Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License * * Copyright 2015 Neil McAlister. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package sonicScream.controllers; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import java.util.List; import info.ata4.vpk.VPKEntry; import javafx.beans.binding.Bindings; import*; import javafx.concurrent.Task; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.fxml.FXML; import javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader; import javafx.scene.control.*; import javafx.stage.Stage; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import sonicScream.models.Category; import sonicScream.models.Enums.CategoryDisplayMode; import sonicScream.models.Script; import; import; import static sonicScream.utilities.FileIOUtilities.chooseSoundFile; import; import sonicScream.utilities.SettingsUtils; import sonicScream.utilities.StringParsing; import sonicScream.utilities.TreeUtils; public final class CategoryTabController extends Tab { private final Category _category; @FXML private TreeView CategoryTabTreeView; @FXML private ComboBox CategoryTabComboBox; @FXML private Label CategoryTabScriptValueLabel; @FXML private Button SwapDisplayModeButton; @FXML private Button ExpandAllButton; @FXML private Button CollapseAllButton; private ObjectProperty<TreeItem<String>> selectedScriptNode = new SimpleObjectProperty(); public final Object getSelectedScriptNode() { return selectedScriptNode.get(); } public ObjectProperty<TreeItem<String>> selectedScriptNodeProperty() { return selectedScriptNode; } private ObjectProperty<Script> selectedScript = new SimpleObjectProperty(); public final Object getSelectedScript() { return selectedScript.get(); } /** * Property for the Script object that is currently selected in the ComboBox (or, if the * Category only has a single script, that single script) or null. * @return */ public ObjectProperty<Script> selectedScriptProperty() { return selectedScript; } private BooleanProperty selectedScriptNodeIsLeaf = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false); public final Object getSelectedScriptNodeIsLeaf() { return selectedScriptNodeIsLeaf.get(); } /** * Null-safe, bindable property to determine whether or not the currently-selected * node in the TreeView is a leaf. * @return */ public BooleanProperty selectedScriptNodeIsLeafProperty() { return selectedScriptNodeIsLeaf; } private ObjectProperty displayMode = new SimpleObjectProperty(CategoryDisplayMode.SIMPLE); public CategoryTabController(Category category) { URL location = getClass().getResource("/sonicScream/views/CategoryTab.fxml"); FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(location); loader.setRoot(this); loader.setController(this); try { loader.load(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } _category = category; this.textProperty().bind(_category.categoryNameProperty()); CategoryTabComboBox.setItems(_category.getCategoryScripts()); //These two bindings handle changing between categories with only a single //script (items) and those with multiple (everything else) SimpleListProperty bindableList = new SimpleListProperty(); bindableList.bind(new SimpleObjectProperty<>(_category.getCategoryScripts())); CategoryTabComboBox.visibleProperty().bind(Bindings.greaterThan(bindableList.sizeProperty(), 1)); selectedScriptNodeProperty().bind(CategoryTabTreeView.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty()); selectedScript.bind(CategoryTabComboBox.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty()); if (_category.getCategoryScripts() != null && !_category.getCategoryScripts().isEmpty()) { CategoryTabComboBox.valueProperty().set(_category.getCategoryScripts().get(0)); handleComboBoxChanged(null); } SwapDisplayModeButton.textProperty().bind(Bindings.when(displayMode.isEqualTo(CategoryDisplayMode.SIMPLE)) .then("Advanced >>").otherwise("<< Simple")); CategoryTabTreeView.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty() .addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> { if (newValue != null) { TreeItem<String> scriptValue = TreeUtils.getRootMinusOne((TreeItem<String>) newValue); TreeItem<String> selectedValue = (TreeItem<String>) newValue; CategoryTabScriptValueLabel.setText(scriptValue.getValue()); selectedScriptNodeIsLeaf.set(selectedValue.isLeaf()); } }); } @FXML private void handleComboBoxChanged(ActionEvent event) { Task task = new Task() { @Override protected Object call() throws Exception { try { TreeItem<String> simpleTree = displayMode.get() == CategoryDisplayMode.SIMPLE ? ((Script) CategoryTabComboBox.getValue()).getSimpleTree() : displayMode.get() == CategoryDisplayMode.ADVANCED ? ((Script) CategoryTabComboBox.getValue()).getRootNode() : null; CategoryTabTreeView.setRoot(simpleTree); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; } };; } @FXML private void handleSwapDisplayModePressed(ActionEvent event) { if (displayMode.get() == CategoryDisplayMode.SIMPLE) { Script currentScript = (Script) CategoryTabComboBox.getValue(); currentScript.setRootNode(currentScript.updateRootNodeWithSimpleTree()); changeDisplayMode(CategoryDisplayMode.ADVANCED); } else if (displayMode.get() == CategoryDisplayMode.ADVANCED) changeDisplayMode(CategoryDisplayMode.SIMPLE); } @FXML private void handleExpandAllPressed(ActionEvent event) { recursiveSetNodeExpanded(CategoryTabTreeView.getRoot(), true); } @FXML private void handleCollapseAllPressed(ActionEvent event) { recursiveSetNodeExpanded(CategoryTabTreeView.getRoot(), false); } private void recursiveSetNodeExpanded(TreeItem<String> root, boolean expanded) { if (root.getParent() != null) //Don't want to collapse the root! { root.setExpanded(expanded); } for (TreeItem<String> item : root.getChildren()) { if (item.getChildren().isEmpty()) { item.setExpanded(expanded); } else { recursiveSetNodeExpanded(item, expanded); } } } private void changeDisplayMode(CategoryDisplayMode newMode) { displayMode.set(newMode); handleComboBoxChanged(null); } /** * Forces the CategoryTabTreeView to select the nth leaf in the tree. Primarily used for testing purposes. * @param leaf The nth leaf to select, starting at 1. */ public void forceSelectNthLeaf(int leaf) { int leavesCount = 0; TreeItem<String> nodeToSelect = TreeUtils.findNthLeaf(CategoryTabTreeView.getRoot(), 0, 1); CategoryTabTreeView.getSelectionModel().select(nodeToSelect); } /** * Replaces the currently-selected node's script value with a generated value based on a user-selected sound file. * Updates the selected Script's values, converts it to a local Script, writes the Script out to disk, and copies * the selected sound file to the appropriate location in the user's profile folder. * Only available to the user in Simple mode. * @throws IOException */ public void replaceSound() throws IOException { TreeItem<String> selectedNode = (TreeItem<String>) CategoryTabTreeView.getSelectionModel() .getSelectedItem(); if (!selectedNode.isLeaf()) { return; //Shouldn't even be possible, but just in case } Stage currentStage = (Stage) CategoryTabScriptValueLabel.getScene().getWindow(); Path newSoundFile = chooseSoundFile(currentStage); replaceSound(newSoundFile); } /** * See replaceSound(). This method is used for testing, so we can avoid needing to invoke a FileChooser. * @param newSoundFile The sound file to use for replacement. * @throws IOException */ public void replaceSound(Path newSoundFile) throws IOException { TreeItem<String> selectedNode = (TreeItem<String>) CategoryTabTreeView.getSelectionModel() .getSelectedItem(); SettingsService settings = (SettingsService) ServiceLocator.getService(SettingsService.class); Script activeScript = (Script) CategoryTabComboBox.getValue(); activeScript.getVPKPath(); String trimmedFileName = newSoundFile.getFileName().toString().toLowerCase().replace(" ", "_"); String profileDir = SettingsUtils.getProfileDirectory(activeScript.getParentCategoryName()).toString(); Path destPath = Paths.get(profileDir, "/sonic-scream/sounds", trimmedFileName); if (!Files.exists(destPath)) { Files.createDirectories(destPath.getParent()); } Files.copy(newSoundFile, destPath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); selectedNode.setValue("sounds/" + trimmedFileName.replace(".mp3", ".vsnd").replace(".wav", ".vsnd")); activeScript.convertToLocalScript(); } public void revertSound() { TreeItem<String> selectedNode = (TreeItem<String>) CategoryTabTreeView.getSelectionModel() .getSelectedItem(); if (!selectedNode.isLeaf()) { return; //Shouldn't even be possible, but just in case } //We use this later to find the correct node to select after a reversion. int nodeParentIndex = selectedNode.getParent().getParent().getChildren().indexOf(selectedNode.getParent()); Script activeScript = (Script) CategoryTabComboBox.getValue(); //get the index of the selected node relative to its parent. int selectedWaveIndex = selectedNode.getParent().getChildren().indexOf(selectedNode); VPKFileService vpkService = (VPKFileService) ServiceLocator.getService(VPKFileService.class); Script vpkScript = new Script(vpkService.getVPKEntry(activeScript.getVPKPath()), _category); List<TreeItem<String>> vpkWaves = TreeUtils.getWaveStrings(vpkScript.getRootNode()).orElse(null); if (vpkWaves != null && vpkWaves.size() > selectedWaveIndex) { TreeItem<String> selectedNodeInRoot = TreeUtils.getWaveStrings(activeScript.getRootNode()).get() .get(selectedWaveIndex); TreeItem<String> selectedNodeInVPKRoot = vpkWaves.get(selectedWaveIndex); String vpkNodeString = StringUtils.normalizeSpace((selectedNodeInVPKRoot.getValue())); selectedNodeInRoot.setValue(vpkNodeString); selectedNode.setValue(StringParsing.rootSoundToSimpleSound(vpkNodeString)); } //if the index does NOT exist, remove the index from the root node, and //then do all the updating else { TreeItem<String> selectedNodeInRoot = TreeUtils.getWaveStrings(activeScript.getRootNode()).get() .get(selectedWaveIndex); selectedNodeInRoot.getParent().getChildren().remove(selectedNodeInRoot); selectedNode.getParent().getChildren().remove(selectedNode); //TODO: Delete the parent if it no longer has any children. } } }