Java tutorial
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // University of Southampton IT Innovation Centre, 2013 // // Copyright in this library belongs to the University of Southampton // IT Innovation Centre of Gamma House, Enterprise Road, // Chilworth Science Park, Southampton, SO16 7NS, UK. // // This software may not be used, sold, licensed, transferred, copied // or reproduced in whole or in part in any manner or form or in or // on any media by any person other than in accordance with the terms // of the Licence Agreement supplied with the software, or otherwise // without the prior written consent of the copyright owners. // // This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the // implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE, except where stated in the Licence Agreement supplied with // the software. // // Created By : Maxim Bashevoy // Created Date : 2013-08-21 // Created for Project : Experimedia // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public abstract class GenericEccClient implements EMIAdapterListener, DisposableBean { private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private boolean tryingToDisconnect = false, socketServerOnline = true, liveMonitoringStarted = false, pushingEnabled = false; private JSONObject eccProperties; // Connection to the ECC private AMQPBasicChannel amqpChannel; private EMInterfaceAdapter emiAdapter; private AMQPConnectionFactory amqpFactory; // EccMetricServer private EccMetricServer server; public HashMap<UUID, MeasurementSet> measurementSetMap = new HashMap<>(); public String name; public Experiment currentExperiment; public MetricGenerator mainMetricGenerator; private boolean emClientSetup = false; // PROV private EDMProvFactory factory; public GenericEccClient(String name, String[] args) { = name; if (args.length < 4) { throw new RuntimeException( "Failed to create GenericEccClient: expected 4 items in args argument, found " + args.length); } // Make shutdown clean Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new ShutdownHook()); String serviceConfigurationFilepath = args[1]; String port = args[2]; String uuid = args[3]; String result; try { result = readFile(serviceConfigurationFilepath); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException( "ERROR: Failed to get service configuration from file: " + serviceConfigurationFilepath, ex); } JSONObject serviceConfiguration = JSONObject.fromObject(result); logger.debug("Returned SAD configuration:\n" + serviceConfiguration.toString(2)); eccProperties = serviceConfiguration.getJSONObject("ecc"); String rabbitServerIP = eccProperties.getString("rabbitIp"); int rabbitServerPort = Integer.parseInt(eccProperties.getString("rabbitPort")); UUID expMonitorID = UUID.fromString(eccProperties.getString("monitorId")); UUID clientID = UUID.fromString(uuid); logger.debug("Using given UUID: " + clientID.toString()); amqpFactory = new AMQPConnectionFactory(); amqpFactory.setAMQPHostIPAddress(rabbitServerIP); amqpFactory.setAMQPHostPort(rabbitServerPort); try { amqpFactory.connectToAMQPHost(); amqpChannel = amqpFactory.createNewChannel(); } catch (Throwable ex) { throw new RuntimeException( "Failed to connect to Rabbit server [" + rabbitServerIP + ":" + rabbitServerPort + "]", ex); } emiAdapter = new EMInterfaceAdapter(this); String hostName = ""; try { hostName = " - " + InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(); } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) { } try { emiAdapter.registerWithEM(name + hostName, amqpChannel, expMonitorID, clientID); } catch (Throwable ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to register client [" + clientID + "] '" + name + "' with EM using experiment monitor ID [" + expMonitorID + "]", ex); } factory = EDMProvFactory.getInstance(); emClientSetup = true; logger.debug("Successfully created new EM Client"); logger.debug("ECC client set up: " + emClientSetup); // EccMetricServer is used to report metric model to plugin code, // receive metric reports server = new EccMetricServer(Integer.parseInt(port), this); logger.debug("Metric Socket starting"); server.start(); // Nothing will be executed below server.start(); line above } /** * Converts JSON into Properties object. */ private Properties jsonToProperties(JSONObject propertiesAsJson) { Properties result = new Properties(); logger.debug("Converting JSON to Properties: " + propertiesAsJson.toString(2)); Iterator<String> it = propertiesAsJson.keys(); String propertyName, propertyValue; while (it.hasNext()) { propertyName =; propertyValue = propertiesAsJson.getString(propertyName); result.put(propertyName, propertyValue); } logger.debug("Convertion result: " + result.toString()); return result; } private String readFile(String file) throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String line; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String ls = System.getProperty("line.separator"); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { stringBuilder.append(line); stringBuilder.append(ls); } return stringBuilder.toString(); } public boolean isSocketServerOnline() { return socketServerOnline; } public void setSocketServerOnline(boolean socketServerOnline) { this.socketServerOnline = socketServerOnline; } public HashMap<UUID, MeasurementSet> getMeasurementSetMap() { return measurementSetMap; } public void setMeasurementSetMap(HashMap<UUID, MeasurementSet> measurementSetMap) { this.measurementSetMap = measurementSetMap; } public MetricGenerator getMainMetricGenerator() { return mainMetricGenerator; } @Override public void onEMConnectionResult(boolean connected, Experiment expInfo) { if (connected) { if (expInfo != null) { currentExperiment = new Experiment(); currentExperiment.setName(expInfo.getName()); currentExperiment.setDescription(expInfo.getDescription()); currentExperiment.setStartTime(expInfo.getStartTime()); } else { logger.error("Experiment information is NULL, disconnecting"); tryDisconnecting(); } } else { logger.error("Connection refused by ECC, disconnecting"); tryDisconnecting(); } } @Override public void onEMDeregistration(String reason) { logger.debug("De-registered by ECC because: " + reason); tryDisconnecting(); } @Override public void onDescribeSupportedPhases(EnumSet<EMPhase> phasesOUT) { phasesOUT.add(EMPhase.eEMLiveMonitoring); // phasesOUT.add(EMPhase.eEMPostMonitoringReport); } @Override public void onDescribePushPullBehaviours(Boolean[] pushPullOUT) { pushPullOUT[0] = true; // Will support pushing pushPullOUT[1] = false; // No pulling } @Override public void onPopulateMetricGeneratorInfo() { if (currentExperiment != null) { logger.debug("Populating metric generators"); // Run custom metric model generator measurementSetMap.clear(); defineExperimentMetrics(); logger.debug("Finished populating metric generators"); // Report metrics to ECC emiAdapter.sendMetricGenerators(currentExperiment.getMetricGenerators()); } else { logger.error("Failed to populating metric generators as current experiment is NULL, disconnecting"); tryDisconnecting(); } } public void defineExperimentMetrics() { } /** * Creates new entity dynamically. * * @param metricGeneratorName * @param newEntityName * @param newEntityDescription */ public void addNewEntity(String metricGeneratorName, String newEntityName, String newEntityDescription) { Set<MetricGenerator> mgs = currentExperiment.getMetricGenerators(); MetricGenerator m = null; for (MetricGenerator mg : mgs) { if (mg.getName().equals(metricGeneratorName)) { m = mg; break; } } if (m == null) { logger.error("Metric generator with the name '" + metricGeneratorName + "' does not exist"); } else { Entity entity = null; for (Entity e : m.getEntities()) { if (e.getName().equals(newEntityName)) { entity = e; break; } } if (entity != null) { logger.error("Entity '" + newEntityName + "' already exists"); } else { entity = new Entity(); m.addEntity(entity); entity.setName(newEntityName); entity.setDescription(newEntityDescription); emiAdapter.sendMetricGenerators(mgs); // The only way to wait for ECC to save the new model: try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { logger.error("You interrupted my sleep!", ex); } logger.debug("Entity '" + newEntityName + "' was reported to ECC"); } } } /** * Creates and reports a new attribute to the ECC. */ public void addNewAttribute(String entityName, String attributeName, String description, String type, String unit) { Set<MetricGenerator> mgs = currentExperiment.getMetricGenerators(); Entity entity = null; MetricGenerator m = null; MetricGroup mGroup = null; for (MetricGenerator mg : mgs) { for (Entity e : mg.getEntities()) { if (e.getName().equals(entityName)) { entity = e; m = mg; break; } } } if (m != null) { if (entity != null) { boolean attributeExists = false; for (Attribute a : entity.getAttributes()) { if (a.getName().equals(attributeName)) { attributeExists = true; break; } } if (!attributeExists) { MetricType mt = MetricType.RATIO; // NOMINAL, ORDINAL, INTERVAL, RATIO switch (type.toLowerCase()) { case "nominal": mt = MetricType.NOMINAL; break; case "ordinal": mt = MetricType.ORDINAL; break; case "interval": mt = MetricType.INTERVAL; break; } Attribute newAttribute = MetricHelper.createAttribute(attributeName, description, entity); MeasurementSet newMeasurementSet = MetricHelper.createMeasurementSet(newAttribute, mt, new Unit(unit), m.getMetricGroups().iterator().next()); measurementSetMap.put(newMeasurementSet.getID(), newMeasurementSet); emiAdapter.sendMetricGenerators(mgs); // The only way to wait for ECC to save the new model: try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { logger.error("You interrupted my sleep!", ex); } logger.debug("Attribute '" + newAttribute + "' was reported to ECC"); } else { logger.debug("Attribute '" + attributeName + "' already exists"); } } } int counter = 0; for (MetricGenerator mgen : currentExperiment.getMetricGenerators()) { printMetricGenerator(mgen, counter); counter++; } } public void pushValueForAttribute(String entityName, String attributeName, String value) { if (emClientSetup) { if (pushingEnabled) { logger.debug("Pushing value '" + value + "' for attribute [" + attributeName + "] to ECC"); Set<MetricGenerator> mgs = currentExperiment.getMetricGenerators(); Entity entity = null; MetricGenerator m = null; for (MetricGenerator mg : mgs) { for (Entity e : mg.getEntities()) { if (e.getName().equals(entityName)) { entity = e; m = mg; break; } } } if (m != null) { if (entity != null) { Attribute a = MetricHelper.getAttributeByName(attributeName, entity); MeasurementSet ms = MetricHelper.getMeasurementSetForAttribute(a, m); if (ms == null) { logger.error("NOT pushing value '" + value + "' for attribute [" + attributeName + "] to ECC because measurement set does not exist"); } else { pushValueForMeasurementSetUuid(ms, value); } } } } else { logger.debug("NOT pushing value '" + value + "' for attribute [" + attributeName + "] to ECC because pushing is DISABLED"); } } else { logger.debug("NOT pushing value '" + value + "' for attribute [" + attributeName + "] to ECC because EM client is NOT enabled"); } } public void pushValueForMeasurementSetUuid(MeasurementSet ms, String value) { if (emClientSetup) { if (pushingEnabled) { logger.debug( "Pushing value '" + value + "' for measurement set [" + ms.getID().toString() + "] to ECC"); Measurement valueAsMeasurement = new Measurement(value); Date now = new Date(); Report report = MetricHelper.createEmptyMeasurementReport(ms); report.setNumberOfMeasurements(1); report.setReportDate(now); report.setFromDate(now); report.setToDate(now); report.getMeasurementSet().addMeasurement(valueAsMeasurement); emiAdapter.pushMetric(report); logger.debug("FINISHED pushing value '" + value + "' for measurement set [" + ms.getID().toString() + "] to ECC"); } else { logger.debug("NOT pushing value '" + value + "' for measurement set [" + ms.getID().toString() + "] to ECC because pushing is DISABLED"); } } else { logger.debug("NOT pushing value '" + value + "' for measurement set [" + ms.getID().toString() + "] to ECC because EM client is NOT enabled"); } } public void reportActionByPerson(String userId, String reportAsJson) { if (emClientSetup) { if (pushingEnabled) { try { logger.debug("Sending prov data: userId='" + userId + "', reportAsJson:\n" + reportAsJson); JSONObject parsedAction = JSONObject.fromObject(reportAsJson); logger.debug(parsedAction.toString(2)); JSONObject fbUserAsJson = parsedAction.getJSONObject("fbUserAsJson"); JSONObject fbCommentAsJson = parsedAction.getJSONObject("fbCommentAsJson"); JSONObject postFbCommentAsJson = parsedAction.getJSONObject("postFbCommentAsJson"); JSONObject fbPageAsJson = parsedAction.getJSONObject("fbPageAsJson"); // This is a user String fbUserName = fbUserAsJson.getString("name"); String agentIdentifier = "experimedia:" + fbUserName + "_" + userId; EDMAgent fbUserAsAgent = factory.getAgent(agentIdentifier); if (fbUserAsAgent == null) { fbUserAsAgent = factory.createAgent(agentIdentifier, "fbUserName"); fbUserAsAgent.addOwlClass("foaf:Person"); } // The user performs an action on the page String actionName = postFbCommentAsJson.getString("name"); String actionTimestamp = postFbCommentAsJson.getString("timestamp"); String activityIdentifier = "experimedia:" + actionName + "_" + actionTimestamp; // EDMActivity commentActivity = fbUserAsAgent.doDiscreteActivity(actionTimestamp, actionTimestamp); - no way to check if activity exists at least on agent // This is a facebook comment String entityId = fbCommentAsJson.getString("id"); String entityName = fbCommentAsJson.getString("name"); // EDMEntity fbCommentAsEntity = commentActivity.generateEntity("experimedia:" + entityName + "_" + entityId, entityName); // This is Facebook page String fbPageName = fbPageAsJson.getString("name"); String entityIdentifier = "experimedia:facebookPage_" + fbPageName; EDMEntity fbPage = factory.getEntity(entityIdentifier); if (fbPage == null) { fbPage = factory.createEntity(entityIdentifier, fbPageName); // fbPage.addOwlClass("prov:Location"); // fbCommentAsEntity.addProperty("prov:atLocation", fbPage.getIri()); } // Get factory to create a report containing the above PROV elements EDMProvReport report = factory.createProvReport(); emiAdapter.pushPROVStatement(report); logger.debug("FINISHED sending prov data: userId='" + userId); } catch (Throwable ex) { logger.debug("Failed to report action by person as prov data", ex); } } else { logger.debug("NOT sending prov data: userId='" + userId + "' to ECC because pushing is DISABLED"); } } else { logger.debug("NOT sending prov data: userId='" + userId + "' to ECC because EM client is NOT enabled"); } } /** * Prints a metric generator into logs as a tree. */ public void printMetricGenerator(MetricGenerator mg, int numberInSet) { pr("[" + numberInSet + "] " + mg.getName() + " (" + mg.getDescription() + ") [" + mg.getUUID() + "]", 0); Set<MeasurementSet> allMeasurementSets = new HashSet<>(); for (MetricGroup mgroup : mg.getMetricGroups()) { allMeasurementSets.addAll(mgroup.getMeasurementSets()); } for (Entity e : mg.getEntities()) { pr("Entity: " + e.getName() + " (" + e.getDescription() + ") [" + e.getUUID() + "]", 1); for (Attribute a : e.getAttributes()) { pr("Attribute: " + a.getName() + " (" + a.getDescription() + ") [" + a.getUUID() + "]", 2); for (MeasurementSet ms : allMeasurementSets) { if (ms.getAttributeID().toString().equals(a.getUUID().toString())) { pr("Metric type: " + ms.getMetric().getMetricType() + ", unit: " + ms.getMetric().getUnit() + ", measurement set [" + ms.getID() + "]", 3); } } } } } /** * Prints an object into logs with indent. */ private void pr(Object o, int indent) { String indentString = ""; for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) { indentString += "\t"; } if (indent > 0) { logger.debug(indentString + "- " + o); } else { logger.debug("" + o); } } @Override public void onDiscoveryTimeOut() { logger.debug("onDiscoveryTimeOut"); } @Override public void onSetupMetricGenerator(UUID uuid, Boolean[] resultOUT) { logger.debug("Reporting success setting up metric generator [" + uuid.toString() + "]"); resultOUT[0] = true; } @Override public void onSetupTimeOut(UUID uuid) { logger.debug("onSetupTimeOut for UUID [" + uuid.toString() + "]"); } @Override public void onLiveMonitoringStarted() { logger.debug("onLiveMonitoringStarted"); liveMonitoringStarted = true; } @Override public void onStartPushingMetricData() { logger.debug("onStartPushingMetricData"); pushingEnabled = true; // checked stored data, send } @Override public void onPushReportReceived(UUID reportID) { logger.debug("ECC says push report [" + reportID.toString() + "] RECEIVED"); } @Override public void onStopPushingMetricData() { logger.debug("onStopPushingMetricData"); pushingEnabled = false; // start saving reported data } @Override public void onPullReportReceived(UUID reportID) { logger.debug("ECC says pull report [" + reportID.toString() + "] RECEIVED"); } @Override public void onPullMetric(UUID uuid, Report report) { logger.debug("onPullMetric UUID [" + uuid.toString() + "], report " + report.getUUID()); } @Override public void onPullMetricTimeOut(UUID uuid) { logger.debug("onPullMetricTimeOut UUID [" + uuid.toString() + "]"); } @Override public void onPullingStopped() { logger.debug("onPullingStopped"); } @Override public void onPopulateSummaryReport(EMPostReportSummary emprs) { logger.debug("onPopulateSummaryReport"); } @Override public void onPopulateDataBatch(EMDataBatch batchOUT) { logger.debug("onPopulateDataBatch"); UUID msID = batchOUT.getExpectedMeasurementSetID(); if (msID == null) { logger.warn("Expected measurement set ID for this batch is NULL"); } else { logger.debug("Expected measurement set ID for this batch: " + msID.toString()); } } @Override public void onReportBatchTimeOut(UUID uuid) { logger.debug("onReportBatchTimeOut UUID [" + uuid.toString() + "]"); } @Override public void onGetTearDownResult(Boolean[] resultOUT) { logger.debug("Reporting successfull tear down result"); resultOUT[0] = true; } @Override public void onTearDownTimeOut() { logger.debug("onTearDownTimeOut"); } // @Override // public void onEntityMetricCollectionEnabled(UUID uuid, UUID uuid1, boolean bln) { // logger.debug("onEntityMetricCollectionEnabled " + uuid.toString() + ", " + uuid1.toString() + ", " + bln); // } /** * Attempts to disconnect from ECC. * * @return true if succeeded. */ private synchronized boolean tryDisconnecting() { if (!tryingToDisconnect) { logger.debug("Disconnecting from ECC"); try { tryingToDisconnect = true; emiAdapter.disconnectFromEM(); if (amqpChannel != null) { logger.debug("Closing amqpChannel"); amqpChannel.close(); logger.debug("amqpChannel open: " + amqpChannel.isOpen()); } if (amqpFactory != null) { logger.debug("Closing amqpFactory"); amqpFactory.closeDownConnection(); logger.debug("amqpFactory is connection valid: " + amqpFactory.isConnectionValid()); } tryingToDisconnect = false; return true; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Could not de-register from the ECC", ex); return false; } } else { logger.warn("Already in the process of de-registering from the ECC, repeat attempt detected"); return false; } } @Override public void destroy() throws Exception { logger.debug("Destorying SAD plugin ECC client as bean"); tryDisconnecting(); server.stop(); } /** * Private shut-down hook. */ private class ShutdownHook extends Thread { @Override public void run() { cleanShutdown(); } } public void cleanShutdown() {"Destorying SAD plugin ECC client via ShutdownHook"); tryDisconnecting(); server.stop(); } }