatId = rs.getInt("r.format_id"); r.setFormat(thisthis.getFormatDAO().getById(formatId)); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { LOG.debug("no format for record: " + r.getId()); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.debug("", t); } if (status != null && status.length() == 1) { r.setStatus(status.charAt(0)); } if (prevStatus != null && prevStatus.length() == 1) { char ps = prevStatus.charAt(0); if (ps != 0) r.setPreviousStatus(ps); } } if (tables.contains(RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE)) { r.setUpdatedAt(rs.getTimestamp("date_updated")); } if (tables.contains(RECORDS_XML_TABLE)) { r.setMode(Record.STRING_MODE); r.setOaiXml(rs.getString("x.xml")); } if (tables.contains(RECORDS_SETS_TABLE)) { r.setId(rs.getLong("rs.record_id")); Set s = new Set(); s.setId(rs.getInt("s.set_id")); s.setSetSpec(rs.getString("s.set_spec")); s.setDisplayName(rs.getString("s.display_name")); r.addSet(s); } if (tables.contains(RECORD_PREDECESSORS_TABLE)) { } RecordMessage rm = null; if (tables.contains(MessageDAO.MESSAGES_TABLE)) { r.setId(rs.getLong("m.record_id")); String inOut = rs.getString("m.rec_in_out"); if (inOut != null) { rm = new RecordMessage(); rm.setId(rs.getLong("m.record_id")); rm.setRecord(r); rm.setInputRecord("O".equals(rs.getString("m.rec_in_out"))); rm.setCode(rs.getInt("m.msg_code")); rm.setLevel(rs.getString("m.msg_level").charAt(0)); rm.setServiceId(rs.getInt("m.service_id")); r.addMessage(rm); } } if (rm != null && tables.contains(MessageDAO.MESSAGE_DETAILS_TABLE)) { rm.setDetail(rs.getString("md.detail")); } return r; } } public void dropIndices(String name) { name = getUtil().getDBSchema(name); TimingLogger.start("dropIndices." + name); String[] indices2drop = new String[] { "idx_" + RECORDS_TABLE + "_date_created", RECORDS_TABLE, "idx_" + RECORDS_TABLE + "_status", RECORDS_TABLE, "idx_" + RECORDS_TABLE + "_format_id", RECORDS_TABLE, "idx_" + RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE + "_date_updated", RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE, "idx_" + RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE + "_record_id", RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE, // , You shouldn't drop these. They might be needed (eg reprocessing) // "idx_"+RECORDS_SETS_TABLE+"_record_id", RECORDS_SETS_TABLE, // "idx_"+RECORDS_SETS_TABLE+"_set_id", RECORDS_SETS_TABLE, // "idx_"+RECORD_PREDECESSORS_TABLE+"_record_id", RECORD_PREDECESSORS_TABLE, // "idx_"+RECORD_PREDECESSORS_TABLE+"_pred_record_id", RECORD_PREDECESSORS_TABLE }; for (int i = 0; i < indices2drop.length; i += 2) { try { this.jdbcTemplate.execute( "drop index " + indices2drop[i] + " on " + getTableName(name, indices2drop[i + 1])); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("", t); } } java.util.Set<String> tables = new HashSet<String>(); List<Map<String, Object>> rows = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList("show tables in " + name); if (rows != null) { for (Map<String, Object> row : rows) { tables.add((String) row.values().iterator().next()); } } boolean dropIndicesOnRecordLinks = false; if (tables.contains(RECORD_LINKS_TABLE)) { dropIndicesOnRecordLinks = true; rows = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList("show indexes from " + getTableName(name, RECORD_LINKS_TABLE)); if (rows != null) { for (Map<String, Object> row : rows) { String indexName = (String) row.get("Key_name"); LOG.debug("indexName: " + indexName); if (("idx_to_record_id").equals(indexName)) { dropIndicesOnRecordLinks = false; break; } } } } if (dropIndicesOnRecordLinks) { indices2drop = new String[] { "drop index idx_from_record_id on " + getTableName(name, RECORD_LINKS_TABLE), "drop index idx_to_record_id on " + getTableName(name, RECORD_LINKS_TABLE) }; for (String index2drop : indices2drop) { execute(index2drop); } } TimingLogger.stop("dropIndices." + name); } public void createIndicesIfNecessary(String name) { name = getUtil().getDBSchema(name); TimingLogger.start("createIndicesIfNecessary." + name); java.util.Set<String> tables = new HashSet<String>(); List<Map<String, Object>> rows = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList("show tables in " + name); if (rows != null) { for (Map<String, Object> row : rows) { tables.add((String) row.values().iterator().next()); } } boolean genericRepoIndexExists = ready4harvest(name); if (!genericRepoIndexExists) { String[] indices2create = new String[] { "create index idx_records_date_created on " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE) + " (oai_datestamp)", "create index idx_records_status on " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE) + " (status)", "create index idx_records_format_id on " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE) + " (format_id)", }; for (String i2c : indices2create) { TimingLogger.start(i2c.split(" ")[2]); try { this.jdbcTemplate.execute(i2c); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("", t); } TimingLogger.stop(i2c.split(" ")[2]); } } boolean createIndicesOnRecordUpdates = false; if (tables.contains(RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE)) { createIndicesOnRecordUpdates = true; rows = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList("show indexes from " + getTableName(name, RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE)); if (rows != null) { for (Map<String, Object> row : rows) { String indexName = (String) row.get("Key_name"); LOG.debug("indexName: " + indexName); if (("idx_record_updates_date_updated").equals(indexName)) { createIndicesOnRecordUpdates = false; break; } } } } if (createIndicesOnRecordUpdates) { String[] indices2create = new String[] { "create index idx_record_updates_date_updated on " + getTableName(name, RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE) + " (date_updated)", "create index idx_record_updates_record_id on " + getTableName(name, RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE) + " (record_id)" }; for (String i2c : indices2create) { TimingLogger.start(i2c.split(" ")[2]); try { this.jdbcTemplate.execute(i2c); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("", t); } TimingLogger.stop(i2c.split(" ")[2]); } } boolean createIndicesOnRecordOaiIds = false; if (tables.contains(RECORD_OAI_IDS)) { createIndicesOnRecordOaiIds = true; rows = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList("show indexes from " + getTableName(name, RECORD_OAI_IDS)); if (rows != null) { for (Map<String, Object> row : rows) { String indexName = (String) row.get("Key_name"); LOG.debug("indexName: " + indexName); if ("idx_oai_id".equals(indexName)) { createIndicesOnRecordOaiIds = false; } } } } if (createIndicesOnRecordOaiIds) { // idx_oai_id is a new index created in version 1.4 // make sure it exists when/if someone upgraded MST version from < 1.4 String[] indices2create = new String[] { "create index idx_oai_id on " + getTableName(name, RECORD_OAI_IDS) + " (oai_id)" }; for (String i2c : indices2create) { TimingLogger.start(i2c.split(" ")[2]); try { this.jdbcTemplate.execute(i2c); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("", t); } TimingLogger.stop(i2c.split(" ")[2]); } } boolean createIndicesOnRecordLinks = false; if (tables.contains(RECORD_LINKS_TABLE)) { createIndicesOnRecordLinks = true; rows = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList("show indexes from " + getTableName(name, RECORD_LINKS_TABLE)); if (rows != null) { for (Map<String, Object> row : rows) { String indexName = (String) row.get("Key_name"); LOG.debug("indexName: " + indexName); if (("idx_to_record_id").equals(indexName)) { createIndicesOnRecordLinks = false; break; } } } } if (createIndicesOnRecordLinks) { // TODO: you might have to remove duplicates String[] indices2create = new String[] { "create index idx_from_record_id on " + getTableName(name, RECORD_LINKS_TABLE) + " (from_record_id)", "create index idx_to_record_id on " + getTableName(name, RECORD_LINKS_TABLE) + " (to_record_id)" }; for (String i2c : indices2create) { TimingLogger.start(i2c.split(" ")[2]); try { this.jdbcTemplate.execute(i2c); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("", t); } TimingLogger.stop(i2c.split(" ")[2]); } } boolean createIndicesOnRecordSets = false; if (tables.contains(RECORDS_SETS_TABLE)) { createIndicesOnRecordSets = true; rows = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList("show indexes from " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_SETS_TABLE)); if (rows != null) { for (Map<String, Object> row : rows) { String indexName = (String) row.get("Key_name"); LOG.debug("indexName: " + indexName); if (("idx_" + RECORDS_SETS_TABLE + "_record_id").equals(indexName)) { createIndicesOnRecordSets = false; break; } } } } if (createIndicesOnRecordSets) { String[] indices2create = new String[] { "create index idx_" + RECORDS_SETS_TABLE + "_record_id on " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_SETS_TABLE) + " (record_id)", "create index idx_" + RECORDS_SETS_TABLE + "_set_id on " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_SETS_TABLE) + " (set_id)", }; for (String i2c : indices2create) { TimingLogger.start(i2c.split(" ")[2]); try { this.jdbcTemplate.execute(i2c); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("", t); } TimingLogger.stop(i2c.split(" ")[2]); } } boolean createIndicesOnRecordPredecessors = false; if (tables.contains(RECORD_PREDECESSORS_TABLE)) { createIndicesOnRecordPredecessors = true; rows = this.jdbcTemplate .queryForList("show indexes from " + getTableName(name, RECORD_PREDECESSORS_TABLE)); if (rows != null) { for (Map<String, Object> row : rows) { String indexName = (String) row.get("Key_name"); LOG.debug("indexName: " + indexName); if (("idx_" + RECORD_PREDECESSORS_TABLE + "_record_id").equals(indexName)) { createIndicesOnRecordPredecessors = false; break; } } } } if (createIndicesOnRecordPredecessors) { String[] indices2create = new String[] { "create index idx_" + RECORD_PREDECESSORS_TABLE + "_record_id on " + getTableName(name, RECORD_PREDECESSORS_TABLE) + " (record_id)", "create index idx_" + RECORD_PREDECESSORS_TABLE + "_pred_record_id on " + getTableName(name, RECORD_PREDECESSORS_TABLE) + " (pred_record_id)", }; for (String i2c : indices2create) { TimingLogger.start(i2c.split(" ")[2]); try { this.jdbcTemplate.execute(i2c); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("", t); } TimingLogger.stop(i2c.split(" ")[2]); } } TimingLogger.stop("createIndicesIfNecessary." + name); TimingLogger.reset(); } public boolean ready4harvest(String name) { boolean genericRepoIndexExists = false; name = getUtil().getDBSchema(name); try { List<Map<String, Object>> rows = this.jdbcTemplate .queryForList("show indexes from " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE)); if (rows != null) { for (Map<String, Object> row : rows) { String indexName = (String) row.get("Key_name"); LOG.debug("indexName: " + indexName); if (("idx_records_status").equals(indexName)) { genericRepoIndexExists = true; break; } } } } catch (Throwable t) { // do nothing LOG.debug("", t); } LOG.debug(name + " ready4harvest: " + genericRepoIndexExists); return genericRepoIndexExists; } public String getPersistentProperty(String name, String key) { try { return (String) this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject( " select value " + " from " + getTableName(name, PROPERTIES) + " where prop_key = ?", String.class, key); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException t) { return null; } } public List<String[]> getAllPersistentProperties(String name) { try { List<String[]> props = new ArrayList<String[]>(); List<Map<String, Object>> rows = this.jdbcTemplate .queryForList("select prop_key, value from " + getTableName(name, PROPERTIES)); if (rows != null) { for (Map<String, Object> row : rows) { props.add(new String[] { (String) row.get("prop_key"), (String) row.get("value") }); } } return props; } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException t) { return null; } } public void setPersistentProperty(String name, String key, String value) { this.jdbcTemplate.update( "insert into " + getTableName(name, PROPERTIES) + " values (?, ?) on duplicate key update value=?", key, value, value); } public boolean isServiceRepo(String repoName) { return tableExists(getUtil().getDBSchema(repoName), RECORD_LINKS_TABLE); } public boolean isProviderRepo(String repoName) { return !tableExists(getUtil().getDBSchema(repoName), RECORD_LINKS_TABLE); } public String getRecordStatsByType(String name) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); List<Map<String, Object>> otherRows = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); List<Map<String, Object>> totalsRows = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList("select status, count(*) c from " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE) + " group by status order by status"); List<Map<String, Object>> rowsByType = null; // the below returns something like: //+------+--------+---------+ //| type | status | c | //+------+--------+---------+ //| e | A | 2808321 | //| h | A | 2791443 | //| h | H | 10931 | //| m | A | 2630614 | //| w | A | 2808321 | //+------+--------+---------+ // // those results will be used in the record counts summary displayed in a service's log file: // e-active: 2,808,321 h-active: 2,791,443 h-held: 10,931 // m-active: 2,630,614 w-active: 2,808,321 // total-active: 11,038,699 total-held: 10,931 // // (as contrasted with grabbing the data from the outgoing_record_counts table) // if (isServiceRepo(name)) { rowsByType = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList("select type, status, count(*) c from " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE) + " group by type, status order by type, status"); } else { rowsByType = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList("select rs.set_id type, r.status status, count(*) c " + "from " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_SETS_TABLE) + " rs, " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE) + " r " + " where r.record_id = rs.record_id group by rs.set_id, r.status"); for (Map<String, Object> row : totalsRows) { Map<String, Object> m = new HashMap<String, Object>(); m.put("status", row.get("status")); m.put("c", row.get("c")); m.put("type", "unknown"); otherRows.add(m); } List<Map<String, Object>> rows2remove = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); for (Map<String, Object> row : rowsByType) { LOG.debug("row.get(type): " + row.get("type")); if (row.get("type") != null) LOG.debug("row.get(type).getClass(): " + row.get("type").getClass()); if (row.get("type") instanceof Integer) { try { String type = getSetDAO().getById((Integer) row.get("type")).getSetSpec(); row.put("type", type); if (!type.contains(":")) { rows2remove.add(row); continue; } } catch (Throwable t) { getUtil().throwIt(t); } } String status = (String) row.get("status"); Map<String, Object> m = null; for (Map<String, Object> otherRow : otherRows) { if (status.equals(otherRow.get("status"))) { m = otherRow; break; } } m.put("c", ((Long) m.get("c")) - ((Long) row.get("c"))); } rowsByType.removeAll(rows2remove); } for (List<Map<String, Object>> rows : new List[] { rowsByType, otherRows, totalsRows }) { int col = 0; for (Map<String, Object> row : rows) { String type = "total"; if (row.containsKey("type")) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty((String) row.get("type"))) { type = RecordCounts.OTHER; } else { type = (String) row.get("type"); } } if (col == 0) sb.append("\n"); sb.append(StringUtils .leftPad(type + "-" + Record.statusNames.get(((String) row.get("status")).charAt(0)), 30)); sb.append(":"); DecimalFormat myFormatter = new DecimalFormat("###,###,###"); sb.append(StringUtils.leftPad(myFormatter.format(getUtil().getLongPrim(row.get("c"))), 12)); if (++col == 3) { col = 0; } } } return sb.toString(); } public void updateOutgoingRecordCounts(String name) { Map<String, long[]> countsByType = new HashMap<String, long[]>(); countsByType.put("total", new long[3]); List<Map<String, Object>> rows = this.jdbcTemplate .queryForList("select count(*) as count, type, status from " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE) + " group by type, status"); if (rows != null) { for (Map<String, Object> row : rows) { Long count = (Long) row.get("count"); String type = (String) row.get("type"); char status = ((String) row.get("status")).charAt(0); long[] counts4type = countsByType.get(type); if (counts4type == null) { counts4type = new long[3]; countsByType.put(type, counts4type); } if (status == Record.ACTIVE) { countsByType.get("total")[0] += count; counts4type[0] = count; } else if (status == Record.DELETED) { countsByType.get("total")[2] += count; counts4type[2] = count; } } } rows = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(" select count(*) as count, r.type as type " + " from " + getTableName(name, RECORD_UPDATES_TABLE) + " as u, " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_TABLE) + " as r " + " where u.record_id = r.record_id " + " group by r.type"); if (rows != null) { for (Map<String, Object> row : rows) { Long count = (Long) row.get("count"); String type = (String) row.get("type"); countsByType.get(type)[1] = count - countsByType.get(type)[0]; countsByType.get("total")[1] += count; } countsByType.get("total")[1] = countsByType.get("total")[1] - countsByType.get("total")[0]; } for (Map.Entry<String, long[]> counts4type : countsByType.entrySet()) { String key = "RecordsCount"; if (counts4type.getKey() == null || counts4type.getKey().equals("")) { continue; } if (!counts4type.getKey().equals("total")) { key += "-" + counts4type.getKey(); } setPersistentProperty(name, "outgoingActive" + key, "" + counts4type.getValue()[0]); setPersistentProperty(name, "outgoingUpdated" + key, "" + counts4type.getValue()[1]); setPersistentProperty(name, "outgoingDeleted" + key, "" + counts4type.getValue()[2]); } } public List<Integer> getSetIds(String name) { // List<Integer> sets = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Integer> setIds = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList( "select set_id from " + getTableName(name, RECORDS_SETS_TABLE) + " group by set_id", Integer.class); return setIds; } }