Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2016 Dalibor Drgo <> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************************/ package wordnice.utils; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import; import; import; import gnu.trove.set.hash.THashSet; import sun.misc.Unsafe; import wordnice.api.Nice; import wordnice.api.Nice.VHandler; import wordnice.javaagent.JavaAgent; import wordnice.streams.ArrayOutputStream; import wordnice.streams.IUtils; import wordnice.threads.TimeoutThread; import wordnice.threads.TimeoutThread.Result; public class JavaUtils { public static class RuntimeThrowable extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public RuntimeThrowable(Throwable t) { initCauseOfThis(t); } @Override public void setStackTrace(StackTraceElement[] st) { this.getCause().setStackTrace(st); } @Override public StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace() { return this.getCause().getStackTrace(); } protected Throwable initCauseOfThis(Throwable cuz) { return super.initCause(cuz); } @Override public Throwable initCause(Throwable cuz) { return this.getCause().initCause(cuz); } @Override public Throwable getCause() { return this.getCause(); } @Override public Throwable fillInStackTrace() { return this.getCause(); } public void throwIt() throws Throwable { throw this.getCause(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return this.getCause().equals(obj); } } protected static Unsafe unsafe; protected static Method getThreads; /*** C & UNSAFE ***/ public static Instrumentation getInstrumentation() { return JavaAgent.get(); } public static Unsafe getUnsafe() { if (unsafe == null) { Class<?> clz = Unsafe.class; Field[] fields = clz.getDeclaredFields(); for (int i = 0, n = fields.length; i < n; i++) { Field f = fields[i]; if (!f.getType().equals(Unsafe.class)) { continue; } try { f.setAccessible(true); Unsafe unf = (Unsafe) f.get(null); if (unf != null) { return (unsafe = unf); } } catch (Throwable t) { } } } return unsafe; } public static boolean is64() { return (Unsafe.ADDRESS_SIZE == 8); } public static void throv(Throwable t) { Unsafe unf = getUnsafe(); if (unf != null) { unf.throwException(t); } throw new RuntimeException(t); } /*** MEMORY ***/ public static void memcpy(Object to, Object from, int size) { System.arraycopy(from, 0, to, 0, size); } public static void memcpy(Object to, int posto, Object from, int posfrom, int size) { System.arraycopy(from, posfrom, to, posto, size); } public static void memcpy(long to, long from, long sz) { getUnsafe().copyMemory(from, to, sz); } public static void memset(long to, byte val, long sz) { getUnsafe().setMemory(to, sz, val); } public static long malloc(long sz) { return getUnsafe().allocateMemory(sz); } public static long zalloc(long sz) { return getUnsafe().allocateMemory(sz); } public static long realloc(long ptr, long nevsz) { return getUnsafe().reallocateMemory(ptr, nevsz); } public static void free(long ptr) { getUnsafe().freeMemory(ptr); } public static long getPointer(Object obj) { Object arr[] = new Object[] { obj }; long base_offset = getUnsafe().arrayBaseOffset(Object[].class); if (is64()) { return getUnsafe().getLong(arr, base_offset); } else { return getUnsafe().getInt(arr, base_offset); } } /*** CLASS LOADERS ***/ public static ClassLoader getClassLoader() { return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); } public static Set<Class<?>> filterClasses(Collection<Class<?>> in, Class<?> ext) { Set<Class<?>> out = new THashSet<Class<?>>(); filterClasses(out, in, ext); return out; } public static void filterClasses(Collection<Class<?>> ret, Collection<Class<?>> in, Class<?> ext) { Iterator<Class<?>> it = in.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Class<?> clz =; if (ext.isAssignableFrom(clz)) { ret.add(clz); } } } public static boolean instanceOf(Object o, Class<?> c) { if (o == null || c == null) { return false; } return c.isAssignableFrom(o.getClass()); } public static boolean instanceOf(Class<?> o, Class<?> c) { if (o == null || c == null) { return false; } return c.isAssignableFrom(o); } public static Class<?> getClass(String name) throws Throwable { return (Class<?>) Class.forName(name); } public static Set<String> filterClassesString(Collection<String> in, String pref) { Set<String> out = Nice.createSet(); filterClassesString(out, in, pref); return out; } public static void filterClassesString(Collection<String> out, Collection<String> in, String pref) { Iterator<String> it = in.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String cur =; if (cur.startsWith(pref)) { out.add(cur); } } } public static Set<Class<?>> filterClasses(Collection<Class<?>> in, String pref) { Set<Class<?>> out = new THashSet<Class<?>>(); filterClasses(out, in, pref); return out; } public static void filterClasses(Collection<Class<?>> out, Collection<Class<?>> in, String pref) { Iterator<Class<?>> it = in.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Class<?> cur =; if (cur.getName().startsWith(pref)) { out.add(cur); } } } public static Set<String> filterClassesStringEquals(Collection<String> in, String pref) { Set<String> out = Nice.createSet(); filterClassesStringEquals(out, in, pref); return out; } public static void filterClassesStringEquals(Collection<String> out, Collection<String> in, String pref) { Iterator<String> it = in.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String cur =; if (cur.equals(pref)) { out.add(cur); } } } public static Set<Class<?>> filterClassesEquals(Collection<Class<?>> in, String pref) { Set<Class<?>> out = new THashSet<Class<?>>(); filterClassesEquals(out, in, pref); return out; } public static void filterClassesEquals(Collection<Class<?>> out, Collection<Class<?>> in, String pref) { Iterator<Class<?>> it = in.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Class<?> cur =; if (cur.getName().equals(pref)) { out.add(cur); } } } public static Set<String> filterPackagesString(Collection<String> in, String pref) { Set<String> out = Nice.createSet(); filterPackagesString(out, in, pref); return out; } public static void filterPackagesString(Collection<String> out, Collection<String> in, String pref) { Iterator<String> it = in.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String cur =; if (cur.startsWith(pref)) { out.add(cur); } } } public static Set<Package> filterPackages(Collection<Package> in, String pref) { Set<Package> out = new THashSet<Package>(); filterPackages(out, in, pref); return out; } public static void filterPackages(Collection<Package> out, Collection<Package> in, String pref) { Iterator<Package> it = in.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Package cur =; if (cur.getName().startsWith(pref)) { out.add(cur); } } } public static void loadClasses(Collection<Class<?>> out, Collection<String> in) throws Throwable { Iterator<String> it = in.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { out.add(getClass(; } } public static void loadClasses(Collection<Class<?>> out, Collection<String> in, ClassLoader cl) throws Throwable { Iterator<String> it = in.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { out.add(cl.loadClass(; } } public static void loadPackages(Collection<Package> out, Collection<String> in) throws Throwable { Iterator<String> it = in.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { out.add(Package.getPackage(; } } public static File getClassesLocation(Class<?> cls) throws URISyntaxException { return new File(cls.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toURI()); } public static File getClassesLocation(ClassLoader cl) throws URISyntaxException { return new File(cl.getResource("").toURI()); } protected static void getClassesFolder(Collection<String> set, File fd, String pref) { String[] ls = fd.list(); int i = 0; for (; i < ls.length; i++) { String curstr = ls[i]; File cur = new File(fd, curstr); if (cur.isDirectory()) { getClassesFolder(set, cur, (pref + curstr + ".")); } else { String clsn = pref + curstr; if (clsn.endsWith(".class") && clsn.indexOf('$') == -1) { set.add(clsn.substring(0, clsn.length() - 6).replace(File.separatorChar, '.')); } } } } protected static void getClassesFolder(VHandler<String> handler, File fd, String pref) { String[] ls = fd.list(); int i = 0; for (; i < ls.length; i++) { String curstr = ls[i]; File cur = new File(fd, curstr); if (cur.isDirectory()) { getClassesFolder(handler, cur, (pref + curstr + ".")); } else { String clsn = pref + curstr; if (clsn.endsWith(".class") && clsn.indexOf('$') == -1) { handler.handle(clsn.substring(0, clsn.length() - 6).replace(File.separatorChar, '.')); } } } } public static Set<String> getClassesNear(Class<?> cls) throws Exception { Set<String> out = Nice.createSet(); getClasses(out, getClassesLocation(cls)); return out; } public static Set<String> getClasses(ClassLoader cl) throws Exception { Set<String> out = Nice.createSet(); getClasses(out, getClassesLocation(cl)); return out; } public static Set<String> getClasses(File fd) throws Exception { Set<String> out = Nice.createSet(); getClasses(out, fd); return out; } public static void getClasses(Collection<String> set, File fd) throws Exception { if (fd.isDirectory()) { getClassesFolder(set, fd, ""); return; } getClassesZip(set, new ZipInputStream(Nice.input(fd))); } public static void getClasses(VHandler<String> handler, File fd) throws Exception { if (fd.isDirectory()) { getClassesFolder(handler, fd, ""); return; } getClassesZip(handler, new ZipInputStream(Nice.input(fd))); } public static Set<String> getClassesZip(ZipInputStream zip) throws Exception { Set<String> set = Nice.createSet(); getClassesZip(set, zip); return set; } public static void getClassesZip(Collection<String> set, ZipInputStream zip) throws Exception { ZipEntry ent = null; while ((ent = zip.getNextEntry()) != null) { if (!ent.isDirectory()) { String clsn = ent.getName(); if (clsn.endsWith(".class") && clsn.indexOf('$') == -1) { set.add(clsn.substring(0, clsn.length() - 6).replace(File.separatorChar, '.')); } } zip.closeEntry(); } zip.close(); } public static void getClassesZip(VHandler<String> handler, ZipInputStream zip) throws Exception { ZipEntry ent = null; while ((ent = zip.getNextEntry()) != null) { if (!ent.isDirectory()) { String clsn = ent.getName(); if (clsn.endsWith(".class") && clsn.indexOf('$') == -1) { handler.handle(clsn.substring(0, clsn.length() - 6).replace(File.separatorChar, '.')); } } zip.closeEntry(); } zip.close(); } public static Thread[] getThreads() { try { getThreads = Thread.class.getDeclaredMethod("getThreads"); getThreads.setAccessible(true); return (Thread[]) getThreads.invoke(null); } catch (Throwable t) { } Set<Thread> threadSet = Thread.getAllStackTraces().keySet(); return threadSet.toArray(new Thread[threadSet.size()]); } public static Class<?> getClassSafe(String cls) { try { return Class.forName(cls); } catch (Throwable t) { } return null; } public static Class<?> getClassSafe(String cls, ClassLoader cl) { try { return Class.forName(cls, true, cl); } catch (Throwable t) { } return null; } public static interface OnFinishConsumer { void accept(CommandData cd); } public static class CommandData { protected boolean readError = false; protected boolean readOutput = true; protected boolean redirectError = false; protected int exitStatus = -1; protected OutputStream output = null; protected OutputStream error = null; protected Throwable throwable = null; protected int timeout = 0; /** Called on finish */ protected OnFinishConsumer onFinish; /** Run in another thread? Ignored if onFinish == null */ protected boolean multithreaded = false; /** Used when timedout > 0 */ protected Result<Boolean> result = null; public Throwable getThrowable() { return this.throwable; } public CommandData setThrowable(Throwable t) { this.throwable = t; return this; } public boolean isReadError() { return readError; } public CommandData setReadError(boolean readError) { this.readError = readError; return this; } public boolean isReadOutput() { return readOutput; } public CommandData setReadOutput(boolean readOutput) { this.readOutput = readOutput; return this; } public boolean isRedirectError() { return redirectError; } public CommandData setRedirectError(boolean joinError) { this.redirectError = joinError; return this; } public int getExitStatus() { return exitStatus; } public CommandData setExitStatus(int exitStatus) { this.exitStatus = exitStatus; return this; } public boolean isExitOK() { return this.exitStatus == 0; } public OutputStream getOutput() { return output; } public CommandData setOutput(OutputStream output) { this.output = output; return this; } public OutputStream getError() { return error; } public CommandData setError(OutputStream error) { this.error = error; return this; } public int getTimeout() { return this.timeout; } public CommandData setTimeout(int tim) { this.timeout = (tim >= 0) ? tim : 0; return this; } public String getErrorString() { return (error == null) ? "" : error.toString(); } public String getOutputString() { return (output == null) ? "" : output.toString(); } public void writeOutput(byte[] buff, int off, int len) throws IOException { if (!this.readOutput || len == 0) return; if (this.output == null) this.output = Nice.createArrayOutput(); this.output.write(buff, off, len); } public void writeOutput(InputStream in) throws IOException { if (!this.readOutput) { IUtils.readFullyNowhere(in); return; } if (this.output == null) this.output = Nice.createArrayOutput(); if (this.output instanceof ArrayOutputStream) { ((ArrayOutputStream) this.output).write(in); } else { IOUtils.copy(in, this.output); } } public void writeError(byte[] buff, int off, int len) throws IOException { if (!this.readError || len == 0) return; if (this.error == null) this.error = Nice.createArrayOutput(); this.error.write(buff, off, len); } public void writeError(InputStream in) throws IOException { if (!this.readError) { IUtils.readFullyNowhere(in); return; } if (this.error == null) this.error = Nice.createArrayOutput(); if (this.error instanceof ArrayOutputStream) { ((ArrayOutputStream) this.error).write(in); } else { IOUtils.copy(in, this.error); } } public OnFinishConsumer getOnFinish() { return onFinish; } public CommandData setOnFinish(OnFinishConsumer onFinish) { this.onFinish = onFinish; return this; } public boolean isMultithreaded() { return multithreaded; } public CommandData setMultithreaded(boolean multithreaded) { this.multithreaded = multithreaded; return this; } public Result<Boolean> getTimeoutResult() { return this.result; } public CommandData setTimeoutResult(Result<Boolean> result) { this.result = result; return this; } }; public static File getJRE() { return new File(System.getProperty("java.home")); } public static String executeAndGetOutput(String... args) { try { CommandData cd = executeDefault(args); if (cd.isExitOK()) return cd.getOutputString(); } catch (Exception e) { } return null; } public static CommandData executeDefault(String... args) throws IOException, InterruptedException { CommandData cd = new CommandData(); execute(cd, args); return cd; } public static void execute(final CommandData out, final String... args) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (out.getTimeout() > 0) { executeSpecial(out, args); return; } else if (out.isMultithreaded()) { new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { executeBlock(out, args); } catch (Exception e) { out.setThrowable(e); } } }).start(); } else { executeBlock(out, args); } } protected static void executeBlock(CommandData out, String... args) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (out.getTimeout() > 0) { executeSpecial(out, args); return; } ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(args); pb.redirectErrorStream(out.isRedirectError()); Process proc = pb.start(); try (InputStream in = proc.getInputStream(); InputStream err = proc.getErrorStream()) { out.writeOutput(in); out.writeError(err); proc.waitFor(); out.setExitStatus(proc.exitValue()); if (out.getOnFinish() != null) out.getOnFinish().accept(out); } } protected static void executeSpecial(final CommandData out, final String... args) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Runnable rn = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { TimeoutThread<Boolean> tt = new TimeoutThread<Boolean>(new Callable<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean call() throws Exception { executeBlock(out, args); return true; } }, out.getTimeout()); Result<Boolean> res = new Result<Boolean>(); res.setResult(false); tt.runSafe(res); out.setTimeoutResult(res); } }; if (out.isMultithreaded()) { new Thread(rn).start(); } else {; } } public static boolean isWindows() { String os = System.getProperty(""); return (os != null && (os.contains("win") || os.contains("Win"))); } public static File getJDK() { File lastChance = null; String ver = "jdk" + (System.getProperty("java.version").toLowerCase()); String jdk = System.getenv("JAVA_HOME"); if (jdk != null && !jdk.isEmpty() && ver != null) { lastChance = new File(jdk); if (lastChance.exists() && lastChance.getName().toLowerCase().contains(ver)) { return lastChance; } } String os = System.getProperty(""); boolean isWin = (os != null && (os.contains("win") || os.contains("Win"))); if (!isWin) { String response = executeAndGetOutput("whereis", "javac"); if (response != null && !response.isEmpty()) { int pathStartIndex = response.indexOf('/'); if (pathStartIndex != -1) { String[] paths = response.substring(pathStartIndex, response.length()).split(" "); for (int i = 0, n = paths.length; i < n; i++) { String path = paths[i]; if (!path.endsWith("javac")) { continue; } lastChance = FilesAPI.readFinalLink(new File(path)).getParentFile().getParentFile(); if (lastChance.exists()) { return lastChance; } } } } if (lastChance == null) { lastChance = getJRE().getParentFile(); } } else { String path = executeAndGetOutput("where.exe", "javac"); if (path != null && !path.isEmpty()) { lastChance = new File(path).getParentFile().getParentFile(); if (lastChance.exists() && lastChance.getName().toLowerCase().contains(ver)) { return lastChance; } } if (ver == null) { return lastChance; } path = System.getenv("PATH"); if (path == null) { path = System.getenv("Path"); } if (path != null) { String[] paths = path.split(File.pathSeparator); for (int i = 0, n = paths.length; i < n; i++) { String p = paths[i]; if (p.toLowerCase().contains(ver)) { File f = new File(p); if (f.exists()) { return f; } else if (lastChance == null) { lastChance = f; } } } } File[] roots = File.listRoots(); if (roots == null || roots.length == 0) { return null; } File jp = new File(roots[0], "Program Files/Java/"); if (!jp.exists() || !jp.isDirectory()) { jp = new File(roots[0], "Program Files (x86)/Java/"); if (!jp.exists() || !jp.isDirectory()) { return null; } } File[] jvs = jp.listFiles(); if (jvs == null || jvs.length == 0) { return null; } if (jvs.length == 1) { return jvs[0]; } for (int i = 0, n = jvs.length; i < n; i++) { File f = jvs[i]; String nm = f.getName().toLowerCase(); if (nm.contains(ver)) { return f; } else if (nm.contains("jdk")) { if (lastChance == null || !lastChance.exists()) { lastChance = f; } } } } if (lastChance == null) { if (jdk != null && !jdk.isEmpty()) { lastChance = new File(jdk); } } return lastChance; } }