Java tutorial
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // University of Southampton IT Innovation Centre, 2013 // // Copyright in this library belongs to the University of Southampton // IT Innovation Centre of Gamma House, Enterprise Road, // Chilworth Science Park, Southampton, SO16 7NS, UK. // // This software may not be used, sold, licensed, transferred, copied // or reproduced in whole or in part in any manner or form or in or // on any media by any person other than in accordance with the terms // of the Licence Agreement supplied with the software, or otherwise // without the prior written consent of the copyright owners. // // This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the // implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE, except where stated in the Licence Agreement supplied with // the software. // // Created By : Sleiman Jneidi, Maxim Bashevoy // Created Date : 2013-08-14 // Created for Project : Experimedia // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package; import; import; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.DBCursor; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.annotation.PreDestroy; import net.sf.json.JSONArray; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.bson.types.ObjectId; import org.quartz.*; import org.quartz.impl.StdSchedulerFactory; import org.quartz.impl.calendar.BaseCalendar; import org.quartz.spi.OperableTrigger; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * SAD component that manages SAD plugins execution. */ @Service("schedulingService") public class SchedulingService { private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private Scheduler scheduler; private final DataHelper dh = new DataHelper(); @Value("${server.port}") int localPort; @Value("${server.context-path}") String contextPath; @Autowired @Qualifier("configurationService") ConfigurationService configurationService; @Autowired @Qualifier("pluginsService") PluginsService pluginsService; @Autowired @Qualifier("eccIntegrationService") EccIntegrationService eccIntegrationService; @Autowired @Qualifier("coordinatorHelper") private transient CoordinatorHelper helper; @Autowired @Qualifier("EccReportsHelper") EccReportsHelper eccReportsHelper; @Autowired @Qualifier("EMClient") EMClient emClient; public SchedulingService() { } @PostConstruct public void init() { } public boolean start() { logger.debug("Starting Scheduling service"); try { scheduler = StdSchedulerFactory.getDefaultScheduler(); } catch (SchedulerException ex) { logger.error("Failed to initialise Quartz scheduler", ex); return false; } try { scheduler.start(); } catch (SchedulerException ex) { logger.error("Failed to start Quartz scheduler", ex); return false; } if (configurationService.getConfiguration().isResetDatabaseOnStart()) { getCoordinator(true); } else { getCoordinator(false); } logger.debug("Scheduling service STARTED"); return true; } public void stop() { logger.debug("Stopping Scheduling service"); try { if (scheduler != null) { logger.debug("Shutting down Quartz scheduler"); scheduler.shutdown(); while (!scheduler.isShutdown()) { Thread.sleep(1000); logger.debug("Giving scheduler one more second"); } // logger.debug("Giving scheduler 10 seconds to shut down"); // Thread.sleep(10000); logger.debug("Scheduler shut down: " + scheduler.isShutdown()); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to stop Scheduling service", e); } logger.debug("Closing Mongo connection"); getCoordinator(false).closeMongo(); logger.debug("Scheduling service STOPPED"); } /** * Deletes a job from scheduler. * * @param job * @return * @throws SchedulerException */ public boolean cancelJob(SADJob job) throws SchedulerException { JobKey jobKey = new JobKey(job.getPluginName(), job.getId().toString()); logger.debug("Deleting job from scheduler: " + jobKey); job.setStatus(ExecStatus.CANCELLED); getCoordinator(false).saveObject(job); if (scheduler.checkExists(jobKey)) { return scheduler.deleteJob(jobKey); } else { logger.debug("Job " + jobKey + " was not found on scheduler"); return true; } } /** * Removes all jobs from the scheduler. * * @throws SchedulerException */ public void cancelAllJobs() throws SchedulerException { JobKey jobKey; for (JobExecutionContext jobCtx : scheduler.getCurrentlyExecutingJobs()) { jobKey = jobCtx.getJobDetail().getKey(); logger.debug("Deleting job from scheduler: " + jobKey); scheduler.deleteJob(jobKey); } } /** * Deletes a job and all its data. * * @param job * @return * @throws SchedulerException */ public boolean deleteJob(SADJob job) throws SchedulerException { logger.debug("Removing job [" + job.getIdAsString() + "] and its data"); // remove from scheduler first try { cancelJob(job); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.error("Failed to cancel job", e); } // remove all data DBCollection collection = getCoordinator(false).getDBCollection(SADCollections.SADJobData); DBCursor cursor = collection.find(new BasicDBObject("SADJobID", job.getId())); while (cursor.hasNext()) { collection.remove(; } // remove database entry collection = getCoordinator(false).getDBCollection(SADCollections.SADJobs); cursor = collection.find(new BasicDBObject("_id", job.getId())); while (cursor.hasNext()) { collection.remove(; } return true; } /** * Pauses job execution schedule. * * @param job * @return * @throws SchedulerException */ public boolean pauseJob(SADJob job) throws SchedulerException { JobKey jobKey = new JobKey(job.getPluginName(), job.getId().toString()); logger.debug("Pausing job: " + jobKey); scheduler.pauseJob(jobKey); job.setStatus(ExecStatus.PAUSED); getCoordinator(false).saveObject(job); return true; } /** * Resumes job execution schedule. * * @param job * @return * @throws SchedulerException */ public boolean resumeJob(SADJob job) throws SchedulerException { JobKey jobKey = new JobKey(job.getPluginName(), job.getId().toString()); logger.debug("Resuming job: " + jobKey); scheduler.resumeJob(jobKey); job.setStatus(ExecStatus.RUNNING); getCoordinator(false).saveObject(job); return true; } /** * @return Coordinator instance in use by the SAD Service. */ private Coordinator getCoordinator(boolean doDatabaseReset) { try { return helper.getCoordinator(configurationService.getConfiguration().getCoordinatorPath(), doDatabaseReset); } catch (Throwable ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to initialise Coordinator", ex); } } /** * Creates new SAD Job. * * @param workflowId null for no workflow. * @param pluginName name of the plugin. * @param pluginConfigurationAsJsonString full plugin config. * @param jobName name of the new job. * @param arguments JSON arguments as String. * @param schedule JSON schedule as String. * @param outputs JSON outputs as String. * @param inputs JSON inputs as String. * @return ID of the new SAD Job. */ public String addJob(String workflowId, String pluginName, String pluginConfigurationAsJsonString, String jobName, String arguments, String inputs, String outputs, String schedule) { ObjectId wrkFlowId = null; if (null != workflowId) { wrkFlowId = new ObjectId(workflowId); } SADJob sadj = new SADJob(wrkFlowId, pluginName, pluginConfigurationAsJsonString, jobName, "Job created by Scheduling service", arguments, inputs, outputs, schedule, "submitted", new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()), null); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Key<SADJob> key = getCoordinator(false).saveObject(sadj); pushDatabaseQueryDuration(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); String jobId = key.getId().toString(); logger.debug("Created new job with ID: " + jobId); return jobId; } /** * Creates new SAD Workflow. * * @param name new workflow name. * @param pluginsAsJsonString config JSON. * @param scheduleAsJsonString schedule JSON. * @return ID of the new SAD Workflow. */ public String addWorkflow(String name, String pluginsAsJsonString, String scheduleAsJsonString) { SADWorkflow workflow = new SADWorkflow(name, pluginsAsJsonString, scheduleAsJsonString, "submitted", new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()), null); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Key<SADWorkflow> key = getCoordinator(false).saveObject(workflow); pushDatabaseQueryDuration(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); String wfId = key.getId().toString(); logger.debug("Created new workflow with ID: " + wfId); return wfId; } /** * @param workflowId ID of the workflow to return. * @return SAD Workflow metadata from the database. */ public SADWorkflow getWorkflow(String workflowId) { SADWorkflow workflow = getCoordinator(false).getDatastore().get(SADWorkflow.class, new ObjectId(workflowId)); if (workflow == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "SAD Workflow with ID \'" + workflowId + "\' does not exist in the database"); } return workflow; } /** * @param jobId ID of the job to return. * @return SAD Job metadata from the database. */ public SADJob getJob(String jobId) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); SADJob job = getCoordinator(false).getDatastore().get(SADJob.class, new ObjectId(jobId)); pushDatabaseQueryDuration(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); if (null == job) { throw new RuntimeException("SAD job with ID \'" + jobId + "\' does not exist in the database"); } return job; } /** * @return all SAD Workflows from the database. */ public ArrayList<SADWorkflow> getWorkflows() { logger.debug("Returning a list of all workflows"); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ArrayList<SADWorkflow> result = new ArrayList<>( getCoordinator(false).createQuery(SADWorkflow.class).asList()); pushDatabaseQueryDuration(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); logger.debug("Found " + result.size() + " workflows"); return result; } /** * @return all SAD Jobs from the database. */ public ArrayList<SADJob> getJobs() { logger.debug("Returning a list of all jobs"); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ArrayList<SADJob> result = new ArrayList<>( getCoordinator(false).createQuery(SADJob.class).order("-whenCreated").asList()); pushDatabaseQueryDuration(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); logger.debug("Found " + result.size() + " jobs"); return result; } /** * @param numJobs * @return all SAD Jobs from the database. */ public ArrayList<SADJob> getNumJobs(int numJobs) { logger.debug("Returning a list of the last " + numJobs + " jobs"); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ArrayList<SADJob> result = new ArrayList<>( getCoordinator(false).createQuery(SADJob.class).order("-whenCreated").limit(numJobs).asList()); pushDatabaseQueryDuration(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); logger.debug("Found " + result.size() + " jobs"); return result; } /** * @return last created SAD Job from the database. */ public SADJob getLastJob() { logger.debug("Returning the last job"); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); SADJob lastJob = getCoordinator(false).createQuery(SADJob.class).order("-whenCreated").get(); pushDatabaseQueryDuration(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); if (lastJob == null) { logger.warn("No jobs in the dabatase"); } return lastJob; } /** * @param jobId ID of the job to return. * @return SAD Job's Data by SAD Job's ID. */ public ArrayList<SADJobData> getDataForJobWithId(String jobId) { logger.debug("Returning data for job with ID: " + jobId); ArrayList<SADJobData> result = new ArrayList<>(); ObjectId sadJobId = new ObjectId(jobId); DBCollection collection = getCoordinator(false).getDBCollection(SADCollections.SADJobData); BasicDBObject sorter = new BasicDBObject("whenCollected", -1); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); DBCursor cursor = collection.find(new BasicDBObject("SADJobID", sadJobId)).sort(sorter); while (cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject object =; SADJobData sadjd = dh.dBObjectToSADJobData(object); result.add(sadjd); } pushDatabaseQueryDuration(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); return result; } /** * @param pluginName name of the plugin to search the database for data by. * @return SAD plugin's data by plugin name. */ public ArrayList<SADJobData> getDataForPluginWithName(String pluginName) { logger.debug("Returning data for plugin with name: " + pluginName); ArrayList<SADJobData> result = new ArrayList<>(); DBCollection collection = getCoordinator(false).getDBCollection(SADCollections.SADJobData); BasicDBObject sorter = new BasicDBObject("whenCollected", -1); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); DBCursor cursor = collection.find(new BasicDBObject("pluginName", pluginName)).sort(sorter); while (cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject object =; SADJobData sadjd = dh.dBObjectToSADJobData(object); result.add(sadjd); } pushDatabaseQueryDuration(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); return result; } /** * @param jobId ID of the job. * @param limit number of data entries to return. Less than 1 returns * everything. * @return SAD job's data by job ID. */ public ArrayList<SADJobData> getDataForJobWithId(String jobId, int limit) { logger.debug("Returning data for job with ID: " + jobId + " with limit " + limit); if (limit < 1) { return getDataForJobWithId(jobId); } ArrayList<SADJobData> result = new ArrayList<>(); ObjectId sadJobId = new ObjectId(jobId); DBCollection collection = getCoordinator(false).getDBCollection(SADCollections.SADJobData); BasicDBObject sorter = new BasicDBObject("whenCollected", -1); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); DBCursor cursor = collection.find(new BasicDBObject("SADJobId", sadJobId)).sort(sorter).limit(limit); while (cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject object =; SADJobData sadjd = dh.dBObjectToSADJobData(object); result.add(sadjd); } pushDatabaseQueryDuration(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); return result; } /** * * @param pluginName name of the plugin. * @param limit number of data entries to return. Less than 1 returns * everything. * @return SAD job's data by plugin name. */ public ArrayList<SADJobData> getDataForPluginWithName(String pluginName, int limit) { logger.debug("Returning data for plugin with name: " + pluginName + " with limit " + limit); if (limit < 1) { return getDataForPluginWithName(pluginName); } ArrayList<SADJobData> result = new ArrayList<>(); DBCollection collection = getCoordinator(false).getDBCollection(SADCollections.SADJobData); BasicDBObject sorter = new BasicDBObject("whenCollected", -1); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); DBCursor cursor = collection.find(new BasicDBObject("pluginName", pluginName)).sort(sorter).limit(limit); while (cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject object =; SADJobData sadjd = dh.dBObjectToSADJobData(object); result.add(sadjd); } pushDatabaseQueryDuration(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); return result; } /** * @param jobId ID of the job. * @param type data type. * @return SAD Job's Data by SAD Job's ID and type. */ public ArrayList<SADJobData> getDataForJobWithId(String jobId, String type) { logger.debug("Returning data for job with ID: " + jobId + " and of type " + type); if (type == null) { return getDataForJobWithId(jobId); } else if (type.trim().length() < 1) { return getDataForJobWithId(jobId); } ArrayList<SADJobData> result = new ArrayList<>(); ObjectId sadJobId = new ObjectId(jobId); DBCollection collection = getCoordinator(false).getDBCollection(SADCollections.SADJobData); BasicDBObject filter = new BasicDBObject("SADJobId", sadJobId); filter.put("dataType", type); BasicDBObject sorter = new BasicDBObject("whenCollected", -1); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); DBCursor cursor = collection.find(filter).sort(sorter); while (cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject object =; SADJobData sadjd = dh.dBObjectToSADJobData(object); result.add(sadjd); } pushDatabaseQueryDuration(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); return result; } /** * @param jobId ID of the job. * @param limit number of data entries to return. Less than 1 returns * everything. * @param type data type. * @return SAD Job's Data by SAD Job's ID and type. */ public ArrayList<SADJobData> getDataForJobWithId(String jobId, int limit, String type) { logger.debug("Returning data for job with ID: " + jobId + " with limit " + limit + " and of type " + type); if (limit < 1) { return getDataForJobWithId(jobId, type); } ArrayList<SADJobData> result = new ArrayList<>(); ObjectId sadJobId = new ObjectId(jobId); DBCollection collection = getCoordinator(false).getDBCollection(SADCollections.SADJobData); BasicDBObject filter = new BasicDBObject("SADJobId", sadJobId); BasicDBObject sorter = new BasicDBObject("whenCollected", -1); if (type == null) { } else if (type.trim().length() > 0) { filter.put("dataType", type); } long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); DBCursor cursor = collection.find(filter).sort(sorter).limit(limit); while (cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject object =; SADJobData sadjd = dh.dBObjectToSADJobData(object); result.add(sadjd); } pushDatabaseQueryDuration(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); return result; } /** * @param pluginName name of the plugin. * @param type data type. * @return SAD plugin data by SAD plugin name and type */ public ArrayList<SADJobData> getDataForPluginWithName(String pluginName, String type) { logger.debug("Returning data for plugin with name: " + pluginName + " and of type " + type); if (type == null) { return getDataForPluginWithName(pluginName); } else if (type.trim().length() < 1) { return getDataForPluginWithName(pluginName); } ArrayList<SADJobData> result = new ArrayList<>(); DBCollection collection = getCoordinator(false).getDBCollection(SADCollections.SADJobData); BasicDBObject filter = new BasicDBObject("pluginName", pluginName); filter.put("dataType", type); BasicDBObject sorter = new BasicDBObject("whenCollected", -1); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); DBCursor cursor = collection.find(filter).sort(sorter); while (cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject object =; SADJobData sadjd = dh.dBObjectToSADJobData(object); result.add(sadjd); } pushDatabaseQueryDuration(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); return result; } /** * @param pluginName name of the plugin. * @param limit number of data entries to return. Less than 1 returns * everything. * @param type data type. * @return SAD plugin data by SAD plugin name and type. */ public ArrayList<SADJobData> getDataForPluginWithName(String pluginName, int limit, String type) { logger.debug("Returning data for plugin with name: " + pluginName + " with limit " + limit + " and of type " + type); if (limit < 1) { return getDataForPluginWithName(pluginName, type); } ArrayList<SADJobData> result = new ArrayList<>(); DBCollection collection = getCoordinator(false).getDBCollection(SADCollections.SADJobData); BasicDBObject filter = new BasicDBObject("pluginName", pluginName); if (type == null) { } else if (type.trim().length() > 0) { filter.put("dataType", type); } BasicDBObject sorter = new BasicDBObject("whenCollected", -1); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); DBCursor cursor = collection.find(filter).sort(sorter).limit(limit); while (cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject object =; SADJobData sadjd = dh.dBObjectToSADJobData(object); result.add(sadjd); } pushDatabaseQueryDuration(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); return result; } /** * @return SAD Job Data for all SAD Jobs from the database. */ public ArrayList<SADJobData> getDataForAllJobs() { logger.debug("Returning data for all jobs"); Datastore datastore = getCoordinator(false).getDatastore(); DBCollection collection = datastore.getDB().getCollection("SADJobData"); ArrayList<SADJobData> result = new ArrayList<>(); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); DBCursor cursor = collection.find().sort(new BasicDBObject("whenCollected", -1)); while (cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject object =; SADJobData jobData = dh.dBObjectToSADJobData(object); result.add(jobData); } pushDatabaseQueryDuration(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); return result; } /** * @return SAD Job Data for last created SAD Job from the database. */ public ArrayList<SADJobData> getLastJobData() { logger.debug("Returning data for the last job"); ArrayList<SADJobData> result = new ArrayList<>(); // TODO: just get job ID long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); SADJob lastJob = getLastJob(); if (lastJob != null) { result = getDataForJobWithId(lastJob.getIdAsString()); } pushDatabaseQueryDuration(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); return result; } /** * @param pluginName name of the plugin. * @param dataType data type. * @return SAD Execution Data for last created SAD Job from the database. */ public JSONArray getLastExecutionDataForPlugin(String pluginName, String dataType) { logger.debug("Returning data for the last execution of plugin '" + pluginName + "' of data type: '" + dataType + "'"); JSONArray result = new JSONArray(); DBCollection collection = getCoordinator(false).getDBCollection(SADCollections.SADJobData); BasicDBObject searchQuery = new BasicDBObject(); searchQuery.append("pluginName", pluginName); searchQuery.append("dataType", dataType); // Find 10 unique executions sorted by date // List executionsList = collection.a("SADExecutionDatabaseID", searchQuery, ); // BasicDBObject sort = new BasicDBObject("whenCollected", -1); // sort.append("jsonData.buzz_score", -1); // .sort(new BasicDBObject("jsonData.buzz_score", -1)) long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); DBCursor cursor = collection.find(searchQuery).sort(new BasicDBObject("whenCollected", -1)).limit(5); // logger.debug(cursor.toString()); ArrayList<JSONObject> tempArrayList = new ArrayList<>(); JSONObject next; while (cursor.hasNext()) { next = JSONObject.fromObject("jsonData"); tempArrayList.add(next); // logger.debug(next.toString(2)); } pushDatabaseQueryDuration(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); JSONObject[] tempArray = tempArrayList.toArray(new JSONObject[tempArrayList.size()]); // Reverse order Collections.reverse(Arrays.asList(tempArray)); for (int i = 0; i < tempArray.length; i++) { result.add(tempArray[i]); } logger.debug("Found " + tempArrayList.size() + " data entries for the last execution of plugin " + pluginName + "' of data type: '" + dataType + "'"); return result; } /** * @return all SAD Job Executions from the database. */ public ArrayList<SADJobExecution> getExecutions() { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ArrayList<SADJobExecution> result = new ArrayList<>( getCoordinator(false).createQuery(SADJobExecution.class).order("-whenStarted").asList()); pushDatabaseQueryDuration(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); return result; } /** * @return all failed SAD Job Executions from the database. */ public ArrayList<SADJobExecution> getFailedExecutions() { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ArrayList<SADJobExecution> result = new ArrayList<>(getCoordinator(false).createQuery(SADJobExecution.class) .field("status").equal(ExecStatus.FAILED).asList()); pushDatabaseQueryDuration(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); return result; } /** * @return all successful SAD Job Executions from the database. */ public ArrayList<SADJobExecution> getSuccessfulExecutions() { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ArrayList<SADJobExecution> result = new ArrayList<>(getCoordinator(false).createQuery(SADJobExecution.class) .field("status").equal(ExecStatus.FINISHED).asList()); pushDatabaseQueryDuration(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); return result; } /** * @param jobId ID of the job. * @return all SAD Jobs Executions by SAD Job ID. */ public ArrayList<SADJobExecution> getExecutionsForJob(String jobId) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ArrayList<SADJobExecution> result = new ArrayList<>(getCoordinator(false).createQuery(SADJobExecution.class) .field("SADJobID").equal(new ObjectId(jobId)).asList()); pushDatabaseQueryDuration(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); return result; } /** * Executes SAD Workflow using Quartz. * * @param workflowName name of the workflow. * @param workflowAsJsonArray workflow configuration. * @param workflowSchedule workflow schedule. * @return metadata of the workflow. */ public JSONObject runWorkflow(String workflowName, JSONArray workflowAsJsonArray, JSONObject workflowSchedule) { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); if (workflowAsJsonArray.isEmpty()) { logger.warn("Input workflow is empty: nothing to do"); return result; } else { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); String workflowId = addWorkflow(workflowName, workflowAsJsonArray.toString(), workflowSchedule.toString()); pushDatabaseQueryDuration(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); int workflowIdAsInt = Integer.parseInt(workflowId); int numItemsInWorkflow = workflowAsJsonArray.size(); String pathToPlugins = pluginsService.getAbsolutePluginsPath(); JSONObject tempWorkflowItem, tempWorkflowItemPlugin, pluginInfo, workflowItemArguments, workflowItemSchedule; String workflowItemName, pluginName, jobId; for (int i = 0; i < numItemsInWorkflow; i++) { tempWorkflowItem = workflowAsJsonArray.getJSONObject(i); logger.debug("Workflow item [" + i + "]: " + tempWorkflowItem.toString(2)); workflowItemName = (String) tempWorkflowItem.keySet().iterator().next(); logger.debug("Workflow item [" + i + "] description: " + workflowItemName); tempWorkflowItemPlugin = tempWorkflowItem.getJSONObject(workflowItemName); logger.debug("Workflow item [" + i + "] plugin: " + tempWorkflowItemPlugin.toString(2)); pluginName = tempWorkflowItemPlugin.getString("pluginName"); pluginInfo = pluginsService.getPluginByName(pluginName); workflowItemArguments = tempWorkflowItemPlugin.getJSONObject("arguments"); workflowItemSchedule = tempWorkflowItemPlugin.getJSONObject("schedule"); if (pluginInfo.isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException("Plugin not found: " + pluginName); } if (!pluginInfo.containsKey("paths")) { throw new RuntimeException( "Plugin configuration must contain \'paths\'. Misconfigured plugin: " + pluginName); } if (!pluginInfo.containsKey("pluginFolder")) { throw new RuntimeException( "Plugin configuration must be loaded with pluginsService that fills in the \'pluginFolder\' field. Misconfigured plugin: " + pluginName); } JSONObject pluginPaths = pluginInfo.getJSONObject("paths"); if (!pluginPaths.containsKey("jar")) { throw new RuntimeException( "Plugin configuration must contain \'paths/jar\'. Misconfigured plugin: " + pluginName); } if (!pluginPaths.containsKey("dependenciesFolder")) { throw new RuntimeException( "Plugin configuration must contain \'paths/dependenciesFolder\'. Misconfigured plugin: " + pluginName); } String jarPath = pluginPaths.getString("jar"); String dependenciesFolderPath = pluginPaths.getString("dependenciesFolder"); String inputs = pluginInfo.getString("inputs"); String outputs = pluginInfo.getString("outputs"); logger.debug("Plugin jar path from configuration: " + jarPath + ", dependenciesFolderPath: " + dependenciesFolderPath); logger.debug("Plugin folder configuration: " + pathToPlugins); jobId = addJob(workflowId, pluginName, pluginInfo.toString(), "Job for plugin " + pluginName + " run by workflow [" + workflowId + "]", workflowItemArguments.toString(), inputs, outputs, workflowItemSchedule.toString()); } JobDetail job = JobBuilder.newJob(WorkflowRunner.class) .withIdentity("workflow:" + workflowName, "id:" + workflowId).usingJobData("id", workflowId) .usingJobData("pathToCoordinator", configurationService.getConfiguration().getCoordinatorPath()) .usingJobData("pathToPlugins", pathToPlugins).build(); Trigger trigger = jsonScheduleToTrigger(workflowSchedule, workflowName, workflowId); try { scheduler.scheduleJob(job, trigger); } catch (SchedulerException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to schedule Quartz job", ex); } SADWorkflow workflow = getCoordinator(false).getDatastore().get(SADWorkflow.class, new ObjectId(workflowId)); workflow.setStatus("scheduled"); getCoordinator(false).saveObject(workflow); SADWorkflow theWorkflow = getWorkflow(workflowId); result = workflowAsJson(theWorkflow); return result; } } /** * For controllers to report methods called on them. * * @param methodName */ public void pushMethodCalledName(String methodName) { try { if (emClient.isEmClientOK()) { if (emClient.isMetricModelSetup()) { emClient.pushMethodCalledToEcc(methodName); } } } catch (Throwable ex) { logger.error("Failed to report method call to ECC", ex); } } /** * For controllers to report execution times. * * @param methodCallDuration */ public void pushTimeSpent(String methodCallDuration) { try { if (emClient.isEmClientOK()) { if (emClient.isMetricModelSetup()) { emClient.pushMethodCallDuration(methodCallDuration); } } } catch (Throwable ex) { logger.error("Failed to report method call duration to ECC", ex); } } /** * For controllers to report database query times. * * @param queryDuration */ public void pushDatabaseQueryDuration(String queryDuration) { try { if (emClient.isEmClientOK()) { if (emClient.isMetricModelSetup()) { emClient.pushDatabaseQueryDuration(queryDuration); } } } catch (Throwable ex) { logger.error("Failed to report database query duration to ECC", ex); } } /** * Executes SAD Plugin using Quartz. * * @param pluginName name of the plugin. * @param arguments JSON arguments. * @param inputs JSON inputs. * @param outputs JSON outputs. * @param schedule JSON schedule. * @return metadata of the new SAD job. */ public JSONObject runPlugin(String pluginName, JSONArray arguments, JSONArray inputs, JSONArray outputs, JSONObject schedule) { logger.debug("Running plugin by name: " + pluginName + ", with arguments: " + arguments.toString() + ", schedule: " + schedule.toString()); JSONObject pluginInfo = pluginsService.getPluginByName(pluginName); if (pluginInfo.isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException("Plugin not found: " + pluginName); } if (!pluginInfo.containsKey("paths")) { throw new RuntimeException( "Plugin configuration must contain \'paths\'. Misconfigured plugin: " + pluginName); } if (!pluginInfo.containsKey("pluginFolder")) { throw new RuntimeException( "Plugin configuration must be loaded with pluginsService that fills in the \'pluginFolder\' field. Misconfigured plugin: " + pluginName); } JSONObject pluginPaths = pluginInfo.getJSONObject("paths"); if (!pluginPaths.containsKey("jar")) { throw new RuntimeException( "Plugin configuration must contain \'paths/jar\'. Misconfigured plugin: " + pluginName); } if (!pluginPaths.containsKey("dependenciesFolder")) { throw new RuntimeException( "Plugin configuration must contain \'paths/dependenciesFolder\'. Misconfigured plugin: " + pluginName); } String jarPath = pluginPaths.getString("jar"); String dependenciesFolderPath = pluginPaths.getString("dependenciesFolder"); String inputsAsString = inputs.toString(); String outputsAsString = outputs.toString(); logger.debug("Plugin jar path from configuration: " + jarPath + ", dependenciesFolderPath: " + dependenciesFolderPath); String pathToPlugins = pluginsService.getAbsolutePluginsPath(); logger.debug("Plugin folder configuration: " + pathToPlugins); // Create database record of the new job String jobId = addJob(null, pluginName, pluginInfo.toString(), "Job for plugin " + pluginName, arguments.toString(), inputsAsString, outputsAsString, schedule.toString()); // Report number of plugins and the name to ECC if (emClient.isEmClientOK()) { if (emClient.isMetricModelSetup()) { int jobsNum = getJobs().size(); logger.debug("Reporting new jobs run number [" + jobsNum + "] and plugin name: '" + pluginName + "' to ECC"); emClient.pushNumPluginsRunMeasurementToEcc(jobsNum); emClient.pushPluginNameMeasurementToEcc(pluginName); } else { logger.error("NOT reporting new jobs run number and plugin name: '" + pluginName + "' to ECC because metric model is not set up yet" + " (start discovery phase in ECC or connect to a running experiment)"); } } JobBuilder jobBuilder = JobBuilder.newJob(PluginRunner.class).withIdentity(pluginName, jobId) .usingJobData("pluginName", pluginName).usingJobData("jar", jarPath) .usingJobData("dependenciesFolderPath", dependenciesFolderPath) .usingJobData("pathToPlugins", pathToPlugins) .usingJobData("pluginFolder", pluginInfo.getString("pluginFolder")) .usingJobData("pathToCoordinator", configurationService.getConfiguration().getCoordinatorPath()) .usingJobData("eccPort", eccIntegrationService.getPortForPluginName(pluginName)) .usingJobData("jobId", jobId); if (emClient.isEmClientOK()) { if (emClient.isMetricModelSetup()) { jobBuilder = jobBuilder // .usingJobData("basepath", configurationService.getConfiguration().getBasepath() + "/report") .usingJobData("basepath", "" + localPort + contextPath + "/report") .usingJobData("emClientOK", emClient.isEmClientOK()) .usingJobData("isMetricModelSetup", emClient.isMetricModelSetup()); } } JobDetail job =; Trigger trigger = jsonScheduleToTrigger(schedule, pluginName, jobId); // Need to deal with times: 0 or negative logger.debug("Submitting job with start time: " + trigger.getStartTime() + ", final fire time: " + trigger.getFinalFireTime()); logger.debug("First 20 scheduled executions:"); List<Date> scheduledExecutions_20 = TriggerUtils.computeFireTimes((OperableTrigger) trigger, new BaseCalendar(), 20); // JSONArray scheduledExecutions_20AsJson = new JSONArray(); for (Date d : scheduledExecutions_20) { logger.debug("\t" + d.toString()); // scheduledExecutions_20AsJson.add(d.toString()); } try { scheduler.scheduleJob(job, trigger); } catch (SchedulerException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to schedule Quartz job", ex); } long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); SADJob sadJob = getJob(jobId); sadJob.setStatus(ExecStatus.SCHEDULED); getCoordinator(false).saveObject(sadJob); pushDatabaseQueryDuration(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); SADJob theJob = getJob(jobId); JSONObject result = jobAsJson(theJob); return result; } /** * Converts schedule from JSON string to Quartz trigger. * * @return Plugin schedule as Quartz trigger. */ private Trigger jsonScheduleToTrigger(JSONObject schedule, String triggerName, String triggerId) { Trigger trigger; Date timeNow = new Date(); String startAt = null, endAt = null, times = null, withIntervalInMilliseconds = null; if (schedule.containsKey("startAt")) { startAt = schedule.getString("startAt"); logger.debug("Quartz scheduler got \"startAt\": \"" + startAt + "\" (" + Util.i2d(startAt) + ")"); } else { logger.debug("Quartz scheduler parameter \"startAt\": NOT SET"); } if (schedule.containsKey("endAt")) { endAt = schedule.getString("endAt"); logger.debug("Quartz scheduler got \"endAt\": \"" + endAt + "\" (" + Util.i2d(endAt) + ")"); } else { logger.debug("Quartz scheduler parameter \"endAt\": NOT SET"); } if (schedule.containsKey("times")) { times = schedule.getString("times"); logger.debug("Quartz scheduler got \"times\": \"" + times + "\""); } else { logger.debug("Quartz scheduler parameter \"withRepeatCount\": NOT SET"); } if (schedule.containsKey("withIntervalInMilliseconds")) { withIntervalInMilliseconds = schedule.getString("withIntervalInMilliseconds"); logger.debug( "Quartz scheduler got \"withIntervalInMilliseconds\": \"" + withIntervalInMilliseconds + "\""); } else { logger.debug("Quartz scheduler parameter \"withIntervalInMilliseconds\": NOT SET"); } SimpleScheduleBuilder quartzSchedule = SimpleScheduleBuilder.simpleSchedule(); logger.debug("Time now: " + timeNow); if ((startAt != null) && (endAt != null)) { List<Date> triggerDates = TriggerUtils.computeFireTimesBetween( (OperableTrigger) TriggerBuilder.newTrigger().build(), new BaseCalendar(), new Date(Long.parseLong(startAt)), new Date(Long.parseLong(endAt))); int newRepeatCount = triggerDates.size(); // logger.warn("Setting new value for \"withRepeatCount\" based on start and end dates: \"" + newRepeatCount + "\""); logger.warn("Setting new value for \"withRepeatCount\" based on start and end dates: \"" + newRepeatCount + "\""); quartzSchedule = quartzSchedule.withRepeatCount(newRepeatCount); logger.debug("New Schedule:"); for (Date d : triggerDates) { logger.debug("\t" + d.toString()); } } else if ((startAt == null) && (endAt != null)) { List<Date> triggerDates = TriggerUtils.computeFireTimesBetween( (OperableTrigger) TriggerBuilder.newTrigger().build(), new BaseCalendar(), timeNow, new Date(Long.parseLong(endAt))); int newRepeatCount = triggerDates.size(); // logger.warn("Setting new value for \"withRepeatCount\" based on start and end dates: \"" + newRepeatCount + "\""); logger.warn("Setting new value for \"withRepeatCount\" based on start and end dates: \"" + newRepeatCount + "\""); quartzSchedule = quartzSchedule.withRepeatCount(newRepeatCount); logger.debug("New Schedule:"); for (Date d : triggerDates) { logger.debug("\t" + d.toString()); } } else { if (times == null) { logger.debug("Using DEFAULT value of 0 for \"withRepeatCount\" for quartz scheduler"); quartzSchedule = quartzSchedule.withRepeatCount(0); } else { logger.debug("Using \"withRepeatCount\" value for quartz scheduler: \"" + (Integer.parseInt(times) - 1) + "\""); quartzSchedule = quartzSchedule.withRepeatCount(Integer.parseInt(times) - 1); } } if (withIntervalInMilliseconds == null) { logger.warn("Using DEFAULT value of 5 minutes (300000 msec) for \"withIntervalInMilliseconds\"!"); quartzSchedule = quartzSchedule.withIntervalInMilliseconds(300000L); } else { logger.debug("Using \"withIntervalInMilliseconds\" value for quartz scheduler: \"" + withIntervalInMilliseconds + "\""); quartzSchedule = quartzSchedule.withIntervalInMilliseconds(Long.parseLong(withIntervalInMilliseconds)); } if (startAt == null) { trigger = TriggerBuilder.newTrigger().withIdentity("trigger:" + triggerName, "job: " + triggerId) .startNow().withSchedule(quartzSchedule).build(); } else { trigger = TriggerBuilder.newTrigger().withIdentity("trigger:" + triggerName, "job: " + triggerId) .startAt(new Date(Integer.parseInt(startAt))).withSchedule(quartzSchedule).build(); } return trigger; } /** * Converts SAD job with ID (database representation of a SAD job) into JSON * * @param jobId - ID of the job * @return job as JSON */ public JSONObject jobAsJson(int jobId) { return jobAsJson(getJob(Integer.toString(jobId))); } /** * Converts SADJob (database representation of a SAD job) into JSON * * @param theJob - database representation of the job * @return job as JSON */ public JSONObject jobAsJson(SADJob theJob) { JSONObject jobAsJson = new JSONObject(); Timestamp tempTimestamp; ArrayList<SADJobExecution> executionsForJob; String jobId; String basePath = configurationService.getConfiguration().getBasepath(); jobId = theJob.getIdAsString(); jobAsJson.put("ID", jobId); jobAsJson.put("PluginName", theJob.getPluginName()); jobAsJson.put("Name", theJob.getName()); jobAsJson.put("Description", theJob.getDescription()); jobAsJson.put("Arguments", JSONArray.fromObject(theJob.getArguments())); jobAsJson.put("Inputs", JSONArray.fromObject(theJob.getInputs())); jobAsJson.put("Outputs", JSONArray.fromObject(theJob.getOutputs())); jobAsJson.put("Schedule", JSONObject.fromObject(theJob.getSchedule())); jobAsJson.put("Status", theJob.getStatus()); tempTimestamp = theJob.getWhenCreated(); if (tempTimestamp == null) { jobAsJson.put("WhenCreated_as_string", ""); jobAsJson.put("WhenCreated_in_msec", ""); } else { jobAsJson.put("WhenCreated_as_string", Util.timestampToString(tempTimestamp)); jobAsJson.put("WhenCreated_in_msec", tempTimestamp.getTime()); } tempTimestamp = theJob.getWhenLastrun(); if (tempTimestamp == null) { jobAsJson.put("WhenLastrun_as_string", ""); jobAsJson.put("WhenLastrun_in_msec", ""); } else { jobAsJson.put("WhenLastrun_as_string", Util.timestampToString(tempTimestamp)); jobAsJson.put("WhenLastrun_in_msec", tempTimestamp.getTime()); } executionsForJob = getExecutionsForJob(jobId); if (executionsForJob.isEmpty()) { jobAsJson.put("Executions_num", 0); } else { jobAsJson.put("Executions_num", executionsForJob.size()); } jobAsJson.put("data_num", getDataNumForJob(theJob)); jobAsJson.put("url_details", (basePath != null ? basePath : "") + "/jobs?jobId=" + jobId); jobAsJson.put("url_pause", (basePath != null ? basePath : "") + "/jobs?jobId=" + jobId + "&action=pause"); jobAsJson.put("url_cancel", (basePath != null ? basePath : "") + "/jobs?jobId=" + jobId + "&action=cancel"); jobAsJson.put("url_resume", (basePath != null ? basePath : "") + "/jobs?jobId=" + jobId + "&action=resume"); jobAsJson.put("url_delete", (basePath != null ? basePath : "") + "/jobs?jobId=" + jobId + "&action=delete"); jobAsJson.put("url_data", (basePath != null ? basePath : "") + "/jobs/" + jobId + "/data"); jobAsJson.put("url_vis", (basePath != null ? basePath : "") + "/visualise/" + theJob.getPluginName() + "/data.html?jobid=" + jobId + "&num_results=20"); return jobAsJson; } /** * Returns the number of data entries collected by the job. * * @param job * @return */ public int getDataNumForJob(SADJob job) { return getCoordinator(false).getDBCollection(SADCollections.SADJobData) .find(new BasicDBObject("SADJobID", job.getId())).count(); } /** * Converts SADWorkflow (database representation of a SAD workflow) into * JSON * * @param theWorkflow - database representation of the workflow * @return workflow as JSON */ public JSONObject workflowAsJson(SADWorkflow theWorkflow) { JSONObject workflowAsJson = new JSONObject(); String workflowId = theWorkflow.getIdAsString(); workflowAsJson.put("name", theWorkflow.getName()); workflowAsJson.put("id", workflowId); workflowAsJson.put("status", theWorkflow.getStatus()); workflowAsJson.put("plugins", theWorkflow.getPluginsAsJsonString()); workflowAsJson.put("schedule", theWorkflow.getScheduleAsJsonString()); String basePath = configurationService.getConfiguration().getBasepath(); workflowAsJson.put("status_url", (basePath != null ? basePath : "") + "/service/workflows/" + workflowId); return workflowAsJson; } }