Java tutorial
/* * The Gemma project * * Copyright (c) 2006 University of British Columbia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package ubic.gemma.core.apps; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import ubic.gemma.core.analysis.sequence.SequenceManipulation; import ubic.gemma.core.analysis.sequence.SequenceWriter; import ubic.gemma.core.loader.genome.BlatResultParser; import ubic.gemma.core.util.TimeUtil; import ubic.gemma.core.util.concurrent.GenericStreamConsumer; import ubic.gemma.model.common.description.DatabaseType; import ubic.gemma.model.common.description.ExternalDatabase; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.Taxon; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.biosequence.BioSequence; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.sequenceAnalysis.BlatResult; import ubic.gemma.persistence.util.EntityUtils; import ubic.gemma.persistence.util.Settings; import*; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask; /** * Class to manage the gfServer and run BLAT searches. Delegates to the command-line shell to run blat. * * @author pavlidis */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") // Possible external use public class ShellDelegatingBlat implements Blat { private static final int BLAT_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS = 1000 * 30; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ShellDelegatingBlat.class); /** * Minimum alignment length for retention. */ private static final int MIN_SCORE = 16; /** * Strings of As or Ts at the start or end of a sequence longer than this will be stripped off prior to analysis. */ private static final int POLY_AT_THRESHOLD = 5; private static final String os = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(); private double blatScoreThreshold = Blat.DEFAULT_BLAT_SCORE_THRESHOLD; private boolean doShutdown = true; // typical values. private String gfClientExe = "/cygdrive/c/cygwin/usr/local/bin/gfClient.exe"; private String gfServerExe = "/cygdrive/c/cygwin/usr/local/bin/gfServer.exe"; private String host = "localhost"; private int humanSensitiveServerPort; private String humanSeqFiles; private int humanServerPort; private int mouseSensitiveServerPort; private String mouseSeqFiles; private int mouseServerPort; private int ratSensitiveServerPort; private String ratSeqFiles; private int ratServerPort; private String seqDir = "/"; private Process serverProcess; /** * Create a blat object with settings read from the config file. */ public ShellDelegatingBlat() { try { this.init(); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not load configuration", e); } } public ShellDelegatingBlat(String host, int humanServerPort, String seqDir) { if (host == null || humanServerPort <= 0 || seqDir == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("All values must be non-null"); = host; this.humanServerPort = humanServerPort; this.seqDir = seqDir; } public static ExternalDatabase getSearchedGenome(Taxon taxon) { BlattableGenome genome = ShellDelegatingBlat.inferBlatDatabase(taxon); ExternalDatabase searchedDatabase = ExternalDatabase.Factory.newInstance(); searchedDatabase.setType(DatabaseType.SEQUENCE); searchedDatabase.setName(genome.toString().toLowerCase()); return searchedDatabase; } private static BlattableGenome inferBlatDatabase(Taxon taxon) { assert taxon != null; BlattableGenome bg; if (taxon.getNcbiId() == 10090 || taxon.getCommonName().equals("mouse")) { bg = BlattableGenome.MOUSE; } else if (taxon.getNcbiId() == 10116 || taxon.getCommonName().equals("rat")) { bg = BlattableGenome.RAT; } else if (taxon.getNcbiId() == 9606 || taxon.getCommonName().equals("human")) { bg = BlattableGenome.HUMAN; } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot determine which database to search for " + taxon); } return bg; } @Override public Collection<BlatResult> blatQuery(BioSequence b) throws IOException { Taxon t = b.getTaxon(); if (t == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot blat sequence unless taxon is given or inferrable"); } return this.blatQuery(b, t, false); } @Override public Collection<BlatResult> blatQuery(BioSequence b, Taxon taxon, boolean sensitive) throws IOException { assert seqDir != null; // write the sequence to a temporary file. String seqName = b.getName().replaceAll(" ", "_"); File querySequenceFile = File.createTempFile(seqName, ".fa"); try (BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(querySequenceFile))) { String trimmed = SequenceManipulation.stripPolyAorT(b.getSequence(), ShellDelegatingBlat.POLY_AT_THRESHOLD); out.write(">" + seqName + "\n" + trimmed);"Wrote sequence to " + querySequenceFile.getPath()); } String outputPath = this.getTmpPslFilePath(seqName); Collection<BlatResult> results = this.gfClient(querySequenceFile, outputPath, this.choosePortForQuery(taxon, sensitive)); ExternalDatabase searchedDatabase = ShellDelegatingBlat.getSearchedGenome(taxon); for (BlatResult result : results) { result.setSearchedDatabase(searchedDatabase); } this.cleanUpTmpFiles(querySequenceFile, outputPath); return results; } @Override public Map<BioSequence, Collection<BlatResult>> blatQuery(Collection<BioSequence> sequences, boolean sensitive, Taxon taxon) throws IOException { Map<BioSequence, Collection<BlatResult>> results = new HashMap<>(); File querySequenceFile = File.createTempFile("sequences-for-blat", ".fa"); int count = SequenceWriter.writeSequencesToFile(sequences, querySequenceFile); if (count == 0) { EntityUtils.deleteFile(querySequenceFile); throw new IllegalArgumentException("No sequences!"); } String outputPath = this.getTmpPslFilePath("blat-output"); Integer port = this.choosePortForQuery(taxon, sensitive); if (port == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not locate port for BLAT with settings taxon=" + taxon + ", sensitive=" + sensitive + ", check your configuration."); } Collection<BlatResult> rawResults = this.gfClient(querySequenceFile, outputPath, port);"Got " + rawResults.size() + " raw blat results"); ExternalDatabase searchedDatabase = ShellDelegatingBlat.getSearchedGenome(taxon); for (BlatResult blatResult : rawResults) { blatResult.setSearchedDatabase(searchedDatabase); BioSequence query = blatResult.getQuerySequence(); if (!results.containsKey(query)) { results.put(query, new HashSet<BlatResult>()); } results.get(query).add(blatResult); } EntityUtils.deleteFile(querySequenceFile); return results; } @Override public Map<BioSequence, Collection<BlatResult>> blatQuery(Collection<BioSequence> sequences, Taxon taxon) throws IOException { return this.blatQuery(sequences, false, taxon); } @Override public double getBlatScoreThreshold() { return this.blatScoreThreshold; } @Override public void setBlatScoreThreshold(double blatScoreThreshold) { this.blatScoreThreshold = blatScoreThreshold; } @Override public String getGfClientExe() { return this.gfClientExe; } @Override public String getGfServerExe() { return this.gfServerExe; } @Override public String getHost() { return; } @Override public int getHumanServerPort() { return this.humanServerPort; } @Override public int getMouseServerPort() { return this.mouseServerPort; } @Override public int getRatServerPort() { return this.ratServerPort; } @Override public String getSeqDir() { return this.seqDir; } @Override public String getSeqFiles(BlattableGenome genome) { switch (genome) { case HUMAN: return this.humanSeqFiles; case MOUSE: return this.mouseSeqFiles; case RAT: return this.ratSeqFiles; default: return this.humanSeqFiles; } } @Override public Collection<BlatResult> processPsl(InputStream inputStream, Taxon taxon) throws IOException { if (inputStream.available() == 0) { throw new IOException("No data from the blat output file. Make sure the gfServer is running"); } ShellDelegatingBlat.log.debug("Processing " + inputStream); BlatResultParser brp = new BlatResultParser(); brp.setTaxon(taxon); brp.setScoreThreshold(this.blatScoreThreshold); brp.parse(inputStream); + " results were skipped as being below score= " + this.blatScoreThreshold + "; " + brp.getResults().size() + " results retained"); return brp.getResults(); } @Override public void startServer(BlattableGenome genome, int port) throws IOException { try (Socket socket = new Socket(host, port)) {"There is already a server on port " + port); this.doShutdown = false; } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown host " + host, e); } catch (IOException e) { String cmd = this.getGfServerExe() + " -canStop -stepSize=" + Blat.STEPSIZE + " start " + this.getHost() + " " + port + " " + this.getSeqFiles(genome);"Starting gfServer with command " + cmd); this.serverProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd, null, new File(this.getSeqDir())); try { Thread.sleep(100); int exit = serverProcess.exitValue(); if (exit != 0) { throw new IOException("Could not start server"); } } catch (IllegalThreadStateException | InterruptedException e1) {"Server seems to have started"); } } } @Override public void stopServer(int port) { if (!doShutdown) { return; }"Shutting down gfServer"); if (serverProcess == null) return; // serverProcess.destroy(); try { // this doesn't work unless the server was invoked with the option "-canStop" Process server = Runtime.getRuntime() .exec(this.getGfServerExe() + " stop " + this.getHost() + " " + port); server.waitFor(); int exit = server.exitValue();"Server on port " + port + " shut down with exit value " + exit); } catch (InterruptedException | IOException e) { ShellDelegatingBlat.log.error(e, e); } } private Integer choosePortForQuery(Taxon taxon, boolean sensitive) { BlattableGenome genome = ShellDelegatingBlat.inferBlatDatabase(taxon); switch (genome) { case MOUSE: return sensitive ? mouseSensitiveServerPort : mouseServerPort; case RAT: return sensitive ? ratSensitiveServerPort : ratServerPort; case HUMAN: default: return sensitive ? humanSensitiveServerPort : humanServerPort; } } private void cleanUpTmpFiles(File querySequenceFile, String outputPath) { if (!querySequenceFile.delete() || !(new File(outputPath)).delete()) { ShellDelegatingBlat.log.warn("Could not clean up temporary files."); } } /** * Run a gfClient query, using a call to exec(). * * @param querySequenceFile query sequence file * @param outputPath output path * @return collection of blat results */ private Collection<BlatResult> execGfClient(File querySequenceFile, String outputPath, int portToUse) throws IOException { final String cmd = gfClientExe + " -nohead -minScore=" + ShellDelegatingBlat.MIN_SCORE + " " + host + " " + portToUse + " " + seqDir + " " + querySequenceFile.getAbsolutePath() + " " + outputPath;; final Process run = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); // to ensure that we aren't left waiting for these streams GenericStreamConsumer gscErr = new GenericStreamConsumer(run.getErrorStream()); GenericStreamConsumer gscIn = new GenericStreamConsumer(run.getInputStream()); gscErr.start(); gscIn.start(); try { int exitVal = Integer.MIN_VALUE; // wait... StopWatch overallWatch = new StopWatch(); overallWatch.start(); while (exitVal == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { try { exitVal = run.exitValue(); } catch (IllegalThreadStateException e) { // okay, still // waiting. } Thread.sleep(ShellDelegatingBlat.BLAT_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS); // I hope this is okay... this.outputFile(outputPath, overallWatch); } overallWatch.stop(); String minutes = TimeUtil.getMinutesElapsed(overallWatch);"Blat took a total of " + minutes + " minutes"); // int exitVal = run.waitFor(); ShellDelegatingBlat.log.debug("blat exit value=" + exitVal); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } ShellDelegatingBlat.log.debug("GfClient Success"); return this.processPsl(outputPath, null); } /** * Get a temporary file name. * * @throws IOException if there is an IO problem while accessing the file */ private String getTmpPslFilePath(String base) throws IOException { File tmpDir = new File(Settings.getDownloadPath()); if (StringUtils.isBlank(base)) { return File.createTempFile("blat-output", ".psl", tmpDir).getPath(); } return File.createTempFile(base, ".psl", tmpDir).getPath(); } /** * @param querySequenceFile query sequence file * @param outputPath output path * @return processed results. * @throws IOException if there is an IO problem while accessing the file */ private Collection<BlatResult> gfClient(File querySequenceFile, String outputPath, int portToUse) throws IOException { // if ( hasNativeLibrary ) return jniGfClientCall( querySequenceFile, outputPath, portToUse ); return this.execGfClient(querySequenceFile, outputPath, portToUse); } private native void GfClientCall(String h, String p, String dir, String input, String output); private void init() throws ConfigurationException { ShellDelegatingBlat.log.debug("Reading global config"); this.humanServerPort = Settings.getInt("gfClient.humanServerPort"); this.mouseServerPort = Settings.getInt("gfClient.mouseServerPort"); this.ratServerPort = Settings.getInt("gfClient.ratServerPort"); this.humanSensitiveServerPort = Settings.getInt("gfClient.sensitive.humanServerPort"); this.mouseSensitiveServerPort = Settings.getInt("gfClient.sensitive.mouseServerPort"); this.ratSensitiveServerPort = Settings.getInt("gfClient.sensitive.ratServerPort"); // this.humanServerHost = ConfigUtils.getString( "gfClient.humanServerHost" ); // this.mouseServerHost = ConfigUtils.getString( "gfClient.mouseServerHost" ); // this.ratServerHost = ConfigUtils.getString( "gfClient.ratServerHost" ); = Settings.getString(""); this.seqDir = Settings.getString("gfClient.seqDir"); this.mouseSeqFiles = Settings.getString("gfClient.mouse.seqFiles"); this.ratSeqFiles = Settings.getString("gfClient.rat.seqFiles"); this.humanSeqFiles = Settings.getString("gfClient.human.seqFiles"); this.gfClientExe = Settings.getString("gfClient.exe"); this.gfServerExe = Settings.getString("gfServer.exe"); if (gfServerExe == null) { /* * This won't ever really work -- it's left over from earlier iterations. */ ShellDelegatingBlat.log .warn("You will not be able to start the server: gfServer.exe is not set in config"); } if (gfClientExe == null && ShellDelegatingBlat.os.startsWith("windows")) { throw new ConfigurationException("BLAT client calls will not work under windows."); } } /** * @param querySequenceFile query sequence file * @param outputPath output path * @return processed results. */ private Collection<BlatResult> jniGfClientCall(final File querySequenceFile, final String outputPath, final int portToUse) throws IOException { try { ShellDelegatingBlat.log.debug("Starting blat run"); FutureTask<Boolean> blatThread = new FutureTask<>(new Callable<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean call() { ShellDelegatingBlat.this.GfClientCall(host, Integer.toString(portToUse), seqDir, querySequenceFile.getPath(), outputPath); return true; } }); ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); executor.execute(blatThread); executor.shutdown(); // wait... StopWatch overallWatch = new StopWatch(); overallWatch.start(); while (!blatThread.isDone()) { try { Thread.sleep(ShellDelegatingBlat.BLAT_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { throw new RuntimeException(ie); } this.outputFile(outputPath, overallWatch); } overallWatch.stop(); String minutes = TimeUtil.getMinutesElapsed(overallWatch);"Blat took a total of " + minutes + " minutes"); } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) { ShellDelegatingBlat.log.error(e, e);"Falling back on exec()"); this.execGfClient(querySequenceFile, outputPath, portToUse); } return this.processPsl(outputPath, null); } private synchronized void outputFile(final String outputPath, StopWatch overallWatch) { File outputFile = new File(outputPath); Long size = outputFile.length(); NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat(); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); String minutes = TimeUtil.getMinutesElapsed(overallWatch); ShellDelegatingBlat.log .info("BLAT output so far: " + nf.format(size / 1024.0) + " kb (" + minutes + " minutes elapsed)"); } /** * @param filePath to the Blat output file in psl format * @param taxon taxon (optional, can be null) * @return processed results. */ private Collection<BlatResult> processPsl(String filePath, Taxon taxon) throws IOException { ShellDelegatingBlat.log.debug("Processing " + filePath); BlatResultParser brp = new BlatResultParser(); brp.setTaxon(taxon); brp.setScoreThreshold(this.blatScoreThreshold); brp.parse(filePath); return brp.getResults(); } public enum BlattableGenome { HUMAN, MOUSE, RAT } }