Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2010 eXtensible Catalog Organization * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT/X11 license. The text of the * license can be found at and copy of the license can be found on the project * website * */ package; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import xc.mst.utils.Util; /** * Requirements this tries to adhere to can be found here: * * * I found it so vital to entangling what is going on here that I am going to include part of it here as well. * * Dave in email on 2011-03-31 I guess I have an initial comment to start: We are counting active, updates, and deletes, but I believe there are at least four categories - perhaps we should count the following kinds of arriving records (I am assuming that active is defined as a record that is not marked-deleted): 1) new record (active) 2) new record (marked-deleted) 3) updated record (active) 4) updated record (marked-deleted) We could also count some additional categories that would also look at what the updated records are replacing (two of the above cases) : 3a) updated (active replacing an existing active) 3b) updated (active replacing an existing marked-deleted) 4a) updated (marked-deleted replacing an existing active) 4b) updated (marked-deleted replacing an existing marked-deleted) * * @author Benjamin Anderson * */ public class RecordCounts { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(RecordCounts.class); public static final Date TOTALS_DATE = new Date(0); public static final String TOTALS = "TOTALS"; public static final String OTHER = "unknown"; public static String INCOMING = "incoming"; public static String OUTGOING = "outgoing"; public static String NEW_ACTIVE = "new_act_cnt"; public static String NEW_HELD = "new_held_cnt"; public static String NEW_DELETE = "new_del_cnt"; public static String UPDATE_ACTIVE = "upd_act_cnt"; public static String UPDATE_HELD = "upd_held_cnt"; public static String UPDATE_DELETE = "upd_del_cnt"; public static String UNEXPECTED_ERROR = "unexpected_error_cnt"; public static Set<String> INCOMING_STATUS_COLUMN_NAMES = null; public static Map<String, String> UPD_PREV_COLUMN_NAMES = null; static { UPD_PREV_COLUMN_NAMES = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); UPD_PREV_COLUMN_NAMES.put(Record.ACTIVE + "" + Record.ACTIVE, "upd_act_prev_act_cnt"); UPD_PREV_COLUMN_NAMES.put(Record.ACTIVE + "" + Record.HELD, "upd_act_prev_held_cnt"); UPD_PREV_COLUMN_NAMES.put(Record.ACTIVE + "" + Record.DELETED, "upd_act_prev_del_cnt"); UPD_PREV_COLUMN_NAMES.put(Record.HELD + "" + Record.ACTIVE, "upd_held_prev_act_cnt"); UPD_PREV_COLUMN_NAMES.put(Record.HELD + "" + Record.HELD, "upd_held_prev_held_cnt"); UPD_PREV_COLUMN_NAMES.put(Record.HELD + "" + Record.DELETED, "upd_held_prev_del_cnt"); UPD_PREV_COLUMN_NAMES.put(Record.DELETED + "" + Record.ACTIVE, "upd_del_prev_act_cnt"); UPD_PREV_COLUMN_NAMES.put(Record.DELETED + "" + Record.HELD, "upd_del_prev_held_cnt"); UPD_PREV_COLUMN_NAMES.put(Record.DELETED + "" + Record.DELETED, "upd_del_prev_del_cnt"); INCOMING_STATUS_COLUMN_NAMES = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); INCOMING_STATUS_COLUMN_NAMES.add(NEW_ACTIVE); INCOMING_STATUS_COLUMN_NAMES.add(NEW_HELD); INCOMING_STATUS_COLUMN_NAMES.add(NEW_DELETE); INCOMING_STATUS_COLUMN_NAMES.add(UPDATE_ACTIVE); INCOMING_STATUS_COLUMN_NAMES.add(UPDATE_HELD); INCOMING_STATUS_COLUMN_NAMES.add(UPDATE_DELETE); } protected Map<String, Map<String, AtomicInteger>> counts = null; protected Date harvestStartDate = null; protected String incomingOutgoing = null; public RecordCounts(Date harvestStartDate, String incomingOutgoing) { this.counts = new HashMap<String, Map<String, AtomicInteger>>(); this.harvestStartDate = harvestStartDate; this.incomingOutgoing = incomingOutgoing; getCountsByType(RecordCounts.TOTALS); } public String getIncomingOutgoing() { return incomingOutgoing; } public void setIncomingOutgoing(String incomingOutgoing) { this.incomingOutgoing = incomingOutgoing; } protected Map<String, AtomicInteger> getCountsByType(String type) { if (type == null) { type = TOTALS; } Map<String, AtomicInteger> counts4type = counts.get(type); if (counts4type == null) { counts4type = new HashMap<String, AtomicInteger>(); counts.put(type, counts4type); } return counts4type; } protected AtomicInteger getCount(Map<String, AtomicInteger> counts4type, String col_1) { if (UPD_PREV_COLUMN_NAMES.containsKey(col_1)) { col_1 = UPD_PREV_COLUMN_NAMES.get(col_1); } AtomicInteger ai = counts4type.get(col_1); if (ai == null) { ai = new AtomicInteger(0); counts4type.put(col_1, ai); } return ai; } /** * generally do not externally want to call this one. * currently it is only externally called in the case of an error. * @param type * @param col_1 */ public void incr(String type, String col_1) { if (type == null) { type = TOTALS; } if (col_1 == null) { throw new RuntimeException("bogus"); } getCount(getCountsByType(type), col_1).addAndGet(1); } /** * You probably want to call this one. * * A collection of things I have learned. * * This method generally ends up incrementing two counters. * * i.e. lets take the example: * We received 144 generic updated active records. * These break down further to all 144 being updated active records replacing active records. * So 2 counters get updated, upd_act_cnt += 144 and upd_act_prev_act_cnt += 144. * * They are both incremented as a result of a updated active record being received that replaces one that was previously active. * It could have been an updated active record being received that replaces one that was previously held, * or an updated active record received that replaces one that was previously deleted. * * Another example: * upd_act_cnt: 6,755 * upd_act_prev_act_cnt: 4,212 * upd_act_prev_held_cnt: 2,543 * upd_act_prev_del_cnt: 0 * For the above, we have 6,755 upd_act_cnt, and that breaks down to 4,212 of 1 type and 2,543 of another. * The below code does that. * * * RecordIfc tells through comments that get/setType are key for RecordCount reporting. * So if you want to see something besides 'Totals' and 'RecordCounts.OTHER' * then the service must set the Record's type. * * As explained in DCTransformationService: * // // setting this here increments this type in the record counts when // incremented in GenericMetadataService.process() -- else it then // increments RecordCounts.OTHER // * * @see RecordIfc * @param type - set by the service, see comments above * @param newStatus - need to know the prevStatus and the newStatus then with both of these make the decision on which counter(s) to increment * @param prevStatus - need to know the prevStatus and the newStatus then with both of these make the decision on which counter(s) to increment */ public void incr(String type, char newStatus, char prevStatus) { // LOG.debug("incr - type:"+type+" newStatus:"+newStatus+" prevStatus:"+prevStatus); if (type == null) { type = TOTALS; } String col_1 = null; if (prevStatus == 0 || prevStatus == Record.NULL) { if (newStatus == Record.ACTIVE) { col_1 = RecordCounts.NEW_ACTIVE; } else if (newStatus == Record.HELD) { col_1 = RecordCounts.NEW_HELD; } else if (newStatus == Record.DELETED) { col_1 = RecordCounts.NEW_DELETE; } } else { if (newStatus == Record.ACTIVE) { col_1 = RecordCounts.UPDATE_ACTIVE; } else if (newStatus == Record.HELD) { col_1 = RecordCounts.UPDATE_HELD; } else if (newStatus == Record.DELETED) { col_1 = RecordCounts.UPDATE_DELETE; } } try { incr(type, col_1); } catch (RuntimeException re) { LOG.error("type: " + type); LOG.error("newStatus: " + newStatus); LOG.error("prevStatus: " + prevStatus); throw re; } // the other incr:? if (prevStatus != 0 && prevStatus != Record.NULL) { getCount(getCountsByType(type), newStatus + "" + prevStatus).addAndGet(1); } } public Map<String, Map<String, AtomicInteger>> getCounts() { return counts; } public int getCount(String type, String col) { Map<String, AtomicInteger> counts4type = counts.get(type); if (counts4type != null) { AtomicInteger ai = counts4type.get(col); if (ai != null) { return ai.get(); } } return 0; } public int getCount(String type, char status, char prevStatus) { Map<String, AtomicInteger> counts4type = counts.get(type); if (counts4type != null) { AtomicInteger ai = counts4type.get(UPD_PREV_COLUMN_NAMES.get(status + "" + prevStatus)); if (ai != null) { return ai.get(); } } return 0; } public Date getHarvestStartDate() { return this.harvestStartDate; } public void clear() { this.counts = new HashMap<String, Map<String, AtomicInteger>>(); } public String toString(String repoName) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // This is for the purpose of making the totals appear last List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String type : counts.keySet()) { if (!type.equals(TOTALS) && !type.equals(OTHER)) { keys.add(type); } } keys.add(OTHER); keys.add(TOTALS); for (String type : keys) { Map<String, AtomicInteger> counts4Type = counts.get(type); if (counts4Type == null) continue; type = StringUtils.rightPad(type, 25); int col = 0; List<String> colNames = new ArrayList<String>(); colNames.addAll(INCOMING_STATUS_COLUMN_NAMES); if (RecordCounts.OUTGOING.equals(this.incomingOutgoing)) { colNames.addAll(UPD_PREV_COLUMN_NAMES.values()); } else { colNames.add(UNEXPECTED_ERROR); } String date = "all time "; LOG.debug("TOTALS_DATE.getTime(): " + TOTALS_DATE.getTime()); LOG.debug("this.harvestStartDate.getTime(): " + this.harvestStartDate.getTime()); if (this.harvestStartDate.getTime() != TOTALS_DATE.getTime()) { LOG.debug("new Util().printDateTime(this.harvestStartDate): " + new Util().printDateTime(this.harvestStartDate)); LOG.debug("new Util().printDateTime(TOTALS_DATE): " + new Util().printDateTime(TOTALS_DATE)); date = new Util().printDateTime(this.harvestStartDate); } for (String updateType : colNames) { if (col == 0) sb.append("\n" + incomingOutgoing + " " + date + " " + type + " "); long num = 0; if (counts4Type.get(updateType) != null) { num = counts4Type.get(updateType).get(); } DecimalFormat myFormatter = new DecimalFormat("###,###,###"); String line = StringUtils.leftPad(updateType, 25) + ": " + StringUtils.leftPad(myFormatter.format(num), 12) + " "; sb.append(line); if (++col == 3) { col = 0; } } } return sb.toString(); } }