Java tutorial
/* * The Gemma project * * Copyright (c) 2006 University of British Columbia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package ubic.gemma.core.datastructure.matrix; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DenseDoubleMatrix; import ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DoubleMatrix; import; import ubic.gemma.model.common.quantitationtype.PrimitiveType; import ubic.gemma.model.common.quantitationtype.QuantitationType; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssay.BioAssay; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssayData.BioAssayDimension; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssayData.DesignElementDataVector; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssayData.ProcessedExpressionDataVector; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssayData.RawExpressionDataVector; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.biomaterial.BioMaterial; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.designElement.CompositeSequence; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.ExpressionExperiment; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.*; /** * A data structure that holds a reference to the data for a given expression experiment. The data can be queried by row * or column, returning data for a specific DesignElement or data for a specific BioAssay. This class is not database * aware so the vectors provided must already be 'thawed'. * * @author pavlidis * @author keshav */ public class ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix extends BaseExpressionDataMatrix<Double> { private static final int MAX_ROWS_TO_STRING = 200; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix.class.getName()); private DoubleMatrix<CompositeSequence, BioMaterial> matrix; private Map<CompositeSequence, Double> ranks = new HashMap<>(); /** * To comply with bean specifications. Not to be instantiated. */ public ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix() { } public ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix(Collection<? extends DesignElementDataVector> vectors) { this.init(); for (DesignElementDataVector dedv : vectors) { if (!dedv.getQuantitationType().getRepresentation().equals(PrimitiveType.DOUBLE)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot convert non-double quantitation types into double matrix:" + dedv.getQuantitationType()); } } this.selectVectors(vectors); this.vectorsToMatrix(vectors); } public ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix(Collection<? extends DesignElementDataVector> dataVectors, Collection<QuantitationType> quantitationTypes) { this.init(); for (QuantitationType qt : quantitationTypes) { if (!qt.getRepresentation().equals(PrimitiveType.DOUBLE)) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot convert non-double quantitation types into double matrix: " + qt); } } Collection<DesignElementDataVector> selectedVectors = this.selectVectors(dataVectors, quantitationTypes); this.vectorsToMatrix(selectedVectors); } public ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix(Collection<? extends DesignElementDataVector> dataVectors, QuantitationType quantitationType) { this.init(); if (!quantitationType.getRepresentation().equals(PrimitiveType.DOUBLE)) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot convert non-double quantitation types into double matrix: " + quantitationType); } Collection<DesignElementDataVector> selectedVectors = this.selectVectors(dataVectors, quantitationType); this.vectorsToMatrix(selectedVectors); } /** * Create a data matrix like sourceMatrix but use the values from dataMatrix. * * @param sourceMatrix source matrix * @param dataMatrix the rows can be different than the original matrix, but the columns must be the same. */ public ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix(ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix sourceMatrix, DoubleMatrix<CompositeSequence, BioMaterial> dataMatrix) { this.init(); this.expressionExperiment = sourceMatrix.expressionExperiment; this.bioAssayDimensions = sourceMatrix.bioAssayDimensions; this.columnAssayMap = sourceMatrix.columnAssayMap; this.columnBioAssayMapByInteger = sourceMatrix.columnBioAssayMapByInteger; this.columnBioMaterialMap = sourceMatrix.columnBioMaterialMap; this.columnBioMaterialMapByInteger = sourceMatrix.columnBioMaterialMapByInteger; this.quantitationTypes = sourceMatrix.quantitationTypes; this.matrix = dataMatrix; for (int i = 0; i < dataMatrix.rows(); i++) { this.addToRowMaps(i, dataMatrix.getRowName(i)); } } /** * Create a matrix based on another one's selected rows. * * @param rowsToUse rows * @param sourceMatrix matrix */ public ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix(ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix sourceMatrix, List<CompositeSequence> rowsToUse) { this.init(); this.expressionExperiment = sourceMatrix.expressionExperiment; this.bioAssayDimensions = sourceMatrix.bioAssayDimensions; this.columnAssayMap = sourceMatrix.columnAssayMap; this.columnBioAssayMapByInteger = sourceMatrix.columnBioAssayMapByInteger; this.columnBioMaterialMap = sourceMatrix.columnBioMaterialMap; this.columnBioMaterialMapByInteger = sourceMatrix.columnBioMaterialMapByInteger; this.quantitationTypes = sourceMatrix.getQuantitationTypes(); this.matrix = new DenseDoubleMatrix<>(rowsToUse.size(), sourceMatrix.columns()); this.matrix.setColumnNames(sourceMatrix.getMatrix().getColNames()); ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix.log .debug("Creating a filtered matrix " + rowsToUse.size() + " x " + sourceMatrix.columns()); int i = 0; for (CompositeSequence element : rowsToUse) { super.addToRowMaps(i, element); Double[] rowVals = sourceMatrix.getRow(element); assert rowVals != null : "Source matrix does not have row for " + element; this.matrix.addRowName(element); for (int j = 0; j < rowVals.length; j++) { Double val = rowVals[j]; this.set(i, j, val); } i++; } } /** * Create a matrix given a 'raw' matrix that uses the same samples as the experiment. Only simple situations are * supported (one platform, not subsetting the dataset). * * @param ee to be associated with this * @param qt to be associated with this * @param matrix with valid row and column elements, and the data */ public ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix(ExpressionExperiment ee, QuantitationType qt, DoubleMatrix<CompositeSequence, BioMaterial> matrix) { if (ee == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Experiment cannot be null"); } if (matrix.rows() == 0 || matrix.columns() == 0 || matrix.getRowNames().isEmpty() || matrix.getColNames().isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Matrix is invalid"); } this.init(); this.expressionExperiment = ee; this.matrix = matrix; this.quantitationTypes.add(qt); BioAssayDimension dim = BioAssayDimension.Factory.newInstance(); List<BioAssay> bioassays = new ArrayList<>(); for (BioMaterial bm : matrix.getColNames()) { Collection<BioAssay> bioAssaysUsedIn = bm.getBioAssaysUsedIn(); if (bioAssaysUsedIn.size() > 1) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Can't make new data from matrix that has multiple bioassays per biomaterial"); } BioAssay bioAssay = bioAssaysUsedIn.iterator().next(); if (!ee.getBioAssays().contains(bioAssay)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bioassays in the matrix must match those in the experiment"); } bioassays.add(bioAssay); } if (bioassays.size() != ee.getBioAssays().size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("All bioassays in the experiment must be used in the matrix"); } dim.setBioAssays(bioassays); dim.setDescription("Built from matrix supplied to Constructor for " + ee + " from matrix"); dim.setName(StringUtils.abbreviate("For " + ee.getShortName() + " from matrix", 255)); assert !matrix.getRowNames().isEmpty(); int i = 0; for (CompositeSequence cs : matrix.getRowNames()) { bioAssayDimensions.put(cs, dim); this.addToRowMaps(i, cs); i++; } assert !bioAssayDimensions.isEmpty(); this.setUpColumnElements(); } /** * Create a matrix based on another one's selected columns. The results will be somewhat butchered - only a single * BioAssayDimension and the ranks will be copied over (not recomputed based on the selected columns). * * @param columnsToUse columns * @param sourceMatrix matrix * @param reorderedDim the reordered bioAssayDimension. */ public ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix(ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix sourceMatrix, List<BioMaterial> columnsToUse, BioAssayDimension reorderedDim) { this.init(); this.expressionExperiment = sourceMatrix.expressionExperiment; this.matrix = new DenseDoubleMatrix<>(sourceMatrix.rows(), columnsToUse.size()); this.matrix.setRowNames(sourceMatrix.getMatrix().getRowNames()); this.matrix.setColumnNames(columnsToUse); this.ranks = sourceMatrix.ranks; // not strictly correct if we are using subcolumns this.getQuantitationTypes().addAll(sourceMatrix.getQuantitationTypes()); List<Integer> originalBioMaterialIndices = new ArrayList<>(); for (BioMaterial bm : columnsToUse) { originalBioMaterialIndices.add(sourceMatrix.getColumnIndex(bm)); } this.bioAssayDimensions.clear(); int i = 0; for (ExpressionDataMatrixRowElement element : sourceMatrix.getRowElements()) { CompositeSequence designElement = element.getDesignElement(); super.addToRowMaps(i, designElement); Double[] sourceRow = sourceMatrix.getRow(designElement); assert sourceRow != null : "Source matrix does not have row for " + designElement; bioAssayDimensions.put(designElement, reorderedDim); for (int j = 0; j < originalBioMaterialIndices.size(); j++) { Double val = sourceRow[originalBioMaterialIndices.get(j)]; this.set(i, j, val); } i++; } super.setUpColumnElements(); } @Override public int columns() { return matrix.columns(); } @Override public Double get(CompositeSequence designElement, BioAssay bioAssay) { Integer i = this.rowElementMap.get(designElement); Integer j = this.columnAssayMap.get(bioAssay); if (i == null || j == null) { ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix.log.warn("No matrix element for " + designElement + ", " + bioAssay); return null; } return this.matrix.get(i, j); } @Override public Double get(int row, int column) { return matrix.get(row, column); } @Override public Double[][] get(List<CompositeSequence> designElements, List<BioAssay> bioAssays) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Sorry, not implemented yet"); } @Override public Double[] getColumn(BioAssay bioAssay) { int index = this.columnAssayMap.get(bioAssay); return this.getColumn(index); } @Override public Double[] getColumn(Integer index) { double[] rawResult = this.matrix.getColumn(index); assert rawResult != null; Double[] result = new Double[rawResult.length]; for (int i = 0; i < rawResult.length; i++) { result[i] = rawResult[i]; } return result; } @Override public Double[][] getColumns(List<BioAssay> bioAssays) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Sorry, not implemented yet"); } @Override public Double[][] getRawMatrix() { Double[][] dMatrix = new Double[matrix.rows()][matrix.columns()]; for (int i = 0; i < matrix.rows(); i++) { Double[] row = matrix.getRowObj(i); dMatrix[i] = row; } return dMatrix; } @Override public Double[] getRow(CompositeSequence designElement) { Integer row = this.rowElementMap.get(designElement); if (row == null) return null; return this.getRow(row); } @Override public Double[] getRow(Integer index) { double[] rawRow = matrix.getRow(index); return ArrayUtils.toObject(rawRow); } @Override public Double[][] getRows(List<CompositeSequence> designElements) { if (designElements == null) { return null; } Double[][] result = new Double[designElements.size()][]; int i = 0; for (CompositeSequence element : designElements) { Double[] rowResult = this.getRow(element); result[i] = rowResult; i++; } return result; } @Override public boolean hasMissingValues() { for (int i = 0; i < matrix.rows(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < matrix.columns(); j++) { if (Double.isNaN(matrix.get(i, j))) return true; } } return false; } @Override public int rows() { return matrix.rows(); } @Override public void set(int row, int column, Double value) { if (value == null) { matrix.set(row, column, Double.NaN); } else { matrix.set(row, column, value); } } /** * @return Convert this to a collection of vectors. */ public Collection<ProcessedExpressionDataVector> toProcessedDataVectors() { Collection<ProcessedExpressionDataVector> result = new HashSet<>(); QuantitationType qt = this.getQuantitationTypes().iterator().next(); ByteArrayConverter bac = new ByteArrayConverter(); if (this.getQuantitationTypes().size() > 1) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Cannot convert matrix that has more than one quantitation type"); } for (int i = 0; i < this.rows(); i++) { Double[] data = this.getRow(i); ProcessedExpressionDataVector v = ProcessedExpressionDataVector.Factory.newInstance(); v.setBioAssayDimension(this.getBestBioAssayDimension()); v.setDesignElement(this.getRowNames().get(i)); v.setQuantitationType(qt); v.setData(bac.doubleArrayToBytes(data)); v.setExpressionExperiment(this.expressionExperiment); // we don't fill in the ranks because we only have the mean value here. result.add(v); } return result; } /** * Same as toProcessedDataVectors but uses RawExpressionDataVector * * @return Convert this to a collection of vectors. */ public Collection<RawExpressionDataVector> toRawDataVectors() { Collection<RawExpressionDataVector> result = new HashSet<>(); QuantitationType qt = this.getQuantitationTypes().iterator().next(); ByteArrayConverter bac = new ByteArrayConverter(); if (this.getQuantitationTypes().size() > 1) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Cannot convert matrix that has more than one quantitation type"); } for (int i = 0; i < this.rows(); i++) { Double[] data = this.getRow(i); RawExpressionDataVector v = RawExpressionDataVector.Factory.newInstance(); v.setBioAssayDimension(this.getBestBioAssayDimension()); v.setDesignElement(this.getRowNames().get(i)); v.setQuantitationType(qt); v.setData(bac.doubleArrayToBytes(data)); v.setExpressionExperiment(this.expressionExperiment); // we don't fill in the ranks because we only have the mean value here. result.add(v); } assert result.size() == this.rows(); return result; } public DoubleMatrix<CompositeSequence, BioMaterial> getMatrix() { return matrix; } /** * @return The expression level ranks (based on mean signal intensity in the vectors); this will be empty if the * vectors used to construct the matrix were not ProcessedExpressionDataVectors. */ public Map<CompositeSequence, Double> getRanks() { return this.ranks; } public double[] getRawRow(Integer index) { return matrix.getRow(index); } public List<CompositeSequence> getRowNames() { return this.getMatrix().getRowNames(); } public void set(CompositeSequence designElement, BioAssay bioAssay, Double value) { int row = this.getRowIndex(designElement); int column = this.getColumnIndex(bioAssay); matrix.set(row, column, value); } /** * Sets the row of matrix to the input data. * * @param rowIndex The row index of the data in the matrix to be replaced. * @param data The input data. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") // Useful interface public void setRow(int rowIndex, Double[] data) { if (rowIndex > this.matrix.rows()) { throw new RuntimeException("Specified row index " + rowIndex + " is larger than the matrix of size " + this.matrix.rows() + "."); } for (int j = 0; j < data.length; j++) { this.matrix.set(rowIndex, j, data[j]); } } @Override public String toString() { int columns = this.columns(); int rows = this.rows(); NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(4); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); if (rows <= ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix.MAX_ROWS_TO_STRING) { buf.append(rows).append(" x ").append(columns).append(" matrix of double values\n"); } else { buf.append(rows).append(" x ").append(columns).append(" matrix of double values, showing up to ") .append(ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix.MAX_ROWS_TO_STRING).append(" rows\n"); } int stop = 0; buf.append("Probe"); for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) { buf.append("\t").append(this.getBioMaterialForColumn(i).getName()).append(":"); for (BioAssay ba : this.getBioAssaysForColumn(i)) { buf.append(ba.getName()).append(","); } } buf.append("\n"); for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++) { buf.append(this.rowDesignElementMapByInteger.get(j).getName()); for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) { Double val = this.get(j, i); if (Double.isNaN(val)) { buf.append("\t").append(val); } else { buf.append("\t").append(nf.format(this.get(j, i))); } } buf.append("\n"); if (stop++ > ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix.MAX_ROWS_TO_STRING) { buf.append("\n(Stopping after " + ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix.MAX_ROWS_TO_STRING + " rows) ...\n"); break; } } return buf.toString(); } /** * Convert {@link DesignElementDataVector}s into Double matrix. */ @Override protected void vectorsToMatrix(Collection<? extends DesignElementDataVector> vectors) { if (vectors == null || vectors.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No vectors!"); } for (DesignElementDataVector vector : vectors) { if (vector instanceof ProcessedExpressionDataVector) { this.ranks.put(vector.getDesignElement(), ((ProcessedExpressionDataVector) vector).getRankByMean()); } } int maxSize = this.setUpColumnElements(); this.matrix = this.createMatrix(vectors, maxSize); } /** * Fill in the data * * @return DoubleMatrixNamed */ private DoubleMatrix<CompositeSequence, BioMaterial> createMatrix( Collection<? extends DesignElementDataVector> vectors, int maxSize) { int numRows = this.rowDesignElementMapByInteger.keySet().size(); DoubleMatrix<CompositeSequence, BioMaterial> mat = new DenseDoubleMatrix<>(numRows, maxSize); for (int j = 0; j < mat.columns(); j++) { mat.addColumnName(this.getBioMaterialForColumn(j)); } // initialize the matrix to -Infinity; this marks values that are not yet initialized. for (int i = 0; i < mat.rows(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < mat.columns(); j++) { mat.set(i, j, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); } } ByteArrayConverter bac = new ByteArrayConverter(); Map<Integer, CompositeSequence> rowNames = new TreeMap<>(); for (DesignElementDataVector vector : vectors) { BioAssayDimension dimension = vector.getBioAssayDimension(); byte[] bytes = vector.getData(); CompositeSequence designElement = vector.getDesignElement(); assert designElement != null : "No design element for " + vector; Integer rowIndex = this.rowElementMap.get(designElement); assert rowIndex != null; rowNames.put(rowIndex, designElement); double[] vals = bac.byteArrayToDoubles(bytes); Collection<BioAssay> bioAssays = dimension.getBioAssays(); if (bioAssays.size() != vals.length) throw new IllegalStateException("Mismatch: " + vals.length + " values in vector ( " + bytes.length + " bytes) for " + designElement + " got " + bioAssays.size() + " bioassays in the bioAssayDimension"); Iterator<BioAssay> it = bioAssays.iterator(); this.setMatBioAssayValues(mat, rowIndex, ArrayUtils.toObject(vals), bioAssays, it); } /* * Note: these row names aren't that important unless we use the bare matrix. */ for (int i = 0; i < mat.rows(); i++) { mat.addRowName(rowNames.get(i)); } assert mat.getRowNames().size() == mat.rows(); // fill in remaining missing values. for (int i = 0; i < mat.rows(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < mat.columns(); j++) { if (mat.get(i, j) == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { // log.debug( "Missing value at " + i + " " + j ); mat.set(i, j, Double.NaN); } } } ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix.log.debug("Created a " + mat.rows() + " x " + mat.columns() + " matrix"); return mat; } }