Java tutorial
package; /* * __________ * CREDITS * __________ * * Team page: * - Marco Brandizi (software engineer: ISAvalidator, ISAconverter, BII data management utility, BII model) * - Eamonn Maguire (software engineer: ISAcreator, ISAcreator configurator, ISAvalidator, ISAconverter, BII data management utility, BII web) * - Nataliya Sklyar (software engineer: BII web application, BII model, BII data management utility) * - Philippe Rocca-Serra (technical coordinator: user requirements and standards compliance for ISA software, ISA-tab format specification, BII model, ISAcreator wizard, ontology) * - Susanna-Assunta Sansone (coordinator: ISA infrastructure design, standards compliance, ISA-tab format specification, BII model, funds raising) * * Contributors: * - Manon Delahaye (ISA team trainee: BII web services) * - Richard Evans (ISA team trainee: rISAtab) * * * ______________________ * Contacts and Feedback: * ______________________ * * Project overview: * * To follow general discussion: * To contact the developers: * * To report bugs: * To request enhancements: * * * __________ * License: * __________ * * This work is licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License. To view a copy of this licence, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California 94105, USA. * * __________ * Sponsors * __________ * This work has been funded mainly by the EU Carcinogenomics ( [PL 037712] and in part by the * EU NuGO [NoE 503630]( projects and in part by EMBL-EBI. */ import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; /** * @author: Nataliya Sklyar ( Date: May 5, 2009 */ public class DataLocationManager { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DataLocationManager.class); private EntityManager entityManager; private Collection<AssayTypeDataLocation> assayTypeDataLocations; private String iSATabMetaDataLocation; /** * The location for this technology/measurement pair, as defined in the data locations file. */ public String getDataLocation(String measurement, String technology, AnnotationTypes dataType) { measurement = StringUtils.trimToNull(measurement); technology = StringUtils.trimToNull(technology); if (measurement == null && technology == null) return ""; String location = ""; for (AssayTypeDataLocation assayTypeDataLocation : getAssayTypeDataSources()) { String thisMeas = StringUtils.trimToNull(assayTypeDataLocation.getMeasurementType()); if (thisMeas == null) throw new InvalidConfigurationException( "Internal error: I've found a data location with null measurement type"); String thisTech = StringUtils.trimToNull(assayTypeDataLocation.getTechnologyType()); if (thisMeas.equalsIgnoreCase(measurement) && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(thisTech, technology)) { ReferenceSource referenceSource = assayTypeDataLocation.getReferenceSource(); if (referenceSource != null) { for (Annotation annotation : referenceSource.getAnnotations()) { // we will go through all the links to ensure we pick up a file location if it exists. if (annotation.getType().getValue().trim().equalsIgnoreCase(dataType.getName().trim())) { if (StringUtils.trimToNull(annotation.getText()) != null) { location = annotation.getText(); } } } } } } return location.equals("") ? null : location; } public String getDataLocationLink(String measurement, String technology, String accession, AnnotationTypes dataType) { measurement = StringUtils.trimToNull(measurement); technology = StringUtils.trimToNull(technology); if (measurement == null && technology == null) return "";"Getting data location for " + accession); // this should now tell me what I'm looking for Repository targetRepo = DataSourceUtils.resolveRepositoryFromAccession(accession);"Target repo is " + targetRepo);"Looking for " + dataType.getName() + " for " + measurement + " using " + technology + " for study with accession " + accession); String preferredLocation = ""; String otherLocation = ""; for (AssayTypeDataLocation assayTypeDataLocation : getAssayTypeDataSources()) { // i want to see that for each assay, if I can predict the link to be shown, based on what is in the DataLocations.xml file // and the form of the Accession. e/g. GSE = GEO, E- = ArrayExpress & SRA = ENA // e.g. ArrayExpress, GEO, EMBL-BANK. Generic"AssayTypeDataLocation reference source is " + assayTypeDataLocation.getReferenceSource().getName()); String assayMeasurement = StringUtils.trimToNull(assayTypeDataLocation.getMeasurementType()); if (assayMeasurement == null) throw new InvalidConfigurationException( "Internal error: I've found a data location with null measurement type"); String assayTechnology = StringUtils.trimToNull(assayTypeDataLocation.getTechnologyType()); if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(assayMeasurement, measurement) && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(assayTechnology, technology)) { // for now, we're just going to check what's available to me for querying/constructing the URL ReferenceSource referenceSource = assayTypeDataLocation.getReferenceSource(); if (referenceSource != null) { for (Annotation annotation : referenceSource.getAnnotations()) { + " -> has URL -> " + annotation.getText()); if (annotation.getType().getValue().trim().equalsIgnoreCase(dataType.getName().trim())) {"Found match for datatype, it is " + annotation.getText()); if (DataSourceUtils.matchForAssayRecord(targetRepo, assayTypeDataLocation)) {"Preferred location recorded" + annotation.getText()); preferredLocation = annotation.getText(); } else { otherLocation = annotation.getText();"other location recorded" + annotation.getText()); } } } } } }"other location is " + otherLocation);"preferred location is " + otherLocation); // return a default URL for now return preferredLocation.equals("") ? otherLocation : preferredLocation; } /** * @return the location for the parameter pair, and replaces {@link DataSourceConfigFields#ACCESSION_PLACEHOLDER} * with {@link #getObfuscatedStudyFileName(Study)}. */ public String buildDataLocation(Study study, String measurement, String technology, AnnotationTypes dataType) { return buildLocation(getDataLocation(measurement, technology, dataType), study); } /** * A wrapper of {@link #getDataLocation(String, String, AnnotationTypes)} that uses getName(). */ public String getDataLocation(Measurement ep, AssayTechnology tech, AnnotationTypes dataType) { return getDataLocation(ep == null ? null : ep.getName(), tech == null ? null : tech.getName(), dataType); } /** * A wrapper of {@link #buildDataLocation(Study, String, String, AnnotationTypes)} that uses getName() */ public String getDataLocation(Study study, Measurement ep, AssayTechnology tech, AnnotationTypes dataType) { return buildLocation( getDataLocation(ep == null ? null : ep.getName(), tech == null ? null : tech.getName(), dataType), study); } /** * The location where meta-data files are saved, as defined in the data locations file. */ public String getISATabMetaDataLocation() { if (iSATabMetaDataLocation == null) { ReferenceSourceDAO sourceDAO = DaoFactory.getInstance(getEntityManager()).getReferenceSourceDAO(); ReferenceSource referenceSource = sourceDAO.getReferenceSourceByName(ReferenceSource.ISATAB_METADATA); if (referenceSource != null) { for (Annotation annotation : referenceSource.getAnnotations()) { if (annotation.getType().getValue().equals(AnnotationTypes.ISATAB_LOCATION_PATH.getName())) { iSATabMetaDataLocation = annotation.getText(); } } } } return iSATabMetaDataLocation; } /** * The location where meta-data files are linked, as defined in the data locations file. */ public String getISATabMetaDataWebLink() { if (iSATabMetaDataLocation == null) { ReferenceSourceDAO sourceDAO = DaoFactory.getInstance(getEntityManager()).getReferenceSourceDAO(); ReferenceSource referenceSource = sourceDAO.getReferenceSourceByName(ReferenceSource.ISATAB_METADATA); if (referenceSource != null) { for (Annotation annotation : referenceSource.getAnnotations()) { if (annotation.getType().getValue().equals(AnnotationTypes.ISATAB_LOCATION_LINK.getName())) { iSATabMetaDataLocation = annotation.getText(); } } } } return iSATabMetaDataLocation; } /** * @return {@link #getISATabMetaDataLocation()} and replaces {@link DataSourceConfigFields#ACCESSION_PLACEHOLDER} with * {@link #getObfuscatedStudyFileName(Study)}. */ public String buildISATabMetaDataLocation(Study study) { return buildLocation(getISATabMetaDataLocation(), study); } /** * Builds the wen link about the place where the ISATAB meta-data are for this study. * USE ALWAYS this method for getting such URL, since it taked into account other aspects, such as the * obfuscation codes. * * @return {@link #getISATabMetaDataWebLink()} and replaces {@link DataSourceConfigFields#ACCESSION_PLACEHOLDER} with * {@link #getObfuscatedStudyFileName(Study)}. */ public String buildISATabMetaDataLink(Study study) { return buildLocation(getISATabMetaDataWebLink(), study); } /** * All the data sources defined in the data locations file. */ protected Collection<AssayTypeDataLocation> getAssayTypeDataSources() { if (assayTypeDataLocations == null) { IdentifiableDAO<AssayTypeDataLocation> dao = DaoFactory.getInstance(getEntityManager()) .getIdentifiableDAO(AssayTypeDataLocation.class); this.assayTypeDataLocations = dao.getAll(); } return this.assayTypeDataLocations; } /** * Returns all possible file locations for the types metadata, raw, processed, generic. Replaces {@link * DataSourceConfigFields#ACCESSION_PLACEHOLDER}. If studyAccession is null, does not do such a replacement. * <p/> * Result includes {@link #buildISATabMetaDataLocation(Study)}. * * @return */ public Collection<String> getAllDataLocations(Study study) { Collection<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); Collection<AssayTypeDataLocation> locations = getAssayTypeDataSources(); if (locations == null) return result; result.add(study == null ? getISATabMetaDataLocation() : buildLocation(getISATabMetaDataLocation(), study)); for (AssayTypeDataLocation location : locations) { ReferenceSource source = location.getReferenceSource(); for (AnnotationTypes type : AnnotationTypes.DATA_PATH_ANNOTATIONS) { String loc = source.getSingleAnnotationValue(type.getName()); if (loc == null) continue; result.add(study == null ? loc : buildLocation(loc, study)); } } return result; } /** * A wrapper with study == null */ public Collection<String> getAllDataLocations() { return getAllDataLocations(null); } /** * Takes a pattern about a file location and replaces the place-holder about the study accession. The end result is the * final path you have to use for dispatching files about the passed study. */ public static String buildLocation(String pattern, Study study) { return buildLocationFromRawParam(pattern, getObfuscatedStudyFileName(study)); } /** * Simply replaces the place-holder with rawPAram, this is intended to be used at low level */ public static String buildLocationFromRawParam(String pattern, String rawParam) { if (pattern == null) return ""; if (rawParam == null) { return pattern; } return pattern.replace(DataSourceConfigFields.ACCESSION_PLACEHOLDER.getName(), rawParam); } /** * Returns the proper web link for a given data type and for the assay parameter, which can be one of * {@link AnnotationTypes#RAW_DATA_FILE_LINK}, {@link AnnotationTypes#PROCESSED_DATA_FILE_LINK}, * {@link AnnotationTypes#GENERIC_DATA_FILE_LINK}. * <p/> * The link is built by taking annotations inserted by the file dispatcher in the data manager. * <p/> * WARNING: USE THIS METHOD TO BUILD data web links! Cause the value to replace the place holder with (in the * pattern) can vary, depending on wether it is about an external source (e.g. ArrayExpress) or it was built * by using the BII accession. */ public String buildAssayWebLink(Assay assay, AnnotationTypes type) { if (assay == null) return null; String urlPattern = StringUtils .trimToNull(getDataLocation(assay.getMeasurement(), assay.getTechnology(), type)); if (urlPattern == null) return null; String searchStr = null; if (type == AnnotationTypes.RAW_DATA_FILE_LINK) searchStr = ":RAW"; else if (type == AnnotationTypes.PROCESSED_DATA_FILE_LINK) searchStr = ":PROCESSED"; else if (type == AnnotationTypes.GENERIC_DATA_FILE_PATH) searchStr = ":GENERIC"; if (searchStr == null) return null; Xref xref = assay.getSingleXref(searchStr); if (xref == null) return null; String rawVal = StringUtils.trimToNull(xref.getAcc()); if (rawVal == null) return null; return buildLocationFromRawParam(urlPattern, rawVal); } public EntityManager getEntityManager() { if (entityManager == null) throw new IllegalStateException("entityManager is required but has not been set"); return entityManager; } public void setEntityManager(EntityManager entityManager) { this.entityManager = entityManager; } /** * Converts an accession to something suitable for being used as file name. Which means replacing some bad characters, * such as ":" and other stuff. * <p/> * <b>Please note</b>: this <b>is not</b> the inverse of {@link #filePath2Id(String)}. * * @param accession * @return */ public static String accession2FileName(String accession) { if (accession == null || accession.length() == 0) return accession; accession = accession.trim(); if (accession.length() == 0) return accession; // Deal with the protocol in the URL int i = accession.indexOf(':'); if (i != -1) { accession = StringUtils.substring(accession, i + 1); if (accession.startsWith("//")) accession = StringUtils.substring(accession, 2); } String replacedChars = ":/.? ()[]{}"; accession = StringUtils.replaceChars(accession, replacedChars, StringUtils.repeat("_", replacedChars.length())); return accession; } /** * @return {@link #accession2FileName(String)} + "_" + {@link Study#getObfuscationCode()}, the result is to be used * for building obfuscated file paths about the study, cannot be accessed in an unauthorized way. */ public static String getObfuscatedStudyFileName(Study study) { if (study == null) throw new RuntimeException("Cannot return an obfuscation code for a null study"); String acc = StringUtils.trimToNull(study.getAcc()); if (acc == null) throw new RuntimeException("Cannot return an obfuscation code for a study without accession"); String obfuscation = study.getObfuscationCode(); if (obfuscation == null) { obfuscation = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(10); study.setObfuscationCode(obfuscation); } return accession2FileName(acc + "_" + obfuscation); } /** * Converts a file path into a string which is more appropriate as identifier. At the moment replaces '/' and other bad * characters with '_', removes extension (the last '.' until the end of the string), replaces remaining '.'s with * '_'. * <p/> * <b>Please note</b>: this <b>is not</b> the inverse of {@link #accession2FileName(String)}. */ public static String filePath2Id(String path) { if (path == null || path.length() == 0) return path; path = path.trim(); if (path.length() == 0) return path; // Deal with the protocol in the URL int i = path.indexOf(':'); if (i != -1) { path = StringUtils.substring(path, i + 1); if (path.startsWith("//")) path = StringUtils.substring(path, 2); } path = path.replace('/', '_'); // Remove the last dot and what it follows, this is considered the extension i = path.lastIndexOf('.'); if (i != -1) path = path.substring(0, i); // If there are still further dots, convert them into nicer characters path = path.replace('.', '_'); return path; } }