Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package service; import dao.ClientDao; import dao.PersonalCabinetDao; import dao.TagDao; import entities.Client; import entities.Tag; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope; import org.springframework.context.annotation.ScopedProxyMode; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import service.parent.PrimService; /** * * @author bezdatiuzer */ @Service @Transactional @Scope(value = "request", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class TagService extends PrimService { @Autowired private TagDao tagDao; @Autowired private PersonalCabinetDao pkDao; @Autowired private ClientDao clientDao; @Autowired private AdminService adminService; public List<Tag> getAllActiveTags(Long pkId) { return tagDao.getAllActiveTags(pkId); } public List<Tag> getAllTags(Long pkId) { return tagDao.getAllTags(pkId); } public List<Tag> getDeletedTags(Long pkId) { return tagDao.getDeletedTags(pkId); } public LinkedHashMap<Long, Tag> getAllActiveTagsMap(Long pkId) { LinkedHashMap<Long, Tag> res = new LinkedHashMap(); for (Tag tag : getAllActiveTags(pkId)) { res.put(tag.getId(), tag); } return res; } public Tag getTagByNameAndPkId(String name, Long pkId) { List<Tag> tags = tagDao.getAllTagsByNameAndPkId(name, pkId); Tag tag = null; if (!tags.isEmpty()) { tag = tags.get(0); } return tag; } public Tag getDeletedTagByNameAndPkId(String name, Long pkId) { List<Tag> tags = tagDao.getDeletedTagsByNameAndPkId(name, pkId); Tag tag = null; if (!tags.isEmpty()) { tag = tags.get(0); } return tag; } //? ? ? - ? ???, ? , ? - ???? //? ? ? , ? - public void create(String name, Long pkId) { if (adminService.tarifIsNotExpired(pkId)) { boolean unique = true; boolean deleted = false; Tag existingTag = getTagByNameAndPkId(name, pkId); Tag deletedTag = getDeletedTagByNameAndPkId(name, pkId); if (existingTag != null) { unique = false; if (deletedTag != null) { deleted = true; } } if (unique) { Tag tag = new Tag(); tag.setCabinet(pkDao.find(pkId)); tag.setName(name); if (validate(tag)) {; } } else { if (deleted) { deletedTag.setDeleteDate(null); if (validate(deletedTag)) { tagDao.update(deletedTag); } } else { addError(" ? ?"); } } } else { addError( "? ? ? ?? ? ? "); } } /*public boolean create1(String name, Long pkId) { List<Tag> tags = tagDao.getAllTags(pkId); Tag supTag = null; boolean unique = true; boolean deleted = false; for (Tag tag : tags) { if (tag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { unique = false; supTag = tag; if (tag.getDeleteDate() != null) { deleted = true; } } } if (unique) { Tag tag = new Tag(); tag.setCabinet(pkDao.find(pkId)); tag.setName(name); if (validate(tag)) {; return true; } } else { if (deleted && supTag != null) { supTag.setDeleteDate(null); supTag.setName(name); if (validate(supTag)) { tagDao.update(supTag); return true; } } else { addError(" ? ?"); return false; } } return false; }*/ public void delete(Long tagId, boolean deleteLinks) { if (tagId != null) { Tag tag = tagDao.find(tagId); if (tag != null) { if (deleteLinks) { for (Client client : tag.getClients()) { Set<Tag> cltags = client.getTags(); cltags.remove(tag); client.setTags(cltags); if (validate(client)) { clientDao.update(client); addError(client.getNameCompany()); } } tagDao.delete(tag); } else { tag.setDeleteDate(new Date()); } } else { addError("? ? ?"); } } else { addError(" ? "); } } public void changeName(Long tagId, String newName, Long pkId) { if (tagId != null && newName != null && pkId != null) { Tag tag = tagDao.find(tagId); boolean unique = true; boolean deleted = false; Tag existingTag = getTagByNameAndPkId(newName, pkId); Tag deletedTag = getDeletedTagByNameAndPkId(newName, pkId); if (existingTag != null) { unique = false; ; if (deletedTag != null) { deleted = true; } } if (unique) { if (tag != null) { tag.setName(newName); if (validate(tag)) { tagDao.update(tag); } } else { addError("? ? ?"); } } else { if (deleted) { tagDao.delete(deletedTag); tag.setName(newName); if (validate(tag)) { tagDao.update(tag); } } else { addError(" ? ?"); } } } else { if (tagId == null) { addError(" ? "); } if (newName == null) { addError("? "); } if (pkId == null) { addError(" "); } } } public boolean isUniqueName(String name, Long pkId) { for (Tag tag : getAllActiveTags(pkId)) { if (tag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { return false; } } return true; } public void addTagsToClient(Long clientId, Long[] tagIds, Long pkId) { if (pkId != null) { if (tagIds != null && !(tagIds.length == 1 && tagIds[0] == (long) 0)) { HashMap<Long, Tag> tagMap = getAllActiveTagsMap(pkId); Client client = clientDao.find(clientId); Set<Tag> tags = client.getTags(); if (tags == null) { tags = new HashSet(); } for (Long tagId : tagIds) { Tag tag = tagMap.get(tagId); if (tag != null) { tags.add(tag); } } client.setTags(tags); if (validate(client)) { clientDao.update(client); } } } else { addError(" "); } } /*public HashMap<Long,Tag>getClientTags(Long clientId,Long pkId){ HashMap<Long,Tag>res = new HashMap(); Client cl = clientDao.getClient(clientId,pkId); for(ClientTagLink ctl:cl.getTagLinks()){ res.put(ctl.getTag().getId(),ctl.getTag()); } return res; }*/ /*public boolean deleteClientTagLink(Long ctlId){ ClientTagLink ctl = clientTagLinkDao.find(ctlId); if(ctl!=null){ clientTagLinkDao.delete(ctl); return true; } addError("? ? ? "); return false; }*/ public void deleteClientTag(Long clientId, Long tagId, Long pkId) { if (pkId != null) { if (clientId != null) { Client c = clientDao.find(clientId); if (tagId != null) { Tag t = tagDao.find(tagId); Set<Tag> tags = c.getTags(); tags.remove(t); c.setTags(tags); if (validate(c)) { clientDao.update(c); } } else { addError(" ? "); } } else { addError(" "); } } else { addError(" "); } } public List<Tag> getNotLinkedTags(Long clientId, Long pkId) { List<Tag> res = new ArrayList(); if (pkId != null) { if (clientId != null) { List<Tag> allTags = tagDao.getAllActiveTags(pkId); Client c = clientDao.find(clientId); Set<Tag> ctags = c.getTags(); for (Tag t : allTags) { if (!ctags.contains(t)) { res.add(t); } } } else { addError(" "); } } else { addError(" "); } return res; } }