Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 Crown Copyright * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package stroom; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import stroom.entity.shared.BaseResultList; import stroom.feed.shared.Feed; import stroom.feed.shared.FeedService; import stroom.feed.shared.FindFeedCriteria; import; import; import stroom.util.logging.StroomLogger; import; public class ProxyRepositoryCreator { private static final StroomLogger LOGGER = StroomLogger.getLogger(ProxyRepositoryCreator.class); private static final String INPUT_EXTENSION = ".in"; private static final String ZIP_EXTENSION = ".zip"; private final FeedService feedService; private final StroomZipRepository repository; public ProxyRepositoryCreator(final FeedService feedService, final StroomZipRepository repository) { this.feedService = feedService; this.repository = repository; } public void read(final File dir, final boolean mandateEffectiveDate, final Long effectiveMs) { readDir(dir, mandateEffectiveDate, effectiveMs); } private void readDir(final File dir, final boolean mandateEffectiveDate, final Long effectiveMs) { final File[] files = dir.listFiles(); for (final File file : files) { if (!file.getName().startsWith(".")) { if (file.isDirectory()) { // Recurse. readDir(file, mandateEffectiveDate, effectiveMs); } else { final String fileName = file.getName().toLowerCase(); if (fileName.endsWith(INPUT_EXTENSION)) { loadInput(file, mandateEffectiveDate, effectiveMs); } else if (fileName.endsWith(ZIP_EXTENSION)) { loadZip(file, mandateEffectiveDate, effectiveMs); } } } } } private void loadInput(final File file, final boolean mandateEffectiveDate, final Long effectiveMs) { // Get the feed. final Feed feed = getFeed(file); try { if (feed.isReference() == mandateEffectiveDate) {"Loading data: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); final StroomZipOutputStream zipOutputStream = repository.getStroomZipOutputStream(); int i = 0; i++; String newName = Integer.toString(i); newName = StringUtils.leftPad(newName, 3, '0'); // Add meta data. OutputStream zipPart = zipOutputStream .addEntry(new StroomZipEntry(null, newName, StroomZipFileType.Meta)); final HeaderMap map = createMap(feed, effectiveMs); map.write(zipPart, true); // Add data. zipPart = zipOutputStream.addEntry(new StroomZipEntry(null, newName, StroomZipFileType.Data)); StreamUtil.streamToStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)), zipPart); zipOutputStream.close(); } } catch (final IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error loading file: " + file.getAbsolutePath(), e); } } private void loadZip(final File file, final boolean mandateEffectiveDate, final Long effectiveMs) { // Get the feed. final Feed feed = getFeed(file); if (feed.isReference() == mandateEffectiveDate) {"Loading data: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); try { final StroomZipOutputStream zipOutputStream = repository.getStroomZipOutputStream(); final StroomZipFile stroomZipFile = new StroomZipFile(file); int i = 0; for (String baseName : stroomZipFile.getStroomZipNameSet().getBaseNameSet()) { i++; String newName = Integer.toString(i); newName = StringUtils.leftPad(newName, 3, '0'); // Add meta data. InputStream inputStream = stroomZipFile.getInputStream(baseName, StroomZipFileType.Meta); final HeaderMap map = createMap(feed, effectiveMs); if (inputStream != null) {, true); } OutputStream outputStream = zipOutputStream .addEntry(new StroomZipEntry(null, newName, StroomZipFileType.Meta)); map.write(outputStream, true); // Add context data. inputStream = stroomZipFile.getInputStream(baseName, StroomZipFileType.Context); if (inputStream != null) { outputStream = zipOutputStream .addEntry(new StroomZipEntry(null, newName, StroomZipFileType.Context)); StreamUtil.streamToStream(inputStream, outputStream); } // Add data. inputStream = stroomZipFile.getInputStream(baseName, StroomZipFileType.Data); if (inputStream != null) { outputStream = zipOutputStream .addEntry(new StroomZipEntry(null, newName, StroomZipFileType.Data)); StreamUtil.streamToStream(inputStream, outputStream); } } stroomZipFile.close(); zipOutputStream.close(); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error loading file: " + file.getAbsolutePath(), e); } } } private HeaderMap createMap(final Feed feed, final Long effectiveMs) { final String dateTime = DateUtil.createNormalDateTimeString(effectiveMs); final HeaderMap map = new HeaderMap(); map.put(StroomHeaderArguments.FEED, feed.getName()); map.put(StroomHeaderArguments.RECEIVED_TIME, dateTime); map.put(StroomHeaderArguments.EFFECTIVE_TIME, dateTime); map.put("TestData", "Loaded By SetupSampleData"); return map; } private Feed getFeed(final File file) { // Get the stem of the file name. String stem = file.getName(); int index = stem.indexOf('.'); if (index != -1) { stem = stem.substring(0, index); } // Find the associated feed. final FindFeedCriteria findFeedCriteria = new FindFeedCriteria(); findFeedCriteria.getName().setString(stem); final BaseResultList<Feed> list = feedService.find(findFeedCriteria); if (list.size() == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Feed not found \"" + stem + "\""); } return list.getFirst(); } }