Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2008 The European Bioinformatics Institute, and others. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import org.apache.commons.collections.Bag; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections.bag.HashBag; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.obo.dataadapter.OBOParseException; import org.obo.datamodel.OBOSession; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.persistence.FlushModeType; import; import java.util.*; /** * Contains method to Update Cv tables using the PersisterHelper. * Basically passes a list of CvDagObjects with all the children * and parents set to the saveorUpdate method in the PersisterHelper * * @author Prem Anand ( * @version $Id$ * @since 2.0.1 */ public class CvUpdater { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CvUpdater.class); private Map<String, CvObject> processed; private CvUpdaterStatistics stats; private CvDatabase nonMiCvDatabase; private CvTopic obsoleteTopic; private IntactContext intactContext; private PersisterHelper persisterHelper; /** * This map is used internally to keep track of the created topics during the update. */ private Map<String, CvTopic> createdNonMiTopics = new HashMap<String, CvTopic>(); protected CvUpdater() throws IOException, OBOParseException { if (!IntactContext.currentInstanceExists()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "To instantiate a CvUpdated using no arguments, an instance of IntactContext must exist"); } this.processed = new HashMap<String, CvObject>(); this.stats = new CvUpdaterStatistics(); this.intactContext = IntactContext.getCurrentInstance(); this.persisterHelper = intactContext.getPersisterHelper(); } protected CvUpdater(IntactContext intactContext) { this.processed = new HashMap<String, CvObject>(); this.stats = new CvUpdaterStatistics(); this.intactContext = intactContext; this.persisterHelper = intactContext.getPersisterHelper(); } public static CvUpdater createInstance(IntactContext intactContext) { return (CvUpdater) intactContext.getSpringContext().getBean("cvUpdater"); } @PostConstruct private void init() { this.nonMiCvDatabase = CvObjectUtils.createCvObject(IntactContext.getCurrentInstance().getInstitution(), CvDatabase.class, CvDatabase.INTACT_MI_REF, CvDatabase.INTACT); } protected Map<String, Class> getMapOfExistingCvs() { Map<String, Class> existingMi2Class = new HashMap<String, Class>(); List<CvObject> allExistingCvs = IntactContext.getCurrentInstance().getDataContext().getDaoFactory() .getCvObjectDao().getAll(); for (CvObject cvObject : allExistingCvs) { existingMi2Class.put(CvObjectUtils.getIdentity(cvObject), cvObject.getClass()); } return existingMi2Class; } /** * Starts the creation and update of CVs by using the ontology provided * * @param allCvs List of all Cvs * @return An object containing some statistics about the update */ @Transactional @IntactFlushMode(FlushModeType.COMMIT) public CvUpdaterStatistics createOrUpdateCVs(List<CvDagObject> allCvs) { return createOrUpdateCVs(allCvs, new AnnotationInfoDataset()); } /** * Starts the creation and update of CVs by using the latest available CVs from internet * * @return An object containing some statistics about the update */ @Transactional @IntactFlushMode(FlushModeType.COMMIT) public CvUpdaterStatistics executeUpdateWithLatestCVs() throws IOException { OBOSession oboSession = null; try { oboSession = OboUtils.createOBOSessionFromLatestMi(); } catch (OBOParseException e) { throw new IOException("Problem creating OBO session from latest MI: " + e.getMessage()); } AnnotationInfoDataset annotationInfoDataset = OboUtils.createAnnotationInfoDatasetFromLatestResource(); return executeUpdate(oboSession, annotationInfoDataset); } @Transactional @IntactFlushMode(FlushModeType.COMMIT) public CvUpdaterStatistics executeUpdate(OBOSession oboSession, AnnotationInfoDataset annotationInfoDataset) throws IOException { CvObjectOntologyBuilder builder = new CvObjectOntologyBuilder(oboSession); return createOrUpdateCVs(builder.getAllCvs(), annotationInfoDataset); } @Transactional @IntactFlushMode(FlushModeType.COMMIT) public CvUpdaterStatistics executeUpdate(OBOSession oboSession) throws IOException { return executeUpdate(oboSession, new AnnotationInfoDataset()); } /** * Starts the creation and update of CVs by using the CVobject List provided * * @param allValidCvs List of all valid Cvs * @param annotationInfoDataset A seperate dataset specific for intact * @return An object containing some statistics about the update */ @Transactional @IntactFlushMode(FlushModeType.COMMIT) public CvUpdaterStatistics createOrUpdateCVs(List<CvDagObject> allValidCvs, AnnotationInfoDataset annotationInfoDataset) { if (allValidCvs == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must give a non null collection of CvDagObject"); } if (annotationInfoDataset == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must give a non null AnnotationInfoDataset"); } List<CvDagObject> alreadyExistingObsoleteCvList = new ArrayList<CvDagObject>(); List<CvDagObject> orphanCvList = dealWithOrphans(allValidCvs, alreadyExistingObsoleteCvList); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Orphan count: " + orphanCvList.size()); log.debug("AlreadyExisting cvs annotated with Obsolete: " + alreadyExistingObsoleteCvList.size()); } //first step remove the orphan cvs that are not existing in database List<CvDagObject> cleanedList = (List<CvDagObject>) CollectionUtils.subtract(allValidCvs, orphanCvList); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Size of CV list after removing orphans: " + cleanedList.size()); //second step remove the orphan cvs that are are already existing in the database cleanedList = (List<CvDagObject>) CollectionUtils.subtract(cleanedList, alreadyExistingObsoleteCvList); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Size of CV list after removing obsolete terms: " + cleanedList.size()); CorePersister corePersister = persisterHelper.getCorePersister(); corePersister.setUpdateWithoutAcEnabled(true); updateCVsUsingAnnotationDataset(cleanedList, annotationInfoDataset, corePersister); CvObject[] cvObjects = cleanedList.toArray(new CvObject[cleanedList.size()]); corePersister.saveOrUpdate(cvObjects); PersisterStatistics persisterStats = corePersister.getStatistics(); addCvObjectsToUpdaterStats(persisterStats, stats); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Persisted: " + persisterStats); log.debug("Processed: " + processed.size()); log.debug(stats); } return stats; } //end method private List<CvDagObject> dealWithOrphans(List<CvDagObject> allCvs, List<CvDagObject> alreadyExistingObsoleteCvList) { List<CvDagObject> orphanCvList = new ArrayList<CvDagObject>(); for (CvDagObject cvDag : allCvs) { if (!isRootObject(CvObjectUtils.getIdentity(cvDag))) { if (cvDag.getParents() == null || cvDag.getParents().isEmpty()) { addCvObjectToStatsIfObsolete(cvDag); boolean cvObjectsWithSameId = false; try { cvObjectsWithSameId = checkAndMarkAsObsoleteIfExisted(cvDag, stats); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new RuntimeException("Problem checking orphan: " + cvDag.getShortLabel() + " (" + cvDag.getIdentifier() + ")", e); } if (cvObjectsWithSameId) { alreadyExistingObsoleteCvList.add(cvDag); } else { if (!CvObjectUtils.getIdentity(cvDag).equalsIgnoreCase(CvTopic.OBSOLETE_MI_REF)) { stats.addOrphanCv(cvDag); orphanCvList.add(cvDag); } } } //end of if } //end if } //end for return orphanCvList; } private boolean isRootObject(String identity) { return CvObjectOntologyBuilder.mi2Class.keySet().contains(identity); } protected void updateCVsUsingAnnotationDataset(List<CvDagObject> allCvs, AnnotationInfoDataset annotationInfoDataset, CorePersister corePersister) { for (CvDagObject cvObject : allCvs) { final String identity = CvObjectUtils.getIdentity(cvObject); if (identity != null && annotationInfoDataset.containsCvAnnotation(identity)) { AnnotationInfo annotInfo = annotationInfoDataset.getCvAnnotation(identity); // check if the topic has already been processed CvTopic topic = createdNonMiTopics.get(annotInfo.getTopicShortLabel()); // if not, try to get it from the database if (topic == null) { topic = IntactContext.getCurrentInstance().getDataContext().getDaoFactory() .getCvObjectDao(CvTopic.class) .getByShortLabel(CvTopic.class, annotInfo.getTopicShortLabel()); // if it is not in the database, create it and persist it. if (topic == null) { topic = CvObjectUtils.createCvObject(IntactContext.getCurrentInstance().getInstitution(), CvTopic.class, null, annotInfo.getTopicShortLabel()); corePersister.saveOrUpdate(topic); } // now it has been created createdNonMiTopics.put(annotInfo.getTopicShortLabel(), topic); } // create the corresponding annotation Annotation annotation = new Annotation(IntactContext.getCurrentInstance().getInstitution(), topic, annotInfo.getReason()); addAnnotation(annotation, cvObject, annotInfo.isApplyToChildren()); } } } private boolean areEqual(CvObject cv1, CvObject cv2) { if (cv1 == null || cv2 == null) { return false; } if (cv1.getIdentifier() != null && cv2.getIdentifier() != null) { return cv1.getIdentifier().equals(cv2.getIdentifier()); } return cv1.getShortLabel().equals(cv2.getShortLabel()); } private void addAnnotation(Annotation annotation, CvDagObject cvObject, boolean includeChildren) { boolean containsAnnotation = false; for (Annotation annot : cvObject.getAnnotations()) { if (this.areEqual(annot.getCvTopic(), annotation.getCvTopic())) { if (annot.getAnnotationText() != null && annot.getAnnotationText().equals(annotation.getAnnotationText())) { containsAnnotation = true; break; } else { //update annot.setAnnotationText(annotation.getAnnotationText()); IntactContext.getCurrentInstance().getDataContext().getDaoFactory().getAnnotationDao() .update(annot); containsAnnotation = true; break; } } } if (!containsAnnotation) { cvObject.getAnnotations().add(annotation); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { final CvTopic topic = annotation.getCvTopic(); log.debug("Added Annotation(" + topic.getShortLabel() + ", '" + annotation.getAnnotationText() + "') onto " + cvObject.getClass().getSimpleName() + "(" + cvObject.getShortLabel() + ")"); } } if (includeChildren) { for (CvDagObject child : cvObject.getChildren()) { addAnnotation(annotation, child, includeChildren); } } } /** * This method should check if the below constraint is violated * CONSTRAINT_INDEX_0 ON PUBLIC.IA_CONTROLLEDVOCAB(OBJCLASS, SHORTLABEL) * * @param allValidCvs List of all Uniq Cvs * @return true if violated or false if not */ public boolean isConstraintViolated(List<CvDagObject> allValidCvs) { if (allValidCvs == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Cvs Null"); } Bag hashBag = new HashBag(); for (CvDagObject cvDag : allValidCvs) { String primaryKey = cvDag.getObjClass().toString() + ":" + cvDag.getShortLabel(); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("PrimaryKey: " + primaryKey); } hashBag.add(primaryKey); } for (Object aHashBag : hashBag) { String s = (String) aHashBag; if (hashBag.getCount(s) > 1) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Constraint violated by " + s); } return true; } } return false; } protected boolean checkAndMarkAsObsoleteIfExisted(CvObject orphan, CvUpdaterStatistics stats) { boolean alreadyExistingCv = false; String id = CvObjectUtils.getIdentity(orphan); Set<String> existingKeys = getMapOfExistingCvs().keySet(); if (existingKeys != null && existingKeys.contains(id)) { alreadyExistingCv = true; } final CvObjectDao<CvObject> cvObjectDao = IntactContext.getCurrentInstance().getDataContext() .getDaoFactory().getCvObjectDao(); Collection<CvObject> existingCvs = cvObjectDao.getByPsiMiRefCollection(Collections.singleton(id)); if (existingCvs.isEmpty()) { existingCvs = cvObjectDao.getByShortLabelLike(orphan.getShortLabel()); } if (alreadyExistingCv) { CvTopic obsoleteTopic = createCvTopicObsolete(); for (CvObject existingCv : existingCvs) { boolean alreadyContainsObsolete = false; for (Annotation annot : existingCv.getAnnotations()) { if (CvTopic.OBSOLETE_MI_REF.equals(CvObjectUtils.getIdentity(annot.getCvTopic()))) { alreadyContainsObsolete = true; } //end if } //end for if (!alreadyContainsObsolete) { //get Annotations and find Def for Obsolote String annotatedText = null; for (Annotation annot : orphan.getAnnotations()) { if (CvTopic.OBSOLETE_MI_REF.equals(CvObjectUtils.getIdentity(annot.getCvTopic()))) { annotatedText = annot.getAnnotationText(); } } //end for if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Updating CV - adding obsolete annotation to: " + existingCv); final Annotation annotation = new Annotation(existingCv.getOwner(), obsoleteTopic, annotatedText); existingCv.addAnnotation(annotation); stats.addUpdatedCv(existingCv); if (obsoleteTopic.getAc() == null) { try {; } catch (Throwable t) { throw new PersisterException( "An error occurred while saving CvTopic( '" + obsoleteTopic.getShortLabel() + "', '" + obsoleteTopic.getIdentifier() + "' )", t); } stats.addCreatedCv(obsoleteTopic); } } //end if } //end for } //end if return alreadyExistingCv; } private void addObsoleteAnnotation(CvObject existingCv, String obsoleteMessage) { obsoleteTopic.addAnnotation(new Annotation(existingCv.getOwner(), obsoleteTopic, obsoleteMessage)); } private CvTopic createCvTopicObsolete() { final DaoFactory daoFactory = IntactContext.getCurrentInstance().getDataContext().getDaoFactory(); if (obsoleteTopic != null) { if (daoFactory.getBaseDao().isTransient(obsoleteTopic) && obsoleteTopic.getAc() != null) { obsoleteTopic = daoFactory.getCvObjectDao(CvTopic.class).getByAc(obsoleteTopic.getAc()); } } else { obsoleteTopic = daoFactory.getCvObjectDao(CvTopic.class).getByPsiMiRef(CvTopic.OBSOLETE_MI_REF); } if (obsoleteTopic == null) { // create the obsolete term (which is obsolete too!) obsoleteTopic = CvObjectUtils.createCvObject(IntactContext.getCurrentInstance().getInstitution(), CvTopic.class, CvTopic.OBSOLETE_MI_REF, CvTopic.OBSOLETE); obsoleteTopic.setFullName("obsolete term"); addObsoleteAnnotation(obsoleteTopic, "Deprecated CV term that should not be used to annotate entries"); } return obsoleteTopic; } private void addCvObjectsToUpdaterStats(PersisterStatistics persisterStats, CvUpdaterStatistics stats) { for (StatsUnit statsUnit : persisterStats.getPersisted(CvObject.class, true)) { stats.getCreatedCvs().put(statsUnit.getType(), statsUnit); } for (StatsUnit statsUnit : persisterStats.getMerged(CvObject.class, true)) { stats.getUpdatedCvs().put(statsUnit.getType(), statsUnit); } } private void addCvObjectToStatsIfObsolete(CvObject cvObj) { stats.getObsoleteCvs().put(CvObjectUtils.getIdentity(cvObj), cvObj.getShortLabel()); } public CvDatabase getNonMiCvDatabase() { return nonMiCvDatabase; } public void setNonMiCvDatabase(CvDatabase nonMiCvDatabase) { this.nonMiCvDatabase = nonMiCvDatabase; } }