weka.attributeSelection.BestFirst.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for weka.attributeSelection.BestFirst.java


 *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 *    BestFirst.java
 *    Copyright (C) 1999-2012 University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand

package weka.attributeSelection;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;

import weka.core.Instances;
import weka.core.Option;
import weka.core.OptionHandler;
import weka.core.Range;
import weka.core.RevisionHandler;
import weka.core.RevisionUtils;
import weka.core.SelectedTag;
import weka.core.Tag;
import weka.core.Utils;

 <!-- globalinfo-start --> 
 * BestFirst:<br/>
 * <br/>
 * Searches the space of attribute subsets by greedy hillclimbing augmented with
 * a backtracking facility. Setting the number of consecutive non-improving
 * nodes allowed controls the level of backtracking done. Best first may start
 * with the empty set of attributes and search forward, or start with the full
 * set of attributes and search backward, or start at any point and search in
 * both directions (by considering all possible single attribute additions and
 * deletions at a given point).<br/>
 * <p/>
 * <!-- globalinfo-end -->
 * <!-- options-start --> Valid options are:
 * <p/>
 * <pre>
 * -P &lt;start set&gt;
 *  Specify a starting set of attributes.
 *  Eg. 1,3,5-7.
 * </pre>
 * <pre>
 * -D &lt;0 = backward | 1 = forward | 2 = bi-directional&gt;
 *  Direction of search. (default = 1).
 * </pre>
 * <pre>
 * -N &lt;num&gt;
 *  Number of non-improving nodes to
 *  consider before terminating search.
 * </pre>
 * <pre>
 * -S &lt;num&gt;
 *  Size of lookup cache for evaluated subsets.
 *  Expressed as a multiple of the number of
 *  attributes in the data set. (default = 1)
 * </pre>
 <!-- options-end -->
 * @author Mark Hall (mhall@cs.waikato.ac.nz) Martin Guetlein (cashing merit of
 *         expanded nodes)
 * @version $Revision$
public class BestFirst extends ASSearch implements OptionHandler, StartSetHandler {

    /** for serialization */
    static final long serialVersionUID = 7841338689536821867L;

    // Inner classes
     * Class for a node in a linked list. Used in best first search.
     * @author Mark Hall (mhall@cs.waikato.ac.nz)
    public class Link2 implements Serializable, RevisionHandler {

        /** for serialization */
        static final long serialVersionUID = -8236598311516351420L;

        /* BitSet group; */
        Object[] m_data;
        double m_merit;

         * Constructor
        public Link2(Object[] data, double mer) {
            // group = (BitSet)gr.clone();
            m_data = data;
            m_merit = mer;

        /** Get a group */
        public Object[] getData() {
            return m_data;

        public String toString() {
            return ("Node: " + m_data.toString() + "  " + m_merit);

         * Returns the revision string.
         * @return the revision
        public String getRevision() {
            return RevisionUtils.extract("$Revision$");

     * Class for handling a linked list. Used in best first search. Extends the
     * Vector class.
     * @author Mark Hall (mhall@cs.waikato.ac.nz)
    public class LinkedList2 extends ArrayList<Link2> {

        /** for serialization */
        static final long serialVersionUID = 3250538292330398929L;

        /** Max number of elements in the list */
        int m_MaxSize;

        // ================
        // Public methods
        // ================
        public LinkedList2(int sz) {
            m_MaxSize = sz;

         * removes an element (Link) at a specific index from the list.
         * @param index the index of the element to be removed.
        public void removeLinkAt(int index) throws Exception {

            if ((index >= 0) && (index < size())) {
            } else {
                throw new Exception("index out of range (removeLinkAt)");

         * returns the element (Link) at a specific index from the list.
         * @param index the index of the element to be returned.
        public Link2 getLinkAt(int index) throws Exception {

            if (size() == 0) {
                throw new Exception("List is empty (getLinkAt)");
            } else {
                if ((index >= 0) && (index < size())) {
                    return ((get(index)));
                } else {
                    throw new Exception("index out of range (getLinkAt)");

         * adds an element (Link) to the list.
         * @param data the attribute set specification
         * @param mer the "merit" of this attribute set
        public void addToList(Object[] data, double mer) throws Exception {
            Link2 newL = new Link2(data, mer);

            if (size() == 0) {
            } else {
                if (mer > (get(0)).m_merit) {
                    if (size() == m_MaxSize) {
                        removeLinkAt(m_MaxSize - 1);

                    // ----------
                    add(0, newL);
                } else {
                    int i = 0;
                    int size = size();
                    boolean done = false;

                    // ------------
                    // don't insert if list contains max elements an this
                    // is worst than the last
                    if ((size == m_MaxSize) && (mer <= get(size() - 1).m_merit)) {

                    // ---------------
                    else {
                        while ((!done) && (i < size)) {
                            if (mer > (get(i)).m_merit) {
                                if (size == m_MaxSize) {
                                    removeLinkAt(m_MaxSize - 1);

                                // ---------------------
                                add(i, newL);
                                done = true;
                            } else {
                                if (i == size - 1) {
                                    done = true;
                                } else {

         * Returns the revision string.
         * @return the revision
        public String getRevision() {
            return RevisionUtils.extract("$Revision$");

    // member variables
    /** maximum number of stale nodes before terminating search */
    protected int m_maxStale;

    /** 0 == backward search, 1 == forward search, 2 == bidirectional */
    protected int m_searchDirection;

    /** search direction: backward */
    protected static final int SELECTION_BACKWARD = 0;
    /** search direction: forward */
    protected static final int SELECTION_FORWARD = 1;
    /** search direction: bidirectional */
    protected static final int SELECTION_BIDIRECTIONAL = 2;
    /** search directions */
    public static final Tag[] TAGS_SELECTION = { new Tag(SELECTION_BACKWARD, "Backward"),
            new Tag(SELECTION_FORWARD, "Forward"), new Tag(SELECTION_BIDIRECTIONAL, "Bi-directional"), };

    /** holds an array of starting attributes */
    protected int[] m_starting;

    /** holds the start set for the search as a Range */
    protected Range m_startRange;

    /** does the data have a class */
    protected boolean m_hasClass;

    /** holds the class index */
    protected int m_classIndex;

    /** number of attributes in the data */
    protected int m_numAttribs;

    /** total number of subsets evaluated during a search */
    protected int m_totalEvals;

    /** for debugging */
    protected boolean m_debug;

    /** holds the merit of the best subset found */
    protected double m_bestMerit;

    /** holds the maximum size of the lookup cache for evaluated subsets */
    protected int m_cacheSize;

     * Returns a string describing this search method
     * @return a description of the search method suitable for displaying in the
     *         explorer/experimenter gui
    public String globalInfo() {
        return "BestFirst:\n\n" + "Searches the space of attribute subsets by greedy hillclimbing "
                + "augmented with a backtracking facility. Setting the number of "
                + "consecutive non-improving nodes allowed controls the level of "
                + "backtracking done. Best first may start with the empty set of "
                + "attributes and search forward, or start with the full set of "
                + "attributes and search backward, or start at any point and search "
                + "in both directions (by considering all possible single attribute "
                + "additions and deletions at a given point).\n";

     * Constructor
    public BestFirst() {

     * Returns an enumeration describing the available options.
     * @return an enumeration of all the available options.
    public Enumeration<Option> listOptions() {
        Vector<Option> newVector = new Vector<Option>(4);

        newVector.addElement(new Option("\tSpecify a starting set of attributes." + "\n\tEg. 1,3,5-7.", "P", 1,
                "-P <start set>"));
        newVector.addElement(new Option("\tDirection of search. (default = 1).", "D", 1,
                "-D <0 = backward | 1 = forward " + "| 2 = bi-directional>"));
                new Option("\tNumber of non-improving nodes to" + "\n\tconsider before terminating search.", "N", 1,
                        "-N <num>"));
        newVector.addElement(new Option("\tSize of lookup cache for evaluated subsets."
                + "\n\tExpressed as a multiple of the number of" + "\n\tattributes in the data set. (default = 1)",
                "S", 1, "-S <num>"));

        return newVector.elements();

     * Parses a given list of options.
     * <p/>
     <!-- options-start --> 
     * Valid options are:
     * <p/>
     * <pre>
     * -P &lt;start set&gt;
     *  Specify a starting set of attributes.
     *  Eg. 1,3,5-7.
     * </pre>
     * <pre>
     * -D &lt;0 = backward | 1 = forward | 2 = bi-directional&gt;
     *  Direction of search. (default = 1).
     * </pre>
     * <pre>
     * -N &lt;num&gt;
     *  Number of non-improving nodes to
     *  consider before terminating search.
     * </pre>
     * <pre>
     * -S &lt;num&gt;
     *  Size of lookup cache for evaluated subsets.
     *  Expressed as a multiple of the number of
     *  attributes in the data set. (default = 1)
     * </pre>
     <!-- options-end -->
     * @param options the list of options as an array of strings
     * @throws Exception if an option is not supported
    public void setOptions(String[] options) throws Exception {
        String optionString;

        optionString = Utils.getOption('P', options);
        if (optionString.length() != 0) {

        optionString = Utils.getOption('D', options);

        if (optionString.length() != 0) {
            setDirection(new SelectedTag(Integer.parseInt(optionString), TAGS_SELECTION));
        } else {
            setDirection(new SelectedTag(SELECTION_FORWARD, TAGS_SELECTION));

        optionString = Utils.getOption('N', options);

        if (optionString.length() != 0) {

        optionString = Utils.getOption('S', options);
        if (optionString.length() != 0) {

        m_debug = Utils.getFlag('Z', options);

     * Set the maximum size of the evaluated subset cache (hashtable). This is
     * expressed as a multiplier for the number of attributes in the data set.
     * (default = 1).
     * @param size the maximum size of the hashtable
    public void setLookupCacheSize(int size) {
        if (size >= 0) {
            m_cacheSize = size;

     * Return the maximum size of the evaluated subset cache (expressed as a
     * multiplier for the number of attributes in a data set.
     * @return the maximum size of the hashtable.
    public int getLookupCacheSize() {
        return m_cacheSize;

     * Returns the tip text for this property
     * @return tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the
     *         explorer/experimenter gui
    public String lookupCacheSizeTipText() {
        return "Set the maximum size of the lookup cache of evaluated subsets. This is "
                + "expressed as a multiplier of the number of attributes in the data set. " + "(default = 1).";

     * Returns the tip text for this property
     * @return tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the
     *         explorer/experimenter gui
    public String startSetTipText() {
        return "Set the start point for the search. This is specified as a comma "
                + "seperated list off attribute indexes starting at 1. It can include " + "ranges. Eg. 1,2,5-9,17.";

     * Sets a starting set of attributes for the search. It is the search method's
     * responsibility to report this start set (if any) in its toString() method.
     * @param startSet a string containing a list of attributes (and or ranges),
     *          eg. 1,2,6,10-15.
     * @throws Exception if start set can't be set.
    public void setStartSet(String startSet) throws Exception {

     * Returns a list of attributes (and or attribute ranges) as a String
     * @return a list of attributes (and or attribute ranges)
    public String getStartSet() {
        return m_startRange.getRanges();

     * Returns the tip text for this property
     * @return tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the
     *         explorer/experimenter gui
    public String searchTerminationTipText() {
        return "Specify the number of consecutive non-improving nodes to allow " + "before terminating the search.";

     * Set the numnber of non-improving nodes to consider before terminating
     * search.
     * @param t the number of non-improving nodes
     * @throws Exception if t is less than 1
    public void setSearchTermination(int t) throws Exception {
        if (t < 1) {
            throw new Exception("Value of -N must be > 0.");

        m_maxStale = t;

     * Get the termination criterion (number of non-improving nodes).
     * @return the number of non-improving nodes
    public int getSearchTermination() {
        return m_maxStale;

     * Returns the tip text for this property
     * @return tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the
     *         explorer/experimenter gui
    public String directionTipText() {
        return "Set the direction of the search.";

     * Set the search direction
     * @param d the direction of the search
    public void setDirection(SelectedTag d) {

        if (d.getTags() == TAGS_SELECTION) {
            m_searchDirection = d.getSelectedTag().getID();

     * Get the search direction
     * @return the direction of the search
    public SelectedTag getDirection() {

        return new SelectedTag(m_searchDirection, TAGS_SELECTION);

     * Gets the current settings of BestFirst.
     * @return an array of strings suitable for passing to setOptions()
    public String[] getOptions() {

        Vector<String> options = new Vector<String>();

        if (!(getStartSet().equals(""))) {
            options.add("" + startSetToString());
        options.add("" + m_searchDirection);
        options.add("" + m_maxStale);

        return options.toArray(new String[0]);

     * converts the array of starting attributes to a string. This is used by
     * getOptions to return the actual attributes specified as the starting set.
     * This is better than using m_startRanges.getRanges() as the same start set
     * can be specified in different ways from the command line---eg 1,2,3 == 1-3.
     * This is to ensure that stuff that is stored in a database is comparable.
     * @return a comma seperated list of individual attribute numbers as a String
    private String startSetToString() {
        StringBuffer FString = new StringBuffer();
        boolean didPrint;

        if (m_starting == null) {
            return getStartSet();
        for (int i = 0; i < m_starting.length; i++) {
            didPrint = false;

            if ((m_hasClass == false) || (m_hasClass == true && i != m_classIndex)) {
                FString.append((m_starting[i] + 1));
                didPrint = true;

            if (i == (m_starting.length - 1)) {
            } else {
                if (didPrint) {

        return FString.toString();

     * returns a description of the search as a String
     * @return a description of the search
    public String toString() {
        StringBuffer BfString = new StringBuffer();
        BfString.append("\tBest first.\n\tStart set: ");

        if (m_starting == null) {
            BfString.append("no attributes\n");
        } else {
            BfString.append(startSetToString() + "\n");

        BfString.append("\tSearch direction: ");

        if (m_searchDirection == SELECTION_BACKWARD) {
        } else {
            if (m_searchDirection == SELECTION_FORWARD) {
            } else {

        BfString.append("\tStale search after " + m_maxStale + " node expansions\n");
        BfString.append("\tTotal number of subsets evaluated: " + m_totalEvals + "\n");
                "\tMerit of best subset found: " + Utils.doubleToString(Math.abs(m_bestMerit), 8, 3) + "\n");
        return BfString.toString();

    protected void printGroup(BitSet tt, int numAttribs) {
        int i;

        for (i = 0; i < numAttribs; i++) {
            if (tt.get(i) == true) {
                System.out.print((i + 1) + " ");


     * Searches the attribute subset space by best first search
     * @param ASEval the attribute evaluator to guide the search
     * @param data the training instances.
     * @return an array (not necessarily ordered) of selected attribute indexes
     * @throws Exception if the search can't be completed
    public int[] search(ASEvaluation ASEval, Instances data) throws Exception {
        m_totalEvals = 0;
        if (!(ASEval instanceof SubsetEvaluator)) {
            throw new Exception(ASEval.getClass().getName() + " is not a " + "Subset evaluator!");

        if (ASEval instanceof UnsupervisedSubsetEvaluator) {
            m_hasClass = false;
        } else {
            m_hasClass = true;
            m_classIndex = data.classIndex();

        SubsetEvaluator ASEvaluator = (SubsetEvaluator) ASEval;
        m_numAttribs = data.numAttributes();
        int i, j;
        int best_size = 0;
        int size = 0;
        int done;
        int sd = m_searchDirection;
        BitSet best_group, temp_group;
        int stale;
        double best_merit;
        double merit;
        boolean z;
        boolean added;
        Link2 tl;
        Hashtable<String, Double> lookup = new Hashtable<String, Double>(m_cacheSize * m_numAttribs);
        int insertCount = 0;
        LinkedList2 bfList = new LinkedList2(m_maxStale);
        best_merit = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
        stale = 0;
        best_group = new BitSet(m_numAttribs);

        m_startRange.setUpper(m_numAttribs - 1);
        if (!(getStartSet().equals(""))) {
            m_starting = m_startRange.getSelection();
        // If a starting subset has been supplied, then initialise the bitset
        if (m_starting != null) {
            for (i = 0; i < m_starting.length; i++) {
                if ((m_starting[i]) != m_classIndex) {

            best_size = m_starting.length;
        } else {
            if (m_searchDirection == SELECTION_BACKWARD) {
                m_starting = new int[m_numAttribs];

                // init initial subset to all attributes
                for (i = 0, j = 0; i < m_numAttribs; i++) {
                    if (i != m_classIndex) {
                        m_starting[j++] = i;

                best_size = m_numAttribs - 1;

        // evaluate the initial subset
        best_merit = ASEvaluator.evaluateSubset(best_group);
        // add the initial group to the list and the hash table
        Object[] best = new Object[1];
        best[0] = best_group.clone();
        bfList.addToList(best, best_merit);
        BitSet tt = (BitSet) best_group.clone();
        String hashC = tt.toString();
        lookup.put(hashC, new Double(best_merit));

        while (stale < m_maxStale) {
            added = false;

            if (m_searchDirection == SELECTION_BIDIRECTIONAL) {
                // bi-directional search
                done = 2;
                sd = SELECTION_FORWARD;
            } else {
                done = 1;

            // finished search?
            if (bfList.size() == 0) {
                stale = m_maxStale;

            // copy the attribute set at the head of the list
            tl = bfList.getLinkAt(0);
            temp_group = (BitSet) (tl.getData()[0]);
            temp_group = (BitSet) temp_group.clone();
            // remove the head of the list
            // count the number of bits set (attributes)
            int kk;

            for (kk = 0, size = 0; kk < m_numAttribs; kk++) {
                if (temp_group.get(kk)) {

            do {
                for (i = 0; i < m_numAttribs; i++) {
                    if (sd == SELECTION_FORWARD) {
                        z = ((i != m_classIndex) && (!temp_group.get(i)));
                    } else {
                        z = ((i != m_classIndex) && (temp_group.get(i)));

                    if (z) {
                        // set the bit (attribute to add/delete)
                        if (sd == SELECTION_FORWARD) {
                        } else {

                         * if this subset has been seen before, then it is already in the
                         * list (or has been fully expanded)
                        tt = (BitSet) temp_group.clone();
                        hashC = tt.toString();

                        if (lookup.containsKey(hashC) == false) {
                            merit = ASEvaluator.evaluateSubset(temp_group);

                            // insert this one in the hashtable
                            if (insertCount > m_cacheSize * m_numAttribs) {
                                lookup = new Hashtable<String, Double>(m_cacheSize * m_numAttribs);
                                insertCount = 0;
                            hashC = tt.toString();
                            lookup.put(hashC, new Double(merit));
                        } else {
                            merit = lookup.get(hashC).doubleValue();

                        // insert this one in the list
                        Object[] add = new Object[1];
                        add[0] = tt.clone();
                        bfList.addToList(add, merit);

                        if (m_debug) {
                            System.out.print("Group: ");
                            printGroup(tt, m_numAttribs);
                            System.out.println("Merit: " + merit);

                        // is this better than the best?
                        if (sd == SELECTION_FORWARD) {
                            z = ((merit - best_merit) > 0.00001);
                        } else {
                            if (merit == best_merit) {
                                z = (size < best_size);
                            } else {
                                z = (merit > best_merit);

                        if (z) {
                            added = true;
                            stale = 0;
                            best_merit = merit;
                            // best_size = (size + best_size);
                            best_size = size;
                            best_group = (BitSet) (temp_group.clone());

                        // unset this addition(deletion)
                        if (sd == SELECTION_FORWARD) {
                        } else {

                if (done == 2) {
                    sd = SELECTION_BACKWARD;

            } while (done > 0);

             * if we haven't added a new attribute subset then full expansion of this
             * node hasen't resulted in anything better
            if (!added) {

        m_bestMerit = best_merit;
        return attributeList(best_group);

     * Reset options to default values
    protected void resetOptions() {
        m_maxStale = 5;
        m_searchDirection = SELECTION_FORWARD;
        m_starting = null;
        m_startRange = new Range();
        m_classIndex = -1;
        m_totalEvals = 0;
        m_cacheSize = 1;
        m_debug = false;

     * converts a BitSet into a list of attribute indexes
     * @param group the BitSet to convert
     * @return an array of attribute indexes
    protected int[] attributeList(BitSet group) {
        int count = 0;

        // count how many were selected
        for (int i = 0; i < m_numAttribs; i++) {
            if (group.get(i)) {

        int[] list = new int[count];
        count = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < m_numAttribs; i++) {
            if (group.get(i)) {
                list[count++] = i;

        return list;

     * Returns the revision string.
     * @return the revision
    public String getRevision() {
        return RevisionUtils.extract("$Revision$");