Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * see license.txt 
package seventh.client.gfx;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Random;


import seventh.shared.Cons;

 * Art assets
 * @author Tony
public class Art {
    private static final Random random = new Random();

     * Simple black image used to overlay
    public static final TextureRegion BLACK_IMAGE = new TextureRegion();

     * Art for the Game

    public static TextureRegion shotgunImage = null;
    public static TextureRegion rpgImage = null;

    public static Sprite fragGrenadeIcon = null;
    public static TextureRegion fragGrenadeImage = null;

    public static Sprite smokeGrenadeIcon = null;
    public static TextureRegion smokeGrenadeImage = null;

    public static TextureRegion springfieldImage = null;
    public static TextureRegion thompsonImage = null;
    public static TextureRegion m1GarandImage = null;
    public static TextureRegion kar98Image = null;
    public static TextureRegion mp44Image = null;
    public static TextureRegion mp40Image = null;
    public static TextureRegion pistolImage = null;
    public static TextureRegion riskerImage = null;
    public static TextureRegion flameThrowerImage = null;

    public static TextureRegion bombImage = null;
    public static TextureRegion radioImage = null;

    public static Model alliedBodyModel = null;
    public static Model alliedWalkModel = null;
    public static Model alliedSprintModel = null;
    public static TextureRegion alliedCrouchLegs = null;

    public static Model axisBodyModel = null;
    public static Model axisWalkModel = null;
    public static Model axisSprintModel = null;
    public static TextureRegion axisCrouchLegs = null;

    public static TextureRegion alliedIcon = null;
    public static TextureRegion axisIcon = null;

    public static TextureRegion shotgunIcon = null;
    public static TextureRegion rocketIcon = null;
    public static TextureRegion springfieldIcon = null;
    public static TextureRegion thompsonIcon = null;
    public static TextureRegion m1GarandIcon = null;
    public static TextureRegion kar98Icon = null;
    public static TextureRegion mp44Icon = null;
    public static TextureRegion mp40Icon = null;
    public static TextureRegion pistolIcon = null;
    public static TextureRegion riskerIcon = null;
    public static TextureRegion flameThrowerIcon = null;

    private static TextureRegion[] explosionImage = null;
    private static TextureRegion[] fireImage = null;
    private static TextureRegion[] rocketImage = null;

    public static TextureRegion deathsImage = null;

    private static TextureRegion[] alliedBackDeathImage = null;
    private static TextureRegion[] alliedBackDeath2Image = null;
    private static TextureRegion[] alliedFrontDeathImage = null;
    private static TextureRegion[] alliedExplosionDeathImage = null;

    private static TextureRegion[] axisBackDeathImage = null;
    private static TextureRegion[] axisBackDeath2Image = null;
    private static TextureRegion[] axisFrontDeathImage = null;
    private static TextureRegion[] axisExplosionDeathImage = null;

    public static TextureRegion[] bloodImages = null;
    public static TextureRegion[] gibImages = null;

    public static TextureRegion smokeImage = null;

    //    public static  TextureRegion tankImage = loadImage("./assets/gfx/tank.png");

    public static Sprite smallAssaultRifleIcon = null;
    public static Sprite smallShotgunIcon = null;
    public static Sprite smallRocketIcon = null;
    public static Sprite smallSniperRifleIcon = null;
    public static Sprite smallM1GarandIcon = null;
    public static Sprite smallFragGrenadeIcon = null;
    public static Sprite smallSmokeGrenadeIcon = null;
    public static Sprite smallExplosionIcon = null;
    public static Sprite smallkar98Icon = null;
    public static Sprite smallmp44Icon = null;
    public static Sprite smallmp40Icon = null;
    public static Sprite smallPistolIcon = null;
    public static Sprite smallRiskerIcon = null;
    public static Sprite smallFlameThrowerIcon = null;

    public static TextureRegion cursorImg = null;
    public static TextureRegion reticleImg = null;

    public static TextureRegion[] thompsonMuzzleFlash = null;
    public static TextureRegion[] m1GarandMuzzleFlash = null;
    public static TextureRegion[] springfieldMuzzleFlash = null;
    public static TextureRegion[] kar98MuzzleFlash = null;
    public static TextureRegion[] mp44MuzzleFlash = null;
    public static TextureRegion[] mp40MuzzleFlash = null;
    public static TextureRegion[] shotgunMuzzleFlash = null;
    public static TextureRegion[] rocketMuzzleFlash = null;
    public static TextureRegion[] riskerMuzzleFlash = null;

    public static Sprite healthPack = null;
    public static Sprite healthIcon = null;
    public static Sprite staminaIcon = null;
    public static Sprite upArrow = null;
    public static Sprite downArrow = null;

    public static TextureRegion fireWeaponLight = null;
    public static TextureRegion lightMap = null;
    public static TextureRegion flashLight = null;

    public static TextureRegion bulletShell = null;

    public static TextureRegion tankTrackMarks = null;

    public static TextureRegion shermanTankImage = null;
    public static TextureRegion shermanTankBase = null;
    public static TextureRegion shermanTankTurret = null;
    public static TextureRegion shermanTankBaseDamaged = null;
    public static TextureRegion shermanTankTurretDamaged = null;

    public static TextureRegion panzerTankImage = null;
    public static TextureRegion panzerTankBase = null;
    public static TextureRegion panzerTankTurret = null;
    public static TextureRegion panzerTankBaseDamaged = null;
    public static TextureRegion panzerTankTurretDamaged = null;

    public static TextureRegion alliedFlagImg = null;
    public static TextureRegion axisFlagImg = null;

    public static TextureRegion doorImg = null;

     * Reloads the graphics
    public static void reload() {

     * Loads the graphics
    public static void load() {
            Pixmap map = TextureUtil.createPixmap(128, 128);
            map.fillRectangle(0, 0, map.getWidth(), map.getHeight());
            BLACK_IMAGE.setTexture(new Texture(map));

        shotgunImage = loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/m3.bmp", 0xff00ff);
        rpgImage = loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/rpg.bmp", 0xff00ff);

        //        Pixmap grenadePixmap = loadPixmap("./assets/gfx/weapons/grenade.png");
        //        grenadeImage = TextureUtil.tex(TextureUtil.resizePixmap(grenadePixmap, 12, 12));
        //        grenadeIcon = TextureUtil.tex(grenadePixmap);

        fragGrenadeImage = loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/frag_grenade.png");
        fragGrenadeIcon = TextureUtil.resizeImage(fragGrenadeImage, 12, 12);

        smokeGrenadeImage = loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/smoke_grenade.png");
        smokeGrenadeIcon = TextureUtil.resizeImage(smokeGrenadeImage, 12, 12);

        springfieldImage = loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/springfield.bmp", 0xff00ff);
        thompsonImage = loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/thompson.bmp", 0xff00ff);
        m1GarandImage = loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/m1garand.bmp", 0xff00ff);
        kar98Image = loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/kar98.bmp", 0xff00ff);
        mp44Image = loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/mp44.bmp", 0xff00ff);
        mp40Image = loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/mp40.bmp", 0xff00ff);
        pistolImage = loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/pistol.bmp", 0xff00ff);
        riskerImage = loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/risker.bmp", 0xff00ff);
        flameThrowerImage = loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/flame_thrower.bmp", 0xff00ff);

        bombImage = loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/bomb.bmp", 0xff00ff);
        bombImage.flip(false, true);
        radioImage = loadImage("./assets/gfx/entities/radio.png");

        alliedBodyModel = new Model(loadImage("./assets/gfx/player/allied_positions.png"), 201, 256, 3, 3);
        alliedWalkModel = new Model(loadImage("./assets/gfx/player/allied_legs_walk.png"), 372, 196, 2, 4);
        alliedSprintModel = new Model(loadImage("./assets/gfx/player/allied_legs_sprint.png"), 256, 190, 2, 3);
        alliedCrouchLegs = loadImage("./assets/gfx/player/allied_crouch_legs.png");

        axisBodyModel = new Model(loadImage("./assets/gfx/player/axis_positions.png"), 201, 256, 3, 3);
        axisWalkModel = new Model(loadImage("./assets/gfx/player/axis_legs_walk.png"), 372, 196, 2, 4);
        axisSprintModel = new Model(loadImage("./assets/gfx/player/axis_legs_sprint.png"), 256, 190, 2, 3);
        axisCrouchLegs = loadImage("./assets/gfx/player/axis_crouch_legs.png");

        shotgunIcon = loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/shotgun_icon.png");
        rocketIcon = loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/rpg_icon.png");
        springfieldIcon = loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/springfield_icon.png");
        thompsonIcon = loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/thompson_icon.png");
        m1GarandIcon = loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/m1garand_icon.png");
        kar98Icon = loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/kar98_icon.png");
        mp44Icon = loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/mp44_icon.png");
        mp40Icon = loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/mp40_icon.png");
        pistolIcon = loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/pistol_icon.png");
        riskerIcon = loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/risker_icon.png");
        flameThrowerIcon = loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/flame_thrower_icon.png");

        explosionImage = TextureUtil.splitImage(loadImage("./assets/gfx/particles/explosion.png"), 4, 4);
        TextureRegion tmp = loadImage("./assets/gfx/fire.png");
        tmp.flip(false, false);
        fireImage = TextureUtil.splitImage(tmp, 1, 5);
        rocketImage = TextureUtil.splitImage(loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/rocket.bmp", 0xff00ff), 1, 1);

        deathsImage = loadImage("./assets/gfx/player/death_symbol.png");

        alliedBackDeathImage = TextureUtil.splitImage(
                TextureUtil.subImage(loadImage("./assets/gfx/player/allied_death_01.png"), 0, 0, 300, 210), 2, 4);
        alliedBackDeath2Image = TextureUtil.splitImage(
                TextureUtil.subImage(loadImage("./assets/gfx/player/allied_death_03.png"), 0, 0, 260, 290), 2, 3);
        alliedFrontDeathImage = TextureUtil.splitImage(
                TextureUtil.subImage(loadImage("./assets/gfx/player/allied_death_02.png"), 0, 0, 330, 190), 2, 6);
        alliedExplosionDeathImage = TextureUtil.splitImage(
                TextureUtil.subImage(loadImage("./assets/gfx/player/allied_death_04.png"), 0, 0, 330, 290), 2, 4);

        axisBackDeathImage = TextureUtil.splitImage(
                TextureUtil.subImage(loadImage("./assets/gfx/player/axis_death_01.png"), 0, 0, 300, 210), 2, 4);
        axisBackDeath2Image = TextureUtil.splitImage(
                TextureUtil.subImage(loadImage("./assets/gfx/player/axis_death_03.png"), 0, 0, 260, 290), 2, 3);
        axisFrontDeathImage = TextureUtil.splitImage(
                TextureUtil.subImage(loadImage("./assets/gfx/player/axis_death_02.png"), 0, 0, 330, 190), 2, 6);
        axisExplosionDeathImage = TextureUtil.splitImage(
                TextureUtil.subImage(loadImage("./assets/gfx/player/axis_death_04.png"), 0, 0, 330, 290), 2, 4);

        //        bloodImages = TextureUtil.splitImage(                
        //                TextureUtil.subImage(loadImage("./assets/gfx/particles/blood.png"), 0, 0, 128, 32), 1, 4);
        bloodImages = TextureUtil.splitImage(loadImage("./assets/gfx/particles/blood.png"), 2, 3);
        gibImages = TextureUtil.splitImage(loadImage("./assets/gfx/particles/gibs.png"), 2, 2);

        smokeImage = loadImage("./assets/gfx/particles/smoke.png");

        // tankImage = loadImage("./assets/gfx/tank.png");

        final int smallIconWidth = 64, smallIconHeight = 32;
        smallAssaultRifleIcon = TextureUtil.resizeImage(thompsonIcon, smallIconWidth, smallIconHeight);
        smallShotgunIcon = TextureUtil.resizeImage(shotgunIcon, smallIconWidth, smallIconHeight);
        smallRocketIcon = TextureUtil.resizeImage(rocketIcon, smallIconWidth, smallIconHeight);
        smallSniperRifleIcon = TextureUtil.resizeImage(springfieldIcon, smallIconWidth, smallIconHeight);
        smallM1GarandIcon = TextureUtil.resizeImage(m1GarandIcon, smallIconWidth, smallIconHeight);
        smallFragGrenadeIcon = TextureUtil.resizeImage(fragGrenadeImage, smallIconWidth / 3, smallIconHeight / 3);
        smallSmokeGrenadeIcon = TextureUtil.resizeImage(fragGrenadeImage, smallIconWidth / 3, smallIconHeight / 3);
        smallExplosionIcon = TextureUtil.resizeImage(explosionImage[0], smallIconWidth / 2, smallIconHeight / 2);
        smallkar98Icon = TextureUtil.resizeImage(kar98Icon, smallIconWidth, smallIconHeight);
        smallmp44Icon = TextureUtil.resizeImage(mp44Icon, smallIconWidth, smallIconHeight);
        smallmp40Icon = TextureUtil.resizeImage(mp40Icon, smallIconWidth, smallIconHeight);
        smallPistolIcon = TextureUtil.resizeImage(pistolIcon, smallIconWidth, smallIconHeight);
        smallRiskerIcon = TextureUtil.resizeImage(riskerIcon, smallIconWidth, smallIconHeight);
        smallFlameThrowerIcon = TextureUtil.resizeImage(flameThrowerIcon, smallIconWidth, smallIconHeight);

        cursorImg = loadImage("./assets/gfx/ui/menu_cursor.png");
        reticleImg = loadImage("./assets/gfx/ui/reticle.png");

        thompsonMuzzleFlash = TextureUtil.splitImage(loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/thompson_muzzle_flash.png"), 2,
        springfieldMuzzleFlash = TextureUtil
                .splitImage(loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/springfield_muzzle_flash.png"), 2, 2);
        m1GarandMuzzleFlash = TextureUtil.splitImage(loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/m1garand_muzzle_flash.png"), 2,
        kar98MuzzleFlash = TextureUtil.splitImage(loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/kar98_muzzle_flash.png"), 2, 2);
        mp40MuzzleFlash = TextureUtil.splitImage(loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/mp40_muzzle_flash.png"), 2, 2);
        mp44MuzzleFlash = TextureUtil.splitImage(loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/mp44_muzzle_flash.png"), 2, 2);
        shotgunMuzzleFlash = TextureUtil.splitImage(loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/shotgun_muzzle_flash.png"), 2,
        rocketMuzzleFlash = TextureUtil.splitImage(loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/rpg_muzzle_flash.png"), 2, 2);
        riskerMuzzleFlash = TextureUtil.splitImage(loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapons/risker_muzzle_flash.png"), 2, 2);

        healthPack = TextureUtil.resizeImage(loadImage("./assets/gfx/entities/healthpack.png"), 16, 16);
        healthIcon = TextureUtil.resizeImage(loadImage("./assets/gfx/ui/health.bmp"), 12, 12);
        staminaIcon = TextureUtil.resizeImage(loadImage("./assets/gfx/ui/stamina.png"), 12, 12);

        TextureRegion navArrow = loadImage("./assets/gfx/ui/ui_nav_arrows.png");
        upArrow = new Sprite(navArrow);
        upArrow.flip(false, true);
        downArrow = new Sprite(navArrow);

        fireWeaponLight = loadImage("./assets/gfx/weapon_fire.png");
        lightMap = loadImage("./assets/gfx/entities/light.png");
        flashLight = loadImage("./assets/gfx/lightmap_flashlight.png");

        bulletShell = loadImage("./assets/gfx/particles/bullet_shell.png");

        tankTrackMarks = loadImage("./assets/gfx/vehicles/tank_track_mark.png");

        shermanTankImage = loadImage("./assets/gfx/vehicles/tanks/sherman/sherman_tank.png");
        shermanTankBase = TextureUtil.subImage(shermanTankImage, 15, 180, 272, 149);
        shermanTankTurret = TextureUtil.subImage(shermanTankImage, 304, 187, 197, 108);
        shermanTankBaseDamaged = TextureUtil.subImage(shermanTankImage, 15, 8, 272, 155);
        shermanTankTurretDamaged = TextureUtil.subImage(shermanTankImage, 304, 22, 187, 108);

        panzerTankImage = loadImage("./assets/gfx/vehicles/tanks/panzer/panzer_tank.png");
        panzerTankBase = TextureUtil.subImage(panzerTankImage, 0, 310, 257, 195);
        panzerTankTurret = TextureUtil.subImage(panzerTankImage, 35, 20, 273, 125);
        panzerTankBaseDamaged = TextureUtil.subImage(panzerTankImage, 254, 310, 265, 195);
        panzerTankTurretDamaged = TextureUtil.subImage(panzerTankImage, 35, 168, 273, 125);

        alliedFlagImg = loadImage("./assets/gfx/entities/allied_flag.png");
        axisFlagImg = loadImage("./assets/gfx/entities/axis_flag.png");

        alliedIcon = loadImage("./assets/gfx/ui/allied_icon.png");
        axisIcon = loadImage("./assets/gfx/ui/axis_icon.png");

        doorImg = loadImage("./assets/gfx/entities/door.png");

     * Releases all the textures
    public static void destroy() {
        try {

             * Iterate through all of the static fields,
             * free the Sprite's, TextureRegion's, and Model's
            Field[] fields = Art.class.getFields();
            for (Field field : fields) {

                Class<?> type = field.getType();
                Object value = field.get(null);

                if (value != null) {
                    if (type.equals(Sprite.class)) {
                        free((Sprite) value);
                    } else if (type.equals(TextureRegion.class)) {
                        free((TextureRegion) value);
                    } else if (type.equals(TextureRegion[].class)) {
                        free((TextureRegion[]) value);
                    } else if (type.equals(Model.class)) {
                        free((Model) value);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Cons.println("Problem freeing the textures: " + e);

     * Frees the texture
     * @param region
    public static void free(TextureRegion region) {
        if (region != null) {

     * Frees the textures
     * @param region
    public static void free(TextureRegion[] region) {
        if (region != null) {
            for (TextureRegion r : region)

     * Frees the memory associated with the model
     * @param model
    public static void free(Model model) {
        if (model != null) {

     * Loads an image from the file system
     * @param image
     * @return the texture
    public static TextureRegion loadImage(String image) {
        try {
            return TextureUtil.loadImage(image);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Cons.println("*** A problem occured loading an image: " + e);

        return new TextureRegion(TextureUtil.createImage(10, 10));

     * Loads a pixel map from the file system.
     * @param image
     * @return the Pixmap
    public static Pixmap loadPixmap(String image) {
        try {
            return TextureUtil.loadPixmap(image);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Cons.println("*** A problem occured loading an image: " + e);

        return new Pixmap(10, 10, Format.RGBA8888);

     * Loads the image from the file system, with a supplied color mask
     * @param image
     * @param mask the color to change to transparent
     * @return the texture
    public static TextureRegion loadImage(String image, int mask) {
        try {
            Pixmap map = TextureUtil.loadPixmap(image);
            TextureRegion region = TextureUtil.tex(TextureUtil.applyMask(map, new Color((mask << 8) | 0xff)));

            return region;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Cons.println("*** A problem occured loading an image: " + e);

        return new TextureRegion(TextureUtil.createImage(10, 10));

     * Model consists of multiple frames
     * @author Tony
    public static class Model {
        private TextureRegion[] frames;

        public Model(TextureRegion image, int width, int height, int row, int col) {
            this.frames = TextureUtil.splitImage(image, width, height, row, col);

         * @return the frames
        public TextureRegion[] getFrames() {
            return frames;

         * @param i
         * @return the frame at the supplied index
        public TextureRegion getFrame(int i) {
            return frames[i];

         * Destroys all images 
        public void destroy() {
            if (frames != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {

    public static AnimatedImage newMissileAnim() {
        Animation animation = newAnimation(new int[] { 200 });
        return new AnimatedImage(rocketImage, animation);

    public static AnimatedImage newExplosionAnim() {
        int v = 50;
        Animation animation = newAnimation(new int[] {
                /*90, 90, 90, 90,
                90, 90, 90, 90,
                90, 90, 90, 90,
                90, 90, 90, 10
                v, v, v, v, v, v, v, v, v, v, v, v, 10, 10, 10, 0 });
        return new AnimatedImage(explosionImage, animation);

    public static AnimatedImage newFireAnim() {
        Animation animation = newAnimation(new int[] { 80, 80, 80, 80, 80 });
        return new AnimatedImage(fireImage, animation);

    public static AnimatedImage newAlliedBackDeathAnim() {
        int frameTime = 120;
        Animation animation = newAnimation(new int[] { frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime,
                frameTime, frameTime, frameTime * 9, });
        AnimatedImage anim = new AnimatedImage(alliedBackDeathImage, animation);
        return anim;

    public static AnimatedImage newAlliedBackDeath2Anim() {
        int frameTime = 120;
        Animation animation = newAnimation(
                new int[] { frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime * 9, });
        AnimatedImage anim = new AnimatedImage(alliedBackDeath2Image, animation);
        return anim;

    public static AnimatedImage newAlliedExplosionDeathAnim() {
        int frameTime = 120;
        Animation animation = newAnimation(
                new int[] { 20, 20, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime * 9, });
        AnimatedImage anim = new AnimatedImage(alliedExplosionDeathImage, animation);
        return anim;

    public static AnimatedImage newAlliedFrontDeathAnim() {
        int frameTime = 120;
        Animation animation = newAnimation(new int[] { frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime,
                frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime * 9, });
        AnimatedImage anim = new AnimatedImage(alliedFrontDeathImage, animation);
        return anim;

    public static AnimatedImage newAlliedFrontDeath2Anim() {
        int frameTime = 120;
        Animation animation = newAnimation(
                new int[] { frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime * 9, });
        final TextureRegion[] frames = { alliedFrontDeathImage[5], alliedFrontDeathImage[6],
                alliedFrontDeathImage[7], alliedFrontDeathImage[8], alliedFrontDeathImage[9],
                alliedFrontDeathImage[10], alliedFrontDeathImage[11], };
        AnimatedImage anim = new AnimatedImage(frames, animation);
        return anim;

    public static AnimatedImage newAxisBackDeathAnim() {
        int frameTime = 120;
        Animation animation = newAnimation(new int[] { frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime,
                frameTime, frameTime, frameTime * 9, });
        AnimatedImage anim = new AnimatedImage(axisBackDeathImage, animation);
        return anim;

    public static AnimatedImage newAxisBackDeath2Anim() {
        int frameTime = 120;
        Animation animation = newAnimation(
                new int[] { frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime * 9, });
        AnimatedImage anim = new AnimatedImage(axisBackDeath2Image, animation);
        return anim;

    public static AnimatedImage newAxisFrontDeathAnim() {
        int frameTime = 120;
        Animation animation = newAnimation(new int[] { frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime,
                frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime * 9, });
        AnimatedImage anim = new AnimatedImage(axisFrontDeathImage, animation);
        return anim;

    public static AnimatedImage newAxisFrontDeath2Anim() {
        int frameTime = 120;
        Animation animation = newAnimation(
                new int[] { frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime * 9, });
        final TextureRegion[] frames = { axisFrontDeathImage[5], axisFrontDeathImage[6], axisFrontDeathImage[7],
                axisFrontDeathImage[8], axisFrontDeathImage[9], axisFrontDeathImage[10], axisFrontDeathImage[11], };
        AnimatedImage anim = new AnimatedImage(frames, animation);
        return anim;

    public static AnimatedImage newAxisExplosionDeathAnim() {
        int frameTime = 120;
        Animation animation = newAnimation(
                new int[] { 20, 20, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime, frameTime * 9, });
        AnimatedImage anim = new AnimatedImage(axisExplosionDeathImage, animation);
        return anim;

     * Creates a new {@link Animation}
     * @param obj
     * @return
    public static Animation newAnimation(int[] frameTimes) {

        AnimationFrame[] frames = new AnimationFrame[frameTimes.length];

        int frameNumber = 0;
        for (; frameNumber < frameTimes.length; frameNumber++) {
            frames[frameNumber] = new AnimationFrame(frameTimes[frameNumber], frameNumber);

        Animation animation = new FramedAnimation(frames);
        return animation;

    public static AnimatedImage newAnimatedImage(int[] frameTimes, TextureRegion[] frames) {
        Animation animation = newAnimation(frameTimes);
        return new AnimatedImage(frames, animation);

    public static AnimatedImage newAnimatedSplitImage(int[] frameTimes, TextureRegion image, int row, int col) {
        Animation animation = newAnimation(frameTimes);
        TextureRegion[] images = TextureUtil.splitImage(image, row, col);

        return new AnimatedImage(images, animation);

    public static AnimatedImage newAnimatedSplitImage(int[] frameTimes, Pixmap image, int row, int col,
            Integer mask) {
        if (mask != null) {
            Pixmap oldimage = image;
            image = TextureUtil.applyMask(image, new Color(mask));

        Animation animation = newAnimation(frameTimes);
        TextureRegion[] images = TextureUtil.splitImage(TextureUtil.tex(image), row, col);

        return new AnimatedImage(images, animation);

    public static TextureRegion randomBloodspat() {
        return bloodImages[random.nextInt(4)];

    public static TextureRegion randomGib() {
        return gibImages[random.nextInt(4)];

    public static AnimatedImage newThompsonMuzzleFlash() {
        return newAnimatedImage(new int[] { 20, 20, 10, 20 }, thompsonMuzzleFlash).loop(false);

    public static AnimatedImage newM1GarandMuzzleFlash() {
        return newAnimatedImage(new int[] { 20, 20, 10, 20 }, m1GarandMuzzleFlash).loop(false);

    public static AnimatedImage newSpringfieldMuzzleFlash() {
        return newAnimatedImage(new int[] { 20, 20, 10, 20 }, springfieldMuzzleFlash).loop(false);

    public static AnimatedImage newKar98MuzzleFlash() {
        return newAnimatedImage(new int[] { 20, 20, 10, 20 }, kar98MuzzleFlash).loop(false);

    public static AnimatedImage newMP40MuzzleFlash() {
        return newAnimatedImage(new int[] { 20, 20, 10, 20 }, mp40MuzzleFlash).loop(false);

    public static AnimatedImage newMP44MuzzleFlash() {
        return newAnimatedImage(new int[] { 50, 150, 120, 50 }, mp44MuzzleFlash).loop(false);

    public static AnimatedImage newShotgunMuzzleFlash() {
        return newAnimatedImage(new int[] { 20, 20, 10, 20 }, shotgunMuzzleFlash).loop(false);

    public static AnimatedImage newRocketMuzzleFlash() {
        return newAnimatedImage(new int[] { 20, 20, 10, 20 }, rocketMuzzleFlash).loop(false);

    public static AnimatedImage newRiskerMuzzleFlash() {
        return newAnimatedImage(new int[] { 20, 20, 10, 20 }, riskerMuzzleFlash).loop(false);

    public static AnimatedImage newShermanTankTracks() {
        return newAnimatedImage(new int[] { 100 }, new TextureRegion[] { shermanTankBase });

    public static AnimatedImage newShermanTankTracksDamaged() {
        return newAnimatedImage(new int[] { 100 }, new TextureRegion[] { shermanTankBaseDamaged });

    public static AnimatedImage newPanzerTankTracks() {
        return newAnimatedImage(new int[] { 100 }, new TextureRegion[] { panzerTankBase });

    public static AnimatedImage newPanzerTankTracksDamaged() {
        return newAnimatedImage(new int[] { 100 }, new TextureRegion[] { panzerTankBaseDamaged });