Java tutorial
/****************************************************************************** * e-voting system * * Copyright (C) 2016 DSX Technologies Limited. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You can find copy of the GNU General Public License in LICENSE.txt file * * at the top-level directory of this distribution. * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ package; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import lombok.Value; import lombok.extern.log4j.Log4j2; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import*; import*; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import; @Log4j2 @Value public class ClientManager { @Value private class SignatureInfo { VoteResult vote; String xmlToSign; } private final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); private final MessagesSerializer serializer; private final AssetsHolder assetsHolder; private final Logger audit; private final ConcurrentMap<String, SignatureInfo> signInfoByKey = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final CryptoHelper cryptoHelper; Map<String, Participant> participantsById; public ClientManager(AssetsHolder assetsHolder, CryptoHelper cryptoHelper, MessagesSerializer serializer, Logger audit, Map<String, Participant> participantsById) { this.assetsHolder = assetsHolder; this.audit = audit; this.participantsById = participantsById; this.cryptoHelper = cryptoHelper; this.serializer = serializer; } public RequestResult getVotings(String clientId) { final Collection<Voting> votings = assetsHolder.getVotings().stream() .filter(v -> assetsHolder.getClientPacketSize(v.getId(), clientId) == null || assetsHolder.getClientPacketSize(v.getId(), clientId).compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); return new RequestResult<>( -> new VotingWeb(v, assetsHolder.getClientVote(v.getId(), clientId) == null)) .collect(Collectors.toList()).toArray(new VotingWeb[votings.size()]), null); } public RequestResult getVoting(String votingId, String clientId) { final Voting voting = assetsHolder.getVoting(votingId); if (voting == null) { log.error("getVoting. Couldn't find voting with id [{}].", votingId); return new RequestResult<>(APIException.VOTING_NOT_FOUND); } BigDecimal amount = assetsHolder.getClientPacketSize(votingId, clientId); long time = -1; long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (now >= voting.getBeginTimestamp() && now <= voting.getEndTimestamp()) time = voting.getEndTimestamp() - now; return new RequestResult<>(new VotingInfoWeb(voting, amount, time), null); } public RequestResult vote(String votingId, String clientId, String votingChoice) { try { final Voting voting = assetsHolder.getVoting(votingId); if (voting == null) { log.error("vote method failed. Couldn't find voting with id [{}]", votingId); return new RequestResult<>(APIException.VOTING_NOT_FOUND); } BigDecimal packetSize = assetsHolder.getClientPacketSize(votingId, clientId); if (packetSize == null) { log.error("vote method failed. Client not found or can not vote. votingId [{}] clientId [{}]", votingId, clientId); return new RequestResult<>(APIException.CLIENT_NOT_FOUND); } VotingChoice choice = mapper.readValue(votingChoice, VotingChoice.class); log.debug("Vote for voting [{}] from client [{}] received.", votingId, clientId); VoteResult result = new VoteResult(votingId, clientId, packetSize); for (Map.Entry<String, QuestionChoice> entry : choice.getQuestionChoices().entrySet()) { Optional<Question> question = .filter(q -> q.getId().equals(entry.getKey())).findAny(); if (!question.isPresent()) { log.error("vote method failed. Couldn't find question with id={} in votingId={}.", entry.getKey(), votingId); return new RequestResult<>(APIException.UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION); } for (Map.Entry<String, BigDecimal> answer : entry.getValue().getAnswerChoices().entrySet()) { if (answer.getValue().signum() == 0) continue; result.setAnswer(question.get().getId(), answer.getKey(), answer.getValue()); } } //generate xml body and get vote results VotingInfoWeb infoWeb = getVotingResults(result, voting, null, null); //serializing whole xml and put signature near xml (not using Sgnt field) String xmlBody = serializer.serialize(result, voting); signInfoByKey.put(generateKeyForDocument(clientId, votingId), new SignatureInfo(result, xmlBody)); infoWeb.setXmlBody(xmlBody); return new RequestResult<>(infoWeb, null); } catch (JsonMappingException je) { log.error("vote method failed. Couldn't parse votingChoice JSON. votingId: {}, votingChoice: {}", votingId, votingChoice, je.getMessage()); return new RequestResult<>(APIException.UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(String.format( "vote method failed. Couldn't process votingChoice. votingId: %s, votingChoice: %s", votingId, votingChoice), e); return new RequestResult<>(APIException.UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION); } } public RequestResult signVote(String votingId, String clientId, Boolean isSign, String signature) throws InternalLogicException { final Voting voting = assetsHolder.getVoting(votingId); if (voting == null) { log.debug("signVote. Voting with id={} not found.", votingId); return new RequestResult<>(APIException.VOTING_NOT_FOUND); } SignatureInfo info = signInfoByKey.get(generateKeyForDocument(clientId, votingId)); if (info == null) { log.error("signVote failed. Client {} doesn't have vote for voting {}", clientId, votingId); return new RequestResult<>(APIException.UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION); } if (isSign) { String documentString = info.getXmlToSign(); try { boolean result = cryptoHelper.verifySignature(documentString, signature, cryptoHelper.loadPublicKey(participantsById.get(clientId).getPublicKey())); if (!result) { log.error("signVote failed. Incorrect signature {} for client {} and voting {}", signature, clientId, votingId); return new RequestResult<>(APIException.INVALID_SIGNATURE); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("signVote failed. Failed to check signature {} for client {} and voting {}", signature, clientId, votingId, e.getMessage()); return new RequestResult<>(APIException.INVALID_SIGNATURE); }"signVote. Client {} successfully signed voting {}", clientId, votingId); } else {"signVote. Client {} doesn't want to sign document for voting {}", clientId, votingId); } assetsHolder.addClientVote(info.getVote(), isSign ? signature : AssetsHolder.EMPTY_SIGNATURE); signInfoByKey.remove(generateKeyForDocument(clientId, votingId)); return new RequestResult(null, null); } private String generateKeyForDocument(String clientId, String votingId) { return String.format("%s_%s", clientId, votingId); } public RequestResult votingResults(String votingId, String clientId) { final Voting voting = assetsHolder.getVoting(votingId); if (voting == null) { log.debug("votingResults. Voting with id={} not found.", votingId); return new RequestResult<>(APIException.VOTING_NOT_FOUND); } final VoteResultAndStatus clientVote = assetsHolder.getClientVote(votingId, clientId); if (clientVote == null) { log.debug("votingResults. Client vote result with id={} for client with id={} not found.", votingId, clientId); return new RequestResult<>(getVotingResults(new VoteResult(votingId, clientId), voting, null, null), null); } return new RequestResult<>( getVotingResults(clientVote.getResult(), voting, clientVote.getStatus(), clientVote.getReceipt()), null); } private VotingInfoWeb getVotingResults(VoteResult clientVote, Voting voting, VoteStatus voteStatus, ClientVoteReceipt receipt) { List<QuestionWeb> results = new ArrayList<>(); for (Question question : voting.getQuestions()) { results.add(new QuestionWeb(question, clientVote, false)); } VotingInfoWeb answer = new VotingInfoWeb(results.toArray(new QuestionWeb[results.size()]), assetsHolder.getClientPacketSize(voting.getId(), clientVote.getHolderId()), null, voteStatus == null ? null : voteStatus.getMessageId(), voteStatus == null ? null : voteStatus.getStatus(), receipt == null ? null : receipt.getTimestamp(), receipt == null ? null : receipt.getSignature()); if (receipt != null) answer.setXmlBody(receipt.getVoteResultMessage()); return answer; } public RequestResult getTime(String votingId) { final Voting voting = assetsHolder.getVoting(votingId); if (voting == null) { log.debug("votingResults. Voting with id={} not found.", votingId); return new RequestResult<>(APIException.VOTING_NOT_FOUND); } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (now < voting.getBeginTimestamp() || now > voting.getEndTimestamp()) return new RequestResult<>(-1, null); return new RequestResult<>(voting.getEndTimestamp() - now, null); } public RequestResult getAllClientVotes(String votingId) { List<VoteResultWeb> results = new ArrayList<>(); final Collection<VoteResultAndStatus> votes = assetsHolder.getClientVotes(votingId); results.addAll(; return new RequestResult<>(results.toArray(new VoteResultWeb[results.size()]), null); } public RequestResult getAllVoteStatuses(String votingId) { List<VoteStatusWeb> results = new ArrayList<>(); final Collection<VoteStatus> votes = assetsHolder.getVoteStatuses(votingId); results.addAll(; return new RequestResult<>(results.toArray(new VoteStatusWeb[results.size()]), null); } public RequestResult votingTotalResults(String votingId) { final Voting voting = assetsHolder.getVoting(votingId); if (voting == null) { log.debug("votingTotalResults. Voting with id={} not found.", votingId); return new RequestResult<>(APIException.VOTING_NOT_FOUND); } final VoteResult voteResults = assetsHolder.getTotalVotingResult(votingId); if (voteResults == null) { log.debug("votingTotalResults. Total results for voting with id={} not found.", votingId); return new RequestResult<>(APIException.VOTE_RESULTS_NOT_FOUND); } List<QuestionWeb> results = new ArrayList<>(); for (Question question : voting.getQuestions()) { results.add(new QuestionWeb(question, voteResults, true)); } return new RequestResult<>(new VotingInfoWeb(results.toArray(new QuestionWeb[results.size()]), null, null), null); } public RequestResult decodeMessage(String message, String privateKey) { try { return new RequestResult<>(cryptoHelper.decrypt(message, cryptoHelper.loadPrivateKey(privateKey)), null); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }