Java tutorial
/* * Things * * Copyright (c) 2014, Markus Binsteiner. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. */ package things.jpa; import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry; import com.codahale.metrics.Timer; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import rx.Observable; import rx.Subscriber; import things.exceptions.QueryRuntimeException; import things.exceptions.TypeRuntimeException; import things.thing.AbstractThingReader; import things.thing.Thing; import things.thing.ThingReader; import things.thing.ThingWriter; import things.utils.MatcherUtils; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.metamodel.EntityType; import javax.persistence.metamodel.Metamodel; import javax.persistence.metamodel.SingularAttribute; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import static; /** * Created by markus on 20/05/14. */ public class JpaConnector extends AbstractThingReader implements ThingReader, ThingWriter { public static Logger myLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JpaConnector.class); @Autowired protected EntityManager entityManager; private Timer find_all_timer; private Timer find_for_key_timer; private Timer find_for_type_and_key_timer; private Timer find_for_type_timer; private Timer find_parents_timer; @Autowired protected MetricRegistry metrics; private Timer read_value_timer; private Timer save_value_timer; @Autowired private ThingRepository thingRepository; @Autowired private ValueRepositories valueRepositories; @Override public <V> Thing<V> addChild(Thing<?> parent, Thing<V> child) { child.getParents().add(parent.getId()); return saveThing(child); } /** * For testing only */ public void deleteAll() { thingRepository.deleteAll(); for (ValueRepository vr : valueRepositories.getAll()) { ((CrudRepository) vr).deleteAll(); } } @Override public boolean deleteThing(String id, Optional<String> type, Optional<String> key) { Thing<?> temp = thingRepository.findOne(id); if (temp == null) { return false; } //TODO delete value thingRepository.delete(id); return true; } @Override public Observable<? extends Thing<?>> findAllThings() { final Timer.Context context = find_all_timer.time(); try { return Observable.from(thingRepository.findAll()); } finally { context.stop(); } } @Override public Observable<? extends Thing<?>> findThingForId(String id) { Thing<?> t = thingRepository.findOne(id); return Observable.just(t); } @Override public Observable<? extends Thing<?>> findThingsForKey(String type) { final Timer.Context context = find_for_key_timer.time(); try { Iterable<Thing<?>> things = thingRepository.findByKey(type); return Observable.from(things); } finally { context.stop(); } } @Override public Observable<? extends Thing<?>> findThingsForType(String type) { final Timer.Context context = find_for_type_timer.time(); try { Iterable<? extends Thing<?>> things = thingRepository.findByThingType(type); return Observable.from(things); } catch (Exception e) { myLogger.debug("Query Exception when querying for type " + type + ": " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); throw new QueryRuntimeException("Can't query for type: " + type, e); } finally { context.stop(); } } @Override public Observable<? extends Thing<?>> findThingsForTypeAndKey(String type, String key) { final Timer.Context context = find_for_type_and_key_timer.time(); try { Iterable<Thing<?>> things = thingRepository.findByTypeAndKey(type, key); return Observable.from(things); } finally { context.stop(); } } @Override public Observable<? extends Thing<?>> findThingsForTypeMatchingKey(String type, String key) { Observable obs = Observable.create((Subscriber<? super Object> subscriber) -> { findThingsForType(type).subscribe((thing) -> { if (MatcherUtils.wildCardMatch(thing.getKey(), key)) { subscriber.onNext(thing); } }, (throwable) -> { subscriber.onError(throwable); }, () -> subscriber.onCompleted()); }); return obs; } public Observable<? extends Thing<?>> findThingsMatchingTypeAndKey(final String type, final String key) { Observable obs = Observable.create((Subscriber<? super Object> subscriber) -> { findAllThings().subscribe((thing) -> { if (MatcherUtils.wildCardMatch(thing.getThingType(), type) && MatcherUtils.wildCardMatch(thing.getKey(), key)) { subscriber.onNext(thing); } }, (throwable) -> { subscriber.onError(throwable); }, () -> subscriber.onCompleted()); }); return obs; } @Override public Observable<? extends Thing<?>> getChildrenForId(String id) { final Timer.Context context = find_parents_timer.time(); try { Iterable<Thing<?>> result = thingRepository.findByParents(id); return Observable.from(result); } finally { context.stop(); } } @Override public Observable<? extends Thing<?>> getChildrenMatchingTypeAndKey(Observable<? extends Thing<?>> things, String typeMatcher, String keyMatcher) { Observable result = things.flatMap(t -> getChildrenForId(t.getId())) .filter(t -> MatcherUtils.wildCardMatch(t.getThingType(), typeMatcher) && MatcherUtils.wildCardMatch(t.getKey(), keyMatcher)); return result; } private String getId(Object value) { try { String idProperty = getIdProperty(value.getClass()); Field idField = value.getClass().getDeclaredField(idProperty); idField.setAccessible(true); Object id = idField.get(value); return (String) id; } catch (Exception e) { throw new TypeRuntimeException("Can't retrieve id from type " + typeRegistry.getType(value.getClass()), value.getClass(), e); } } private String getIdProperty(Class entityClass) { String idProperty = null; Metamodel metamodel = entityManager.getMetamodel(); EntityType entity = metamodel.entity(entityClass); Set<SingularAttribute> singularAttributes = entity.getSingularAttributes(); for (SingularAttribute singularAttribute : singularAttributes) { if (singularAttribute.isId()) { idProperty = singularAttribute.getName(); break; } } if (idProperty == null) throw new RuntimeException("id field not found"); return idProperty; } @Override public <V> V readValue(Thing<V> thing) { if (typeRegistry.convertsFromString(thing.getThingType())) { Optional<V> value = (Optional<V>) typeRegistry.convertFromString(thing.getThingType(), (String) thing.getValue()); if (!value.isPresent()) { throw new TypeRuntimeException("Could not convert string to value for type " + thing.getThingType(), thing.getThingType()); } return value.get(); } else { final Timer.Context context = read_value_timer.time(); try { ValueRepository repo = valueRepositories.get(thing.getThingType()); V value = (V) repo.findOne(thing.getValue()); return value; } finally { context.stop(); } } } @Override public <V> Thing<V> saveThing(Thing<V> t) { // check whether we have to save the value extra if (t.getValueIsPopulated()) { if (typeRegistry.convertsFromString(t.getThingType())) { Optional<String> valueString = typeRegistry.convertToString(t.getValue()); if (!valueString.isPresent()) { throw new TypeRuntimeException( "Could not convert value with type " + t.getThingType() + " to string.", t.getThingType()); } t.setValueIsPopulated(false); t.setValue((V) valueString.get()); } else { V value = t.getValue(); String id = saveValue(value); t.setValueIsPopulated(false); t.setValue((V) id); } } Thing<V> newThing =; return newThing; } private String saveValue(Object value) { final Timer.Context context = save_value_timer.time(); try { ValueRepository repo = valueRepositories.get(typeRegistry.getType(value)); Object newValue =; String id = getId(newValue); return id; } finally { context.stop(); } } @Autowired public void setMetricRegistry(MetricRegistry reg) { this.metrics = reg; find_all_timer = metrics.timer(name(JpaConnector.class, "find-all")); find_parents_timer = metrics.timer(name(JpaConnector.class, "find-parents")); find_for_type_timer = metrics.timer(name(JpaConnector.class, "find-for-type")); find_for_key_timer = metrics.timer(name(JpaConnector.class, "find-for-key")); find_for_type_and_key_timer = metrics.timer(name(JpaConnector.class, "find-for-type-and-key")); read_value_timer = metrics.timer(name(JpaConnector.class, "read-value")); save_value_timer = metrics.timer(name(JpaConnector.class, "save-value")); } public void setThingRepository(ThingRepository thingRepository) { this.thingRepository = thingRepository; } public void setValueRepositories(ValueRepositories valueRepositories) { this.valueRepositories = valueRepositories; } }