Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of git-as-svn. It is subject to the license terms * in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this distribution * and at No part of git-as-svn, * including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed * except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file. */ package svnserver.repository.git; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.MissingObjectException; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.*; import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit; import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevObject; import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevTag; import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk; import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.CanonicalTreeParser; import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.TreeWalk; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import svnserver.repository.git.layout.RefMappingDirect; import svnserver.repository.git.layout.RefMappingGroup; import svnserver.repository.git.layout.RefMappingPrefix; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.*; /** * Helper for creating svn layout in git repository. * * @author a.navrotskiy */ public class LayoutHelper { @NotNull private static final RefMappingGroup layoutMapping = new RefMappingGroup( new RefMappingDirect(Constants.R_HEADS + Constants.MASTER, "trunk/"), new RefMappingPrefix(Constants.R_HEADS, "branches/"), new RefMappingPrefix(Constants.R_TAGS, "tags/")); @NotNull private static final String OLD_CACHE_REF = "refs/git-as-svn/v0"; @NotNull private static final String PREFIX_REF = "refs/git-as-svn/v1/"; @NotNull private static final String ENTRY_COMMIT_REF = "commit.ref"; @NotNull private static final String ENTRY_ROOT = "svn"; @NotNull private static final String ENTRY_UUID = "uuid"; @NotNull private static final String PREFIX_ANONIMOUS = "unnamed/"; @NotNull public static Ref initRepository(@NotNull Repository repository, String branch) throws IOException { Ref ref = repository.getRef(PREFIX_REF + branch); if (ref == null) { Ref old = repository.getRef(OLD_CACHE_REF); if (old != null) { final RefUpdate refUpdate = repository.updateRef(PREFIX_REF + branch); refUpdate.setNewObjectId(old.getObjectId()); refUpdate.update(); } } if (ref == null) { final ObjectId revision = createFirstRevision(repository); final RefUpdate refUpdate = repository.updateRef(PREFIX_REF + branch); refUpdate.setNewObjectId(revision); refUpdate.update(); ref = repository.getRef(PREFIX_REF + branch); if (ref == null) { throw new IOException("Can't initialize repository."); } } Ref old = repository.getRef(OLD_CACHE_REF); if (old != null) { final RefUpdate refUpdate = repository.updateRef(OLD_CACHE_REF); refUpdate.setForceUpdate(true); refUpdate.delete(); } return ref; } /** * Get active branches with commits from repository. * * @param repository Repository. * @return Branches with commits. * @throws IOException */ public static Map<String, RevCommit> getBranches(@NotNull Repository repository) throws IOException { final RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(repository); final Map<String, RevCommit> result = new TreeMap<>(); for (Ref ref : repository.getAllRefs().values()) { try { final String svnPath = layoutMapping.gitToSvn(ref.getName()); if (svnPath != null) { final RevCommit revCommit = unwrapCommit(revWalk, ref.getObjectId()); if (revCommit != null) { result.put(svnPath, revCommit); } } } catch (MissingObjectException ignored) { } } return result; } public static ObjectId createCacheCommit(@NotNull ObjectInserter inserter, @NotNull ObjectId parent, @NotNull RevCommit commit, int revisionId, @NotNull Map<String, ObjectId> revBranches) throws IOException { final TreeFormatter treeBuilder = new TreeFormatter(); treeBuilder.append(ENTRY_COMMIT_REF, commit); treeBuilder.append("svn", FileMode.TREE, createSvnLayoutTree(inserter, revBranches)); new ObjectChecker().checkTree(treeBuilder.toByteArray()); final ObjectId rootTree = inserter.insert(treeBuilder); final CommitBuilder commitBuilder = new CommitBuilder(); commitBuilder.setAuthor(commit.getAuthorIdent()); commitBuilder.setCommitter(commit.getCommitterIdent()); commitBuilder.setMessage("#" + revisionId + ": " + commit.getFullMessage()); commitBuilder.addParentId(parent); commitBuilder.setTreeId(rootTree); return inserter.insert(commitBuilder); } @Nullable public static RevCommit loadOriginalCommit(@NotNull ObjectReader reader, @Nullable ObjectId cacheCommit) throws IOException { final RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(reader); if (cacheCommit != null) { final RevCommit revCommit = revWalk.parseCommit(cacheCommit); revWalk.parseTree(revCommit.getTree()); final CanonicalTreeParser treeParser = new CanonicalTreeParser(GitRepository.emptyBytes, reader, revCommit.getTree()); while (!treeParser.eof()) { if (treeParser.getEntryPathString().equals(ENTRY_COMMIT_REF)) { return revWalk.parseCommit(treeParser.getEntryObjectId()); }; } } return null; } /** * Unwrap commit from reference. * * @param revWalk Git parser. * @param objectId Reference object. * @return Wrapped commit or null (ex: tag on tree). * @throws IOException . */ @Nullable private static RevCommit unwrapCommit(@NotNull RevWalk revWalk, @NotNull ObjectId objectId) throws IOException { RevObject revObject = revWalk.parseAny(objectId); while (true) { if (revObject instanceof RevCommit) { return (RevCommit) revObject; } if (revObject instanceof RevTag) { revObject = ((RevTag) revObject).getObject(); continue; } return null; } } /** * Get new revisions list. * * @param repository Repository. * @param loaded Already loaded commits. * @param targetCommits Target commits. * @return Return new commits ordered by creation time. Parent revision always are before child. */ public static List<RevCommit> getNewRevisions(@NotNull Repository repository, @NotNull Set<? extends ObjectId> loaded, @NotNull Collection<? extends ObjectId> targetCommits) throws IOException { final Map<RevCommit, RevisionNode> revisionChilds = new HashMap<>(); final Deque<RevCommit> revisionFirst = new ArrayDeque<>(); final Deque<RevCommit> revisionQueue = new ArrayDeque<>(); final RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(repository); for (ObjectId target : targetCommits) { if (!loaded.contains(target)) { final RevCommit revCommit = revWalk.parseCommit(target); revisionQueue.add(revCommit); revisionChilds.put(revCommit, new RevisionNode()); } } while (!revisionQueue.isEmpty()) { final RevCommit commit = revWalk.parseCommit(revisionQueue.remove()); if (commit == null || loaded.contains(commit.getId())) { revisionFirst.add(commit); continue; } if (commit.getParentCount() > 0) { final RevisionNode commitNode = revisionChilds.get(commit); for (RevCommit parent : commit.getParents()) { commitNode.parents.add(parent); revisionChilds.computeIfAbsent(parent, (id) -> { revisionQueue.add(parent); return new RevisionNode(); }).childs.add(commit); } } else { revisionFirst.add(commit); } } final List<RevCommit> result = new ArrayList<>(revisionChilds.size()); while (!revisionChilds.isEmpty()) { RevCommit firstCommit = null; RevisionNode firstNode = null; final Iterator<RevCommit> iterator = revisionFirst.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final RevCommit iterCommit =; final RevisionNode iterNode = revisionChilds.get(iterCommit); if (iterNode == null) { iterator.remove(); continue; } if (!iterNode.parents.isEmpty()) { iterator.remove(); } else if (firstCommit == null || firstCommit.getCommitTime() > iterCommit.getCommitTime()) { firstNode = iterNode; firstCommit = iterCommit; } } if (firstNode == null || firstCommit == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } revisionChilds.remove(firstCommit); result.add(firstCommit); for (RevCommit childId : firstNode.childs) { final RevisionNode childNode = revisionChilds.get(childId); if (childNode != null) { childNode.parents.remove(firstCommit); if (childNode.parents.isEmpty()) { revisionFirst.add(childId); } } } } return result; } public static int compareBranches(@NotNull String branch1, @NotNull String branch2) { final int p1 = layoutMapping.getPriority(branch1); final int p2 = layoutMapping.getPriority(branch2); if (p1 != p2) { return p1 - p2; } return branch1.compareTo(branch2); } public static String getAnonimousBranch(RevCommit commit) { return PREFIX_ANONIMOUS + commit.getId().abbreviate(6).name() + '/'; } @NotNull public static String loadRepositoryId(@NotNull ObjectReader objectReader, ObjectId commit) throws IOException { RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(objectReader); TreeWalk treeWalk = TreeWalk.forPath(objectReader, ENTRY_UUID, revWalk.parseCommit(commit).getTree()); if (treeWalk != null) { return new String(, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } throw new FileNotFoundException(ENTRY_UUID); } private static class RevisionNode { @NotNull private final Set<RevCommit> childs = new HashSet<>(); @NotNull private final Set<RevCommit> parents = new HashSet<>(); } @NotNull private static ObjectId createFirstRevision(@NotNull Repository repository) throws IOException { // Generate UUID. final ObjectInserter inserter = repository.newObjectInserter(); ObjectId uuidId = inserter.insert(Constants.OBJ_BLOB, UUID.randomUUID().toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); // Create svn empty tree. final ObjectId treeId = inserter.insert(new TreeFormatter()); // Create commit tree. final TreeFormatter rootBuilder = new TreeFormatter(); rootBuilder.append(ENTRY_ROOT, FileMode.TREE, treeId); rootBuilder.append(ENTRY_UUID, FileMode.REGULAR_FILE, uuidId); new ObjectChecker().checkTree(rootBuilder.toByteArray()); final ObjectId rootId = inserter.insert(rootBuilder); // Create first commit with message. final CommitBuilder commitBuilder = new CommitBuilder(); commitBuilder.setAuthor(new PersonIdent("", "", 0, 0)); commitBuilder.setCommitter(new PersonIdent("", "", 0, 0)); commitBuilder.setMessage("#0: Initial revision"); commitBuilder.setTreeId(rootId); final ObjectId commitId = inserter.insert(commitBuilder); inserter.flush(); return commitId; } @Nullable private static ObjectId createSvnLayoutTree(@NotNull ObjectInserter inserter, @NotNull Map<String, ObjectId> revBranches) throws IOException { final Deque<TreeFormatter> stack = new ArrayDeque<>(); stack.add(new TreeFormatter()); String dir = ""; final ObjectChecker checker = new ObjectChecker(); for (Map.Entry<String, ObjectId> entry : new TreeMap<>(revBranches).entrySet()) { final String path = entry.getKey(); // Save already added nodes. while (!path.startsWith(dir)) { final int index = dir.lastIndexOf('/', dir.length() - 2) + 1; final TreeFormatter tree = stack.pop(); checker.checkTree(tree.toByteArray()); stack.element().append(dir.substring(index, dir.length() - 1), FileMode.TREE, inserter.insert(tree)); dir = dir.substring(0, index); } // Go deeper. for (int index = path.indexOf('/', dir.length()) + 1; index < path .length(); index = path.indexOf('/', index) + 1) { dir = path.substring(0, index); stack.push(new TreeFormatter()); } // Add commit to tree. { final int index = path.lastIndexOf('/', path.length() - 2) + 1; stack.element().append(path.substring(index, path.length() - 1), FileMode.GITLINK, entry.getValue()); } } // Save already added nodes. while (!dir.isEmpty()) { int index = dir.lastIndexOf('/', dir.length() - 2) + 1; final TreeFormatter tree = stack.pop(); checker.checkTree(tree.toByteArray()); stack.element().append(dir.substring(index, dir.length() - 1), FileMode.TREE, inserter.insert(tree)); dir = dir.substring(0, index); } // Save root tree to disk. final TreeFormatter rootTree = stack.pop(); checker.checkTree(rootTree.toByteArray()); if (!stack.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } return inserter.insert(rootTree); } }