Java tutorial
/* * The Gemma project * * Copyright (c) 2006 University of British Columbia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package ubic.gemma.web.controller.expression.experiment; import gemma.gsec.SecurityService; import gemma.gsec.util.SecurityUtil; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; import org.springframework.web.servlet.view.RedirectView; import ubic.gemma.core.analysis.preprocess.MeanVarianceService; import ubic.gemma.core.analysis.preprocess.OutlierDetails; import ubic.gemma.core.analysis.preprocess.OutlierDetectionService; import ubic.gemma.core.analysis.preprocess.svd.SVDService; import; import; import; import ubic.gemma.core.analysis.service.ExpressionDataFileService; import ubic.gemma.core.analysis.util.ExperimentalDesignUtils; import ubic.gemma.core.annotation.reference.BibliographicReferenceService; import ubic.gemma.core.expression.experiment.service.ExpressionExperimentSearchService; import ubic.gemma.core.job.TaskCommand; import ubic.gemma.core.job.TaskResult; import ubic.gemma.core.job.executor.webapp.TaskRunningService; import ubic.gemma.core.loader.entrez.pubmed.PubMedSearch; import; import; import ubic.gemma.core.tasks.AbstractTask; import ubic.gemma.core.tasks.analysis.expression.UpdateEEDetailsCommand; import ubic.gemma.core.tasks.analysis.expression.UpdatePubMedCommand; import ubic.gemma.model.common.auditAndSecurity.eventType.*; import ubic.gemma.model.common.description.*; import ubic.gemma.model.common.quantitationtype.QuantitationType; import ubic.gemma.model.common.quantitationtype.QuantitationTypeValueObject; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.arrayDesign.ArrayDesign; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.arrayDesign.TechnologyType; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssay.BioAssay; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.biomaterial.BioMaterial; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.*; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.Taxon; import ubic.gemma.persistence.persister.Persister; import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.analysis.expression.coexpression.CoexpressionAnalysisService; import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.analysis.expression.sampleCoexpression.SampleCoexpressionAnalysisService; import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.common.auditAndSecurity.AuditEventService; import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.common.auditAndSecurity.AuditTrailService; import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.common.quantitationtype.QuantitationTypeService; import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.expression.arrayDesign.ArrayDesignService; import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.expression.bioAssay.BioAssayService; import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.expression.biomaterial.BioMaterialService; import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.expression.experiment.*; import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.genome.taxon.TaxonService; import ubic.gemma.persistence.util.EntityUtils; import ubic.gemma.persistence.util.Settings; import ubic.gemma.web.controller.ControllerUtils; import ubic.gemma.web.persistence.SessionListManager; import ubic.gemma.web.remote.EntityDelegator; import ubic.gemma.web.remote.JsonReaderResponse; import ubic.gemma.web.remote.ListBatchCommand; import ubic.gemma.web.taglib.expression.experiment.ExperimentQCTag; import ubic.gemma.web.util.EntityNotFoundException; import ubic.gemma.web.view.TextView; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.*; /** * @author keshav */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unused", "WeakerAccess" }) @Controller @RequestMapping(value = { "/expressionExperiment", "/ee" }) public class ExpressionExperimentController { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ExpressionExperimentController.class.getName()); private static final Boolean AJAX = true; private static final int TRIM_SIZE = 800; private final String identifierNotFound = "Must provide a valid ExpressionExperiment identifier"; @Autowired private TaskRunningService taskRunningService; @Autowired private ArrayDesignService arrayDesignService; @Autowired private AuditEventService auditEventService; @Autowired private BibliographicReferenceService bibliographicReferenceService; @Autowired private BioAssayService bioAssayService; @Autowired private BioMaterialService bioMaterialService; @Autowired private ExperimentalFactorService experimentalFactorService; @Autowired private ExpressionExperimentReportService expressionExperimentReportService; @Autowired private ExpressionExperimentService expressionExperimentService; @Autowired private AuditTrailService auditTrailService; @Autowired private ExpressionExperimentSearchService expressionExperimentSearchService; @Autowired private ExpressionExperimentSetService expressionExperimentSetService; @Autowired private ExpressionExperimentSubSetService expressionExperimentSubSetService; @Autowired private Persister persisterHelper; @Autowired private SearchService searchService; @Autowired private SecurityService securityService; @Autowired private TaxonService taxonService; @Autowired private SVDService svdService; @Autowired private WhatsNewService whatsNewService; @Autowired private SessionListManager sessionListManager; @Autowired private SampleCoexpressionAnalysisService sampleCoexpressionAnalysisService; @Autowired private MeanVarianceService meanVarianceService; @Autowired private OutlierDetectionService outlierDetectionService; @Autowired private CoexpressionAnalysisService coexpressionAnalysisService; @Autowired private QuantitationTypeService quantitationTypeService; @Autowired private GeeqService geeqService; /** * AJAX call for remote paging store security isn't incorporated in db query, so paging needs to occur at higher * level. * <ol> * <li>a db call returns all experiments, which are filtered by the service method * <li>if the user is an admin, we filter out the troubled experiments * <li>an appropriate page-sized chunk is then taken from this (filtered) list * <li>another round of db calls create and fill value objects for this chunk * <li>value objects are returned * </ol> */ public JsonReaderResponse<ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject> browse(ListBatchCommand batch) { if (batch.getLimit() == 0) { batch.setStart(0); } return this.browseSpecific(batch, null, null); } public JsonReaderResponse<ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject> browseByTaxon(ListBatchCommand batch, Long taxonId) { if (taxonId == null) { return this.browse(batch); } Taxon taxon = taxonService.load(taxonId); if (taxon == null) {"Attempted to browse experiments by taxon with id = " + taxonId + ", but this id is invalid. Browsing without taxon restriction."); return this.browse(batch); } return this.browseSpecific(batch, null, taxon); } /** * AJAX call for remote paging store */ public JsonReaderResponse<ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject> browseSpecificIds(ListBatchCommand batch, Collection<Long> ids) { if (batch.getLimit() == 0) { batch.setLimit(ids.size()); batch.setStart(0); } List<Long> noDupIds = new ArrayList<>(ids); return this.browseSpecific(batch, noDupIds, null); } /** * AJAX returns a JSON string encoding whether the current user owns the experiment and whether they can edit it */ public boolean canCurrentUserEditExperiment(Long eeId) { boolean userCanEditGroup; try { userCanEditGroup = securityService.isEditable(expressionExperimentService.load(eeId)); } catch ( ade) { return false; } return userCanEditGroup; } /** * AJAX clear entries in caches relevant to experimental design for the experiment passed in. The caches cleared are * the processedDataVectorCache and the caches held in ExperimentalDesignVisualizationService */ public void clearFromCaches(Long eeId) { expressionExperimentReportService.evictFromCache(eeId); } /** * Exposed for AJAX calls. */ public String deleteById(Long id) { if (id == null) return null; RemoveExpressionExperimentTask task = new RemoveExpressionExperimentTask(new TaskCommand(id)); return taskRunningService.submitLocalTask(task); } /** * AJAX returns a JSON string encoding whether the current user owns the experiment and whether they can edit it */ public boolean doesCurrentUserOwnExperiment(Long eeId) { boolean userOwnsGroup; try { userOwnsGroup = securityService.isOwnedByCurrentUser(expressionExperimentService.load(eeId)); } catch ( ade) { return false; } return userOwnsGroup; } @RequestMapping("/filterExpressionExperiments.html") public ModelAndView filter(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String searchString = request.getParameter("filter"); // Validate the filtering search criteria. if (StringUtils.isBlank(searchString)) { return new ModelAndView( new RedirectView("/expressionExperiment/showAllExpressionExperiments.html", true)) .addObject("message", "No search criteria provided"); } Collection<Long> ids = expressionExperimentService.filter(searchString); if (ids.isEmpty()) { return new ModelAndView( new RedirectView("/expressionExperiment/showAllExpressionExperiments.html", true)) .addObject("message", "Your search yielded no results."); } if (ids.size() == 1) { return new ModelAndView(new RedirectView( "/expressionExperiment/showExpressionExperiment.html?id=" + ids.iterator().next(), true)) .addObject("message", "Search Criteria: " + searchString + "; " + ids.size() + " Datasets matched."); } StringBuilder list = new StringBuilder(); for (Long id : ids) { list.append(id).append(","); } return new ModelAndView( new RedirectView("/expressionExperiment/showAllExpressionExperiments.html?id=" + list, true)) .addObject("message", "Search Criteria: " + searchString + "; " + ids.size() + " Datasets matched."); } /** * AJAX TODO --- include a search of subsets. * * @param query search string * @param taxonId (if null, all taxa are searched) * @return EE ids that match */ public Collection<Long> find(String query, Long taxonId) {"Search: query='" + query + "' taxon=" + taxonId); return searchService.searchExpressionExperiments(query, taxonId); } public List<SearchResultDisplayObject> getAllTaxonExperimentGroup(Long taxonId) { return expressionExperimentSearchService.getAllTaxonExperimentGroup(taxonId); } /** * AJAX */ public Collection<AnnotationValueObject> getAnnotation(EntityDelegator e) { if (e == null || e.getId() == null) return null; return expressionExperimentService.getAnnotations(e.getId()); } /** * AJAX call * * @return a more informative description than the regular description 1st 120 characters of ee.description + * Experimental Design information returned string contains HTML tags. * TODO: Would be more generic if passed back a DescriptionValueObject that contains all the info necessary * to reconstruct the HTML on the client side Currently only used by ExpressionExperimentGrid.js (row * expander) */ public String getDescription(Long id) { ExpressionExperiment ee = expressionExperimentService.load(id); if (ee == null) return null; ee = expressionExperimentService.thawLite(ee); Collection<ExperimentalFactor> efs = ee.getExperimentalDesign().getExperimentalFactors(); StringBuilder descriptive = new StringBuilder(); String eeDescription = ee.getDescription() == null ? "" : ee.getDescription().trim(); // Need to trim? if (eeDescription.length() < ExpressionExperimentController.TRIM_SIZE + 1) descriptive.append(eeDescription); else descriptive.append(eeDescription.substring(0, ExpressionExperimentController.TRIM_SIZE)) .append("... "); // Is there any factor info to add? if (efs.size() < 1) return descriptive.append("</br><b>(No Factors)</b>").toString(); String efUri = " <a target='_blank' href='" + Settings.getRootContext() + "/experimentalDesign/showExperimentalDesign.html?eeid=" + ee.getId() + "'>(details)</a >"; int MAX_TAGS_TO_SHOW = 15; Collection<Characteristic> tags = ee.getCharacteristics(); if (tags.size() > 0) { descriptive.append("</br> <b>Tags:</b> "); int i = 0; for (Characteristic tag : tags) { descriptive.append(tag.getValue()).append(", "); if (++i > MAX_TAGS_TO_SHOW) { descriptive.append(" [more tags not shown]"); break; } } } descriptive.append("</br> <b>Factors:</b> "); for (ExperimentalFactor ef : efs) { if (!ExperimentalDesignUtils.isBatch(ef)) { descriptive.append(ef.getName()).append(" (").append(ef.getDescription()).append("), "); } } // remove trailing "," and return as a string return descriptive.substring(0, descriptive.length() - 2) + efUri; } /** * AJAX */ public Collection<DesignMatrixRowValueObject> getDesignMatrixRows(EntityDelegator e) { if (e == null || e.getId() == null) return null; ExpressionExperiment ee = this.expressionExperimentService.load(e.getId()); if (ee == null) return null; ee = expressionExperimentService.thawLite(ee); return DesignMatrixRowValueObject.Factory.getDesignMatrix(ee, true); // ignore "batch" } /** * AJAX * * @return a collection of factor value objects that represent the factors of a given experiment */ public Collection<ExperimentalFactorValueObject> getExperimentalFactors(EntityDelegator e) { if (e == null || e.getId() == null) return null; ExpressionExperiment ee = this.expressionExperimentService.load(e.getId()); Collection<ExperimentalFactorValueObject> result = new HashSet<>(); if (ee.getExperimentalDesign() == null) return null; Collection<ExperimentalFactor> factors = ee.getExperimentalDesign().getExperimentalFactors(); for (ExperimentalFactor factor : factors) result.add(new ExperimentalFactorValueObject(factor)); return result; } /** * AJAX * * @return A collection of factor value objects for the specified experimental factor */ public Collection<FactorValueValueObject> getFactorValues(EntityDelegator e) { if (e == null || e.getId() == null) return null; ExperimentalFactor ef = this.experimentalFactorService.load(e.getId()); if (ef == null) return null; Collection<FactorValueValueObject> result = new HashSet<>(); Collection<FactorValue> values = ef.getFactorValues(); for (FactorValue value : values) { result.add(new FactorValueValueObject(value)); } return result; } /** * Used to include the html for the qc table in an ext panel (without using a tag) (This method should probably be * in a service?) */ public String getQCTagHTML(ExpressionExperiment ee) { ExperimentQCTag qc = new ExperimentQCTag(); qc.setEe(ee.getId()); qc.setEeManagerId(ee.getId() + "-eemanager"); qc.setHasCorrMat(sampleCoexpressionAnalysisService.hasAnalysis(ee)); qc.setHasNodeDegreeDist(ExpressionExperimentQCUtils.hasNodeDegreeDistFile(ee)); qc.setHasPCA(svdService.hasPca(ee.getId())); qc.setNumFactors(ExpressionExperimentQCUtils.numFactors(ee)); qc.setHasMeanVariance(meanVarianceService.hasMeanVariance(ee)); qc.setHasCorrDist(this.coexpressionAnalysisService.hasCoexpCorrelationDistribution(ee)); qc.setNumOutliersRemoved(this.numOutliersRemoved(ee)); try { qc.setNumPossibleOutliers(this.numPossibleOutliers(ee)); } catch (java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { ExpressionExperimentController.log.fatal(e); e.printStackTrace(); } return qc.getQChtml(); } /** * AJAX method to get data for database summary table, returned as a JSON object the slow part here is loading each * new or updated object in whatsNewService.retrieveReport() -> fetch() * * @return json */ public JSONObject loadCountsForDataSummaryTable() { JSONObject summary = new JSONObject(); net.sf.json.JSONArray taxonEntries = new net.sf.json.JSONArray(); long bioMaterialCount = bioMaterialService.countAll(); long arrayDesignCount = arrayDesignService.countAll(); Map<Taxon, Long> unsortedEEsPerTaxon = expressionExperimentService.getPerTaxonCount(); /* * Sort taxa by name. */ TreeMap<Taxon, Long> eesPerTaxon = new TreeMap<>(new Comparator<Taxon>() { @Override public int compare(Taxon o1, Taxon o2) { return o1.getScientificName().compareTo(o2.getScientificName()); } }); long expressionExperimentCount = 0; // expressionExperimentService.countAll(); for (Taxon t : unsortedEEsPerTaxon.keySet()) { Long c = unsortedEEsPerTaxon.get(t); eesPerTaxon.put(t, c); expressionExperimentCount += c; } // this is the slow part WhatsNew wn = whatsNewService.retrieveReport(); if (wn == null) { wn = whatsNewService.getReport(); } if (wn != null) { // Get count for new assays int newBioMaterialCount = wn.getNewBioMaterialCount(); Collection<ExpressionExperiment> newExpressionExperiments = wn.getNewExpressionExperiments(); Collection<Long> newExpressionExperimentIds = (newExpressionExperiments != null) ? EntityUtils.getIds(newExpressionExperiments) : new ArrayList<Long>(); Collection<ExpressionExperiment> updatedExpressionExperiments = wn.getUpdatedExpressionExperiments(); Collection<Long> updatedExpressionExperimentIds = (updatedExpressionExperiments != null) ? EntityUtils.getIds(updatedExpressionExperiments) : new ArrayList<Long>(); int newExpressionExperimentCount = (newExpressionExperiments != null) ? newExpressionExperiments.size() : 0; int updatedExpressionExperimentCount = (updatedExpressionExperiments != null) ? updatedExpressionExperiments.size() : 0; /* Store counts for new and updated experiments by taxonId */ Map<Taxon, Collection<Long>> newEEsPerTaxon = wn.getNewEEIdsPerTaxon(); Map<Taxon, Collection<Long>> updatedEEsPerTaxon = wn.getUpdatedEEIdsPerTaxon(); for (Taxon t : unsortedEEsPerTaxon.keySet()) { JSONObject taxLine = new JSONObject(); taxLine.put("taxonId", t.getId()); taxLine.put("taxonName", t.getScientificName()); taxLine.put("totalCount", eesPerTaxon.get(t)); if (newEEsPerTaxon.containsKey(t)) { taxLine.put("newCount", newEEsPerTaxon.get(t).size()); taxLine.put("newIds", newEEsPerTaxon.get(t)); } if (updatedEEsPerTaxon.containsKey(t)) { taxLine.put("updatedCount", updatedEEsPerTaxon.get(t).size()); taxLine.put("updatedIds", updatedEEsPerTaxon.get(t)); } taxonEntries.add(taxLine); } summary.element("sortedCountsPerTaxon", taxonEntries); // Get count for new and updated array designs Collection<ArrayDesign> newArrayDesigns = wn.getNewArrayDesigns(); int newArrayCount = (newArrayDesigns != null) ? newArrayDesigns.size() : 0; Collection<ArrayDesign> updatedArrayDesigns = wn.getUpdatedArrayDesigns(); int updatedArrayCount = (updatedArrayDesigns != null) ? updatedArrayDesigns.size() : 0; boolean drawNewColumn = (newExpressionExperimentCount > 0 || newArrayCount > 0 || newBioMaterialCount > 0); boolean drawUpdatedColumn = (updatedExpressionExperimentCount > 0 || updatedArrayCount > 0); String date = (wn.getDate() != null) ? DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG).format(wn.getDate()) : ""; date = date.replace('-', ' '); summary.element("updateDate", date); summary.element("drawNewColumn", drawNewColumn); summary.element("drawUpdatedColumn", drawUpdatedColumn); if (newBioMaterialCount != 0) summary.element("newBioMaterialCount", new Long(newBioMaterialCount)); if (newArrayCount != 0) summary.element("newArrayDesignCount", new Long(newArrayCount)); if (updatedArrayCount != 0) summary.element("updatedArrayDesignCount", new Long(updatedArrayCount)); if (newExpressionExperimentCount != 0) summary.element("newExpressionExperimentCount", newExpressionExperimentCount); if (updatedExpressionExperimentCount != 0) summary.element("updatedExpressionExperimentCount", updatedExpressionExperimentCount); if (newExpressionExperimentCount != 0) summary.element("newExpressionExperimentIds", newExpressionExperimentIds); if (updatedExpressionExperimentCount != 0) summary.element("updatedExpressionExperimentIds", updatedExpressionExperimentIds); } summary.element("bioMaterialCount", bioMaterialCount); summary.element("arrayDesignCount", arrayDesignCount); summary.element("expressionExperimentCount", expressionExperimentCount); return summary; } /** * AJAX; Populate all the details. * * @param id Identifier for the experiment * @return ee details vo */ public ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject loadExpressionExperimentDetails(Long id) { ExpressionExperiment ee = this.getEESafely(id); Collection<ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject> initialResults = expressionExperimentService .loadDetailsValueObjects(null, false, Collections.singleton(id), null, 0, 0); if (initialResults.size() == 0) { return null; } expressionExperimentReportService.populateReportInformation(initialResults); expressionExperimentReportService.getAnnotationInformation(initialResults); expressionExperimentReportService.populateEventInformation(initialResults); ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject finalResult = initialResults.iterator().next(); // Most of DetailsVO values are set automatically through the constructor. // We only need to set the additional values: finalResult.setQChtml(this.getQCTagHTML(ee)); finalResult.setExpressionExperimentSets(this.getExpressionExperimentSets(ee)); finalResult = this.setPreferredAndReprocessed(finalResult, ee); finalResult = this.setMultipleTechTypes(finalResult, ee); finalResult = this.setPublicationAndAuthor(finalResult, ee); finalResult = this.setBatchInfo(finalResult, ee); Date lastArrayDesignUpdate = expressionExperimentService.getLastArrayDesignUpdate(ee); if (lastArrayDesignUpdate != null) { finalResult.setLastArrayDesignUpdateDate(lastArrayDesignUpdate.toString()); } return finalResult; } public void recalculateBatchConfound(Long id) { ExpressionExperiment ee = expressionExperimentService.load(id); ee.setBatchConfound(expressionExperimentService.getBatchConfound(ee)); expressionExperimentService.update(ee); } public void recalculateBatchEffect(Long id) { ExpressionExperiment ee = expressionExperimentService.load(id); ee.setBatchEffect(expressionExperimentService.getBatchEffectDescription(ee)); expressionExperimentService.update(ee); } public void runGeeq(Long id, String mode) { geeqService.calculateScore(id, mode); } public void setGeeqManualSettings(long id, GeeqAdminValueObject vo) { geeqService.setManualOverrides(id, vo); } /** * AJAX - for display in tables. Don't retrieve too much detail. * * @param ids of EEs to load * @return security-filtered set of value objects. */ public Collection<ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject> loadExpressionExperiments(List<Long> ids) { if (ids.isEmpty()) { return new HashSet<>(); } return this.getFilteredExpressionExperimentValueObjects(null, ids, 0, true); } /** * AJAX get experiments that used a given platform. Don't retrieve too much detail. * * @param id of platform */ public Collection<ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject> loadExperimentsForPlatform(Long id) { return this .getFilteredExpressionExperimentValueObjects(null, (List<Long>) EntityUtils .getIds(arrayDesignService.getExpressionExperiments(arrayDesignService.load(id))), 0, true); } /** * AJAX - for display in tables. Get more details. * * @param ids of EEs to load * @return security-filtered set of value objects. */ public Collection<ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject> loadDetailedExpressionExperiments( Collection<Long> ids) { if (ids.isEmpty()) { return new HashSet<>(); } Collection<ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject> result = this .getFilteredExpressionExperimentValueObjects(null, null, 0, true); this.expressionExperimentReportService.populateReportInformation(result); return result; } /** * AJAX; get a collection of experiments that have had samples removed due to outliers * TODO: and experiment that have possible batch effects detected * * @return json reader response */ public JsonReaderResponse<JSONObject> loadExpressionExperimentsWithQcIssues() { Collection<ExpressionExperiment> outlierEEs = expressionExperimentService.getExperimentsWithOutliers(); Collection<ExpressionExperiment> ees = new HashSet<>(); ees.addAll(outlierEEs); // ees.addAll( batchEffectEEs ); List<JSONObject> jsonRecords = new ArrayList<>(); for (ExpressionExperiment ee : ees) { //noinspection MismatchedQueryAndUpdateOfCollection JSONObject record = new JSONObject(); record.element("id", ee.getId()); record.element("shortName", ee.getShortName()); record.element("name", ee.getName()); if (outlierEEs.contains(ee)) { record.element("sampleRemoved", true); } // record.element( "batchEffect", batchEffectEEs.contains( ee ) ); jsonRecords.add(record); } return new JsonReaderResponse<>(jsonRecords); } /** * AJAX - for display in tables * * @param eeId ee id * @return security-filtered set of value objects. */ public Collection<QuantitationTypeValueObject> loadQuantitationTypes(Long eeId) { ExpressionExperiment ee = expressionExperimentService.load(eeId); // need to thawRawAndProcessed? ee = expressionExperimentService.thawLite(ee); Collection<QuantitationType> qts = ee.getQuantitationTypes(); return quantitationTypeService.loadValueObjects(qts); } /** * AJAX. Data summarizing the status of experiments. * * @param taxonId can be null * @param limit If >0, get the most recently updated N experiments, where N <= limit; or if < 0, get * the * least * recently updated; if 0, or null, return all. * @param filter if non-null, limit data sets to ones meeting criteria. * @param showPublic return user's public datasets too * @return ee details vos */ public Collection<ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject> loadStatusSummaries(Long taxonId, List<Long> ids, Integer limit, Integer filter, Boolean showPublic) { StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); Collection<ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject> vos; if (!SecurityUtil.isUserLoggedIn()) { throw new AccessDeniedException("User does not have access to experiment management"); } if (limit == null) { limit = 50; } vos = this.getEEVOsForManager(taxonId, ids, limit, filter, showPublic); if (vos.isEmpty()) { return new HashSet<>(); } if (timer.getTime() > 1000) {"Fetching basic data took: " + timer.getTime() + "ms"); } timer.reset(); timer.start(); expressionExperimentReportService.getAnnotationInformation(vos); expressionExperimentReportService.populateEventInformation(vos); if (timer.getTime() > 1000) { ExpressionExperimentController.log .info("Filling in report data for " + vos.size() + " EEs: " + timer.getTime() + "ms"); } // We need to convert the VOs to detailVos and add array designs so trouble info can be correctly displayed. for (ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject vo : vos) { vo.setArrayDesigns(arrayDesignService.loadValueObjectsForEE(vo.getId())); } return vos; } /** * Remove the primary publication for the given expression experiment (by id). The reference is not actually deleted * from the system. AJAX * * @param eeId ee id * @return string */ @SuppressWarnings("UnusedReturnValue") // AJAX method - Possibly used in JS public String removePrimaryPublication(Long eeId) { RemovePubMed task = new RemovePubMed(new TaskCommand(eeId)); return taskRunningService.submitLocalTask(task); } /** * AJAX (used by experimentAndExperimentGroupCombo.js) * * @param taxonId if the search should not be limited by taxon, pass in null * @param query query * @return Collection of SearchResultDisplayObjects */ public List<SearchResultDisplayObject> searchExperimentsAndExperimentGroups(String query, Long taxonId) { boolean taxonLimited = (taxonId != null); List<SearchResultDisplayObject> displayResults = new ArrayList<>(); // add session bound sets // get any session-bound groups Collection<SessionBoundExpressionExperimentSetValueObject> sessionResult = (taxonLimited) ? sessionListManager.getModifiedExperimentSets(taxonId) : sessionListManager.getModifiedExperimentSets(); List<SearchResultDisplayObject> sessionSets = new ArrayList<>(); // create SearchResultDisplayObjects if (sessionResult != null && sessionResult.size() > 0) { for (SessionBoundExpressionExperimentSetValueObject eevo : sessionResult) { SearchResultDisplayObject srdo = new SearchResultDisplayObject(eevo); srdo.setUserOwned(true); sessionSets.add(srdo); } } // keep sets in proper order (session-bound groups first) Collections.sort(sessionSets); displayResults.addAll(sessionSets); displayResults .addAll(expressionExperimentSearchService.searchExperimentsAndExperimentGroups(query, taxonId)); for (SearchResultDisplayObject r : displayResults) { r.setOriginalQuery(query); } return displayResults; } /** * AJAX (used by ExperimentCombo.js) * * @param query query * @return Collection of expression experiment entity objects */ public Collection<ExpressionExperimentValueObject> searchExpressionExperiments(String query) { return expressionExperimentSearchService.searchExpressionExperiments(query); } /** * Show all experiments (optionally conditioned on either a taxon, a list of ids, or a platform) * * @param request request * @param response response * @return model and view */ @RequestMapping(value = { "/showAllExpressionExperiments.html", "/showAll" }) public ModelAndView showAllExpressionExperiments(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { return new ModelAndView("expressionExperiments"); } @RequestMapping(value = { "/showAllExpressionExperimentLinkSummaries.html", "/manage.html" }) public ModelAndView showAllLinkSummaries(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { return new ModelAndView("expressionExperimentLinkSummary"); } @RequestMapping(value = { "/showBioAssaysFromExpressionExperiment.html", "/bioAssays" }) public ModelAndView showBioAssays(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String idStr = request.getParameter("id"); if (idStr == null) { // should be a validation error, on 'submit'. throw new EntityNotFoundException(identifierNotFound); } Long id = Long.parseLong(idStr); ExpressionExperiment expressionExperiment = expressionExperimentService.load(id); expressionExperiment = expressionExperimentService.thawLite(expressionExperiment); if (expressionExperiment == null) { throw new EntityNotFoundException(id + " not found"); } request.setAttribute("id", id); ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("bioAssays").addObject("bioAssays", bioAssayService.thaw(expressionExperiment.getBioAssays())); this.addQCInfo(expressionExperiment, mv); mv.addObject("expressionExperiment", expressionExperiment); return mv; } @RequestMapping(value = { "/showBioMaterialsFromExpressionExperiment.html", "/bioMaterials" }) public ModelAndView showBioMaterials(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String idStr = request.getParameter("id"); if (idStr == null) { // should be a validation error, on 'submit'. throw new EntityNotFoundException(identifierNotFound); } Long id = Long.parseLong(idStr); ExpressionExperiment expressionExperiment = expressionExperimentService.load(id); expressionExperiment = expressionExperimentService.thawLite(expressionExperiment); if (expressionExperiment == null) { throw new EntityNotFoundException(id + " not found"); } Collection<BioAssay> bioAssays = expressionExperiment.getBioAssays(); Collection<BioMaterial> bioMaterials = new ArrayList<>(); for (BioAssay assay : bioAssays) { BioMaterial material = assay.getSampleUsed(); if (material != null) { bioMaterials.add(material); } } ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("bioMaterials"); if (ExpressionExperimentController.AJAX) { mav.addObject("bioMaterialIdList", bioMaterialService.getBioMaterialIdList(bioMaterials)); } Integer numBioMaterials = bioMaterials.size(); mav.addObject("numBioMaterials", numBioMaterials); mav.addObject("bioMaterials", bioMaterialService.thaw(bioMaterials)); this.addQCInfo(expressionExperiment, mav); return mav; } @RequestMapping({ "/showExpressionExperiment.html", "/", "/show" }) public ModelAndView showExpressionExperiment(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("expressionExperiment.detail"); BioAssaySet expExp = this.getExpressionExperimentFromRequest(request); mav.addObject("expressionExperiment", expExp); mav.addObject("eeId", expExp.getId()); mav.addObject("eeClass", ExpressionExperiment.class.getName()); if (timer.getTime() > 200) { ExpressionExperimentController.log .info("Show Experiment was slow: id=" + expExp.getId() + " " + timer.getTime() + "ms"); } return mav; } /** * shows a list of BioAssays for an expression experiment subset * * @param request request * @param response response * @return model and view */ @RequestMapping(value = { "/showExpressionExperimentSubSet.html", "/showSubset" }) public ModelAndView showSubSet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { Long id = Long.parseLong(request.getParameter("id")); ExpressionExperimentSubSet subset = expressionExperimentSubSetService.load(id); if (subset == null) { throw new EntityNotFoundException(id + " not found"); } // request.setAttribute( "id", id ); return new ModelAndView("bioAssays").addObject("bioAssays", subset.getBioAssays()); } /** * Completely reset the pairing of bioassays to biomaterials so they are no longer paired. New biomaterials are * constructed where necessary; they retain the characteristics of the original. Experimental design might need to * be redone after this operation. (AJAX) * * @param eeId ee id */ public void unmatchAllBioAssays(Long eeId) { ExpressionExperiment ee = this.expressionExperimentService.load(eeId); if (ee == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not load experiment with id=" + eeId); } ee = expressionExperimentService.thawLite(ee); Collection<BioMaterial> needToProcess = new HashSet<>(); for (BioAssay ba : ee.getBioAssays()) { BioMaterial bm = ba.getSampleUsed(); this.bioMaterialService.thaw(bm); Collection<BioAssay> bioAssaysUsedIn = bm.getBioAssaysUsedIn(); if (bioAssaysUsedIn.size() > 1) { needToProcess.add(bm); } } // FIXME this should be in a transaction! for (BioMaterial bm : needToProcess) { int i = 0; for (BioAssay baU : bm.getBioAssaysUsedIn()) { if (i > 0) { BioMaterial newMaterial = bioMaterialService.copy(bm); this.bioMaterialService.thaw(newMaterial); newMaterial.setName("Modeled after " + bm.getName()); newMaterial.getFactorValues().clear(); newMaterial.getBioAssaysUsedIn().add(baU); newMaterial = (BioMaterial) persisterHelper.persist(newMaterial); baU.setSampleUsed(newMaterial); bioAssayService.update(baU); } i++; } } } public ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject updateBasics(UpdateEEDetailsCommand command) throws Exception { if (command.getEntityId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Id cannot be null"); } /* * This should be fast so I'm not using a background task. */ String details = "Changed: "; boolean changed = false; Long entityId = command.getEntityId(); ExpressionExperiment ee = expressionExperimentService.load(entityId); if (ee == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot locate or access experiment with id=" + entityId); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(command.getShortName()) && !command.getShortName().equals(ee.getShortName())) { if (expressionExperimentService.findByShortName(command.getShortName()) != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("An experiment with short name '" + command.getShortName() + "' already exists, you must use a unique name"); } details += "short name (" + ee.getShortName() + " -> " + command.getShortName() + ")"; changed = true; ee.setShortName(command.getShortName()); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(command.getName()) && !command.getName().equals(ee.getName())) { details += (changed ? ", " : "") + "name (" + ee.getName() + " -> " + command.getName() + ")"; changed = true; ee.setName(command.getName()); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(command.getDescription()) && !command.getDescription().equals(ee.getDescription())) { details += (changed ? ", " : "") + "description (" + ee.getDescription() + " -> " + command.getDescription() + ")"; changed = true; ee.setDescription(StringUtils.strip(command.getDescription())); } if (!command.isRemovePrimaryPublication() && StringUtils.isNotBlank(command.getPubMedId())) { if (ee.getPrimaryPublication() != null) { details += (changed ? ", " : "") + "primary publication (id " + ee.getPrimaryPublication().getId() + " -> " + command.getPubMedId() + ")"; } else { details += (changed ? ", " : "") + "primary publication ( none -> " + command.getPubMedId() + ")"; } changed = true; this.updatePubMed(entityId, command.getPubMedId()); } else if (command.isRemovePrimaryPublication()) { details += (changed ? ", " : "") + "removed primary publication"; changed = true; this.removePrimaryPublication(entityId); } if (changed) {"Updating " + ee); auditTrailService.addUpdateEvent(ee, CommentedEvent.Factory.newInstance(), "Updated experiment details", details); expressionExperimentService.update(ee); } return this.loadExpressionExperimentDetails(ee.getId()); } /** * AJAX. Associate the given pubmedId with the given expression experiment. * * @param eeId ee id * @param pubmedId pubmed id * @return string */ @SuppressWarnings("UnusedReturnValue") // AJAX method - possibly used in JS public String updatePubMed(Long eeId, String pubmedId) { UpdatePubMedCommand command = new UpdatePubMedCommand(eeId); command.setPubmedId(pubmedId); UpdatePubMed task = new UpdatePubMed(command); return taskRunningService.submitLocalTask(task); } @RequestMapping("/downloadExpressionExperimentList.html") protected ModelAndView handleRequestInternal(HttpServletRequest request) { StopWatch watch = new StopWatch(); watch.start(); Collection<Long> eeIds = ControllerUtils.extractIds(request.getParameter("e")); // might not be any Collection<Long> eeSetIds = ControllerUtils.extractIds(request.getParameter("es")); // might not be there String eeSetName = request.getParameter("esn"); // might not be there ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(new TextView()); if ((eeIds == null || eeIds.isEmpty()) && (eeSetIds == null || eeSetIds.isEmpty())) { mav.addObject(TextView.TEXT_PARAM, "Could not find genes to match expression experiment ids: {" + eeIds + "} or expression experiment set ids {" + eeSetIds + "}"); return mav; } Collection<ExpressionExperimentValueObject> ees = expressionExperimentService.loadValueObjects(eeIds, false); for (Long id : eeSetIds) { ees.addAll(expressionExperimentSetService.getExperimentValueObjectsInSet(id)); } mav.addObject(TextView.TEXT_PARAM, this.format4File(ees, eeSetName)); watch.stop(); Long time = watch.getTime(); if (time > 100) { ExpressionExperimentController.log .info("Retrieved and Formated" + ees.size() + " genes in : " + time + " ms."); } return mav; } private JsonReaderResponse<ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject> browseSpecific(ListBatchCommand batch, List<Long> ids, Taxon taxon) { Collection<ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject> records = this.loadAllValueObjectsOrdered(batch, ids, taxon); int count = SecurityUtil.isUserAdmin() ? expressionExperimentService.countAll() : expressionExperimentService.countNotTroubled(); return new JsonReaderResponse<>(records, count); } /** * How many possible sample outliers are detected? */ private int numPossibleOutliers(ExpressionExperiment ee) { int count; if (ee == null) { ExpressionExperimentController.log.warn(" Experiment is null "); return 0; } // identify outliers if (!sampleCoexpressionAnalysisService.hasAnalysis(ee)) { return 0; } Collection<OutlierDetails> outliers = outlierDetectionService.identifyOutliersByMedianCorrelation(ee); count = outliers.size(); if (count > 0) + " possible outliers detected."); return count; } /** * How many possible sample outliers were removed? */ private int numOutliersRemoved(ExpressionExperiment ee) { int count = 0; if (ee == null) { ExpressionExperimentController.log.warn(" Experiment is null "); return 0; } ee = expressionExperimentService.thawLite(ee); for (BioAssay assay : ee.getBioAssays()) { if (assay.getIsOutlier() != null && assay.getIsOutlier()) { count++; } } + " outliers were removed."); return count; } /** * Sets batch information and related properties * * @param ee ee * @param finalResult result * @return ee details vo */ private ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject setBatchInfo(ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject finalResult, ExpressionExperiment ee) { boolean hasBatchInformation = expressionExperimentService.checkHasBatchInfo(ee); finalResult.setHasBatchInformation(hasBatchInformation); if (hasBatchInformation) { finalResult.setBatchConfound(expressionExperimentService.getBatchConfound(ee)); finalResult.setBatchEffect(expressionExperimentService.getBatchEffectDescription(ee)); } return finalResult; } /** * populates the publication and author information * * @param ee ee * @param finalResult result * @return ee details vo */ private ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject setPublicationAndAuthor( ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject finalResult, ExpressionExperiment ee) { finalResult.setDescription(ee.getDescription()); if (ee.getPrimaryPublication() != null && ee.getPrimaryPublication().getPubAccession() != null) { finalResult.setPrimaryCitation( CitationValueObject.convert2CitationValueObject(ee.getPrimaryPublication())); String accession = ee.getPrimaryPublication().getPubAccession().getAccession(); try { finalResult.setPubmedId(Integer.parseInt(accession)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { ExpressionExperimentController.log.warn("Pubmed id not formatted correctly: " + accession); } } return finalResult; } /** * Loads, checks not null, and thaws the array designs the given EE is associated with. * * @param ee ee * @return ads */ private Collection<ArrayDesign> getADsSafely(ExpressionExperiment ee) { Collection<ArrayDesign> ads = expressionExperimentService.getArrayDesignsUsed(ee); if (ads == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No array designs for experiment " + ee.getId() + " could be loaded."); } ads = arrayDesignService.thawLite(ads); return ads; } /** * Loads, checks not null, and thaws the ee with given ID; * * @param id id * @return ee */ private ExpressionExperiment getEESafely(Long id) { ExpressionExperiment ee = expressionExperimentService.load(id); if (ee == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No experiment with id=" + id + " could be loaded"); } ee = expressionExperimentService.thawLiter(ee); return ee; } /** * Checks and sets multiple technology types * * @param ee ee * @param finalResult result * @return ee details vo */ private ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject setMultipleTechTypes( ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject finalResult, ExpressionExperiment ee) { Collection<TechnologyType> techTypes = new HashSet<>(); for (ArrayDesign ad : expressionExperimentService.getArrayDesignsUsed(ee)) { techTypes.add(ad.getTechnologyType()); } finalResult.setHasMultipleTechnologyTypes(techTypes.size() > 1); return finalResult; } /** * Check for multiple "preferred" qts and reprocessing. * * @param ee ee * @param finalResult result * @return ee details vo */ private ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject setPreferredAndReprocessed( ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject finalResult, ExpressionExperiment ee) { Collection<QuantitationType> quantitationTypes = expressionExperimentService.getQuantitationTypes(ee); boolean dataReprocessedFromRaw = false; int countPreferred = 0; for (QuantitationType qt : quantitationTypes) { if (qt.getIsPreferred()) { countPreferred++; } if (qt.getIsRecomputedFromRawData()) { dataReprocessedFromRaw = true; } } finalResult.setHasMultiplePreferredQuantitationTypes(countPreferred > 1); finalResult.setReprocessedFromRawData(dataReprocessedFromRaw); return finalResult; } private void addQCInfo(ExpressionExperiment expressionExperiment, ModelAndView mav) { mav.addObject("hasCorrMat", sampleCoexpressionAnalysisService.hasAnalysis(expressionExperiment)); mav.addObject("hasPvalueDist", ExpressionExperimentQCUtils.hasPvalueDistFiles(expressionExperiment)); mav.addObject("hasPCA", svdService.hasPca(expressionExperiment.getId())); mav.addObject("hasMeanVariance", meanVarianceService.hasMeanVariance(expressionExperiment)); // FIXME don't store in a file. mav.addObject("hasNodeDegreeDist", ExpressionExperimentQCUtils.hasNodeDegreeDistFile(expressionExperiment)); mav.addObject("numFactors", ExpressionExperimentQCUtils.numFactors(expressionExperiment)); mav.addObject("hasCorrDist", true); // FIXME mav.addObject("numPossibleOutliers", this.numPossibleOutliers(expressionExperiment)); mav.addObject("numOutliersRemoved", this.numOutliersRemoved(expressionExperiment)); } /** * Filter based on criteria of which events etc. the data sets have. * * @param eeValObjectCol ee vos * @param filter filter * @return filtered vos */ private Collection<ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject> applyFilter( Collection<ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject> eeValObjectCol, Integer filter) { List<ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject> filtered = new ArrayList<>(); Collection<ExpressionExperiment> eesToKeep = null; List<ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject> eeVOsToKeep = null; switch (filter) { case 1: // eligible for diff and don't have it. eesToKeep = expressionExperimentService.load(EntityUtils.getIds(eeValObjectCol)); auditEventService.retainLackingEvent(eesToKeep, DifferentialExpressionAnalysisEvent.class); eesToKeep.removeAll(expressionExperimentService.loadLackingFactors()); break; case 2: // need coexp eesToKeep = expressionExperimentService.load(EntityUtils.getIds(eeValObjectCol)); auditEventService.retainLackingEvent(eesToKeep, LinkAnalysisEvent.class); break; case 3: eesToKeep = expressionExperimentService.load(EntityUtils.getIds(eeValObjectCol)); auditEventService.retainHavingEvent(eesToKeep, DifferentialExpressionAnalysisEvent.class); break; case 4: eesToKeep = expressionExperimentService.load(EntityUtils.getIds(eeValObjectCol)); auditEventService.retainHavingEvent(eesToKeep, LinkAnalysisEvent.class); break; case 5: // FIXME this can now be delegated to the DAO layer eeVOsToKeep = this.returnTroubled(eeValObjectCol, true); break; case 6: eesToKeep = expressionExperimentService.loadLackingFactors(); break; case 7: eesToKeep = expressionExperimentService.loadLackingTags(); break; case 8: // needs batch info eesToKeep = expressionExperimentService.load(EntityUtils.getIds(eeValObjectCol)); auditEventService.retainLackingEvent(eesToKeep, BatchInformationFetchingEvent.class); auditEventService.retainLackingEvent(eesToKeep, FailedBatchInformationMissingEvent.class); break; case 9: eesToKeep = expressionExperimentService.load(EntityUtils.getIds(eeValObjectCol)); auditEventService.retainHavingEvent(eesToKeep, BatchInformationFetchingEvent.class); break; case 10: eesToKeep = expressionExperimentService.load(EntityUtils.getIds(eeValObjectCol)); auditEventService.retainLackingEvent(eesToKeep, PCAAnalysisEvent.class); break; case 11: eesToKeep = expressionExperimentService.load(EntityUtils.getIds(eeValObjectCol)); auditEventService.retainHavingEvent(eesToKeep, PCAAnalysisEvent.class); break; case 12: // FIXME this can now be delegated to the DAO layer eeVOsToKeep = this.returnNeedsAttention(eeValObjectCol); break; case 13: // FIXME this can now be delegated to the DAO layer eeVOsToKeep = this.returnTroubled(eeValObjectCol, false); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown filter: " + filter); } assert eesToKeep == null || eesToKeep.size() <= eeValObjectCol.size(); // get corresponding value objects from collection param if (eesToKeep != null) { if (eesToKeep.isEmpty()) { return filtered; } // Map<Long, ExpressionExperiment> idMap = EntityUtils.getIdMap( eesToKeep ); Collection<Long> ids = EntityUtils.getIds(eesToKeep); for (ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject eevo : eeValObjectCol) { if (ids.contains(eevo.getId())) { filtered.add(eevo); } } return filtered; } if (eeVOsToKeep != null) { return eeVOsToKeep; } return eeValObjectCol; } private String format4File(Collection<ExpressionExperimentValueObject> ees, String eeSetName) { StringBuilder strBuff = new StringBuilder(); strBuff.append("# Generated by Gemma\n# ").append(new Date()).append("\n"); strBuff.append(ExpressionDataFileService.DISCLAIMER + "#\n"); if (eeSetName != null && eeSetName.length() != 0) strBuff.append("# Experiment Set: ").append(eeSetName).append("\n"); strBuff.append("# ").append(ees.size()).append((ees.size() > 1) ? " experiments" : " experiment") .append("\n#\n"); // add header strBuff.append("Short Name\tFull Name\n"); for (ExpressionExperimentValueObject ee : ees) { if (ee != null) { strBuff.append(ee.getShortName()).append("\t").append(ee.getName()); strBuff.append("\n"); } } return strBuff.toString(); } /** * @param ids - takes precedence * @param limit - return the N most recently (limit > 0) or least recently updated experiments (limit < 0) or * all * (limit == 0) * @param filter setting * @param showPublic return the user's public datasets as well * @return ee details vos */ private Collection<ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject> getEEVOsForManager(Long taxonId, List<Long> ids, Integer limit, Integer filter, boolean showPublic) { Collection<ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject> eeVos; // Limit default desc - lastUpdated is a date and the most recent date is the largest one. eeVos = this.getFilteredExpressionExperimentValueObjects(taxonService.load(taxonId), ids, limit, showPublic); if (filter != null && filter > 0) { eeVos = this.applyFilter(eeVos, filter); } if (eeVos.isEmpty()) { return eeVos; } return eeVos; } /** * @param request request * @return bio assay set * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a matching EE can't be loaded */ private BioAssaySet getExpressionExperimentFromRequest(HttpServletRequest request) { BioAssaySet expressionExperiment = null; Long id; if (request.getParameter("id") == null) { String shortName = request.getParameter("shortName"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(shortName)) { expressionExperiment = expressionExperimentService.findByShortName(shortName); } if (expressionExperiment == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to access experiment with shortName=" + shortName); } } else { try { id = Long.parseLong(request.getParameter("id")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must provide a valid numerical identifier"); } expressionExperiment = expressionExperimentService.load(id); if (expressionExperiment == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to access experiment with id=" + id); } } return expressionExperiment; } private Collection<ExpressionExperimentSetValueObject> getExpressionExperimentSets(BioAssaySet ee) { Collection<Long> eeSetIds = expressionExperimentSetService.findIds(ee); if (eeSetIds.isEmpty()) { return new HashSet<>(); } Collection<ExpressionExperimentSetValueObject> vos = expressionExperimentSetService .loadValueObjectsByIds(eeSetIds); Collection<ExpressionExperimentSetValueObject> sVos = new ArrayList<>(); for (ExpressionExperimentSetValueObject vo : vos) { if (!expressionExperimentSetService.isAutomaticallyGenerated(vo.getDescription())) { sVos.add(vo); } } return sVos; } /** * Get the expression experiment value objects for the expression experiments. * * @param taxon can be null * @param limit limit * @param eeIds ee ids * @param showPublic show public * @return Collection<ExpressionExperimentValueObject> */ private Collection<ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject> getFilteredExpressionExperimentValueObjects( Taxon taxon, List<Long> eeIds, Integer limit, boolean showPublic) { Collection<ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject> vos = expressionExperimentService .loadDetailsValueObjects("curationDetails.lastUpdated", limit > 0, eeIds, taxon, Math.abs(limit), 0); // Hide public data sets if desired. if (!vos.isEmpty() && !showPublic) { Collection<ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject> publicEEs = securityService.choosePublic(vos); vos.removeAll(publicEEs); } return vos; } private List<ExpressionExperimentValueObject> getSubList(Integer limit, List<ExpressionExperimentValueObject> initialListOfValueObject) { if (limit < initialListOfValueObject.size()) { initialListOfValueObject = initialListOfValueObject.subList(0, limit); } return initialListOfValueObject; } private Collection<ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject> loadAllValueObjectsOrdered(ListBatchCommand batch, List<Long> ids, Taxon taxon) { String o = batch.getSort(); boolean desc = batch.getDir() != null && batch.getDir().equalsIgnoreCase("DESC"); int limit = batch.getLimit(); int start = batch.getStart(); return expressionExperimentService.loadDetailsValueObjects(o, desc, ids, taxon, limit, start); } /** * Read the troubled flag in each ExpressionExperimentValueObject and return only those object for which it is equal * to the shouldBeTroubled parameter. * * @param shouldBeTroubled set to true if the filter should keep the EEVOs that are troubled, or false to keep only * the not-troubled ones. * @param eevos ee vos * @return ee vos */ private <T extends ExpressionExperimentValueObject> List<T> returnTroubled(Collection<T> eevos, boolean shouldBeTroubled) { List<T> filtered = new ArrayList<>(); for (T eevo : eevos) { if (eevo.getTroubled() == shouldBeTroubled) { filtered.add(eevo); } } return filtered; } /** * Read the needs attention flag in each ExpressionExperimentValueObject and return only those object for which it * is true * * @param ees ees * @return ee detail vos */ private List<ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject> returnNeedsAttention( Collection<ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject> ees) { List<ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject> troubled = new ArrayList<>(); for (ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject eevo : ees) { if (eevo.getNeedsAttention()) { troubled.add(eevo); } } return troubled; } /** * Update the file used for the sample correlation heatmaps * FIXME make this a background task, use the ProcessedExpressionDataVectorCreateTask * * @param id id */ private void updateCorrelationMatrixFile(Long id) { ExpressionExperiment ee; ee = expressionExperimentService.load(id); ee = expressionExperimentService.thawLiter(ee); if (ee == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to access experiment with id=" + id); } sampleCoexpressionAnalysisService.compute(ee); } private void updateMV(Long id) { ExpressionExperiment expressionExperiment; expressionExperiment = expressionExperimentService.load(id); if (expressionExperiment == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to access experiment with id=" + id); } meanVarianceService.create(expressionExperiment, true); } /** * Delete expression experiments. * * @author pavlidis */ private class RemoveExpressionExperimentTask extends AbstractTask<TaskResult, TaskCommand> { public RemoveExpressionExperimentTask(TaskCommand command) { super(command); } @Override public TaskResult execute() { expressionExperimentService.remove(taskCommand.getEntityId()); return new TaskResult(taskCommand, new ModelAndView( new RedirectView("/expressionExperiment/showAllExpressionExperiments.html", true)) .addObject("message", "Dataset id: " + taskCommand.getEntityId() + " removed from Database")); } } private class RemovePubMed extends AbstractTask<TaskResult, TaskCommand> { public RemovePubMed(TaskCommand command) { super(command); } @Override public TaskResult execute() { ExpressionExperiment ee = expressionExperimentService.load(taskCommand.getEntityId()); ee = expressionExperimentService.thawLite(ee); if (ee.getPrimaryPublication() == null) { return new TaskResult(taskCommand, false); }"Removing reference"); ee.setPrimaryPublication(null); expressionExperimentService.update(ee); return new TaskResult(taskCommand, true); } } private class UpdatePubMed extends AbstractTask<TaskResult, UpdatePubMedCommand> { public UpdatePubMed(UpdatePubMedCommand command) { super(command); } @Override public TaskResult execute() { Long eeId = taskCommand.getEntityId(); ExpressionExperiment expressionExperiment = expressionExperimentService.load(eeId); if (expressionExperiment == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot access experiment with id=" + eeId); String pubmedId = taskCommand.getPubmedId(); BibliographicReference publication = bibliographicReferenceService.findByExternalId(pubmedId); if (publication != null) {"Reference exists in system, associating..."); expressionExperiment.setPrimaryPublication(publication); expressionExperimentService.update(expressionExperiment); } else {"Searching pubmed on line .."); // search for pubmedId PubMedSearch pms = new PubMedSearch(); Collection<String> searchTerms = new ArrayList<>(); searchTerms.add(pubmedId); Collection<BibliographicReference> publications; try { publications = pms.searchAndRetrieveIdByHTTP(searchTerms); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } // check to see if there are publications found // if there are none, or more than one, add an error message and do nothing if (publications.size() == 0) {"No matching publication found"); throw new IllegalArgumentException("No matching publication found"); } else if (publications.size() > 1) {"Multiple matching publications found!"); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multiple matching publications found!"); } else { publication = publications.iterator().next(); DatabaseEntry pubAccession = DatabaseEntry.Factory.newInstance(); pubAccession.setAccession(pubmedId); ExternalDatabase ed = ExternalDatabase.Factory.newInstance(); ed.setName("PubMed"); pubAccession.setExternalDatabase(ed); publication.setPubAccession(pubAccession); // persist new publication"Found new publication, associating ..."); publication = (BibliographicReference) persisterHelper.persist(publication); // publication = bibliographicReferenceService.findOrCreate( publication ); // assign to expressionExperiment expressionExperiment.setPrimaryPublication(publication); expressionExperimentService.update(expressionExperiment); } } ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject result = new ExpressionExperimentDetailsValueObject( expressionExperiment); result.setPubmedId(Integer.parseInt(pubmedId)); publication = bibliographicReferenceService.thaw(publication); result.setPrimaryCitation(CitationValueObject.convert2CitationValueObject(publication)); return new TaskResult(taskCommand, result); } } }