Java tutorial
/* * The Gemma project * * Copyright (c) 2006 University of British Columbia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package ubic.gemma.analysis.expression.coexpression.links; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import ubic.basecode.dataStructure.Link; import ubic.basecode.math.CorrelationStats; import ubic.basecode.math.Stats; import ubic.basecode.math.distribution.Histogram; import ubic.gemma.analysis.expression.coexpression.links.LinkAnalysisConfig.SingularThreshold; import ubic.gemma.datastructure.matrix.ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix; import ubic.gemma.model.analysis.expression.coexpression.ProbeCoexpressionAnalysis; import ubic.gemma.model.common.quantitationtype.QuantitationType; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.designElement.CompositeSequence; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.ExpressionExperiment; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.Gene; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.Taxon; import ubic.gemma.util.ConfigUtils; import cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList; import cern.colt.list.ObjectArrayList; /** * Handles running a linkAnalysis. Results are made available at the end. See LinkAnalysisCli for more instructions. * * @author xiangwan * @author paul (refactoring) * @version $Id:,v 1.21 2012/06/07 05:17:14 paul Exp $ */ public class LinkAnalysis { protected static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(LinkAnalysis.class); private MatrixRowPairAnalysis metricMatrix; private DoubleArrayList cdf; private ObjectArrayList keep; // links that are retained. private ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix dataMatrix = null; private Map<CompositeSequence, Collection<Collection<Gene>>> probeToGeneMap = null; private Taxon taxon = null; private NumberFormat form; private LinkAnalysisConfig config; private ExpressionExperiment expressionExperiment; private ProbeCoexpressionAnalysis analysis; private Map<Integer, Integer> probeDegreeMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); /** * @param config */ public LinkAnalysis(LinkAnalysisConfig config) { this.form = NumberFormat.getInstance(); if (form instanceof DecimalFormat) ((DecimalFormat) form).applyPattern("0.###E0"); this.config = config; } /** * Main entry point. */ public void analyze() { assert this.dataMatrix != null; assert this.taxon != null; assert this.probeToGeneMap != null; log.debug("Taxon: " + this.taxon.getCommonName()); if (this.probeToGeneMap.size() == 0) { log.warn("No genes found for this dataset. Do the associated platforms need processing?"); }"Current Options: \n" + this.config); this.calculateDistribution(); if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {"Cancelled."); return; } if (metricMatrix.getNumUniqueGenes() == 0) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Link analysis not supported when there are no genes mapped to the data set."); } this.getLinks(); if (expressionExperiment != null) {// input is not from expression data file this.writeCorrelationDistribution(); this.writeProbeDegreeDistribution(); } } /** * Writes two flies: one the actual probe degrees, and the other a histogram (dist) */ private void writeProbeDegreeDistribution() { File outputDir = getOutputDir(); if (outputDir == null) return; String distPath = outputDir + File.separator + expressionExperiment.getShortName() + ".degreeDist.txt"; String path = outputDir + File.separator + expressionExperiment.getShortName() + ".degrees.txt"; File outputFile = new File(path); if (outputFile.exists()) { outputFile.delete(); } File outputDistFile = new File(distPath); if (outputDistFile.exists()) { outputDistFile.delete(); } try { FileWriter out = new FileWriter(outputFile); out.write("# Probe degree statistics (before filtering by probeDegreeThreshold)\n"); out.write("# date=" + (new Date()) + "\n"); out.write("# exp=" + expressionExperiment + " " + expressionExperiment.getShortName() + "\n"); out.write("ProbeID\tProbeName\tNumLinks\n"); for (Integer i : probeDegreeMap.keySet()) { CompositeSequence probe = this.getProbe(i); out.write(probe.getId() + "\t" + probe.getName() + "\t" + probeDegreeMap.get(i) + "\n"); } out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } Histogram hist = new Histogram("foo", 100, 0, 1000); for (Integer i : probeDegreeMap.values()) { hist.fill(i.doubleValue()); } double[] counts = hist.getArray(); try { FileWriter out = new FileWriter(outputDistFile); int d = (int) hist.min(); int step = (int) hist.stepSize(); out.write("# Probe degree histogram (before filtering by probeDegreeThreshold)\n"); out.write("# date=" + (new Date()) + "\n"); out.write("# exp=" + expressionExperiment + " " + expressionExperiment.getShortName() + "\n"); out.write("Bin\tCount\n"); for (int i = 0; i < counts.length; i++) { Double v = counts[i]; out.write(d + "\t" + v.intValue() + "\n"); d += step; } out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * @return */ private File getOutputDir() { File outputDir = null; if (this.config.isUseDb()) { outputDir = new File(ConfigUtils.getAnalysisStoragePath()); } else { outputDir = new File(System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + "gemma.output"); if (!outputDir.exists()) { boolean ok = outputDir.mkdirs(); if (!ok) { log.warn("Cannot create " + outputDir); return null; } } } if (!outputDir.canWrite()) { log.warn("Cannot write to " + outputDir); return null; } return outputDir; } /** * Clear/null data so this object can be reused. */ public void clear() { this.dataMatrix = null; this.probeToGeneMap = null; this.metricMatrix = null; } public void setDataMatrix(ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix paraDataMatrix) { this.dataMatrix = paraDataMatrix; } public void setTaxon(Taxon taxon) { this.taxon = taxon; } /** * Write histogram into file. * * @throws IOException */ public void writeCorrelationDistribution() { File outputDir = getOutputDir(); if (outputDir == null) return; String path = outputDir + File.separator + expressionExperiment.getShortName() + ".correlDist.txt"; File outputFile = new File(path); if (outputFile.exists()) { outputFile.delete(); } DoubleArrayList histogramArrayList = this.metricMatrix.getHistogramArrayList(); try { FileWriter out = new FileWriter(outputFile); double d = -1.0; double step = 2.0 / histogramArrayList.size(); out.write("# Correlation distribution\n"); out.write("# date=" + (new Date()) + "\n"); out.write("# exp=" + expressionExperiment + " " + expressionExperiment.getShortName() + "\n"); out.write("Bin\tCount\n"); for (int i = 0; i < histogramArrayList.size(); i++) { double v = histogramArrayList.get(i); out.write(form.format(d) + "\t" + (int) v + "\n"); d += step; } out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Compute the distribution of similarity metrics for the entire matrix. */ private void calculateDistribution() { if (config.getMetric().equals("pearson")) {"Using Pearson linear correlation"); metricMatrix = MatrixRowPairAnalysisFactory.pearson(this.dataMatrix, config.getCorrelationCacheThreshold()); } else if (config.getMetric().equals("spearman")) {"Using Spearman rank correlation"); metricMatrix = MatrixRowPairAnalysisFactory.spearmann(dataMatrix, config.getCorrelationCacheThreshold()); } metricMatrix.setOmitNegativeCorrelationLinks(config.isOmitNegLinks()); metricMatrix.setDuplicateMap(probeToGeneMap); // populates numUniqueGenes metricMatrix.setUseAbsoluteValue(config.isAbsoluteValue()); this.init(); metricMatrix.calculateMetrics();"Completed first pass over the data. Cached " + metricMatrix.numCached() + " values in the correlation matrix with values over " + config.getCorrelationCacheThreshold()); } /** * Compute the thresholds needed to choose links for storage in the system. */ private void chooseCutPoints() { cdf = Stats.cdf(metricMatrix.getHistogramArrayList()); if (config.getCdfCut() <= 0.0) { config.setUpperTailCut(1.0); config.setLowerTailCut(-1.0); return; } if (config.getCdfCut() >= 1.0) { config.setUpperTailCut(0.0); config.setLowerTailCut(0.0); return; } double cdfTailCut = config.getCdfCut(); double cdfUpperCutScore = 0.0; double cdfLowerCutScore = 0.0; // find the lower tail cutpoint, if we have to. if (!config.isAbsoluteValue()) { cdfTailCut /= 2.0; // find the lower cut point. Roundoff could be a problem...really // need two cdfs or do it directly from // histogram. for (int i = 0; i < cdf.size(); i++) { if (1.0 - cdf.get(i) >= cdfTailCut) { cdfLowerCutScore = metricMatrix.getScoreInBin(i == cdf.size() ? i : i + 1); break; } } + " is the lower cdf cutpoint at " + cdfTailCut); } // find the upper cut point. for (int i = cdf.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (cdf.get(i) >= cdfTailCut) { cdfUpperCutScore = metricMatrix.getScoreInBin(i == cdf.size() ? i : i + 1); break; } } + " is the upper cdf cutpoint at " + cdfTailCut); // get the cutpoint based on statistical signficance. double maxP = 1.0; double scoreAtP = 0.0; if (config.getFwe() != 0.0) { double numUniqueGenes = metricMatrix.getNumUniqueGenes(); maxP = config.getFwe() / numUniqueGenes; // bonferroni. scoreAtP = CorrelationStats.correlationForPvalue(maxP, this.dataMatrix.columns());"Minimum correlation to get " + form.format(maxP) + " is about " + form.format(scoreAtP) + " for " + numUniqueGenes + " unique items (if all " + this.dataMatrix.columns() + " items are present)"); if (scoreAtP > 0.9) { log.warn("This data set has a very high threshold for statistical significance!"); } } this.metricMatrix.setPValueThreshold(maxP); // this is the corrected // value. // choose cut points, with one independent criterion or the most stringent criteria if (config.getSingularThreshold().equals(SingularThreshold.none)) { config.setUpperTailCut(Math.max(scoreAtP, cdfUpperCutScore)); if (config.getUpperTailCut() == scoreAtP) { config.setUpperCdfCutUsed(false); } else if (config.getUpperTailCut() == cdfUpperCutScore) { config.setUpperCdfCutUsed(true); }"Final upper cut is " + form.format(config.getUpperTailCut())); if (!config.isAbsoluteValue()) { config.setLowerTailCut(Math.min(-scoreAtP, cdfLowerCutScore));"Final lower cut is " + form.format(config.getLowerTailCut())); } if (config.getLowerTailCut() == scoreAtP) { config.setLowerCdfCutUsed(false); } else if (config.getLowerTailCut() == cdfLowerCutScore) { config.setLowerCdfCutUsed(true); } } else if (config.getSingularThreshold().equals(SingularThreshold.fwe)) { config.setUpperTailCut(scoreAtP);"Final upper cut is " + form.format(config.getUpperTailCut())); if (!config.isAbsoluteValue()) { config.setLowerTailCut(-scoreAtP);"Final lower cut is " + form.format(config.getLowerTailCut())); } config.setUpperCdfCutUsed(false); config.setLowerCdfCutUsed(false); } else if (config.getSingularThreshold().equals(SingularThreshold.cdfcut)) { config.setUpperTailCut(cdfUpperCutScore);"Final upper cut is " + form.format(config.getUpperTailCut())); if (!config.isAbsoluteValue()) { config.setLowerTailCut(cdfLowerCutScore);"Final lower cut is " + form.format(config.getLowerTailCut())); } metricMatrix.setUsePvalueThreshold(false);// use only cdfCut exclusively to keep links config.setUpperCdfCutUsed(true); config.setLowerCdfCutUsed(true); } metricMatrix.setUpperTailThreshold(config.getUpperTailCut()); if (config.isAbsoluteValue()) { metricMatrix.setLowerTailThreshold(config.getUpperTailCut()); } else { metricMatrix.setLowerTailThreshold(config.getLowerTailCut()); } } /** * Does the main computation and link selection. */ private void getLinks() { chooseCutPoints(); metricMatrix.calculateMetrics(); keep = metricMatrix.getKeepers(); computeProbeDegrees(); } /** * Populates a map of probe index (in matrix) -> how many links. */ private void computeProbeDegrees() { this.probeDegreeMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for (Integer i = 0; i < metricMatrix.size(); i++) { probeDegreeMap.put(i, 0); } for (int i = 0; i < keep.size(); i++) { Link l = (Link) keep.get(i); Integer x = l.getx(); Integer y = l.gety(); probeDegreeMap.put(x, probeDegreeMap.get(x) + 1); probeDegreeMap.put(y, probeDegreeMap.get(y) + 1); } } public CompositeSequence getProbe(int index) { return getMetricMatrix().getProbeForRow(getDataMatrix().getRowElement(index)); } /** * @param index row number in the metrixMatirx * @return how many Links that probe appears in, or null if the probeDegree has not been populated for that index * (that is, either to early to check, or it was zero). */ public Integer getProbeDegree(int index) { return this.probeDegreeMap.get(index); } /** * * */ private void init() { // estimate the correlation needed to reach significance. double scoreP = CorrelationStats.correlationForPvalue( config.getFwe() / this.metricMatrix.getNumUniqueGenes(), this.dataMatrix.columns()) - 0.001; if (scoreP > config.getCorrelationCacheThreshold()) config.setCorrelationCacheThreshold(scoreP); } public ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix getDataMatrix() { return dataMatrix; } public ObjectArrayList getKeep() { return keep; } public MatrixRowPairAnalysis getMetricMatrix() { return metricMatrix; } /** * @return */ public Taxon getTaxon() { return this.taxon; } public void setProbeToGeneMap(Map<CompositeSequence, Collection<Collection<Gene>>> probeToGeneMap) { this.probeToGeneMap = probeToGeneMap; } public ExpressionExperiment getExpressionExperiment() { return this.expressionExperiment; } public void setExpressionExperiment(ExpressionExperiment expressionExperiment) { this.expressionExperiment = expressionExperiment; } public QuantitationType getMetric() { return this.metricMatrix.getMetricType(); } public LinkAnalysisConfig getConfig() { return config; } public Map<CompositeSequence, Collection<Collection<Gene>>> getProbeToGeneMap() { return probeToGeneMap; } public void setAnalysisObj(ProbeCoexpressionAnalysis analysis) { this.analysis = analysis; } /** * @return object containing the parameters used. */ public ProbeCoexpressionAnalysis getAnalysisObj() { return analysis; } }