Java tutorial
/* * The Gemma project * * Copyright (c) 2008 University of British Columbia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package ubic.gemma.web.controller.expression.experiment; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; import ubic.gemma.core.analysis.expression.diff.DiffExpressionSelectedFactorCommand; import ubic.gemma.core.analysis.expression.diff.GeneDifferentialExpressionService; import ubic.gemma.core.analysis.preprocess.svd.SVDService; import ubic.gemma.core.analysis.service.ExpressionDataFileService; import ubic.gemma.core.analysis.util.ExperimentalDesignUtils; import ubic.gemma.core.genome.gene.service.GeneService; import ubic.gemma.core.visualization.ExperimentalDesignVisualizationService; import ubic.gemma.model.analysis.expression.diff.DifferentialExpressionValueObject; import ubic.gemma.model.analysis.expression.pca.ProbeLoading; import ubic.gemma.model.common.description.Characteristic; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssay.BioAssay; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssay.BioAssayValueObject; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssayData.DoubleVectorValueObject; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.biomaterial.BioMaterialValueObject; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.designElement.CompositeSequence; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.*; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.Gene; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.gene.GeneValueObject; import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.analysis.expression.diff.DifferentialExpressionResultService; import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.expression.bioAssayData.ProcessedExpressionDataVectorService; import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.expression.designElement.CompositeSequenceService; import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.expression.experiment.ExpressionExperimentService; import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.expression.experiment.ExpressionExperimentSubSetService; import ubic.gemma.persistence.util.EntityUtils; import ubic.gemma.web.controller.ControllerUtils; import ubic.gemma.web.controller.visualization.VisualizationValueObject; import ubic.gemma.web.view.TextView; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; /** * Exposes methods for accessing underlying Design Element Data Vectors. eg: ajax methods for visualization * * @author kelsey */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Controller @RequestMapping("/dedv") public class DEDVController { private static final double DEFAULT_THRESHOLD = 0.05; private static final int MAX_RESULTS_TO_RETURN = 150; private static final int SAMPLE_SIZE = 20; // Number of dedvs to return if no genes given private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DEDVController.class.getName()); @Autowired private CompositeSequenceService compositeSequenceService; @Autowired private DifferentialExpressionResultService differentialExpressionResultService; @Autowired private ExperimentalDesignVisualizationService experimentalDesignVisualizationService; @Autowired private ExpressionExperimentService expressionExperimentService; @Autowired private ExpressionExperimentSubSetService expressionExperimentSubSetService; @Autowired private GeneDifferentialExpressionService geneDifferentialExpressionService; @Autowired private GeneService geneService; @Autowired private ProcessedExpressionDataVectorService processedExpressionDataVectorService; @Autowired private SVDService svdService; /** * Assign colour lists (queues actually) to factors. The idea is that every factor value will get a colour assigned * from its factor's list. */ private static Map<ExperimentalFactor, Queue<String>> createFactorNameToColoursMap( Collection<ExperimentalFactor> factors) { String[] continuousGreen = { "#f7fcfd", "#e5f5f9", "#ccece6", "#99d8c9", "#66c2a4", "#41ae76", "#238b45", "#006d2c", "#00441b" }; String[] continuousBlue = { "#f7fbff", "#deebf7", "#c6dbef", "#9ecae1", "#6baed6", "#4292c6", "#2171b5", "#08519c", "#08306b" }; String[][] colourContinuousArrs = { continuousGreen, continuousBlue }; // colours for conditions/factor values bar chart Map<ExperimentalFactor, Queue<String>> factorColoursMap = new HashMap<>(); String[] blues = { "#85c6ff", "#6b90ff", "#105bfe", "#005589", "#0090e9", "#0400fe", "#008998", "#3e3c90", "#020090", "#105bfe" }; String[] purples = { "#d19bff", "#a30064", "#7d00ea", "#893984", "#f05eb8", "#9c00d0", "#b66ccf", "#e7008f", "#670089", "#bf00b2", "#890080", "#8865a6", "#3f0076" }; String[] redYellows = { "#ffd78d", "#d85d00", "#b40101", "#944343", "#ff6d48", "#d36b62", "#ff8001", "#c74f34", "#d89561", "#f8bc2e" }; String[] greens = { "#98da95", "#82b998", "#257e21", "#36b52f", "#38b990", "#a9da5f", "#4cfe42", "#73c000", "#0fa345", "#99fe01", "#508500" }; String[][] colourArrs = { blues, greens, purples, redYellows }; int j = 0; for (ExperimentalFactor factor : factors) { if (!factorColoursMap.containsKey(factor)) { factorColoursMap.put(factor, new LinkedList<String>()); } if (ExperimentalDesignUtils.isContinuous(factor)) { int numValues = factor.getFactorValues().size(); int map = j % colourContinuousArrs.length; int numReps = 1; if (numValues > colourContinuousArrs[map].length) { numReps = (int) Math.ceil(numValues / (double) colourContinuousArrs[map].length); } int ind = 0; int nr = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numValues; i++) { factorColoursMap.get(factor).add(colourContinuousArrs[map][ind]); // array to queue if (numReps > 1) { nr++; } if (nr > numReps) { ind++; nr = 0; } } } else { int map = j % colourArrs.length; for (int i = 0; i < colourArrs[map].length; i++) { factorColoursMap.get(factor).add(colourArrs[map][i]); // array to queue } } j++; } return factorColoursMap; } /** * Given a collection of expression experiment Ids and a geneId returns a map of DEDV value objects to a collection * of genes. The EE info is in the value object. FIXME handle subsets. */ public Map<ExpressionExperimentValueObject, Map<Long, Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject>>> getDEDV( Collection<Long> eeIds, Collection<Long> geneIds) { StopWatch watch = new StopWatch(); watch.start(); Collection<ExpressionExperiment> ees = expressionExperimentService.load(eeIds); if (ees == null || ees.isEmpty()) return null; Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> dedvMap; if (geneIds == null || geneIds.isEmpty()) { dedvMap = processedExpressionDataVectorService.getProcessedDataArrays(ees.iterator().next(), 50); } else { dedvMap = processedExpressionDataVectorService.getProcessedDataArrays(ees, geneIds); } /* * Don't reorganize them -- the headings will be wrong. */ Map<Long, LinkedHashMap<BioAssay, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>>> layouts = null; // // layouts= experimentalDesignVisualizationService .sortVectorDataByDesign( dedvMap ); watch.stop(); Long time = watch.getTime(); if (time > 1000) {"Retrieved " + dedvMap.size() + " DEDVs from " + eeIds.size() + " EEs in " + time + " ms."); } return makeVectorMap(dedvMap, layouts); } /** * AJAX exposed method */ public VisualizationValueObject[] getDEDVForCoexpressionVisualization(Collection<Long> eeIds, Long queryGeneId, Long coexpressedGeneId) { StopWatch watch = new StopWatch(); watch.start(); Collection<ExpressionExperiment> ees = expressionExperimentService.load(eeIds); if (ees == null || ees.isEmpty()) return new VisualizationValueObject[0]; Gene queryGene = geneService.load(queryGeneId); Gene coexpressedGene = geneService.load(coexpressedGeneId); List<Long> genes = new ArrayList<>(); genes.add(queryGeneId); genes.add(coexpressedGeneId); if (genes.isEmpty()) return new VisualizationValueObject[0]; Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> dedvs = processedExpressionDataVectorService.getProcessedDataArrays(ees, genes); Map<Long, LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>>> layouts; layouts = experimentalDesignVisualizationService.sortVectorDataByDesign(dedvs); // layouts = experimentalDesignVisualizationService.sortLayoutSamplesByFactor( layouts ); watch.stop(); Long time = watch.getTime(); if (dedvs.size() == 0) { log.warn("No expression profiles (DEDVs) were available for the experiments: " + eeIds + " and genes(s) " + queryGene.getOfficialSymbol() + ", " + coexpressedGene.getOfficialSymbol()); return new VisualizationValueObject[0]; } if (time > 1000) {"Retrieved " + dedvs.size() + " DEDVs for " + eeIds.size() + " EEs and " + genes.size() + " genes in " + time + " ms."); } Map<Long, Collection<Long>> validatedProbes = getProbeLinkValidation(ees, queryGene, coexpressedGene, dedvs); return makeVisCollection(dedvs, genes, validatedProbes, layouts); } /** * AJAX exposed method - for ProbeLevelDiffExGrid, VisualizationDifferentialWindow, * DifferentialExpressionAnalysesSummaryTree * * @param eeIds FIXME accommodate ExpressionExperimentSubSets. Currently we pass in the "source experiment" so we * don't get the slice. * @param geneIds (could be just one) * @param threshold for 'significance' * @param factorMap Collection of DiffExpressionSelectedFactorCommand showing which factors to use. */ public VisualizationValueObject[] getDEDVForDiffExVisualization(Collection<Long> eeIds, Collection<Long> geneIds, Double threshold, Collection<DiffExpressionSelectedFactorCommand> factorMap) { if (eeIds.isEmpty() || geneIds.isEmpty()) return null; StopWatch watch = new StopWatch(); watch.start(); Collection<? extends BioAssaySet> ees = expressionExperimentService.load(eeIds); if (ees == null || ees.isEmpty()) return null; Collection<Gene> genes = geneService.load(geneIds); if (genes == null || genes.isEmpty()) return null; Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> dedvs = processedExpressionDataVectorService.getProcessedDataArrays(ees, geneIds); watch.stop(); Long time = watch.getTime();"Retrieved " + dedvs.size() + " DEDVs for " + eeIds.size() + " EEs and " + geneIds.size() + " genes in " + time + " ms."); watch = new StopWatch(); watch.start(); Map<Long, LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>>> layouts; layouts = experimentalDesignVisualizationService.sortVectorDataByDesign(dedvs); time = watch.getTime(); if (time > 100) {"Ran sortVectorDataByDesign on " + dedvs.size() + " DEDVs for 1 EE" + " in " + time + " ms (times <100ms not reported)."); } // layouts = experimentalDesignVisualizationService.sortLayoutSamplesByFactor( layouts ); // required? yes, see // GSE11859 time = watch.getTime(); if (time > 100) {"Ran sortLayoutSamplesByFactor on " + layouts.size() + " layouts" + " in " + time + " ms (times <100ms not reported)."); } watch = new StopWatch(); watch.start(); Map<Long, Collection<DifferentialExpressionValueObject>> validatedProbes = getProbeDiffExValidation(genes, threshold, factorMap); watch.stop(); time = watch.getTime();"Retrieved " + validatedProbes.size() + " valid probes in " + time + " ms."); return makeDiffVisCollection(dedvs, new ArrayList<>(geneIds), validatedProbes, layouts); } /** * AJAX exposed method Batch factor value analyses are filtered out; for * ProbeLevelDiffExGrid:VisualizationDifferentialWindow. */ public VisualizationValueObject[] getDEDVForDiffExVisualizationByExperiment(Long eeId, Long geneId, Double threshold, Boolean isSubset) { if (geneId == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Gene ID cannot be null"); } StopWatch watch = new StopWatch(); watch.start(); BioAssaySet ee; if (isSubset) { ee = expressionExperimentSubSetService.load(eeId); } else { ee = expressionExperimentService.load(eeId); } if (ee == null) return new VisualizationValueObject[] {}; // access denied, etc. if (threshold == null) { log.warn("Threshold was null, using default"); threshold = DEFAULT_THRESHOLD; } Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> dedvs; Gene g = geneService.load(geneId); if (g == null) return null; Collection<Long> genes = new ArrayList<>(); genes.add(geneId); Collection<BioAssaySet> ees = new ArrayList<>(); ees.add(ee); dedvs = processedExpressionDataVectorService.getProcessedDataArrays(ees, genes); Long time = watch.getTime(); watch.reset(); watch.start(); if (time > 100) {"Retrieved " + dedvs.size() + " DEDVs for " + ee.getId() + " and " + "one gene in " + time + " ms (times <100ms not reported)."); } Map<Long, LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>>> layouts; layouts = experimentalDesignVisualizationService.sortVectorDataByDesign(dedvs); time = watch.getTime(); watch.reset(); watch.start(); if (time > 100) {"Ran sortVectorDataByDesign on " + dedvs.size() + " DEDVs for 1 EE" + " in " + time + " ms (times <100ms not reported)."); } time = watch.getTime(); watch.reset(); watch.start(); if (time > 100) {"Ran sortLayoutSamplesByFactor on " + layouts.size() + " layouts" + " in " + time + " ms (times <100ms not reported)."); } Map<Long, Collection<DifferentialExpressionValueObject>> validatedProbes = new HashMap<>(); validatedProbes.put(ee.getId(), geneDifferentialExpressionService.getDifferentialExpression(g, ees, threshold, null)); watch.stop(); time = watch.getTime(); if (time > 100) {"Retrieved " + validatedProbes.size() + " valid probes in " + time + " ms."); } return makeDiffVisCollection(dedvs, new ArrayList<>(genes), validatedProbes, layouts); } /** * AJAX exposed method * * @param resultSetId The resultset we're specifically interested. Note that this is what is used to choose the * vectors, since it could be a subset of an experiment. * @return collection of visualization value objects */ public VisualizationValueObject[] getDEDVForDiffExVisualizationByThreshold(Long resultSetId, Double givenThreshold) { if (resultSetId == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Results etId cannot be null"); } double threshold = DEFAULT_THRESHOLD; if (givenThreshold != null) { threshold = givenThreshold; log.debug("Threshold specified not using default value: " + givenThreshold); } List<DoubleVectorValueObject> dedvs = processedExpressionDataVectorService.getDiffExVectors(resultSetId, threshold, MAX_RESULTS_TO_RETURN); Map<Long, LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>>> layouts = experimentalDesignVisualizationService .sortVectorDataByDesign(dedvs); return makeVisCollection(dedvs, null, null, layouts); } /** * AJAX */ public VisualizationValueObject[] getDEDVForPcaVisualization(Long eeId, int component, int count) { StopWatch watch = new StopWatch(); watch.start(); Map<ProbeLoading, DoubleVectorValueObject> topLoadedVectors = this.svdService.getTopLoadedVectors(eeId, component, count); if (topLoadedVectors == null) return null; Map<Long, LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>>> layouts; Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> values = topLoadedVectors.values(); if (values.isEmpty()) { return null; } layouts = experimentalDesignVisualizationService.sortVectorDataByDesign(values); return makeVisCollection(values, null, null, layouts); } /** * AJAX exposed method */ public VisualizationValueObject[] getDEDVForVisualization(Collection<Long> eeIds, Collection<Long> geneIds) { StopWatch watch = new StopWatch(); watch.start(); Collection<ExpressionExperiment> ees = expressionExperimentService.load(eeIds); if (ees == null || ees.isEmpty()) return null; Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> dedvs; if (geneIds == null || geneIds.isEmpty()) { dedvs = processedExpressionDataVectorService.getProcessedDataArrays(ees.iterator().next(), SAMPLE_SIZE); } else { if (geneIds.size() > MAX_RESULTS_TO_RETURN) { log.warn(geneIds.size() + " genes for visualization. Too many. Only using first " + MAX_RESULTS_TO_RETURN + " genes. "); List<Long> reducedGeneIds = new ArrayList<>(geneIds); geneIds = reducedGeneIds.subList(0, MAX_RESULTS_TO_RETURN); } dedvs = processedExpressionDataVectorService.getProcessedDataArrays(ees, geneIds); } if (dedvs.isEmpty()) { return null; } Long time = watch.getTime(); watch.reset(); watch.start(); if (time > 100) {"Retrieved " + dedvs.size() + " DEDVs for " + eeIds.size() + " EEs" + (geneIds == null ? " sample" : " for " + geneIds.size() + " genes ") + " in " + time + " ms (times <100ms not reported)."); } Map<Long, LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>>> layouts = experimentalDesignVisualizationService .sortVectorDataByDesign(dedvs); time = watch.getTime(); watch.reset(); watch.start(); if (time > 100) {"Ran sortVectorDataByDesign on " + dedvs.size() + " DEDVs for " + eeIds.size() + " EEs" + " in " + time + " ms (times <100ms not reported)."); } watch.stop(); time = watch.getTime(); if (time > 100) {"Ran sortLayoutSamplesByFactor on " + layouts.size() + " layouts" + " in " + time + " ms (times <100ms not reported)."); } return makeVisCollection(dedvs, geneIds, null, layouts); } /** * AJAX exposed method */ public VisualizationValueObject[] getDEDVForVisualizationByProbe(Collection<Long> eeIds, Collection<Long> probeIds) { if (eeIds.isEmpty() || probeIds.isEmpty()) return null; StopWatch watch = new StopWatch(); watch.start(); Collection<ExpressionExperiment> ees = expressionExperimentService.load(eeIds); if (ees == null || ees.isEmpty()) return null; Collection<CompositeSequence> probes = this.compositeSequenceService.load(probeIds); if (probes == null || probes.isEmpty()) return null; Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> dedvs = processedExpressionDataVectorService .getProcessedDataArraysByProbe(ees, probes); Map<Long, LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>>> layouts = experimentalDesignVisualizationService .sortVectorDataByDesign(dedvs); watch.stop(); Long time = watch.getTime();"Retrieved " + dedvs.size() + " DEDVs for " + eeIds.size() + " EEs and " + probeIds.size() + " genes in " + time + " ms."); return makeVisCollection(dedvs, null, null, layouts); } /** * Handle case of text export of the results. */ @RequestMapping("/downloadDEDV.html") protected ModelAndView handleRequestInternal(HttpServletRequest request) { StopWatch watch = new StopWatch(); watch.start(); Collection<Long> geneIds = ControllerUtils.extractIds(request.getParameter("g")); // might not be any Collection<Long> eeIds = ControllerUtils.extractIds(request.getParameter("ee")); // might not be there ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(new TextView()); if (eeIds == null || eeIds.isEmpty()) { mav.addObject("text", "Input empty for finding DEDVs: " + geneIds + " and " + eeIds); return mav; } String threshSt = request.getParameter("thresh"); String resultSetIdSt = request.getParameter("rs"); Double thresh = 100.0; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(threshSt)) { try { thresh = Double.parseDouble(threshSt); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Threshold was not a valid value: " + threshSt); } } Map<ExpressionExperimentValueObject, Map<Long, Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject>>> result; if (request.getParameter("pca") != null) { int component = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("component")); Long eeId = eeIds.iterator().next(); Map<ProbeLoading, DoubleVectorValueObject> topLoadedVectors = this.svdService.getTopLoadedVectors(eeId, component, thresh.intValue()); if (topLoadedVectors == null) return null; mav.addObject("text", format4File(topLoadedVectors.values())); return mav; } /* * The following should be set if we're viewing diff. ex results. */ Long resultSetId = null; if (StringUtils.isNumeric(resultSetIdSt)) { resultSetId = Long.parseLong(resultSetIdSt); } if (resultSetId != null) { /* * Diff ex case. */ Long eeId = eeIds.iterator().next(); Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> diffExVectors = processedExpressionDataVectorService .getDiffExVectors(resultSetId, thresh, MAX_RESULTS_TO_RETURN); if (diffExVectors == null || diffExVectors.isEmpty()) { mav.addObject("text", "No results"); return mav; } /* * Organize the vectors in the same way expected by the ee+gene type of request. */ ExpressionExperimentValueObject ee = expressionExperimentService .loadValueObject(expressionExperimentService.load(eeId)); result = new HashMap<>(); Map<Long, Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject>> gmap = new HashMap<>(); for (DoubleVectorValueObject dv : diffExVectors) { for (Long g : dv.getGenes()) { if (!gmap.containsKey(g)) { gmap.put(g, new HashSet<DoubleVectorValueObject>()); } gmap.get(g).add(dv); } } result.put(ee, gmap); } else { // Generic listing. result = getDEDV(eeIds, geneIds); } if (result == null || result.isEmpty()) { mav.addObject("text", "No results"); return mav; } mav.addObject("text", format4File(result)); watch.stop(); Long time = watch.getTime(); if (time > 100) {"Retrieved and Formated" + result.keySet().size() + " DEDVs for eeIDs: " + eeIds + " and GeneIds: " + geneIds + " in : " + time + " ms."); } return mav; } private String format4File(Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> vectors) { StringBuilder converted = new StringBuilder(); converted.append("# Generated by Gemma\n# ").append(new Date()).append("\n"); converted.append(ExpressionDataFileService.DISCLAIMER + "#\n"); boolean didHeader = false; Map<Long, GeneValueObject> gmap = getGeneValueObjectsUsed(vectors); for (DoubleVectorValueObject vec : vectors) { if (!didHeader) { converted.append(makeHeader(vec)); didHeader = true; } List<String> geneSymbols = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> geneNames = new ArrayList<>(); for (Long g : vec.getGenes()) { GeneValueObject gene = gmap.get(g); assert gene != null; geneSymbols.add(gene.getOfficialSymbol()); geneNames.add(gene.getOfficialName()); } converted.append(StringUtils.join(geneSymbols, "|")).append("\t") .append(StringUtils.join(geneNames, "|")).append("\t"); converted.append(vec.getDesignElement().getName()).append("\t"); if (vec.getData() != null || vec.getData().length != 0) { for (double data : vec.getData()) { converted.append(String.format("%.3f", data)).append("\t"); } converted.deleteCharAt(converted.length() - 1); // remove the trailing tab // FIXME just joind } converted.append("\n"); } return converted.toString(); } /** * Converts the given map into a tab delimited String */ private String format4File( Map<ExpressionExperimentValueObject, Map<Long, Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject>>> result) { StringBuilder converted = new StringBuilder(); Map<Long, GeneValueObject> genes = new HashMap<>(); // Saves us from loading genes // unnecessarily converted.append("# Generated by Gemma\n# ").append(new Date()).append("\n"); converted.append(ExpressionDataFileService.DISCLAIMER + "#\n"); for (ExpressionExperimentValueObject ee : result.keySet()) { boolean didHeaderForEe = false; Collection<Long> geneIds = result.get(ee).keySet(); for (Long geneId : geneIds) { GeneValueObject gene; if (genes.containsKey(geneId)) { gene = genes.get(geneId); } else { gene = geneService.loadValueObjectById(geneId); genes.put(geneId, gene); } String geneName = gene.getOfficialSymbol(); Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> vecs = result.get(ee).get(geneId); for (DoubleVectorValueObject dedv : vecs) { if (!didHeaderForEe) { converted.append(makeHeader(dedv)); didHeaderForEe = true; } converted.append(geneName).append("\t").append(gene.getOfficialName()).append("\t"); converted.append(dedv.getDesignElement().getName()).append("\t"); if (dedv.getData() != null || dedv.getData().length != 0) { for (double data : dedv.getData()) { converted.append(String.format("%.3f", data)).append("\t"); } converted.deleteCharAt(converted.length() - 1); // remove the trailing tab } converted.append("\n"); } } converted.append("\n"); } converted.append("\r\n"); return converted.toString(); } private LinkedHashSet<ExperimentalFactor> getFactorNames( LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>> eeLayouts) { LinkedHashSet<ExperimentalFactor> factorNames = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // need uniqueness & order for (BioAssayValueObject ba : eeLayouts.keySet()) { LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double> factorMap = eeLayouts.get(ba); for (Entry<ExperimentalFactor, Double> pair : factorMap.entrySet()) { if (pair.getKey() != null) { factorNames.add(pair.getKey()); } } } return factorNames; } private List<GeneValueObject> getGeneValueObjectList(List<Long> genes) { Collection<GeneValueObject> geneValueObjects = geneService.loadValueObjectsByIds(genes); Map<Long, GeneValueObject> m = EntityUtils.getIdMap(geneValueObjects); List<GeneValueObject> geneValueObjectList = new ArrayList<>(); for (Long id : genes) { if (!m.containsKey(id)) { continue; } geneValueObjectList.add(m.get(id)); } return geneValueObjectList; } private Map<Long, GeneValueObject> getGeneValueObjectsUsed(Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> vectors) { Set<Long> usedGeneIds = new HashSet<>(); for (DoubleVectorValueObject vec : vectors) { if (vec == null || vec.getGenes() == null) continue; usedGeneIds.addAll(vec.getGenes()); } return EntityUtils.getIdMap(geneService.loadValueObjectsByIds(usedGeneIds)); } /** * This is probably no longer being really used? */ private Map<Long, Collection<DifferentialExpressionValueObject>> getProbeDiffExValidation( Collection<Gene> genes, Double threshold, Collection<DiffExpressionSelectedFactorCommand> factorMap) { if (factorMap == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Factor information is missing, please make sure factors are selected."); Map<Long, Collection<DifferentialExpressionValueObject>> validatedProbes = new HashMap<>(); Collection<Long> wantedFactors = new HashSet<>(); for (DiffExpressionSelectedFactorCommand factor : factorMap) { wantedFactors.add(factor.getEfId()); } for (Gene gene : genes) { Collection<DifferentialExpressionValueObject> differentialExpression = geneDifferentialExpressionService .getDifferentialExpression(gene, threshold, factorMap); for (DifferentialExpressionValueObject diffVo : differentialExpression) { assert diffVo.getCorrP() <= threshold; Long eeId = diffVo.getExpressionExperiment().getId(); if (!validatedProbes.containsKey(eeId)) { validatedProbes.put(eeId, new HashSet<DifferentialExpressionValueObject>()); } Collection<ExperimentalFactorValueObject> factors = diffVo.getExperimentalFactors(); for (ExperimentalFactorValueObject fac : factors) { if (wantedFactors.contains(fac.getId())) { validatedProbes.get(eeId).add(diffVo); } } } } return validatedProbes; } /** * Identify which probes were 'responsible' for the coexpression links. * FIXME change this to actually compute the correlations. * * @return map of EEID -> collection ProbeIDs which underlie the stored coexpression links. */ private Map<Long, Collection<Long>> getProbeLinkValidation(Collection<ExpressionExperiment> ees, Gene queryGene, Gene coexpressedGene, Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> dedvs) { StopWatch watch = new StopWatch(); watch.start(); Map<Long, Collection<Long>> coexpressedEE2ProbeIds = new HashMap<>(); Map<Long, Collection<Long>> queryEE2ProbeIds = new HashMap<>(); /* * Get the probes for the vectors, organize by ee. */ for (DoubleVectorValueObject dedv : dedvs) { ExpressionExperimentValueObject ee = dedv.getExpressionExperiment(); if (dedv.getGenes().contains(queryGene.getId())) { if (!queryEE2ProbeIds.containsKey(ee.getId())) { queryEE2ProbeIds.put(ee.getId(), new HashSet<Long>()); } queryEE2ProbeIds.get(ee.getId()).add(dedv.getDesignElement().getId()); } else if (dedv.getGenes().contains(coexpressedGene.getId())) { if (!coexpressedEE2ProbeIds.containsKey(ee.getId())) { coexpressedEE2ProbeIds.put(ee.getId(), new HashSet<Long>()); } coexpressedEE2ProbeIds.get(ee.getId()).add(dedv.getDesignElement().getId()); } else { log.error("Dedv doesn't belong to coexpressed or query gene. QueryGene= " + queryGene + "CoexpressedGene= " + coexpressedGene + "DEDV " + dedv.getId() + " has genes: " + dedv.getGenes()); } } Map<Long, Collection<Long>> validatedProbes = new HashMap<>(); for (ExpressionExperiment ee : ees) { Collection<Long> queryProbeIds = queryEE2ProbeIds.get(ee.getId()); Collection<Long> coexpressedProbeIds = coexpressedEE2ProbeIds.get(ee.getId()); if (queryProbeIds == null || queryProbeIds.isEmpty()) { log.warn("Unexpectedly no probes for " + queryGene + " in " + ee); continue; } if (coexpressedProbeIds == null || coexpressedProbeIds.isEmpty()) { log.warn("Unexpectedly no probes for " + coexpressedGene + " in " + ee); } /* * Note: this does a probe-level query FIXME if we don't store data at probe-level we can't do this. */ // Collection<Long> probesInLinks = this.geneCoexpressionService.getCoexpressedProbes( queryProbeIds, // coexpressedProbeIds, ee, queryGene.getTaxon().getCommonName() ); // if ( probesInLinks.isEmpty() ) { // log.warn( "Unexpectedly no probes for link between " + queryGene + " -and- " + coexpressedGene + " in " // + ee ); // } // // validatedProbes.put( ee.getId(), probesInLinks ); // FIXME FIXME } watch.stop(); Long time = watch.getTime(); if (time > 1000) {"Validation of probes for " + ees.size() + " experiments in " + time + "ms."); } return validatedProbes; } private String getRandomColour(Random random) { String colourString; colourString = "#" + Integer.toHexString(random.nextInt(16)) + "0" + Integer.toHexString(random.nextInt(16)) + "0" + Integer.toHexString(random.nextInt(16)) + "0"; return colourString; } /** * Get the names we'll use for the columns of the vectors. */ private void getSampleNames(Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> vectors, VisualizationValueObject vvo, Map<Long, LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>>> layouts) { // FIXME this is inefficient - we don't need to check all the vectors if they all have the same samples...though // we do need to set it for all of them? for (DoubleVectorValueObject vec : vectors) { List<String> sampleNames = new ArrayList<>(); if (layouts != null && layouts.get(vec.getExpressionExperiment().getId()) != null) { Collection<BioMaterialValueObject> seenSamples = new HashSet<>(); // if same sample was run more than // once on diff platforms. for (BioAssayValueObject ba : layouts.get(vec.getExpressionExperiment().getId()).keySet()) { if (seenSamples.contains(ba.getSample())) { continue; } seenSamples.add(ba.getSample()); sampleNames.add(ba.getName()); } if (sampleNames.size() > 0) { assert sampleNames.size() == vec.getData().length; log.debug(sampleNames.size() + " sample names!"); vvo.setSampleNames(sampleNames); } } else { sampleNames = getSampleNames(vec); if (sampleNames.size() > 0) { log.debug(sampleNames.size() + " sample names!"); vvo.setSampleNames(sampleNames); } } } } private List<String> getSampleNames(DoubleVectorValueObject dedv) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (BioAssayValueObject ba : dedv.getBioAssays()) { result.add(ba.getName()); } assert result.size() == dedv.getData().length; return result; } /** * Ensure the names are unique in the colour bars */ private String getUniqueFactorName(ExperimentalFactor factor) { return factor.getName() + " [ID=" + factor.getId() + "]"; } /** * Takes the DEDVs and put them in point objects and normalize the values. returns a map of eeid to visValueObject. * Currently removes multiple hits for same gene. Tries to pick best DEDV. Organizes the experiments from lowest to * higest p-value * * @param validatedProbes (bad name) */ private VisualizationValueObject[] makeDiffVisCollection(Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> dedvs, List<Long> genes, Map<Long, Collection<DifferentialExpressionValueObject>> validatedProbes, Map<Long, LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>>> layouts) { StopWatch watch = new StopWatch(); watch.start(); Map<Long, Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject>> vvoMap = new HashMap<>(); Map<Long, ExpressionExperimentValueObject> eeMap = new HashMap<>(); // Organize by expression experiment for (DoubleVectorValueObject dvvo : dedvs) { ExpressionExperimentValueObject ee = dvvo.getExpressionExperiment(); eeMap.put(ee.getId(), ee); if (!vvoMap.containsKey(ee.getId())) { vvoMap.put(ee.getId(), new HashSet<DoubleVectorValueObject>()); } vvoMap.get(ee.getId()).add(dvvo); } class EE2PValue implements Comparable<EE2PValue> { Long EEId; double pValue; public EE2PValue() { super(); } public EE2PValue(Long eeid, double pValue) { this(); this.EEId = eeid; this.pValue = pValue; } @Override public int compareTo(EE2PValue o) { if (this.pValue > o.getPValue()) return 1; else if (this.pValue > o.getPValue()) return -1; else return 0; } public Long getEEId() { return EEId; } public double getPValue() { return pValue; } } List<EE2PValue> sortedEE = new ArrayList<>(); // Need to sort the expression experiments by lowest p-value for (Long eeId : vvoMap.keySet()) { Collection<DifferentialExpressionValueObject> devos = validatedProbes.get(eeId); double minP = 1; if (devos != null && !devos.isEmpty()) { for (DifferentialExpressionValueObject devo : devos) { if (minP > devo.getP()) { minP = devo.getP(); } } } sortedEE.add(new EE2PValue(eeId, minP)); } Collections.sort(sortedEE); VisualizationValueObject[] result = new VisualizationValueObject[vvoMap.keySet().size()]; List<GeneValueObject> geneValueObjects = getGeneValueObjectList(genes); // Create collection of visualizationValueObject for flotr on js side int i = 0; for (EE2PValue ee2P : sortedEE) { VisualizationValueObject vvo = new VisualizationValueObject(vvoMap.get(ee2P.getEEId()), geneValueObjects, ee2P.getPValue(), validatedProbes.get(ee2P.getEEId())); getSampleNames(vvoMap.get(ee2P.getEEId()), vvo, layouts); if (layouts != null && !layouts.isEmpty() && layouts.containsKey(ee2P.getEEId())) { LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>> layout = layouts .get(ee2P.getEEId()); this.prepareFactorsForFrontEndDisplay(vvo, layout); } /* * Set up the experimental designinfo so we can show it above the graph. */ if (layouts != null) { ExpressionExperimentValueObject ee = eeMap.get(ee2P.getEEId()); log.debug("setup experimental design layout profiles for " + ee); vvo.setUpFactorProfiles(layouts.get(ee.getId())); } result[i] = vvo; i++; } Long time = watch.getTime(); if (time > 1000) {"Created vis value objects in: " + time); } return result; } /** * @param dedv exemplar to use for forming the heading */ private String makeHeader(DoubleVectorValueObject dedv) { String firstThreeColumnHeadings = "GeneSymbol\tGeneName\tElement"; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); ExpressionExperimentValueObject ee = dedv.getExpressionExperiment(); buf.append("# ").append(ee.getShortName()).append(" : ").append(ee.getName()).append("\n"); buf.append(firstThreeColumnHeadings); for (BioAssayValueObject ba : dedv.getBioAssays()) { buf.append("\t").append(ba.getName()); } buf.append("\n"); return buf.toString(); } private Map<ExpressionExperimentValueObject, Map<Long, Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject>>> makeVectorMap( Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> newResults, Map<Long, LinkedHashMap<BioAssay, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>>> layouts) { // FIXME use the layouts. Map<ExpressionExperimentValueObject, Map<Long, Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject>>> result = new HashMap<>(); for (DoubleVectorValueObject v : newResults) { ExpressionExperimentValueObject e = v.getExpressionExperiment(); if (!result.containsKey(e)) { result.put(e, new HashMap<Long, Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject>>()); } Map<Long, Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject>> innerMap = result.get(e); if (v.getGenes() == null || v.getGenes().isEmpty()) { continue; } for (Long g : v.getGenes()) { if (!innerMap.containsKey(g)) { innerMap.put(g, new HashSet<DoubleVectorValueObject>()); } innerMap.get(g).add(v); } } return result; } /** * Takes the DEDVs and put them in point objects and normalize the values. returns a map of eeid to visValueObject. * Currently removes multiple hits for same gene. Tries to pick best DEDV. */ private VisualizationValueObject[] makeVisCollection(Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> dedvs, Collection<Long> genes, Map<Long, Collection<Long>> validatedProbes, Map<Long, LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>>> layouts) { Map<Long, List<DoubleVectorValueObject>> vvoMap = new HashMap<>(); // Organize by expression experiment if (dedvs == null || dedvs.isEmpty()) return new VisualizationValueObject[1]; for (DoubleVectorValueObject dvvo : dedvs) { // FIXME: we can probably use this information, and do away with carrying so much Layout information around? // assert dvvo.isReorganized() && dvvo.getBioAssayDimension().isReordered(); // not always true!! ExpressionExperimentValueObject ee = dvvo.getExpressionExperiment(); if (!vvoMap.containsKey(ee.getId())) { vvoMap.put(ee.getId(), new ArrayList<DoubleVectorValueObject>()); } vvoMap.get(ee.getId()).add(dvvo); } List<GeneValueObject> geneValueObjects; if (genes == null || genes.isEmpty()) { geneValueObjects = new ArrayList<>(getGeneValueObjectsUsed(dedvs).values()); } else { geneValueObjects = getGeneValueObjectList(new ArrayList<>(genes)); } StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); VisualizationValueObject[] result = new VisualizationValueObject[vvoMap.keySet().size()]; // Create collection of visualizationValueObject for flotr on js side int i = 0; for (Long ee : vvoMap.keySet()) { Collection<Long> validatedProbeList = null; if (validatedProbes != null) { validatedProbeList = validatedProbes.get(ee); } Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> vectors = vvoMap.get(ee); VisualizationValueObject vvo = new VisualizationValueObject(vectors, geneValueObjects, validatedProbeList); if (vectors.size() > 0) { getSampleNames(vectors, vvo, layouts); if (vectors.size() > 0 && layouts != null && !layouts.isEmpty() && layouts.containsKey(ee)) { // Set up the experimental designinfo so we can show it above the graph. LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>> layout = layouts .get(ee); this.prepareFactorsForFrontEndDisplay(vvo, layout); } } /* * Set up the experimental design info so we can show it above the graph. */ if (layouts != null && layouts.get(ee) != null) { vvo.setUpFactorProfiles(layouts.get(ee)); } result[i] = vvo; i++; } long time = timer.getTime(); if (time > 1000) {"Created vis value objects in: " + time); } return result; } /** * Prepare vvo for display on front end. Uses factors and factor values from layouts * * @param vvo Note: This will be modified! It will be updated with the factorNames and factorValuesToNames */ private void prepareFactorsForFrontEndDisplay(VisualizationValueObject vvo, LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>> eeLayouts) { if (eeLayouts == null || eeLayouts.isEmpty()) { log.warn("No layouts, bail"); vvo.setFactorNames(null); vvo.setFactorValuesToNames(null); return; } LinkedHashSet<ExperimentalFactor> factorNames = getFactorNames(eeLayouts); // colours for conditions/factor values bar chart FIXME make continuous maps different. Map<ExperimentalFactor, Queue<String>> factorColoursMap = createFactorNameToColoursMap(factorNames); String missingValueColour = "#DCDCDC"; Random random = new Random(); LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedHashMap<String, String>> factorToValueNames = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // list of maps with entries: key = factorName, value=array of factor values // 1 entry per sample List<LinkedHashMap<String, String[]>> factorValueMaps = new ArrayList<>(); Collection<String> factorsMissingValues = new HashSet<>(); Collection<BioMaterialValueObject> seenSamples = new HashSet<>(); // if same sample was run more than once on // diff platforms. Map<Long, FactorValue> fvs = new HashMap<>(); // avoid loading repeatedly. Collection<ExperimentalFactor> seenFactors = new HashSet<>(); for (BioAssayValueObject ba : eeLayouts.keySet()) { if (seenSamples.contains(ba.getSample())) { continue; } seenSamples.add(ba.getSample()); // double should be the factorValue id, defined in // ubic.gemma.core.visualization.ExperimentalDesignVisualizationService.getExperimentalDesignLayout(ExpressionExperiment, // BioAssayDimension) LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double> factorMap = eeLayouts.get(ba); LinkedHashMap<String, String[]> factorNamesToValueColourPairs = new LinkedHashMap<>(factorNames.size()); // this is defensive, should only come into play when there's something messed up with the data. // for every factor, add a missing-value entry (guards against missing data messing up the layout) for (ExperimentalFactor factor : factorNames) { String[] facValAndColour = new String[] { "No value", missingValueColour }; factorNamesToValueColourPairs.put(getUniqueFactorName(factor), facValAndColour); } // for each experimental factor, store the name and value for (Entry<ExperimentalFactor, Double> pair : factorMap.entrySet()) { ExperimentalFactor factor = pair.getKey(); Double valueOrId = pair.getValue(); /* * the double is only a double because it is meant to hold measurements when the factor is continuous if * the factor is categorical, the double value is set to the value's id see * ubic.gemma.core.visualization.ExperimentalDesignVisualizationService.getExperimentalDesignLayout( * ExpressionExperiment, BioAssayDimension) */ if (valueOrId == null || factor.getType() == null || (factor.getType().equals(FactorType.CATEGORICAL) && factor.getFactorValues().isEmpty())) { factorsMissingValues.add(getUniqueFactorName(factor)); continue; } if (!seenFactors.contains(factor) && factor.getType().equals(FactorType.CATEGORICAL)) { for (FactorValue fv : factor.getFactorValues()) { fvs.put(fv.getId(), fv); } } String facValsStr = getFacValsStr(fvs, factor, valueOrId); if (!factorToValueNames.containsKey(getUniqueFactorName(factor))) { factorToValueNames.put(getUniqueFactorName(factor), new LinkedHashMap<String, String>()); } // assign colour if unassigned or fetch it if already assigned String colourString = ""; if (!factorToValueNames.get(getUniqueFactorName(factor)).containsKey(facValsStr)) { if (factorColoursMap.containsKey(factor)) { colourString = factorColoursMap.get(factor).poll(); } if (colourString == null || Objects.equals(colourString, "")) { // ran out of predefined colours colourString = getRandomColour(random); } factorToValueNames.get(getUniqueFactorName(factor)).put(facValsStr, colourString); } else { colourString = factorToValueNames.get(getUniqueFactorName(factor)).get(facValsStr); } String[] facValAndColour = new String[] { facValsStr, colourString }; factorNamesToValueColourPairs.put(getUniqueFactorName(factor), facValAndColour); } factorValueMaps.add(factorNamesToValueColourPairs); } // add missing value entries here so they show up at the end of the legend's value lists if (!factorsMissingValues.isEmpty()) { for (String factorName : factorsMissingValues) { if (!factorToValueNames.containsKey(factorName)) { factorToValueNames.put(factorName, new LinkedHashMap<String, String>()); } factorToValueNames.get(factorName).put("No value", missingValueColour); } } vvo.setFactorNames(factorToValueNames); // this is summary of values & colours by factor, used for legend vvo.setFactorValuesToNames(factorValueMaps); // this is list of maps for each sample } private String getFacValsStr(Map<Long, FactorValue> fvs, ExperimentalFactor factor, Double valueOrId) { String facValsStr; if (ExperimentalDesignUtils.isContinuous(factor)) { /* * FIXME continuous factors need a different color scheme. */ log.debug("Experiment has continuous factor."); facValsStr = valueOrId.toString(); } else if (ExperimentalDesignUtils.isBatch(factor)) { /* * FIXME for batch, also treat like they are continuous. There can be many so we tend to run out of * colors. */ facValsStr = composeFacvalStr(fvs, valueOrId); } else { facValsStr = composeFacvalStr(fvs, valueOrId); } return facValsStr; } private String composeFacvalStr(Map<Long, FactorValue> fvs, Double valueOrId) { Long id = Math.round(valueOrId); FactorValue facVal = fvs.get(id); assert facVal != null; fvs.put(facVal.getId(), facVal); return getFactorValueDisplayString(facVal); } private String getFactorValueDisplayString(FactorValue facVal) { StringBuilder facValsStrBuff = new StringBuilder(); if (facVal.getCharacteristics() == null || facVal.getCharacteristics().isEmpty()) { facValsStrBuff.append(facVal.getValue()).append(", "); } for (Characteristic characteristic : facVal.getCharacteristics()) { facValsStrBuff.append(characteristic.getValue()).append(", "); } if (facValsStrBuff.length() > 0) { facValsStrBuff.delete(facValsStrBuff.length() - 2, facValsStrBuff.length()); } if (facValsStrBuff.length() == 0) { facValsStrBuff.append("FactorValue id:").append(Math.round(facVal.getId())) .append(" was not null but no value was found."); } return facValsStrBuff.toString(); } }