Java tutorial
/* * * Copyright (c) 2007 University of British Columbia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package ubic.gemma.core.ontology.providers; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModel; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModelSpec; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.*; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.jena.larq.IndexLARQ; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import ubic.basecode.ontology.OntologyLoader; import ubic.basecode.ontology.model.AnnotationProperty; import ubic.basecode.ontology.model.OntologyClassRestriction; import ubic.basecode.ontology.model.OntologyResource; import ubic.basecode.ontology.model.OntologyTerm; import ubic.basecode.ontology.providers.AbstractOntologyService; import; import; import; import ubic.basecode.util.Configuration; import ubic.gemma.core.genome.gene.service.GeneService; import ubic.gemma.model.common.description.Characteristic; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.Gene; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.GeneOntologyTermValueObject; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.Taxon; import ubic.gemma.persistence.service.association.Gene2GOAssociationService; import ubic.gemma.persistence.util.Settings; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; /** * Holds a complete copy of the GeneOntology. This gets loaded on startup. * * @author pavlidis */ @SuppressWarnings({ "WeakerAccess", "unused" }) // Possible external use @Component public class GeneOntologyServiceImpl implements GeneOntologyService { public enum GOAspect { BIOLOGICAL_PROCESS, CELLULAR_COMPONENT, MOLECULAR_FUNCTION } private static final String ALL_ROOT = GeneOntologyService.BASE_GO_URI + "ALL"; private static boolean enabled = true; private final static String GO_URL = ""; private final static boolean LOAD_BY_DEFAULT = true; private static final String LOAD_GENE_ONTOLOGY_OPTION = "load.geneOntology"; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(GeneOntologyServiceImpl.class.getName()); private static final String PART_OF_URI = ""; private static final AtomicBoolean ready = new AtomicBoolean(false); private static final AtomicBoolean running = new AtomicBoolean(false); // cache private static final Map<String, GOAspect> term2Aspect = new HashMap<>(); // cache private static Map<String, OntologyTerm> uri2Term = new HashMap<>(); /** * @param term the term * @return Usual formatted GO id, e.g., GO:0039392 */ public static String asRegularGoId(Characteristic term) { String uri = term.getValue(); return GeneOntologyServiceImpl.asRegularGoId(uri); } /** * @param term ontology term * @return Usual formatted GO id, e.g., GO:0039392 */ public static String asRegularGoId(OntologyTerm term) { if (term == null) return null; String uri = term.getUri(); return GeneOntologyServiceImpl.asRegularGoId(uri); } public static String asRegularGoId(String uri) { return uri.replaceAll(".*?/", "").replace("_", ":"); } public static boolean isEnabled() { return GeneOntologyServiceImpl.enabled; } /** * @return Turn an id like GO:0038128 into a URI. */ private static String toUri(String goId) { String uriTerm = goId.replace(":", "_"); return GeneOntologyService.BASE_GO_URI + uriTerm; } /** * Cache of go term -> child terms */ private final Map<String, Collection<OntologyTerm>> childrenCache = Collections .synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, Collection<OntologyTerm>>()); private Gene2GOAssociationService gene2GOAssociationService; private GeneService geneService; /** * Cache of gene -> go terms. */ private final Map<Gene, Collection<OntologyTerm>> goTerms = new HashMap<>(); private final Collection<SearchIndex> indices = new HashSet<>(); private OntModel model; /** * Cache of go term -> parent terms */ private final Map<String, Collection<OntologyTerm>> parentsCache = Collections .synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, Collection<OntologyTerm>>()); @Override public void afterPropertiesSet() { /* * If this load.ontologies is NOT configured, we go ahead (per-ontology config will be checked). */ String doLoad = Configuration.getString("load.ontologies"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(doLoad) || Configuration.getBoolean("load.ontologies")) { this.init(false); } } @Override public Map<Long, Collection<OntologyTerm>> calculateGoTermOverlap(Gene queryGene, Collection<Long> geneIds) { Map<Long, Collection<OntologyTerm>> overlap = new HashMap<>(); if (queryGene == null) return null; if (geneIds.size() == 0) return overlap; Collection<OntologyTerm> queryGeneTerms = this.getGOTerms(queryGene); overlap.put(queryGene.getId(), queryGeneTerms); // include the query gene in the list. Clearly 100% overlap // with itself! Collection<Gene> genes = this.geneService.load(geneIds); this.putOverlapGenes(overlap, queryGeneTerms, genes); return overlap; } @Override public Collection<OntologyTerm> calculateGoTermOverlap(Gene queryGene1, Gene queryGene2) { if (queryGene1 == null || queryGene2 == null) return null; Collection<OntologyTerm> queryGeneTerms1 = this.getGOTerms(queryGene1); Collection<OntologyTerm> queryGeneTerms2 = this.getGOTerms(queryGene2); return this.computeOverlap(queryGeneTerms1, queryGeneTerms2); } @Override public Map<Long, Collection<OntologyTerm>> calculateGoTermOverlap(Long queryGene, Collection<Long> geneIds) { Map<Long, Collection<OntologyTerm>> overlap = new HashMap<>(); if (queryGene == null) return null; if (geneIds.size() == 0) return overlap; Collection<OntologyTerm> queryGeneTerms = this.getGOTerms(queryGene); overlap.put(queryGene, queryGeneTerms); // include the query gene in the list. Clearly 100% overlap // with itself! Collection<Gene> genes = this.geneService.load(geneIds); this.putOverlapGenes(overlap, queryGeneTerms, genes); return overlap; } @Override public Collection<OntologyTerm> computeOverlap(Collection<OntologyTerm> masterTerms, Collection<OntologyTerm> comparisonTerms) { Collection<OntologyTerm> overlapTerms = new HashSet<>(masterTerms); overlapTerms.retainAll(comparisonTerms); return overlapTerms; } @Override public Collection<OntologyTerm> findTerm(String queryString) { if (!this.isReady()) return new HashSet<>(); if (GeneOntologyServiceImpl.log.isDebugEnabled()) GeneOntologyServiceImpl.log.debug("Searching Gene Ontology for '" + queryString + "'"); // make sure we are all-inclusive queryString = queryString.trim(); queryString = queryString.replaceAll("\\s+", " AND "); StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); Collection<OntologyResource> rawMatches = new HashSet<>(); for (SearchIndex index : this.indices) { rawMatches.addAll(OntologySearch.matchIndividuals(model, index, queryString)); } if (timer.getTime() > 100) {"Find " + rawMatches.size() + " raw go terms from " + queryString + ": " + timer.getTime() + " ms"); } timer.reset(); timer.start(); /* * Required to make sure the descriptions are filled in. */ Collection<OntologyTerm> matches = new HashSet<>(); for (OntologyResource r : rawMatches) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(r.getUri())) continue; OntologyTerm termForURI = getTerm(r.getUri()); if (termForURI == null) { GeneOntologyServiceImpl.log.warn("No term for : " + r); continue; } matches.add(termForURI); } if (timer.getTime() > 100) { GeneOntologyServiceImpl.log .info("Convert " + rawMatches.size() + " raw go terms to terms: " + timer.getTime() + " ms"); } return matches; } @Override public Collection<OntologyTerm> getAllChildren(OntologyTerm entry) { return this.getAllChildren(entry, false); } @Override public Collection<OntologyTerm> getAllChildren(OntologyTerm entry, boolean includePartOf) { return this.getDescendants(entry, includePartOf); } @Override public Collection<String> getAllGOTermIds() { return GeneOntologyServiceImpl.uri2Term.keySet(); } @Override public Collection<OntologyTerm> getAllParents(Collection<OntologyTerm> entries) { return this.getAllParents(entries, false); } @Override public Collection<OntologyTerm> getAllParents(Collection<OntologyTerm> entries, boolean includePartOf) { if (entries == null) return null; Collection<OntologyTerm> result = new HashSet<>(); for (OntologyTerm entry : entries) { result.addAll(this.getAncestors(entry, includePartOf)); } return result; } @Override public Collection<OntologyTerm> getAllParents(OntologyTerm entry) { return this.getAllParents(entry, true); } @Override public Collection<OntologyTerm> getAllParents(OntologyTerm entry, boolean includePartOf) { if (entry == null) return new HashSet<>(); return this.getAncestors(entry, includePartOf); } @Override public Collection<OntologyTerm> getChildren(OntologyTerm entry) { return this.getChildren(entry, false); } @Override public Collection<OntologyTerm> getChildren(OntologyTerm entry, boolean includePartOf) { if (entry == null) return null; if (GeneOntologyServiceImpl.log.isDebugEnabled()) GeneOntologyServiceImpl.log.debug("Getting children of " + entry); Collection<OntologyTerm> terms = entry.getChildren(true); if (includePartOf) terms.addAll(this.getPartsOf(entry)); return terms; } @Override public Collection<Gene> getGenes(String goId, Taxon taxon) { OntologyTerm t = getTermForId(goId); if (t == null) return null; Collection<OntologyTerm> terms = this.getAllChildren(t); Collection<Gene> results = new HashSet<>(this.gene2GOAssociationService.findByGOTerm(goId, taxon)); for (OntologyTerm term : terms) { results.addAll(this.gene2GOAssociationService.findByGOTerm(GeneOntologyServiceImpl.asRegularGoId(term), taxon)); } return results; } @Override public Collection<OntologyTerm> getGOTerms(Gene gene) { return this.getGOTerms(gene, true, null); } @Override public Collection<OntologyTerm> getGOTerms(Gene gene, boolean includePartOf) { return this.getGOTerms(gene, includePartOf, null); } @Override public Collection<OntologyTerm> getGOTerms(Gene gene, boolean includePartOf, GOAspect goAspect) { Collection<OntologyTerm> cachedTerms = goTerms.get(gene); if (GeneOntologyServiceImpl.log.isTraceEnabled() && cachedTerms != null) { this.logIds("found cached GO terms for " + gene.getOfficialSymbol(), goTerms.get(gene)); } if (cachedTerms == null) { Collection<OntologyTerm> allGOTermSet = new HashSet<>(); Collection<Characteristic> annotations = gene2GOAssociationService.findByGene(gene); for (Characteristic c : annotations) { if (!GeneOntologyServiceImpl.uri2Term.containsKey(c.getValueUri())) { GeneOntologyServiceImpl.log.warn("Term " + c.getValueUri() + " not found in term list can't add to results (ontology not loaded?)"); continue; } allGOTermSet.add(GeneOntologyServiceImpl.uri2Term.get(c.getValueUri())); } allGOTermSet.addAll(this.getAllParents(allGOTermSet, includePartOf)); cachedTerms = Collections.unmodifiableCollection(allGOTermSet); if (GeneOntologyServiceImpl.log.isTraceEnabled()) this.logIds("caching GO terms for " + gene.getOfficialSymbol(), allGOTermSet); goTerms.put(gene, cachedTerms); } if (goAspect != null) { Collection<OntologyTerm> finalTerms = new HashSet<>(); for (OntologyTerm ontologyTerm : cachedTerms) { GOAspect term = this.getTermAspect(ontologyTerm); if (term != null && term.equals(goAspect)) { finalTerms.add(ontologyTerm); } } return finalTerms; } return cachedTerms; } @Override public Collection<OntologyTerm> getGOTerms(Long geneId) { return this.getGOTerms(geneId, true, null); } /** * @param gene gene * @param goAspect go aspect * @param includePartOf include part of * @return collection of ontology terms */ public Collection<OntologyTerm> getGOTerms(Long gene, boolean includePartOf, GOAspect goAspect) { return this.getGOTerms(geneService.load(gene), includePartOf, goAspect); } @Override public Collection<OntologyTerm> getParents(OntologyTerm entry) { return this.getParents(entry, false); } @Override public Collection<OntologyTerm> getParents(OntologyTerm entry, boolean includePartOf) { Collection<OntologyTerm> parents = entry.getParents(true); Collection<OntologyTerm> results = new HashSet<>(); for (OntologyTerm term : parents) { // The isRoot() returns true for the MolecularFunction, BiologicalProcess, CellularComponent if (term.isRoot()) continue; if (term.getUri().equalsIgnoreCase(GeneOntologyServiceImpl.ALL_ROOT)) continue; //noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody // Better readability if (term instanceof OntologyClassRestriction) { // don't keep it. - for example, "ends_during" RO_0002093 } else { results.add(term); } } if (includePartOf) results.addAll(this.getIsPartOf(entry)); return results; } /** * @param uri uri * @return null if not found */ @Override public OntologyTerm getTerm(String uri) { if (GeneOntologyServiceImpl.uri2Term == null || !GeneOntologyServiceImpl.uri2Term.containsKey(uri)) return null; return GeneOntologyServiceImpl.uri2Term.get(uri); } @Override public GOAspect getTermAspect(Characteristic goId) { String string = GeneOntologyServiceImpl.asRegularGoId(goId); return this.getTermAspect(string); } @Override public GOAspect getTermAspect(String goId) { OntologyTerm term = getTermForId(goId); if (term == null) return null; return this.getTermAspect(term); } @Override public String getTermDefinition(String goId) { OntologyTerm t = getTermForId(goId); assert t != null; Collection<AnnotationProperty> annotations = t.getAnnotations(); for (AnnotationProperty annot : annotations) {; if (annot.getProperty().equals("hasDefinition")) { return annot.getContents(); } } return null; } /** * @param goId e.g. GO:0001312 * @return null if not found */ @Override public OntologyTerm getTermForId(String goId) { if (GeneOntologyServiceImpl.uri2Term == null) return null; if (!GeneOntologyServiceImpl.uri2Term.containsKey(GeneOntologyServiceImpl.toUri(goId))) { GeneOntologyServiceImpl.log.warn("GOID " + goId + " not recognized?"); } return GeneOntologyServiceImpl.uri2Term.get(GeneOntologyServiceImpl.toUri(goId)); } @Override public String getTermName(String goId) { OntologyTerm t = getTermForId(goId); if (t == null) return "[Not available]"; // not ready yet? return t.getTerm(); } @Override public GeneOntologyTermValueObject getValueObject(OntologyTerm term) { return new GeneOntologyTermValueObject(GeneOntologyServiceImpl.asRegularGoId(term), term); } @Override public Collection<GeneOntologyTermValueObject> getValueObjects(Collection<OntologyTerm> terms) { Collection<GeneOntologyTermValueObject> vos = new ArrayList<>(terms.size()); for (OntologyTerm term : terms) { vos.add(this.getValueObject(term)); } return vos; } @Override public Collection<GeneOntologyTermValueObject> getValueObjects(Gene gene) { return gene == null ? null : this.getValueObjects(this.getGOTerms(gene)); } @Override public synchronized void init(boolean force) { if (GeneOntologyServiceImpl.running.get()) { GeneOntologyServiceImpl.log.warn("Gene Ontology initialization is already running"); return; } boolean loadOntology = Settings.getBoolean(GeneOntologyServiceImpl.LOAD_GENE_ONTOLOGY_OPTION, GeneOntologyServiceImpl.LOAD_BY_DEFAULT); if (!force && !loadOntology) {"Loading Gene Ontology is disabled (both force and " + GeneOntologyServiceImpl.LOAD_GENE_ONTOLOGY_OPTION + " options were false.)"); GeneOntologyServiceImpl.enabled = false; return; } this.initializeGeneOntology(); } @Override public Boolean isAChildOf(OntologyTerm parent, OntologyTerm potentialChild) { return this.isAParentOf(potentialChild, parent); } @Override public Boolean isAParentOf(OntologyTerm child, OntologyTerm potentialParent) { if (potentialParent.isRoot()) return true; // well.... Collection<OntologyTerm> parents = this.getAllParents(child); return parents.contains(potentialParent); } @Override public Boolean isAValidGOId(String goId) { if (!this.isReady()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Gene ontology isn't ready so cannot check validity of IDs"); } return GeneOntologyServiceImpl.uri2Term.containsKey(GeneOntologyServiceImpl.toUri(goId)) || GeneOntologyServiceImpl.uri2Term .containsKey(GeneOntologyServiceImpl.toUri(goId.replaceFirst("_", ":"))); } @Override public boolean isBiologicalProcess(OntologyTerm term) { GOAspect nameSpace = this.getTermAspect(term); if (nameSpace == null) { GeneOntologyServiceImpl.log.debug("No namespace for " + term + ", assuming not Biological Process"); return false; } return nameSpace.equals(GOAspect.BIOLOGICAL_PROCESS); } @Override public synchronized boolean isGeneOntologyLoaded() { return GeneOntologyServiceImpl.ready.get(); } @Override public synchronized boolean isReady() { return GeneOntologyServiceImpl.ready.get(); } @Override public synchronized boolean isRunning() { return GeneOntologyServiceImpl.running.get(); } @Override public Collection<OntologyTerm> listTerms() { return GeneOntologyServiceImpl.uri2Term.values(); } @Override public void loadTermsInNameSpace(InputStream is) { this.model = OntologyLoader.loadMemoryModel(is, null, OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM); Collection<OntologyResource> terms = OntologyLoader.initialize(null, model); this.indices.add(OntologyIndexer.indexOntology("GeneOntology", model)); GeneOntologyServiceImpl.uri2Term.clear(); this.addTerms(terms); GeneOntologyServiceImpl.ready.set(true); } @Autowired public void setGene2GOAssociationService(Gene2GOAssociationService gene2GOAssociationService) { this.gene2GOAssociationService = gene2GOAssociationService; } @Autowired public void setGeneService(GeneService geneService) { this.geneService = geneService; } @Override public void shutDown() { if (this.isReady()) { try { this.goTerms.clear(); this.childrenCache.clear(); this.parentsCache.clear(); GeneOntologyServiceImpl.term2Aspect.clear(); for (IndexLARQ l : indices) { l.close(); } this.model.close(); this.model = null; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { GeneOntologyServiceImpl.ready.set(false); GeneOntologyServiceImpl.running.set(false); } } } protected void loadTermsInNameSpace() { this.model = OntologyLoader.loadMemoryModel(GeneOntologyServiceImpl.GO_URL, OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM); Collection<OntologyResource> terms = OntologyLoader.initialize(GeneOntologyServiceImpl.GO_URL, model); this.indices.add(OntologyIndexer .indexOntology(GeneOntologyServiceImpl.GO_URL.replaceFirst(".*/", "").replace(".owl", ""), model)); this.addTerms(terms); } private void addTerms(Collection<OntologyResource> newTerms) { for (OntologyResource term : newTerms) { if (term.getUri() == null) continue; if (term instanceof OntologyTerm) { OntologyTerm ontTerm = (OntologyTerm) term; GeneOntologyServiceImpl.uri2Term.put(term.getUri(), ontTerm); for (String alternativeID : ontTerm.getAlternativeIds()) { GeneOntologyServiceImpl.log.debug(GeneOntologyServiceImpl.toUri(alternativeID)); GeneOntologyServiceImpl.uri2Term.put(GeneOntologyServiceImpl.toUri(alternativeID), ontTerm); } } } } private synchronized Collection<OntologyTerm> getAncestors(OntologyTerm entry, boolean includePartOf) { if (entry == null) { return new HashSet<>(); } Collection<OntologyTerm> ancestors = parentsCache.get(entry.getUri()); if (ancestors == null) { ancestors = new HashSet<>(); Collection<OntologyTerm> parents = this.getParents(entry, includePartOf); if (parents != null) { for (OntologyTerm parent : parents) { ancestors.add(parent); ancestors.addAll(this.getAncestors(parent, includePartOf)); } } ancestors = Collections.unmodifiableCollection(ancestors); parentsCache.put(entry.getUri(), ancestors); } return new HashSet<>(ancestors); } /** * @return Given an ontology term recursively determines all the children and adds them to a cache (same as * getAllParents but the recursive code is a little cleaner and doesn't use and accumulator) */ private synchronized Collection<OntologyTerm> getDescendants(OntologyTerm entry, boolean includePartOf) { Collection<OntologyTerm> descendants = childrenCache.get(entry.getUri()); if (descendants == null) { descendants = new HashSet<>(); Collection<OntologyTerm> children = this.getChildren(entry, includePartOf); if (children != null) { for (OntologyTerm child : children) { descendants.add(child); descendants.addAll(this.getDescendants(child, includePartOf)); } } descendants = Collections.unmodifiableCollection(descendants); childrenCache.put(entry.getUri(), descendants); } return new HashSet<>(descendants); } /** * Return terms to which the given term has a part_of relation (it is "part_of" them). */ private Collection<OntologyTerm> getIsPartOf(OntologyTerm entry) { Collection<OntologyTerm> r = new HashSet<>(); String u = entry.getUri(); String queryString = "SELECT ?x WHERE { <" + u + "> <> ?v . " + "?v <> <" + GeneOntologyServiceImpl.PART_OF_URI + "> . " + "?v <> ?x . }"; Query q = QueryFactory.create(queryString); QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(q, (Model) entry.getModel()); try { ResultSet results = qexec.execSelect(); while (results.hasNext()) { QuerySolution soln = results.nextSolution(); Resource x = soln.getResource("x"); if (x.isAnon()) continue; // some reasoners will return these. String uri = x.getURI(); if (GeneOntologyServiceImpl.log.isDebugEnabled()) GeneOntologyServiceImpl.log .debug(entry + " is part of " + GeneOntologyServiceImpl.uri2Term.get(uri)); r.add(GeneOntologyServiceImpl.uri2Term.get(uri)); } } finally { qexec.close(); } return r; } /** * Return terms which have "part_of" relation with the given term (they are "part_of" the given term). */ private Collection<OntologyTerm> getPartsOf(OntologyTerm entry) { Collection<OntologyTerm> r = new HashSet<>(); String u = entry.getUri(); String queryString = "SELECT ?x WHERE {" + "?x <> ?v . " + "?v <> <" + GeneOntologyServiceImpl.PART_OF_URI + "> . " + "?v <> <" + u + "> . }"; Query q = QueryFactory.create(queryString); QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(q, (Model) entry.getModel()); try { ResultSet results = qexec.execSelect(); while (results.hasNext()) { QuerySolution soln = results.nextSolution(); Resource x = soln.getResource("x"); String uri = x.getURI(); if (x.isAnon()) continue; // some reasoners will return these. if (GeneOntologyServiceImpl.log.isDebugEnabled()) GeneOntologyServiceImpl.log .debug(GeneOntologyServiceImpl.uri2Term.get(uri) + " is part of " + entry); r.add(GeneOntologyServiceImpl.uri2Term.get(uri)); } } finally { qexec.close(); } return r; } private GOAspect getTermAspect(OntologyTerm term) { assert term != null; String goId = term.getTerm(); if (GeneOntologyServiceImpl.term2Aspect.containsKey(goId)) { return GeneOntologyServiceImpl.term2Aspect.get(goId); } String nameSpace = null; for (AnnotationProperty annot : term.getAnnotations()) { /* * Why they changed this, I can't say. It used to be hasOBONamespace but now comes through as * has_obo_namespace. */ if (annot.getProperty().equals("hasOBONamespace") || annot.getProperty().equals("has_obo_namespace")) { nameSpace = annot.getContents(); break; } } if (nameSpace == null) { GeneOntologyServiceImpl.log.warn("aspect could not be determined for: " + term); return null; } GOAspect aspect = GOAspect.valueOf(nameSpace.toUpperCase()); GeneOntologyServiceImpl.term2Aspect.put(goId, aspect); return aspect; } private synchronized void initializeGeneOntology() { if (GeneOntologyServiceImpl.running.get()) return; Thread loadThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { GeneOntologyServiceImpl.running.set(true); GeneOntologyServiceImpl.uri2Term = new HashMap<>();"Loading Gene Ontology..."); StopWatch loadTime = new StopWatch(); loadTime.start(); try { GeneOntologyServiceImpl.this.loadTermsInNameSpace(); GeneOntologyServiceImpl.log .info("Gene Ontology loaded, total of " + GeneOntologyServiceImpl.uri2Term.size() + " items in " + loadTime.getTime() / 1000 + "s"); GeneOntologyServiceImpl.ready.set(true); GeneOntologyServiceImpl.running.set(false);"Done loading GO"); loadTime.stop(); } catch (Throwable e) { GeneOntologyServiceImpl.log.error(e, e); GeneOntologyServiceImpl.ready.set(false); GeneOntologyServiceImpl.running.set(false); } } }); loadThread.start(); } private void logIds(String prefix, Collection<OntologyTerm> terms) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(prefix); buf.append(": [ "); Iterator<OntologyTerm> i = terms.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { buf.append(GeneOntologyServiceImpl.asRegularGoId(; if (i.hasNext()) buf.append(", "); } buf.append(" ]"); GeneOntologyServiceImpl.log.trace(buf.toString()); } private void putOverlapGenes(Map<Long, Collection<OntologyTerm>> overlap, Collection<OntologyTerm> queryGeneTerms, Collection<Gene> genes) { for (Object obj : genes) { Gene gene = (Gene) obj; if (queryGeneTerms.isEmpty()) { overlap.put(gene.getId(), new HashSet<OntologyTerm>()); continue; } Collection<OntologyTerm> comparisonOntos = this.getGOTerms(gene); if (comparisonOntos == null || comparisonOntos.isEmpty()) { overlap.put(gene.getId(), new HashSet<OntologyTerm>()); continue; } overlap.put(gene.getId(), this.computeOverlap(queryGeneTerms, comparisonOntos)); } } }