Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Educational Online Test Delivery System Copyright (c) 2014 American * Institutes for Research * * Distributed under the AIR Open Source License, Version 1.0 See accompanying * file AIR-License-1_0.txt or at * American_Institutes_for_Research_Open_Source_Software_License.pdf ******************************************************************************/ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.UUID; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope; import org.springframework.http.MediaType; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.xml.XmlMapper; import AIR.Common.TDSLogger.ITDSLogger; import AIR.Common.Web.EncryptionHelper; import AIR.Common.Web.WebValueCollection; import AIR.Common.Web.WebValueCollectionCorrect; import TDS.Shared.Data.ReturnStatus; import TDS.Shared.Exceptions.ReturnStatusException; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import; import; import; import; import tds.itemrenderer.processing.ITSDocumentHelper; import tds.itemscoringengine.ItemScoreInfo; import tds.itemscoringengine.IItemScorerManager; import tds.itemscoringengine.ItemScore; import tds.itemscoringengine.ResponseInfo; import tds.itemscoringengine.RubricContentSource; import tds.itemscoringengine.RubricContentType; import tds.itemscoringengine.ScoreRationale; import tds.itemscoringengine.ScorerInfo; import tds.itemscoringengine.ScoringStatus; import tds.itemscoringengine.WebProxyItemScorerCallback; import tds.student.configuration.ItemScoringSettings; import; import; import tds.student.sql.abstractions.IConfigRepository; import tds.student.sql.abstractions.IResponseRepository; import tds.student.sql.abstractions.IScoringRepository; import; import; import; import; import; import; import tds.student.sql.singletons.ClientSingleton; import tds.student.tdslogger.TDSLogger; @Service("legacyItemScoringService") @Scope("prototype") public class ItemScoringService implements IItemScoringService { private static final Logger _logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ItemScoringService.class); @Autowired private IResponseRepository _responseRepository; @Autowired private IConfigRepository _configRepository; @Autowired private IScoringRepository _scoringRepository; @Autowired private IContentService _contentService; @Autowired private ItemScoringSettings _itemScoringSettings; @Autowired private IItemScorerManager _itemScorer; @Autowired private ITDSLogger _tdsLogger; private String getItemID(IItemResponseScorable responseScorable) { return String.format("I-%s-%s", responseScorable.getBankKey(), responseScorable.getItemKey()); } /** * Get the item scoring config. */ private ItemScoringConfig getItemScoringConfig(String format, String testID) throws ReturnStatusException { Iterable<ItemScoringConfig> itemScoringConfigs = _configRepository.getItemScoringConfigs(); Iterator<ItemScoringConfig> configsIterator = itemScoringConfigs.iterator(); ItemScoringConfig selected = null; while (configsIterator.hasNext()) { ItemScoringConfig c =; // match format and context if ((c.getItemType().equalsIgnoreCase(format) || c.getItemType().equals("*")) && (c.getContext().equalsIgnoreCase(testID) || c.getContext().equals("*"))) { // now find the highest priority config if (selected == null || c.getPriority() > selected.getPriority()) selected = c; } } return selected; } // function for logging item scorer errors private ItemScore createEmptyScore(ScoringStatus scoreStatus, final String message) { return new ItemScore(-1, -1, scoreStatus, null, new ScoreRationale() { { setMsg(message); } }, null, null); } /** * Check a response to see if it is scoreable. If it is not scoreable then you * will get back a Score object with the reason why. Otherwise if you get back * NULL then there are no problems and you can proceed with scoring the * response. */ @Override public ItemScore checkScoreability(IItemResponseScorable responseScorable, IITSDocument itsDoc) throws ReturnStatusException { // check if item scoring is disabled if (!_itemScoringSettings.getEnabled()) { return createEmptyScore(ScoringStatus.NotScored, "Item scoring setting is disabled."); } if (responseScorable == null) { return createEmptyScore(ScoringStatus.NotScored, "Could not find scoreable response."); } if (responseScorable.getValue() == null) { return createEmptyScore(ScoringStatus.NotScored, "There was nothing to score."); } // check if doc exists if (itsDoc == null) { return createEmptyScore(ScoringStatus.ScoringError, "ITS document was not found."); } String itemFormat = itsDoc.getFormat(); // get the scorer information for this item type ScorerInfo scorerInfo = _itemScorer.GetScorerInfo(itemFormat); // if there is no scorer info then this item type is not registered to a // scorer and cannot be scored if (scorerInfo == null) { return createEmptyScore(ScoringStatus.NotScored, "TDS does not score " + itemFormat); } // check if we should parse the xml for the rubric if (scorerInfo.getRubricContentSource() != RubricContentSource.None) { ITSMachineRubric machineRubric = _contentService.parseMachineRubric(itsDoc, responseScorable.getLanguage(), scorerInfo.getRubricContentSource()); // make sure this item has a machine rubric if (machineRubric == null) { return createEmptyScore(ScoringStatus.ScoringError, "Machine rubric was not found."); } // check if rubric has any data if (!machineRubric.getIsValid()) { return createEmptyScore(ScoringStatus.ScoringError, "Machine rubric was empty."); } } // check if item scoring config is enabled for this format ItemScoringConfig itemScoringConfig = getItemScoringConfig(itemFormat, responseScorable.getTestID()); // check if item scoring config exists (there should always be a default // configured) if (itemScoringConfig == null) { return createEmptyScore(ScoringStatus.ScoringError, "Item scoring config was not found."); } // check if the item format is disabled if (!itemScoringConfig.isEnabled()) { return createEmptyScore(ScoringStatus.NotScored, "Item scoring config for this item format is disabled."); } return null; } private String getDimensionsXmlForSP(ItemScore score) throws ReturnStatusException { // TODO Shiva: Why are the rationales being set to null ? ItemScoreInfo scoreInfo = score.getScoreInfo(); scoreInfo.setRationale(null); if (scoreInfo.getSubScores() != null) { for (ItemScoreInfo subScore : scoreInfo.getSubScores()) { subScore.setRationale(null); } } String xml; try { xml = scoreInfo.toXmlString(); // TODO Shiva: hack!!! I am not sure at this late stage how the AA will // react to the xml string. so i am going to take it out. xml = StringUtils.replace(xml, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>", ""); } catch (JAXBException e) { _logger.error(e.getMessage()); throw new ReturnStatusException("Could not parse scoreinfo xml"); } return xml; } @Override public boolean updateItemScore(UUID oppKey, IItemResponseScorable response, ItemScore score) throws ReturnStatusException { ScoreRationale scoreRationale = score.getScoreInfo().getRationale(); // get // this // here // before it is // removed String scoreDimensions = getDimensionsXmlForSP(score); ReturnStatus updateStatus = _scoringRepository.updateItemScore(oppKey, response, score.getScoreInfo().getPoints(), score.getScoreInfo().getStatus().toString(), scoreRationale.getMsg(), scoreDimensions); return (updateStatus.getStatus().equals("updated")); } /** * Update a response for an instance of a test opportunity. * * @throws ReturnStatusException */ protected ItemResponseUpdateStatus updateResponse(OpportunityInstance oppInstance, IItemResponseUpdate responseUpdated, ItemScore score, Float itemDuration) throws ReturnStatusException { StopWatch dbTimer = new StopWatch(); dbTimer.start(); ItemScoreInfo scoreInfoObj = score.getScoreInfo(); ScoreRationale scoreRationaleObj = score.getScoreInfo().getRationale(); ReturnStatus updateStatus = _responseRepository.updateScoredResponse(oppInstance, responseUpdated, scoreInfoObj.getPoints(), scoreInfoObj.getStatus().toString(), scoreRationaleObj.getMsg(), score.getScoreLatency(), itemDuration); dbTimer.stop(); if (!updateStatus.getStatus().equals("updated") && !updateStatus.getStatus().equals("warning")) { throw new ReturnStatusException(updateStatus); } return (new ItemResponseUpdateStatus(responseUpdated.getPosition(), updateStatus.getStatus(), updateStatus.getReason(), dbTimer.getTime())); } @Override public List<ItemResponseUpdateStatus> updateResponses(OpportunityInstance oppInstance, List<ItemResponseUpdate> responsesUpdated, Float pageDuration) throws ReturnStatusException { List<ItemResponseUpdateStatus> responseResults = new ArrayList<ItemResponseUpdateStatus>(); for (ItemResponseUpdate responseUpdate : responsesUpdated) { ItemResponseUpdateStatus updateStatus; // get its doc IITSDocument itsDoc = _contentService.getContent(responseUpdate.getFilePath(), AccLookup.getNone()); // check if loaded document if (itsDoc == null) { throw new ReturnStatusException( String.format("When updating item id '%s' could not load the file '%s'.", responseUpdate.getItemID(), responseUpdate.getFilePath())); } // check for any score errors ItemScore score = checkScoreability(responseUpdate, itsDoc); // if there was a score returned from score errors check then there was a // problem if (score != null) { // save response with error updateStatus = updateResponse(oppInstance, responseUpdate, score, pageDuration); } else { // for asynchronous we need to save the score first indicating it // is machine scorable and then submit to the scoring web site if (isScoringAsynchronous(itsDoc)) { score = new ItemScore(-1, -1, ScoringStatus.WaitingForMachineScore, null, new ScoreRationale() { { setMsg("Waiting for machine score."); } }, new ArrayList<ItemScoreInfo>(), null); updateStatus = updateResponse(oppInstance, responseUpdate, score, pageDuration); // TODO: if score returned here ends up being // ScoringStatus.ScoringError should we save this? score = scoreResponse(oppInstance.getKey(), responseUpdate, itsDoc); } // for synchronous we need to score first and then save else { score = scoreResponse(oppInstance.getKey(), responseUpdate, itsDoc); updateStatus = updateResponse(oppInstance, responseUpdate, score, pageDuration); } } responseResults.add(updateStatus); } return responseResults; } /** * Score a response for an instance of a test opportunity. * * @throws ReturnStatusException */ private ItemScore scoreResponse(UUID oppKey, IItemResponseScorable responseScorable, IITSDocument itsDoc) throws ReturnStatusException { StopWatch stopwatch = new StopWatch(); stopwatch.start(); ItemScore score = scoreItem(oppKey, responseScorable, itsDoc); // if there is no score then create a not scored if (score == null) { score = new ItemScore(-1, -1, ScoringStatus.NotScored, null, null, null, null); } stopwatch.stop(); score.setScoreLatency(stopwatch.getTime()); return score; } /** * Get the server url for proxy server. * * @throws ReturnStatusException */ private URL getServerUri(String format, String testID) throws ReturnStatusException { String serverUrl = null; // TODO shiva: this does not make sense? should we not look for in the // itemscoring config table first for // a more specific url before looking in a generic url? but that is how .NEt // has been coded up. // i am instead going to code it up differently. // if there is no url from settings then try and get from configs // get server url from item scoring config SP ItemScoringConfig itemScoringConfig = getItemScoringConfig(format, testID); if (itemScoringConfig != null && itemScoringConfig.getServerUrl() != null) { // use config url serverUrl = itemScoringConfig.getServerUrl(); } // check if multiple server urls was provided if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(serverUrl) && serverUrl.indexOf("|") > 0) { String[] servers = serverUrl.split("|"); int serverIndex = (new Random()).nextInt(servers.length); serverUrl = servers[serverIndex]; } // use the generic server. if (serverUrl == null) serverUrl = _itemScoringSettings.getServerUrl(); URL uri; try { uri = new URL(serverUrl); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { _logger.error(e.getMessage()); throw new ReturnStatusException("Malformed scoring server url."); } return uri; } private URL getCallbackUri() throws ReturnStatusException { String callbackUrl = _itemScoringSettings.getCallbackUrl(); URL uri; try { uri = new URL(callbackUrl); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { _logger.error(e.getMessage()); throw new ReturnStatusException("Malformed callback url."); } return uri; } // function for logging item scorer errors and use TDSLogger private void log(IItemResponseScorable responseScorable, String message, String methodName, Exception ex) { String error = String.format("ITEM SCORER (%s): %s", responseScorable.getItemID(), message); _tdsLogger.applicationError(error, methodName, null, ex); }; @Override public ItemScore scoreItem(UUID oppKey, IItemResponseScorable responseScorable, IITSDocument itsDoc) throws ReturnStatusException { final String itemID = getItemID(responseScorable); String itemFormat = itsDoc.getFormat(); // get the scorer information for this item type ScorerInfo scorerInfo = _itemScorer.GetScorerInfo(itemFormat); ITSMachineRubric machineRubric = new ITSMachineRubric(ITSMachineRubricType.Text, null); RubricContentType rubricContentType = RubricContentType.ContentString; if (scorerInfo.getRubricContentSource() != RubricContentSource.None) { // get items rubric machineRubric = _contentService.parseMachineRubric(itsDoc, responseScorable.getLanguage(), scorerInfo.getRubricContentSource()); if (machineRubric == null) return null; // create response info to pass to item scorer if (machineRubric.getType().equals(ITSMachineRubricType.Uri)) rubricContentType = RubricContentType.Uri; else rubricContentType = RubricContentType.ContentString; // if this is true then load the rubric manually for the scoring engine if (rubricContentType == RubricContentType.Uri && _itemScoringSettings.getAlwaysLoadRubric()) { rubricContentType = RubricContentType.ContentString; // read text from stream try { InputStream stream = ITSDocumentHelper.getStream(machineRubric.getData()); BufferedReader streamReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream)); try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String line; line = streamReader.readLine(); while (line != null) { sb.append(line); sb.append(System.lineSeparator()); line = streamReader.readLine(); } machineRubric.setData(sb.toString()); } finally { try { streamReader.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } catch (IOException e) { _logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new ReturnStatusException("Failed to read rubric."); } } } // create rubric object Object rubricContent; if (rubricContentType == RubricContentType.Uri) { rubricContent = machineRubric.createUri(); } else { rubricContent = machineRubric.getData(); // xml } ResponseInfo responseInfo = new ResponseInfo(itemFormat, itemID, responseScorable.getValue(), rubricContent, rubricContentType, null, true); // perform sync item scoring if (!isScoringAsynchronous(itsDoc)) { try { return _itemScorer.ScoreItem(responseInfo, null); } catch (final Exception ex) { return new ItemScore(-1, -1, ScoringStatus.ScoringError, null, new ScoreRationale() { { setMsg("Exception scoring item " + itemID + ": " + ex); } }, null, null); } } // create callback token if there is a callback url // TODO: Add warning at app startup if ItemScoringCallbackUrl is missing if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(_itemScoringSettings.getCallbackUrl())) { // Create the token WebValueCollectionCorrect tokenData = new WebValueCollectionCorrect(); tokenData.put("oppKey", oppKey); tokenData.put("testKey", responseScorable.getTestKey()); tokenData.put("testID", responseScorable.getTestID()); tokenData.put("language", responseScorable.getLanguage()); tokenData.put("position", responseScorable.getPosition()); tokenData.put("itsBank", responseScorable.getBankKey()); tokenData.put("itsItem", responseScorable.getItemKey()); tokenData.put("segmentID", responseScorable.getSegmentID()); tokenData.put("sequence", responseScorable.getSequence()); tokenData.put("scoremark", responseScorable.getScoreMark()); // encrypt token (do not url encode) String encryptedToken = EncryptionHelper.EncryptToBase64(tokenData.toString(false)); // save token responseInfo.setContextToken(encryptedToken); } ItemScore scoreItem = null; // perform scoring String message = null; try { WebProxyItemScorerCallback webProxyCallback = null; // check if there is a URL which will make this call asynchronous URL serverUri = getServerUri(itemFormat, responseScorable.getTestID()); URL callbackUri = getCallbackUri(); if (serverUri != null && callbackUri != null) { webProxyCallback = new WebProxyItemScorerCallback(serverUri.toString(), callbackUri.toString()); } // call web proxy scorer scoreItem = _itemScorer.ScoreItem(responseInfo, webProxyCallback); // validate results if (scoreItem == null) { log(responseScorable, "Web proxy returned NULL score.", "scoreItem", null); } else if (scoreItem.getScoreInfo().getStatus() == ScoringStatus.ScoringError) { message = String.format("Web proxy returned a scoring error status: '%s'.", (scoreItem.getScoreInfo().getRationale() != null ? scoreItem.getScoreInfo().getRationale() : "")); log(responseScorable, message, "scoreItem", null); } else if (webProxyCallback != null && scoreItem.getScoreInfo().getStatus() != ScoringStatus.WaitingForMachineScore) { message = String.format( "Web proxy is in asynchronous mode and returned a score status of %s. It should return %s.", scoreItem.getScoreInfo().getStatus().toString(), ScoringStatus.WaitingForMachineScore.toString()); log(responseScorable, message, "scoreItem", null); } else if (webProxyCallback == null && scoreItem.getScoreInfo().getStatus() == ScoringStatus.WaitingForMachineScore) { message = String.format("Web proxy is in synchronous mode but returned incorrect status of %s.", scoreItem.getScoreInfo().getStatus().toString()); log(responseScorable, message, "scoreItem", null); } } catch (Exception ex) { message = String.format("EXCEPTION = '%s'.", ex.getMessage()); log(responseScorable, message, "scoreItem", ex); } return scoreItem; } /** * Is the scoring for this response asynchronous? */ private boolean isScoringAsynchronous(IITSDocument itsDoc) { if (itsDoc != null && !StringUtils.isEmpty(itsDoc.getFormat())) { ScorerInfo scorerInfo = _itemScorer.GetScorerInfo(itsDoc.getFormat()); // check if scorer exists - not all item types are scored in TDS if (scorerInfo != null) { return scorerInfo.isSupportsAsyncMode(); } } return false; } }