Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


// UVI Generator //
// Derek Trumbo  //

package semlink.apps.uvig;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;

import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler;
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;


import semlink.apps.verbnet.RoleValue;
import semlink.apps.verbnet.Role;
import semlink.apps.verbnet.Predicate;
import semlink.apps.verbnet.SemanticFrame;
import semlink.apps.verbnet.VerbNet;
import semlink.apps.verbnet.VerbNetClass;

 * This class is the driver for the UVI web page creation.  It validates all the command-line
 * arguments, reads in the VerbNet XML files one-by-one, performs validation, and generates the
 * corresponding HTML files.  Additional data sources are read from and all index pages are then
 * created (with PB and FN links).  This class contains all static members as the problem of parsing
 * at this high a level does not map well onto an OOP paradigm.  This javadoc documentation
 * is targeted at future developers, not at people attempting to use an interface herein.
 * All but one method in this program have 'private' scope (only {@link uvi.Generator#main(String[])} is public).
 * This class could have been forced into smaller modules, but for simplicity it is very long.
 * <BR><BR><I>NOTE: Any reference to "HTML Files" should be taken as a synonym for "PHP Files."
 * When this documentation was created, only *.html files were used.  Later, they were
 * converted to *.php files to facilitate dynamic content (i.e. comments).</I>
 * <BR><BR><I>NOTE: All the "See Also" links in this Javadoc documentation refer to other
 * methods, variables, or classes which reference or are referenced *in the code* by the class
 * member in question. It's not the normal usage of the Javadoc "See Also" links because this
 * documentation is geared more towards future developers of this tool.</I>
 * @author Derek Trumbo
public class Generator {

    // Fields //

     * The beginning portion of the URL which, when appended with a frame name,
     * refers to the web page on FrameNet's web site that will display
     * the proper frame.  This is used when constructing the index and when
     * adding links for the VN-FN mapping on each individual verb class page.
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateIndexFiles()
     * @see uvi.Sweeper#printMembers()
    //static final String fnURL = ";Itemid=118&amp;frame=";

     * The beginning portion of the URL which, when appended with a grouping page
     * refers to the web page for the given Ontonotes Sense Grouping verb.
     * This is used when adding links for the groupings on each individual verb
     * class page.
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateIndexFiles()
     * @see uvi.Sweeper#printMembers()
    static final String grpURL = "";

     * Used to identify VerbNet as a data source.
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateIndexFiles()
     * @see uvi.Sweeper#printMembers()
    static final int DS_VERBNET = 0;

     * Used to identify PropBank as a data source.
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateHTMLFiles()
     * @see uvi.Generator#addOthers(int)
    static final int DS_PROPBANK = 1;

     * Used to identify FrameNet as a data source.
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateHTMLFiles()
     * @see uvi.Generator#addOthers(int)
    static final int DS_FRAMENET = 2;

     * Used to identify WordNet as a data source.
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateHTMLFiles()
     * @see uvi.Generator#addOthers(int)
    static final int DS_WORDNET = 3;

     * Used to identify the VerbNet-FrameNet mapping as a data source.
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateHTMLFiles()
     * @see uvi.Generator#addOthers(int)
    static final int DS_VN_FN = 4;

     * Used to identify the VerbNet-Cyc mapping as a data source.
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateHTMLFiles()
     * @see uvi.Generator#addOthers(int)
    static final int DS_VN_CYC = 5;

     * Used to identify the OntoNotes Sense Groupings as a data source.
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateHTMLFiles()
     * @see uvi.Generator#addOthers(int)
    static final int DS_GROUPING = 6;

     * Extras added to search themroles and predicates
    static final int DS_THEMROLE = 7;
    static final int DS_PREDICATE = 8;

     * All of the supplemental files (supporting files) required by the program.  These
     * files must be present in the directory 'supplemental' at the time of the program's
     * execution.  See the README file for the purpose and format of each file.
     * @see uvi.Generator#printSupplemental()
     * @see uvi.Generator#checkSupplementalFiles()
     * @see uvi.Generator#copySupplementalFiles()
    private static String[] sNames = { "propbank.s", // CSV (verb,url)
            "framenet.s", // XML
            "grouping.s", // CSV (verb,url)
            "vn-fn.s", // XML
            "vn-cyc.s", // XML (optional to have in directory)
            "wordnet.s", // WordNet format (index.sense)
            "header.s", // HTML+PHP
            "footer.s", // HTML+PHP
            "index.s", // HTML+PHP
            "styles.s", // CSS
            "wn/wordnet.cgi.s", // Perl script (WN)
            "wn/styles-wn.s", // CSS (WN)
            "scripts.s", // JS
            "contact.s", // HTML+PHP
            "search.s", // PHP
            "postcomment.s", // PHP
            "comments.s", // PHP
            "include.s", // PHP
            "login.s", // PHP
            "vn/preps.s", // Text
            "vn/synrestr-desc.s", // Text
            "properties.s", // Text
            "images/A.jpg", "images/B.jpg", "images/C.jpg", "images/D.jpg", "images/E.jpg", "images/F.jpg",
            "images/G.jpg", "images/H.jpg", "images/I.jpg", "images/J.jpg", "images/K.jpg", "images/L.jpg",
            "images/M.jpg", "images/N.jpg", "images/O.jpg", "images/P.jpg", "images/Q.jpg", "images/R.jpg",
            "images/S.jpg", "images/T.jpg", "images/U.jpg", "images/V.jpg", "images/W.jpg", "images/X.jpg",
            "images/Y.jpg", "images/Z.jpg", "images/favicon.ico", "images/key.gif", "images/ref.gif",
            "images/si.gif", "images/delete.gif", "documents/selrestr_hierarchy.gif",
            "documents/themrole_hierarchy.pdf" };

     * Holds {@link} objects in an associative array, keyed on the
     * file names stored in {@link uvi.Generator#sNames}.  This is loaded up as
     * the supplemental files are being checked and used primarily for convenience
     * in referencing the above files.
     * @see uvi.Generator#checkSupplementalFiles()
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateHTMLFiles()
     * @see uvi.Generator#createHTMLOutStream(String, String, String)
     * @see uvi.Generator#closeHTMLOutStream(PrintWriter, String)
    private static Map sFiles;

     * Holds the user-definable properties that will be read in from the
     * properties.s supplemental file.
    private static Map properties;

     * An array of strings representing the flags passed to the program
     * These are all of the command-line arguments that begin with a hypen ('-').
     * This array is loaded in {@link uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])} referenced
     * in {@link uvi.Generator#printStartInfo()}.  They are printed in the starting banner
     * of the program.
     * @see uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])
     * @see uvi.Generator#printStartInfo()
     * @see uvi.Generator#printUsage()
     * @see uvi.Generator#existsFlag(String)
    private static ArrayList flags;

     * An array of strings representing the non-flag command-line parameters.
     * This array should hold only the XML input directory and the HTML
     * output directory, and will be validated as such.  The first element
     * of the array will be considered the XML input directory and the
     * second element the HTML output directory.  This variable does
     * not need to be class-level; it could be local.
     * @see uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])
    private static ArrayList nonFlags;

     * An array of all possible flags that this program accepts.  Each flag
     * has both a short form and a long form.  All supplied flags are validated
     * against this array and the existence of any unknown flags triggers
     * an exception.  This variable does not need to be class-level; it could
     * be local.
     * @see uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])
    private static String[] allFlags = { "-?", "--help", "-v", "--verbose", "-q", "--quiet", "-o", "--overwrite",
            "-g", "--nogen", "-i", "--noinsp", "-x", "--novxc", "-s", "--sort", "-c", "--copyonly", "-y",
            "--withcyc", "-p", "--noindexpb", "-f", "--noindexfn", "-n", "--noindexsg", "-r", "--noindexvn", "-m",
            "--novnfnmap", "-w", "--novnwnlink" };

     * A flag set in {@link uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])} and used once only inside
     * of said method.  It is class-level for documentation purposes only.  This
     * flag is set if the user specifies they would like to see the help for the
     * tool.  If the user places a '-?' or '--help' anywhere on the command line
     * then this flag is set to <CODE>true</CODE>, the usage message is displayed
     * and the program exits.
     * @see uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])
     * @see uvi.Generator#printUsage()
    static boolean flHelp;

     * A flag set in {@link uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])} and used throughout the rest
     * of the program.  If this variable is set to <CODE>true</CODE>, more output
     * is generated than otherwise.
     * @see uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateHTMLFiles()
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateIndexFiles()
    static boolean flVerbose;

     * A flag set in {@link uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])} and used throughout the rest
     * of the program.  If this variable is set to <CODE>true</CODE>, only error
     * and warning messages will be sent to standard out.  This flag overrides
     * {@link uvi.Generator#flVerbose}.
     * @see uvi.Generator#main(String[])
     * @see uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateHTMLFiles()
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateIndexFiles()
    static boolean flQuiet;

     * A flag set in {@link uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])} and used throughout the rest
     * of the program.  If this variable is set to <CODE>true</CODE>, the program
     * will write over existing files that it needs to create.  If this flag
     * is not specified then the program will not destroy existing files.
     * @see uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])
     * @see uvi.Generator#createHTMLOutStream(String, String, String)
     * @see uvi.Generator#copySupplementalFiles()
    static boolean flOverwrite;

     * A flag set in {@link uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])} and used only inside
     * {@link uvi.Generator#replaceSpecialSequences(String, String)} to decide whether or not a link to
     * the Generator's disclaimer page should be added to each index page, including
     * the main index page.
     * @see uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])
     * @see uvi.Generator#replaceSpecialSequences(String, String)
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateIndexFiles()
    static boolean flNoGen;

     * A flag set in {@link uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])} and used only inside
     * {@link uvi.Generator#replaceSpecialSequences(String, String)} to decide whether or not a link to
     * the Inspector's disclaimer page should be added to each index page, including
     * the main index page.
     * @see uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])
     * @see uvi.Generator#replaceSpecialSequences(String, String)
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateIndexFiles()
    static boolean flNoInsp;

     * A flag set in {@link uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])} and used only inside
     * {@link uvi.Generator#replaceSpecialSequences(String, String)} to decide whether or not a link to
     * the VxC application's disclaimer page should be added to each index page, including
     * the main index page.
     * @see uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])
     * @see uvi.Generator#replaceSpecialSequences(String, String)
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateIndexFiles()
    static boolean flNoVxC;

    // Suppress sources from the index.
    static boolean flNoIndexPb;
    static boolean flNoIndexFn;
    static boolean flNoIndexSg;
    static boolean flNoIndexVn;
    static boolean flNoVnFnMap;
    static boolean flNoVnWnLinks;

     * A flag set in {@link uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])} and used only inside
     * {@link uvi.Sweeper#startMEMBER(Node)} to indicate whether or not to sort all
     * the members for each class/subclass.
     * @see uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])
     * @see uvi.Sweeper#startMEMBER(Node)
    static boolean flSort;

     * A flag set in {@link uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])} and used once only inside
     * of {@link uvi.Generator#generateHTMLFiles()} to suppress the generation of the
     * VerbNet class pages and the index pages.  All the supplemental files, however,
     * are copied and/or constructed.
     * @see uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateHTMLFiles()
    static boolean flCopyOnly;

     * A flag set in {@link uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])} and used to decide if
     * the VerbNet-Cyc data source should be used and its contents displayed.
     * COMMENT
     * @see uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateHTMLFiles()
    static boolean flWithCyc;

     * An array of {@link} objects that represent all the XML files in the
     * specified XML input directory.  This is loaded up in {@link uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])}
     * and referenced in {@link uvi.Generator#generateHTMLFiles()}.  If there are no XML files in
     * the XML input directory an exception is thrown and the program exits.
     * @see uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateHTMLFiles()
    private static File[] xmlFiles;

     * A string that holds in a list format all those XML files that contain subclasses.  This
     * is used only to show which classes contain subclasses at the bottom of each letter index.
     * @see uvi.Sweeper#startVNSUBCLASS(Node)
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateIndexFiles()
    static String classesWithSubclasses = "";

     * A count of all subclasses in VerbNet, at any level (does not include main classes).
     * @see uvi.Sweeper#startVNSUBCLASS(Node)
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateIndexFiles()
    static int totalSubclasses = 0;

     * A list of every class and subclass name in Verbnet.  This is used to implement
     * the class hierarchy page.
     * @see uvi.Sweeper#curIndentLevel
     * @see uvi.Sweeper#startVNCLASS(Node)
     * @see uvi.Sweeper#startVNSUBCLASS(Node)
    static ArrayList classHierarchy = new ArrayList();

     * The {@link} object that represents the user's desired XML input directory.
     * This is used to gather the XML files, check that a DTD file exists, and show in
     * the starting banner of the program.
     * @see uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])
     * @see uvi.Generator#printStartInfo()
     * @see uvi.Generator#checkDTDFile()
    private static File inDir;

     * The {@link} object that represents the user's desired HTML output directory.
     * This is referenced essentially whenever a method calls
     * {@link uvi.Generator#createHTMLOutStream(String, String, String)},
     * as this method always uses the desired HTML output directory since the program
     * does not output to any other directory for any reason.  This is first set in
     * {@link uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])}, and referenced to create HTML files and copy
     * supplemental files.  It is also shown in the starting banner of the program.
     * @see uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])
     * @see uvi.Generator#printStartInfo()
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateHTMLFiles()
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateIndexFiles()
     * @see uvi.Generator#copySupplementalFiles()
     * @see uvi.Generator#createHTMLOutStream(String, String, String)
    private static File outDir;

    private static File supDir;

     * The current date and time of the execution of this program.  It is set in
     * {@link uvi.Generator#main(String[])} and used in {@link uvi.Generator#replaceSpecialSequences(String, String)}
     * to replace @@date@@ and @@time@@ sequences stored in the header and footer
     * files with actual values.  See the README file for full list of possible
     * special sequences.
     * @see uvi.Generator#main(String[])
     * @see uvi.Generator#replaceSpecialSequences(String, String)
    private static Calendar runTime;

     * A set of word lists constructed in the Sweeper class and accessed in this class.
     * This set of lists holds these lists:
     *   - General Thematic Roles
     *   - NP Thematic Roles
     *   - Selectional Restrictions
     *   - Syntax Restrictions
     *   - Predicates
     * @see uvi.Sweeper#startNP(Node)
     * @see uvi.Sweeper#startSELRESTR(Node)
     * @see uvi.Sweeper#startSYNRESTR(Node)
     * @see uvi.Sweeper#startPRED(Node)
     * @see uvi.Sweeper#startTHEMROLE(Node)
     * @see uvi.Generator#printReferenceColumn(String, String)
    static MembershipMap<String, String> refMap = new MembershipMap<String, String>();

     * A special word list for keeping track of the primary and
     * secondary frame types individually.
    static MembershipMap<String, String> refFrameIndMap = new MembershipMap<String, String>();

     * A special word list for the syntactic frame descriptions.
     * This set of lists holds these lists:
     *   - Primary Frame Types
     *      - Secondary Frame Types
     * @see uvi.Sweeper#startDESCRIPTION(Node)
     * @see uvi.Generator#printReferenceColumnSpecial(String)
    static MembershipMap<String, String> refFrameBothMap = new MembershipMap<String, String>();

    // Helper Methods //

     * Used as shorthand for <CODE>System.out.println</CODE>.
     * @param s the string to print
     * @see
    private static void println(String s) {

     * Used as shorthand for <CODE>System.out.print</CODE>.
     * @param s the string to print
     * @see
    private static void print(String s) {

     * Used as shorthand for <CODE>System.err.println</CODE>.
     * @param s the string to print
     * @see
    private static void eprintln(String s) {

     * Used as shorthand for <CODE>System.err.print</CODE>.
     * @param s the string to print
     * @see
    private static void eprint(String s) {

     * Ensures that a path only contains the separator character for the given
     * OS on which the program is run.  This is only a concern because various
     * paths could be stored in the program in the {@link uvi.Generator#sNames} array.
     * If the system were ported to an OS that contained a different
     * separator character, things could break.
     * @param p the path to check.  This will replace all occurrences of both
     *          types of separator characters with the current OS's separator
     *          character.
     * @return  the corrected string
     * @see     uvi.Generator#checkSupplementalFiles()
    private static String sameSlash(String p) {
        char sep = File.separatorChar;

        return p.replace('/', sep).replace('\\', sep);

     * Returns a descriptive path for a {@link} object.  This is
     * only an issue due to the possibility of the more desired method,
     * {@link} to throw an exception.  If an
     * exception is thrown, the basic {@link} is returned.
     * @param f the file whose path to retrieve
     * @return  a descriptive path
    private static String filePath(File f) {
        try {
            return f.getCanonicalPath();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return f.getPath();

     * Sorts the already loaded XML files array {@link uvi.Generator#xmlFiles}.
     * This is because different operating systems will return a directory's
     * contents in different orders but we want to always process the files
     * in a consistent fashion.
    private static void sortXMLFiles() {
        for (int a = 0; a < xmlFiles.length - 1; a++) {
            for (int b = a + 1; b < xmlFiles.length; b++) {
                File af = xmlFiles[a];
                File bf = xmlFiles[b];

                String an = xmlFiles[a].getName();
                String bn = xmlFiles[b].getName();

                if (an.compareTo(bn) > 0) {
                    xmlFiles[a] = bf;
                    xmlFiles[b] = af;

    // Constructor //

     * This constructor is private because the class is not intended to ever
     * be instantiated.  The UVI generation is a very procedural process and
     * thus all the members are static.
    private Generator() {

    // Main //

     * Drives the entire generation process.  This is the only public method.
     * All program-ending exceptions are caught here and displayed.
     * @param args Contains the command-line arguments for the program.

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        //Emptying current directory...
        //Take this out tho
        try {
            FileUtils.cleanDirectory(new File("/var/www/TempUVI/"));
        } catch (IOException e1) {
        args = new String[] { "-s", "/home/kevin/Lexical_Resources/verbnet/", "/var/www/TempUVI/",
                "web/uvig/supplemental/" };
        try {
            // Set the date and time of this program's execution.
            runTime = Calendar.getInstance();

            // Check command-line arguments for accuracy and set appropriate variables.

            // Perform checks on required files.

            // Read in user-definable properties.

            // Print an initial message with basic information.
            if (!flQuiet) {

            // Create index files, files for each VerbNet class, and any other supporting
            // PHP files.

            // Print a message to show the process is over.
            if (!flQuiet) {

        // The command-line arguments were not valid.
        catch (InvalidCommandLineArgumentException iclae) {
            eprintln("ERROR: " + iclae.getMessage());

        // A help flag has been supplied.
        catch (UserWantsHelpMessage uwhm) {

        // The input or output directory was not valid.
        catch (InvalidDirectoryException ide) {
            eprintln("ERROR: " + ide.getMessage());

        // The supplemental files are not all accessible.
        catch (InvalidSupplementalFilesException isfe) {
            eprintln("ERROR: " + isfe.getMessage());

        // Show any other errors that might occur.
        catch (Exception e) {
            eprintln("ERROR: [Generic/main] " + e.getMessage());

    // Informational Output //

     * Prints the usage message.  This message includes all available flags.  This
     * method can be invoked from main either because the user has specified invalid
     * command-line arguments or because the user has requested to see help for
     * the program.  This message is also the 'help' message.
     * @see uvi.Generator#main(String[])
    private static void printUsage() {
        println("Usage: run [flags] <xml-input-dir> <html-output-dir> <supplemental-dir>");
        println("  -?, --help         Usage");
        println("  -v, --verbose      Verbose output");
        println("  -q, --quiet        No output except for errors and warnings, overrides -v");
        println("  -o, --overwrite    Overwrite existing files in HTML output directory");
        println("  -g, --nogen        Surpress the \"Generator\" links on the index pages");
        println("  -i, --noinsp       Surpress the \"Inspector\" links on the index pages");
        println("  -x, --novxc        Suppress the \"VxC\" links on the index pages");
        println("  -s, --sort         Sort the members in each \"VerbNet\" class or subclass");
        println("  -c, --copyonly     Surpress VerbNet/Index page creation, only re-copy suppl. files");
        println("  -y, --withcyc      Include VN-Cyc mapping in output, suppl. file \"vn-cyc.s\" is required");
        println("  -p, --noindexpb    Surpress the \"PropBank\" verbs in the index");
        println("  -f, --noindexfn    Surpress the \"FrameNet\" verbs in the index");
        println("  -n, --noindexsg    Surpress the \"OntoNotes Sense Groupings\" verbs in the index");
        println("  -r, --noindexvn    Surpress the \"VerbNet\" verbs in the index");
        println("  -m, --novnfnmap    Surpress the \"VerbNet-FrameNet mappings\" in the VerbNet class pages");
        println("  -w, --novnwnlinks  Surpress the \"WordNet\" links in the VerbNet class pages");
        println("Read more about this tool in the README file.");
        println("**NOTE: Any reference to \"HTML File(s)\" or \"HTML Directory\" is a synonym");
        println("for \"PHP file(s)\" or \"PHP Directory\".");

     * Prints the information about the contents of the required supplemental directory.  This
     * method is invoked from main if one or more of the required supplemental files were not
     * found.  Read more about the significance of each file in the README file.
     * @see uvi.Generator#main(String[])
    private static void printSupplemental() {
        println("The supplemental directory contains the additional files that the generator");
        println("reads in and uses in order to generate the HTML output.  The supplemental");
        println("directory must contain:");
        println("     ./supplemental/");

        // Print all the supplemental file names.
        for (int s = 0; s < sNames.length; s++) {
            // Show an extra note next to the VerbNet-Cyc mapping file.
            if (sNames[s].equals("vn-cyc.s")) {
                println("         " + sNames[s] + "* (if -y or --withcyc supplied on command line)");
            } else {
                println("         " + sNames[s]);

     * Prints information before the HTML generation process has completed.  This method
     * is called from {@link uvi.Generator#main(String[])}.  The information printed includes: the desired
     * XML input directory, the desired HTML output directory, supplied flags, and
     * date and time when the program was executed.
     * @see uvi.Generator#main(String[])
    private static void printStartInfo() {
        String af = "", dt = new Date().toString(), // Get today's date and time.
                ip, dp, sp;

        // Create a string list of all the flags, or 'none' if there aren't any.
        if (flags.size() == 0) {
            af = "(none)";
        } else {
            for (int f = 0; f < flags.size(); f++) {
                af += flags.get(f) + " ";

        // Get string representations of the files' paths.
        ip = filePath(inDir);
        dp = filePath(outDir);
        sp = filePath(supDir);

        // Output the banner.
        println("Unified Verb Index Generator");
        println("XML Input Directory:    " + ip);
        println("HTML Output Directory:  " + dp);
        println("Supplemental Directory: " + sp);
        println("Flags:                  " + af);
        println("Executed On:            " + dt);
        println("Generation Begun");

     * Prints information after the HTML generation process has completed.  As of
     * now this is a single message.
     * @see uvi.Generator#main(String[])
    private static void printEndInfo() {
        println("Generation Complete");
        println("Notes: Be sure to enable or request the enabling of the output directory");
        println("for perl CGI scripts.  This is to enable the \"wordnet.cgi\" script.");
        println("It is recommended that you protect the \"users\" directory with a");
        println("\".htaccess\" and a \".htpasswd\" file.");

    // Command-Line Arguments //

     * Validates all of the command-line arguments and sets appropriate class-level variables.
     * @param args the command-line arguments from {@link uvi.Generator#main(String[])}
     * @throws InvalidCommandLineArgumentException if the command-line contains invalid flags
     *         or does not contain the two requisite paths.
     * @throws InvalidDirectoryException if the paths requested do not exist or do not have
     *         the appropriate permissions.
     * @throws UserWantsHelpMessage if the user has supplied the help flag.
     * @see uvi.Generator#existsFlag(String)
     * @see uvi.Generator.MyFilter
    private static void analyzeArguments(String args[])
            throws InvalidCommandLineArgumentException, InvalidDirectoryException, UserWantsHelpMessage {

        // Allocate the command-line arrays.
        flags = new ArrayList();
        nonFlags = new ArrayList();

        // Divide the command-line arguments into flags and non-flags.
        for (int a = 0; a < args.length; a++) {
            if (args[a].startsWith("-")) {
            } else {

        // Expand each combined flag (i.e. -ov into -o -v).
        for (int f = 0; f < flags.size(); f++) {
            String flag = (String) flags.get(f);

            if (flag.length() > 2 && flag.charAt(0) == '-' && flag.charAt(1) != '-') {
                for (int g = 2; g < flag.length(); g++) {
                    flags.add("-" + flag.charAt(g));

                flags.set(f, flag.substring(0, 2));

        // Set the appropriate class-level booleans.
        flHelp = existsFlag("-?") || existsFlag("--help");
        flVerbose = existsFlag("-v") || existsFlag("--verbose");
        flQuiet = existsFlag("-q") || existsFlag("--quiet");
        flOverwrite = existsFlag("-o") || existsFlag("--overwrite");
        flNoGen = existsFlag("-g") || existsFlag("--nogen");
        flNoInsp = existsFlag("-i") || existsFlag("--noinsp");
        flNoVxC = existsFlag("-x") || existsFlag("--novxc");
        flSort = existsFlag("-s") || existsFlag("--sort");
        flCopyOnly = existsFlag("-c") || existsFlag("--copyonly");
        flWithCyc = existsFlag("-y") || existsFlag("--withcyc");

        flNoIndexPb = existsFlag("-p") || existsFlag("--noindexpb");
        flNoIndexFn = existsFlag("-f") || existsFlag("--noindexfn");
        flNoIndexSg = existsFlag("-n") || existsFlag("--noindexsg");
        flNoIndexVn = existsFlag("-r") || existsFlag("--noindexvn");
        flNoVnFnMap = existsFlag("-m") || existsFlag("--novnfnmap");
        flNoVnWnLinks = existsFlag("-w") || existsFlag("--novnwnlinks");

        if (flNoIndexVn) {
            flNoVnFnMap = true;
            flNoVnWnLinks = true;

        // If a help flag was present, stop this method and return to main to
        // show the help/usage message.
        if (flHelp) {
            throw new UserWantsHelpMessage();

        // If there are not exactly two non-flag arguments, then show an error message.
        // The two non-flag arguments are the XML input directory path and HTML output
        // directory path.
        if (nonFlags.size() != 3) {
            throw new InvalidCommandLineArgumentException("Invalid command line format.");

        // Validate the supplied flags.
        for (int f = 0; f < flags.size(); f++) {
            boolean found = false;

            for (int g = 0; g < allFlags.length; g++) {
                if (flags.get(f).equals(allFlags[g])) {
                    found = true;

            if (!found) {
                throw new InvalidCommandLineArgumentException("Unknown command line flag.");

        // Create the File objects for the supplied paths.
        inDir = new File((String) nonFlags.get(0));
        outDir = new File((String) nonFlags.get(1));
        supDir = new File((String) nonFlags.get(2));

        // Validate the supplied paths.  Each path must exist, be a directory, and
        // the user must have the appropriate rights to it.
        if (!inDir.exists()) {
            throw new InvalidDirectoryException("XML input directory path does not exist.");
        if (!outDir.exists()) {
            if (!outDir.mkdir()) {
                throw new InvalidDirectoryException("Could not create HTML output directory.");
        if (!supDir.exists()) {
            throw new InvalidDirectoryException("Supplemental directory path does not exist.");

        if (!inDir.isDirectory()) {
            throw new InvalidDirectoryException("XML input directory path is not a directory.");
        if (!outDir.isDirectory()) {
            throw new InvalidDirectoryException("HTML output directory path is not a directory.");
        if (!supDir.isDirectory()) {
            throw new InvalidDirectoryException("Supplemental directory path is not a directory.");

        if (!inDir.canRead()) {
            throw new InvalidDirectoryException("XML input directory not readable.");
        if (!outDir.canWrite()) {
            throw new InvalidDirectoryException("HTML output directory not modifiable.");
        if (!supDir.canRead()) {
            throw new InvalidDirectoryException("Supplemental directory not readable.");

        // Get the list of all XML files in the input directory.
        xmlFiles = inDir.listFiles(new MyFilter("xml"));

        // Make sure there is at least one XML file in the input directory.
        if (xmlFiles.length == 0) {
            throw new InvalidDirectoryException("There are no XML files in the XML input directory.");


     * Checks whether the given flag was supplied by the user.
     * @param flag the flag to look for
     * @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the flag exists in the user's supplied
     *         command-line arguments.
     * @see uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])
    private static boolean existsFlag(String flag) {
        for (int f = 0; f < flags.size(); f++) {
            if (flags.get(f).equals(flag)) {
                return true;

        return false;

    // Additional File Checks //

     * Makes sure there is at least one DTD file in the XML input directory.
     * This does not check whether the DTD file found is the one referenced
     * in the XML files, as that check is performed later by the XML parser.
     * This is a fairly weak check in that sense, but here for added safety.
     * @see uvi.Generator#main(String[])
    private static void checkDTDFile() {
        String[] inFiles = inDir.list(); // Get every file in the input directory.
        boolean found = false;

        // Search for the DTD file.
        for (int f = 0; f < inFiles.length; f++) {
            if (inFiles[f].toLowerCase().endsWith(".dtd")) {
                found = true;

        // Show a warning if there is no DTD file.
        if (!found) {
            eprintln("WARNING: No DTD file found in XML input directory.  This could cause errors.");

     * Makes sure all required supplemental files exist.  The supplemental directory must
     * exist in the same directory as src/ and uvi/ and must contain the files listed
     * in the help/usage message.
     * @throws InvalidSupplementalFilesException if the supplemental directory or any
     *         required files therein do not exist or are not readable.
     * @see uvi.Generator#main(String[])
    private static void checkSupplementalFiles() throws InvalidSupplementalFilesException {

        // Instantiate the map that will hold the File objects for each
        // required supplemental file.  The key will be the file name.
        sFiles = new HashMap();

        for (int s = 0; s < sNames.length; s++) {

            // If the use-vn-cyc-mapping flag was not supplied, do not require it among
            // the supplemental files (skip it).
            if (sNames[s].equals("vn-cyc.s") && !flWithCyc) {

            // Make sure any slashes used here in the code are the correct
            // ones for this operating system.
            sNames[s] = sameSlash(sNames[s]);

            // Create the File object for this file.
            File sFile = new File(supDir, sNames[s]);

            // Make sure the file is good.
            if (!sFile.exists()) {
                throw new InvalidSupplementalFilesException(
                        "Supplemental file \"" + sNames[s] + "\" does not exist.");

            if (!sFile.isFile()) {
                throw new InvalidSupplementalFilesException(
                        "Supplemental file \"" + sNames[s] + "\" is not a file.");

            if (!sFile.canRead()) {
                throw new InvalidSupplementalFilesException(
                        "Supplemental file \"" + sNames[s] + "\" not readable.");

            // Place the object into the map under its file name.
            sFiles.put(sNames[s], sFile);

     * Reads key-value pairs out of the properties.s supplemental file.
    private static void readProperties() {
        properties = new LinkedHashMap();
        try {
            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader((File) sFiles.get("properties.s")));

            String line;
            String curKey = null;
            String curValue = "";

            while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {

                // Trim and ignore blank and comment lines.
                line = line.trim();
                if (line.startsWith("#")) {

                // Find location of equals character.
                int equal = line.indexOf('=');

                // Assume line is not a key= line initially.
                boolean isKeyLine = false;

                // If the equals character is at least the second character on
                // the line...
                if (equal > 0) {

                    // Grab the character before the equals sign.
                    char before = line.charAt(equal - 1);

                    // If the character is not a backslash, then this line is
                    // a key= line, else it is a regular line, and remove
                    // the slash.
                    if (before != '\\') {
                        isKeyLine = true;
                    } else {
                        line = line.substring(0, equal - 1) + line.substring(equal);

                if (isKeyLine) {
                    if (curKey != null) {
                        while (curValue.length() > 0 && curValue.charAt(curValue.length() - 1) == '\n') {
                            curValue = curValue.substring(0, curValue.length() - 1);
                        properties.put(curKey, curValue);
                    curKey = line.substring(0, equal).trim();
                    curValue = line.substring(equal + 1) + "\n";
                } else {
                    curValue += line + "\n";

            if (curKey != null) {
                while (curValue.length() > 0 && curValue.charAt(curValue.length() - 1) == '\n') {
                    curValue = curValue.substring(0, curValue.length() - 1);
                properties.put(curKey, curValue);


        } catch (Exception e) {
            eprintln("ERROR: Problem reading properties file.  Some properties may not have been read.  "
                    + e.getMessage());

    public static String getProperty(String propertyName, String defaultValue) {
        String value = (String) properties.get(propertyName);
        if (value == null) {
            value = defaultValue;
        return value;

    // Copying Supplemental Files //

     * Copies the supplemental files that belong in the HTML output directory to
     * that directory.  These files include the CSS stylesheet, the JavaScript
     * code, and all images.  It's important to note that the current
     * implementation of this method does not maintain directory structure of
     * the supplemental files.  Each file in the supplemental directory,
     * in a sub-directory or not, will be copied to the same HTML output
     * directory.  So if you begin to add additional supplemental files, and have
     * an <CODE>supplemental/abc.jpg</CODE> and an <CODE>supplemental/images/abc.jpg</CODE>,
     * only one file will appear in the output directory, <CODE>&lt;html&gt;/abc.jpg</CODE>,
     * unless this method is changed create subdirectories, etc. (but you can just not
     * give your files identical names).
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateHTMLFiles()
     * @see uvi.Generator#copyFile(File, File)
     * @see uvi.Generator#createHTMLOutStream(String, String, String)
    private static void copySupplementalFiles() {
        PrintWriter pw;

        // Copy the CSS, JS, Text, and include.php files to the output directory without
        // any additional files added before or after the body of the supplemental file.

        if (flVerbose && !flQuiet) {
            println("Supplemental Files: Copying \"styles.s\" to HTML output directory as \"styles.css\"...");

        pw = createHTMLOutStream("styles.css", "styles.s");
        if (pw != null) {

        if (flVerbose && !flQuiet) {
            println("Supplemental Files: Copying \"wn/styles-wn.s\" to HTML output directory as \"wn/styles-wn.css\"...");

        pw = createHTMLOutStream("wn/styles-wn.css", "wn/styles-wn.s");
        if (pw != null) {

        if (flVerbose && !flQuiet) {
            println("Supplemental Files: Copying \"scripts.s\" to HTML output directory as \"scripts.js\"...");

        pw = createHTMLOutStream("scripts.js", "scripts.s");
        if (pw != null) {

        if (flVerbose && !flQuiet) {
            println("Supplemental Files: Copying \"vn/preps.s\" to HTML output directory as \"vn/preps.txt\"...");

        pw = createHTMLOutStream("vn/preps.txt", "vn/preps.s");
        if (pw != null) {

        if (flVerbose && !flQuiet) {
            println("Supplemental Files: Copying \"vn/synrestr-desc.s\" to HTML output directory as \"vn/synrestr-desc.txt\"...");

        pw = createHTMLOutStream("vn/synrestr-desc.txt", "vn/synrestr-desc.s");
        if (pw != null) {

        if (flVerbose && !flQuiet) {
            println("Supplemental Files: Copying \"wn/wordnet.cgi.s\" to HTML output directory as \"wn/wordnet.cgi\"...");

        pw = createHTMLOutStream("wn/wordnet.cgi", "wn/wordnet.cgi.s");
        if (pw != null) {

        if (flVerbose && !flQuiet) {
            println("Supplemental Files: Copying \"include.s\" to HTML output directory as \"include.php\"...");

        pw = createHTMLOutStream("include.php", "include.s");
        if (pw != null) {

        // Copy the PHP files to the output directory with the header file before
        // the body and the footer file after the body (addded with closeHTMLOutStream).

        if (flVerbose && !flQuiet) {
            println("Supplemental Files: Copying \"contact.s\" to HTML output directory as \"contact.php\"...");

        pw = createHTMLOutStream("contact.php", "header.s", "contact.s");
        if (pw != null) {
            closeHTMLOutStream(pw, "contact.php");

        if (flVerbose && !flQuiet) {
            println("Supplemental Files: Copying \"search.s\" to HTML output directory as \"search.php\"...");

        pw = createHTMLOutStream("search.php", "header.s", "search.s");
        if (pw != null) {
            closeHTMLOutStream(pw, "search.php");

        if (flVerbose && !flQuiet) {
            println("Supplemental Files: Copying \"postcomment.s\" to HTML output directory as \"postcomment.php\"...");

        pw = createHTMLOutStream("postcomment.php", "header.s", "postcomment.s");
        if (pw != null) {
            closeHTMLOutStream(pw, "postcomment.php");

        if (flVerbose && !flQuiet) {
            println("Supplemental Files: Copying \"comments.s\" to HTML output directory as \"comments.php\"...");

        pw = createHTMLOutStream("comments.php", "header.s", "comments.s");
        if (pw != null) {
            closeHTMLOutStream(pw, "comments.php");

        if (flVerbose && !flQuiet) {
            println("Supplemental Files: Copying \"login.s\" to HTML output directory as \"login.php\"...");

        pw = createHTMLOutStream("login.php", "header.s", "login.s");
        if (pw != null) {
            closeHTMLOutStream(pw, "login.php");

        // Copy the image files to the output directory.
        for (int s = 0; s < sNames.length; s++) {
            if (sNames[s].startsWith("images") || sNames[s].startsWith("documents")) {

                // Prepare the input File object.
                File src = new File(supDir, sNames[s]);

                // Extract just the file name from the path stored here in the code.
                String fileName = sNames[s];

                // Prepare the output File object.
                File dest = new File(outDir, fileName);

                if (flVerbose && !flQuiet) {
                    println("Supplemental Files: Copying \"" + sNames[s] + "\" to HTML output directory as \""
                            + fileName + "\"...");

                // Skip this file if it exists and the overwrite flag has not been specified.
                if (dest.exists() && !flOverwrite) {
                    eprintln("ERROR: Output file \"" + fileName
                            + "\" already exists and overwrite not specified, skipping.");

                // Create a blank file for it in case it doesn't already exist.
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    eprintln("ERROR: Problem opening output file \"" + fileName + "\".  " + e.getMessage());

                // Perform the copy.
                copyFile(src, dest);

     * Performs a low-level copy of one file into another.
     * @param src  the source file
     * @param dest the destination file
     * @see        uvi.Generator#copySupplementalFiles()
    private static void copyFile(File src, File dest) {
        try {
            FileChannel sourceChannel = new FileInputStream(src).getChannel();
            FileChannel destinationChannel = new FileOutputStream(dest).getChannel();

            sourceChannel.transferTo(0, sourceChannel.size(), destinationChannel);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            eprintln("ERROR: Problem copying image file  \"" + src.getName() + "\" to output directory.  "
                    + e.getMessage());

     * Creates the two subdirectories that the UVI utilizes for comments and users.
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateHTMLFiles()
    private static void createSubdirectories() {

        File u = createSubdirectory("users");

        //Added by K. Stowe

        // Write a single administrator user to the user file initially, if it
        // doesn't already exist.
        try {
            File ulist = new File(u, "user.list");
            if (!ulist.exists()) {
                PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(ulist)));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            eprintln("ERROR: Problem opening output file \"user.list\".  " + e.getMessage());

    protected static File createSubdirectory(String dirName) {
        File subdir = new File(outDir, dirName);
        if (!subdir.exists()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Could not create subdirectory: " + dirName);
        return subdir;

    // HTML Files Generation //

     * Completes the filling of the HTML output directory of all files, pre-made ones
     * and generated ones.  This method and supporting {@link uvi.Generator#generateOneFile(DocumentBuilder, File)}
     * method make use of JDOM to parse the incoming XML files.  Essentially this just means
     * that {@link javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory}, {@link javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder},
     * and {@link org.w3c.dom.Document} are utilized.  After the HTML files for
     * each class are generated, this method reads in PropBank and FrameNet information,
     * adds it to the growing index, and finally generates all the HTML files needed
     * for the index/indices.
     * @see uvi.Generator#main(String[])
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateOneFile(DocumentBuilder, File)
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateIndexFiles()
     * @see uvi.Generator#addOthers(int)
    private static void generateHTMLFiles() {
        // Create the subdirectories that the UVI uses

        //Additional reference pages by K. Stowe


        // List all the supplemental files.
        if (flVerbose && !flQuiet) {
            println("Supplemental files valid");
            for (int s = 0; s < sNames.length; s++) {
                if (!sNames[s].equals("vn-cyc.s") || flWithCyc) {
                    println("   " + filePath((File) sFiles.get(sNames[s])));

        // Place all required supporting files in the HTML output directory.

        if (flVerbose && !flQuiet) {
            System.out.println("Properties defined:");
            for (Object o : properties.keySet()) {
                String key = (String) o;
                String val = (String) properties.get(o);
                System.out.println("  " + key + " = " + val);

        // If the user only wanted to copy/construct the supplemental files, stop here.
        if (flCopyOnly) {

        if (!flNoVnFnMap) {
            if (flVerbose && !flQuiet) {
                println("Additional Source: Extracting VerbNet-FrameNet mapping info for members from \"vn-fn.s\"...");

            // Load VerbNet-FrameNet mapping links for the VerbNet classes.  This one
            // happens before the loop since the verb classes depend on these being
            // loaded (see Sweeper.printMembers).

        // COMMENT
        if (flWithCyc) {
            if (flVerbose && !flQuiet) {
                println("Additional Source: Extracting VerbNet-Cyc mapping info for members from \"vn-cyc.s\"...");


        if (!flNoVnWnLinks) {
            if (flVerbose && !flQuiet) {
                println("Additional Source: Extracting WordNet sense numbers for members from \"wordnet.s\"...");

            // Load WordNet sense number info for the VerbNet classes.  This one
            // happens before the loop since the verb classes depend on these being
            // loaded (see Sweeper.printMembers).

        if (!flNoIndexVn) {
            try {

                // Create essential JDOM objects.
                DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();

                // So XML files are checked against their DTD.

                DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();

                XMLErrorHandler xmlErrH = new XMLErrorHandler();

                // So custom error messages can be printed (see XMLErrorHandler).

                for (int x = 0; x < xmlFiles.length; x++) {
                    String xmlFileName = xmlFiles[x].getName();
                    String htmlFileName = "vn/" + xmlFileName.substring(0, xmlFileName.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".php";

                    // Print the name of the current file being processed.
                    if (flVerbose && !flQuiet) {
                        println("Processing file \"" + xmlFileName + "\" into \"" + htmlFileName + "\"...");

                    // Create the stream for the HTML file and give it to the 'Q class'.

                    // Tell the 'Sweeper' class what file is currently being processed.  It
                    // will use this information to add the appropriate links to the index
                    // as verbs are discovered in the XML files and to place in error messages
                    // for location-of-error info.

                    // If everything with the stream was good, generated the HTML file.
                    if (Q.getWriter() != null) {

                        // Let the JDOM XML error handler know what input file is currently
                        // being processed so it can report which file contained the error.

                        // Perform translation from XML->HTML.
                        generateOneFile(db, xmlFiles[x]);

                        // Close the stream to the HTML file.
                        closeHTMLOutStream(Q.getWriter(), htmlFileName);
            } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
                eprintln("ERROR: Parser configuration error.");

        if (!flNoVnFnMap) {
            // Print warnings for all matches not utilized in the VN-FN mapping.

        if (!flNoIndexPb) {
            if (flVerbose && !flQuiet) {
                println("Additional Source: Extracting PropBank info for index from \"propbank.s\"...");

            // Add PropBank links to index.

        if (!flNoIndexFn) {
            if (flVerbose && !flQuiet) {
                println("Additional Source: Extracting FrameNet info for index from \"framenet.s\"...");

            // Add FrameNet links to index.

        if (!flNoIndexSg) {
            if (flVerbose && !flQuiet) {
                println("Additional Source: Extracting Grouping info for index from \"grouping.s\"...");

            // Add Grouping links to index.

        // Sort the verbs for each index page (for each letter).

        // Generate index.php and A.php through Z.php.

        if (!flNoIndexVn) {

            // Generate the reference page, reference.php.

            // Generate the class hierarchy, class-h.php.


     * Creates a page that displays the field information collected during the
     * generation phase. Each list is basically just a unique list of all values provided
     * for the given element over all the XML files.
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateHTMLFiles()
    private static void generateReferencePage() {
        if (flVerbose && !flQuiet) {
            println("Constructing reference page \"vn/reference.php\"...");

        // Open the stream to the page (this inserts the header).
        PrintWriter pw = createHTMLOutStream("vn/reference.php");


        // Print the top table with the message.
        Q.oh(2, "<BR>");
        Q.oh(2, "");
        Q.oh(2, "<TABLE align='center' class='InfoTable' cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4>");
        Q.oh(3, "<TR><TD>");
        Q.oh(4, "The following lists were extracted automatically from the VerbNet XML files.<BR>");
        Q.oh(4, "These files might also be of use: <A href='preps.txt'>Prepositions</A>,");
        Q.oh(4, "<A href='synrestr-desc.txt'>Syntax Restrictions</A>,");
        Q.oh(4, "<A href='../documents/selrestr_hierarchy.gif'>Selectional Restriction Hierarchy</A>,");
        Q.oh(4, "<A href='../documents/themrole_hierarchy.pdf'>Thematic Role Hierarchy</A>");
        Q.oh(3, "</TD></TR>");
        Q.oh(2, "</TABLE>");
        Q.oh(2, "");
        Q.oh(2, "<BR>");
        Q.oh(2, "");

        // Print a table with all the lists.
        Q.oh(2, "<TABLE align='center' class='RefTable' cellspacing=0 width='100%'>");
        Q.oh(3, "<TR valign='top'>");

        printReferenceColumn("General Thematic Roles", "GenThemRole", 1);
        printReferenceColumn("NP Thematic Roles", "NPThemRole", 2);
        printReferenceColumn("Selectional Restrictions", "SelRestr", 1);
        printReferenceColumn("Verb-Specific Features", "VerbFeatures", 2);

        Q.oh(3, "</TR>");
        Q.oh(3, "<TR valign='top'>");

        printReferenceColumn("Predicates", "Predicate", 1);
        printReferenceColumnSpecial("Frame Types");

        // Print ref page info from the properties file into the last table cell.
        Q.oh(4, "<TD width='25%' class='RefTable'>");
        Q.oh(5, "<TABLE width='100%' cellspacing=0>");
        Q.oh(6, "<TR><TD class='RefGroup' style='border-bottom: 1px black dashed;'>Reference Page Info</TD></TR>");
        Q.oh(6, "<TR><TD style='text-align:justify'><P style='margin-left:10px; margin-right: 10px'>");
        Q.oh(7, getProperty("refPageInfo", ""));
        Q.oh(6, "</P></TD></TR>");
        Q.oh(5, "</TABLE>");
        Q.oh(4, "</TD>");

        Q.oh(3, "</TR>");
        Q.oh(2, "</TABLE>");
        Q.oh(2, "");
        Q.oh(2, "<BR>");

        // Close the stream to the page (this inserts the footer).
        closeHTMLOutStream(pw, "vn/reference.php");

     * Prints an HTML TD element containing a selected word list.  The word lists
     * are constructed during the HTML generation phase (see {@link uvi.Sweeper} class).
     * @param title the title for the column
     * @param list the word list to display
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateReferencePage()
    private static void printReferenceColumn(String title, String list, int whichColor) {
        String referencePage = "";
        if (list.equals("GenThemRole") || list.equals("NPThemRole"))
            referencePage = "../themroles/";
        else if (list.equals("SynRestr"))
            referencePage = "../synrestrs/";
        else if (list.equals("SelRestr"))
            referencePage = "../selrestrs/";
        else if (list.equals("Predicate"))
            referencePage = "../predicates/";
        else if (list.equals("VerbFeatures"))
            referencePage = "../verbfeatures/";

        String color = (whichColor == 1) ? "RefTable" : "RefTable2";
        Q.oh(4, "<TD width='25%' class='" + color + "'>");
        Q.oh(5, "<TABLE width='100%' cellspacing=0>");
        Q.oh(6, "<TR><TD class='RefGroup'>" + title + "</TD></TR>");
        Q.oh(6, "<TR><TD class='RefCounts' style='border-bottom: 1px black dashed;'><NOBR>"
                + refMap.getMemberCount(list) + " unique values / " + refMap.getMemberships(list)
                + " total uses</NOBR></TD></TR>");
        Q.oh(6, "<TR><TD>");
        Q.oh(7, "<BR>");
        Q.oh(7, "<UL>");

        TreeMap<String, Integer> members = refMap.getMembers(list);

        if (members == null) {
            Q.oh(8, "<LI><I>no occurrences</I></LI>");
        } else {

            int mem = 0;
            for (String member : members.keySet()) {
                Integer count = members.get(member);
                String extra = "";
                if (mem == 0) {
                    extra = " uses";
                String countStr = " <B>(" + count + extra + ")</B>";
                Q.oh(8, "<LI><a href=\"" + referencePage + member.replace("-", "_") + ".php\" class=VerbLinks>"
                        + member + countStr + "</a></LI>");


        Q.oh(7, "</UL>");
        Q.oh(7, "<BR>");
        Q.oh(6, "</TD></TR>");
        Q.oh(5, "</TABLE>");
        Q.oh(4, "</TD>");

     * Prints an HTML TD element containing the special word list for the frame
     * descriptions.  This special list is constructed during the HTML generation
     * phase (see {@link uvi.Sweeper} class).
     * @param title the title for the column
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateReferencePage()
    private static void printReferenceColumnSpecial(String title) {
        Q.oh(4, "<TD width='50%' colspan='2' class='RefTable2'>");
        Q.oh(5, "<TABLE width='100%' cellspacing=0>");
        Q.oh(6, "<TR><TD class='RefGroup'>" + title + "</TD></TR>");
        Q.oh(6, "<TR><TD class='RefCounts'>Primary: " + refFrameIndMap.getMemberCount("primary")
                + " unique values / " + refFrameIndMap.getMemberships("primary")
                + " total uses (= # frames in VN)</TD></TR>");
        Q.oh(6, "<TR><TD class='RefCounts' style='border-bottom: 1px black dashed;'>Secondary: "
                + refFrameIndMap.getMemberCount("secondary") + " unique values / "
                + refFrameIndMap.getMemberships("secondary") + " total uses</TD></TR>");
        Q.oh(6, "<TR><TD>");
        Q.oh(7, "<BR>");
        Q.oh(7, "<UL>");

        GroupComparator<String, String> comparator = new GroupComparator<String, String>() {
            public int compareTo(MembershipMap<String, String> map, String group1, String group2) {
                int mems1 = map.getMemberships(group1);
                int mems2 = map.getMemberships(group2);
                return mems2 - mems1;
        for (String group : refFrameBothMap.groups(comparator)) {
            int gcnt = refFrameBothMap.getMemberships(group);
            String ff = (gcnt == 1) ? "frame" : "frames";
            Q.oh(8, "<LI>" + group + " <B>(" + gcnt + " " + ff + ")</B>");
            Q.oh(9, "<UL>");
            TreeMap<String, Integer> smems = refFrameBothMap.getMembers(group);
            for (String member : smems.keySet()) {
                int scnt = smems.get(member);
                String fc = " <B>(" + scnt + ")</B>";
                Q.oh(10, "<LI>" + member + fc + "</LI>");
            Q.oh(9, "</UL>");
            Q.oh(8, "</LI>");

        Q.oh(7, "</UL>");
        Q.oh(7, "<BR>");
        Q.oh(6, "</TD></TR>");
        Q.oh(5, "</TABLE>");
        Q.oh(4, "</TD>");

     * Creates a page that displays the complete class hierarchy for VerbNet.
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateHTMLFiles()
     * @see uvi.Sweeper#startVNCLASS(Node)
     * @see uvi.Sweeper#startVNSUBCLASS(Node)
    private static void generateClassHierarchy() {
        if (flVerbose && !flQuiet) {
            println("Constructing class hierarchy \"vn/class-h.php\"...");

        // Open the stream to the page (this inserts the header).
        PrintWriter pw = createHTMLOutStream("vn/class-h.php");


        Q.oh(2, "");
        Q.oh(2, "<TABLE align='center' cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width='100%'>");
        Q.oh(3, "<TR><TD width='50%'>&nbsp;</TD><TD width='50%'>&nbsp;</TD></TR>");
        Q.oh(3, "<TR valign='top'><TD align='center'>");
        Q.oh(4, "<TABLE align='center'>");
        Q.oh(5, "<TR><TD class='ClasHCol'>Alphabetical</TD></TR>");
        Q.oh(5, "<TR valign='top'><TD>");

        // Print the alphabetized column.
        for (int c = 0; c < classHierarchy.size(); c++) {
            String cls = (String) classHierarchy.get(c);

            // Indent as appropriate.
            String indent = "";
            while (cls.charAt(0) == '@') {
                indent += "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                cls = cls.substring(1);

            String f = cls.substring(cls.indexOf("$$") + 2);
            String d = cls.substring(0, cls.indexOf("$$"));

            // Strip "vn/" off of the front of the file path.
            f = f.substring(3);

            Q.oh(6, indent + "<A href='" + f + "#" + d + "'>" + d + "</A><BR>");

        Q.oh(5, "</TD></TR>");
        Q.oh(4, "</TABLE>");
        Q.oh(3, "</TD><TD align='center'>");
        Q.oh(4, "<TABLE align='center'>");
        Q.oh(5, "<TR><TD class='ClasHCol'>By Class Number</TD></TR>");
        Q.oh(5, "<TR valign='top'><TD>");

        // Modify the class name strings to what will be displayed for
        // the second column, and ignore subclasses.
        for (int c = classHierarchy.size() - 1; c >= 0; c--) {
            String cls = (String) classHierarchy.get(c);
            String nu = "";

            // Remove subclasses from the list.
            if (cls.charAt(0) == '@') {

            // Grab all the number digits.
            for (int x = 0; x < cls.length(); x++) {
                if ("0123456789.".indexOf(cls.charAt(x)) != -1) {
                    nu += cls.charAt(x);
                } else if (!nu.equals("")) {

            // Change the string in the array.
            classHierarchy.set(c, nu + ": " + cls);

        // Sort the array by the beginning number.
        for (int a = 0; a < classHierarchy.size() - 1; a++) {
            for (int b = a + 1; b < classHierarchy.size(); b++) {

                String sx = (String) classHierarchy.get(a);
                String sy = (String) classHierarchy.get(b);
                String nx = sx.substring(0, sx.indexOf(":")); // Just the number, e.g. 9.10.3, 19
                String ny = sy.substring(0, sy.indexOf(":"));
                int compare = compareFirstNumber(nx, ny);

                if (compare > 0) {
                    classHierarchy.set(b, sx);
                    classHierarchy.set(a, sy);
                } else if (compare == 0 && nx.indexOf(".") != -1 && ny.indexOf(".") != -1) {
                    nx = nx.substring(nx.indexOf(".") + 1);
                    ny = ny.substring(ny.indexOf(".") + 1);
                    compare = compareFirstNumber(nx, ny);

                    if (compare > 0) {
                        classHierarchy.set(b, sx);
                        classHierarchy.set(a, sy);
                    } else if (compare == 0 && nx.indexOf(".") != -1 && ny.indexOf(".") != -1) {
                        nx = nx.substring(nx.indexOf(".") + 1);
                        ny = ny.substring(ny.indexOf(".") + 1);
                        compare = compareFirstNumber(nx, ny);

                        if (compare > 0) {
                            classHierarchy.set(b, sx);
                            classHierarchy.set(a, sy);

        // Print the sorted by-number column.
        for (int c = 0; c < classHierarchy.size(); c++) {
            String cls = (String) classHierarchy.get(c);

            String f = cls.substring(cls.indexOf("$$") + 2);
            String d = cls.substring(0, cls.indexOf("$$"));

            // Strip "vn/" off of the front of the file path.
            f = f.substring(3);

            Q.oh(6, "<A href='" + f + "'>" + d + "</A><BR>");

        Q.oh(5, "</TD></TR>");
        Q.oh(4, "</TABLE>");
        Q.oh(3, "</TD></TR>");
        Q.oh(2, "</TABLE>");

        // Close the stream to the page (this inserts the footer).
        closeHTMLOutStream(pw, "vn/class-h.php");

     * Helps with sorting the class hierarchy.
    private static int compareFirstNumber(String nx, String ny) {
        String tx = (nx.indexOf(".") == -1) ? nx : nx.substring(0, nx.indexOf("."));
        String ty = (ny.indexOf(".") == -1) ? ny : ny.substring(0, ny.indexOf("."));
        while (tx.length() != 5) {
            tx = "0" + tx;
        while (ty.length() != 5) {
            ty = "0" + ty;
        return tx.compareTo(ty);

     * Creates the content of the HTML output file using the source XML file and
     * the Java Document Object Model.  The XML file is parsed, and then HTML
     * is sent to the {@link uvi.Q} class, which was already initialized with the current
     * HTML output stream in {@link uvi.Generator#generateHTMLFiles()}.  The XML
     * tags are processed recursively using {@link uvi.Generator#processNode(Node)}.
     * All DTD validation errors are printed upon executing the
     * <CODE>db.parse( src );</CODE> statement (via XMLErrorHandler class).
     * @param db the {@link javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder} which will parse
     *        the source XML file into a {@link org.w3c.dom.Document}.
     * @param src the source XML file
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateHTMLFiles()
     * @see uvi.Generator#processNode(Node)
    private static void generateOneFile(DocumentBuilder db, File src) {
        String xmlFileName = src.getName();

        try {
            // Parse the XML source file.  This will print all the errors with validating
            // the XML file against the DTD specified inside.
            Document doc = db.parse(src);

            NodeList members = doc.getElementsByTagName("VNCLASS");

            if (members.getLength() == 0) {
                eprintln("ERROR: No VNCLASS node exists in file \"" + xmlFileName + "\".");
            } else {
                Element mainClass = (Element) members.item(0);

                if (!mainClass.getAttribute("ID")
                        .equalsIgnoreCase(xmlFileName.substring(0, xmlFileName.lastIndexOf(".")))) {
                    eprintln("WARNING: VNCLASS node ID value does not correspond to XML file name in file \""
                            + xmlFileName + "\".");

                // Print the HTML for the document root node (aka, generate the HTML
                // for the entre XML document).
                processNode(xmlFileName, mainClass);

        // This exception could occur if the DTD file is not present in the
        // same directory as the XML file being parsed.
        catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
            eprintln("ERROR: " + fnfe.getMessage() + ".");
            eprintln("   Most likely the file \"" + xmlFileName + "\" references the missing file above.");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            eprintln("ERROR: [" + xmlFileName + "] " + e.getMessage() + ".");

     * This method starts by outputting the HTML code you would want to output
     * upon encountering the start of the given node, then recursively prints all the
     * HTML associated with this node's children nodes, and finally outputs the
     * HTML needed for the close of the given node.  The process by which this
     * method outputs the 'start' or 'end' HTML for a given node is subtle.
     * Reflection is used.  For a node with tag name NODE, methods called
     * 'startNODE' and 'endNODE' are located in the class called 'Sweeper'.
     * If the method is found, it is executed.  If it is not found, nothing happens.
     * @param n the xml node for which to generate HTML code
     * @see uvi.Generator#executeHTMLMethod(String, Node)
     * @see uvi.Sweeper
    private static void processNode(String fileName, Node n) {
        executeHTMLMethod(fileName, "start", n);

        NodeList kids = n.getChildNodes();

        for (int k = 0; k < kids.getLength(); k++) {
            processNode(fileName, kids.item(k)); // Recursively call each child.

        executeHTMLMethod(fileName, "end", n);

     * Executes a method in the {@link uvi.Sweeper} class based on a node tag name
     * (i.e.&nbsp;'VNCLASS') and a 'start' or 'end' flag.  Each of the methods in Sweeper,
     * startVNCLASS, endVNCLASS, startMEMBERS, endMEMBERS, etc., produce HTML code.
     * This method just calls the right method based on the current node being
     * processed by {@link uvi.Generator#processNode(Node)}.
     * @param which either the value 'start' or 'end', the string to prepend to the
     *        tag name when locating the method in {@link uvi.Sweeper}
     * @param n the node whose tag name should be located in the Sweeper methods
     * @see uvi.Sweeper
    private static void executeHTMLMethod(String fileName, String which, Node n) {

        // Verify flag is a valid token.
        if (!which.equals("start") && !which.equals("end")) {
            eprintln("ERROR: Invalid \"which\" parameter.  Possible values are \"start\" and \"end\".");

        // Use the appropriate reflection methods to execute the desired method.
        try {
            Class<?>[] classes = { Node.class };

            Method m = Sweeper.class.getDeclaredMethod(which + n.getNodeName(), classes);

            Object[] args = { n };

            m.invoke(null, args);
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
            // Do nothing - this is not an error condition.  It merely means the developer has not
            // specified any action for this node at this point (i.e. 'start' or 'end').
        } catch (SecurityException se) {
            eprintln("ERROR: [" + fileName + "; Security/refl] " + se.getMessage() + ".");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            eprintln("ERROR: [" + fileName + "; Generic/refl] " + e.getMessage() + ".");
        } catch (Error err) {
            eprintln("ERROR: [" + fileName + "; Generic/refl-err] " + err.getMessage() + ".");

    private static void loadThemRoleLinks() {
        for (VerbNetClass vnc : VerbNet.getClasses()) {
            for (Role r : vnc.getRoles()) {
                Index.addLink(vnc.getName() + "-" + vnc.getId(), DS_THEMROLE, r.getRoleValue().toString(),
                        "themroles/" + r.getRoleValue().toString() + ".php");
        for (RoleValue r : RoleValue.values()) {
            Index.addLink(r.toString(), DS_THEMROLE, r.toString(), "themroles/" + r.toString() + ".php");

    private static void loadPredicateLinks() {
        Set<String> added = new HashSet<String>();
        for (VerbNetClass vnc : VerbNet.getClasses()) {
            for (SemanticFrame sf : vnc.getSemanticFrames()) {
                for (Predicate p : sf.predicates) {
                    if (!added.contains(vnc.getName() + "-" + vnc.getId() + "-" + p.value)) {
                        Index.addLink(vnc.getName() + "-" + vnc.getId(), DS_PREDICATE, p.value,
                                "predicates/" + p.value + ".php");
                        added.add(vnc.getName() + "-" + vnc.getId() + "-" + p.value);
                    if (!added.contains(p.value)) {
                        Index.addLink(p.value, DS_PREDICATE, p.value, "predicates/" + p.value + ".php");

     * Reads in data from an alternate data source (one other than VerbNet).
     * Based on the source requested via the argument, a file name is chosen
     * and a its data is extracted into the appropriate internal data structure.
     * Each file has its own format and is accounted for herein.
     * @param type which file to read in and add to the index.  This should be
     *        one of the DS_* constants.
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateIndexFiles()
     * @see uvi.Index#addLink(String, int, String, String)
     * @see uvi.VN_FN_Map#addMapPair(String, String, String)
     * @see uvi.WordNet
    private static void addOthers(int type) {
        String fileName = "";

        // Decide which file name should be used, based on the requested source.
        switch (type) {
        case DS_PROPBANK:
            fileName = "propbank.s";
        case DS_FRAMENET:
            fileName = "framenet.s";
        case DS_GROUPING:
            fileName = "grouping.s";
        case DS_WORDNET:
            fileName = "wordnet.s";
        case DS_VN_FN:
            fileName = "vn-fn.s";
        case DS_VN_CYC:
            fileName = "vn-cyc.s";

            eprintln("ERROR: Invalid Generator.DS_* constant.");

        try {

            // If the data source is an XML file...
            if (type == DS_FRAMENET || type == DS_VN_FN || type == DS_VN_CYC) {

                // Create essential JDOM objects.
                DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();

                // So XML files are checked against their DTD.  This assumes that
                // there is an inline DTD inside the file, or that the XML file
                // references an external DTD file.

                DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();

                XMLErrorHandler xmlErrH = new XMLErrorHandler();

                // So custom error messages can be printed (see XMLErrorHandler).

                // Let the JDOM XML error handler know what input file is currently
                // being processed so it can report which file contained the error.

                Document doc = db.parse((File) sFiles.get(fileName));

                // Scan the FrameNet XML tree.
                if (type == DS_FRAMENET) {
                    NodeList members = doc.getElementsByTagName("lexical-entry");

                    for (int m = 0; m < members.getLength(); m++) {
                        Element e = (Element) members.item(m);

                        String vb = e.getAttribute("name").replaceAll(" ", "_"); // Disallow spaces for searchable index reasons.
                        String fm = e.getAttribute("frame");

                        vb = vb.substring(0, vb.length() - 2); // Strip '.v'

                        String fnUrlPattern = getProperty("fnUrlPattern", "ErrorNoFnUrlPatternDefined-{1}");
                        fnUrlPattern = fnUrlPattern.replaceAll("\\{1\\}", fm);

                        // Add the link to the index.
                        Index.addLink(vb, DS_FRAMENET, "(fn " + fm + ")", fnUrlPattern);

                // Scan the VN-FN XML tree.
                else if (type == DS_VN_FN) {
                    NodeList members = doc.getElementsByTagName("vncls");

                    for (int m = 0; m < members.getLength(); m++) {
                        Element e = (Element) members.item(m);

                        String cl = e.getAttribute("class");
                        String vn = e.getAttribute("vnmember");
                        String fn = e.getAttribute("fnframe");

                        // Add the class-verb-frame tuple to a special data structure
                        // designed to hold the VN-FN information.  Only add those
                        // entries that aren't 'not available' or 'different sense'.
                        if (!fn.equals("NA") && !fn.equals("DS") && !fn.equals("")) {
                            VN_FN_Map.addMapPair(cl, vn, fn);

                        if (fn.equals("")) {
                            eprintln("WARNING: VN-FN mapping should not have a blank fnframe attribute (" + cl + "/"
                                    + vn + ").");

                // Scan the VN-CYC XML tree.  (never finished)
                else if (type == DS_VN_CYC) {
                    NodeList members = doc.getElementsByTagName("tuple");

                    for (int m = 0; m < members.getLength(); m++) {
                        Element e = (Element) members.item(m);

                        String vnc = e.getAttribute("vnc");
                        String vnm = e.getAttribute("vnm");
                        String vnf = e.getAttribute("vnf");
                        String crl = e.getAttribute("crule");

                        // finish...

            // Scan the PropBank file.
            else if (type == DS_PROPBANK) {
                BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader((File) sFiles.get(fileName)));
                String line;

                // Read the desired file line-by-line.
                while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {

                    // Split the 'verb,url' pair into its constituent parts.
                    String[] parts = line.split(",");

                    // Add a PropBank entry to the index.
                    Index.addLink(parts[0], DS_PROPBANK, "(PropBank)", parts[1]);


            // Scan the Grouping file.
            else if (type == DS_GROUPING) {
                BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader((File) sFiles.get(fileName)));
                String line;

                // Read the desired file line-by-line.
                while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {

                    // Split the 'verb,url' pair into its constituent parts.
                    String[] parts = line.split(",");

                    // Add a Grouping entry to the index.
                    Index.addLink(parts[0], DS_GROUPING, "(Grouping)", parts[1]);


            // Scan the WordNet file (wordnet.s should be the index.sense file).
            else if (type == DS_WORDNET) {
                if (flVerbose && !flQuiet) {
                    println("   --> Step 1: VerbNet pre-scan for just members...");

                // Look for all the sense keys that will need sense numbers looked up.

                if (flVerbose && !flQuiet) {
                    println("   --> Step 2: Scan index.sense (wordnet.s) for required sense numbers...");

                // Look up the sense numbers for the sense keys that exist in VerbNet.
                WordNet.loadSenseNumbers((File) sFiles.get("wordnet.s"));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            eprintln("ERROR: Cannot read from file \"" + fileName + "\". " + e.getMessage());

     * Creates the main index page and index pages for each letter of the alphabet.
     * The HTML generated is based on the {@link uvi.Index} class which should
     * contain all links to be displayed.  The VerbNet links are added to index in
     * {@link uvi.Generator#generateOneFile(DocumentBuilder, File)} and the PropBank and FrameNet
     * links are added in {@link uvi.Generator#addOthers(int)}.  This method also
     * generates the <I>searchable index files</I> used by the search mechanism
     * to provide fast search results.
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateHTMLFiles()
     * @see uvi.Sweeper#startMEMBER(Node)
    private static void generateIndexFiles() {
        String iName = "index.php";

        // Print the current file being generated.
        if (flVerbose && !flQuiet) {
            println("Processing index file \"" + iName + "\"...");

        // Begin with the HTML for the white box that the index letters
        // will go in.
        String indexHTML = "<TABLE class='IndexLetterBox' align='center' cellspacing=0 cellpadding=7>"
                + "<TR><TD align='center'>";
        String indexHTML2 = "<TABLE class='IndexLetterBox' align='center' cellspacing=0 cellpadding=7>"
                + "<TR><TD align='center'>";

        // Add a hyperlink letter for each letter for which there
        // exist verbs.
        for (int a = 0; a < Index.index.length; a++) {
            if (Index.index[a] != null) {
                char L = (char) (a + 65);

                indexHTML += "<A href='index/" + L + ".php'>" + L + "</A>";
                indexHTML2 += "<A href='" + L + ".php'>" + L + "</A>";

                if (a != Index.index.length - 1) {
                    indexHTML += "&nbsp;&nbsp;"; // Add spaces between letters.
                    indexHTML2 += "&nbsp;&nbsp;"; // Add spaces between letters.

        indexHTML += "</TD></TR></TABLE>";
        indexHTML2 += "</TD></TR></TABLE>";

        // Open the stream to the main index page.
        Q.setWriter(createHTMLOutStream(iName, "header.s", "index.s"));

        // Write the index table to the main index page and close the stream.
        if (Q.getWriter() != null) {

            Q.oh(2, indexHTML);
            Q.oh(2, "");
            Q.oh(2, "<BR><BR>");
            Q.oh(2, "");

            String banner = getProperty("indexBanner", "");
            if (!banner.equals("")) {
                Q.oh(2, "<TABLE class='IndexBannerBox' align='center' cellspacing=0 cellpadding=7>");
                Q.oh(3, "<TR><TD align='center'>");
                Q.oh(4, banner);
                Q.oh(3, "</TD></TR>");
                Q.oh(2, "</TABLE>");
                Q.oh(2, "<BR><BR>");
                Q.oh(2, "");

            Q.oh(2, "<TABLE class='TotalsTable' align='center' cellspacing=0 cellpadding=13>");
            Q.oh(3, "<TR>");
            Q.oh(4, "<TD>");
            Q.oh(5, "<FONT class='TotalsTableTitle'>The index has...</FONT>");
            if (!flNoIndexVn) {
                Q.oh(5, "<BR><FONT class='TotalsTableNum'>" + Index.getNumVerbs(-1)
                        + "</FONT> total verbs represented<BR>");
                Q.oh(5, "<FONT class='TotalsTableNum'>" + Index.getNumVerbs(DS_VERBNET)
                        + "</FONT> total VerbNet links<BR>");
                Q.oh(5, "<FONT class='TotalsTableNum'>" + xmlFiles.length
                        + "</FONT> total VerbNet main classes<BR>");
                Q.oh(5, "<FONT class='TotalsTableNum'>" + totalSubclasses + "</FONT> total VerbNet subclasses");
            if (!flNoIndexPb) {
                Q.oh(5, "<BR><FONT class='TotalsTableNum'>" + Index.getNumVerbs(DS_PROPBANK)
                        + "</FONT> total PropBank links");
            if (!flNoIndexFn) {
                Q.oh(5, "<BR><FONT class='TotalsTableNum'>" + Index.getNumVerbs(DS_FRAMENET)
                        + "</FONT> total FrameNet links");
            if (!flNoIndexSg) {
                Q.oh(5, "<BR><FONT class='TotalsTableNum'>" + Index.getNumVerbs(DS_GROUPING)
                        + "</FONT> total Grouping links");
            Q.oh(4, "</TD>");
            Q.oh(3, "</TR>");
            Q.oh(2, "</TABLE>");
            Q.oh(2, "");
            Q.oh(2, "<BR>");

            closeHTMLOutStream(Q.getWriter(), iName);

        // Create the HTML index page for each letter.
        for (int a = 0; a < Index.index.length; a++) {
            ArrayList thisList = Index.index[a];

            // If this letter has a corresponding index array, then at least
            // one verb must have been added to the index during the course
            // of the program.  The 'index' array in the 'Index' class holds
            // ArrayList objects.  But the ArrayList is only instaniated when
            // the first verb of that letter is being added to the index.
            if (thisList != null) {
                char L = (char) (a + 65); // The capital letter.

                String lName = "index/" + L + ".php"; // The file name for the web page.
                String sName = "search/search-index-" + L; // The file name for the searchable index file.

                // Print the current file being generated.
                if (flVerbose && !flQuiet) {
                    println("Processing index file \"" + lName + "\"...");

                // Open the stream to the index file for this letter.

                // Open the stream to the searchable index file.
                PrintWriter search = createHTMLOutStream(sName, null);

                if (Q.getWriter() != null) {

                    // Write the image and the index table generated earlier.
                    Q.oh(2, "<BR>");
                    Q.oh(2, "");
                    Q.oh(2, "<DIV class='IndexImageCenter'>");
                    Q.oh(3, "<IMG src='../images/" + L + ".jpg' width=89 height=72 border=1 alt='" + L + "'>");
                    Q.oh(2, "</DIV>");
                    Q.oh(2, "");
                    Q.oh(2, "<BR>");
                    Q.oh(2, "");
                    Q.oh(2, indexHTML2);
                    Q.oh(2, "");
                    Q.oh(2, "<TABLE width='80%' cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 align='center'>");

                    // Add a row for a post comments link and a jump to classes link.
                    Q.oh(3, "<TR>");
                    Q.oh(4, "<TD width='14%'>&nbsp;</TD>");
                    Q.oh(4, "<TD width='86%' align='right'>");
                    Q.oh(5, "<A href='javascript:postComment( \"" + lName
                            + "\", \"generic-comments\" );'>Post Generic Comment</A> | ");
                    Q.oh(5, "<A href='#classes'>Go To Classes</A>");
                    Q.oh(4, "</TD>");
                    Q.oh(3, "</TR>");

                    // Print the entry for each verb for this letter.
                    for (int e = 0; e < thisList.size(); e++) {

                        // Grab the verb entry.
                        Index.Entry ie = (Index.Entry) thisList.get(e);

                        // Alternate colors for the rows.
                        String color = (e % 2 == 0) ? "EntryColor1" : "EntryColor2";

                        // Initialize the CSS for the side borders.
                        String leftBorder = "border-left: 1px #000000 solid;";
                        String rightBorder = "border-right: 1px #000000 solid;";

                        // If this is the first entry, add the CSS for the top border.
                        if (e == 0) {
                            leftBorder += "border-top: 1px #000000 solid;";
                            rightBorder += "border-top: 1px #000000 solid;";

                        // If this is the last entry, add the CSS for the bottom border.
                        if (e == thisList.size() - 1) {
                            leftBorder += "border-bottom: 1px #000000 solid;";
                            rightBorder += "border-bottom: 1px #000000 solid;";

                        // Print the empty cell, the cell with the verb, and begin the details cell.
                        Q.oh(3, "<TR valign='top' class='" + color + "'>");
                        Q.oh(4, "<TD width='14%' style='" + leftBorder + "'>" + ie.verb.replaceAll("_", " ")
                                + "</TD>");
                        Q.oh(4, "<TD width='86%' style='" + rightBorder + "'>");

                        // Print each Link for this verb.  A verb will have various
                        // links for it over the course of the program.
                        for (int l = 0; l < ie.links.size(); l++) {
                            Index.Link il = (Index.Link) ie.links.get(l);

                            // Check to see if this link has already been printed, and show
                            // a warning if need be.  This happens if a VerbNet verb is listed
                            // twice in the same class for example.
                            for (int l2 = l - 1; l2 >= 0; l2--) {
                                Index.Link itest = (Index.Link) ie.links.get(l2);

                                if (itest.text.equals(il.text)) {
                                    if (itest.type == DS_VERBNET) {
                                        eprintln("WARNING: [" + il.text + "] Verb '" + ie.verb
                                                + "' appears in this subclass more than once.");
                                    } else {
                                        eprintln("WARNING: [" + il.text + "] Verb '" + ie.verb
                                                + "' has one or more identical links.");

                            String extra;

                            // Allow a VerbNet subclass link to jump right to the right
                            // spot on the target page.
                            if (il.type == DS_VERBNET) {
                                extra = "#" + il.text;
                            } else {
                                extra = "";

                            // Print the link with a comma.
                            String cm = (l == ie.links.size() - 1) ? "" : ", ";
                            String relDir = (il.type == DS_VERBNET) ? "../" : "";
                            Q.oh(5, "<A href='" + relDir + + extra + "'><NOBR>" + il.text + "</NOBR></A>"
                                    + cm);

                            // Write this link to the searchable index file.
                            if (search != null) {
                                String src = "";
                                String label = "";

                                // Choose type token and label.
                                switch (il.type) {
                                case DS_VERBNET:
                                    src = "V";
                                    label = il.text;
                                case DS_PROPBANK:
                                    src = "P";
                                    label = ie.verb + ".v";
                                case DS_FRAMENET:
                                    src = "F";
                                    label = computeFrameNetLabel(;
                                case DS_GROUPING:
                                    src = "G";
                                    label = ie.verb + ".v";
                                case DS_THEMROLE:
                                    src = "R";
                                    label = il.text;
                                case DS_PREDICATE:
                                    src = "PR";
                                    label = il.text;

                                // Write verb, source, label, and link to file.
                                search.println(ie.verb + " " + src + " " + label + " " +;

                        // End the row for the entry
                        Q.oh(4, "</TD>");
                        Q.oh(3, "</TR>");

                    int classCount = 0;

                    // Count the number of classes that start with this letter.
                    for (int x = 0; x < xmlFiles.length; x++) {
                        if (xmlFiles[x].getName().toUpperCase().charAt(0) == L) {

                    // Add total row.
                    Q.oh(3, "<TR>");
                    Q.oh(4, "<TD width='100%' colspan=2 class='TotalRow'>"
                            + "Total verbs represented for this letter: " + thisList.size() + "</TD>");
                    Q.oh(3, "</TR>");

                    // Add blank row.
                    Q.oh(3, "<TR>");
                    Q.oh(4, "<TD width='100%' colspan=2>&nbsp;</TD>");
                    Q.oh(3, "</TR>");

                    if (!flNoIndexVn) {

                        // Show title for next section.
                        Q.oh(3, "<TR>");
                        Q.oh(4, "<TD width='100%' colspan=2 class='YesCaps'>"
                                + "<A name='classes'></A>VerbNet class names for this letter</TD>");
                        Q.oh(3, "</TR>");

                        if (classCount == 0) {
                            Q.oh(3, "<TR valign='middle'>");
                            Q.oh(4, "<TD width='100%' colspan=2 class='NoClassNames'>"
                                    + "&nbsp;<FONT class='AbsenceOfItems'>No class names for this letter</FONT></TD>");
                            Q.oh(3, "</TR>");
                        } else {
                            int thisLetterCount = 0;

                            // Add rows for the class names that start with this letter.
                            for (int x = 0; x < xmlFiles.length; x++) {
                                String fName = xmlFiles[x].getName();

                                if (fName.toUpperCase().charAt(0) == L) {
                                    String hasSubC = "";


                                    String cName = fName.substring(0, fName.lastIndexOf("."));

                                    // Alternate colors for the rows.
                                    String color = (thisLetterCount % 2 == 1) ? "EntryColor1" : "EntryColor2";

                                    // Initialize the CSS for the side borders.
                                    String border = "border-left: 1px #000000 solid;border-right: 1px #000000 solid;";

                                    // If this is the first entry, add the CSS for the top border.
                                    if (thisLetterCount == 1) {
                                        border += "border-top: 1px #000000 solid;";

                                    // If this is the last entry, add the CSS for the bottom border.
                                    if (thisLetterCount == classCount) {
                                        border += "border-bottom: 1px #000000 solid;";

                                    // If the main class in this XML file has subclasses, add a message.
                                    if (classesWithSubclasses
                                            .indexOf("@@" + fName.replaceAll("\\.xml", ".php") + "@@") != -1) {
                                        hasSubC = "<FONT class='HasSubclasses'>- has subclass(es)</FONT>";

                                    Q.oh(3, "<TR class='" + color + "'>");
                                    Q.oh(4, "<TD width='100%' colspan=2 style='" + border + "'>");
                                    Q.oh(6, "&nbsp;<A href='../vn/" + fName.replaceAll("\\.xml", ".php") + "'>"
                                            + cName + "</A> " + hasSubC + "</TD>");
                                    Q.oh(3, "</TR>");

                                    // Write the classes to the searchable index file.
                                    if (search != null) {
                                        search.println(fName.replaceAll("\\.xml", "") + " C " + cName + " vn/"
                                                + fName.replaceAll("\\.xml", ".php"));

                            // Add total row.
                            Q.oh(3, "<TR>");
                            Q.oh(4, "<TD width='100%' colspan=2 class='TotalRow'>"
                                    + "Total classes represented for this letter: " + thisLetterCount + "</TD>");
                            Q.oh(3, "</TR>");

                    // Close the table for this letter index.
                    Q.oh(2, "</TABLE>");
                    Q.oh(2, "");
                    Q.oh(2, "<BR>");
                    Q.oh(2, "");
                    Q.oh(2, "<FORM name='frmPostComment' method='post' action='../postcomment.php'>");
                    Q.oh(3, "<INPUT type='hidden' name='txtFileName'>");
                    Q.oh(3, "<INPUT type='hidden' name='txtClassName'>");
                    Q.oh(2, "</FORM>");

                    // Close the stream to the index page.
                    closeHTMLOutStream(Q.getWriter(), lName);

                    // Close the stream to the searchable index file.
                    if (search != null) {
                } // if( Q.getWriter() != null )
            } // if( thisList != null )
        } // for( int a = 0; a < Index.index.length; a++ )

    private static String computeFrameNetLabel(String url) {
        String fnUrlPattern = getProperty("fnUrlPattern", "ErrorNoFnUrlPatternDefined-{1}");
        int tokenIndex = fnUrlPattern.indexOf("{1}");
        int numEndChars = fnUrlPattern.length() - tokenIndex - 3;
        return url.substring(tokenIndex, url.length() - numEndChars);

    // Opening/Closing Files //

     * Creates a new output file and returns an output stream to it.  The
     * new file will be initialized with the lines of text from the file
     * <CODE>header.s</CODE>.  If the overwrite flag is
     * not specified then the file cannot already exist, otherwise the
     * method will fail and return <CODE>null</CODE>.  This method
     * also replacees all special sequences in the initial file to the
     * appropriate values.
     * @param fileName the name of the file to create and open
     * @return an output stream associated with the requested file, or
     *         <CODE>null</CODE> if any error is encountered
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateHTMLFiles()
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateIndexFiles()
     * @see uvi.Generator#replaceSpecialSequences(String, String)
    static PrintWriter createHTMLOutStream(String fileName) {
        return createHTMLOutStream(fileName, "header.s");

     * Creates a new output file and returns an output stream to it.  The
     * new file will be initialized with the lines of text from the file
     * with name <CODE>startWithFile</CODE>.  If the overwrite flag is
     * not specified then the file cannot already exist, otherwise the
     * method will fail and return <CODE>null</CODE>.  This method
     * also replaces all special sequences in the initial file to the
     * appropriate values.
     * @param fileName the name of the file to create and open
     * @param startWithFile thhe name of the file which should be
     *        loaded into the first file after it is created.
     * @return an output stream associated with the requested file, or
     *         <CODE>null</CODE> if any error is encountered
     * @see uvi.Generator#copySupplementalFiles()
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateIndexFiles()
     * @see uvi.Generator#replaceSpecialSequences(String, String)
    private static PrintWriter createHTMLOutStream(String fileName, String startWithFile) {
        return createHTMLOutStream(fileName, startWithFile, null);

     * Creates a new output file and returns an output stream to it.  The
     * new file will be initialized with the lines of text from the files
     * with names <CODE>startWithFile</CODE> and <CODE>startWithFile2</CODE>.
     * If the overwrite flag is
     * not specified then the files cannot already exist, otherwise the
     * method will fail and return <CODE>null</CODE>.  This method
     * also replacees all special sequences in the initial file to the
     * appropriate values.
     * @param fileName the name of the file to create and open
     * @param startWithFile the name of the file which should be
     *        loaded into the first file after it is created
     * @param startWithFile2 the name of the second file whose text
     *        is to be appended to the newly opened file
     * @return an output stream associated with the requested file, or
     *         <CODE>null</CODE> if any error is encountered
     * @see uvi.Generator#copySupplementalFiles()
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateIndexFiles()
     * @see uvi.Generator#replaceSpecialSequences(String, String)
    private static PrintWriter createHTMLOutStream(String fileName, String startWithFile, String startWithFile2) {
        File outFile = new File(outDir, fileName);

        // Skip this file if it exists and the overwrite flag has not been specified.
        if (outFile.exists() && !flOverwrite) {
            eprintln("ERROR: Output file \"" + fileName
                    + "\" already exists and overwrite not specified, skipping.");
            return null;

        PrintWriter pw;

        // Create a blank file (superfluous) and attempt to open the stream to the new file.
        try {
            pw = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outFile)));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            eprintln("ERROR: Problem opening output file \"" + fileName + "\".  " + e.getMessage());

            pw = null;

        // Write all the lines from the initialization file(s) to the new file.
        try {
            BufferedReader header;
            String line;

            // Append the first file to the new file (this will almost always be provided).
            if (startWithFile != null) {
                header = new BufferedReader(new FileReader((File) sFiles.get(startWithFile)));

                while ((line = header.readLine()) != null) {
                    line = replaceSpecialSequences(line, fileName);



            // Append the text in the second file, if provided, to the new file.
            if (startWithFile2 != null) {
                header = new BufferedReader(new FileReader((File) sFiles.get(startWithFile2)));

                while ((line = header.readLine()) != null) {
                    line = replaceSpecialSequences(line, fileName);


        } catch (Exception e) {
            String f2 = "";

            if (startWithFile2 != null) {
                f2 = ",FromFile2=" + startWithFile2;

            eprintln("ERROR: Problem contructing file \"" + fileName + "\".  [FromFile1=" + startWithFile + f2
                    + "]");
            pw = null;

        return pw;

     * Closes the output stream to a file.  The files whose streams are closed with
     * this method are the VerbNet class files, main index file, and letter index files.
     * This method writes the file <CODE>footer.s</CODE> to each file before closing it.
     * @param outWriter the output stream to be closed
     * @param fileName the original name of the file to which this output
     *        stream was opened.  This is required only so
     *        {@link uvi.Generator#replaceSpecialSequences(String, String)} will know how to
     *        replace the special sequences in <CODE>footer.s</CODE>
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateHTMLFiles()
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateIndexFiles()
     * @see uvi.Generator#replaceSpecialSequences(String, String)
    static void closeHTMLOutStream(PrintWriter outWriter, String fileName) {
        try {
            BufferedReader footer = new BufferedReader(new FileReader((File) sFiles.get("footer.s")));
            String line;

            while ((line = footer.readLine()) != null) {
                line = replaceSpecialSequences(line, fileName);


        } catch (Exception e) {
            eprintln("ERROR: Problem opening supplemental file \"footer.s\".  " + e.getMessage());


     * Replaces all special sequences in a given line of text with corresponding
     * real-world values.  The available special sequences are: <CODE>@@browser-title@@</CODE>,
     * <CODE>@@page-title@@</CODE>, <CODE>@@license@@</CODE>, <CODE>@@date@@</CODE>, and
     * <CODE>@@time@@</CODE>.  More details about these are supplied in the README file.
     * @param line the line which requires replacement of any existing special sequences
     * @param fileName the name of the file that the line came from.  This will be
     *        used to determine exactly how to replace certain sequences, since
     *        different files will need to display different information around their
     *        borders.
     * @see uvi.Generator#createHTMLOutStream(String, String, String)
     * @see uvi.Generator#closeHTMLOutStream(PrintWriter, String)
    private static String replaceSpecialSequences(String line, String fileName) {
        String n;
        String flavor = getProperty("vnFlavorName", "VerbNet");

        // Just examine the file name portion (there could be
        // a directory on here).
        fileName = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);

        // Remove the extension of a file name to get an OK title for the file.
        if (fileName.lastIndexOf(".") == -1) {
            n = fileName;
        } else {
            n = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf("."));

        // Replace the special tokens based on whether the file in question
        // is an index page or a VerbNet page.
        if (fileName.matches("index\\.php")) {
            line = line.replaceAll("@@rel-dir@@", ".");
            line = line.replaceAll("@@browser-title@@", "Unified Verb Index");
            line = line.replaceAll("@@page-title@@", "&nbsp;");
            if (!flNoIndexVn) {
                line = line.replaceAll("@@footer-links@@",
                        "<A href='vn/reference.php'>Reference</A> | <A href='vn/class-h.php'>Class Hierarchy</A>");
            } else {
                line = line.replaceAll("@@footer-links@@", "&nbsp;");

            String contact = "<A href='contact.php'>Contact</A>";
            if (!flNoInsp) {
                contact += " | <A href='inspector/'>Inspector</A>";
            if (!flNoVxC) {
                contact += " | <A href='vxc/'>VxC</A>";
            if (!flNoGen) {
                contact += " | <A href='generator/'>Generator</A>";

            line = line.replaceAll("@@license@@", contact);
        } else if (fileName.matches("[A-Z]\\.php")) {
            line = line.replaceAll("@@rel-dir@@", "..");
            line = line.replaceAll("@@browser-title@@", "Unified Verb Index: " + n);
            line = line.replaceAll("@@page-title@@", "Unified Verb Index");
            if (!flNoIndexVn) {
                line = line.replaceAll("@@footer-links@@",
                        "<A href='../vn/reference.php'>Reference</A> | <A href='../vn/class-h.php'>Class Hierarchy</A>");
            } else {
                line = line.replaceAll("@@footer-links@@", "&nbsp;");

            String contact = "<A href='contact.php'>Contact</A>";
            if (!flNoInsp) {
                contact += " | <A href='../inspector/'>Inspector</A>";
            if (!flNoVxC) {
                contact += " | <A href='../vxc/'>VxC</A>";
            if (!flNoGen) {
                contact += " | <A href='../generator/'>Generator</A>";

            line = line.replaceAll("@@license@@", contact);
        } else if (fileName.matches("contact\\.php")) {
            line = line.replaceAll("@@rel-dir@@", ".");
            line = line.replaceAll("@@browser-title@@", "Unified Verb Index: Contact");
            line = line.replaceAll("@@page-title@@", "Contact Information");
            if (!flNoIndexVn) {
                line = line.replaceAll("@@footer-links@@",
                        "<A href='vn/reference.php'>Reference</A> | <A href='vn/class-h.php'>Class Hierarchy</A>");
            } else {
                line = line.replaceAll("@@footer-links@@", "&nbsp;");

            String contact = "<A href='contact.php'>Contact</A>";
            if (!flNoInsp) {
                contact += " | <A href='inspector/'>Inspector</A>";
            if (!flNoVxC) {
                contact += " | <A href='vxc/'>VxC</A>";
            if (!flNoGen) {
                contact += " | <A href='generator/'>Generator</A>";

            line = line.replaceAll("@@license@@", contact);
        } else if (fileName.matches("search\\.php")) {
            line = line.replaceAll("@@rel-dir@@", ".");
            line = line.replaceAll("@@browser-title@@", "Unified Verb Index: Search");
            line = line.replaceAll("@@page-title@@", "Search");
            if (!flNoIndexVn) {
                line = line.replaceAll("@@footer-links@@",
                        "<A href='vn/reference.php'>Reference</A> | <A href='vn/class-h.php'>Class Hierarchy</A>");
            } else {
                line = line.replaceAll("@@footer-links@@", "&nbsp;");

            String contact = "<A href='contact.php'>Contact</A>";
            if (!flNoInsp) {
                contact += " | <A href='inspector/'>Inspector</A>";
            if (!flNoVxC) {
                contact += " | <A href='vxc/'>VxC</A>";
            if (!flNoGen) {
                contact += " | <A href='generator/'>Generator</A>";

            line = line.replaceAll("@@license@@", contact);
        } else if (fileName.matches("postcomment\\.php")) {
            line = line.replaceAll("@@rel-dir@@", ".");
            line = line.replaceAll("@@browser-title@@", "Unified Verb Index: Post Comment");
            line = line.replaceAll("@@page-title@@", "Post A Comment");
            line = line.replaceAll("@@license@@", "&nbsp;");
            line = line.replaceAll("@@footer-links@@", "&nbsp;");
        } else if (fileName.matches("comments\\.php")) {
            line = line.replaceAll("@@rel-dir@@", ".");
            line = line.replaceAll("@@browser-title@@", "Unified Verb Index: Comments");
            line = line.replaceAll("@@page-title@@", "View and Delete Comments");
            line = line.replaceAll("@@license@@", "&nbsp;");
            line = line.replaceAll("@@footer-links@@", "&nbsp;");
        } else if (fileName.matches("login\\.php")) {
            line = line.replaceAll("@@rel-dir@@", ".");
            line = line.replaceAll("@@browser-title@@", "Unified Verb Index: Login");
            line = line.replaceAll("@@page-title@@", "Login");
            line = line.replaceAll("@@license@@", "&nbsp;");
            line = line.replaceAll("@@footer-links@@", "&nbsp;");
        } else if (fileName.matches("reference\\.php")) {
            String contact = "<A href='../contact.php'>Contact</A>";
            line = line.replaceAll("@@rel-dir@@", "..");
            line = line.replaceAll("@@browser-title@@", flavor + " Reference Page");
            line = line.replaceAll("@@page-title@@", flavor + " Reference Page");
            line = line.replaceAll("@@license@@", contact + " | <A href='"
                    + "projects/verbnet/downloads.html'>VerbNet Download &amp; License</A>");
            if (!flNoIndexVn) {
                line = line.replaceAll("@@footer-links@@",
                        "<A href='reference.php'>Reference</A> | <A href='class-h.php'>Class Hierarchy</A>");
            } else {
                line = line.replaceAll("@@footer-links@@", "&nbsp;");
        } else if (fileName.matches("class-h\\.php")) {
            String contact = "<A href='../contact.php'>Contact</A>";
            line = line.replaceAll("@@rel-dir@@", "..");
            line = line.replaceAll("@@browser-title@@", flavor + " Class Hierarchy");
            line = line.replaceAll("@@page-title@@", flavor + " Class Hierarchy");
            line = line.replaceAll("@@license@@", contact + " | <A href='"
                    + "projects/verbnet/downloads.html'>VerbNet Download &amp; License</A>");
            if (!flNoIndexVn) {
                line = line.replaceAll("@@footer-links@@",
                        "<A href='reference.php'>Reference</A> | <A href='class-h.php'>Class Hierarchy</A>");
            } else {
                line = line.replaceAll("@@footer-links@@", "&nbsp;");
        } else // All VerbNet class files will fall into here, and a few other files as well (i.e. those that don't use @@ tokens).
            String contact = "<A href='../contact.php'>Contact</A>";
            line = line.replaceAll("@@rel-dir@@", "..");
            line = line.replaceAll("@@browser-title@@", flavor + ": " + n);
            line = line.replaceAll("@@page-title@@", flavor + " v" + getProperty("vnVersion", "?"));
            line = line.replaceAll("@@license@@", contact + " | <A href='"
                    + "projects/verbnet/downloads.html'>VerbNet Download &amp; License</A>");
            if (!flNoIndexVn) {
                line = line.replaceAll("@@footer-links@@",
                        "<A href='../vn/reference.php'>Reference</A> | <A href='../vn/class-h.php'>Class Hierarchy</A>");
            } else {
                line = line.replaceAll("@@footer-links@@", "&nbsp;");

        // Replace the special token with the current date.
        if (line.indexOf("@@date@@") != -1) {
            String d = runTime.get(Calendar.YEAR) + "." + (runTime.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1) + "."
                    + runTime.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);

            line = line.replaceAll("@@date@@", d);

        // Replace the special token with the current time.
        if (line.indexOf("@@time@@") != -1) {
            String maintNotesLink;
            if (fileName.matches("index\\.php")) {
                maintNotesLink = "<A href='maint-notes.html' style='font-weight:normal;color:white;'>M</A>";
            } else {
                maintNotesLink = "M";
            String ap = ((runTime.get(Calendar.AM_PM) == 0) ? "A" : "P") + maintNotesLink;
            String h = (runTime.get(Calendar.HOUR) == 0) ? "12" : "" + runTime.get(Calendar.HOUR);
            String m = (runTime.get(Calendar.MINUTE) < 10) ? "0" + runTime.get(Calendar.MINUTE)
                    : "" + runTime.get(Calendar.MINUTE);

            String t = h + ":" + m + " " + ap;

            line = line.replaceAll("@@time@@", t);

        return line;

    // Supplemental Classes //

     * Exception class for identifying when the user did not supply a
     * command-line of the proper format.
     * @see uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])
    private static class InvalidCommandLineArgumentException extends IllegalArgumentException {

         * Constructs the exception object with the given message.
         * @param message the text of the exception
        public InvalidCommandLineArgumentException(String message) {

     * Exception class for identifying when the user did not supply both
     * a valid XML input directory and a valid HTML output directory.
     * @see uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])
    private static class InvalidDirectoryException extends IOException {

         * Constructs the exception object with the given message.
         * @param message the text of the exception
        public InvalidDirectoryException(String message) {

     * Exception class for identifying when the user requests to
     * view the help/usage message for the program.
     * @see uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])
    private static class UserWantsHelpMessage extends Exception {

         * Constructs the exception object.
        public UserWantsHelpMessage() {

     * Exception class for identifying when the required supplemental directory
     * or the files within cannot be found or read.
     * @see uvi.Generator#checkSupplementalFiles()
    private static class InvalidSupplementalFilesException extends IOException {

         * Constructs the exception object with the given message.
         * @param message the text of the exception
        public InvalidSupplementalFilesException(String message) {

     * Decides which files to select for the {@link}
     * method of the {@link} class.
     * <BR><BR><I>NOTE: Any reference to "HTML Files" should be taken as a synonym for "PHP Files."
     * When this documentation was created, only *.html files were used.  Later, they were
     * converted to *.php files to facilitate dynamic content (i.e. comments).</I>
     * @see uvi.Generator#analyzeArguments(String[])
    private static class MyFilter implements FileFilter {
         * The extension of the files to select.
        private String ext;

         * Constructs this filter with the given extension on which to filter.
         * @param newExt the extension of the files to select (i.e. "xml")
        public MyFilter(String newExt) {
            ext = newExt;

         * Returns whether or not to accept the given file based on this filter.
         * @param pathName the path which should be accepted or rejected
         *        based on whether it contains the extension for this
         *        <CODE>MyFilter</CODE> object
         * @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the given file should be selected
        public boolean accept(File pathName) {
            return pathName.getName().endsWith("." + ext);

     * Contains the methods called by the {@link javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder} object
     * in {@link uvi.Generator#generateHTMLFiles()} when an error is encountered with an XML
     * file during the parsing thereof.  The DB object is given an instance of this class
     * and it calls the appropriate method if it encounters a problem.  This object is
     * also constantly being given the name of the current XML file being processed so it
     * can provide that information along with the error text.
     * <BR><BR><I>NOTE: Any reference to "HTML Files" should be taken as a synonym for "PHP Files."
     * When this documentation was created, only *.html files were used.  Later, they were
     * converted to *.php files to facilitate dynamic content (i.e. comments).</I>
     * @see uvi.Generator#generateHTMLFiles()
    private static class XMLErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler {
         * The current XML file being processed in the {@link uvi.Generator#generateHTMLFiles()}
         * method.
        private static String activeFile = "";

         * Constructs a new error handler.
        XMLErrorHandler() {

         * Sets the active file to the new file being processed.
         * @param newFile the file currently being processed
         * @see uvi.Generator#generateHTMLFiles()
        public void setActiveFile(String newFile) {
            activeFile = newFile;

         * Shows any error, along with file name and line number, found by the parser.
         * @param spe the exception generated by the parser
        public void error(SAXParseException spe) {
            eprintln("ERROR: [" + activeFile + "/Line " + spe.getLineNumber() + "] " + spe.getMessage());

         * Shows any fatal error, along with file name and line number, found by the parser.
         * @param spe the exception generated by the parser
        public void fatalError(SAXParseException spe) {
            eprintln("FATAL ERROR: [" + activeFile + "/Line " + spe.getLineNumber() + "] " + spe.getMessage());

         * Shows any warning, along with file name and line number, found by the parser.
         * @param spe the exception generated by the parser
        public void warning(SAXParseException spe) {
            eprintln("WARNING: [" + activeFile + "/Line " + spe.getLineNumber() + "] " + spe.getMessage());