Java tutorial
/* * The Gemma project * * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 University of British Columbia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package ubic.gemma.core.visualization; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DoubleMatrix; import ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DoubleMatrixFactory; import; import; import; import ubic.gemma.core.datastructure.matrix.EmptyExpressionMatrix; import ubic.gemma.core.datastructure.matrix.ExpressionDataMatrix; import ubic.gemma.core.datastructure.matrix.ExpressionDataMatrixColumnSort; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssay.BioAssay; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssay.BioAssayValueObject; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssayData.BioAssayDimension; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssayData.BioAssayDimensionValueObject; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssayData.DoubleVectorValueObject; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.biomaterial.BioMaterial; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.*; import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.expression.experiment.ExpressionExperimentService; import java.awt.*; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; /** * Tools for visualizing experimental designs. The idea is to generate a overview of the design that can be put over * heat maps or line graphs. * * @author paul */ @Component public class ExperimentalDesignVisualizationServiceImpl implements ExperimentalDesignVisualizationService { /** * Cache of layouts for experiments, keyed by experiment ID. */ private final Map<Long, LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>>> cachedLayouts = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass().getName()); private final ExpressionExperimentService expressionExperimentService; @Autowired public ExperimentalDesignVisualizationServiceImpl(ExpressionExperimentService expressionExperimentService) { this.expressionExperimentService = expressionExperimentService; } @Override public Map<Long, LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>>> sortVectorDataByDesign( Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> dedVs) { // cachedLayouts.clear(); // uncomment FOR DEBUGGING. if (dedVs == null) { return new HashMap<>(0); } Map<Long, LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>>> returnedLayouts = new HashMap<>( dedVs.size()); StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); /* * This is shared across experiments that might show up in the dedVs; this should be okay...saves computation. * This is the only slow part. */ this.prepare(dedVs); /* * This loop is not a performance issue. */ Map<DoubleVectorValueObject, List<BioAssayValueObject>> newOrderingsForBioAssayDimensions = new HashMap<>(); for (DoubleVectorValueObject vec : dedVs) { if (vec.isReorganized()) { continue; } assert !vec.getBioAssays().isEmpty(); LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>> layout = null; if (cachedLayouts.containsKey(vec.getExpressionExperiment().getId())) { layout = cachedLayouts.get(vec.getExpressionExperiment().getId()); } else if (vec.getExpressionExperiment().getClass() .isInstance(ExpressionExperimentSubsetValueObject.class)) { // subset. layout = cachedLayouts.get(((ExpressionExperimentSubsetValueObject) vec.getExpressionExperiment()) .getSourceExperiment()); } if (layout == null || layout.isEmpty()) { log.error("Did not find cached layout for " + vec.getId()); continue; } List<BioAssayValueObject> newOrdering = new ArrayList<>(layout.keySet()); newOrdering.retainAll(vec.getBioAssays()); /* * This can happen if the vectors are out of whack with the bioassays - e.g. two platforms were used but * merging is not done. See bug 3775. Skipping the ordering is not the right thing to do. */ if (newOrdering.isEmpty()) { boolean allNaN = this.allNaN(vec); if (allNaN) { // reordering will have no effect. continue; } /* * Add to the layout. */ layout = this.extendLayout(vec, vec.getExpressionExperiment().getId()); newOrdering = new ArrayList<>(layout.keySet()); newOrdering.retainAll(vec.getBioAssays()); assert !newOrdering.isEmpty(); } newOrderingsForBioAssayDimensions.put(vec, newOrdering); Map<BioAssayValueObject, Integer> ordering = this.getOrdering(newOrdering); Long eeId; eeId = vec.getExpressionExperiment().getId(); // might be subset id. if (!returnedLayouts.containsKey(eeId)) { if (vec.isSliced()) { LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>> trimmedLayout = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (BioAssayValueObject baVo : newOrdering) { trimmedLayout.put(baVo, layout.get(baVo)); } returnedLayouts.put(eeId, trimmedLayout); } else { returnedLayouts.put(eeId, layout); } } /* * Might be a faster way. */ double[] data = vec.getData(); double[] dol = ArrayUtils.clone(data); // assert ordering.size() == data.length : "got " + ordering.size() + " expected " + data.length; List<BioAssayValueObject> oldOrdering = vec.getBioAssayDimension().getBioAssays(); int j = 0; if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("Old order: " + StringUtils.join(ArrayUtils.toObject(data), ",")); for (BioAssayValueObject ba : oldOrdering) { if (ordering.get(ba) == null) { assert Double.isNaN(dol[j]); j++; continue; } assert ordering.containsKey(ba); assert ordering.get(ba) != null; Integer targetIndex = ordering.get(ba); data[targetIndex] = dol[j++]; } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("New order: " + StringUtils.join(ArrayUtils.toObject(data), ",")); vec.setReorganized(true); } for (DoubleVectorValueObject vec : dedVs) { if (vec.getBioAssayDimension().isReordered()) continue; List<BioAssayValueObject> newOrdering = newOrderingsForBioAssayDimensions.get(vec); if (newOrdering == null) continue; // data was empty, etc. vec.getBioAssayDimension().reorder(newOrdering); } if (timer.getTime() > 1500) {"Sort vectors by design: " + timer.getTime() + "ms"); } return returnedLayouts; } @Override public void clearCaches(Long eeId) { this.clearCachedLayouts(eeId); } /** * Test method for now, shows how this can be used. * * @param e ee */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") // Test method for now, shows how this can be used. protected void plotExperimentalDesign(ExpressionExperiment e) { LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>> layout = this .getExperimentalDesignLayout(e); List<String> efStrings = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> baStrings = new ArrayList<>(); List<double[]> rows = new ArrayList<>(); boolean first = true; int i = 0; for (BioAssayValueObject ba : layout.keySet()) { baStrings.add(ba.getName()); int j = 0; for (ExperimentalFactor ef : layout.get(ba).keySet()) { if (first) { double[] nextRow = new double[layout.size()]; rows.add(nextRow); efStrings.add(ef.getName() + " ( id=" + ef.getId() + ")"); // make sure they are unique. } double d = layout.get(ba).get(ef); rows.get(j)[i] = d; j++; } i++; first = false; } double[][] mat = rows.toArray(new double[][] {}); DoubleMatrix<String, String> data = DoubleMatrixFactory.dense(mat); data.setRowNames(efStrings); data.setColumnNames(baStrings); ColorMatrix<String, String> cm = new ColorMatrix<>(data, ColorMap.GREENRED_COLORMAP, Color.GRAY); try { this.writeImage(cm, File.createTempFile(e.getShortName() + "_", ".png")); } catch (IOException e1) { throw new RuntimeException(e1); } } private boolean allNaN(DoubleVectorValueObject vec) { boolean allNaN = true; for (double d : vec.getData()) { if (!Double.isNaN(d)) { allNaN = false; break; } } return allNaN; } private void clearCachedLayouts(Long eeId) { this.cachedLayouts.remove(eeId); } /** * See bug 3775. For experiments which have more than one bioassay dimension, we typically have to "extend" the * layout to include more bioassays. Because the ordering is defined by the factor values associated with the * underlying biomaterials, this is going to be okay. */ private LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>> extendLayout( DoubleVectorValueObject vec, Long eeId) { BioAssayDimensionValueObject bioAssayDimension = this.getBioAssayDimensionForVector(vec); ExpressionExperimentValueObject ee = vec.getExpressionExperiment(); ExpressionExperiment actualEe = this.getExperimentForVector(vec, ee); LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>> extension = this .getExperimentalDesignLayout(actualEe, expressionExperimentService.getBioAssayDimensions(actualEe)); for (BioAssayValueObject vbaVo : bioAssayDimension.getBioAssays()) { assert extension.containsKey(vbaVo); } for (BioAssayValueObject vbaVo : vec.getBioAssays()) { assert extension.containsKey(vbaVo); } cachedLayouts.get(eeId).putAll(extension); return cachedLayouts.get(eeId); } private BioAssayDimensionValueObject getBioAssayDimensionForVector(DoubleVectorValueObject vec) { BioAssayDimensionValueObject bioAssayDimension = vec.getBioAssayDimension(); if (vec.getBioAssayDimension().getSourceBioAssayDimension() != null) { bioAssayDimension = vec.getBioAssayDimension().getSourceBioAssayDimension(); } assert bioAssayDimension.getId() != null; // this actually doesn't really matter, but we're wasting time redoing it. assert !bioAssayDimension.isReordered(); assert !bioAssayDimension.getIsSubset(); return bioAssayDimension; } private LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>> getExperimentalDesignLayout( ExpressionExperiment e) { if (cachedLayouts.containsKey(e.getId())) { return cachedLayouts.get(e.getId()); } Collection<BioAssayDimension> bds = expressionExperimentService.getBioAssayDimensions(e); e = this.expressionExperimentService.thawLite(e); LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>> result = this .getExperimentalDesignLayout(e, bds); cachedLayouts.put(e.getId(), result); return result; } /** * @param bds a BioAssayDimension that represents the BioAssayDimensionValueObject. This is only needed to avoid * making ExpressionMatrix use value objects, otherwise we could use the BioAssayDimensionValueObject * @return A "Layout": a map of bioassays to map of factors to doubles that represent the position in the layout. */ private LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>> getExperimentalDesignLayout( ExpressionExperiment experiment, Collection<BioAssayDimension> bds) { LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>> result = new LinkedHashMap<>(); ExpressionDataMatrix<Object> mat = new EmptyExpressionMatrix(bds); // This is the place the actual sort order is determined. List<BioMaterial> bms = ExpressionDataMatrixColumnSort.orderByExperimentalDesign(mat); Map<Long, Double> fvV = new HashMap<>(); assert experiment != null; assert experiment.getExperimentalDesign() != null; if (experiment.getExperimentalDesign().getExperimentalFactors().isEmpty()) { // Case of no experimental design; just put in a dummy factor. ExperimentalFactor dummyFactor = ExperimentalFactor.Factory.newInstance(); dummyFactor.setName("No factors"); for (BioMaterial bm : bms) { int j = mat.getColumnIndex(bm); Collection<BioAssay> bas = mat.getBioAssaysForColumn(j); for (BioAssay ba : bas) { BioAssayValueObject baVo = new BioAssayValueObject(ba, false); result.put(baVo, new LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>()); result.get(baVo).put(dummyFactor, 0.0); } } return result; } assert !experiment.getExperimentalDesign().getExperimentalFactors().isEmpty(); /* * Choose values to use as placeholders. */ // Map<ExperimentalFactor, Map<FactorValue, Double>> continuousRanges = new HashMap<>(); for (ExperimentalFactor ef : experiment.getExperimentalDesign().getExperimentalFactors()) { if (ef.getFactorValues().isEmpty()) { // this can happen if the design isn't complete. continue; } for (FactorValue fv : ef.getFactorValues()) { assert fv.getId() != null; // the id is just used as a convenience. fvV.put(fv.getId(), new Double(fv.getId())); } } assert !fvV.isEmpty(); assert !bms.isEmpty(); // if the same biomaterial was used in more than one bioassay (thus more than one bioassay dimension), and they // are in the same column, this is resolved here; we assign the same layout value for both bioassays, so the // ordering is the same for vectors coming from // either bioassay dimension. for (BioMaterial bm : bms) { int j = mat.getColumnIndex(bm); Collection<BioAssay> bas = mat.getBioAssaysForColumn(j); Collection<FactorValue> fvs = bm.getFactorValues(); for (BioAssay ba : bas) { BioAssayValueObject baVo = new BioAssayValueObject(ba, false); result.put(baVo, new LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>(fvs.size())); for (FactorValue fv : fvs) { assert fv.getId() != null; assert fvV.containsKey(fv.getId()); ExperimentalFactor ef = fv.getExperimentalFactor(); Double value; if (fv.getMeasurement() != null) { try { value = Double.parseDouble(fv.getMeasurement().getValue()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { value = fvV.get(fv.getId()); // not good. } } else { value = fvV.get(fv.getId()); } assert result.containsKey(baVo); assert value != null; result.get(baVo).put(ef, value); } } } return result; } /** * @return the experiment; if the vector is for a subset, we return the source experiment */ private ExpressionExperiment getExperimentForVector(DoubleVectorValueObject vec, ExpressionExperimentValueObject ee) { /* * The following is the really slow part if we don't use a cache. */ ExpressionExperiment actualEe; if (vec.isSliced()) { /* * Then we are looking at a subset, so associate it with the original experiment. */ if (!vec.getClass().isInstance(ExpressionExperimentSubsetValueObject.class)) { log.error("Vector is sliced, but the experiment is not a subset!"); } ExpressionExperimentSubsetValueObject eesvo = (ExpressionExperimentSubsetValueObject) vec .getExpressionExperiment(); if (eesvo.getSourceExperiment() == null) { log.error("Vector is sliced, but the source experiment is null!"); } actualEe = expressionExperimentService.load(eesvo.getSourceExperiment()); actualEe = expressionExperimentService.thawLiter(actualEe); } else { actualEe = expressionExperimentService.load(ee.getId()); actualEe = expressionExperimentService.thawLiter(actualEe); } return actualEe; } /** * Get the order that bioassays need to be in for the 'real' data. */ private Map<BioAssayValueObject, Integer> getOrdering(List<BioAssayValueObject> bioAssaysInOrder) { assert !bioAssaysInOrder.isEmpty(); Map<BioAssayValueObject, Integer> ordering = new HashMap<>(); int i = 0; for (BioAssayValueObject bbb : bioAssaysInOrder) { ordering.put(bbb, i++); } return ordering; } /** * Gets the bioassay dimensions for the experiments associated with the given vectors. These are cached for later * re-use. */ private void prepare(Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> dvvOs) { if (dvvOs == null) return; for (DoubleVectorValueObject vec : dvvOs) { if (vec == null) { log.debug("DoubleVectorValueObject is null"); continue; } if (vec.isReorganized()) { // wouldn't normally be the case... continue; } ExpressionExperimentValueObject ee = vec.getExpressionExperiment(); /* * Problem: we can't have two layouts for one experiment, which is actually required if there is more than * one bioassay dimension. However, this rarely matters. See bug 3775 */ if (cachedLayouts.containsKey(ee.getId())) { continue; } else if (vec.getClass().isInstance(ExpressionExperimentSubsetValueObject.class)) { ExpressionExperimentSubsetValueObject eesvo = (ExpressionExperimentSubsetValueObject) vec .getExpressionExperiment(); if (eesvo.getSourceExperiment() != null && cachedLayouts.containsKey(eesvo.getSourceExperiment())) { continue; } } BioAssayDimensionValueObject bioAssayDimension = this.getBioAssayDimensionForVector(vec); ExpressionExperiment actualEe = this.getExperimentForVector(vec, ee); assert bioAssayDimension != null; LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>> experimentalDesignLayout = this .getExperimentalDesignLayout(actualEe, expressionExperimentService.getBioAssayDimensions(actualEe)); cachedLayouts.put(ee.getId(), experimentalDesignLayout); } } /** * Test method. */ private void writeImage(ColorMatrix<String, String> matrix, File outputFile) throws IOException { MatrixDisplay<String, String> writer = new MatrixDisplay<>(matrix); writer.setCellSize(new Dimension(18, 18)); writer.saveImage(matrix, outputFile.getAbsolutePath(), true, false, true); } }