Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2008 Alx Dark * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package us.asciiroth.client.core; import static us.asciiroth.client.core.Flags.AMMUNITION; import static us.asciiroth.client.core.Flags.PLAYER; import static us.asciiroth.client.core.Flags.VERTICAL; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import us.asciiroth.client.Profile; import us.asciiroth.client.Util; import us.asciiroth.client.agents.AgentUtils; import us.asciiroth.client.agents.Targeting; import us.asciiroth.client.board.Board; import us.asciiroth.client.board.BoardLoader; import us.asciiroth.client.board.BoardReader; import us.asciiroth.client.board.BoardWriter; import us.asciiroth.client.board.Cell; import us.asciiroth.client.board.CellVisitor; import us.asciiroth.client.effects.Hit; import us.asciiroth.client.effects.InFlightItem; import us.asciiroth.client.event.Events; import us.asciiroth.client.items.Grenade; import; import; import; import us.asciiroth.client.terrain.CaveEntrance; import us.asciiroth.client.terrain.StairsDown; import us.asciiroth.client.terrain.StairsUp; import us.asciiroth.client.ui.BoardView; import us.asciiroth.client.ui.CellInfoPanel; import us.asciiroth.client.ui.ConfirmQuitDialog; import us.asciiroth.client.ui.DialogManager; import us.asciiroth.client.ui.GameOverDialog; import us.asciiroth.client.ui.InputManager; import us.asciiroth.client.ui.InventoryPalette; import us.asciiroth.client.ui.LinkBar; import us.asciiroth.client.ui.LoadingDialog; import us.asciiroth.client.ui.Log; import us.asciiroth.client.ui.MainMenu; import us.asciiroth.client.ui.MessageManager; import us.asciiroth.client.ui.NewGameDialog; import us.asciiroth.client.ui.PlayerPalette; import us.asciiroth.client.ui.SaveGameDialog; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Central controller for the game. * */ public class Game implements HasBoard { private static Game instance = new Game(); public static Game get() { return instance; } // Model private Board board; private Player player; // Controller private InputManager inputManager; private AnimationManager animator; // Views private boolean gameInProgress; private BoardView boardView; // IO // Yeow. That's a lot of readers/writers. Encapsulate? Combine? private Profile profile; private BoardReader boardReader; private BoardWriter boardWriter; private BoardLoader boardLoader; private PlayerReader playerReader; private PlayerWriter playerWriter; private Store store; private Timer loadingTimer; private static final Command LAND_PLAYER = new Command() { public void execute() { Game.get().land(); } }; private static final Command LAND_WITHOUT_EVENTS = new Command() { public void execute() { Game.get().landWithoutEvents(); } }; private static final Command QUIT = new Command() { public void execute() { Game.get().quitApplication(); } }; /** * Because this is a singleton and functions a lot like a function library, * and the UI is fired directly from the model components, there's a lot * of danger of the editor eventually calling Game.get() (to show an error * for example). That's safe, but not if it leads to the side-effect of * initializing other components. So initialization is done in an init() * method that is only called from the Launch class of the game module, * not the editor module. It's the downside of the otherwise easy approach * of having one massive controller for the whole game. * */ private Game() { profile = new Profile(); } public void init() { store = GWT.create(Store.class); Log.get().debug(store.getClass().getName()); new LinkBar(); Events events = Events.get(); animator = new AnimationManager(); events.addGameListener(animator); PlayerPalette playerPalette = new PlayerPalette(); events.addPlayerListener(playerPalette); events.addFlagsListener(playerPalette); events.addInventoryListener(new InventoryPalette()); inputManager = new InputManager(); events.addFlagsListener(inputManager); boardView = new BoardView(this); boardView.addMouseCellListener(new CellInfoPanel()); boardView.addMouseCellListener(inputManager); events.addCellListener(boardView); events.addMessageListener(new MessageManager(this)); boardReader = new BoardReader(); boardWriter = new BoardWriter(); boardLoader = new BoardLoader(boardReader); playerReader = new PlayerReader(); playerWriter = new PlayerWriter(); } /** * Is this game a test run from the map editor? If so, many options * are disabled to discourage "cheating" in this manner. * @return true if the game was opened from within the map editor. */ public boolean isTestGame() { return (profile.getTestScenarioURL() != null || profile.getTestBoardID() != null); } public int getHeightOfGameScreen() { return (boardView != null) ? boardView.getHeight() : Window.getClientHeight(); } /* public boolean isGamePaused() { return (pauseCalls >0); } */ public boolean isGameInProgress() { return gameInProgress; } public void quitApplication() { if (profile.isAirProvided()) { closeWindow(); } } private native void closeWindow() /*-{ $wnd.close(); }-*/; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Accessors (I hate these, but it's simple) */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // There are now 3 references to this that I can't get rid of. public Board getBoard() { return board; } public Player getPlayer() { return player; } public Profile getProfile() { return profile; } /** * Oh, you can whine about context objects, but the tools in this * environment are limited. * @return an event object. */ public Event createEvent() { return new Event(player, board); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Game start/stop/save. If feels pretty darn messy. /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ public void changeFonts() { board.rerenderBoard(); Events.get().fireInventoryChanged(player.getBag()); } public void mainMenu() { DialogManager.get().push(MainMenu.class); } public void testGame() { // Because the game has not yet been paused, continueGame() will not fire this // event. We need to fire it directly. // Events.get().fireGameResumed(); DialogManager.get().popAll(); gameInProgress = true; player = new Player(inputManager, "Test Player", "file:///" + profile.getTestScenarioURL(), profile.getTestBoardID(), -1, -1); Events.get().firePlayerChanged(player); Events.get().fireInventoryChanged(player.getBag()); loadBoard(player, LAND_PLAYER); } public void newGame(String name, String scenarioUrl) { DialogManager.get().popAll(); gameInProgress = true; player = new Player(inputManager, name, scenarioUrl, "start", -1, -1); Events.get().firePlayerChanged(player); Events.get().fireInventoryChanged(player.getBag()); loadBoard(player, LAND_PLAYER); } public void selectSaveGameName() { if (!Game.get().isTestGame()) { DialogManager.get().push(SaveGameDialog.class); } else { Util.showError("There is no save game support."); } } public void saveGame(String saveUnderName) { saveGame(saveUnderName, LAND_WITHOUT_EVENTS); } public void saveGameAndQuit() { if (!Game.get().isTestGame()) { saveGame(player.getName(), QUIT); } else { Util.showError("There is no save game support."); } } private void saveGame(final String saveUnderName, final Command callback) { if (loadingTimer != null) { return; } DialogManager.get().push(LoadingDialog.class); loadingTimer = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { if (!board.hasNonTransientEffect()) { this.cancel(); // Save current board, all unsaved boards, and the player's state. Map<String, String> boards = new HashMap<String, String>(); boards.putAll(player.getUnsavedMaps()); // Then overwrite with the current board... boards.put(player.getBoardID(), boardWriter.write(board, true)); Cell current = board.getCurrentCell(); String currentName = player.getName(); player.setName(saveUnderName); String playerJSON = playerWriter.write(player, current.getX(), current.getY()); store.saveGame(saveUnderName, currentName, playerJSON, boards, callback); // Should be safe, we've copied everything over. player.getUnsavedMaps().clear(); Events.get().firePlayerChanged(player); } } }; loadingTimer.scheduleRepeating(100); } public void loadGame(String name) { DialogManager.get().push(LoadingDialog.class); store.loadGame(name, new StoreLoadCallback() { public void load(String json) { gameInProgress = true; player =, json); Events.get().firePlayerChanged(player); Events.get().fireInventoryChanged(player.getBag()); loadBoard(player, LAND_PLAYER); } }); } public void loadBoard(final Player player, final Command command) { DialogManager.get().push(LoadingDialog.class); board = new Board(); String unsavedMap = (String) player.getUnsavedMaps().get(player.getBoardID()); if (unsavedMap != null) { Log.get().debug(player.getBoardID() + " unsaved, retrieved from memory");, player, board, unsavedMap, command); } else { store.loadBoard(player.getName(), player.getBoardID(), new StoreLoadCallback() { public void load(String json) { if (json != null) { Log.get().debug(player.getBoardID() + " retrieved from DB");, player, board, json, command); } else { Log.get().debug(player.getBoardID() + " never visited, retrieved from disk"); boardLoader.load(boardView, player, board, command); } } }); } } public void promptForScenario(final NewGameDialog dialog) { store.loadScenario(new StoreLoadCallback() { public void load(String filePath) { ScenarioLoader loader = new ScenarioLoader(); loader.load(filePath, dialog); } }); } public void deleteGame(String name, Command callback) { store.deleteGame(name, callback); } public void getSavedGames(NamesCallback callback) { store.getSavedGames(callback); } public void gameOver(final String url, final boolean hasWon) { gameInProgress = false; Timer timer = new Timer() { private Style style = RootPanel.getBodyElement().getStyle(); private int i = 0; @Override public void run() { style.setProperty("backgroundColor", Color.random().toString()); if (!hasWon || i++ >= 20) { cancel(); style.setProperty("backgroundColor", Color.BLACK.toString()); GameOverDialog dialog = new GameOverDialog(); dialog.setHTML(player.getScenarioURL() + url); DialogManager.get().push(dialog); } } }; timer.scheduleRepeating(100); } public void confirmQuit() { if (gameInProgress && !isTestGame()) { DialogManager.get().push(ConfirmQuitDialog.class); } else { quitApplication(); } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* In-game actions /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ public void fireWeapon(Direction dir) { Event event = createEvent(); Item item = player.getBag().getSelected(); // It's really common to want to fire a grenade... if (item instanceof Grenade) { throwItem(dir); } else { Item ammo = item.onFire(event); if (ammo != null) { Cell current = board.getCurrentCell(); shoot(event, current, player, ammo, dir); } } } public void shoot(Cell agentLoc, Agent agent, Item ammo, Targeting targeting) { Direction dir = AgentUtils.getDirectionToCellRangeLimited(agentLoc, board.getCurrentCell(), targeting); if (dir != null) { Event event = createEvent(); shoot(event, agentLoc, agent, ammo, dir); } } public void shoot(Event event, Cell agentLoc, Piece originator, Item ammo, Direction dir) { if (originator == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Something tried to shoot with a null originator"); } InFlightItem flier = new InFlightItem(ammo, dir, originator); agentLoc.getTerrain().onFlyOver(event, agentLoc, flier); if (!event.isCancelled()) { agentLoc.getEffects().addInFlightItem(flier); } event.cancel(); } public void setToThrowItem() { if (player.getBag().getSelected() != PlayerBag.EMPTY_HANDED) { Events.get().fireMessage(board.getCurrentCell(), "Throw in what direction?"); } else { inputManager.clearActionBuffer(); } } public void throwItem(Direction direction) { Event event = createEvent(); Item item = player.getBag().getSelected(); Cell current = board.getCurrentCell(); if (item == PlayerBag.EMPTY_HANDED) { return; } else if ( { // It would disappear... it's ammo. And that's wierd. So let's just // not allow the player to throw it. Events.get().fireMessage(current, "Uh, you don't throw ammo, you use it with a weapon..."); return; } InFlightItem flier = new InFlightItem(item, direction, player); current.getTerrain().onFlyOver(event, current, flier); if (event.isCancelled()) { return; } item.onThrow(event, current); if (event.isCancelled()) { return; } player.getBag().remove(item); current.getEffects().addInFlightItem(flier); } public void agentMove(Cell agentLoc, Agent agent, Targeting targeting) { // Duration d = new Duration(); Direction direction = AgentUtils.findPathToTarget(agentLoc, agent, targeting); if (direction != null) { Event event = createEvent(); agentMove(event, agentLoc, agent, direction); } // Log.get().debug(agent.getName(), "move time", Integer.toString(d.elapsedMillis())); } public void agentMove(Event event, Cell agentLoc, Agent agent, Direction direction) { Cell next = agentLoc.getAdjacentCell(direction); agentLoc.getTerrain().onAgentExit(event, agent, agentLoc, direction); if (event.isCancelled()) { return; } if (next == null) { // Agents can't cross map boundaries. event.cancel(); return; } next.getTerrain().onAgentEnter(event, agent, next, direction); if (event.isCancelled()) { return; } // Creating a reference to this agent is necessary when the player // dies in the course of all this, or an NPE is thrown. Agent nextAgent = next.getAgent(); if (nextAgent != null) { if ( { agent.onHit(event, agentLoc, next, nextAgent); // agent.onHit(event, next, nextAgent, direction); } nextAgent.onHitBy(event, agentLoc, agent, direction); if (event.isCancelled()) { return; } } // It has to be agentLoc.getAgent()... don't ask me why. agentLoc.moveAgentTo(next, agentLoc.getAgent()); if (!next.isBagEmpty()) { next.onSteppedOn(event, next, next.getAgent()); } } /** * After a board is loaded, there's a bunch of work to show the * right UI components, and to fire the events for the cell the player * has landed on. */ public void land() { landWithoutEvents(); Cell current = board.getCurrentCell(); if (current != null) { // which is the case when using the map editor... Events.get().fireGameResumed(); Event event = Game.get().createEvent(); for (Cell adj : current.getAdjacentCells(null)) { adj.getTerrain().onAdjacentTo(event, current); } current.getTerrain().onEnter(event, player, current, null); } } /** * Land the player after a save, without firing events on the cell. */ public void landWithoutEvents() { Events.get().fireHideAllMessages(); DialogManager.get().popAll(); DOM.getElementById("layout").getStyle().setProperty("visibility", "visible"); loadingTimer = null; } public void moveVertical() { Terrain current = board.getCurrentCell().getApparentTerrain(); if (current instanceof StairsUp) { move(Direction.UP); } else if (current instanceof StairsDown) { move(Direction.DOWN); } else if (current instanceof CaveEntrance) { if (board.isOutside()) { move(Direction.DOWN); } else { move(Direction.UP); } } } public void move(Direction direction) { final Event event = createEvent(); Cell origin = board.getCurrentCell(); Cell target = origin.getAdjacentCell(direction); origin.getTerrain().onExit(event, player, origin, direction); if (event.isCancelled()) { return; } // if they're equal, player is going up or down. onEnter, et al, // these are irrelevant for up/down, but the game must ensure // it's always legal (e.g. can't push an agent onto stairs). // if (target == null || target.equals(origin)) { if (target == null) { moveOffBoard(event, direction); return; } target.getTerrain().onEnter(event, player, target, direction); if (event.isCancelled()) { return; } if (target.getAgent() != null) { Agent agent = target.getAgent(); player.onHit(event, origin, target, agent); // WARN: This isn't right. The cell and the agent should always be // the same, and the player hasn't moved yet. // agent.onHitBy(event, target, player, direction); agent.onHitBy(event, origin, player, direction); if (event.isCancelled()) { return; } } origin.getTerrain().onNotAdjacentTo(event, origin); for (Cell adj : origin.getAdjacentCells(null)) { adj.getTerrain().onNotAdjacentTo(event, adj); } board.visitRange(origin, Player.DETECT_HIDDEN_RANGE, true, new CellVisitor() { public boolean visit(Cell cell, int range) { cell.getTerrain().onNotAdjacentTo(event, cell); return true; } }); origin.moveAgentTo(target, player); board.visitRange(target, Player.DETECT_HIDDEN_RANGE, true, new CellVisitor() { public boolean visit(Cell cell, int range) { cell.getTerrain().onAdjacentTo(event, cell); return true; } }); if (!target.isBagEmpty()) { target.onSteppedOn(event, target, player); } } /** * Do not allow an agent to move due to animation, when we're in the middle * of figuring out if their dead or not. Or we won't successfully remove * the agent from the cell (it'll be in a different cell), and it'll * simultaneously die and move away. Rare but annoying. This basically * means changeHealth should never be called anywhere but here, how * to enforce? * * @param cell * @param agent * @param delta */ public void damage(Cell cell, Agent agent, int delta) { // If striking the player, delta is subtracted; if striking any other // agent, delta is added to the chance to hit. This keeps all numbers // positive, so they are easier to use. // You cannot do this because the player, when wrapped in StandIn, // doesn't meet the contract. int value = agent.changeHealth(delta); if (value == 0) { die(cell, agent); } } public void die(Cell cell, Agent agent) { Event event = createEvent(); agent.onDie(event, cell); if (!event.isCancelled()) { // There are cases where an agent is transformed just prior to being // killed. When this happens, removeAgent() cannot remove the agent // passed into this method from the array of animated pieces, because // the piece instance has changed. So we use both the agent actually // in the cell, and the agent passed in. There's no easy way to // address this, it's a side-effect of the approach taken here to // identity and immutability. cell.removeAgent(cell.getAgent()); cell.removeAgent(agent); cell.getEffects().add(new Hit(agent)); } } public void drop(Event event, Cell cell, Item item) { if ( { item.onThrowEnd(event, cell); } else { // Clear cancel and test if the terrain allows a drop here, finally, // execute the item's onFall (which can also cause the item to disappear. // This gets into ammunition territory. event.suppressCancel(); cell.getTerrain().onDrop(event, cell, item); if (!event.isCancelled()) { item.onThrowEnd(event, cell); // Ammunition lands on the ground. if (!event.isCancelled()) { cell.getBag().add(item); } } } } public void selectUp() { player.getBag().selectUp(); } public void selectDown() { player.getBag().selectDown(); } public void selectEmptyHanded() { player.getBag().selectEmptyHanded(); } public void useSelectedItem() { player.getBag().getSelected().onUse(createEvent()); } public void pickupItem(int index) { pickupItem(board.getCurrentCell(), index); } public void pickupItem(Cell cell, int index) { Event event = createEvent(); Item item = (Item) cell.getBag().get(index); if (item != null) { if (!player.enforceWeakness(event, cell, item)) { cell.getTerrain().onPickup(event, cell, player, item); if (!event.isCancelled()) { cell.getBag().remove(item); player.getBag().add(item); } } } } public void dropSelectedItem() { Event event = createEvent(); Item item = player.getBag().getSelected(); if (item == PlayerBag.EMPTY_HANDED) { return; } // If item cancels the event, it is not dropped Cell current = board.getCurrentCell(); item.onDrop(event, current); if (event.isCancelled()) { return; } player.getBag().remove(item); // If terrain cancels event, it does not fall to floor. current.getTerrain().onDrop(event, current, item); if (event.isCancelled()) { return; } current.getBag().add(item); } public void moveSelectedUp() { player.getBag().moveSelectedUp(); } public void moveSelectedDown() { player.getBag().moveSelectedDown(); } public void selectFirstWeapon() { player.getBag().selectFirstWeapon(); } /** * Although you can drop or throw things to the point where they are not * listed in the menu of ten items, you can then rotate the list to see * each item, for the obscure case where you'd want to do that. */ public void rotateItems() { Cell cell = board.getCurrentCell(); Bag<Item> bag = cell.getBag(); if (bag.size() > 1) { List<Bag.Entry<Item>> entries = bag.asEntryList(); entries.add(entries.remove(0)); } } /** * For those using the number pad, it's helpful to use "5" for default * actions. Sometimes though, the action to take is ambiguous. Here, * we will pick up an item if it is underfoot, or move vertically if * that is possible, otherwise we'll use the currently selected item. */ public void defaultForCurrentCell() { if (board.getCurrentCell().getBag().isEmpty()) { Terrain t = board.getCurrentCell().getTerrain(); if ( { moveVertical(); } else { useSelectedItem(); } } else { pickupItem(0); } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Private */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ public void teleport(final String boardID, final int x, final int y) { if (loadingTimer != null) { return; } Events.get().fireHideAllMessages(); DialogManager.get().push(LoadingDialog.class); loadingTimer = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { if (!board.hasNonTransientEffect()) { this.cancel(); Events.get().fireGamePaused(); String json = boardWriter.write(board, true); player.getUnsavedMaps().put(player.getBoardID(), json); player.setBoardID(boardID); player.setStartXY(x, y); loadBoard(player, LAND_PLAYER); } } }; loadingTimer.scheduleRepeating(100); } private void moveOffBoard(Event event, final Direction direction) { if (loadingTimer != null) { return; } Events.get().fireHideAllMessages(); // Diagonals now allowed... there's no way you can tie two maps together // where a diagonal move won't lead you into rock, unless we preload the // target map and examine it, and it isn't worth it. final String url = board.getAdjacentBoard(direction); if (direction.isDiagonal()) { event.cancel("You cannot move diagonally off a map"); } else if (url == null) { event.cancel("Currently this leads nowhere"); } else { DialogManager.get().push(LoadingDialog.class); loadingTimer = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { if (!board.hasNonTransientEffect()) { this.cancel(); Events.get().fireGamePaused(); String json = boardWriter.write(board, true); player.getUnsavedMaps().put(player.getBoardID(), json); // Now adjust player to the new anticipated board and location. // Player now acts as a parameter object to the board loader/readers. player.setBoardID(url); int x = board.getCurrentCell().getX(); int y = board.getCurrentCell().getY(); if (Direction.UP == direction || Direction.DOWN == direction) { player.setStartXY(x, y); loadBoard(player, LAND_PLAYER); } else if (Direction.NORTH == direction) { player.setStartXY(x, Board.ROWS - 1); loadBoard(player, LAND_PLAYER); } else if (Direction.SOUTH == direction) { player.setStartXY(x, 0); loadBoard(player, LAND_PLAYER); } else if (Direction.EAST == direction) { player.setStartXY(0, y); loadBoard(player, LAND_PLAYER); } else if (Direction.WEST == direction) { player.setStartXY(Board.COLUMNS - 1, y); loadBoard(player, LAND_PLAYER); } } } }; loadingTimer.scheduleRepeating(100); } } /* public void fixMe() { player.remove(WEAK); player.remove(POISONED); player.remove(PARALYZED); player.changeHealth( player.changeHealth(0)-Player.MAX_HEALTH ); } */ }