Java tutorial
/* * The Gemma project * * Copyright (c) 2008 University of British Columbia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package ubic.gemma.loader.expression.simple; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import ubic.basecode.ontology.model.OntologyTerm; import ubic.gemma.datastructure.matrix.ExpressionDataWriterUtils; import ubic.gemma.expression.experiment.service.ExperimentalDesignService; import ubic.gemma.expression.experiment.service.ExpressionExperimentService; import ubic.gemma.model.association.GOEvidenceCode; import ubic.gemma.model.common.description.VocabCharacteristic; import ubic.gemma.model.common.measurement.Measurement; import ubic.gemma.model.common.measurement.MeasurementType; import ubic.gemma.model.common.quantitationtype.PrimitiveType; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssay.BioAssay; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.biomaterial.BioMaterial; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.biomaterial.BioMaterialService; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.ExperimentalDesign; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.ExperimentalFactor; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.ExpressionExperiment; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.FactorType; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.FactorValue; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.FactorValueService; import ubic.gemma.ontology.OntologyService; import ubic.gemma.ontology.providers.MgedOntologyService; /** * See interface for docs. * * @author Paul * @version $Id:,v 1.21 2013/05/03 00:17:35 paul Exp $ */ @Service public class ExperimentalDesignImporterImpl implements ExperimentalDesignImporter { private static final int NUMBER_OF_EXTRA_COLUMNS_ALLOWED = 2; public static final String EXPERIMENTAL_FACTOR_DESCRIPTION_LINE_INDICATOR = "#$"; private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ExperimentalDesignImporterImpl.class.getName()); @Autowired private BioMaterialService bioMaterialService; @Autowired private ExperimentalDesignService experimentalDesignService; @Autowired private OntologyService ontologyService; @Autowired FactorValueService factorValueServiceService = null; @Autowired ExpressionExperimentService expressionExperimentService; private MgedOntologyService mgedOntologyService; /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * ubic.gemma.loader.expression.simple.ExperimentalDesignImporter#importDesign(ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment * .ExpressionExperiment, */ @Override public void importDesign(ExpressionExperiment experiment, InputStream is) throws IOException { this.importDesign(experiment, is, false); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * ubic.gemma.loader.expression.simple.ExperimentalDesignImporter#importDesign(ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment * .ExpressionExperiment,, boolean) */ @Override public void importDesign(ExpressionExperiment experiment, InputStream is, boolean dryRun) throws IOException { this.mgedOntologyService = this.ontologyService.getMgedOntologyService(); log.debug("Parsing input file"); boolean readHeader = false; BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); String line = null; if (mgedOntologyService == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Please set the MGED OntologyService, thanks."); } ExperimentalDesign experimentalDesign = experiment.getExperimentalDesign(); if (!experimentalDesign.getExperimentalFactors().isEmpty()) { log.warn("Experimental design already has factors, import will add new ones"); } experimentalDesign.setDescription("Parsed from file."); List<String> experimentalFactorLines = new ArrayList<String>(); String sampleHeaderLine = ""; List<String> factorValueLines = new ArrayList<String>(); while ((line = r.readLine()) != null) { if (line.startsWith(EXPERIMENTAL_FACTOR_DESCRIPTION_LINE_INDICATOR)) { experimentalFactorLines.add(line); } else if (line.startsWith("#") || StringUtils.isBlank(line)) { continue; } else if (!readHeader) { sampleHeaderLine = line; readHeader = true; } else { factorValueLines.add(line); } } String[] headerFields = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(sampleHeaderLine, "\t"); Collection<BioMaterial> experimentBioMaterials = this.bioMaterialService.findByExperiment(experiment); validateFileComponents(experimentalFactorLines, sampleHeaderLine, factorValueLines); validateExperimentalFactorFileContent(experimentalFactorLines, sampleHeaderLine); validateFactorFileContent(experimentalFactorLines.size(), factorValueLines); validateBioMaterialFileContent(experiment, experimentBioMaterials, factorValueLines); // build up the composite: create experimental factor then add the experimental value addExperimentalFactorsToExperimentalDesign(experimentalDesign, experimentalFactorLines, headerFields, factorValueLines); experimentalDesignService.update(experimentalDesign); // a bit tricky as there is an assumption that the first biomaterial in the bioassay set is the relevent one; // safer to use biomaterial collection returned; cannot guarantee order of objects in collection. Collection<BioMaterial> bioMaterialsWithFactorValues = addFactorValuesToBioMaterialsInExpressionExperiment( experiment, experimentBioMaterials, experimentalDesign, factorValueLines, headerFields); for (BioMaterial bioMaterial : bioMaterialsWithFactorValues) { this.bioMaterialService.update(bioMaterial); // just a debugging sanity check. BioMaterial bbm = this.bioMaterialService.load(bioMaterial.getId()); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(bbm + ": " + bbm.getFactorValues().size() + " factor values: " + StringUtils.join(bbm.getFactorValues(), " ; ")); } } /** * This method reads the file line e.g. $Run time : Category=EnvironmentalHistory Type=categorical and creates * experimental factors from it and adds them to the experimental design. * * @param experimentalDesign Experimental design for this expression experiment * @param experimentalFactorFileLines List of strings representing lines from input file containing experimental * factors * @param headerFields Sample header line split on tab. * @param factorValueLines Lines containing biomaterial names and their factor values */ private void addExperimentalFactorsToExperimentalDesign(ExperimentalDesign experimentalDesign, List<String> experimentalFactorFileLines, String[] headerFields, List<String> factorValueLines) { int maxWait = 0; while (!mgedOntologyService.isOntologyLoaded()) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); if (maxWait++ > 100) { throw new RuntimeException("MGED is not loaded and gave up waiting"); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }"Addding experimental factors to experimental design: " + experimentalDesign.getId()); Collection<OntologyTerm> terms = mgedOntologyService.getMgedTermsByKey("factor"); if (experimentalDesign.getExperimentalFactors() == null) { experimentalDesign.setExperimentalFactors(new HashSet<ExperimentalFactor>()); } Map<String, Set<String>> mapFactorSampleValues = getMapFactorSampleValues(headerFields, factorValueLines); for (String experimentalFactorFileLine : experimentalFactorFileLines) { // $Run time : Category=EnvironmentalHistory Type=categorical String[] experimentalFactorfields = experimentalFactorFileLine.split(":"); String factorValue = (StringUtils.strip(experimentalFactorfields[0] .replaceFirst(Pattern.quote(EXPERIMENTAL_FACTOR_DESCRIPTION_LINE_INDICATOR) + "\\s*", ""))) .trim(); String categoryAndType = StringUtils.strip(experimentalFactorfields[1]); String[] categoryAndTypeFields = StringUtils.split(categoryAndType); // e.g. Category=EnvironmentalHistory String category = categoryAndTypeFields[0]; // e.g. EnvironmentalHistory String categoryValue = StringUtils.split(category, "=")[1]; ExperimentalFactor experimentalFactorFromFile = ExperimentalFactor.Factory.newInstance(); experimentalFactorFromFile.setExperimentalDesign(experimentalDesign); VocabCharacteristic vc = mgedLookup(categoryValue, terms); // e.g. Category=EnvironmentalHistory String categoryTypeValue = categoryAndTypeFields[1]; String factorType = StringUtils.split(categoryTypeValue, "=")[1]; // vc.setCategory( categoryType ); experimentalFactorFromFile.setCategory(vc); experimentalFactorFromFile.setName(factorValue); experimentalFactorFromFile.setDescription(factorValue); experimentalFactorFromFile.setType( factorType.equalsIgnoreCase("CATEGORICAL") ? FactorType.CATEGORICAL : FactorType.CONTINUOUS); addFactorValuesToExperimentalFactor(experimentalFactorFromFile, mapFactorSampleValues, factorType); if (!checkForDuplicateExperimentalFactorOnExperimentalDesign(experimentalDesign, experimentalFactorFromFile)) { // assert experimentalFactorFromFile.getId() != null; experimentalDesign.getExperimentalFactors().add(experimentalFactorFromFile); // here is was the update log.debug("Added experimental factor value " + experimentalFactorFromFile + " to experimental design " + experimentalDesign); } } } /** * Add the factor values to the biomaterial * * @param experiment * @param experimentBioMaterials Current expression experiment's biomaterials. * @param experimentalDesign experimental design * @param factorValueLines Lines from file containing factor values and biomaterial ids * @param headerFields * @return Collection of biomaterials associated with this experiment, this is returned as the biomaterial is in a * bioassay (first one retrieved) */ private Collection<BioMaterial> addFactorValuesToBioMaterialsInExpressionExperiment( ExpressionExperiment experiment, Collection<BioMaterial> experimentBioMaterials, ExperimentalDesign experimentalDesign, List<String> factorValueLines, String[] headerFields) { log.debug("Adding factors values to biomaterials: " + experimentalDesign.getId()); Collection<ExperimentalFactor> experimentalFactorsInExperiment = experimentalDesign .getExperimentalFactors(); Collection<BioMaterial> biomaterialsWithFactorValuesInExperiment = new HashSet<BioMaterial>(); Collection<BioMaterial> seenBioMaterials = new HashSet<BioMaterial>(); Map<ExperimentalFactor, Collection<BioMaterial>> factorsAssociatedWithBioMaterials = new HashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Collection<BioMaterial>>(); for (String factorValueLine : factorValueLines) { String[] factorValueFields = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(factorValueLine, "\t"); String externalId = null; boolean hasExternalId = headerFields[1].toUpperCase().equals("EXTERNALID"); if (hasExternalId) { externalId = factorValueFields[1]; } BioMaterial currentBioMaterial = getBioMaterialFromExpressionExperiment(experiment, experimentBioMaterials, factorValueFields[0], externalId); if (currentBioMaterial == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No biomaterial for " + factorValueFields[0]); } if (seenBioMaterials.contains(currentBioMaterial)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "A biomaterial occurred more than once in the file: " + currentBioMaterial); } seenBioMaterials.add(currentBioMaterial); int start = 1; if (hasExternalId) { start = 2; } for (int i = start; i < factorValueFields.length; i++) { ExperimentalFactor currentExperimentalFactor = null; String currentExperimentalFactorName = StringUtils.strip(headerFields[i]); FactorValue currentFactorValue = null; String currentFactorValueValue = StringUtils.strip(factorValueFields[i]); if (StringUtils.isBlank(currentFactorValueValue)) { // Missing value. Note that catching 'NA' etc. is hard, because they could be valid strings. continue; } for (ExperimentalFactor experimentalFactor : experimentalFactorsInExperiment) { if (experimentalFactor.getName().equals(currentExperimentalFactorName)) { currentExperimentalFactor = experimentalFactor; } } if (currentExperimentalFactor == null) throw new IllegalStateException("No factor matches column " + currentExperimentalFactorName); Collection<FactorValue> factorValuesInCurrentExperimentalFactor = currentExperimentalFactor .getFactorValues(); for (FactorValue factorValue : factorValuesInCurrentExperimentalFactor) { if (factorValue.getValue().trim().equalsIgnoreCase(currentFactorValueValue.trim())) { currentFactorValue = factorValue; } } if (currentFactorValue == null) { log.error("Current factor value not found " + currentExperimentalFactor + currentFactorValueValue); } else { if (!checkForDuplicateFactorOnBioMaterial(currentBioMaterial, currentFactorValue)) { currentBioMaterial.getFactorValues().add(currentFactorValue); } else { // already got warned. } } log.debug("Added factor value " + currentFactorValue + " to biomaterial " + currentBioMaterial); biomaterialsWithFactorValuesInExperiment.add(currentBioMaterial); if (!factorsAssociatedWithBioMaterials.containsKey(currentExperimentalFactor)) { factorsAssociatedWithBioMaterials.put(currentExperimentalFactor, new HashSet<BioMaterial>()); } factorsAssociatedWithBioMaterials.get(currentExperimentalFactor).add(currentBioMaterial); } } /* * Check if every biomaterial got used. Worth a warning, at least. */ for (ExperimentalFactor ef : factorsAssociatedWithBioMaterials.keySet()) { if (!factorsAssociatedWithBioMaterials.get(ef).containsAll(experimentBioMaterials)) { log.warn( "File did not contain values for all factor - biomaterial combinations: Missing at least one for " + ef + " [populated " + factorsAssociatedWithBioMaterials.get(ef).size() + "/" + experimentBioMaterials.size() + " ]"); } } return biomaterialsWithFactorValuesInExperiment; } /** * Method that adds factor values to a given experimental factor * * @param experimentalFactor The experimental factor to add the factor values to * @param factorSampleValues A map of factor value names keyed on experimental factor name * @param factorType Whether the factor is continuous or categorical */ private void addFactorValuesToExperimentalFactor(ExperimentalFactor experimentalFactor, Map<String, Set<String>> factorSampleValues, String factorType) { log.debug("Addding factors values to experimental factor: " + experimentalFactor.getName()); VocabCharacteristic category = (VocabCharacteristic) experimentalFactor.getCategory(); Set<String> values = factorSampleValues.get(experimentalFactor.getName()); for (String value : values) { FactorValue factorValue = FactorValue.Factory.newInstance(); factorValue.setValue(value); if (factorType.equalsIgnoreCase("CATEGORICAL")) { log.debug("Factor is categorical"); VocabCharacteristic newVc = VocabCharacteristic.Factory.newInstance(); String category2 = category.getCategory(); assert category2 != null; newVc.setCategory(category2); newVc.setCategoryUri(category.getCategoryUri()); newVc.setValue(value); newVc.setEvidenceCode(GOEvidenceCode.IC); factorValue.getCharacteristics().add(newVc); } else { log.debug("Factor is continous"); addMeasurementToFactorValueOfTypeContinous(factorValue); } // set bidirectional relationship experimentalFactor.getFactorValues().add(factorValue); factorValue.setExperimentalFactor(experimentalFactor); log.debug("Added factor value " + factorValue + " to experimental factor " + experimentalFactor); } } /** * Add a measurement to a factor value which is of type continuous * * @param FactorValue representing a continuous factor with an associated measurement */ private void addMeasurementToFactorValueOfTypeContinous(FactorValue factorValue) { Measurement m = Measurement.Factory.newInstance(); m.setType(MeasurementType.ABSOLUTE); m.setValue(factorValue.getValue()); try { Double.parseDouble(factorValue.getValue()); // check if it is a number, don't need the value. m.setRepresentation(PrimitiveType.DOUBLE); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { m.setRepresentation(PrimitiveType.STRING); } factorValue.setMeasurement(m); log.debug("Created " + factorValue + " for experimental factor "); } /** * Check that experimental design does not already contain the experimental factor. * * @param experimentalDesign Existing experimental design. * @param experimentalFactorFromFile The experimental factor in the file */ private boolean checkForDuplicateExperimentalFactorOnExperimentalDesign(ExperimentalDesign experimentalDesign, ExperimentalFactor experimentalFactorFromFile) { boolean foundMatch = false; for (ExperimentalFactor existingExperimentalFactors : experimentalDesign.getExperimentalFactors()) { if (existingExperimentalFactors.getName().equals(experimentalFactorFromFile.getName())) { + " matches existing " + existingExperimentalFactors); experimentalFactorFromFile = existingExperimentalFactors; foundMatch = true; } } return foundMatch; } /** * This method checks that the biomaterial does not already have a factor. * * @param bioMaterial * @param factorValue * @return */ private boolean checkForDuplicateFactorOnBioMaterial(BioMaterial bioMaterial, FactorValue factorValue) { boolean foundMatch = false; // make sure we don't add two values. for (FactorValue existingfv : bioMaterial.getFactorValues()) { if (factorValue.equals(existingfv) || existingfv.getExperimentalFactor().equals(factorValue.getExperimentalFactor())) { log.warn(bioMaterial + " already has a factorvalue for " + factorValue.getExperimentalFactor() + " [" + factorValue + " matched existing: " + existingfv + "]"); foundMatch = true; break; } } return foundMatch; } /** * This method retrieves a biomaterial from the expression experiment based on a biomaterial name given in the input * file. If no biomaterial is found then null is returned, indicating that a biomaterial name was given in the file * which does not match those stored for the expression experiment. * * @param expressionExperiment The current expression experiment * @param biomaterialNameFromFile - A factor value file line whose first column contains biomaterial name * @param externalId - the external id stored in the file, which might not be available (so this can be null or * blank) * @return The biomaterial in the expression experiment set matching the biosource name given in the first column of * the factor value line. */ private BioMaterial getBioMaterialFromExpressionExperiment(ExpressionExperiment ee, Collection<BioMaterial> bioMaterials, String biomaterialNameFromFile, String externalId) { Map<String, BioMaterial> biomaterialsInExpressionExperiment = mapBioMaterialsToNamePossibilities( bioMaterials); // format the biomaterial name gemma style String bioMaterialNameFormatedWithShortName = SimpleExpressionDataLoaderServiceImpl.makeBioMaterialName(ee, biomaterialNameFromFile); BioMaterial bioMaterial = biomaterialsInExpressionExperiment.get(biomaterialNameFromFile); if (bioMaterial == null) { // try alternative format... bioMaterial = biomaterialsInExpressionExperiment.get(bioMaterialNameFormatedWithShortName); } if (bioMaterial == null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(externalId)) { // FIXME document this better. If there are two or more GSM's grouped together we list them in the file // separated by '/'. String[] externalIds = StringUtils.split(externalId, "/"); for (String id : externalIds) { bioMaterial = biomaterialsInExpressionExperiment.get(id); if (bioMaterial != null) break; } } return bioMaterial; } /** * Get a map of experimental values keyed on experimental factor name * * @param headerFields * @param factorValueLines * @return map of experimental factor values keyed on experimental factor */ private Map<String, Set<String>> getMapFactorSampleValues(String[] headerFields, List<String> factorValueLines) { Map<String, Set<String>> factorSampleValues = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); for (String factorValueLine : factorValueLines) { String[] factorValueFields = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(factorValueLine, "\t"); for (int i = 1; i < headerFields.length; i++) { // get the key String value = headerFields[i]; value = StringUtils.strip(value); String factorValue = StringUtils.strip(factorValueFields[i]); Set<String> listFactorValues = factorSampleValues.get(value); if (listFactorValues == null) { listFactorValues = new HashSet<String>(); } listFactorValues.add(factorValue); factorSampleValues.put(value, listFactorValues); } } return factorSampleValues; } /** * Create a map of various strings that we might find in a design importing file to the biomaterials. * * @param expressionExperiment * @return */ private Map<String, BioMaterial> mapBioMaterialsToNamePossibilities(Collection<BioMaterial> bioMaterials) { Map<String, BioMaterial> biomaterialsInExpressionExperiment = new HashMap<String, BioMaterial>(); // this rather big loop is recomputed each time we call this method. No big deal, but could be more efficient. for (BioMaterial bm : bioMaterials) { biomaterialsInExpressionExperiment.put(bm.getName(), bm); // we allow multiple bioassays per biomaterial - e.g. two platforms run on the sa for (BioAssay ba : bm.getBioAssaysUsedIn()) { /* * Allow matches to the accession (external id) of the bioassay; trying to be flexible! This _could_ * cause problems if there are multiple bioassays per biomaterial, thus the check here. */ if (ba.getAccession() != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(ba.getAccession().getAccession())) { String accession = ba.getAccession().getAccession(); /* * We get at most one bioassay per biomaterial. */ biomaterialsInExpressionExperiment.put(accession, bm); } /* * Similarly allow match on the bioassay name */ biomaterialsInExpressionExperiment.put(ba.getName(), bm); } /* * All put in the very-mangled name we use in the 'native' Gemma export format. This includes the ID, so not * useful for tests. */ biomaterialsInExpressionExperiment .put(ExpressionDataWriterUtils.constructBioAssayName(bm, bm.getBioAssaysUsedIn()), bm); } return biomaterialsInExpressionExperiment; } /** * Does an mged lookup * * @param category * @return */ private VocabCharacteristic mgedLookup(String category, Collection<OntologyTerm> terms) { OntologyTerm t = null; for (OntologyTerm to : terms) { if (to.getTerm().equals(category)) { t = to; break; } } if (t == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No MGED term matches '" + category + "'"); } VocabCharacteristic vc = VocabCharacteristic.Factory.newInstance(); vc.setCategoryUri(t.getUri()); vc.setCategory(t.getTerm()); vc.setValueUri(t.getUri()); vc.setValue(t.getTerm()); vc.setEvidenceCode(GOEvidenceCode.IC); return vc; } /** * Check that the biomaterial is in the file and in the experiment. It is arguable whether this should be an * exception. I think it has to be to make sure that simple errors in the format are caught. But it's inconvenient * for cases where a single 'design' file is to be used for multiple microarray studies. Biomaterial ids should * match what is stored * * @param experiment Current experiment * @param factorValueLines Lines containing biomaterial names and their factor values */ private void validateBioMaterialFileContent(ExpressionExperiment experiment, Collection<BioMaterial> bioMaterials, List<String> factorValueLines) throws IllegalArgumentException { for (String factorValueLine : factorValueLines) { String[] vals = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(factorValueLine, '\t'); if (vals.length < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Expected a file with at least two columns separated by tabs, got " + factorValueLine); } BioMaterial bioMaterialInFile = getBioMaterialFromExpressionExperiment(experiment, bioMaterials, vals[0], vals[1]); if (bioMaterialInFile == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The uploaded file has a biomaterial name that does not match the study: " + StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(factorValueLine, "\t")[0] + " (formatted based on on input: "); } } } /** * Validates that the input for experimental factors is correct: Experimental factor file line should be for e.g. * #$Run time : Category=EnvironmentalHistory Type=categorical Checks there is a colon, between experimental factor * and category and that category is correctly formatted. * * @param sampleHeaderLine Lines in file corresponding to order of experimental factors * @param experimentalFactorList The lines in the file corresponding to experimental factors. * @throws IOException Experimental factor lines were not correctly format. */ private void validateExperimentalFactorFileContent(List<String> experimentalFactorLines, String sampleHeaderLine) throws IOException { Set<String> experimentalFactorValueNames = new HashSet<String>(); // validate experimental factor lines for (String line : experimentalFactorLines) { String[] fields = line.split(":"); if (fields.length != 2) { throw new IOException( "EF description must have two fields with a single ':' in between (" + line + ")"); } String factorName = StringUtils.strip(fields[0] .replaceFirst(Pattern.quote(EXPERIMENTAL_FACTOR_DESCRIPTION_LINE_INDICATOR) + "\\s*", "")); experimentalFactorValueNames.add(factorName); String category = StringUtils.strip(fields[1]); String[] descriptions = StringUtils.split(category); if (descriptions.length != 2) { throw new IOException("EF details should have the format 'Category=CATEGORY Type=TYPE'"); } } validateSampleHeaderFileContent(experimentalFactorValueNames, experimentalFactorLines.size(), sampleHeaderLine); } /** * Validates that factor values given in file for each biomaterial match the number of experimental factor values * expected. * * @para numberOfExperimentalFactors * @param factorValueList Represents lines of file containing factor values for a biomaterial */ private void validateFactorFileContent(Integer numberOfExperimentalFactors, List<String> factorValueList) throws IOException { for (String factorValueLine : factorValueList) { String[] fields = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(factorValueLine, "\t"); if (fields.length > numberOfExperimentalFactors + NUMBER_OF_EXTRA_COLUMNS_ALLOWED) { throw new IOException( "Expected no more than " + (numberOfExperimentalFactors + NUMBER_OF_EXTRA_COLUMNS_ALLOWED) + " columns based on EF descriptions (plus id column), got " + fields.length); } if (fields.length <= numberOfExperimentalFactors) { throw new IOException("Expected at least " + (numberOfExperimentalFactors + 1) + " columns based on EF descriptions (plus id column), got " + fields.length); } } } /** * Simple file content validation checking that the 3 file components are present in the file * * @param experimentalFactorLines Lines identified by EXPERIMENTAL_FACTOR_DESCRIPTION_LINE_INDICATOR (#$) detailing * experimental factor values. * @param sampleHeaderLine Header Giving order of experimental factor values in the file * @param factorValues The factor values in this file * @throws IOException File was not in correct format. */ private void validateFileComponents(List<String> experimentalFactorLines, String sampleHeaderLine, List<String> factorValues) throws IOException { if (experimentalFactorLines.isEmpty()) { throw new IOException("No experimentalFactorLine definitions found in the design file."); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(sampleHeaderLine)) { throw new IOException("No Sample header found"); } if (factorValues.isEmpty()) { throw new IOException("No factorValues definitions found in the design file."); } } /** * Validates that the sample header is correctly formatted. Checks that the experimental factors defined in the * header match those in the experimental factor file lines. * * @param experimentalFactorValueNames * @param numberOfExperimentalFactors * @param sampleHeaderLine * @throws IOException Validation fails. */ private void validateSampleHeaderFileContent(Set<String> experimentalFactorValueNames, Integer numberOfExperimentalFactors, String sampleHeaderLine) throws IOException { String[] headerFields = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(sampleHeaderLine, "\t"); // we might have the ids, and the external id. if (headerFields.length > numberOfExperimentalFactors + NUMBER_OF_EXTRA_COLUMNS_ALLOWED) { throw new IOException("Expected " + (numberOfExperimentalFactors + NUMBER_OF_EXTRA_COLUMNS_ALLOWED) + " columns based on EF descriptions (plus id column), got " + headerFields.length); } for (int i = 1; i < headerFields.length; i++) { String value = headerFields[i]; value = StringUtils.strip(value); if (value.equals("ExternalID")) { // that's fine. continue; } if (!experimentalFactorValueNames.contains(value)) { throw new IOException("Expected to find an EF matching the column heading '" + value + "'"); } } } }