Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 Alex Usachev, * * This file is part of Parallax project. * * Parallax is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. * * Parallax is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Creative Commons Attribution * 3.0 Unported License. for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the the Creative Commons Attribution * 3.0 Unported License along with Parallax. * If not, see */ package thothbot.parallax.core.client.renderers; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.Log; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.cameras.Camera; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.cameras.PerspectiveCamera; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.core.Face3; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.core.FastMap; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.core.Geometry; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.core.GeometryObject; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.core.Object3D; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.core.Object3D.Traverse; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.core.Raycaster; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.core.Raycaster.Intersect; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.helpers.HasRaytracingPhysicalAttenuation; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.lights.HasIntensity; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.lights.Light; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.materials.HasColor; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.materials.HasRaytracingGlass; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.materials.HasRaytracingMirror; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.materials.HasShading; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.materials.HasVertexColors; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.materials.Material; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.materials.MeshBasicMaterial; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.materials.MeshLambertMaterial; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.materials.MeshPhongMaterial; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.math.Color; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.math.Mathematics; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.math.Matrix3; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.math.Matrix4; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.math.Ray; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.math.Vector3; import thothbot.parallax.core.shared.scenes.Scene; public class RaytracingRenderer extends AbstractRenderer { private static final int maxRecursionDepth = 3; private static final int blockSize = 64; private static class ObjectMatrixes { public Matrix3 normalMatrix; public Matrix4 inverseMatrix; public ObjectMatrixes() { this.normalMatrix = new Matrix3(); this.inverseMatrix = new Matrix4(); } } Canvas canvas; Context2d context; Vector3 origin = new Vector3(); Vector3 direction = new Vector3(); Vector3 cameraPosition = new Vector3(); Raycaster raycaster = new Raycaster(origin, direction); Raycaster raycasterLight = new Raycaster(); double perspective; Matrix4 modelViewMatrix = new Matrix4(); Matrix3 cameraNormalMatrix = new Matrix3(); List<Object3D> objects; List<Light> lights = new ArrayList<Light>(); AnimationHandle animationHandler; Map<String, ObjectMatrixes> cache = GWT.isScript() ? new FastMap<ObjectMatrixes>() : new HashMap<String, ObjectMatrixes>(); Canvas canvasBlock; ImageData imagedata = null; public RaytracingRenderer(int width, int height) { canvas = Canvas.createIfSupported(); canvas.ensureDebugId("canvas2d"); setSize(width, height); context = canvas.getContext2d(); context.setFillStyle("#FFFFFF"); canvasBlock = Canvas.createIfSupported(); canvasBlock.setCoordinateSpaceWidth(blockSize); canvasBlock.setCoordinateSpaceHeight(blockSize); RootPanel.get().add(canvasBlock, -10000, 0); Context2d contextBlock = canvasBlock.getContext2d(); imagedata = contextBlock.getImageData(0, 0, blockSize, blockSize); } public Canvas getCanvas() { return this.canvas; } @Override public void setSize(int width, int height) { super.setSize(width, height); canvas.setCoordinateSpaceWidth(width); canvas.setCoordinateSpaceHeight(height); } @Override public void setClearColor(Color color, double alpha) { this.clearColor.copy(color); } @Override public void clear() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void render(Scene scene, final Camera camera) { if (isAutoClear() == true) this.clear(); // cancelAnimationFrame( animationFrameId ); // update scene graph if (scene.isAutoUpdate() == true) scene.updateMatrixWorld(false); // update camera matrices if (camera.getParent() == null) camera.updateMatrixWorld(false); camera.getMatrixWorldInverse().getInverse(camera.getMatrixWorld()); cameraPosition.setFromMatrixPosition(camera.getMatrixWorld()); // cameraNormalMatrix.getNormalMatrix(camera.getMatrixWorld()); origin.copy(cameraPosition); perspective = 0.5 / Math.tan(Mathematics.degToRad(((PerspectiveCamera) camera).getFov() * 0.5)) * getAbsoluteHeight(); objects = scene.getChildren(); // collect lights and set up object matrices lights = new ArrayList<Light>(); scene.traverse(new Traverse() { @Override public void callback(Object3D object) { if (object instanceof Light) { lights.add((Light) object); } if (!cache.containsKey(object.getId() + "")) { cache.put(object.getId() + "", new ObjectMatrixes()); } modelViewMatrix.multiply(camera.getMatrixWorldInverse(), object.getMatrixWorld()); ObjectMatrixes _object = cache.get(object.getId() + ""); _object.normalMatrix.getNormalMatrix(modelViewMatrix); _object.inverseMatrix.getInverse(object.getMatrixWorld()); } }); renderBlock(0, 0); } private void renderBlock(int blockX, int blockY) { Log.debug("Raytracing -- Render block: " + blockX + ", " + blockY); Color pixelColor = new Color(); // int index = 0; for (int y = 0; y < blockSize; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < blockSize; x++, index += 4) { // spawn primary ray at pixel position origin.copy(cameraPosition); direction.set(x + blockX - getAbsoluteWidth() / 2, -(y + blockY - getAbsoluteHeight() / 2), -perspective); direction.apply(cameraNormalMatrix).normalize(); spawnRay(origin, direction, pixelColor, 0); // convert from linear to gamma imagedata.getData().set(index, (int) (Math.sqrt(pixelColor.getR()) * 255)); imagedata.getData().set(index + 1, (int) (Math.sqrt(pixelColor.getG()) * 255)); imagedata.getData().set(index + 2, (int) (Math.sqrt(pixelColor.getB()) * 255)); imagedata.getData().set(index + 3, 255); // alpha } } context.putImageData(imagedata, blockX, blockY); blockX += blockSize; if (blockX >= getAbsoluteWidth()) { blockX = 0; blockY += blockSize; if (blockY >= getAbsoluteHeight()) return; } context.fillRect(blockX, blockY, blockSize, blockSize); final int _blockX = blockX; final int _blockY = blockY; animationHandler = AnimationScheduler.get().requestAnimationFrame(new AnimationCallback() { @Override public void execute(double timestamp) { renderBlock(_blockX, _blockY); } }); } Color diffuseColor = new Color(); Color specularColor = new Color(); Color lightColor = new Color(); Color schlick = new Color(); Color lightContribution = new Color(); Vector3 eyeVector = new Vector3(); Vector3 lightVector = new Vector3(); Vector3 normalVector = new Vector3(); Vector3 halfVector = new Vector3(); Vector3 localPoint = new Vector3(); Vector3 reflectionVector = new Vector3(); Vector3 tmpVec = new Vector3(); Color[] tmpColor = null; private void spawnRay(Vector3 rayOrigin, Vector3 rayDirection, Color outputColor, int recursionDepth) { // Init the tmp array if (tmpColor == null) { tmpColor = new Color[maxRecursionDepth]; for (int i = 0; i < maxRecursionDepth; i++) tmpColor[i] = new Color(); } Ray ray = raycaster.getRay(); ray.setOrigin(rayOrigin); ray.setDirection(rayDirection); // Ray rayLight = raycasterLight.getRay(); // outputColor.setRGB(0, 0, 0); // List<Intersect> intersections = raycaster.intersectObjects(objects, true); // ray didn't find anything // (here should come setting of background color?) if (intersections.size() == 0) { return; } // ray hit Intersect intersection = intersections.get(0); Vector3 point = intersection.point; GeometryObject object = intersection.object; Material material = object.getMaterial(); Face3 face = intersection.face; List<Vector3> vertices = ((Geometry) object.getGeometry()).getVertices(); // ObjectMatrixes _object = cache.get(object.getId() + ""); localPoint.copy(point).apply(_object.inverseMatrix); eyeVector.sub(raycaster.getRay().getOrigin(), point).normalize(); // resolve pixel diffuse color if (material instanceof MeshLambertMaterial || material instanceof MeshPhongMaterial || material instanceof MeshBasicMaterial) { diffuseColor.copyGammaToLinear(((HasColor) material).getColor()); } else { diffuseColor.setRGB(1, 1, 1); } if (material instanceof HasVertexColors && ((HasVertexColors) material).isVertexColors() == Material.COLORS.FACE) { diffuseColor.multiply(face.getColor()); } // compute light shading rayLight.getOrigin().copy(point); if (material instanceof MeshBasicMaterial) { for (int i = 0, l = lights.size(); i < l; i++) { Light light = lights.get(i); lightVector.setFromMatrixPosition(light.getMatrixWorld()); lightVector.sub(point); rayLight.getDirection().copy(lightVector).normalize(); List<Intersect> intersections2 = raycasterLight.intersectObjects(objects, true); // point in shadow if (intersections2.size() > 0) continue; // point visible outputColor.add(diffuseColor); } } else if (material instanceof MeshLambertMaterial || material instanceof MeshPhongMaterial) { boolean normalComputed = false; for (int i = 0, l = lights.size(); i < l; i++) { Light light = lights.get(i); lightColor.copyGammaToLinear(light.getColor()); lightVector.setFromMatrixPosition(light.getMatrixWorld()); lightVector.sub(point); rayLight.getDirection().copy(lightVector).normalize(); List<Intersect> intersections3 = raycasterLight.intersectObjects(objects, true); // point in shadow if (intersections3.size() > 0) continue; // point lit if (normalComputed == false) { // the same normal can be reused for all lights // (should be possible to cache even more) computePixelNormal(normalVector, localPoint, ((HasShading) material).getShading(), face, vertices); normalVector.apply(_object.normalMatrix).normalize(); normalComputed = true; } // compute attenuation double attenuation = 1.0; if (light instanceof HasRaytracingPhysicalAttenuation && ((HasRaytracingPhysicalAttenuation) light).isPhysicalAttenuation() == true) { attenuation = lightVector.length(); attenuation = 1.0 / (attenuation * attenuation); } lightVector.normalize(); // compute diffuse double dot = Math.max(, 0); double diffuseIntensity = dot * ((HasIntensity) light).getIntensity(); lightContribution.copy(diffuseColor); lightContribution.multiply(lightColor); lightContribution.multiply(diffuseIntensity * attenuation); outputColor.add(lightContribution); // compute specular if (material instanceof MeshPhongMaterial) { halfVector.add(lightVector, eyeVector).normalize(); double dotNormalHalf = Math.max(, 0.0); double specularIntensity = Math .max(Math.pow(dotNormalHalf, ((MeshPhongMaterial) material).getShininess()), 0.0) * diffuseIntensity; double specularNormalization = (((MeshPhongMaterial) material).getShininess() + 2.0) / 8.0; specularColor.copyGammaToLinear(((MeshPhongMaterial) material).getSpecular()); double alpha = Math.pow(Math.max(1.0 -, 0.0), 5.0); schlick.setR(specularColor.getR() + (1.0 - specularColor.getR()) * alpha); schlick.setG(specularColor.getG() + (1.0 - specularColor.getG()) * alpha); schlick.setB(specularColor.getB() + (1.0 - specularColor.getB()) * alpha); lightContribution.copy(schlick); lightContribution.multiply(lightColor); lightContribution.multiply(specularNormalization * specularIntensity * attenuation); outputColor.add(lightContribution); } } } // reflection / refraction double reflectivity = ((MeshPhongMaterial) material).getReflectivity(); if ((((HasRaytracingMirror) material).isMirror() || ((HasRaytracingGlass) material).isGlass()) && reflectivity > 0 && recursionDepth < maxRecursionDepth) { if (((HasRaytracingMirror) material).isMirror()) { reflectionVector.copy(rayDirection); reflectionVector.reflect(normalVector); } else if (((HasRaytracingGlass) material).isGlass()) { double eta = ((MeshPhongMaterial) material).getRefractionRatio(); double dotNI =; double k = 1.0 - eta * eta * (1.0 - dotNI * dotNI); if (k < 0.0) { reflectionVector.set(0, 0, 0); } else { reflectionVector.copy(rayDirection); reflectionVector.multiply(eta); double alpha = eta * dotNI + Math.sqrt(k); tmpVec.copy(normalVector); tmpVec.multiply(alpha); reflectionVector.sub(tmpVec); } } double theta = Math.max(, 0.0); double rf0 = reflectivity; double fresnel = rf0 + (1.0 - rf0) * Math.pow((1.0 - theta), 5.0); double weight = fresnel; Color zColor = tmpColor[recursionDepth]; spawnRay(point, reflectionVector, zColor, recursionDepth + 1); if (((MeshPhongMaterial) material).getSpecular() != null) { zColor.multiply(((MeshPhongMaterial) material).getSpecular()); } zColor.multiply(weight); outputColor.multiply(1.0 - weight); outputColor.add(zColor); } } Vector3 tmpVec1 = new Vector3(); Vector3 tmpVec2 = new Vector3(); Vector3 tmpVec3 = new Vector3(); private void computePixelNormal(Vector3 outputVector, Vector3 point, Material.SHADING shading, Face3 face, List<Vector3> vertices) { Vector3 faceNormal = face.getNormal(); List<Vector3> vertexNormals = face.getVertexNormals(); if (shading == Material.SHADING.FLAT) { outputVector.copy(faceNormal); } else if (shading == Material.SHADING.SMOOTH) { // compute barycentric coordinates Vector3 vA = vertices.get(face.getA()); Vector3 vB = vertices.get(face.getB()); Vector3 vC = vertices.get(face.getC()); tmpVec3.cross(tmpVec1.sub(vB, vA), tmpVec2.sub(vC, vA)); double areaABC =; tmpVec3.cross(tmpVec1.sub(vB, point), tmpVec2.sub(vC, point)); double areaPBC =; double a = areaPBC / areaABC; tmpVec3.cross(tmpVec1.sub(vC, point), tmpVec2.sub(vA, point)); double areaPCA =; double b = areaPCA / areaABC; double c = 1.0 - a - b; // compute interpolated vertex normal tmpVec1.copy(vertexNormals.get(0)); tmpVec1.multiply(a); tmpVec2.copy(vertexNormals.get(1)); tmpVec2.multiply(b); tmpVec3.copy(vertexNormals.get(2)); tmpVec3.multiply(c); outputVector.add(tmpVec1, tmpVec2); outputVector.add(tmpVec3); } } }