Java tutorial
package; /* * This file is part of experimaestro. * Copyright (c) 2014 B. Piwowarski <> * * experimaestro is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * experimaestro is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with experimaestro. If not, see <>. */ import; import; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.persistence.*; import; import; import java.nio.file.FileSystemException; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; /** * A job is a resource that can be run - that starts and ends (which * differentiate it with a server) and generate data * * @author B. Piwowarski <> */ @Entity @DiscriminatorValue(Resource.JOB_TYPE) public class Job extends Resource { final static DateFormat longDateFormat = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(); final static private Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(); /** * The priority of the job (the higher, the more urgent)z */ int priority; /** * When was the job submitted (in case the priority is not enough) */ long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); /** * Requirements (ignored for the moment) */ transient ComputationalRequirements requirements; /** * When did the job start (0 if not started) */ long startTimestamp; /** * When did the job stop (0 when it did not stop yet) */ long endTimestamp; /** * Our job monitor (null when there is no attached process) */ @Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @OneToOne(optional = true, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true) XPMProcess process; /** * The process */ // FIXME: varchar does not seem right here! @Column(name = "jobRunner", columnDefinition = "BLOB") @Lob @Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) byte[] jobRunnerString; /** * The unserialized job runner */ transient private JobRunner jobRunner; /** * Number of unsatisfied jobs */ int nbUnsatisfied = 0; /** * Number of holding jobs */ int nbHolding = 0; /** * Progress * * The value is negative if not set */ double progress = -1; /** * For serialization */ protected Job() { } /** * Initialisation of a task * <p> * The job is by default initialized as "WAITING": its state should be updated after * the initialization has finished */ public Job(Connector connector, Path path) throws IOException { super(connector, path); setState(ResourceState.WAITING); } public Job(Connector connector, String path) { super(connector, path); setState(ResourceState.WAITING); } private boolean isDone() { try { return Files.exists(DONE_EXTENSION.transform(getPath())); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error while checking if " + getLocator() + DONE_EXTENSION + " exists"); return false; } } /** * Restart the job * <p> * Put the state into waiting mode and clean all the output files */ synchronized public void restart() throws Exception { // Don't do anything if the job is already running if (!getState().isActive()) { // Set state status waiting setState(ResourceState.WAITING); clean(); // Update status updateStatus(); } } @Override protected void finalize() { } /** * @return the priority */ final public int getPriority() { return priority; } /** * TaskReference priority - the higher, the better * * @param priority the priority status set */ final public void setPriority(int priority) { this.priority = priority; } public long getTimestamp() { return this.timestamp; } /** * This is where the real job gets done * * @param locks The locks that were taken * @param fake Do everything as if starting but do not start the process * @return The process corresponding status the job * @throws Throwable If something goes wrong <b>before</b> starting the process. Otherwise, it should * return the process */ protected XPMProcess startJob(ArrayList<Lock> locks, boolean fake) throws Throwable { process = getJobRunner().start(locks, fake); return process; } public void generateFiles() throws Throwable { startJob(Lists.newArrayList(), true); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */ synchronized final public void run(EntityManager em, Transaction transaction) throws Exception { // Those locks are transfered to the process ArrayList<Lock> locks = new ArrayList<>(); // Those locks are used only in case of problem to unlock everything ArrayList<Lock> depLocks = new ArrayList<>(); try { // We are running (prevents other task status try status replace ourselves) LOGGER.debug("Running preparation - locking ourselves [%s]", this); while (true) { // Check if not done if (isDone()) { setState(ResourceState.DONE);"Task %s is already done", this); return; } // Try status lock - discard if something goes wrong try { locks.add(getMainConnector().createLockFile(LOCK_EXTENSION.transform(getPath()), false)); } catch (LockException | IOException e) {"Could not lock job [%s]: %s", this, e); throw e; } LOGGER.debug("Running preparation - locked ourselves [%s]", this); // Check if not done (again, but now we have a lock so we // will be sure of the result) if (isDone()) { setState(ResourceState.DONE);"Task %s is already done", this); return; } String pid = String.valueOf(ProcessUtils.getPID()); // Now, tries status lock all the resources // in order status avoid race issues, we sync with // the task manager LOGGER.debug("Running preparation - locking dependencies [%s]", this); for (Dependency dependency : getDependencies()) { try { LOGGER.debug("Running preparation - locking dependency [%s]", dependency); dependency.from.lock(transaction, true); // Ensures the dependency does not change em.refresh(dependency); em.refresh(dependency.from); final Lock lock = dependency.lock(em, pid); depLocks.add(lock); LOGGER.debug("Running preparation - locked dependency [%s]", dependency); } catch (LockException e) { // Update & store this dependency Resource resource = dependency.getFrom(); e.addContext("While locking status run %s", resource); throw e; } catch (PersistenceException e) { LOGGER.debug(e, "Persistence exception [%s] while locking dependency [%s]", e, dependency); final LockException lockException = new LockException(e); Resource resource = dependency.getFrom(); lockException.addContext("While locking status run %s", resource); throw lockException; } } // And run!"Locks are OK. Running task [%s]", this); // Change the state setState(ResourceState.RUNNING); startTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Commits all the changes so far transaction.boundary(true); // Now, starts the job process = startJob(locks, false); process.adopt(locks); locks = null; transaction.boundary(); // Store the current state"Task [%s] is running (start=%d) with PID [%s]", this, startTimestamp, process.getPID()); for (Dependency dep : getDependencies()) {"[STARTED JOB] Dependency: %s", dep); } // Flush to database break; } } catch (LockException e) { LOGGER.warn("Could not lock job %s or one of its dependencies", this); throw e; } catch (RollbackException e) {"Could not commit - rolling back", this); throw e; } catch (RuntimeException e) { LOGGER.error(e, "Caught exception for %s", this); throw e; } catch (Throwable e) { LOGGER.error(e, "Caught exception for %s", this); throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { // Dispose of the locks that we own if (locks != null) { if (process != null) {"An error occurred: disposing process"); process.destroy(); }"An error occurred: disposing locks"); for (Lock lock : Iterables.concat(locks, depLocks)) { try {"Disposing of lock %s", lock); lock.close(); } catch (Throwable e) { LOGGER.error(e, "Could not close lock %s", lock); } } } } } /** * Called when a resource state has changed. After an update, the entity will be * saved to the database and further cascading operations make take place. * * @param t The current transaction * @param em The current entity manager * @param message The message */ @Override public void notify(Transaction t, EntityManager em, Message message) { LOGGER.debug("Notification [%s] for job [%s]", message, this); switch (message.getType()) { case RESOURCE_REMOVED: clean(); break; case END_OF_JOB: // First, register our changes endOfJobMessage((EndOfJobMessage) message, em, t); t.boundary(); break; case DEPENDENCY_CHANGED: // Retrieve message final DependencyChangedMessage depMessage = (DependencyChangedMessage) message; // Notify job dependencyChanged(depMessage); t.boundary(); LOGGER.debug("After notification [%s], state is %s [from %s] for [%s]", depMessage.toString(), getState(), oldState, this); break; default: super.notify(t, em, message); } } /** * Called when a dependency has changes. * <p> * It performs the changes in the object but to not save it. * * @param message The message */ private void dependencyChanged(DependencyChangedMessage message) { LOGGER.debug("[before] Locks for job %s: unsatisfied=%d, holding=%d", this, nbUnsatisfied, nbHolding); int diff = (message.newStatus.isOK() ? 1 : 0) - (message.oldStatus.isOK() ? 1 : 0); int diffHold = (message.newStatus.isBlocking() ? 1 : 0) - (message.oldStatus.isBlocking() ? 1 : 0); if (diff != 0 || diffHold != 0) { nbUnsatisfied -= diff; nbHolding += diffHold; // Change the state in function of the number of unsatisfied requirements if (nbUnsatisfied == 0) { setState(ResourceState.READY); } else { if (nbHolding > 0) setState(ResourceState.ON_HOLD); else setState(ResourceState.WAITING); } // Store the result assert nbHolding >= 0; assert nbUnsatisfied >= nbHolding : String.format("Number of unsatisfied (%d) < number of holding (%d)", nbUnsatisfied, nbHolding); } LOGGER.debug("[after] Locks for job %s: unsatisfied=%d, holding=%d [%d/%d] in %s -> %s", this, nbUnsatisfied, nbHolding, diff, diffHold, message.fromId, message.newStatus); } /** * Called when the job has ended * * @param eoj The message * @param em The entity manager * @param t The transaction */ private void endOfJobMessage(EndOfJobMessage eoj, EntityManager em, Transaction t) { this.endTimestamp = eoj.timestamp; // Lock all the required dependencies and refresh"Job %s has ended with code %d", this, eoj.code); // (1) Release required resources LOGGER.debug("Release dependencies of job [%s]", this); try { final Collection<Dependency> requiredResources = getDependencies(); for (Dependency dependency : requiredResources) { try { dependency.from.lock(t, true); em.refresh(dependency.from); em.refresh(dependency); dependency.unlock(em); } catch (Throwable e) { LOGGER.error(e, "Error while unlocking dependency %s", dependency); } } } catch (RuntimeException e) { LOGGER.error(e, "Error while unactivating dependencies"); } // (2) dispose old XPM process try { if (process != null) { LOGGER.debug("Disposing of old XPM process [%s]", process); process.dispose(); process = null; } else { LOGGER.warn("There was no XPM process attached..."); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Could not dispose of the old process checker %s", e); } // (3) Change state (DONE or ERROR depending on the end of job status code) setState(eoj.code == 0 ? ResourceState.DONE : ResourceState.ERROR); } public long getStartTimestamp() { return startTimestamp; } public long getEndTimestamp() { return endTimestamp; } @Override public JSONObject toJSON() throws IOException { JSONObject info = super.toJSON(); if (getState() == ResourceState.DONE || getState() == ResourceState.ERROR || getState() == ResourceState.RUNNING) { long start = getStartTimestamp(); long end = getState() == ResourceState.RUNNING ? System.currentTimeMillis() : getEndTimestamp(); JSONObject events = new JSONObject(); info.put("events", events); info.put("progress", progress); events.put("start", longDateFormat.format(new Date(start))); if (getState() != ResourceState.RUNNING && end >= 0) { events.put("end", longDateFormat.format(new Date(end))); if (process != null) events.put("pid", process.getPID()); } } Collection<Dependency> requiredResources = getDependencies(); if (!requiredResources.isEmpty()) { JSONArray dependencies = new JSONArray(); info.put("dependencies", dependencies); for (Dependency dependency : requiredResources) { Resource resource = dependency.getFrom(); JSONObject dep = new JSONObject(); dependencies.add(dep); dep.put("from", resource.getLocator().toString()); dep.put("fromId", resource.getId()); dep.put("status", dependency.toString()); } } return info; } @Override public void printXML(PrintWriter out, PrintConfig config) { super.printXML(out, config); out.format("<h2>Locking status</h2>%n"); if (getState() == ResourceState.DONE || getState() == ResourceState.ERROR || getState() == ResourceState.RUNNING) { long start = getStartTimestamp(); long end = getState() == ResourceState.RUNNING ? System.currentTimeMillis() : getEndTimestamp(); out.format("<div>Started: %s</div>", longDateFormat.format(new Date(start))); if (getState() != ResourceState.RUNNING && end >= 0) { out.format("<div>Ended: %s</div>", longDateFormat.format(new Date(end))); out.format("<div>Duration: %s</div>", Time.formatTimeInMilliseconds(end - start)); if (process != null) out.format("<div>PID: %s</div>", process.getPID()); } } if (!getDependencies().isEmpty()) { out.format("<h2>Dependencies</h2><ul>"); out.format("<div>%d unsatisfied / %d holding dependencie(s)</div>", nbUnsatisfied, nbHolding); for (Dependency dependency : getDependencies()) { Resource resource = dependency.getFrom(); out.format("<li><a href=\"%s/resource/%d\">%s</a>: %s</li>", config.detailURL, resource.getId(), resource.getLocator(), dependency); } out.println("</ul>"); } } /** * Add a dependency (requirement) for this job. * * @param dependency The dependency */ public void addDependency(Dependency dependency) { if (prepared) { throw new AssertionError("Adding dependency on a saved resource"); } // We do not add it to the source dependency since // this will be done latter // TODO: check if this is not done latter... remove ? addIngoingDependency(dependency); dependency.update(); if (!dependency.status.isOK()) { nbUnsatisfied++; } } @Override synchronized protected boolean doUpdateStatus() throws Exception { LOGGER.debug("Updating status for [%s]", this); boolean changes = super.doUpdateStatus(); // Check the done file final Path doneFile = DONE_EXTENSION.transform(getPath()); if (Files.exists(doneFile)) { if (getState() != ResourceState.DONE) { changes = true; if (this instanceof Job) { this.endTimestamp = Files.getLastModifiedTime(doneFile).toMillis(); } this.setState(ResourceState.DONE); } } else { if (getState() == ResourceState.DONE) { changes = true; this.setState(ResourceState.WAITING); } } // Check dependencies if we are in waiting or ready if (getState() == ResourceState.WAITING || getState() == ResourceState.READY) { // reset the count int nbUnsatisfied = 0; int nbHolding = 0; for (Dependency dependency : getDependencies()) { dependency.update(); if (!dependency.status.isOK()) { nbUnsatisfied++; if (dependency.status == DependencyStatus.HOLD) nbHolding++; } } ResourceState state = nbUnsatisfied > 0 ? ResourceState.WAITING : ResourceState.READY; if (nbHolding > 0) state = ResourceState.ON_HOLD; if (nbUnsatisfied != this.nbUnsatisfied) { changes = true; this.nbUnsatisfied = nbUnsatisfied; } if (nbHolding != this.nbHolding) { changes = true; this.nbHolding = nbHolding; } LOGGER.debug("After update, state of %s is %s [unsatisfied=%d, holding=%d]", this, state, nbUnsatisfied, nbHolding); changes |= setState(state); } return changes; } /** * Stop the job */ public boolean stop() { // Process is running if (process != null) { try { process.destroy(); } catch (FileSystemException e) { LOGGER.error(e, "The process could not be stopped"); return false; } setState(ResourceState.ERROR); return true; } // Process is about status run if (getState() == ResourceState.READY || getState() == ResourceState.WAITING) { setState(ResourceState.ON_HOLD); return true; } return false; } public void clean() { super.clean();"Cleaning job %s", this); removeJobFile(DONE_EXTENSION); removeJobFile(CODE_EXTENSION); removeJobFile(ERR_EXTENSION); removeJobFile(OUT_EXTENSION); removeJobFile(RUN_EXTENSION); } /** * Remove a file linked status this job */ private void removeJobFile(FileNameTransformer t) { try { final Path file = t.transform(getPath()); if (Files.exists(file)) { Files.delete(file); } } catch (IOException e) {, "Could not remove '%s' file: %s / %s", getLocator(), t); } } @Override public ReadWriteDependency createDependency(Object object) { // TODO: assert object is nothing return new ReadWriteDependency(this); } @Override protected void doReplaceBy(Resource resource) { super.doReplaceBy(resource); Job job = (Job) resource; this.priority = job.priority; this.startTimestamp = job.startTimestamp; this.endTimestamp = job.endTimestamp; this.priority = job.priority; // Dependencies of job runner have been taken care of // no need to add them this.jobRunnerString = job.jobRunnerString; this.jobRunner = job.getJobRunner(); } public void setJobRunner(JobRunner jobRunner) { if (this.jobRunnerString != null) { throw new AssertionError("Job runner has already been set"); } // Sets the job runner and its string version this.jobRunner = jobRunner; this.jobRunnerString = JobRunnerConverter.INSTANCE.convertToDatabaseColumn(jobRunner); this.getJobRunner().job = this; // Adds all dependencies from the job runner jobRunner.dependencies().forEach(this::addIngoingDependency); } @Override public void stored() { super.stored(); if (getState() == ResourceState.READY) { LOGGER.debug("Job is READY, notifying"); Scheduler.notifyRunners(); } } @Override public Path outputFile() throws IOException { return getJobRunner().outputFile(this); } @PostLoad protected void postLoad() { super.postLoad(); } public JobRunner getJobRunner() { if (jobRunnerString != null && jobRunner == null) { jobRunner = JobRunnerConverter.INSTANCE.convertToEntityAttribute(jobRunnerString); jobRunner.job = this; } return jobRunner; } public XPMProcess getProcess() { return process; } public boolean isActiveWaiting() { return jobRunner.isActiveWaiting(); } public double getProgress() { return progress; } public void setProgress(double progress) { this.progress = progress; } }