Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2014 Inera AB, <> * * This file is part of SKLTP. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package se.skl.skltpservices.npoadapter.mapper; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.xml.XMLConstants; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import; import; import javax.xml.transform.Source; import; import javax.xml.validation.Schema; import javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory; import javax.xml.validation.Validator; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.mule.api.MuleMessage; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.soitoolkit.commons.mule.jaxb.JaxbUtil; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import riv.ehr.patientsummary.getehrextractresponder._1.GetEhrExtractResponseType; import riv.ehr.patientsummary.getehrextractresponder._1.GetEhrExtractType; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.EHREXTRACT; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.IDENTIFIEDENTITY; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.IDENTIFIEDHEALTHCAREPROFESSIONAL; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.ORGANISATION; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.ObjectFactory; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.RIV13606REQUESTEHREXTRACTRequestType; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.RIV13606REQUESTEHREXTRACTResponseType; import se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11.ST; import se.skl.skltpservices.npoadapter.mapper.util.EHRUtil; import se.skl.skltpservices.npoadapter.mapper.util.SharedHeaderExtract; /** * Abstracts all mapper implementations. * * @see se.skl.skltpservices.npoadapter.mapper.Mapper * @see se.skl.skltpservices.npoadapter.mapper.XMLBeanMapper * * @author Peter */ public abstract class AbstractMapper { protected static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractMapper.class); // context for baseline (en 13606) private static final JaxbUtil enEhrExtractTypeJaxbUtil = new JaxbUtil("se.rivta.en13606.ehrextract.v11"); private static final ObjectFactory enObjectFactory = new ObjectFactory(); // context for the riv alternative private static final JaxbUtil rivEhrExtractTypeJaxbUtil = new JaxbUtil( "riv.itintegration.registry._1:riv.ehr.patientsummary._1:riv.ehr.patientsummary.getehrextractresponder._1"); private static final riv.ehr.patientsummary.getehrextractresponder._1.ObjectFactory rivEhrExtractTypeObjectFactory = new riv.ehr.patientsummary.getehrextractresponder._1.ObjectFactory(); // main supported information types, public static final String INFO_VKO = "vko"; public static final String INFO_VOO = "voo"; public static final String INFO_DIA = "dia"; public static final String INFO_LKM_ORD = "lkm-ord"; public static final String INFO_UND_KKM_KLI = "und-kkm-kli"; public static final String INFO_UND_BDI = "und-bdi"; public static final String INFO_UND_KON = "und-kon"; public static final String INFO_UPP = "upp"; static final String NS_EN_EXTRACT = "urn:riv13606:v1.1:RIV13606REQUEST_EHR_EXTRACT"; public static final String NS_RIV_EXTRACT = "urn:riv:ehr:patientsummary:GetEhrExtractResponder:1:GetEhrExtract"; static final String NS_ALERT_2 = "urn:riv:clinicalprocess:healthcond:description:GetAlertInformation:2:rivtabp21"; static final String NS_CARECONTACTS_2 = "urn:riv:clinicalprocess:logistics:logistics:GetCareContacts:2:rivtabp21"; static final String NS_CAREDOCUMENTATION_2 = "urn:riv:clinicalprocess:healthcond:description:GetCareDocumentation:2:rivtabp21"; static final String NS_DIAGNOSIS_2 = "urn:riv:clinicalprocess:healthcond:description:GetDiagnosis:2:rivtabp21"; static final String NS_IMAGING_1 = "urn:riv:clinicalprocess:healthcond:actoutcome:GetImagingOutcome:1:rivtabp21"; static final String NS_LABORATORY_3 = "urn:riv:clinicalprocess:healthcond:actoutcome:GetLaboratoryOrderOutcome:3:rivtabp21"; static final String NS_MEDICATIONHISTORY = "urn:riv:clinicalprocess:activityprescription:actoutcome:GetMedicationHistory:2:rivtabp21"; static final String NS_REFERRALOUTCOME = "urn:riv:clinicalprocess:healthcond:actoutcome:GetReferralOutcome:3:rivtabp21"; protected boolean schemaValidationActivated = false; private Schema schema; // each implementation instance will have its own schema // mapper implementation hash map with RIV service contract operation names (from WSDL) as a key private static final HashMap<String, Mapper> map = new HashMap<String, Mapper>(); static { // alertinformation map.put(mapperKey(NS_EN_EXTRACT, NS_ALERT_2), new AlertInformationMapper()); map.put(mapperKey(NS_RIV_EXTRACT, NS_ALERT_2), new RIVAlertInformationMapper()); // carecontacts map.put(mapperKey(NS_EN_EXTRACT, NS_CARECONTACTS_2), new CareContactsMapper()); map.put(mapperKey(NS_RIV_EXTRACT, NS_CARECONTACTS_2), new RIVCareContactsMapper()); // caredocumentation map.put(mapperKey(NS_EN_EXTRACT, NS_CAREDOCUMENTATION_2), new CareDocumentationMapper()); map.put(mapperKey(NS_RIV_EXTRACT, NS_CAREDOCUMENTATION_2), new RIVCareDocumentationMapper()); // diagnosis map.put(mapperKey(NS_EN_EXTRACT, NS_DIAGNOSIS_2), new DiagnosisMapper()); map.put(mapperKey(NS_RIV_EXTRACT, NS_DIAGNOSIS_2), new RIVDiagnosisMapper()); // laboratoryorderoutcome map.put(mapperKey(NS_EN_EXTRACT, NS_LABORATORY_3), new LaboratoryOrderOutcomeMapper()); map.put(mapperKey(NS_RIV_EXTRACT, NS_LABORATORY_3), new RIVLaboratoryOrderOutcomeMapper()); // imagingoutcome map.put(mapperKey(NS_EN_EXTRACT, NS_IMAGING_1), new ImagingOutcomeMapper()); map.put(mapperKey(NS_RIV_EXTRACT, NS_IMAGING_1), new RIVImagingOutcomeMapper()); // medicationhistory map.put(mapperKey(NS_EN_EXTRACT, NS_MEDICATIONHISTORY), new MedicationHistoryMapper()); map.put(mapperKey(NS_RIV_EXTRACT, NS_MEDICATIONHISTORY), new RIVMedicationHistoryMapper()); // referraloutcome map.put(mapperKey(NS_EN_EXTRACT, NS_REFERRALOUTCOME), new ReferralOutcomeMapper()); map.put(mapperKey(NS_RIV_EXTRACT, NS_REFERRALOUTCOME), new RIVReferralOutcomeMapper()); } /** * Returns the actual mapper instance by the name of the (inbound SOAP) service operation. * * @param sourceNS the source service contract namespace. * @param targetNS the target service contract namespace. * @return the corresponding mapper. * @throws java.lang.IllegalStateException when no mapper matches the name of the operation. */ public static Mapper getInstance(final String sourceNS, final String targetNS) { assert (sourceNS != null) && (targetNS != null); final String key = mapperKey(sourceNS, targetNS); final Mapper mapper = map.get(key); log.debug("Lookup mapper for key: \"{}\" -> {}", key, mapper); if (mapper == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to lookup mapper for operation: \"" + key + "\""); } return mapper; } /** * Returns the {@link} from the message. * * @param message the message. * @return the payload as the expected reader. */ protected XMLStreamReader payloadAsXMLStreamReader(final MuleMessage message) { if (message.getPayload() instanceof Object[]) { final Object[] payload = (Object[]) message.getPayload(); if (payload.length > 1 && payload[1] instanceof XMLStreamReader) { return (XMLStreamReader) payload[1]; } } else if (message.getPayload() instanceof XMLStreamReader) { return (XMLStreamReader) message.getPayload(); } throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unexpected type of message payload (an Object[] with XMLStreamReader was expected): " + message.getPayload()); } // private static String mapperKey(final String src, final String dst) { return src + "-" + dst; } // protected RIV13606REQUESTEHREXTRACTResponseType riv13606REQUESTEHREXTRACTResponseType( final XMLStreamReader reader) { try { return (RIV13606REQUESTEHREXTRACTResponseType) enEhrExtractTypeJaxbUtil.unmarshal(reader); } finally { close(reader); } } // protected String riv13606REQUESTEHREXTRACTRequestType(final RIV13606REQUESTEHREXTRACTRequestType request) { final JAXBElement<RIV13606REQUESTEHREXTRACTRequestType> el = enObjectFactory .createRIV13606REQUESTEHREXTRACTRequest(request); return enEhrExtractTypeJaxbUtil.marshal(el); } // protected GetEhrExtractResponseType ehrExtractResponseType(final XMLStreamReader reader) { try { return (GetEhrExtractResponseType) rivEhrExtractTypeJaxbUtil.unmarshal(reader); } finally { close(reader); } } // protected String ehrExtractType(final GetEhrExtractType request) { final JAXBElement<GetEhrExtractType> el = rivEhrExtractTypeObjectFactory.createGetEhrExtract(request); return rivEhrExtractTypeJaxbUtil.marshal(el); } // protected void close(final XMLStreamReader reader) { try { reader.close(); } catch (XMLStreamException | NullPointerException e) { ; } } protected SharedHeaderExtract extractInformation(final EHREXTRACT ehrExtract) { final Map<String, ORGANISATION> orgs = new LinkedHashMap<String, ORGANISATION>(); // LinkedHashMap preserves insertion order final Map<String, IDENTIFIEDHEALTHCAREPROFESSIONAL> hps = new LinkedHashMap<String, IDENTIFIEDHEALTHCAREPROFESSIONAL>(); for (IDENTIFIEDENTITY entity : ehrExtract.getDemographicExtract()) { if (entity instanceof ORGANISATION) { final ORGANISATION org = (ORGANISATION) entity; if (org.getExtractId() != null) { orgs.put(org.getExtractId().getExtension(), org); } } if (entity instanceof IDENTIFIEDHEALTHCAREPROFESSIONAL) { final IDENTIFIEDHEALTHCAREPROFESSIONAL hp = (IDENTIFIEDHEALTHCAREPROFESSIONAL) entity; if (hp.getExtractId() != null) { hps.put(hp.getExtractId().getExtension(), hp); } } } return new SharedHeaderExtract(orgs, hps, EHRUtil.getSystemHSAId(ehrExtract), ehrExtract.getSubjectOfCare(), ehrExtract.getTimeCreated()); } protected void initialiseValidator(String... xsds) { List<Source> schemaFiles = new ArrayList<Source>(); for (String xsd : xsds) { schemaFiles.add(new StreamSource(getClass().getResourceAsStream(xsd))); } // Note - SchemaFactory is not threadsafe SchemaFactory factory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI); try { // Note - Schema is threadsafe schema = factory.newSchema(schemaFiles.toArray(new StreamSource[schemaFiles.size()])); } catch (SAXException s) { throw new RuntimeException( new InstantiationException("Failed to instantiate schema: " + s.getMessage())); } } protected void validateXmlAgainstSchema(String xml, Logger log) { if (schemaValidationActivated) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(xml)) { log.error("Attempted to validate empty string"); } else { try { // Validator is not threadsafe - create new one for each invocation Validator validator = schema.newValidator(); validator.validate(new StreamSource(new StringReader(xml))); log.debug("response passed schema validation"); } catch (SAXException e) { log.error("response failed schema validation: " + e.getMessage()); log.debug(xml); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception whilst validating xml against schema", e); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("response failed schema validation - unexpected error " + e.getMessage(), e); } } } } // Does the response contain a non-blank continuation token? // We have no test data to see what a continuation token looks like - meanwhile this is the default implementation. protected boolean continuation(RIV13606REQUESTEHREXTRACTResponseType response13606) { ST continuation = response13606.getContinuationToken(); if (continuation != null) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(continuation.getValue())) { return true; } } return false; } protected void checkContinuation(Logger log, RIV13606REQUESTEHREXTRACTResponseType response13606) { if (continuation(response13606)) { log.warn("Continuation token detected - response is not complete, continuation will be ignored"); } } }