Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package univ.mlv.GraphBuilder; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.JDOMException; import org.jdom2.Namespace; import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder; import org.jdom2.transform.JDOMSource; /** * * @author Ordinateur1 */ public class CompleteTheGraph { public static final String ns_v = ""; public static final Namespace vNamespace = Namespace.getNamespace("v", ns_v); public static final String ns_ical = ""; public static final Namespace icalNamespace = Namespace.getNamespace("ical", ns_ical); public static final String ns_rdfs = ""; public static final Namespace rdfsNamespace = Namespace.getNamespace("rdfs", ns_rdfs); public static final String ns_rdf = ""; public static final Namespace rdfNamespace = Namespace.getNamespace("rdf", ns_rdf); public static final String ns_gs = ""; public static final Namespace gsNamespace = Namespace.getNamespace("gs", ns_gs); public static final String ns_svg = ""; public static final Namespace svgNamespace = Namespace.getNamespace("svg", ns_svg); /** * @return the nodes_relatations */ public static Map<String, ArrayList<String>> getNodes_relatations() { return nodes_relatations; } /** * @param aNodes_relatations the nodes_relatations to set */ public static void setNodes_relatations(Map<String, ArrayList<String>> aNodes_relatations) { nodes_relatations = aNodes_relatations; } static Map<String, List<String>> node_edges = new TreeMap<String, List<String>>(); static Map<String, String> nodeID_node = new TreeMap<String, String>(); static Map<String, List<String>> edges = new TreeMap<String, List<String>>(); /** * @return the lang */ public static String getLang() { return lang; } /** * @param aLang the lang to set */ public static void setLang(String aLang) { lang = aLang; } Map<String, String> nodes_url = new TreeMap<String, String>(); private static Map<String, ArrayList<String>> nodes_relatations = new TreeMap<String, ArrayList<String>>(); public static Map<String, String> nodes_graph = new TreeMap<String, String>(); private String actual_graph = ""; private static Map<String, String> allGraphs = new TreeMap<String, String>(); private static String lang; static String relativPath = getAppDirectory().replaceAll("\\\\", "/");//.split("build")[0]; public CompleteTheGraph(String lang) { this.lang = lang; } public static String getAppDirectory() { String appDirectory = CompleteTheGraph.class.getResource("CompleteTheGraph.class").getPath() .replaceAll("%20", " "); appDirectory = appDirectory.substring(0, appDirectory.indexOf("WEB-INF/")); File f = new File(appDirectory); appDirectory = f.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator; return appDirectory; } // public static void main(String[] args) { // CompleteTheGraph p = new CompleteTheGraph("en"); //// p.start(); // p.mapNode_url(); //// String g=p.designFullGraph(); //// p.buildTheGraph(g, ""); // } /** * Construct a DOT graph in memory, convert it to image and store the image * in the file system. For a given node * * @param root_center node to put in the center * @return */ public static String designGraphForOneNode(String root_center) { getNodes_relatations().put(root_center, new ArrayList<String>()); node_edges = new TreeMap<String, List<String>>(); nodeID_node = new TreeMap<String, String>(); edges = new TreeMap<String, List<String>>(); List<String> list_nodeID = new ArrayList<String>(); // Test gv = new Test(); // OntologyParsing o = new OntologyParsing(); String graph_root = "root=" + root_center + ";\n"; Set<String> keySet = GraphConstructor.getProperty().keySet(); Iterator<String> iterator = keySet.iterator(); Map<String, String> listeDatatype = new TreeMap<String, String>(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String nodeID_concept =; for (Element e : GraphConstructor.getProperty().get(nodeID_concept)) { String name_prop = e.getName(); String rel_prop = ""; //Diffrencier les object prop des datatype // if(name_prop.equals("label")) name_prop="TheLabel"; if (name_prop.equals("n") || name_prop.equals("posBeg") || name_prop.equals("posEnd") || name_prop.equals("label") //the label is the name of the icon ) { continue; } if (e.getText().isEmpty()) { //object prop, vrifier le concept point par le nodeID existe String nodeID_prop = e.getAttributeValue("nodeID", rdfNamespace); // if (!lang.isEmpty()) { // Map<String, String> recupObjectProLabel = o.recupObjectProLabel(getLang()); // if (recupObjectProLabel != null && recupObjectProLabel.containsKey(name_prop) && recupObjectProLabel.get(name_prop) != null) { // name_prop = recupObjectProLabel.get(name_prop); // } // } if (!list_nodeID.contains(nodeID_prop)) { // System.out.println("Attention aucun noeud avec le nodeID " + nodeID_concept + " n'a pas t cr"); } if (!nodeID_prop.isEmpty()) { //Il s'agit d'une proprit objet // System.out.println("prop= " + nodeID_prop + "\t nodeID= " + nodeID_concept); rel_prop = nodeID_concept + "->" + nodeID_prop + "[label= \"" + name_prop + "\"" + "]" + ";"; } if (!rel_prop.isEmpty()) { //arc sortant if (edges.containsKey(nodeID_concept)) { edges.get(nodeID_concept).add(rel_prop + "\t" + nodeID_prop); } else { ArrayList<String> arrayList = new ArrayList<String>(); arrayList.add(rel_prop + "\t" + nodeID_prop); edges.put(nodeID_concept, arrayList); } //arc entrant if (edges.containsKey(nodeID_prop)) { edges.get(nodeID_prop).add(rel_prop + "\t" + nodeID_concept); } else { ArrayList<String> arrayList = new ArrayList<String>(); arrayList.add(rel_prop + "\t" + nodeID_concept); edges.put(nodeID_prop, arrayList); } } } else { // if (!lang.isEmpty()) { // Map<String, String> recupDatatypeProLabel = o.recupDatatypeProLabel(getLang()); // if (recupDatatypeProLabel != null && recupDatatypeProLabel.containsKey(name_prop) && recupDatatypeProLabel.get(name_prop) != null) { // name_prop = recupDatatypeProLabel.get(name_prop); // } // } if (listeDatatype.containsKey(nodeID_concept)) { String s = listeDatatype.get(nodeID_concept); listeDatatype.put(nodeID_concept, s + ", " + name_prop + " : " + e.getText()); } else { listeDatatype.put(nodeID_concept, name_prop + " : " + e.getText()); } } } } for (Element e : GraphConstructor.getConcept()) { //Dterminer le type du concept pour pouvoir lui associer l'icone correspondante String concept_type = e.getName(); String label = " "; // if(null!=e.getChild("label", rdfsNamespace))label= e.getChild("label", rdfsNamespace).getText(); if (null != e.getChild("label", gsNamespace)) { label = e.getChild("label", gsNamespace).getText(); } if (concept_type.equals("Experience")) { if (null != e.getChild("roleType", gsNamespace)) { label = e.getChild("roleType", gsNamespace).getText(); } } if (concept_type.equals("Date")) { if (null != e.getChild("dtstart", icalNamespace)) { label = e.getChild("dtstart", icalNamespace).getText(); String year = label.substring(0, 4); String month = label.substring(4, 6); String day = label.substring(6, 8); label = year + "-" + month + "-" + day; } } if (concept_type.equals("Education")) { if (null != e.getChild("level", gsNamespace)) { label = e.getChild("level", gsNamespace).getText(); } } if (label.equals(" ") || label.equals("") || label.isEmpty()) { for (Element c : (List<Element>) e.getChildren()) { if (c.getName().toLowerCase().contains("type")) { label = c.getText(); } } } // if (concept_type.equals("ViolentAct")) { // if (null != e.getChild("type", gsNamespace)) { // label = e.getChild("type", gsNamespace).getText(); // } // } // String img_adr = "C:/Users/Ordinateur1/Documents/NetBeansProjects/Dmonstrateur V0.2/GraphGenerator/Icones/" + concept_type + ".png"; String img_adr = relativPath + "/Icones/" + concept_type + ".png"; // String img_adr = "./Icones/" + concept_type + ".png"; // System.out.println("adresse image : "+img_adr); File img = new File(img_adr); if (!img.exists()) { System.out.println(" attention l'image " + concept_type + " n'existe pas !!!!"); } String nodeID_concept = e.getAttributeValue("nodeID", rdfNamespace); list_nodeID.add(nodeID_concept); //rcuprer le nom du concept suivant la langue // if (!lang.isEmpty()) { // Map<String, String> concept_langue = o.recupClassLabelFrAndEn(getLang()); // if (concept_langue.containsKey(concept_type)) { // concept_type = concept_langue.get(concept_type); // } // } String node_head = nodeID_concept + " [ " + "label=<<TABLE border=\"0\" cellborder=\"0\">\n" + "<TR><TD width=\"50\" height=\"50\"" + " fixedsize=\"true\"" + ">" + "<IMG SRC=\"" + img.getPath() + "\" scale=\"true\"/>" + "</TD><td><font point-size=\"10\"><I>" + concept_type + "</I> : <B>" + label + "</B></font></td></TR>\n" + "</TABLE>>"; if (listeDatatype.containsKey(nodeID_concept)) { node_head = node_head + ", tooltip=\"" + listeDatatype.get(nodeID_concept) + "\""; } node_head = node_head + ", href=\"ExitCloseGraphsFiles?root_center=" + nodeID_concept + "\""; node_head = node_head + "];"; nodeID_node.put(nodeID_concept, node_head); if (edges.containsKey(nodeID_concept)) { node_edges.put(node_head, edges.get(nodeID_concept)); } } //Construire le graph_root avec node_edge et root_center if (nodeID_node.containsKey(root_center)) { //get all nodes adjacent to this particular node String node = nodeID_node.get(root_center); graph_root = graph_root + node + "\n"; if (node_edges.containsKey(node)) { List<String> get = node_edges.get(node); for (String s : get) { if (nodeID_node.containsKey(s.split("\t")[1])) { getNodes_relatations().get(root_center).add(s.split("\t")[1]); //add the node conerning by the range of the property String node_range = nodeID_node.get(s.split("\t")[1]); graph_root = graph_root + node_range + "\n"; //Add the property graph_root = graph_root + s.split("\t")[0] + "\n"; } } } } nodes_graph.put(root_center, graph_root); return graph_root; } public void completeHref() throws IOException { Set<String> keySet = nodes_graph.keySet(); // System.out.println("nodes = "+keySet.size()); for (String nodeID : keySet) { //rcuprer le href de chaque noeud String G_nodeID = nodes_graph.get(nodeID); //Rcuprer les nodes rfrencs // G_nodeID.split("^id.*\\["); // "\nid[a-zA-Z0-9]* \\[" System.out.println("\n\n" + G_nodeID); String[] split = G_nodeID.split(";"); for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { String s2 = split[i]; if (s2.contains("->") || !s2.contains("[")) { continue; } //Rcuprer le nodeID de noeud String node = s2.split("\\[")[0]; String node_content = s2.split("\\[")[1]; node = node.substring(1, node.lastIndexOf(" ")); // System.out.println(node+" ***111111111***** "+node_content); //il faut rcuprer le graph gnr par node et le concatner au G_node String subGraph2 = nodes_graph.get(node); //supprimer l'entte String[] split1 = subGraph2.split(";"); String str2 = G_nodeID; for (String x : split1) { if (!str2.contains(x)) { str2 = str2 + x + ";"; } } // subGraph2= subGraph2+G_nodeID; String buildTheGraph = buildTheGraph(str2, nodeID + "_" + node); //Modifier le href G_nodeID = G_nodeID.replace(node + "OutGraph.svg", nodeID + "_" + node + "OutGraph.svg"); buildTheGraph(str2, nodeID + "_" + node); } buildTheGraph(G_nodeID, nodeID); } } public void mapNode_url() throws IOException { for (Element e : GraphConstructor.getConcept()) { String nodeID = e.getAttributeValue("nodeID", rdfNamespace); String g = designGraphForOneNode(nodeID); nodes_graph.put(nodeID, g); String buildTheGraph = buildTheGraph(g, nodeID); nodes_url.put(nodeID, buildTheGraph); } } public String getNodeID_Range(Element e) { String res = ""; String nodeID_prop = e.getAttributeValue("nodeID", rdfNamespace); if (nodeID_prop == null) { nodeID_prop = e.getAttributeValue("about", rdfNamespace); } if (nodeID_prop == null) { nodeID_prop = e.getAttributeValue("resource", rdfNamespace); } if (nodeID_prop == null) { if (!e.getChildren().isEmpty()) { Element ee = e.getChildren().get(0); nodeID_prop = ee.getAttributeValue("nodeID", rdfNamespace); if (nodeID_prop == null) { nodeID_prop = ee.getAttributeValue("about", rdfNamespace); } if (nodeID_prop == null) { nodeID_prop = ee.getAttributeValue("resource", rdfNamespace); } } } if (nodeID_prop != null && nodeID_prop.contains(".com/")) { nodeID_prop = nodeID_prop.split(".com/")[1].replaceAll("/", "_"); } if (nodeID_prop != null) return nodeID_prop; return res; } /** * Construct a graph for all the text and generate all the nodes * * * @return */ public String designFullGraph() { // mapNode_url(lang); List<String> list_nodeID = new ArrayList<String>(); // Test gv = new Test(); // OntologyParsing o = new OntologyParsing(); String graphe = ""; Set<String> keySet = GraphConstructor.getProperty().keySet(); Map<String, String> listeDatatype = new TreeMap<String, String>(); Iterator<String> iterator = keySet.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String nodeID_concept =; for (Element e : GraphConstructor.getProperty().get(nodeID_concept)) { String name_prop = e.getName(); String rel_prop = ""; //Diffrencier les object prop des datatype // if(name_prop.equals("label")) name_prop="TheLabel"; if (name_prop.equals("n") || name_prop.equals("posBeg") || name_prop.equals("posEnd") || name_prop.equals("label") //the label is the name of the icon ) { continue; } if (e.getText().isEmpty()) { //object prop, vrifier le concept point par le nodeID existe String nodeID_prop = getNodeID_Range(e); // if (!lang.isEmpty()) { // Map<String, String> recupObjectProLabel = o.recupObjectProLabel(getLang()); // if (recupObjectProLabel != null && recupObjectProLabel.containsKey(name_prop) && recupObjectProLabel.get(name_prop) != null) { // name_prop = recupObjectProLabel.get(name_prop); // } // } if (!list_nodeID.contains(nodeID_prop)) { // System.out.println("Attention aucun noeud avec le nodeID " + nodeID_concept + " n'a pas t cr"); } if (!nodeID_prop.isEmpty()) { //Il s'agit d'une proprit objet // System.out.println("prop= " + nodeID_prop + "\t nodeID= " + nodeID_concept); rel_prop = nodeID_concept + "->" + nodeID_prop + "[label= \"" + name_prop + "\"]" + ";"; } } else { // if (!lang.isEmpty()) { // Map<String, String> recupDatatypeProLabel = o.recupDatatypeProLabel(getLang()); // if (recupDatatypeProLabel != null && recupDatatypeProLabel.containsKey(name_prop) && recupDatatypeProLabel.get(name_prop) != null) { // name_prop = recupDatatypeProLabel.get(name_prop); // } // } if (listeDatatype.containsKey(nodeID_concept)) { String s = listeDatatype.get(nodeID_concept); listeDatatype.put(nodeID_concept, s + ", " + name_prop + " : " + e.getText()); } else { listeDatatype.put(nodeID_concept, name_prop + " : " + e.getText()); } } if (!rel_prop.isEmpty()) { graphe = graphe + rel_prop + "\n"; } } } for (Element e : GraphConstructor.getConcept()) { //Dterminer le type du concept pour pouvoir lui associer l'icone correspondante String concept_type = e.getName(); String label = " "; // if(null!=e.getChild("label", rdfsNamespace))label= e.getChild("label", rdfsNamespace).getText(); if (null != e.getChild("label", gsNamespace)) { label = e.getChild("label", gsNamespace).getText(); } if (concept_type.equals("Experience")) { if (null != e.getChild("roleType", gsNamespace)) { label = e.getChild("roleType", gsNamespace).getText(); } } if (concept_type.equals("Date")) { if (null != e.getChild("dtstart", icalNamespace)) { label = e.getChild("dtstart", icalNamespace).getText(); String year = label.substring(0, 4); String month = label.substring(4, 6); String day = label.substring(6, 8); label = year + "-" + month + "-" + day; } } if (concept_type.equals("Education")) { if (null != e.getChild("level", gsNamespace)) { label = e.getChild("level", gsNamespace).getText(); } } if (label.equals(" ") || label.equals("") || label.isEmpty()) { for (Element c : (List<Element>) e.getChildren()) { if (c.getName().toLowerCase().contains("type")) { label = c.getText(); } } } // if (concept_type.equals("ViolentAct")) { // if (null != e.getChild("type", gsNamespace)) { // label = e.getChild("type", gsNamespace).getText(); // } // } String img_adr = relativPath + "/Icones/" + concept_type + ".png"; // String img_adr = "./Icones/" + concept_type + ".png"; // System.out.println("adresse image : " + img_adr); File img = new File(img_adr); if (!img.exists()) { System.out.println(" attention l'image " + concept_type + " n'existe pas !!!!"); } String nodeID_concept = e.getAttributeValue("nodeID", rdfNamespace); if (nodeID_concept == null) { nodeID_concept = e.getAttributeValue("about", rdfNamespace); } if (nodeID_concept == null) { nodeID_concept = e.getAttributeValue("resource", rdfNamespace); } if (nodeID_concept != null && nodeID_concept.contains(".com/")) { nodeID_concept = nodeID_concept.split(".com/")[1].replaceAll("/", "_"); } list_nodeID.add(nodeID_concept); //rcuprer le nom du concept suivant la langue // if (!lang.isEmpty()) { // Map<String, String> concept_langue = o.recupClassLabelFrAndEn(getLang()); // if (concept_langue.containsKey(concept_type)) { // concept_type = concept_langue.get(concept_type); // } // } String node_head = nodeID_concept + " [ " + "label=<<TABLE border=\"0\" cellborder=\"0\">\n" + "<TR><TD width=\"50\" height=\"50\"" + " fixedsize=\"true\"" + ">" + "<IMG SRC=\"" + img.getPath() + "\" scale=\"true\"/>" + "</TD><td><font point-size=\"10\"><I>" + concept_type + "</I> : <B>" + label + "</B></font></td></TR>\n" + "</TABLE>>"; if (listeDatatype.containsKey(nodeID_concept)) { node_head = node_head + ", tooltip=\"" + listeDatatype.get(nodeID_concept) + "\""; } // if (nodes_url.containsKey(nodeID_concept)) { node_head = node_head + ", href=\"ExitCloseGraphsFiles?root_center=" + nodeID_concept + "\""; // } node_head = node_head + "];"; graphe = graphe + node_head + "\n"; nodeID_node.put(nodeID_concept, node_head); // if(edges.containsKey(nodeID_concept)) node_edges.put(node_head, edges.get(nodeID_concept)); } return graphe; } public String designGraphWithOptions(String[] opt) { // mapNode_url(lang); List<String> list_nodeID = new ArrayList<String>(); // Test gv = new Test(); // OntologyParsing o = new OntologyParsing(); String graphe = ""; Set<String> keySet = GraphConstructor.getProperty().keySet(); Iterator<String> iterator = keySet.iterator(); Map<String, String> listeDatatype = new TreeMap<String, String>(); List<String> nodeID_propList = new ArrayList<String>(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String nodeID_concept =; boolean exist = false; for (String s : opt) { if (nodeID_concept.contains(s)) { exist = true; break; } } if (!exist) { continue; } for (Element e : GraphConstructor.getProperty().get(nodeID_concept)) { String name_prop = e.getName(); String rel_prop = ""; //Diffrencier les object prop des datatype // if(name_prop.equals("label")) name_prop="TheLabel"; if (name_prop.equals("n") || name_prop.equals("posBeg") || name_prop.equals("posEnd") || name_prop.equals("label") //the label is the name of the icon ) { continue; } if (e.getText().isEmpty()) { //object prop, vrifier le concept point par le nodeID existe String nodeID_prop = e.getAttributeValue("nodeID", rdfNamespace); // if (!lang.isEmpty()) { // Map<String, String> recupObjectProLabel = o.recupObjectProLabel(getLang()); // if (recupObjectProLabel != null && recupObjectProLabel.containsKey(name_prop) && recupObjectProLabel.get(name_prop) != null) { // name_prop = recupObjectProLabel.get(name_prop); // } // } if (!list_nodeID.contains(nodeID_prop)) { // System.out.println("Attention aucun noeud avec le nodeID " + nodeID_concept + " n'a pas t cr"); } if (!nodeID_prop.isEmpty()) { //Il s'agit d'une proprit objet // System.out.println("prop= " + nodeID_prop + "\t nodeID= " + nodeID_concept); rel_prop = nodeID_concept + "->" + nodeID_prop + "[label= \"" + name_prop + "\"]" + ";"; nodeID_propList.add(nodeID_prop); } } else { // if (!lang.isEmpty()) { // Map<String, String> recupDatatypeProLabel = o.recupDatatypeProLabel(getLang()); // if (recupDatatypeProLabel != null && recupDatatypeProLabel.containsKey(name_prop) && recupDatatypeProLabel.get(name_prop) != null) { // name_prop = recupDatatypeProLabel.get(name_prop); // } // } if (listeDatatype.containsKey(nodeID_concept)) { String s = listeDatatype.get(nodeID_concept); listeDatatype.put(nodeID_concept, s + ", " + name_prop + " : " + e.getText()); } else { listeDatatype.put(nodeID_concept, name_prop + " : " + e.getText()); } } if (!rel_prop.isEmpty()) { graphe = graphe + rel_prop + "\n"; } } } for (Element e : GraphConstructor.getConcept()) { //Dterminer le type du concept pour pouvoir lui associer l'icone correspondante String concept_type = e.getName(); String nodeID = e.getAttributeValue("nodeID", rdfNamespace); boolean exist = false; for (String s : opt) { if (concept_type.equals(s)) { exist = true; break; } } for (String s : nodeID_propList) { if (nodeID.equals(s)) { exist = true; break; } } if (!exist) { continue; } String label = " "; // if(null!=e.getChild("label", rdfsNamespace))label= e.getChild("label", rdfsNamespace).getText(); if (null != e.getChild("label", gsNamespace)) { label = e.getChild("label", gsNamespace).getText(); } if (concept_type.equals("Experience")) { if (null != e.getChild("roleType", gsNamespace)) { label = e.getChild("roleType", gsNamespace).getText(); } } if (concept_type.equals("Date")) { if (null != e.getChild("dtstart", icalNamespace)) { label = e.getChild("dtstart", icalNamespace).getText(); String year = label.substring(0, 4); String month = label.substring(4, 6); String day = label.substring(6, 8); label = year + "-" + month + "-" + day; } } if (concept_type.equals("Education")) { if (null != e.getChild("level", gsNamespace)) { label = e.getChild("level", gsNamespace).getText(); } } if (label.equals("") || label.equals(" ") || label.isEmpty()) { for (Element c : (List<Element>) e.getChildren()) { if (c.getName().toLowerCase().contains("type")) { label = c.getText(); } } } String img_adr = relativPath + "/Icones/" + concept_type + ".png"; // String img_adr = "./Icones/" + concept_type + ".png"; // System.out.println("adresse image : " + img_adr); File img = new File(img_adr); if (!img.exists()) { System.out.println(" attention l'image " + concept_type + " n'existe pas !!!!"); } String nodeID_concept = e.getAttributeValue("nodeID", rdfNamespace); list_nodeID.add(nodeID_concept); //rcuprer le nom du concept suivant la langue // if (!lang.isEmpty()) { // Map<String, String> concept_langue = o.recupClassLabelFrAndEn(getLang()); // if (concept_langue.containsKey(concept_type)) { // concept_type = concept_langue.get(concept_type); // } // } String node_head = nodeID_concept + " [ " + "label=<<TABLE border=\"0\" cellborder=\"0\">\n" + "<TR><TD width=\"50\" height=\"50\"" + " fixedsize=\"true\"" + ">" + "<IMG SRC=\"" + img.getPath() + "\" scale=\"true\"/>" + "</TD><td><font point-size=\"10\"><I>" + concept_type + "</I> : <B>" + label + "</B></font></td></TR>\n" + "</TABLE>>"; if (listeDatatype.containsKey(nodeID_concept)) { node_head = node_head + ", tooltip=\"" + listeDatatype.get(nodeID_concept) + "\""; } // if (nodes_url.containsKey(nodeID_concept)) { node_head = node_head + ", href=\"ExitCloseGraphsFiles?root_center=" + nodeID_concept + "\""; // } node_head = node_head + "];"; graphe = graphe + node_head + "\n"; nodeID_node.put(nodeID_concept, node_head); // if(edges.containsKey(nodeID_concept)) node_edges.put(node_head, edges.get(nodeID_concept)); } return graphe; } public static String getGraph(String G, String node) throws IOException { Test gv = new Test(); String graphe = gv.start_graph("G") + "\n"; graphe = graphe + G + "\n"; graphe = graphe + gv.end_graph(); gv.addln(graphe); // System.out.println(gv.getDotSource()); String type = "svg"; String repesentationType = "dot"; File out = new File(getAppDirectory() + node + "OutGraph." + type); // gv.writeGraphToFile( gv.getGraph(gv.getDotSource(), type, repesentationType), out ); byte[] graph = gv.getGraph(gv.getDotSource(), type, repesentationType); //gv.getDotSource(), type if (graph == null) { System.out.println(out.getName() + " is null"); return ""; } else { gv.writeGraphToFile(graph, out); } //Attention le path absolu ne fonctionne pas, graphViz modifier le href et il ne devient plus accessible // System.out.println("svg= " + out.getPath()); // SVGHandler svghand= new SVGHandler(out); String s = afficheUltraRapide(out); ParserString(s); addHoverToText(list_g); // if (getStringFromDocument(document) != null) { s = getStringFromDocument(document); // } s = RenderModify(s); getAllGraphs().put(out.getName(), s); // System.out.println("absolute path: " + out.getAbsolutePath()); // out.delete(); return s; } public static String buildTheGraph(String G, String node) throws IOException { Test gv = new Test(); String graphe = gv.start_graph("G") + "\n"; graphe = graphe + G + "\n"; graphe = graphe + gv.end_graph(); gv.addln(graphe); // System.out.println(gv.getDotSource()); String type = "svg"; String repesentationType = "dot"; File out = new File(getAppDirectory() + node + "OutGraph." + type); // gv.writeGraphToFile( gv.getGraph(gv.getDotSource(), type, repesentationType), out ); byte[] graph = gv.getGraph(gv.getDotSource(), type, repesentationType); //gv.getDotSource(), type if (graph == null) { System.out.println(out.getName() + " is null"); } else { gv.writeGraphToFile(graph, out); } String s = afficheUltraRapide(out); ParserString(s); addHoverToText(list_g); s = getStringFromDocument(document); s = RenderModify(s); out = writeFile(out, s); getAllGraphs().put(out.getName(), s); System.out.println("absolute path: " + out.getAbsolutePath()); // out.delete(); //Attention le path absolu ne fonctionne pas, graphViz modifier le href et il ne devient plus accessible return out.getPath(); } /** * Transformer un Document en une chaine de caractre * * @param doc * @return */ public static String getStringFromDocument(Document doc) { try { JDOMSource domSource = new JDOMSource(doc); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); StreamResult result = new StreamResult(writer); TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer transformer = tf.newTransformer(); transformer.transform(domSource, result); return writer.toString(); } catch (TransformerException ex) { return null; } } public static File writeFile(File file, String texte) throws FileNotFoundException { try { PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(file); writer.print(texte); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Exception gnr lors de l'criture dans le fichier : " + ex); } return file; } public static Document document; public static void ParserString(String input) { String ch2 = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\"\n \"\">\n<!-- Generated by graphviz version 2.26.3 (20100126.1600) -->\n<!-- Title: G Pages: 1 --> "; // input.subSequence(ch.length()+6, input.length()); input = input.split("Pages: 1 -->")[1]; try { InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(input.getBytes("UTF-8")); SAXBuilder parser = new SAXBuilder(); long start; // start = System.nanoTime(); // System.out.println("Dbut "+ start); long duree; // Parse the document document =; // duree = System.nanoTime() - start; // System.out.println("Avant parsing "+ duree); // Process the root element process(document.getRootElement()); // duree = System.nanoTime() - start; // System.out.println("Fin du parsing "+ duree); } catch (JDOMException ex) { System.err.println(ex); } catch (IOException ex) { System.err.println(ex); } }// fin de parserText static List<Element> list_g = new ArrayList<Element>(); /** * Parser le SVg pour rcuprer les lments <g> * * @param rootElement racine du SVG */ private static void process(Element rootElement) { //Une fois qu'on a trouv le G => Graph on rcupre ses enfants et on arrete, sinon on parse de manire rcursive if (rootElement.getName().equals("g")) { list_g.add(rootElement); list_g.addAll(rootElement.getChildren()); } else { List content = rootElement.getContent(); Iterator iterator = content.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Object o =; if (o instanceof Element) { Element child = (Element) o; process(child); } } } } /** * Add script for transforming svg * * @return */ public static String AddScript() { return "<script type=\"text/ecmascript\">" + "\n<![CDATA[" + "\nvar transMatrix = [1,0,0,1,4,290];" + "\nfunction init(evt)" + "\n{" + "\nif ( window.svgDocument == null )" + "\n{" + "\nsvgDoc =;" + "\n}" + "\n mapMatrix = svgDoc.getElementById(\"graph1\");" + "\n width =, \"width\");" + "\n width=parseFloat(width);" + "\n height =, \"height\");" // +"\n height=height.substring(0,height.length-2);" + "\n height=parseFloat(height);" + "\n scale1 =, \"translate\");" // + "\n transMatrix[4]= parseFloat(scale1.split(\" \")[0].substring(1));" // + "\n transMatrix[5]= parseFloat(scale1.split(\" \")[1].substring(0, scale1.split(\" \")[1].length-1));" + "\n }" + "\nfunction pan(dx, dy)" + "\n{" + "\ntransMatrix[4] = transMatrix[4] +dx;" + "\ntransMatrix[5] += dy;" + "\nnewMatrix = \"matrix(\" + transMatrix.join(' ') + \")\";" + "\nmapMatrix.setAttributeNS(null, \"transform\", newMatrix);" + "\n}" + "\nfunction zoom(scale)" + "\n{" + "\nfor (var i=0; i<transMatrix.length; i++)" + "\n{" + "\ntransMatrix[i] *= scale;" + "\n}" // + "\ntransMatrix[4] =width;" // + "\ntransMatrix[5] = height;" + "\ntransMatrix[4] += (1-scale)*width/2;" + "\ntransMatrix[5] += (1-scale)*height/2;" + "\nnewMatrix = \"matrix(\" + transMatrix.join(' ') + \")\";" + "\nmapMatrix.setAttributeNS(null, \"transform\", newMatrix);" + "\n}" + "\n ]]>" + "\n </script>"; } /** * Rcuprer la liste des positions de chaque nodeID, attention les * positions sont en String * * @param nodeID * @return */ public static void addHoverToText(List<Element> gg) {//String nodeID for (Element g : gg) { if (!g.getName().equals("g")) { continue; } if (g.getAttributeValue("id").startsWith("node")) { String nodeID = g.getChild("title", svgNamespace).getText(); g.setAttribute("onmouseover", "myFunction('" + nodeID + "')"); g.setAttribute("onmouseout", "myFunctionOut('" + nodeID + "')"); } } // List<String> pos = new ArrayList<>(); // List<Element> concept = GraphConstructor.getConcept(); // for(Element e:concept){ // if(e.getAttributeValue("nodeID", rdfNamespace).equals(nodeID)){ // for(Element c: (List<Element>) e.getChildren()){ // if(c.getName().equals("posBeg") || c.getName().equals("posEnd")){ // pos.add(c.getText()); // } // } // } // } // return pos; } public static String RenderModify(String s) { String replaceAll = s.replaceAll("\\\\", "/"); String replaceAll1 = replaceAll.replaceAll(getAppDirectory().replaceAll("\\\\", "/"), ""); replaceAll1 = replaceAll1.replaceAll("display=\"block\"", " margin=\"auto\""); // String regeex = "<svg width=\"[^\"]*\" height=\"[^\"]*\"\n" + //" viewBox=\"[^\"]*\""; String addJSScript = "onmouseup=\"handleMouseUp(evt)\" onmousedown=\"handleMouseDown(evt)\"" + " onmousemove=\"handleMouseMove(evt)\"><script xlink:href=\"SVGPan.js\"></script>"; String regeex1 = "<svg width=\"[^\"]*\""; // String regeex2 = "height=\"[^\"]*\""; String regeex3 = "viewBox=\"[^\"]*\""; String compas = "<circle cx=\"50\" cy=\"50\" r=\"42\" fill=\"white\" opacity=\"0.75\"></circle>" + "<path class=\"button\" onclick=\"pan( 0, 50)\" d=\"M50 10 l12 20 a40, 70 0 0,0 -24, 0z\"></path>" + "<path class=\"button\" onclick=\"pan( 50, 0)\" d=\"M10 50 l20 -12 a70, 40 0 0,0 0, 24z\"></path>" + "<path class=\"button\" onclick=\"pan( 0,-50)\" d=\"M50 90 l12 -20 a40, 70 0 0,1 -24, 0z\"></path>" + "<path class=\"button\" onclick=\"pan(-50, 0)\" d=\"M90 50 l-20 -12 a70, 40 0 0,1 0, 24z\"></path>" + "<circle class=\"compass\" cx=\"50\" cy=\"50\" r=\"20\"></circle>" + "<circle class=\"button\" cx=\"50\" cy=\"41\" r=\"8\" onclick=\"zoom(0.8)\"></circle>" + "<circle class=\"button\" cx=\"50\" cy=\"59\" r=\"8\" onclick=\"zoom(1.25)\"></circle>" + "<rect class=\"plus-minus\" x=\"46\" y=\"39.5\" width=\"8\" height=\"3\"></rect>" + "<rect class=\"plus-minus\" x=\"46\" y=\"57.5\" width=\"8\" height=\"3\"></rect>" + "<rect class=\"plus-minus\" x=\"48.5\" y=\"55\" width=\"3\" height=\"8\"></rect>"; // replaceAll1= replaceAll1.replaceAll("</svg>", "<link type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"AccueilStyle.css\"></svg>"); // replaceAll1= replaceAll1.replaceAll(regeex, "<svg width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" "); // replaceAll1= replaceAll1.replaceAll(regeex1, "<svg width=\"100%\""); // replaceAll1= replaceAll1.replaceAll(regeex2, "height=\"100%\""); //Ajouter le js pour le zoom replaceAll1 = replaceAll1.replaceAll("<svg ", "<svg style=\"display:block; margin:auto;\" "); replaceAll1 = replaceAll1.replaceAll("<g id=\"graph0\"", AddScript() + "<g id=\"graph0\""); replaceAll1 = replaceAll1.replaceAll(regeex3, "onload=\"init(evt)\""); //viewBox=\"0 0 1500 1000\" preserveAspectRatio=\"none\" // replaceAll1= replaceAll1.replaceAll("</svg>", compas+"</svg>"); replaceAll1 = "<center><table><tr><td><svg width=\"100px\" height=\"100px\">" + compas + "</svg></td><td> " + replaceAll1 + "</td></tr></table></center>"; return replaceAll1; } public static String afficheUltraRapide(File f) throws IOException { DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(f)); try { byte[] buffer = new byte[(int) f.length()]; in.readFully(buffer); return new String(buffer); } finally { in.close(); } } private static void modifierEncodage(String fichier_src, String fichier_dest, String ancien_enc, String nouveau_enc) throws IOException { FileInputStream src = new FileInputStream(fichier_src); BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(src, ancien_enc)); FileOutputStream dest = new FileOutputStream(fichier_dest); Writer w = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(dest, nouveau_enc)); String donnee; while ((donnee = r.readLine()) != null) { w.write(donnee); w.flush(); } w.close(); r.close(); } /** * @return the allGraphs */ public static Map<String, String> getAllGraphs() { return allGraphs; } /** * @param allGraphs the allGraphs to set */ public void setAllGraphs(Map<String, String> allGraphs) { this.allGraphs = allGraphs; } /** * @return the actual_graph */ public String getActual_graph() { return actual_graph; } /** * @param actual_graph the actual_graph to set */ public void setActual_graph(String actual_graph) { this.actual_graph = actual_graph; } }