Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2014 Inera AB, <> * * This file is part of SKLTP. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package se.skl.skltpservices.npoadapter.mapper.util; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.mule.api.MuleMessage; import org.slf4j.Logger; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.AD; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.ADXP; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.ANY; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.ATTESTATIONINFO; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.AUDITINFO; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.BL; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.CD; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.COMPOSITION; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.CONTENT; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.EHREXTRACT; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.ELEMENT; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.EN; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.ENTRY; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.ENXP; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.FUNCTIONALROLE; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.HEALTHCAREPROFESSIONALROLE; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.IDENTIFIEDENTITY; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.IDENTIFIEDHEALTHCAREPROFESSIONAL; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.II; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.INT; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.ITEM; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.IVLTS; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.LINK; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.ORGANISATION; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.ParameterType; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.RIV13606REQUESTEHREXTRACTRequestType; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.ResponseDetailType; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.ResponseDetailTypeCodes; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.ST; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.TEL; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.TELEMAIL; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.TELPHONE; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.TS; import se.skl.skltpservices.npoadapter.mapper.AbstractMapper; import se.skl.skltpservices.npoadapter.mapper.XMLBeanMapper; /** * Utility class to create and map common EHR types. * * @author torbjorncla */ public final class EHRUtil { public static final String CAREUNITHSAIDS = "careUnitHsaIds"; public static final String INFORMATIONSGARE="iag"; private static final ParameterType versionParameter = new ParameterType(); static { versionParameter.setName(stType("version")); versionParameter.setValue(stType("1.1")); } private static ThreadLocal<SimpleDateFormat> yyyyMMddFormatter=new ThreadLocal<SimpleDateFormat>(){@Override public SimpleDateFormat initialValue(){return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");}}; public static String formatTimestamp(Date timestamp) { return yyyyMMddFormatter.get().format(timestamp); } // public static Date parseTimePeriod(String dateString) throws ParseException { return yyyyMMddFormatter.get().parse(dateString); } public static String getElementTextValue(final ELEMENT e) { if (e != null && e.getValue() instanceof ST) { ST text = (ST) e.getValue(); return text.getValue(); } return null; } public static String getElementTimeValue(final ELEMENT e) { if (e != null && e.getValue() instanceof TS) { TS time = (TS) e.getValue(); return time.getValue(); } return null; } public static ST stType(final String value) { if (value == null) { return null; } final ST st = new ST(); st.setValue(value); return st; } public static TS tsType(final String value) { if (value == null) { return null; } final TS ts = new TS(); ts.setValue(value); return ts; } public static INT intType(final int value) { final INT _int = new INT(); _int.setValue(value); return _int; } public static String getPartValue(final List<EN> names) { final EN item = firstItem(names); if (item != null) { final ENXP part = firstItem(item.getPart()); return (part == null) ? null : part.getValue(); } return null; } public static <T> T firstItem(final List<T> list) { return (list.size() == 0) ? null : list.get(0); } public static String getCDCode(final CD cd) { return (cd == null) ? null : cd.getCode(); } public static IDENTIFIEDENTITY lookupDemographicIdentity(final List<IDENTIFIEDENTITY> demographics, final String hsaId) { for (final IDENTIFIEDENTITY identifiedentity : demographics) { if (hsaId.equals(identifiedentity.getExtractId().getExtension())) { return identifiedentity; } } return null; } public static ParameterType createParameter(String name, String value) { assert (name != null) && (value != null); final ParameterType parameterType = new ParameterType(); parameterType.setName(stType(name)); parameterType.setValue(stType(value)); return parameterType; } /** * Return TS value from ANY * @param obj * @return String value, might be null */ public static String getTSValue(final ANY obj) { if (obj instanceof TS && obj != null) { return ((TS) obj).getValue(); } return null; } public static String getSTValue(final ANY obj) { if (obj instanceof ST && obj != null) { return ((ST) obj).getValue(); } return null; } public static ELEMENT findEntryElement(final List<CONTENT> contents, final String type) { for (CONTENT content : contents) { if (content instanceof ENTRY) { ENTRY e = (ENTRY) content; for (ITEM item : e.getItems()) { if (item instanceof ELEMENT) { ELEMENT elm = (ELEMENT) item; if (elm.getMeaning() != null && StringUtils.equals(elm.getMeaning().getCode(), type)) { return elm; } } } } } return null; } public static Boolean boolValue(final ELEMENT elm) { if (elm != null && elm.getValue() instanceof BL) { BL bl = (BL) elm.getValue(); return bl.isValue(); } return null; } public static String getSystemHSAId(final EHREXTRACT ehrExtract) { if (ehrExtract.getEhrSystem() != null) { return ehrExtract.getEhrSystem().getExtension(); } return null; } // public static II iiType(final String root, final String extension) { final II ii = new II(); ii.setRoot(root); ii.setExtension(extension); return ii; } // static II iiType(final PersonId personId) { return (personId == null) ? null : iiType(personId.getType(), personId.getId()); } // public static II iiType(final Object personIdType) { return (personIdType == null) ? null : iiType(XMLBeanMapper.getInstance().map(personIdType, PersonId.class)); } // public static <T> T iiType(final II ii, final Class<T> type) { return XMLBeanMapper.getInstance().map(ii, type); } /** * @param datePeriod containing start and end dates as strings - no validation is performed on these parameters. * @return new IVLTS */ protected static IVLTS IVLTSType(final DatePeriod datePeriod) { if (datePeriod == null) { return null; } final IVLTS ivlts = new IVLTS(); ivlts.setLow(tsType(datePeriod.getStart())); ivlts.setHigh(tsType(datePeriod.getEnd())); ivlts.setLowClosed(true); ivlts.setHighClosed(true); return ivlts; } // public static IVLTS IVLTSType(final Object datePeriodType) { return (datePeriodType == null) ? null : IVLTSType(XMLBeanMapper.getInstance().map(datePeriodType, DatePeriod.class)); } // public static <T> T personIdType(final II ii, final Class<T> type) { final PersonId personId = personId(ii); return (personId == null) ? null : XMLBeanMapper.getInstance().map(personId, type); } private static PersonId personId(final II ii) { if (ii == null) { return null; } final PersonId personId = new PersonId(); personId.setId(ii.getExtension()); personId.setType(ii.getRoot()); return personId; } public static <T> T datePeriod(final IVLTS ivlts, final Class<T> type) { if (ivlts == null) { return null; } final DatePeriod datePeriod = new DatePeriod(); if (ivlts.getHigh() != null) { datePeriod.setEnd(ivlts.getHigh().getValue()); } if (ivlts.getLow() != null) { datePeriod.setStart(ivlts.getLow().getValue()); } return XMLBeanMapper.getInstance().map(datePeriod, type); } public static <T> T timePeriod(final IVLTS ivlts, final Class<T> type) { if (ivlts == null) { return null; } final TimePeriod timePeriod = new TimePeriod(); if (ivlts.getHigh() != null) { timePeriod.setEnd(ivlts.getHigh().getValue()); } if (ivlts.getLow() != null) { timePeriod.setStart(ivlts.getLow().getValue()); } return XMLBeanMapper.getInstance().map(timePeriod, type); } public static Double tsToDouble(final TS ts) { try { if (ts.getValue() != null) { return Double.valueOf(ts.getValue()); } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } return null; } // public static <T> T resultType(final String logId, final List<ResponseDetailType> details, final Class<T> type) { final Result result = new Result(); if (details.isEmpty()) { result.setResultCode(ResultCode.OK); result.setLogId("0"); } else { final ResponseDetailType resp = details.get(0); if (resp.getText() != null) { result.setMessage(resp.getText().getValue()); } result.setLogId(logId); result.setResultCode(interpret(resp.getTypeCode())); } // map from result object to a new object of type type return XMLBeanMapper.getInstance().map(result, type); } // public static <T> T cvType(final String code, final String codeSystem, final String displayName, Class<T> type) { final CV cv = new CV(); cv.setCode(code); cv.setCodeSystem(codeSystem); cv.setDisplayName(displayName); return XMLBeanMapper.getInstance().map(cv, type); } /** * Convert code object from 13606 to rivta. * Automatically handle different package names. * @param cd 13606 object of type CD * @param type CVType.class for the appropriate package * @return new object of type CVType - default to null */ public static <T> T cvTypeFromCD(final CD cd, Class<T> type) { if (cd == null) { return null; } final CV cv = new CV(); cv.setCode(cd.getCode()); cv.setCodeSystem(cd.getCodeSystem()); cv.setCodeSystemName(cd.getCodeSystemName()); cv.setCodeSystemVersion(cd.getCodeSystemVersion()); if (cd.getDisplayName() != null) { cv.setDisplayName(cd.getDisplayName().getValue()); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(cd.getCode()) && cd.getOriginalText() != null) { cv.setOriginalText(cd.getOriginalText().getValue()); cv.setCode(null); cv.setCodeSystem(null); cv.setCodeSystemName(null); cv.setCodeSystemVersion(null); cv.setDisplayName(null); } return XMLBeanMapper.getInstance().map(cv, type); } /** * Convert 13606 element with value attribute to rivta CVType. * Automatically handle different package names. * * <items xsi:type="urn:ELEMENT"> * <value value="Detta r komm.. .." xsi:type="urn:ST"/> * * @param elm 13606 object containing an element 'value' with attribute 'value of type 'ST'. * @param type CVType with the appropriate package. * @return new object of type CVType - default to null */ public static <T> T cvTypeFromElementWithValueST(final ELEMENT elm, Class<T> type) { if (elm == null || elm.getMeaning() == null) { return null; } final CV cv = new CV(); // Set OriginalValue if (elm.getValue() != null && elm.getValue() instanceof ST) { cv.setOriginalText(((ST) elm.getValue()).getValue()); } return XMLBeanMapper.getInstance().map(cv, type); } public static String linkTargetIdExtension(final List<LINK> links, final String targetTypeCode) { for (LINK link : links) { if (link.getTargetType() != null && StringUtils.equals(link.getTargetType().getCode(), targetTypeCode)) { final II targetId = firstItem(link.getTargetId()); if (targetId != null) { return targetId.getExtension(); } return null; } } return null; } // public static <T> T cvType(final II ii, Class<T> type) { if (ii == null) { return null; } return cvType(ii.getExtension(), ii.getRoot(), null, type); } // public static ResultCode interpret(final ResponseDetailTypeCodes code) { switch (code) { case E: case W: return ResultCode.ERROR; case I: return ResultCode.INFO; default: return ResultCode.OK; } } public static String careContactId(final List<LINK> links) { for (LINK link : links) { if (link.getTargetType() != null && StringUtils.equals(link.getTargetType().getCode(), AbstractMapper.INFO_VKO)) { final II id = firstItem(link.getTargetId()); if (id != null) { return id.getExtension(); } return null; } } return null; } public static COMPOSITION findCompositionByLink(final List<COMPOSITION> compositions, final List<LINK> links, final String target) { for (LINK link : links) { if (link.getTargetType() != null && StringUtils.equals(link.getTargetType().getCode(), target)) { final II id = firstItem(link.getTargetId()); if (id != null && id.getExtension() != null) { for (COMPOSITION comp : compositions) { if (comp.getRcId() != null && StringUtils.equals(comp.getRcId().getExtension(), id.getExtension())) { return comp; } } } } } return null; } public static HealthcareProfessional healthcareProfessionalType(final FUNCTIONALROLE composer, final Map<String, ORGANISATION> orgs, final Map<String, IDENTIFIEDHEALTHCAREPROFESSIONAL> healthcareProfessionals, final AUDITINFO committal) { final HealthcareProfessional resultProfessional = new HealthcareProfessional(); String careGiverHSAId = null; if (composer != null && composer.getHealthcareFacility() != null) { careGiverHSAId = composer.getHealthcareFacility().getExtension(); } // --- care giver, OrgUnit if (careGiverHSAId != null && orgs.containsKey(careGiverHSAId)) { final ORGANISATION healthcareFacilityOrganisation = orgs.get(careGiverHSAId); resultProfessional.setHealthcareProfessionalCareGiverHSAId(careGiverHSAId); final OrgUnit careGiverOrgUnit = new OrgUnit(); if (healthcareFacilityOrganisation.getName() != null) { careGiverOrgUnit.setOrgUnitName(healthcareFacilityOrganisation.getName().getValue()); } for (final TEL t : healthcareFacilityOrganisation.getTelecom()) { if (t instanceof TELEMAIL) { careGiverOrgUnit.setOrgUnitEmail(removePrefix(t.getValue(), "mailto:")); } if (t instanceof TELPHONE) { careGiverOrgUnit.setOrgUnitTelecom(removePrefix(t.getValue(), "tel:")); } } careGiverOrgUnit.setOrgUnitHSAId(careGiverHSAId); mapAddress(careGiverOrgUnit, healthcareFacilityOrganisation); // --- resultProfessional.setHealthcareProfessionalOrgUnit(careGiverOrgUnit); } // String careUnitHSAId = null; if (composer != null && composer.getPerformer() != null) { careUnitHSAId = composer.getPerformer().getExtension(); } resultProfessional.setHealthcareProfessionalHSAId(careUnitHSAId); resultProfessional.setHealthcareProfessionalCareUnitHSAId(careUnitHSAId); if (committal != null && committal.getTimeCommitted() != null) { resultProfessional.setAuthorTime(committal.getTimeCommitted().getValue()); } if (careUnitHSAId != null && healthcareProfessionals.containsKey(careUnitHSAId)) { final IDENTIFIEDHEALTHCAREPROFESSIONAL careUnitProfessional = healthcareProfessionals .get(careUnitHSAId); if (!careUnitProfessional.getName().isEmpty() && !careUnitProfessional.getName().get(0).getPart().isEmpty()) { resultProfessional.setHealthcareProfessionalName( careUnitProfessional.getName().get(0).getPart().get(0).getValue()); } final HEALTHCAREPROFESSIONALROLE role = firstItem(careUnitProfessional.getRole()); if (role != null) { resultProfessional.setHealthcareProfessionalRoleCode(cvTypeFromCD(role.getProfession(), CV.class)); } } // --- return resultProfessional; } // protected static OrgUnit mapAddress(final OrgUnit orgUnit, final ORGANISATION organisation) { for (final AD ad : organisation.getAddr()) for (final ADXP adxp : ad.getPartOrBrOrAddressLine()) { switch (adxp.getType()) { case AL: orgUnit.setOrgUnitAddress(adxp.getContent()); break; case CEN: orgUnit.setOrgUnitLocation(adxp.getContent()); break; default: break; } } return orgUnit; } /** * Removes a string prefix on match. * * @param value * the string. * @param prefix * the prefix to remove. * @return the string without prefix, i.e. unchanged if the prefix doesn't match. */ public static String removePrefix(final String value, final String prefix) { return (value == null) ? null : value.replaceFirst(prefix, ""); } public static void setDocumentTitle() { } public static <T> T patientSummaryHeader(final COMPOSITION comp, final SharedHeaderExtract baseHeader, final String timeElement, final Class<T> type, final boolean signatureTime) { return patientSummaryHeader(comp, baseHeader, timeElement, type, false, false, signatureTime); } /** * @param composition * @param baseHeader * @param timeElement code of the time element * @param type of response * @param include documentTitle * @param include documentTime * @param include signatureTime * @return a patientSummary of the requested type */ public static <T> T patientSummaryHeader(final COMPOSITION composition, final SharedHeaderExtract baseHeader, final String timeElement, final Class<T> type, final boolean documentTitle, final boolean documentTime, final boolean signatureTime) { final PatientSummaryHeader header = new PatientSummaryHeader(); if (composition.getRcId() != null) { header.setDocumentId(composition.getRcId().getExtension()); } header.setSourceSystemHSAId(baseHeader.systemHSAId()); // optional if (documentTitle) { if (composition.getName() == null || StringUtils.isBlank(composition.getName().getValue())) { header.setDocumentTitle(null); // default } else { header.setDocumentTitle(composition.getName().getValue()); } } // optional if (documentTime) { if (!composition.getAttestations().isEmpty()) { final ATTESTATIONINFO info = composition.getAttestations().get(0); if (info.getTime() != null) { header.setDocumentTime(info.getTime().getValue()); } } if (timeElement != null) { final ELEMENT time = EHRUtil.findEntryElement(composition.getContent(), timeElement); if (time != null && time.getValue() instanceof TS) { header.setDocumentTime(((TS) time.getValue()).getValue()); } } } header.setPatientId(personId(baseHeader.subjectOfCare())); header.setAccountableHealthcareProfessional(healthcareProfessionalType(composition.getComposer(), baseHeader.organisations(), baseHeader.healthcareProfessionals(), composition.getCommittal())); //add signaturetime //meaning/attenstation/time@value if(signatureTime) { if(!composition.getAttestations().isEmpty()) { final ATTESTATIONINFO info = composition.getAttestations().get(0); if(info.getTime() != null && info.getTime().getValue() != null) { final LegalAuthenticator auth = new LegalAuthenticator(); auth.setSignatureTime(info.getTime().getValue()); header.setLegalAuthenticator(auth); } } } for (FUNCTIONALROLE careGiver : composition.getOtherParticipations()) { if (careGiver.getFunction() != null && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(careGiver.getFunction().getCode(), INFORMATIONSGARE)) { if (careGiver.getPerformer() != null) { // <performer extension="Enhet" root="1.2.752."/> header.getAccountableHealthcareProfessional() .setHealthcareProfessionalCareUnitHSAId(careGiver.getPerformer().getExtension()); } if (careGiver.getHealthcareFacility() != null) { // <healthcare_facility extension="Givare" root="1.2.752."/> header.getAccountableHealthcareProfessional() .setHealthcareProfessionalCareGiverHSAId(careGiver.getHealthcareFacility().getExtension()); } } } return XMLBeanMapper.getInstance().map(header, type); } /** * @return true if this composition should be retained. Otherwise, filter it out. */ public static boolean retain(COMPOSITION composition13606, List<String> careUnitHsaIds, Logger log) { if (careUnitHsaIds == null || careUnitHsaIds.isEmpty()) { log.debug("There no care unit hsa ids in the incoming request to filter against"); return true; } else { String compositionCareUnitHsaId = ""; for (FUNCTIONALROLE careGiver : composition13606.getOtherParticipations()) { if (careGiver.getFunction() != null && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(careGiver.getFunction().getCode(), INFORMATIONSGARE)) { if (careGiver.getPerformer() != null) { // <performer extension="Enhet" root="1.2.752."/> if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(careGiver.getPerformer().getExtension())) { compositionCareUnitHsaId = careGiver.getPerformer().getExtension().toUpperCase(); // uppercase } } } } if (StringUtils.isBlank(compositionCareUnitHsaId)) { log.debug("There no care unit hsa ids in composition"); return false; } else { log.debug("compositionCareUnitHsaId:{}", compositionCareUnitHsaId); if (careUnitHsaIds.contains(compositionCareUnitHsaId)) { // uppercase if (composition13606.getRcId() != null) { log.debug("composition with id {} is contained in the incoming list of careUnitHsaId", composition13606.getRcId().getExtension()); } return true; } else { if (composition13606.getRcId() != null) { log.debug("composition with id {} is not contained in the incoming list of careUnitHsaId", composition13606.getRcId().getExtension()); } return false; } } } } /** * If the request contains a list of care units, store the values as an invocation parameter list. * * Note the 'i' is sometimes lower case (CareDocumentation, ReferralOutcome), otherwise upper case. */ public static <T> void storeCareUnitHsaIdsAsInvocationProperties(final T rivRequestType, MuleMessage message, Logger log) { final Request mapperRequest = XMLBeanMapper.getInstance().map(rivRequestType, Request.class); List<String> careUnitHsaIds = null; if ((mapperRequest.getCareUnitHSAid() == null || mapperRequest.getCareUnitHSAid().isEmpty()) && (mapperRequest.getCareUnitHSAId() == null || mapperRequest.getCareUnitHSAId().isEmpty())) { log.debug("Request contains no careUnitHSAid or careUnitHSAId"); } else if ((mapperRequest.getCareUnitHSAid() != null && !mapperRequest.getCareUnitHSAid().isEmpty()) && (mapperRequest.getCareUnitHSAId() != null && !mapperRequest.getCareUnitHSAId().isEmpty())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Request contains both careUnitHSAid and careUnitHSAId"); } else if (mapperRequest.getCareUnitHSAid() == null || mapperRequest.getCareUnitHSAid().isEmpty()) { careUnitHsaIds = mapperRequest.getCareUnitHSAId(); } else { careUnitHsaIds = mapperRequest.getCareUnitHSAid(); } if (careUnitHsaIds != null && !careUnitHsaIds.isEmpty()) { // ensure ids are uppercase and unique List<String> careUnitHsaIdsUpperCase = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String careUnitHsaIdUnknownCase : careUnitHsaIds) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(careUnitHsaIdUnknownCase)) { careUnitHsaIdsUpperCase.add(careUnitHsaIdUnknownCase.toUpperCase()); } } Set<String> uniqueCareUnitHsaIdUpperCase = new LinkedHashSet<String>(careUnitHsaIdsUpperCase); careUnitHsaIds = new ArrayList<String>(uniqueCareUnitHsaIdUpperCase); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Storing {} careUnitHsaIds from request", careUnitHsaIds.size()); for (String careUnitHsaId : careUnitHsaIds) {; } } message.setInvocationProperty(CAREUNITHSAIDS, careUnitHsaIds); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<String> retrieveCareUnitHsaIdsInvocationProperties(MuleMessage message, Logger log) { List<String> careUnitHsaIds = new ArrayList<String>(); Object o = message.getInvocationProperty(CAREUNITHSAIDS); if (o != null) { try { careUnitHsaIds = (List<String>) o; } catch (ClassCastException c) { throw new RuntimeException("invocation parameter careUnitHsaIds - expecting List<String>, received " + o.getClass().getName()); } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Retrieved {} values for invocation property {}", careUnitHsaIds.size(), CAREUNITHSAIDS); for (String careUnitHsaId : careUnitHsaIds) { log.debug(careUnitHsaId); } } return careUnitHsaIds; } /** * Create a 13606 request containing mandatory elements hsa_id, transaction_id, version */ public static <T> RIV13606REQUESTEHREXTRACTRequestType requestType(final T rivRequestType, final CD meaning, final String messageId, final Object producerHsaId) { final RIV13606REQUESTEHREXTRACTRequestType request = new RIV13606REQUESTEHREXTRACTRequestType(); final Request mapperRequest = XMLBeanMapper.getInstance().map(rivRequestType, Request.class); request.getMeanings().add(meaning); request.setSubjectOfCareId(iiType(mapperRequest.getPatientId())); request.setTimePeriod(IVLTSType(mapperRequest.getTimePeriod())); // hsa_id final ParameterType hsaId = new ParameterType(); hsaId.setName(stType("hsa_id")); hsaId.setValue(stType(producerHsaId.toString())); request.getParameters().add(hsaId); // transaction_id final ParameterType transactionId = new ParameterType(); transactionId.setName(stType("transaction_id")); transactionId.setValue(stType(messageId)); request.getParameters().add(transactionId); // version request.getParameters().add(versionParameter); return request; } /** * Returns a {@link Date} date and time representation. * * @param cal * the actual date and time. * @return the {@link Date} representation. */ public static Date toDate(XMLGregorianCalendar cal) { if (cal != null) { final Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.set(Calendar.DATE, cal.getDay()); c.set(Calendar.MONTH, cal.getMonth() - 1); c.set(Calendar.YEAR, cal.getYear()); c.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, cal.getDay()); c.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, cal.getHour()); c.set(Calendar.MINUTE, cal.getMinute()); c.set(Calendar.SECOND, cal.getSecond()); c.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, cal.getMillisecond()); return c.getTime(); } return null; } /** * Timestamp in format yyyyMMddHHmmss - sometimes needs to be padded with zeros. */ public static String padTimestampIfNecessary(String timestamp) { if (timestamp == null) { return null; } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(timestamp); while (result.length() < "yyyyMMddHHmmss".length()) { result.append("0"); } return result.toString(); } // --- -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generic baseline of data types to be able to convert between schemas (java packages). // public static class Result { private ResultCode resultCode; private ErrorCode errorCode; private String logId; private String subCode; private String message; public Result() { super(); } public Result(ResultCode resultCode, ErrorCode errorCode, String logId, String subCode, String message) { super(); this.resultCode = resultCode; this.errorCode = errorCode; this.logId = logId; this.subCode = subCode; this.message = message; } public ResultCode getResultCode() { return resultCode; } public void setResultCode(ResultCode resultCode) { this.resultCode = resultCode; } public ErrorCode getErrorCode() { return errorCode; } public void setErrorCode(ErrorCode errorCode) { this.errorCode = errorCode; } public String getLogId() { return logId; } public void setLogId(String logId) { this.logId = logId; } public String getSubCode() { return subCode; } public void setSubCode(String subCode) { this.subCode = subCode; } public String getMessage() { return message; } public void setMessage(String message) { this.message = message; } } // public static enum ResultCode { OK, ERROR, INFO; } // public static enum ErrorCode { INVALID_REQUEST, TRANSFORMATION_ERROR, APPLICATION_ERROR, TECHNICAL_ERROR; } public static class TimePeriod { private String start; private String end; public TimePeriod() { super(); } public TimePeriod(String start, String end) { super(); this.start = start; this.end = end; } public String getStart() { return start; } public void setStart(String start) { this.start = start; } public String getEnd() { return end; } public void setEnd(String end) { this.end = end; } } public static class Request { // private PersonId patientId; public PersonId getPatientId() { return patientId; } public void setPatientId(PersonId patientId) { this.patientId = patientId; } // private DatePeriod timePeriod; public DatePeriod getTimePeriod() { return timePeriod; } public void setTimePeriod(DatePeriod timePeriod) { this.timePeriod = timePeriod; } // ImagingOutcome, MedicationHistory, ReferralOutcome public DatePeriod getDatePeriod() { return timePeriod; } public void setDatePeriod(DatePeriod datePeriod) { timePeriod = datePeriod; } // RIV-TA : GetAlertInformation, GetCareContacts, GetDiagnosis, GetImagingOutcome, GetLaboratoryOrderOutcome, GetMedicationHistory private List<String> careUnitHSAId; public List<String> getCareUnitHSAId() { if (careUnitHSAId == null) { careUnitHSAId = new ArrayList<String>(); } return careUnitHSAId; } public void setCareUnitHSAId(List<String> ids) { careUnitHSAId = ids; } // RIV-TA : GetReferralOutcome, GetCareDocumentation private List<String> careUnitHSAid; public List<String> getCareUnitHSAid() { if (careUnitHSAid == null) { careUnitHSAid = new ArrayList<String>(); } return careUnitHSAid; } public void setCareUnitHSAid(List<String> ids) { careUnitHSAid = ids; } } // public static class DatePeriod { private String start; private String end; public DatePeriod() { super(); } public DatePeriod(String start, String end) { super(); this.start = start; this.end = end; } public String getStart() { return start; } public void setStart(String start) { this.start = start; } public String getEnd() { return end; } public void setEnd(String end) { this.end = end; } } // public static class PersonId { private String id; private String type; public PersonId() { super(); } public PersonId(String id, String type) { super(); = id; this.type = type; } public String getId() { return id; } public void setId(String id) { = id; } public String getType() { return type; } public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } } public static class IIType { private String extension; private String root; public IIType() { super(); } public IIType(String extension, String root) { super(); this.extension = extension; this.root = root; } public String getExtension() { return extension; } public void setExtension(String extension) { this.extension = extension; } public String getRoot() { return root; } public void setRoot(String root) { this.root = root; } } // public static class CV { private String code; private String codeSystem; private String codeSystemName; private String codeSystemVersion; private String displayName; private String originalText; public CV() { super(); } public CV(String code, String codeSystem, String codeSystemName, String codeSystemVersion, String displayName, String originalText) { super(); this.code = code; this.codeSystem = codeSystem; this.codeSystemName = codeSystemName; this.codeSystemVersion = codeSystemVersion; this.displayName = displayName; this.originalText = originalText; } public String getCode() { return code; } public void setCode(String code) { this.code = code; } public String getCodeSystem() { return codeSystem; } public void setCodeSystem(String codeSystem) { this.codeSystem = codeSystem; } public String getCodeSystemName() { return codeSystemName; } public void setCodeSystemName(String codeSystemName) { this.codeSystemName = codeSystemName; } public String getCodeSystemVersion() { return codeSystemVersion; } public void setCodeSystemVersion(String codeSystemVersion) { this.codeSystemVersion = codeSystemVersion; } public String getDisplayName() { return displayName; } public void setDisplayName(String displayName) { this.displayName = displayName; } public String getOriginalText() { return originalText; } public void setOriginalText(String originalText) { this.originalText = originalText; } } // public static class HealthcareProfessional { private String authorTime; private String healthcareProfessionalHSAId; private String healthcareProfessionalName; private CV healthcareProfessionalRoleCode; private OrgUnit healthcareProfessionalOrgUnit; private String healthcareProfessionalCareUnitHSAId; private String healthcareProfessionalCareGiverHSAId; public HealthcareProfessional() { super(); } public HealthcareProfessional(String authorTime, String healthcareProfessionalHSAId, String healthcareProfessionalName, CV healthcareProfessionalRoleCode, OrgUnit healthcareProfessionalOrgUnit, String healthcareProfessionalCareUnitHSAId, String healthcareProfessionalCareGiverHSAId) { super(); this.authorTime = authorTime; this.healthcareProfessionalHSAId = healthcareProfessionalHSAId; this.healthcareProfessionalName = healthcareProfessionalName; this.healthcareProfessionalRoleCode = healthcareProfessionalRoleCode; this.healthcareProfessionalOrgUnit = healthcareProfessionalOrgUnit; this.healthcareProfessionalCareUnitHSAId = healthcareProfessionalCareUnitHSAId; this.healthcareProfessionalCareGiverHSAId = healthcareProfessionalCareGiverHSAId; } public String getAuthorTime() { return authorTime; } public void setAuthorTime(String authorTime) { this.authorTime = authorTime; } public String getHealthcareProfessionalHSAId() { return healthcareProfessionalHSAId; } public void setHealthcareProfessionalHSAId(String healthcareProfessionalHSAId) { this.healthcareProfessionalHSAId = healthcareProfessionalHSAId; } public String getHealthcareProfessionalName() { return healthcareProfessionalName; } public void setHealthcareProfessionalName(String healthcareProfessionalName) { this.healthcareProfessionalName = healthcareProfessionalName; } public CV getHealthcareProfessionalRoleCode() { return healthcareProfessionalRoleCode; } public void setHealthcareProfessionalRoleCode(CV healthcareProfessionalRoleCode) { this.healthcareProfessionalRoleCode = healthcareProfessionalRoleCode; } public OrgUnit getHealthcareProfessionalOrgUnit() { return healthcareProfessionalOrgUnit; } public void setHealthcareProfessionalOrgUnit(OrgUnit healthcareProfessionalOrgUnit) { this.healthcareProfessionalOrgUnit = healthcareProfessionalOrgUnit; } public String getHealthcareProfessionalCareUnitHSAId() { return healthcareProfessionalCareUnitHSAId; } public void setHealthcareProfessionalCareUnitHSAId(String healthcareProfessionalCareUnitHSAId) { this.healthcareProfessionalCareUnitHSAId = healthcareProfessionalCareUnitHSAId; } public String getHealthcareProfessionalCareGiverHSAId() { return healthcareProfessionalCareGiverHSAId; } public void setHealthcareProfessionalCareGiverHSAId(String healthcareProfessionalCareGiverHSAId) { this.healthcareProfessionalCareGiverHSAId = healthcareProfessionalCareGiverHSAId; } } // public static class OrgUnit { private String orgUnitHSAId; private String orgUnitName; private String orgUnitTelecom; private String orgUnitEmail; private String orgUnitAddress; private String orgUnitLocation; public OrgUnit() { super(); } public OrgUnit(String orgUnitHSAId, String orgUnitName, String orgUnitTelecom, String orgUnitEmail, String orgUnitAddress, String orgUnitLocation) { super(); this.orgUnitHSAId = orgUnitHSAId; this.orgUnitName = orgUnitName; this.orgUnitTelecom = orgUnitTelecom; this.orgUnitEmail = orgUnitEmail; this.orgUnitAddress = orgUnitAddress; this.orgUnitLocation = orgUnitLocation; } public String getOrgUnitHSAId() { return orgUnitHSAId; } public void setOrgUnitHSAId(String orgUnitHSAId) { this.orgUnitHSAId = orgUnitHSAId; } public String getOrgUnitName() { return orgUnitName; } public void setOrgUnitName(String orgUnitName) { this.orgUnitName = orgUnitName; } public String getOrgUnitTelecom() { return orgUnitTelecom; } public void setOrgUnitTelecom(String orgUnitTelecom) { this.orgUnitTelecom = orgUnitTelecom; } public String getOrgUnitEmail() { return orgUnitEmail; } public void setOrgUnitEmail(String orgUnitEmail) { this.orgUnitEmail = orgUnitEmail; } public String getOrgUnitAddress() { return orgUnitAddress; } public void setOrgUnitAddress(String orgUnitAddress) { this.orgUnitAddress = orgUnitAddress; } public String getOrgUnitLocation() { return orgUnitLocation; } public void setOrgUnitLocation(String orgUnitLocation) { this.orgUnitLocation = orgUnitLocation; } } // public static class PatientSummaryHeader { private String documentId; private String sourceSystemHSAId; private String documentTitle; private String documentTime; private PersonId patientId; private HealthcareProfessional accountableHealthcareProfessional; private LegalAuthenticator legalAuthenticator; private boolean approvedForPatient = false; private String careContactId; public String getDocumentId() { return documentId; } private void setDocumentId(String documentId) { this.documentId = documentId; } public String getSourceSystemHSAId() { return sourceSystemHSAId; } private void setSourceSystemHSAId(String sourceSystemHSAId) { this.sourceSystemHSAId = sourceSystemHSAId; } public String getDocumentTitle() { return documentTitle; } private void setDocumentTitle(String documentTitle) { this.documentTitle = documentTitle; } public String getDocumentTime() { return documentTime; } private void setDocumentTime(String documentTime) { this.documentTime = documentTime; } public PersonId getPatientId() { return patientId; } private void setPatientId(PersonId patientId) { this.patientId = patientId; } public HealthcareProfessional getAccountableHealthcareProfessional() { return accountableHealthcareProfessional; } private void setAccountableHealthcareProfessional( HealthcareProfessional accountableHealthcareProfessional) { this.accountableHealthcareProfessional = accountableHealthcareProfessional; } public LegalAuthenticator getLegalAuthenticator() { return legalAuthenticator; } private void setLegalAuthenticator(LegalAuthenticator legalAuthenticator) { this.legalAuthenticator = legalAuthenticator; } public boolean isApprovedForPatient() { return approvedForPatient; } public String getCareContactId() { return careContactId; } } // public static class LegalAuthenticator { private String signatureTime; private String legalAuthenticatorHSAId; private String legalAuthenticatorName; private CV legalAuthenticatorRoleCode; public LegalAuthenticator() { super(); } public LegalAuthenticator(String signatureTime, String legalAuthenticatorHSAId, String legalAuthenticatorName, CV legalAuthenticatorRoleCode) { super(); this.signatureTime = signatureTime; this.legalAuthenticatorHSAId = legalAuthenticatorHSAId; this.legalAuthenticatorName = legalAuthenticatorName; this.legalAuthenticatorRoleCode = legalAuthenticatorRoleCode; } public String getSignatureTime() { return signatureTime; } public void setSignatureTime(String signatureTime) { this.signatureTime = signatureTime; } public String getLegalAuthenticatorHSAId() { return legalAuthenticatorHSAId; } public void setLegalAuthenticatorHSAId(String legalAuthenticatorHSAId) { this.legalAuthenticatorHSAId = legalAuthenticatorHSAId; } public String getLegalAuthenticatorName() { return legalAuthenticatorName; } public void setLegalAuthenticatorName(String legalAuthenticatorName) { this.legalAuthenticatorName = legalAuthenticatorName; } public CV getLegalAuthenticatorRoleCode() { return legalAuthenticatorRoleCode; } public void setLegalAuthenticatorRoleCode(CV legalAuthenticatorRoleCode) { this.legalAuthenticatorRoleCode = legalAuthenticatorRoleCode; } } }