Java tutorial
/* * The Gemma project * * Copyright (c) 2006 University of British Columbia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package ubic.gemma.apps; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import; import; import ubic.gemma.genome.taxon.service.TaxonService; import ubic.gemma.loader.expression.arrayDesign.ArrayDesignSequenceAlignmentService; import ubic.gemma.loader.genome.BlatResultParser; import ubic.gemma.model.common.auditAndSecurity.eventType.ArrayDesignSequenceAnalysisEvent; import ubic.gemma.model.common.auditAndSecurity.eventType.AuditEventType; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.arrayDesign.ArrayDesign; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.Taxon; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.sequenceAnalysis.BlatResult; /** * Command line interface to run blat on the sequences for a microarray; the results are persisted in the DB. You must * start the BLAT server first before using this. * * @author pavlidis * @version $Id:,v 1.41 2012/06/08 16:30:36 paul Exp $ */ public class ArrayDesignBlatCli extends ArrayDesignSequenceManipulatingCli { public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayDesignBlatCli p = new ArrayDesignBlatCli(); try { Exception ex = p.doWork(args); if (ex != null) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private ArrayDesignSequenceAlignmentService arrayDesignSequenceAlignmentService; private String blatResultFile = null; private Double blatScoreThreshold = Blat.DEFAULT_BLAT_SCORE_THRESHOLD; private TaxonService taxonService; private String taxonName; Taxon taxon; private boolean sensitive = false; @Override public String getShortDesc() { return "Run BLAT on the sequences for a platform; the results are persisted in the DB."; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see ubic.gemma.util.AbstractCLI#buildOptions() */ @SuppressWarnings("static-access") @Override protected void buildOptions() { super.buildOptions(); Option blatResultOption = OptionBuilder.hasArg().withArgName("PSL file").withDescription( "Blat result file in PSL format (if supplied, BLAT will not be run; will not work with settings that indidate multiple platforms to run); -t option overrides") .withLongOpt("blatfile").create('b'); Option blatScoreThresholdOption = OptionBuilder.hasArg().withArgName("Blat score threshold") .withDescription("Threshold (0-1.0) for acceptance of BLAT alignments [Default = " + this.blatScoreThreshold + "]") .withLongOpt("scoreThresh").create('s'); this.addOption( OptionBuilder.withDescription("Run on more sensitive server, if available").create("sensitive")); Option taxonOption = OptionBuilder.hasArg().withArgName("taxon").withDescription( "Taxon common name (e.g., human); if platform name not given (analysis will be restricted to sequences on that platform for taxon given), blat will be run for all ArrayDesigns from that taxon (overrides -a and -b)") .create('t'); addOption(taxonOption); addThreadsOption(); addOption(blatScoreThresholdOption); addOption(blatResultOption); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see ubic.gemma.util.AbstractCLI#doWork(java.lang.String[]) */ @Override protected Exception doWork(String[] args) { Exception err = processCommandLine( "Array design sequence BLAT - only works if server is already started or if a PSL file is provided!", args); if (err != null) return err; final Date skipIfLastRunLaterThan = getLimitingDate(); if (!this.arrayDesignsToProcess.isEmpty()) { if (this.blatResultFile != null && this.arrayDesignsToProcess.size() > 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot provide a blat result file when multiple arrays are being analyzed"); } for (ArrayDesign arrayDesign : this.arrayDesignsToProcess) { if (!needToRun(skipIfLastRunLaterThan, arrayDesign, ArrayDesignSequenceAnalysisEvent.class)) { log.warn(arrayDesign + " was last run more recently than " + skipIfLastRunLaterThan); return null; } arrayDesign = unlazifyArrayDesign(arrayDesign); Collection<BlatResult> persistedResults; try { if (this.blatResultFile != null) { Collection<BlatResult> blatResults = getBlatResultsFromFile(arrayDesign); if (blatResults == null || blatResults.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("No blat results in file!"); }"Got " + blatResults.size() + " blat records"); persistedResults = arrayDesignSequenceAlignmentService.processArrayDesign(arrayDesign, taxon, blatResults); audit(arrayDesign, "BLAT results read from file: " + blatResultFile); } else { // Run blat from scratch. persistedResults = arrayDesignSequenceAlignmentService.processArrayDesign(arrayDesign, this.sensitive); audit(arrayDesign, "Based on a fresh alignment analysis; BLAT score threshold was " + this.blatScoreThreshold + "; sensitive mode was " + this.sensitive); }"Persisted " + persistedResults.size() + " results"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { this.errorObjects.add(e); } catch (IOException e) { this.errorObjects.add(e); } } } else if (taxon != null) { Collection<ArrayDesign> allArrayDesigns = arrayDesignService.findByTaxon(taxon); log.warn("*** Running BLAT for all " + taxon.getCommonName() + " Array designs *** [" + allArrayDesigns.size() + " items]"); final SecurityContext context = SecurityContextHolder.getContext(); // split over multiple threads so we can multiplex. Put the array designs in a queue. /* * Here is our task runner. */ class Consumer implements Runnable { private final BlockingQueue<ArrayDesign> queue; public Consumer(BlockingQueue<ArrayDesign> q) { queue = q; } @Override public void run() { SecurityContextHolder.setContext(context); while (true) { ArrayDesign ad = queue.poll(); if (ad == null) { break; } consume(ad); } } void consume(ArrayDesign x) { x = arrayDesignService.thaw(x); processArrayDesign(skipIfLastRunLaterThan, x); } } BlockingQueue<ArrayDesign> arrayDesigns = new ArrayBlockingQueue<ArrayDesign>(allArrayDesigns.size()); for (ArrayDesign ad : allArrayDesigns) { arrayDesigns.add(ad); } /* * Start the threads */ Collection<Thread> threads = new ArrayList<Thread>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.numThreads; i++) { Consumer c1 = new Consumer(arrayDesigns); Thread k = new Thread(c1); threads.add(k); k.start(); } waitForThreadPoolCompletion(threads); /* * All done */ summarizeProcessing(); } else { bail(ErrorCode.MISSING_ARGUMENT); } return null; } @Override protected void processOptions() { super.processOptions(); if (hasOption("sensitive")) { this.sensitive = true; } if (hasOption('b')) { this.blatResultFile = this.getOptionValue('b'); } if (hasOption(THREADS_OPTION)) { this.numThreads = this.getIntegerOptionValue("threads"); } if (hasOption('s')) { this.blatScoreThreshold = this.getDoubleOptionValue('s'); } this.taxonService = this.getBean(TaxonService.class); if (this.hasOption('t')) { this.taxonName = this.getOptionValue('t'); this.taxon = taxonService.findByCommonName(this.taxonName); if (taxon == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No taxon named " + taxonName); } } arrayDesignSequenceAlignmentService = this.getBean(ArrayDesignSequenceAlignmentService.class); } /** * @param skipIfLastRunLaterThan * @param design */ void processArrayDesign(Date skipIfLastRunLaterThan, ArrayDesign design) { if (!needToRun(skipIfLastRunLaterThan, design, ArrayDesignSequenceAnalysisEvent.class)) { log.warn(design + " was last run more recently than " + skipIfLastRunLaterThan); // not really an error, but nice to get notification. errorObjects.add(design + ": " + "Skipped because it was last run after " + skipIfLastRunLaterThan); return; } if (isSubsumedOrMerged(design)) { log.warn(design + " is subsumed or merged into another design, it will not be run."); // not really an error, but nice to get notification. errorObjects.add(design + ": " + "Skipped because it is subsumed by or merged into another design."); return; }"============== Start processing: " + design + " =================="); try { // thaw is already done. arrayDesignSequenceAlignmentService.processArrayDesign(design, this.sensitive); successObjects.add(design.getName()); audit(design, "Part of a batch job; BLAT score threshold was " + this.blatScoreThreshold); } catch (Exception e) { errorObjects.add(design + ": " + e.getMessage()); log.error("**** Exception while processing " + design + ": " + e.getMessage() + " ****"); log.error(e, e); } } /** * @param arrayDesign */ private void audit(ArrayDesign arrayDesign, String note) { arrayDesignReportService.generateArrayDesignReport(arrayDesign.getId()); AuditEventType eventType = ArrayDesignSequenceAnalysisEvent.Factory.newInstance(); auditTrailService.addUpdateEvent(arrayDesign, eventType, note); } /** * Process blat file which must be for one taxon. * * @param arrayDesign * @return * @throws IOException */ private Collection<BlatResult> getBlatResultsFromFile(ArrayDesign arrayDesign) throws IOException { Taxon arrayDesignTaxon = null; File f = new File(blatResultFile); if (!f.canRead()) { log.error("Cannot read from " + blatResultFile); bail(ErrorCode.INVALID_OPTION); } // check being running for just one taxon arrayDesignTaxon = arrayDesignSequenceAlignmentService.validateTaxaForBlatFile(arrayDesign, taxon);"Reading blat results in from " + f.getAbsolutePath()); BlatResultParser parser = new BlatResultParser(); parser.setScoreThreshold(this.blatScoreThreshold); parser.setTaxon(arrayDesignTaxon); parser.parse(f); Collection<BlatResult> blatResults = parser.getResults(); return blatResults; } }