weka.core.converters.ArffLoader.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for weka.core.converters.ArffLoader.java


 *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 *    ArffLoader.java
 *    Copyright (C) 2000-2012 University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand

package weka.core.converters;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.StreamTokenizer;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.net.URL;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import weka.core.Attribute;
import weka.core.DenseInstance;
import weka.core.Instance;
import weka.core.Instances;
import weka.core.RevisionHandler;
import weka.core.RevisionUtils;
import weka.core.SparseInstance;
import weka.core.Utils;

 * <!-- globalinfo-start --> Reads a source that is in arff (attribute relation
 * file format) format.
 * <p/>
 * <!-- globalinfo-end -->
 * @author Mark Hall (mhall@cs.waikato.ac.nz)
 * @author FracPete (fracpete at waikato dot ac dot nz)
 * @version $Revision$
 * @see Loader
public class ArffLoader extends AbstractFileLoader
        implements BatchConverter, IncrementalConverter, URLSourcedLoader {

    /** for serialization */
    static final long serialVersionUID = 2726929550544048587L;

    /** the file extension */
    public static String FILE_EXTENSION = Instances.FILE_EXTENSION;
    public static String FILE_EXTENSION_COMPRESSED = FILE_EXTENSION + ".gz";

    /** the url */
    protected String m_URL = "http://";

    /** The reader for the source file. */
    protected transient Reader m_sourceReader = null;

    /** The parser for the ARFF file */
    protected transient ArffReader m_ArffReader = null;

     * Whether the values of string attributes should be retained in memory when
     * reading incrementally
    protected boolean m_retainStringVals;

     * Reads data from an ARFF file, either in incremental or batch mode.
     * <p/>
     * Typical code for batch usage:
     * <pre>
     * BufferedReader reader =
     *   new BufferedReader(new FileReader(&quot;/some/where/file.arff&quot;));
     * ArffReader arff = new ArffReader(reader);
     * Instances data = arff.getData();
     * data.setClassIndex(data.numAttributes() - 1);
     * </pre>
     * Typical code for incremental usage:
     * <pre>
     * BufferedReader reader =
     *   new BufferedReader(new FileReader(&quot;/some/where/file.arff&quot;));
     * ArffReader arff = new ArffReader(reader, 1000);
     * Instances data = arff.getStructure();
     * data.setClassIndex(data.numAttributes() - 1);
     * Instance inst;
     * while ((inst = arff.readInstance(data)) != null) {
     *   data.add(inst);
     * }
     * </pre>
     * @author Eibe Frank (eibe@cs.waikato.ac.nz)
     * @author Len Trigg (trigg@cs.waikato.ac.nz)
     * @author fracpete (fracpete at waikato dot ac dot nz)
     * @version $Revision$
    public static class ArffReader implements RevisionHandler {

        /** the tokenizer for reading the stream */
        protected StreamTokenizer m_Tokenizer;

        /** Buffer of values for sparse instance */
        protected double[] m_ValueBuffer;

        /** Buffer of indices for sparse instance */
        protected int[] m_IndicesBuffer;

        protected List<Integer> m_stringAttIndices;

        /** the actual data */
        protected Instances m_Data;

        /** the number of lines read so far */
        protected int m_Lines;

        protected boolean m_batchMode = true;

         * Whether the values for string attributes will accumulate in the header
         * when reading incrementally
        protected boolean m_retainStringValues = false;

        /** Field separator (single character string) to use instead of the defaults */
        protected String m_fieldSeparator;

        /** List of (single character) enclosures to use instead of the defaults */
        protected List<String> m_enclosures;

         * Reads the data completely from the reader. The data can be accessed via
         * the <code>getData()</code> method.
         * @param reader the reader to use
         * @throws IOException if something goes wrong
         * @see #getData()
        public ArffReader(Reader reader) throws IOException {
            m_retainStringValues = true;
            m_batchMode = true;
            m_Tokenizer = new StreamTokenizer(reader);


            Instance inst;
            while ((inst = readInstance(m_Data)) != null) {


        public ArffReader(Reader reader, int capacity) throws IOException {
            this(reader, capacity, true);

         * Reads only the header and reserves the specified space for instances.
         * Further instances can be read via <code>readInstance()</code>.
         * @param reader the reader to use
         * @param capacity the capacity of the new dataset
         * @param batch true if reading in batch mode
         * @throws IOException if something goes wrong
         * @throws IOException if a problem occurs
         * @see #getStructure()
         * @see #readInstance(Instances)
        public ArffReader(Reader reader, int capacity, boolean batch) throws IOException {

            m_batchMode = batch;
            if (batch) {
                m_retainStringValues = true;

            if (capacity < 0) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Capacity has to be positive!");

            m_Tokenizer = new StreamTokenizer(reader);


         * Reads the data without header according to the specified template. The
         * data can be accessed via the <code>getData()</code> method.
         * @param reader the reader to use
         * @param template the template header
         * @param lines the lines read so far
         * @param fieldSepAndEnclosures an optional array of Strings containing the
         *          field separator and enclosures to use instead of the defaults.
         *          The first entry in the array is expected to be the single
         *          character field separator to use; the remaining entries (if any)
         *          are enclosure characters to use.
         * @throws IOException if something goes wrong
         * @see #getData()
        public ArffReader(Reader reader, Instances template, int lines, String... fieldSepAndEnclosures)
                throws IOException {
            this(reader, template, lines, 100, true, fieldSepAndEnclosures);

            Instance inst;
            while ((inst = readInstance(m_Data)) != null) {


         * Initializes the reader without reading the header according to the
         * specified template. The data must be read via the
         * <code>readInstance()</code> method.
         * @param reader the reader to use
         * @param template the template header
         * @param lines the lines read so far
         * @param capacity the capacity of the new dataset
         * @param fieldSepAndEnclosures an optional array of Strings containing the
         *          field separator and enclosures to use instead of the defaults.
         *          The first entry in the array is expected to be the single
         *          character field separator to use; the remaining entries (if any)
         *          are enclosure characters to use.
         * @throws IOException if something goes wrong
         * @see #getData()
        public ArffReader(Reader reader, Instances template, int lines, int capacity,
                String... fieldSepAndEnclosures) throws IOException {
            this(reader, template, lines, capacity, false, fieldSepAndEnclosures);

         * Initializes the reader without reading the header according to the
         * specified template. The data must be read via the
         * <code>readInstance()</code> method.
         * @param reader the reader to use
         * @param template the template header
         * @param lines the lines read so far
         * @param capacity the capacity of the new dataset
         * @param batch true if the data is going to be read in batch mode
         * @param fieldSepAndEnclosures an optional array of Strings containing the
         *          field separator and enclosures to use instead of the defaults.
         *          The first entry in the array is expected to be the single
         *          character field separator to use; the remaining entries (if any)
         *          are enclosure characters to use.
         * @throws IOException if something goes wrong
         * @see #getData()
        public ArffReader(Reader reader, Instances template, int lines, int capacity, boolean batch,
                String... fieldSepAndEnclosures) throws IOException {
            m_batchMode = batch;
            if (batch) {
                m_retainStringValues = true;

            if (fieldSepAndEnclosures != null && fieldSepAndEnclosures.length > 0) {
                if (fieldSepAndEnclosures[0] != null && fieldSepAndEnclosures[0].length() > 0) {
                    m_fieldSeparator = fieldSepAndEnclosures[0];

                if (fieldSepAndEnclosures.length > 1) {
                    // the rest are assumed to be enclosure characters
                    m_enclosures = new ArrayList<String>();
                    for (int i = 1; i < fieldSepAndEnclosures.length; i++) {
                        if (fieldSepAndEnclosures[i] != null && fieldSepAndEnclosures[i].length() > 0) {

                    if (m_enclosures.size() == 0) {
                        m_enclosures = null;

            m_Lines = lines;
            m_Tokenizer = new StreamTokenizer(reader);

            m_Data = new Instances(template, capacity);

         * initializes the buffers for sparse instances to be read
         * @see #m_ValueBuffer
         * @see #m_IndicesBuffer
        protected void initBuffers() {
            m_ValueBuffer = new double[m_Data.numAttributes()];
            m_IndicesBuffer = new int[m_Data.numAttributes()];

            m_stringAttIndices = new ArrayList<Integer>();
            if (m_Data.checkForStringAttributes()) {
                for (int i = 0; i < m_Data.numAttributes(); i++) {
                    if (m_Data.attribute(i).isString()) {

         * compactifies the data
        protected void compactify() {
            if (m_Data != null) {

         * Throws error message with line number and last token read.
         * @param msg the error message to be thrown
         * @throws IOException containing the error message
        protected void errorMessage(String msg) throws IOException {
            String str = msg + ", read " + m_Tokenizer.toString();
            if (m_Lines > 0) {
                int line = Integer.parseInt(str.replaceAll(".* line ", ""));
                str = str.replaceAll(" line .*", " line " + (m_Lines + line - 1));
            throw new IOException(str);

         * returns the current line number
         * @return the current line number
        public int getLineNo() {
            return m_Lines + m_Tokenizer.lineno();

         * Gets next token, skipping empty lines.
         * @throws IOException if reading the next token fails
        protected void getFirstToken() throws IOException {
            while (m_Tokenizer.nextToken() == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL) {

            if ((m_Tokenizer.ttype == '\'') || (m_Tokenizer.ttype == '"')) {
                m_Tokenizer.ttype = StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD;
            } else if ((m_Tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) && (m_Tokenizer.sval.equals("?"))) {
                m_Tokenizer.ttype = '?';

         * Gets index, checking for a premature and of line.
         * @throws IOException if it finds a premature end of line
        protected void getIndex() throws IOException {
            if (m_Tokenizer.nextToken() == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL) {
                errorMessage("premature end of line");
            if (m_Tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) {
                errorMessage("premature end of file");

         * Gets token and checks if its end of line.
         * @param endOfFileOk whether EOF is OK
         * @throws IOException if it doesn't find an end of line
        protected void getLastToken(boolean endOfFileOk) throws IOException {
            if ((m_Tokenizer.nextToken() != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL)
                    && ((m_Tokenizer.ttype != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) || !endOfFileOk)) {
                errorMessage("end of line expected");

         * Gets the value of an instance's weight (if one exists)
         * @return the value of the instance's weight, or NaN if no weight has been
         *         supplied in the file
        protected double getInstanceWeight() throws IOException {
            double weight = Double.NaN;
            if (m_Tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL || m_Tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) {
                return weight;
            // see if we can read an instance weight
            // m_Tokenizer.pushBack();
            if (m_Tokenizer.ttype == '{') {
                String weightS = m_Tokenizer.sval;
                // try to parse weight as a double
                try {
                    weight = Double.parseDouble(weightS);
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    // quietly ignore
                    return weight;
                // see if we have the closing brace
                if (m_Tokenizer.ttype != '}') {
                    errorMessage("Problem reading instance weight: } expected");
            return weight;

         * Gets next token, checking for a premature and of line.
         * @throws IOException if it finds a premature end of line
        protected void getNextToken() throws IOException {
            if (m_Tokenizer.nextToken() == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL) {
                errorMessage("premature end of line");
            if (m_Tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) {
                errorMessage("premature end of file");
            } else if ((m_Tokenizer.ttype == '\'') || (m_Tokenizer.ttype == '"')) {
                m_Tokenizer.ttype = StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD;
            } else if ((m_Tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) && (m_Tokenizer.sval.equals("?"))) {
                m_Tokenizer.ttype = '?';

         * Initializes the StreamTokenizer used for reading the ARFF file.
        protected void initTokenizer() {
            m_Tokenizer.whitespaceChars(0, ' ');
            m_Tokenizer.wordChars(' ' + 1, '\u00FF');
            if (m_fieldSeparator != null) {
                m_Tokenizer.whitespaceChars(m_fieldSeparator.charAt(0), m_fieldSeparator.charAt(0));
            } else {
                m_Tokenizer.whitespaceChars(',', ',');
            if (m_enclosures != null && m_enclosures.size() > 0) {
                for (String e : m_enclosures) {
            } else {

         * Reads a single instance using the tokenizer and returns it.
         * @param structure the dataset header information, will get updated in case
         *          of string or relational attributes
         * @return null if end of file has been reached
         * @throws IOException if the information is not read successfully
        public Instance readInstance(Instances structure) throws IOException {
            return readInstance(structure, true);

         * Reads a single instance using the tokenizer and returns it.
         * @param structure the dataset header information, will get updated in case
         *          of string or relational attributes
         * @param flag if method should test for carriage return after each instance
         * @return null if end of file has been reached
         * @throws IOException if the information is not read successfully
        public Instance readInstance(Instances structure, boolean flag) throws IOException {
            return getInstance(structure, flag);

         * Reads a single instance using the tokenizer and returns it.
         * @param structure the dataset header information, will get updated in case
         *          of string or relational attributes
         * @param flag if method should test for carriage return after each instance
         * @return null if end of file has been reached
         * @throws IOException if the information is not read successfully
        protected Instance getInstance(Instances structure, boolean flag) throws IOException {
            m_Data = structure;

            // Check if any attributes have been declared.
            if (m_Data.numAttributes() == 0) {
                errorMessage("no header information available");

            // Check if end of file reached.
            if (m_Tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) {
                return null;

            // Parse instance
            if (m_Tokenizer.ttype == '{') {
                return getInstanceSparse(flag);
            } else {
                return getInstanceFull(flag);

         * Reads a single instance using the tokenizer and returns it.
         * @param flag if method should test for carriage return after each instance
         * @return null if end of file has been reached
         * @throws IOException if the information is not read successfully
        protected Instance getInstanceSparse(boolean flag) throws IOException {
            int valIndex, numValues = 0, maxIndex = -1;

            // if reading incrementally, and we have string values, make sure that all
            // string attributes are initialized
            if (!m_batchMode && !m_retainStringValues && m_stringAttIndices != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < m_stringAttIndices.size(); i++) {

            // Get values
            do {
                // Get index
                if (m_Tokenizer.ttype == '}') {

                // Is index valid?
                try {
                    m_IndicesBuffer[numValues] = Integer.valueOf(m_Tokenizer.sval).intValue();
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    errorMessage("index number expected");
                if (m_IndicesBuffer[numValues] <= maxIndex) {
                    errorMessage("indices have to be ordered");
                if ((m_IndicesBuffer[numValues] < 0) || (m_IndicesBuffer[numValues] >= m_Data.numAttributes())) {
                    errorMessage("index out of bounds");
                maxIndex = m_IndicesBuffer[numValues];

                // Get value;

                // Check if value is missing.
                if (m_Tokenizer.ttype == '?') {
                    m_ValueBuffer[numValues] = Utils.missingValue();
                } else {

                    // Check if token is valid.
                    if (m_Tokenizer.ttype != StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) {
                        errorMessage("not a valid value");
                    switch (m_Data.attribute(m_IndicesBuffer[numValues]).type()) {
                    case Attribute.NOMINAL:
                        // Check if value appears in header.
                        valIndex = m_Data.attribute(m_IndicesBuffer[numValues]).indexOfValue(m_Tokenizer.sval);
                        if (valIndex == -1) {
                            errorMessage("nominal value not declared in header");
                        m_ValueBuffer[numValues] = valIndex;
                    case Attribute.NUMERIC:
                        // Check if value is really a number.
                        try {
                            m_ValueBuffer[numValues] = Double.valueOf(m_Tokenizer.sval).doubleValue();
                        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                            errorMessage("number expected");
                    case Attribute.STRING:
                        if (m_batchMode || m_retainStringValues) {
                            m_ValueBuffer[numValues] = m_Data.attribute(m_IndicesBuffer[numValues])
                        } else {
                            m_ValueBuffer[numValues] = 0;
                    case Attribute.DATE:
                        try {
                            m_ValueBuffer[numValues] = m_Data.attribute(m_IndicesBuffer[numValues])
                        } catch (ParseException e) {
                            errorMessage("unparseable date: " + m_Tokenizer.sval);
                    case Attribute.RELATIONAL:
                        try {
                            ArffReader arff = new ArffReader(new StringReader(m_Tokenizer.sval),
                                    m_Data.attribute(m_IndicesBuffer[numValues]).relation(), 0);
                            Instances data = arff.getData();
                            m_ValueBuffer[numValues] = m_Data.attribute(m_IndicesBuffer[numValues])
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            throw new IOException(e.toString() + " of line " + getLineNo());
                        errorMessage("unknown attribute type in column " + m_IndicesBuffer[numValues]);
            } while (true);

            double weight = 1.0;
            if (flag) {
                // check for an instance weight
                weight = getInstanceWeight();
                if (!Double.isNaN(weight)) {
                } else {
                    weight = 1.0;

            // Add instance to dataset
            double[] tempValues = new double[numValues];
            int[] tempIndices = new int[numValues];
            System.arraycopy(m_ValueBuffer, 0, tempValues, 0, numValues);
            System.arraycopy(m_IndicesBuffer, 0, tempIndices, 0, numValues);
            Instance inst = new SparseInstance(weight, tempValues, tempIndices, m_Data.numAttributes());

            return inst;

         * Reads a single instance using the tokenizer and returns it.
         * @param flag if method should test for carriage return after each instance
         * @return null if end of file has been reached
         * @throws IOException if the information is not read successfully
        protected Instance getInstanceFull(boolean flag) throws IOException {
            double[] instance = new double[m_Data.numAttributes()];
            int index;

            // Get values for all attributes.
            for (int i = 0; i < m_Data.numAttributes(); i++) {
                // Get next token
                if (i > 0) {

                // Check if value is missing.
                if (m_Tokenizer.ttype == '?') {
                    instance[i] = Utils.missingValue();
                } else {

                    // Check if token is valid.
                    if (m_Tokenizer.ttype != StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) {
                        errorMessage("not a valid value");
                    switch (m_Data.attribute(i).type()) {
                    case Attribute.NOMINAL:
                        // Check if value appears in header.
                        index = m_Data.attribute(i).indexOfValue(m_Tokenizer.sval);
                        if (index == -1) {
                            errorMessage("nominal value not declared in header");
                        instance[i] = index;
                    case Attribute.NUMERIC:
                        // Check if value is really a number.
                        try {
                            instance[i] = Double.valueOf(m_Tokenizer.sval).doubleValue();
                        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                            errorMessage("number expected");
                    case Attribute.STRING:
                        if (m_batchMode || m_retainStringValues) {
                            instance[i] = m_Data.attribute(i).addStringValue(m_Tokenizer.sval);
                        } else {
                            instance[i] = 0;
                    case Attribute.DATE:
                        try {
                            instance[i] = m_Data.attribute(i).parseDate(m_Tokenizer.sval);
                        } catch (ParseException e) {
                            errorMessage("unparseable date: " + m_Tokenizer.sval);
                    case Attribute.RELATIONAL:
                        try {
                            ArffReader arff = new ArffReader(new StringReader(m_Tokenizer.sval),
                                    m_Data.attribute(i).relation(), 0);
                            Instances data = arff.getData();
                            instance[i] = m_Data.attribute(i).addRelation(data);
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            throw new IOException(e.toString() + " of line " + getLineNo());
                        errorMessage("unknown attribute type in column " + i);

            double weight = 1.0;
            if (flag) {
                // check for an instance weight
                weight = getInstanceWeight();
                if (!Double.isNaN(weight)) {
                } else {
                    weight = 1.0;

            // Add instance to dataset
            Instance inst = new DenseInstance(weight, instance);

            return inst;

         * Reads and stores header of an ARFF file.
         * @param capacity the number of instances to reserve in the data structure
         * @throws IOException if the information is not read successfully
        protected void readHeader(int capacity) throws IOException {
            m_Lines = 0;
            String relationName = "";

            // Get name of relation.
            if (m_Tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) {
                errorMessage("premature end of file");
            if (Instances.ARFF_RELATION.equalsIgnoreCase(m_Tokenizer.sval)) {
                relationName = m_Tokenizer.sval;
            } else {
                errorMessage("keyword " + Instances.ARFF_RELATION + " expected");

            // Create vectors to hold information temporarily.
            ArrayList<Attribute> attributes = new ArrayList<Attribute>();

            // Get attribute declarations.
            if (m_Tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) {
                errorMessage("premature end of file");

            while (Attribute.ARFF_ATTRIBUTE.equalsIgnoreCase(m_Tokenizer.sval)) {
                attributes = parseAttribute(attributes);

            // Check if data part follows. We can't easily check for EOL.
            if (!Instances.ARFF_DATA.equalsIgnoreCase(m_Tokenizer.sval)) {
                errorMessage("keyword " + Instances.ARFF_DATA + " expected");

            // Check if any attributes have been declared.
            if (attributes.size() == 0) {
                errorMessage("no attributes declared");

            m_Data = new Instances(relationName, attributes, capacity);

         * Parses the attribute declaration.
         * @param attributes the current attributes vector
         * @return the new attributes vector
         * @throws IOException if the information is not read successfully
        protected ArrayList<Attribute> parseAttribute(ArrayList<Attribute> attributes) throws IOException {
            String attributeName;
            ArrayList<String> attributeValues;

            // Get attribute name.
            attributeName = m_Tokenizer.sval;

            // Check if attribute is nominal.
            if (m_Tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) {

                // Attribute is real, integer, or string.
                if (m_Tokenizer.sval.equalsIgnoreCase(Attribute.ARFF_ATTRIBUTE_REAL)
                        || m_Tokenizer.sval.equalsIgnoreCase(Attribute.ARFF_ATTRIBUTE_INTEGER)
                        || m_Tokenizer.sval.equalsIgnoreCase(Attribute.ARFF_ATTRIBUTE_NUMERIC)) {
                    Attribute att = new Attribute(attributeName, attributes.size());
                } else if (m_Tokenizer.sval.equalsIgnoreCase(Attribute.ARFF_ATTRIBUTE_STRING)) {
                    Attribute att = new Attribute(attributeName, (ArrayList<String>) null, attributes.size());
                } else if (m_Tokenizer.sval.equalsIgnoreCase(Attribute.ARFF_ATTRIBUTE_DATE)) {
                    String format = null;
                    if (m_Tokenizer.ttype == '{') { // No date format but it looks like there is an attribute weight
                        Attribute att = new Attribute(attributeName, format, attributes.size());
                    } else if (m_Tokenizer.ttype != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL) { // Looks like there is a date format
                        if ((m_Tokenizer.ttype != StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) && (m_Tokenizer.ttype != '\'')
                                && (m_Tokenizer.ttype != '\"')) {
                            errorMessage("not a valid date format");
                        format = m_Tokenizer.sval;
                        Attribute att = new Attribute(attributeName, format, attributes.size());
                        att.setWeight(getAttributeWeight()); // Now check for attribute weight
                    } else {
                        attributes.add(new Attribute(attributeName, format, attributes.size()));
                } else if (m_Tokenizer.sval.equalsIgnoreCase(Attribute.ARFF_ATTRIBUTE_RELATIONAL)) {
                    double weight = getAttributeWeight();

                    // Read attributes for subrelation
                    // First, save current set of attributes
                    ArrayList<Attribute> atts = attributes;
                    attributes = new ArrayList<Attribute>();

                    // Now, read attributes until we hit end of declaration of relational
                    // value
                    if (m_Tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) {
                        errorMessage("premature end of file");
                    do {
                        if (Attribute.ARFF_ATTRIBUTE.equalsIgnoreCase(m_Tokenizer.sval)) {
                            attributes = parseAttribute(attributes);
                        } else if (Attribute.ARFF_END_SUBRELATION.equalsIgnoreCase(m_Tokenizer.sval)) {
                            if (!attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase(m_Tokenizer.sval)) {
                                errorMessage("declaration of subrelation " + attributeName
                                        + " must be terminated by " + "@end " + attributeName);
                        } else {
                            errorMessage("declaration of subrelation " + attributeName + " must be terminated by "
                                    + "@end " + attributeName);
                    } while (true);

                    // Make relation and restore original set of attributes
                    Instances relation = new Instances(attributeName, attributes, 0);
                    attributes = atts;
                    Attribute att = new Attribute(attributeName, relation, attributes.size());

                } else {
                    errorMessage("no valid attribute type or invalid " + "enumeration");
            } else {

                // Attribute is nominal.
                attributeValues = new ArrayList<String>();

                // Get values for nominal attribute.
                if (m_Tokenizer.nextToken() != '{') {
                    errorMessage("{ expected at beginning of enumeration");
                while (m_Tokenizer.nextToken() != '}') {
                    if (m_Tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL) {
                        errorMessage("} expected at end of enumeration");
                    } else {
                Attribute att = new Attribute(attributeName, attributeValues, attributes.size());
            if (m_Tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) {
                errorMessage("premature end of file");

            return attributes;

         * Reads and skips all tokens before next end of line token.
         * @throws IOException in case something goes wrong
        protected void readTillEOL() throws IOException {
            while (m_Tokenizer.nextToken() != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL) {


         * Gets the value of an attribute's weight (if one exists).
         * @return the value of the attribute's weight, or 1.0 if no weight has been
         *         supplied in the file
        protected double getAttributeWeight() throws IOException {

            double weight = 1.0;
            if (m_Tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL || m_Tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) {
                return weight;
            // see if we can read an attribute weight
            if (m_Tokenizer.ttype == '{') {
                try {
                    weight = Double.parseDouble(m_Tokenizer.sval);
                } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
                    errorMessage("Problem reading attribute weight " + ex.getMessage());
                if (m_Tokenizer.ttype != '}') {
                    errorMessage("Problem reading attribute weight: } expected");
            return weight;

         * Returns the header format
         * @return the header format
        public Instances getStructure() {
            return new Instances(m_Data, 0);

         * Returns the data that was read
         * @return the data
        public Instances getData() {
            return m_Data;

         * Set whether to retain the values of string attributes in memory (in the
         * header) when reading incrementally.
         * @param retain true if string values are to be retained in memory when
         *          reading incrementally
        public void setRetainStringValues(boolean retain) {
            m_retainStringValues = retain;

         * Get whether to retain the values of string attributes in memory (in the
         * header) when reading incrementally.
         * @return true if string values are to be retained in memory when reading
         *         incrementally
        public boolean getRetainStringValues() {
            return m_retainStringValues;

         * Returns the revision string.
         * @return the revision
        public String getRevision() {
            return RevisionUtils.extract("$Revision$");

     * Returns a string describing this Loader
     * @return a description of the Loader suitable for displaying in the
     *         explorer/experimenter gui
    public String globalInfo() {
        return "Reads a source that is in arff (attribute relation file format) " + "format. ";

     * Tool tip text for this property
     * @return the tool tip for this property
    public String retainStringValsTipText() {
        return "If true then the values of string attributes are "
                + "retained in memory when reading incrementally. Leave this "
                + "set to false when using incremental classifiers in the " + "Knowledge Flow.";

     * Set whether to retain the values of string attributes in memory (in the
     * header) when reading incrementally.
     * @param retain true if string values are to be retained in memory when
     *          reading incrementally
    public void setRetainStringVals(boolean retain) {
        m_retainStringVals = retain;

     * Get whether to retain the values of string attributes in memory (in the
     * header) when reading incrementally.
     * @return true if string values are to be retained in memory when reading
     *         incrementally
    public boolean getRetainStringVals() {
        return m_retainStringVals;

     * Get the file extension used for arff files
     * @return the file extension
    public String getFileExtension() {
        return FILE_EXTENSION;

     * Gets all the file extensions used for this type of file
     * @return the file extensions
    public String[] getFileExtensions() {
        return new String[] { FILE_EXTENSION, FILE_EXTENSION_COMPRESSED };

     * Returns a description of the file type.
     * @return a short file description
    public String getFileDescription() {
        return "Arff data files";

     * Resets the Loader ready to read a new data set or the same data set again.
     * @throws IOException if something goes wrong
    public void reset() throws IOException {
        m_structure = null;
        m_ArffReader = null;

        if (m_File != null && !(new File(m_File).isDirectory())) {
            setFile(new File(m_File));
        } else if (m_URL != null && !m_URL.equals("http://")) {

     * Resets the Loader object and sets the source of the data set to be the
     * supplied url.
     * @param url the source url.
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs
    public void setSource(URL url) throws IOException {
        m_structure = null;


        m_URL = url.toString();
        // make sure that the file is null so that any calls to
        // reset() work properly
        m_File = null;

     * get the File specified as the source
     * @return the source file
    public File retrieveFile() {
        return new File(m_File);

     * sets the source File
     * @param file the source file
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs
    public void setFile(File file) throws IOException {
        m_File = file.getPath();

     * Set the url to load from
     * @param url the url to load from
     * @throws IOException if the url can't be set.
    public void setURL(String url) throws IOException {
        m_URL = url;
        setSource(new URL(url));

     * Return the current url
     * @return the current url
    public String retrieveURL() {
        return m_URL;

     * Resets the Loader object and sets the source of the data set to be the
     * supplied InputStream.
     * @param in the source InputStream.
     * @throws IOException always thrown.
    public void setSource(InputStream in) throws IOException {
        m_File = (new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"))).getAbsolutePath();
        m_URL = "http://";

        m_sourceReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));

     * Determines and returns (if possible) the structure (internally the header)
     * of the data set as an empty set of instances.
     * @return the structure of the data set as an empty set of Instances
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs
    public Instances getStructure() throws IOException {

        if (m_structure == null) {
            if (m_sourceReader == null) {
                throw new IOException("No source has been specified");

            try {
                m_ArffReader = new ArffReader(m_sourceReader, 1, (getRetrieval() == BATCH));
                m_structure = m_ArffReader.getStructure();
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new IOException("Unable to determine structure as arff (Reason: " + ex.toString() + ").");

        return new Instances(m_structure, 0);

     * Return the full data set. If the structure hasn't yet been determined by a
     * call to getStructure then method should do so before processing the rest of
     * the data set.
     * @return the structure of the data set as an empty set of Instances
     * @throws IOException if there is no source or parsing fails
    public Instances getDataSet() throws IOException {

        Instances insts = null;
        try {
            if (m_sourceReader == null) {
                throw new IOException("No source has been specified");
            if (getRetrieval() == INCREMENTAL) {
                throw new IOException("Cannot mix getting Instances in both incremental and batch modes");
            if (m_structure == null) {

            // Read all instances
            insts = new Instances(m_structure, 0);
            Instance inst;
            while ((inst = m_ArffReader.readInstance(m_structure)) != null) {

            // Instances readIn = new Instances(m_structure);

        } finally {
            if (m_sourceReader != null) {
                // close the stream

        return insts;

     * Read the data set incrementally---get the next instance in the data set or
     * returns null if there are no more instances to get. If the structure hasn't
     * yet been determined by a call to getStructure then method should do so
     * before returning the next instance in the data set.
     * @param structure the dataset header information, will get updated in case
     *          of string or relational attributes
     * @return the next instance in the data set as an Instance object or null if
     *         there are no more instances to be read
     * @throws IOException if there is an error during parsing
    public Instance getNextInstance(Instances structure) throws IOException {

        m_structure = structure;

        if (getRetrieval() == BATCH) {
            throw new IOException("Cannot mix getting Instances in both incremental and batch modes");

        Instance current = null;
        if (m_sourceReader != null) {
            current = m_ArffReader.readInstance(m_structure);

        if ((m_sourceReader != null) && (current == null)) {
            try {
                // close the stream
                m_sourceReader = null;
                // reset();
            } catch (Exception ex) {
        return current;

     * Returns the revision string.
     * @return the revision
    public String getRevision() {
        return RevisionUtils.extract("$Revision$");

     * Main method.
     * @param args should contain the name of an input file.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        runFileLoader(new ArffLoader(), args);