Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2012-2016, John Campbell and other contributors. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of Tectonicus. It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in * the top-level directory of this distribution. The full list of project contributors is contained * in the AUTHORS file found in the same location. * */ package; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Point; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.lwjgl.util.vector.Vector3f; import tectonicus.BlockContext; import tectonicus.BlockIds; import tectonicus.BlockMaskFactory; import tectonicus.BlockRegistryParser; import tectonicus.BlockType; import tectonicus.BlockTypeRegistry; import tectonicus.Chunk; import tectonicus.ChunkCoord; import tectonicus.ChunkLocator; import tectonicus.Minecraft; import tectonicus.NullBlockFilter; import tectonicus.NullBlockMaskFactory; import tectonicus.RegionCache; import tectonicus.RegionCoord; import tectonicus.Util; import tectonicus.blockTypes.Air; import tectonicus.cache.BiomeCache; import tectonicus.cache.PlayerSkinCache; import tectonicus.cache.PlayerSkinCache.CacheEntry; import tectonicus.configuration.Configuration.Dimension; import tectonicus.configuration.LightFace; import tectonicus.configuration.LightStyle; import tectonicus.configuration.SignFilter; import tectonicus.rasteriser.AlphaFunc; import tectonicus.rasteriser.BlendFunc; import tectonicus.rasteriser.PrimativeType; import tectonicus.rasteriser.Rasteriser; import tectonicus.raw.BiomeIds; import tectonicus.raw.LevelDat; import tectonicus.raw.Player; import tectonicus.raw.RawChunk; import tectonicus.raw.RawSign; import tectonicus.renderer.Camera; import tectonicus.renderer.Geometry; import tectonicus.texture.TexturePack; import tectonicus.util.BoundingBox; import tectonicus.util.Colour4f; import tectonicus.util.Vector3l; import; import; import; import; import; public class World implements BlockContext { private static final int BATCH_SIZE = 100; private String textureVersion; private final Rasteriser rasteriser; private final File worldDir; private final File dimensionDir; private BlockTypeRegistry registry; private LevelDat levelDat; private ArrayList<Player> players; private PlayerSkinCache playerSkinCache; private TexturePack texturePack; private RegionCache regionCache; private ChunkLocator chunkLocator; private RawCache rawLoadedChunks; private GeometryCache geometryLoadedChunks; private LightStyle lightStyle; private int defaultBlockId; private BlockFilter blockFilter; private BlockMaskFactory blockMaskFactory; private final BiomeCache biomeCache; private WorldSubset worldSubset; private Geometry daySkybox, nightSkybox; private SignFilter signFilter; public World(Rasteriser rasteriser, File baseDir, Dimension dimension, File minecraftJar, File texturePackFile, List<File> modJars, BiomeCache biomeCache, MessageDigest hashAlgorithm, String singlePlayerName, WorldSubsetFactory subsetFactory, PlayerSkinCache playerSkinCache, SignFilter signFilter) { this.rasteriser = rasteriser; this.signFilter = signFilter; this.defaultBlockId = BlockIds.AIR; this.blockFilter = new NullBlockFilter(); this.blockMaskFactory = new NullBlockMaskFactory(); this.worldDir = baseDir; // Use the world dir and the dimension to find the dimension dir if (dimension == Dimension.Terra) { dimensionDir = worldDir; } else if (dimension == Dimension.Nether) { dimensionDir = new File(worldDir, "DIM-1"); } else if (dimension == Dimension.Ender) { dimensionDir = new File(worldDir, "DIM1"); } else { dimensionDir = worldDir; } System.out.println("Loading world from base dir " + worldDir.getPath() + " with dimension " + dimension); System.out.println("\tFull dimension dir: " + dimensionDir.getAbsolutePath()); this.biomeCache = biomeCache; this.playerSkinCache = playerSkinCache; // Check that this looks like a world dir if (!Minecraft.isValidWorldDir(baseDir)) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid world dir! No level.dat found at " + Minecraft.findLevelDat(baseDir).getAbsolutePath()); if (!Minecraft.isValidDimensionDir(dimensionDir)) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid dimension dir! No /region/*.mcr or /region/*.mca found in " + dimensionDir.getAbsolutePath()); // TODO: Better error handling here. // World should throw Exception? try { System.out.println("Loading level.dat"); levelDat = new LevelDat(Minecraft.findLevelDat(baseDir), singlePlayerName); if (levelDat.getVersion() == LevelDat.UNKNOWN_VERSION) { throw new RuntimeException("Error: Alpha map format no longer supported"); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } if (dimension == Dimension.Ender) { levelDat.setSpawnPosition(100, 49, 0); // Location of obsidian platform where the player spawns } System.out.println("Loading textures"); texturePack = new TexturePack(rasteriser, minecraftJar, texturePackFile, modJars); this.textureVersion = texturePack.getVersion(); System.out.println("Creating block registry"); loadBlockRegistry(null, true); System.out.println("Loading players"); players = loadPlayers(worldDir, playerSkinCache); regionCache = new RegionCache(dimensionDir); chunkLocator = new ChunkLocator(dimensionDir, biomeCache, regionCache); rawLoadedChunks = new RawCache(100); geometryLoadedChunks = new GeometryCache(100); this.worldSubset = subsetFactory.create(this); this.lightStyle = LightStyle.None; this.daySkybox = SkyboxUtil.generateDaySkybox(rasteriser); this.nightSkybox = SkyboxUtil.generateNightSkybox(rasteriser); } public void loadBlockRegistry(String customConfigPath, final boolean useDefaultBlocks) { registry = new BlockTypeRegistry(); registry.setDefaultBlock(new Air()); BlockRegistryParser parser = new BlockRegistryParser(texturePack, biomeCache, signFilter); if (useDefaultBlocks && this.textureVersion == "1.4") parser.parse("defaultBlockConfigMC1.4.xml", registry); else if (useDefaultBlocks && this.textureVersion == "1.5") parser.parse("defaultBlockConfigMC1.5.xml", registry); else if (useDefaultBlocks && this.textureVersion == "1.678") parser.parse("defaultBlockConfigMC1.8.xml", registry); else if (useDefaultBlocks) parser.parse("defaultBlockConfig.xml", registry); if (customConfigPath != null && customConfigPath.length() > 0) parser.parse(customConfigPath, registry); flushChunkCache(); flushGeometryCache(); } public WorldSubset getWorldSubset() { return worldSubset; } public BiomeCache getBiomeCache() { return biomeCache; } public void setLightStyle(LightStyle style) { // Clear the geometry cache if style has changed if (this.lightStyle != style) { flushChunkCache(); } this.lightStyle = style; } @Override public LightStyle getLightStyle() { return lightStyle; } public void setDefaultBlockId(final int blockId) { // Clear the geometry cache if id has changed if (this.defaultBlockId != blockId) { flushChunkCache(); } this.defaultBlockId = blockId; } public void setBlockFilter(BlockFilter filter) { if (filter == null) throw new NullPointerException(); flushChunkCache(); this.blockFilter = filter; } public BlockFilter getBlockFilter() { return blockFilter; } public PlayerSkinCache getPlayerSkinCache() { return playerSkinCache; } public void setBlockMaskFactory(BlockMaskFactory factory) { if (factory == null) throw new NullPointerException(); flushChunkCache(); this.blockMaskFactory = factory; } public RegionIterator createRegionIterator() { return worldSubset.createRegionIterator(regionCache.getFormat()); } public boolean contains(ChunkCoord coord) { return worldSubset.contains(coord); } /** Gets the players for a particular dimension, or null for all players */ public ArrayList<Player> players(Dimension dimension) { ArrayList<Player> result = new ArrayList<Player>(); for (Player p : players) { if (dimension == null || p.getDimension() == dimension) result.add(p); } return result; } public int numPlayers() { return players.size(); } public LevelDat getLevelDat() { return levelDat; } public TexturePack getTexturePack() { return texturePack; } /* New, optimised version. * Project the frustum vertices down onto the ground plane, and find the bounding box. * Then iterate over each region that touches this box and check against the frustum * For regions which touch the frustum, then check all contained chunks. * This gives us a quad-tree-esque lookup method without having to actually store a heavy quad tree in memory. */ public ArrayList<ChunkCoord> findVisible(Camera camera) { ArrayList<ChunkCoord> result = new ArrayList<ChunkCoord>(); // Cast verts down onto landscape long minX = Long.MAX_VALUE; long minZ = Long.MAX_VALUE; long maxX = Long.MIN_VALUE; long maxZ = Long.MIN_VALUE; for (Vector3f corner : camera.getFrustumVertices()) { RegionCoord coord = RegionCoord.fromWorldCoord(corner.x, corner.z); minX = Math.min(minX, coord.x); minZ = Math.min(minZ, coord.z); maxX = Math.max(maxX, coord.x); maxZ = Math.max(maxZ, coord.z); } // First iterate over the touched regions and find which ones touch the camera for (long regionX = minX; regionX <= maxX; regionX++) { for (long regionZ = minZ; regionZ <= maxZ; regionZ++) { BoundingBox regionBounds = new BoundingBox( new Vector3l(regionX * RegionCoord.REGION_WIDTH * RawChunk.WIDTH, 0, regionZ * RegionCoord.REGION_HEIGHT * RawChunk.DEPTH), RawChunk.WIDTH * RegionCoord.REGION_WIDTH, RawChunk.HEIGHT, RawChunk.DEPTH * RegionCoord.REGION_HEIGHT); if (regionBounds.isVisible(camera)) { // Now iterate over all chunks within the region for (long chunkX = 0; chunkX < RegionCoord.REGION_WIDTH; chunkX++) { for (long chunkZ = 0; chunkZ < RegionCoord.REGION_HEIGHT; chunkZ++) { ChunkCoord chunkCoord = new ChunkCoord(regionX * RegionCoord.REGION_WIDTH + chunkX, regionZ * RegionCoord.REGION_HEIGHT + chunkZ); if (worldSubset.contains(chunkCoord)) { BoundingBox chunkBounds = new BoundingBox( new Vector3l(chunkCoord.x * RawChunk.WIDTH, 0, chunkCoord.z * RawChunk.DEPTH), RawChunk.WIDTH, RawChunk.HEIGHT, RawChunk.DEPTH); if (chunkBounds.isVisible(camera)) { if (chunkLocator.exists(chunkCoord)) { result.add(chunkCoord); } } } } } } } } return result; } /* private void unloadAll() { for (Chunk c : geometryLoadedChunks.values()) { c.unloadGeometry(); } for (Chunk c : rawLoadedChunks.values()) { c.unloadRaw(); } geometryLoadedChunks.clear(); rawLoadedChunks.clear(); } */ public void draw(Camera camera, final boolean showSky, final boolean genAlphaMask) { // Find visible chunks ArrayList<ChunkCoord> visible = findVisible(camera); // Sort back to front Collections.sort(visible, new BackToFrontSorter(camera)); // Clear the alpha buffer if (genAlphaMask) { rasteriser.enableColourWriting(false, true); rasteriser.enableDepthTest(false); rasteriser.enableBlending(false); rasteriser.beginShape(PrimativeType.Quads); { if (genAlphaMask) rasteriser.colour(0, 0, 0, 0); else rasteriser.colour(0, 0, 0, 1); Vector3f[] quad = camera.getClearQuad(); Vector3f offset = new Vector3f(camera.getForward()); offset.scale(+0.20f); // Ugh. Arbitrary fudge factor because camera.getClearQuad doesn't seem to quite work for perspective camera for (Vector3f v : quad) { v.x += offset.x; v.y += offset.y; v.z += offset.z; } rasteriser.vertex(quad[0].x, quad[0].y, quad[0].z); rasteriser.vertex(quad[1].x, quad[1].y, quad[1].z); rasteriser.vertex(quad[2].x, quad[2].y, quad[2].z); rasteriser.vertex(quad[3].x, quad[3].y, quad[3].z); } rasteriser.endShape(); rasteriser.enableDepthTest(true); rasteriser.enableColourWriting(true, false); } // Skybox first if (showSky) { Geometry skybox = lightStyle == LightStyle.Night ? nightSkybox : daySkybox; skybox.drawSolidSurfaces(camera.getEyePosition().x, camera.getEyePosition().y, camera.getEyePosition().z); rasteriser.clearDepthBuffer(); } // Now the chunks in batches ArrayList<ChunkCoord> toProcess = new ArrayList<ChunkCoord>(visible); while (!toProcess.isEmpty()) { ArrayList<ChunkCoord> batch = new ArrayList<ChunkCoord>(); final int nextBatchSize = Math.min(BATCH_SIZE, toProcess.size()); for (int i = 0; i < nextBatchSize; i++) { batch.add(toProcess.remove(0)); } draw(camera, batch, genAlphaMask); } } private void draw(Camera camera, ArrayList<ChunkCoord> visible, final boolean genAlphaMask) { // Find adjacent chunks (need adjacent chunks loaded for proper geometry gen) Set<ChunkCoord> adjacent = new HashSet<ChunkCoord>(); adjacent.addAll(visible); for (ChunkCoord base : visible) { adjacent.add(new ChunkCoord(base.x + 1, base.z)); adjacent.add(new ChunkCoord(base.x - 1, base.z)); adjacent.add(new ChunkCoord(base.x, base.z + 1)); adjacent.add(new ChunkCoord(base.x, base.z - 1)); } adjacent.remove(null); for (ChunkCoord coord : adjacent) { // Load raw if not present if (!rawLoadedChunks.contains(coord)) { if (worldSubset.contains(coord)) { CompositeBlockFilter composite = new CompositeBlockFilter(); composite.add(blockFilter); composite.add(worldSubset.getBlockFilter(coord)); // Not loaded, so load it now Chunk c = chunkLocator.loadChunk(coord, composite); if (c != null) { rawLoadedChunks.put(coord, c); } } } else { rawLoadedChunks.touch(coord); } } for (ChunkCoord coord : visible) { // Create geometry if not present if (!geometryLoadedChunks.contains(coord)) { Chunk c = rawLoadedChunks.get(coord); if (c != null) { // Actually create the geometry final boolean ok = c.createGeometry(rasteriser, this, registry, blockMaskFactory, texturePack); assert ok; geometryLoadedChunks.put(coord, c); } } else { geometryLoadedChunks.touch(coord); } } // Now actually find all visible chunks we've managed to load ArrayList<Chunk> visibleChunks = new ArrayList<Chunk>(); for (ChunkCoord coord : visible) { Chunk c = geometryLoadedChunks.get(coord); if (c != null) visibleChunks.add(c); } //System.out.println("Num visible chunks: " + visibleChunks.size()); rasteriser.enableDepthTest(true); rasteriser.setBlendFunc(BlendFunc.Regular); drawGeometry(camera, visibleChunks); // Render the alpha mask if (genAlphaMask) { rasteriser.enableBlending(true); rasteriser.enableDepthTest(true); rasteriser.enableColourWriting(false, true); // Write the new alpha values { rasteriser.setBlendFunc(BlendFunc.Additive); drawGeometry(camera, visibleChunks); rasteriser.setBlendFunc(BlendFunc.Regular); } rasteriser.enableColourWriting(true, false); } rawLoadedChunks.trimToMaxSize(); geometryLoadedChunks.trimToMaxSize(); } private void drawGeometry(Camera camera, ArrayList<Chunk> visible) { rasteriser.enableDepthWriting(true); // Solid pass rasteriser.enableBlending(false); rasteriser.enableAlphaTest(false); for (Chunk c : visible) { c.drawSolid(camera); } // Alpha test pass rasteriser.enableAlphaTest(true); rasteriser.setAlphaFunc(AlphaFunc.Greater, 0.6f); // TODO: Figure out what this value should actually be rasteriser.enableBlending(false); for (Chunk c : visible) { c.drawAlphaTestedSurfaces(camera); } // Transparency pass rasteriser.enableDepthWriting(false); //TODO: This is the cause of the weirdness involving ice as well as glass blocks in a beam rasteriser.enableBlending(true); rasteriser.enableAlphaTest(false); for (Chunk c : visible) { c.drawTransparentSurfaces(camera); } rasteriser.enableDepthWriting(true); } public static ChunkCoord getTileCoord(File datFile) { try { // "c.0.0.dat" String name = datFile.getName(); final int datPos = name.indexOf(".dat"); if (datPos != -1) { name = name.substring(0, datPos); final int dotPos = name.indexOf('.'); if (dotPos != -1 && dotPos < name.length() - 1) { name = name.substring(dotPos + 1, name.length()); long first = Util.fromBase36(name.substring(0, name.indexOf('.'))); long second = Util.fromBase36(name.substring(name.indexOf('.') + 1, name.length())); return new ChunkCoord(first, second); } } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Couldn't get tile coord from " + datFile.getAbsolutePath() + " (" + e + ")"); System.err.println("File will be ignored"); } return null; } private Location resolve(ChunkCoord chunkCoord, int x, int y, int z) { long chunkX = chunkCoord.x; long chunkZ = chunkCoord.z; while (x < 0) { x += RawChunk.WIDTH; chunkX--; } while (x >= RawChunk.WIDTH) { x -= RawChunk.WIDTH; chunkX++; } while (z < 0) { z += RawChunk.DEPTH; chunkZ--; } while (z >= RawChunk.DEPTH) { z -= RawChunk.DEPTH; chunkZ++; } return new Location(new ChunkCoord(chunkX, chunkZ), x, y, z); } public Vector3l getSpawnPosition() { return levelDat.getSpawnPosition(); } @Override public int getBlockId(ChunkCoord chunkCoord, int x, int y, int z) { if (y < 0 || y >= RawChunk.HEIGHT) return defaultBlockId; Location loc = resolve(chunkCoord, x, y, z); Chunk c = rawLoadedChunks.get(loc.coord); if (c == null) { return defaultBlockId; } else return c.getBlockId(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, defaultBlockId); } @Override public BlockType getBlockType(ChunkCoord chunkCoord, int x, int y, int z) { if (y < 0 || y >= RawChunk.HEIGHT) return registry.find(defaultBlockId, 0); Location loc = resolve(chunkCoord, x, y, z); Chunk c = rawLoadedChunks.get(loc.coord); if (c == null) { return registry.find(defaultBlockId, 0); } else { final int id = c.getBlockId(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, defaultBlockId); final int data = c.getRawChunk().getBlockData(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z); return registry.find(id, data); } } @Override public int getBiomeId(ChunkCoord chunkCoord, int x, int y, int z) { if (y < 0 || y >= RawChunk.HEIGHT) return BiomeIds.UNKNOWN; Location loc = resolve(chunkCoord, x, y, z); Chunk c = rawLoadedChunks.get(loc.coord); if (c == null) { return BiomeIds.UNKNOWN; } else return c.getBiomeId(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z); } @Override public float getLight(ChunkCoord chunkCoord, final int x, final int y, final int z, LightFace face) { Location loc = resolve(chunkCoord, x, y, z); Chunk c = rawLoadedChunks.get(loc.coord); RawChunk raw = c != null ? c.getRawChunk() : null; return Chunk.getLight(lightStyle, face, raw, loc.x, loc.y, loc.z); } /* private float getSkyLight(ChunkCoord chunkCoord, final int x, final int y, final int z) { if (y < 0) return 0; if (y >= RawChunk.HEIGHT) return 1.0f; Location loc = resolve(chunkCoord, x, y, z); Chunk c = chunks.get(loc.coord); if (c == null) return 1.0f; else return c.getSkyLight(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z) / (float)RawChunk.MAX_LIGHT; } private float getBlockLight(ChunkCoord chunkCoord, final int x, final int y, final int z) { if (y < 0) return 0; if (y >= RawChunk.HEIGHT) return 1.0f; Location loc = resolve(chunkCoord, x, y, z); Chunk c = chunks.get(loc.coord); if (c == null) return 1.0f; else return c.getBlockLight(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z) / (float)RawChunk.MAX_LIGHT; } */ public void flushChunkCache() { if (rawLoadedChunks != null) { // Flush geometry geometryLoadedChunks.unloadAll(); // Flush raw loaded chunks rawLoadedChunks.unloadAll(); } } public void flushGeometryCache() { if (geometryLoadedChunks != null) { geometryLoadedChunks.unloadAll(); } } public void dumpMemStats() { System.out.println("---------------"); System.out.println("World Mem Stats"); System.out.println("---------------"); // System.out.println("Total chunks: "+chunks.size()); System.out.println("Loaded raw chunks: " + rawLoadedChunks.size()); System.out.println("Loaded geometry chunks: " + geometryLoadedChunks.size()); long rawMemTotal = rawLoadedChunks.getRawMemorySize(); rawMemTotal = rawMemTotal / 1024 / 1024; // bytes to megabytes System.out.println("Estimated raw memory: " + rawMemTotal + " Mb"); long geometryMemTotal = geometryLoadedChunks.getGeometryMemorySize(); geometryMemTotal = geometryMemTotal / 1024 / 1024; // bytes to megabytes System.out.println("Estimated geometry memory: " + geometryMemTotal + " Mb"); System.out.println(); Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); final long maxMemory = runtime.maxMemory(); final long allocatedMemory = runtime.totalMemory(); final long freeMemory = runtime.freeMemory(); NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getInstance(); System.out.println("Max memory: " + format.format(maxMemory / 1024.0f) + "Mb"); System.out.println("Allocated memory: " + format.format(allocatedMemory / 1024.0f) + "Mb"); System.out.println("Free memory: " + format.format(freeMemory / 1024.0f) + "Mb"); /* System.out.println("Geometry stats:"); for (Chunk c : geometryLoadedChunks.values()) { c.printGeometryStats(); } */ } private static class BackToFrontSorter implements Comparator<ChunkCoord> { private Camera camera; public BackToFrontSorter(Camera camera) { = camera; } @Override public int compare(ChunkCoord lhs, ChunkCoord rhs) { final float lhsDist = Math.abs(getDistance(camera, lhs)); final float rhsDist = Math.abs(getDistance(camera, rhs)); final float scale = 1000000000; // return Math.round(lhsDist * scale - rhsDist * scale); // correct return Math.round(rhsDist * scale - lhsDist * scale); // correct /* // Hacky and works, but won't work for perspective views Point lhsScreen = camera.project(lhs.getBounds().getCenter()); Point rhsScreen = camera.project(rhs.getBounds().getCenter()); return lhsScreen.y - rhsScreen.y; */ } private static float getDistance(Camera camera, ChunkCoord coord) { final float worldX = coord.x * RawChunk.WIDTH + (RawChunk.WIDTH / 2.0f); final float worldY = RawChunk.HEIGHT / 2.0f; final float worldZ = coord.z * RawChunk.DEPTH + (RawChunk.DEPTH / 2.0f); final float centerDist = Chunk.getDistance(camera, worldX, worldY, worldZ); return centerDist; } } private static class Location { public final ChunkCoord coord; public final int x, y, z; public Location(ChunkCoord coord, final int x, final int y, final int z) { this.coord = coord; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; } } public static ArrayList<Player> loadPlayers(File worldDir, PlayerSkinCache playerSkinCache) { File playersDir = Minecraft.findPlayersDir(worldDir); System.out.println("Loading players from " + playersDir.getAbsolutePath()); ArrayList<Player> players = new ArrayList<Player>(); File[] playerFiles = playersDir.listFiles(); if (playerFiles != null) { for (File playerFile : playerFiles) { if (playerFile.getName().endsWith(".dat")) { try { Player player = new Player(playerFile); CacheEntry ce = playerSkinCache.getCacheEntry(player.getUUID()); if (ce != null) { final long age = System.currentTimeMillis() - ce.fetchedTime; if (age < 1000 * 60 * 60 * 60) // one hour in ms { player.setName(ce.playerName); player.setSkinURL(ce.skinURL); } } else { if (player.getUUID().equals(player.getName())) { player.setSkinURL("" + player.getName() + ".png"); } else { String urlString = "" + player.getUUID(); URL url = new URL(urlString); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); connection.addRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json"); connection.setReadTimeout(15 * 1000); connection.connect(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream())); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { builder.append(line + "\n"); } reader.close(); JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(builder.toString()); player.setName(obj.getString("name")); JSONObject textures = obj.getJSONArray("properties").getJSONObject(0); byte[] decoded = DatatypeConverter .parseBase64Binary(textures.get("value").toString()); obj = new JSONObject(new String(decoded, "UTF-8")); boolean hasSkin = obj.getJSONObject("textures").has("SKIN"); String textureUrl = null; if (hasSkin == true) textureUrl = obj.getJSONObject("textures").getJSONObject("SKIN") .getString("url"); player.setSkinURL(textureUrl); } } players.add(player); System.out.println("Loaded " + player.getName()); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Couldn't load player info from " + playerFile.getName()); System.err.println( "You are only allowed to contact the Mojang session server once per minute per player. Wait for a minute and try again."); //e.printStackTrace(); } } } } System.out.println("\tloaded " + players.size() + " players"); return players; } public BlockTypeRegistry getBlockTypeRegistry() { return registry; } public File getWorldDir() { return worldDir; } public File getDimensionDir() { return dimensionDir; } public RawSign[] getLoadedSigns() { ArrayList<RawSign> result = new ArrayList<RawSign>(); for (Chunk c : rawLoadedChunks.values()) { result.addAll(c.getSigns()); } return result.toArray(new RawSign[0]); } @Override public Colour4f getGrassColour(ChunkCoord chunkCoord, int x, int y, int z) { final int biomeId = getBiomeId(chunkCoord, x, y, z); final int northId = getBiomeId(chunkCoord, x, y, z - 1); final int southId = getBiomeId(chunkCoord, x, y, z + 1); final int eastId = getBiomeId(chunkCoord, x + 1, y, z); final int westId = getBiomeId(chunkCoord, x - 1, y, z); Colour4f centerColour = getGrassColour(biomeId); Colour4f northColour = getGrassColour(northId); Colour4f southColour = getGrassColour(southId); Colour4f eastColour = getGrassColour(eastId); Colour4f westColour = getGrassColour(westId); Colour4f colour = new Colour4f(centerColour); colour.add(northColour); colour.add(southColour); colour.add(eastColour); colour.add(westColour); colour.divide(5); return colour; } private Colour4f getGrassColour(final int id) { Point colourCoord = BiomeIds.getColourCoord(id); Color awtColour = texturePack.getGrassColour(colourCoord.x, colourCoord.y); Colour4f colour = new Colour4f(awtColour); return colour; } }