Java tutorial
/** * Written by Morgan Allen. * I intend to slap on some kind of open-source license here in a while, but * for now, feel free to poke around for non-commercial purposes. */ package stratos.start; import*; import*; import*; import stratos.util.*; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.ApplicationListener; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.*; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Toolkit; public final class PlayLoop { /** Fields and constant definitions- */ final public static Class DEFAULT_INIT_CLASSES[] = { Backgrounds.class, Species.class }; final public static String DEFAULT_INIT_PACKAGE = "stratos"; public final static int UPDATES_PER_SECOND = 10, FRAMES_PER_SECOND = 60, DEFAULT_WIDTH = 1200, DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 720, DEFAULT_HERTZ = 60, MIN_SLEEP = 10, SLEEP_MARGIN = 2; private static boolean verbose = false; private static String initPackage = DEFAULT_INIT_PACKAGE; private static Class[] initClasses = DEFAULT_INIT_CLASSES; private static Rendering rendering; private static Playable played; private static Thread gdxThread; private static boolean loopChanged = false; private static long lastFrame, lastUpdate; private static float frameTime; private static long numStateUpdates = 0; private static float gameSpeed = 1.0f; private static boolean initDone = false, shouldLoop = false, paused = false, background = false, noInput = false; /** Returns the components of the current game state- */ public static HUD currentUI() { return played.UI(); } public static Rendering rendering() { return rendering; } public static Playable played() { return played; } public static boolean onRenderThread() { return Thread.currentThread() == gdxThread; } /** The big static setup, run and exit methods- */ private static LwjglApplicationConfiguration getConfig() { final Dimension SS = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); final boolean report = true; final LwjglApplicationConfiguration config = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration(); config.title = "Stratos"; config.useGL20 = true; config.vSyncEnabled = true; config.width = Nums.min(DEFAULT_WIDTH, SS.width - 100); config.height = Nums.min(DEFAULT_HEIGHT, SS.height - 100); config.foregroundFPS = DEFAULT_HERTZ; config.backgroundFPS = DEFAULT_HERTZ; config.resizable = false; config.fullscreen = false; if (report) { I.say("\nSetting up screen configuration..."); I.say(" Default width/height: " + DEFAULT_WIDTH + "/" + DEFAULT_HEIGHT); I.say(" Screen width/height: " + SS.width + "/" + SS.height); I.say(" Window width/height: " + config.width + "/" + config.height); I.say(""); } return config; } public static void setupAndLoop(Playable scenario) { setupAndLoop(scenario, DEFAULT_INIT_PACKAGE, DEFAULT_INIT_CLASSES); } public static void setupAndLoop(Playable scenario, String initPackage, Class... initClasses) { PlayLoop.initPackage = initPackage; PlayLoop.initClasses = initClasses; PlayLoop.loopChanged = true; PlayLoop.played = scenario; PlayLoop.numStateUpdates = 0; PlayLoop.gameSpeed = 1.0f; if (verbose) { I.say("ASSIGNED NEW PLAYABLE: " + scenario); I.reportStackTrace(); } if (!initDone) { initDone = true; new LwjglApplication(new ApplicationListener() { public void create() { shouldLoop = true; initLoop(); } public void resize(int width, int height) { } public void dispose() { disposeLoop(); } public void pause() { background = true; } public void resume() { background = false; } public void render() { gdxThread = Thread.currentThread(); if (!shouldLoop) { if (verbose) I.say("should not be looping..."); return; } final boolean okay = advanceLoop(); if (!okay) { if (verbose) I.say("Loop does not want to advance!"); exitLoop(); } } }, getConfig()); } } public static void sessionStateWipe() { I.talkAbout = null; played = null; Assets.disposeSessionAssets(); if (rendering != null) rendering.clearAll(); } public static void exitLoop() { if (verbose) I.say("EXITING PLAY LOOP"); shouldLoop = false;; } private static void initLoop() { Assets.compileAssetList(initPackage, initClasses); for (String name : Assets.classesToLoad()) { Session.checkSaveable(name); } rendering = new Rendering(); } private static void disposeLoop() { rendering.dispose(); Assets.dispose(); } private static boolean advanceLoop() { final long time = timeMS(), frameGap = time - lastFrame, updateGap; final int FRAME_INTERVAL = 1000 / FRAMES_PER_SECOND; final int UPDATE_INTERVAL = (int) (1000 / (UPDATES_PER_SECOND * gameSpeed)); final boolean freeze = paused || background; if (freeze || (time - lastUpdate) > UPDATE_INTERVAL * 10) { lastUpdate = time; updateGap = 0; } else { updateGap = time - lastUpdate; frameTime = (updateGap - 0) * 1.0f / UPDATE_INTERVAL; frameTime = Nums.clamp(frameTime, 0, 1); } loopChanged = false; float worldTime = (numStateUpdates + frameTime) / UPDATES_PER_SECOND; rendering.updateViews(worldTime, frameTime); if (verbose) { I.say("\nAdvancing play loop, time: " + time); I.say(" Last frame/last update: " + lastFrame + "/" + lastUpdate); I.say(" Frame/update gap: " + frameGap + "/" + updateGap); I.say(" FRAME/UPDATE INTERVAL: " + FRAME_INTERVAL + "/" + UPDATE_INTERVAL); } if (Assets.loadProgress() < 1) { if (verbose) { I.say(" Loading assets!"); I.say(" Loading progress: " + Assets.loadProgress()); } LoadingScreen.update("Loading Assets", Assets.loadProgress()); Assets.advanceAssetLoading(FRAME_INTERVAL - (SLEEP_MARGIN * 2)); rendering.renderDisplay(); rendering.renderUI(LoadingScreen.HUD(rendering)); return true; } if (loopChanged) { if (verbose) I.say(" Loop changed! Will return"); return true; } if (played != null && played.loadProgress() < 1) { if (verbose) { I.say(" Loading simulation: " + played); I.say(" Is loading? " + played.isLoading()); I.say(" Loading progress: " + played.loadProgress()); } if (!played.isLoading()) { if (verbose) I.say(" Beginning simulation setup..."); played.beginGameSetup(); } LoadingScreen.update("Loading Simulation", played.loadProgress()); rendering.renderDisplay(); rendering.renderUI(LoadingScreen.HUD(rendering)); lastUpdate = lastFrame = time; return true; } // TODO: I'm updating graphics as fast as possible for the moment, since // I get occasional flicker problems otherwise. Still seems wasteful, // mind... if (loopChanged) { if (verbose) I.say(" Loop changed! Will return"); return true; } if (frameGap >= FRAME_INTERVAL || true) { if (verbose) I.say(" Rendering graphics."); if (played != null) { played.renderVisuals(rendering); } final HUD UI = played.UI(); if (UI != null) { UI.updateInput(); UI.renderWorldFX(); } rendering.renderDisplay(); rendering.renderUI(UI); KeyInput.updateInputs(); lastFrame = time; } // Now we essentially 'pretend' that updates were occurring once every // UPDATE_INTERVAL milliseconds: if (played != null) { final int numUpdates = Nums.min((int) (updateGap / UPDATE_INTERVAL), (1 + (FRAME_INTERVAL / UPDATE_INTERVAL))); if (played.shouldExitLoop()) { if (verbose) I.say(" Exiting loop! Will return"); return false; } if (verbose) I.say(" No. of updates: " + numUpdates); if (!freeze) for (int n = numUpdates; n-- > 0;) { if (loopChanged) { if (verbose) I.say(" Loop changed! Will return"); return true; } if (verbose) I.say(" Updating simulation."); played.updateGameState(); numStateUpdates++; lastUpdate += UPDATE_INTERVAL; } } return true; } private static long timeMS() { return java.lang.System.nanoTime() / 1000000; } /** Pausing the loop, exiting the loop, and setting simulation speed and * frame rate. */ public static float frameTime() { return frameTime; } public static boolean paused() { return paused; } public static float gameSpeed() { return gameSpeed; } public static void setGameSpeed(float mult) { gameSpeed = Nums.max(0, mult); } public static void setPaused(boolean p) { paused = p; } public static void setNoInput(boolean n) { noInput = n; } }