Java tutorial
package; /* Copyright 2006 by Anthony Bigbee Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0 See the file "LICENSE" for more information */ import sim.display.GUIState; import sim.display.Display2D; import sim.display.Console; import sim.display.Controller; import sim.portrayal.grid.ObjectGridPortrayal2D; import sim.engine.SimState; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Dimension; import javax.swing.Box; import javax.swing.BoxLayout; import javax.swing.JFrame; import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel; import ec.util.ParameterDatabase; import; public class SugarscapeWithUIHigh extends GUIState { public Display2D display; public JFrame displayFrame; public JFrame chartFrame; public Console console; public Charts charts; ObjectGridPortrayal2D agentsPortrayal = new ObjectGridPortrayal2D(); ObjectGridPortrayal2D scapePortrayal = new ObjectGridPortrayal2D(); ObjectGridPortrayal2D pollutionPortrayal = new ObjectGridPortrayal2D(); public Object getSimulationInspectedObject() { return state; } public static void main(String[] args) { ParameterDatabase parameters = null; for (int x = 0; x < args.length - 1; x++) if (args[x].equals("-file")) { try { InputStream is = Class.forName( .getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(args[x + 1]); parameters = new ParameterDatabase(is); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } break; } if (parameters == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "No parameter file was provided. You need to include it with the arguments:\n\n\t-file myparameters.conf"); } SugarscapeWithUIHigh t = new SugarscapeWithUIHigh(parameters); Console c = new Console(t); t.console = c; c.setVisible(true); } public SugarscapeWithUIHigh(ParameterDatabase parameters) { super(new Sugarscape(parameters, System.currentTimeMillis(), 1)); } public SugarscapeWithUIHigh(SimState state) { super(state); } public static String getName() { return "Sugarscape v1.2"; } public static Object getInfo() { return "<H2>MASON Sugarscape</H2><p>Version 1.2 of MASON Sugarscape"; } public void quit() { super.quit(); if (displayFrame != null) displayFrame.dispose(); displayFrame = null; // let gc display = null; // let gc } public void start() { super.start(); // set up our portrayals setupPortrayals(); } public void load(SimState state) { super.load(state); // we now have new grids. Set up the portrayals to reflect that setupPortrayals(); chartFrame.setVisible(false); controller.unregisterFrame(chartFrame); // unregister previous frame addChartPanel(controller, (Sugarscape) state); // make new frame and register it } public void setupPortrayals() { // tell the portrayals what to // portray and how to portray them agentsPortrayal.setField(((Sugarscape) state).agents_grid); AgentPortrayal2D ap = new AgentPortrayal2D(; agentsPortrayal.setPortrayalForNull(ap); agentsPortrayal.setPortrayalForAll(ap); /* does all cover null objects? */ scapePortrayal.setField(((Sugarscape) state).scape_grid); scapePortrayal.setPortrayalForAll(new; pollutionPortrayal.setField(((Sugarscape) state).scape_grid); pollutionPortrayal.setPortrayalForAll(new; ((Sugarscape) state).console = console; // reschedule the displayer display.reset(); // redraw the display display.repaint(); } public void init(Controller c) { super.init(c); display = new Display2D(600, 600, this, 1); //per Sean Luke to set antialias on directly /* display.optionPane.antialias.setSelected (true); display.insideDisplay.setupHints (display.optionPane.antialias.isSelected(), display.optionPane.alphaInterpolation.isSelected(), display.optionPane.interpolation.isSelected()); */ displayFrame = display.createFrame(); c.registerFrame(displayFrame); displayFrame.setVisible(true); display.setBackdrop(Color.white); display.attach(scapePortrayal, "Resources"); display.attach(pollutionPortrayal, "Pollution"); display.attach(agentsPortrayal, "Agents"); if (((Sugarscape) state).chart_display) { addChartPanel(c, (Sugarscape) state); } } void addChartPanel(Controller c, Sugarscape model) { charts = new Charts(model); ChartPanel ginipanel = null; ChartPanel wealthpanel = null; ChartPanel agentspanel = null; ChartPanel agepanel = null; ChartPanel evolutionpanel = null; ChartPanel culturetagpanel = null; ChartPanel tradepanel = null; if (model.gini_chart_on) { ginipanel = new ChartPanel(charts.createGiniChart()); } if (model.wealth_chart_on) { wealthpanel = new ChartPanel(charts.createChart4()); } if (model.population_chart_on) { agentspanel = new ChartPanel(charts.createAgentsChart()); } if (model.age_chart_on) { agepanel = new ChartPanel(charts.createAgeHistoChart()); } if (model.evolution_chart_on) { evolutionpanel = new ChartPanel(charts.createEvolution()); } if (model.culture_tag_chart_on) { culturetagpanel = new ChartPanel(charts.createCultureTagChart()); } if (model.trade_chart_on) { tradepanel = new ChartPanel(charts.createTradeChart()); } if ((!model.gini_chart_on) && (!model.wealth_chart_on) && (!model.population_chart_on) && (!model.age_chart_on) && (!model.evolution_chart_on) && (!model.culture_tag_chart_on) && (!model.trade_chart_on)) { return; } // create the chart frame chartFrame = new JFrame(); chartFrame.setResizable(true); Container cp = chartFrame.getContentPane(); cp.setLayout(new BoxLayout(cp, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); if (agepanel != null) { cp.add(agepanel); cp.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 6))); } if (tradepanel != null) { cp.add(tradepanel); cp.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 6))); } if (ginipanel != null) { cp.add(ginipanel); cp.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 6))); } if (wealthpanel != null) { cp.add(wealthpanel); cp.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 6))); } if (agentspanel != null) { cp.add(agentspanel); cp.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 6))); } if (culturetagpanel != null) { cp.add(culturetagpanel); cp.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 6))); } if (evolutionpanel != null) { cp.add(evolutionpanel); cp.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 6))); } //cp.add(chartPanel2); //cp.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0,6))); //cp.add(chartPanel3); chartFrame.setTitle("Live Agent Statistics"); chartFrame.pack(); // register the chartFrame so it appears in the "Display" list c.registerFrame(chartFrame); // make the frame visible chartFrame.setVisible(true); } }