Java tutorial
/* *********************************************************************** * _ _ _ * ( _ _ | * _ _ _ _ | | * (_ _ _ | |_| * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | | * | \ | | | _ _ _| / _ _| |_ _ _ _| | _ _ _| / _ _| | | * | | \ | | | |_ _ _ / / | | | |_ _ _ / / |_| * | |\ \| | | _ _ _| ( ( | | | _ _ _| ( ( * | | \ | | | |_ _ _ \ \_ _ | | | |_ _ _ \ \_ _ * |_| \__| |_ _ _ _| \_ _ _| |_| |_ _ _ _| \_ _ _| * a member of NSTDA, @Thailand * * *********************************************************************** * * * FFC-Plus Project * * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 National Electronics and Computer Technology Center * All Rights Reserved. * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in * file 'LICENSE.txt', which is part of this source code package. * */ package; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.Cursor; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import; import android.text.Editable; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.text.TextWatcher; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.RadioButton; import android.widget.RadioGroup; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * add description here! please * * @author Piruin Panichphol * @version 1.0 * @since Family Folder Collector 2.0 */ public class PersonDetailEditFragment extends PersonFragment implements Saveable, LoaderCallbacks<Cursor> { EditText citizenId; RadioGroup sex; ArrayFormatSpinner prename; EditText fname; EditText lname; ThaiDatePicker birthday; ArrayFormatSpinner bloodType; ArrayFormatSpinner bloodRh; EditText allergic; ArrayFormatSpinner religion; SearchableSpinner house; SearchableButton nation; SearchableButton origin; SearchableButton occupa; ArrayFormatSpinner education; EditText income; EditText tel; EditText hno; EditText mu; EditText road; SearchableButton subdistcode; SearchableButton distcode; SearchableButton provcode; EditText postcode; int newPid; String mHcode; @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.person_detail_edit_fragment, container, false); citizenId = (EditText) view.findViewById(; sex = (RadioGroup) view.findViewById(; prename = (ArrayFormatSpinner) view.findViewById(; prename.setArray(R.array.prename); fname = (EditText) view.findViewById(; lname = (EditText) view.findViewById(; birthday = (ThaiDatePicker) view.findViewById(; Date cur = Date.newInstance(DateTime.getCurrentDate()); birthday.updateDate(cur.year, cur.month - 1,; bloodType = (ArrayFormatSpinner) view.findViewById(; bloodType.setArray(R.array.blood_type); bloodRh = (ArrayFormatSpinner) view.findViewById(; bloodRh.setArray(R.array.blood_rh); religion = (ArrayFormatSpinner) view.findViewById(; religion.setArray(R.array.religion); nation = (SearchableButton) view.findViewById(; nation.setDialog(getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager(), NationListDialog.class, "nation"); origin = (SearchableButton) view.findViewById(; origin.setDialog(getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager(), NationListDialog.class, "origin"); house = (SearchableSpinner) view.findViewById(; house.setDialog(getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager(), HouseListDialog.class, "house"); income = (EditText) view.findViewById(; allergic = (EditText) view.findViewById(; tel = (EditText) view.findViewById(; education = (ArrayFormatSpinner) view.findViewById(; education.setArray(; occupa = (SearchableButton) view.findViewById(; occupa.setDialog(getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager(), OccupaListDialog.class, "occupa"); // House hno = (EditText) view.findViewById(; mu = (EditText) view.findViewById(; road = (EditText) view.findViewById(; subdistcode = (SearchableButton) view.findViewById(; distcode = (SearchableButton) view.findViewById(; provcode = (SearchableButton) view.findViewById(; postcode = (EditText) view.findViewById(; return view; } @Override public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState); setHasOptionsMenu(true); provcode.setDialog(getFFCActivity().getSupportFragmentManager(), ProvinceListDialog.class, "prov"); distcode.setDialog(getFFCActivity().getSupportFragmentManager(), DistrictListDialog.class, "dist"); subdistcode.setDialog(getFFCActivity().getSupportFragmentManager(), SubDistrictListDialog.class, "subdist"); provcode.addTextChangedListener(watchprov); distcode.addTextChangedListener(watchdist); String action = getArguments().getString("action"); if (savedInstanceState == null) { if (action.equals(Action.EDIT)) getActivity().getSupportLoaderManager().initLoader(0, null, this); else if (action.equals(Action.INSERT)) { // set default hcode if it have String hcode = getArguments().getString("hcode"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(hcode) && TextUtils.isDigitsOnly(hcode)) { house.setSelectionById(Long.parseLong(hcode)); house.setEnabled(false); mHcode = hcode; getDefaultHouseDetail(hcode); } getActivity().getSupportLoaderManager().initLoader(1, null, this); } } citizenId.addTextChangedListener(idcardWatcher); } String mCitizenID; boolean isUseableId = true; boolean isCurrentId = true; TextWatcher watchprov = new TextWatcher() { @Override public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Bundle bb = new Bundle(); bb.putString(FFCSearchListDialog.EXTRA_APPEND_WHERE, "provcode = '" + provcode.getSelectId() + "'"); distcode.setDialog(getFFCActivity().getSupportFragmentManager(), DistrictListDialog.class, bb, "dist"); } @Override public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }; TextWatcher watchdist = new TextWatcher() { @Override public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Bundle bb = new Bundle(); bb.putString(FFCSearchListDialog.EXTRA_APPEND_WHERE, "provcode = '" + provcode.getSelectId() + "' AND " + "distcode = '" + distcode.getSelectId() + "'"); subdistcode.setDialog(getFFCActivity().getSupportFragmentManager(), SubDistrictListDialog.class, bb, "subdist"); } @Override public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }; private TextWatcher idcardWatcher = new TextWatcher() { @Override public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) { } @Override public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) { } @Override public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(s) && TextUtils.isDigitsOnly(s)) { if (s.length() == 13) { mCitizenID = s.toString(); getActivity().getSupportLoaderManager().restartLoader(2, null, PersonDetailEditFragment.this); } else { isUseableId = false; } } } }; private static final String[] PROJECTION = new String[] { Person.CITIZEN_ID, Person.SEX, Person.PRENAME, Person.FIRST_NAME, Person.LAST_NAME, Person.BIRTH, Person.BLOOD_GROUP, Person.BLOOD_RH, Person.RELIGION, Person.NATION, Person.HCODE, Person.ALLERGIC, Person.ORIGIN, Person.INCOME, Person.TEL, Person.EDUCATION, Person.OCCUPA, Person.ADDR_NO, Person.ADDR_MU, Person.ADDR_ROAD, Person.ADDR_SUBDIST, Person.ADDR_DIST, Person.ADDR_PROVICE, Person.POSTCODE }; @Override public Loader<Cursor> onCreateLoader(int arg0, Bundle arg1) { CursorLoader cl; String selection; String[] selectionArgs; switch (arg0) { case 0: selection = "pid=? AND pcucodeperson=?"; selectionArgs = new String[] { getPID(), getPcucodePerson() }; cl = new CursorLoader(getActivity(), Person.CONTENT_URI, PROJECTION, selection, selectionArgs, Person.DEFAULT_SORTING); return cl; case 1: cl = new CursorLoader(getActivity(), Person.CONTENT_URI, new String[] { Person.MAX_PID }, null, null, "pid"); return cl; case 2: cl = new CursorLoader(getActivity(), Person.CONTENT_URI, new String[] { Person.CITIZEN_ID, Person.PID }, "idcard='" + mCitizenID + "'", null, Person.DEFAULT_SORTING); return cl; default: return null; } } @Override public void onLoadFinished(Loader<Cursor> arg0, Cursor c) { switch (arg0.getId()) { case 0: if (c.moveToFirst()) { citizenId.setText(c.getString(0)); int id = (c.getInt(1) == 1) ? :; RadioButton btn = (RadioButton) sex.findViewById(id); btn.setChecked(true); prename.setSelection(c.getString(2)); fname.setText(c.getString(3)); lname.setText(c.getString(4)); String birth = (c.getString(5)); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(birth)) { Date b = Date.newInstance(birth); birthday.updateDate(b); } bloodType.setSelection(c.getString(6)); bloodRh.setSelection(c.getString(7)); religion.setSelection(c.getString(8)); nation.setSelectionById(c.getString(9)); house.setSelectionById(c.getLong(10)); allergic.setText(c.getString(11)); origin.setSelectionById(c.getString(12)); String sIncome = c.getString(13); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(sIncome)) income.setText(sIncome); tel.setText(c.getString(14)); education.setSelection(c.getString(15)); occupa.setSelectionById(c.getString(16)); hno.setText(c.getString(17)); mu.setText(c.getString(18)); road.setText(c.getString(19)); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(c.getString(21)) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(c.getString(22)) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(c.getString(20))) { provcode.setSelectionById(c.getString(22)); distcode.setSelectionById(c.getString(21), "distcode =? AND provcode ='" + c.getString(22) + "'"); subdistcode.setSelectionById(c.getString(20), "subdistcode=? AND distcode='" + c.getString(21) + "' AND provcode='" + c.getString(22) + "'"); postcode.setText(c.getString(23)); } } break; case 1: if (c.moveToFirst()) { newPid = c.getInt(0) + 1; getFFCActivity().getSupportActionBar().setSubtitle("pid #" + newPid); nation.setSelectionById("99"); origin.setSelectionById("99"); bloodType.setSelection("O"); religion.setSelection("01"); } break; case 2: if (c.moveToFirst()) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(getPID()) && c.getString(1).equals(getPID())) { isUseableId = true; isCurrentId = true; } else { isUseableId = false; isCurrentId = false; } } else { isUseableId = true; isCurrentId = false; } break; } } @Override public void onLoaderReset(Loader<Cursor> arg0) { } @Override public boolean onSave(EditTransaction et) { String id = citizenId.getText().toString(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(id)) { if (!ThaiCitizenID.Validate(id) && !isCurrentId) { et.showErrorMessage(citizenId, "Invalid checksum citizen id"); return false; } else if (!isUseableId) { et.showErrorMessage(citizenId, "Duplicate Id"); return false; } et.retrieveData(Person.CITIZEN_ID, citizenId, true, "\\d{13}", "Invalid citizen id Lenght"); } else { if (newPid > 0) { String cid = ""; String pid = "" + newPid; int loop = (13 - pid.length()); for (int i = 1; i <= loop; i++) cid += "0"; cid += newPid; et.getContentValues().put(Person.CITIZEN_ID, cid); } } et.retrieveData(Person.FIRST_NAME, fname, false, null, null); et.retrieveData(Person.LAST_NAME, lname, false, null, null); et.retrieveData(Person.BIRTH, birthday, null, Date.newInstance(DateTime.getCurrentDate()), "can't create person of the future"); et.retrieveData(Person.NATION, nation, false, null, "please select one nation"); et.retrieveData(Person.ORIGIN, origin, false, null, "please select one origin nation"); et.retrieveData(Person.OCCUPA, occupa, false, null, "please select one occupa"); et.retrieveData(Person.INCOME, income, true, 0.00f, Float.MAX_VALUE, "Is that to much income"); et.retrieveData(Person.TEL, tel, true, "\\d{9,12}", "tel number out of lenght"); et.retrieveData(Person.ALLERGIC, allergic, true, null, null); et.retrieveData(Person.ADDR_NO, hno, false, null, "please insert house number"); et.retrieveData(Person.ADDR_MU, mu, false, null, null); et.retrieveData(Person.ADDR_ROAD, road, true, null, null); et.retrieveData(Person.ADDR_SUBDIST, subdistcode, false, null, "please select sub-distict"); et.retrieveData(Person.ADDR_DIST, distcode, false, null, "please select distict"); et.retrieveData(Person.ADDR_PROVICE, provcode, false, null, "please select Provice"); et.retrieveData(Person.POSTCODE, postcode, false, "\\d{5}", "please insert 5 digit"); ContentValues cv = et.getContentValues(); RadioButton maleRadio = (RadioButton) sex.findViewById(; cv.put(Person.SEX, maleRadio.isChecked() ? 1 : 2); cv.put(Person.PRENAME, prename.getSelectionId()); cv.put(Person.BLOOD_GROUP, bloodType.getSelectionId()); cv.put(Person.BLOOD_RH, bloodRh.getSelectionId()); cv.put(Person.RELIGION, religion.getSelectionId()); cv.put(Person.EDUCATION, education.getSelectionId()); cv.put(Person.HCODE, house.getSelectedItemId()); cv.put(Person._DATEUPDATE, DateTime.getCurrentDateTime()); if (newPid > 0) { cv.put(Person.PID, newPid); cv.put(Person.PCUPERSONCODE, getFFCActivity().getPcuCode()); } return et.canCommit(); } private void getDefaultHouseDetail(String hcode) { // TODO get default house parameter String selection = null; String[] selectionArgs = null; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(hcode)) { selection = "hcode = ? AND provcodemoi IS NOT NULL"; selectionArgs = new String[] { mHcode }; } Cursor c = getFFCActivity().getContentResolver().query(Person.CONTENT_URI, new String[] { Person.ADDR_NO, Person.ADDR_MU, Person.ADDR_ROAD, Person.ADDR_SUBDIST, Person.ADDR_DIST, Person.ADDR_PROVICE, Person.POSTCODE }, selection, selectionArgs, Person.DEFAULT_SORTING); if (c.moveToFirst()) { hno.setText(c.getString(0)); mu.setText(c.getString(1)); road.setText(c.getString(2)); System.out.println("Prov:" + c.getString(5) + " Dist:" + c.getString(4) + " S.Dist:" + c.getString(3)); provcode.setSelectionById(c.getString(5)); distcode.setSelectionById(c.getString(4), "distcode =? AND provcode ='" + c.getString(5) + "'"); subdistcode.setSelectionById(c.getString(3), "subdistcode=? AND distcode='" + c.getString(4) + "' AND provcode='" + c.getShort(5) + "'"); postcode.setText(c.getString(6)); } } }