Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package samples; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import org.ejml.simple.SimpleMatrix; import org.opencv.core.Core; import org.opencv.core.CvType; import static org.opencv.core.CvType.CV_8UC3; import org.opencv.core.Mat; import org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint; import org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint2f; import org.opencv.core.Point; import org.opencv.core.Rect; import org.opencv.core.Scalar; import org.opencv.core.Size; import org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs; import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc; /** * * @author LABORATORIO 10 */ public class LWF { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello, OpenCV"); // Load the native library. // System.loadLibrary(Core.NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME); System.load("C:\\opencv\\build\\java\\x64\\opencv_java310.dll"); String urlHelen = "C:\\Users\\adiel\\Documents\\Adiel\\trabajos\\helen\\tr"; File carpeta = new File(urlHelen); File[] images = carpeta.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.substring(name.length() - 3, name.length()).equals("jpg"); // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } }); File carpetaalmacen = new File("C:\\trash_generated"); if (carpetaalmacen.exists() == false) { carpetaalmacen.mkdir(); } int[][] delaunay_triangles = new int[200][3]; for (File image : images) { System.out.println(image.getName()); String puntos_file = image.getName().substring(0, image.getName().length() - 3) + "pts"; System.out.println(puntos_file); System.out.println("------------------------"); double[][] puntos = leerpuntos(new File(urlHelen + "\\" + puntos_file)); Mat mat = Imgcodecs.imread(image.getAbsolutePath()); //save_meshed_images(puntos, carpetaalmacen, image, mat, delaunay_triangles); //save_mesh_images(puntos, carpetaalmacen, image, mat, delaunay_triangles); save_aligned_images(puntos, carpetaalmacen, image, mat, delaunay_triangles); } System.out.println(images.length); } public static BufferedImage toBufferedImage(File file) { BufferedImage img = null; try { img =; } catch (IOException e) { } return img; } private static Rect[] detect_faces(File image) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } public static double[][] leerpuntos(File file) { double[][] res = new double[68][2]; try { Scanner scan = new Scanner(file); String trash = scan.nextLine(); trash = scan.nextLine(); trash = scan.nextLine(); for (int i = 0; i < 68; i++) { String[] numbers = scan.nextLine().split(" "); res[i][0] = Double.parseDouble(numbers[0]); res[i][1] = Double.parseDouble(numbers[1]); } scan.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(LWF.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return res; } private static void save_meshed_images(double[][] puntos, File carpetaalmacen, File image, Mat mat, int[][] delaunay_triangles) { Mat mat_copy = mat.clone(); int radii = 1000; for (double[] punto : puntos) { Imgproc.ellipse(mat_copy, new Point(punto), new Size(radii, radii), 0, 0, 0, new Scalar(0, 255, 0)); // Imgproc.line(mat_copy, null, null, null); } for (int[] tri : faceTemplateTriangles) { Imgproc.line(mat_copy, new Point(puntos[tri[0] - 1]), new Point(puntos[tri[1] - 1]), new Scalar(0, 255, 0)); Imgproc.line(mat_copy, new Point(puntos[tri[1] - 1]), new Point(puntos[tri[2] - 1]), new Scalar(0, 255, 0)); Imgproc.line(mat_copy, new Point(puntos[tri[2] - 1]), new Point(puntos[tri[0] - 1]), new Scalar(0, 255, 0)); } Imgcodecs.imwrite(carpetaalmacen.getAbsolutePath() + "\\" + image.getName(), mat_copy); } private static void save_mesh_images(double[][] puntos, File carpetaalmacen, File image, Mat mat, int[][] delaunay_triangles) { Mat lienzo = new Mat(300, 300, CV_8UC3, new Scalar(0, 0, 0)); Mat lienzo2 = new Mat(300, 300, CV_8UC3, new Scalar(0, 0, 0)); double escala = 128; for (int[] tri : faceTemplateTriangles) { Imgproc.line(lienzo, new Point(escala * Shape3D[tri[0] - 1][0], escala * Shape3D[tri[0] - 1][1]), new Point(escala * Shape3D[tri[1] - 1][0], escala * Shape3D[tri[1] - 1][1]), new Scalar(0, 255, 0)); Imgproc.line(lienzo, new Point(escala * Shape3D[tri[1] - 1][0], escala * Shape3D[tri[1] - 1][1]), new Point(escala * Shape3D[tri[2] - 1][0], escala * Shape3D[tri[2] - 1][1]), new Scalar(0, 255, 0)); Imgproc.line(lienzo, new Point(escala * Shape3D[tri[2] - 1][0], escala * Shape3D[tri[2] - 1][1]), new Point(escala * Shape3D[tri[0] - 1][0], escala * Shape3D[tri[0] - 1][1]), new Scalar(0, 255, 0)); Imgproc.line(lienzo2, new Point(escala * Shape3D[tri[0] - 1][2], escala * Shape3D[tri[0] - 1][1]), new Point(escala * Shape3D[tri[1] - 1][2], escala * Shape3D[tri[1] - 1][1]), new Scalar(0, 255, 0)); Imgproc.line(lienzo2, new Point(escala * Shape3D[tri[1] - 1][2], escala * Shape3D[tri[1] - 1][1]), new Point(escala * Shape3D[tri[2] - 1][2], escala * Shape3D[tri[2] - 1][1]), new Scalar(0, 255, 0)); Imgproc.line(lienzo2, new Point(escala * Shape3D[tri[2] - 1][2], escala * Shape3D[tri[2] - 1][1]), new Point(escala * Shape3D[tri[0] - 1][2], escala * Shape3D[tri[0] - 1][1]), new Scalar(0, 255, 0)); } Imgcodecs.imwrite(carpetaalmacen.getAbsolutePath() + "\\frontal_" + image.getName(), lienzo); Imgcodecs.imwrite(carpetaalmacen.getAbsolutePath() + "\\lateral_" + image.getName(), lienzo2); } private static void save_aligned_images(double[][] puntos, File carpetaalmacen, File image, Mat mat, int[][] delaunay_triangles) { SimpleMatrix P = new SimpleMatrix(puntos); SimpleMatrix M = new SimpleMatrix(Shape3D); SimpleMatrix ones = (new SimpleMatrix(68, 1)).plus(1); M = M.combine(0, 3, ones); SimpleMatrix C = M.solve(P); SimpleMatrix A = (P.minus(M.mult(C))).transpose(); SimpleMatrix B = C.transpose(); SimpleMatrix Error = B.pseudoInverse().mult(A).transpose(); SimpleMatrix Cara =; // double v = Cara.get(0, 0); double escala = 1280; int dim = (int) (1.5 * escala); Mat lienzo = new Mat(dim, dim, CV_8UC3, new Scalar(0, 0, 0)); //Mat lienzo2 = new Mat(300, 300, CV_8UC3, new Scalar(0, 0, 0)); int gap = (int) ((dim - escala) / 2); //Cara = M; for (int[] tri : faceTemplateTriangles) { // Imgproc.line(lienzo, new Point(gap + escala * Shape3D[tri[0] - 1][0], gap + escala * Shape3D[tri[0] - 1][1]), new Point(gap + escala * Shape3D[tri[1] - 1][0], gap + escala * Shape3D[tri[1] - 1][1]), new Scalar(0, 255, 0)); // Imgproc.line(lienzo, new Point(gap + escala * Shape3D[tri[1] - 1][0], gap + escala * Shape3D[tri[1] - 1][1]), new Point(gap + escala * Shape3D[tri[2] - 1][0], gap + escala * Shape3D[tri[2] - 1][1]), new Scalar(0, 255, 0)); // Imgproc.line(lienzo, new Point(gap + escala * Shape3D[tri[2] - 1][0], gap + escala * Shape3D[tri[2] - 1][1]), new Point(gap + escala * Shape3D[tri[0] - 1][0], gap + escala * Shape3D[tri[0] - 1][1]), new Scalar(0, 255, 0)); // // Imgproc.line(lienzo, new Point(gap + escala * Cara.get(tri[0] - 1, 0), gap + escala * Cara.get(tri[0] - 1, 1)), new Point(gap + escala * Cara.get(tri[1] - 1, 0), gap + escala * Cara.get(tri[1] - 1, 1)), new Scalar(rnd.nextInt(255), rnd.nextInt(255), rnd.nextInt(255))); // Imgproc.line(lienzo, new Point(gap + escala * Cara.get(tri[0] - 1, 0), gap + escala * Cara.get(tri[0] - 1, 1)), new Point(gap + escala * Cara.get(tri[1] - 1, 0), gap + escala * Cara.get(tri[1] - 1, 1)), new Scalar(rnd.nextInt(255), rnd.nextInt(255), rnd.nextInt(255))); // Imgproc.line(lienzo, new Point(gap + escala * Cara.get(tri[2] - 1, 0), gap + escala * Cara.get(tri[2] - 1, 1)), new Point(gap + escala * Cara.get(tri[0] - 1, 0), gap + escala * Cara.get(tri[0] - 1, 1)), new Scalar(rnd.nextInt(255), rnd.nextInt(255), rnd.nextInt(255))); // dibuja los rectangulos // List<MatOfPoint> border = new ArrayList<MatOfPoint>(); // border.add(new MatOfPoint( // new Point(gap + escala * Cara.get(tri[0] - 1, 0), gap + escala * Cara.get(tri[0] - 1, 1)), // new Point(gap + escala * Cara.get(tri[1] - 1, 0), gap + escala * Cara.get(tri[1] - 1, 1)), // new Point(gap + escala * Cara.get(tri[2] - 1, 0), gap + escala * Cara.get(tri[2] - 1, 1)))); // Imgproc.fillPoly(lienzo, border, new Scalar(rnd.nextInt(255), rnd.nextInt(255), rnd.nextInt(255))); affine(mat, new double[][] { { puntos[tri[0] - 1][0], puntos[tri[0] - 1][1] }, { puntos[tri[1] - 1][0], puntos[tri[1] - 1][1] }, { puntos[tri[2] - 1][0], puntos[tri[2] - 1][1] } }, new double[][] { { gap + escala * Cara.get(tri[0] - 1, 0), gap + escala * Cara.get(tri[0] - 1, 1) }, { gap + escala * Cara.get(tri[1] - 1, 0), gap + escala * Cara.get(tri[1] - 1, 1) }, { gap + escala * Cara.get(tri[2] - 1, 0), gap + escala * Cara.get(tri[2] - 1, 1) } }, new double[][] { { C.get(0, 0), C.get(1, 0), C.get(2, 0), C.get(3, 0) }, { C.get(0, 1), C.get(1, 1), C.get(2, 1), C.get(3, 1) } }, lienzo, escala, gap); // Imgproc.line(lienzo, new Point(gap + escala * Shape3D[tri[0] - 1][0], gap + escala * Shape3D[tri[0] - 1][1]), new Point(gap + escala * Shape3D[tri[1] - 1][0], gap + escala * Shape3D[tri[1] - 1][1]), new Scalar(0, 255, 0)); // Imgproc.line(lienzo, new Point(gap + escala * Shape3D[tri[1] - 1][0], gap + escala * Shape3D[tri[1] - 1][1]), new Point(gap + escala * Shape3D[tri[2] - 1][0], gap + escala * Shape3D[tri[2] - 1][1]), new Scalar(0, 255, 0)); // Imgproc.line(lienzo, new Point(gap + escala * Shape3D[tri[2] - 1][0], gap + escala * Shape3D[tri[2] - 1][1]), new Point(gap + escala * Shape3D[tri[0] - 1][0], gap + escala * Shape3D[tri[0] - 1][1]), new Scalar(0, 255, 0)); // // Imgcodecs.imwrite(carpetaalmacen.getAbsolutePath() + "\\" + image.getName(), lienzo); } Imgcodecs.imwrite(carpetaalmacen.getAbsolutePath() + "\\" + image.getName(), lienzo); // Imgcodecs.imwrite(carpetaalmacen.getAbsolutePath() + "\\" + image.getName(), mat); // Imgcodecs.imwrite(carpetaalmacen.getAbsolutePath() + "\\lateral_" + image.getName(), lienzo2); } public static int faceTemplateTriangles[][] = new int[][] { { 54, 36, 53 }, { 49, 32, 4 }, { 34, 31, 33 }, { 56, 57, 11 }, { 53, 35, 34 }, { 31, 35, 36 }, { 31, 36, 30 }, { 36, 48, 30 }, { 9, 58, 59 }, { 46, 16, 17 }, { 49, 4, 5 }, { 43, 23, 28 }, { 3, 4, 32 }, { 42, 32, 41 }, { 19, 38, 20 }, { 37, 1, 2 }, { 37, 18, 1 }, { 37, 19, 18 }, { 37, 38, 19 }, { 23, 21, 22 }, { 23, 24, 21 }, { 45, 46, 26 }, { 28, 23, 22 }, { 29, 43, 28 }, { 24, 20, 21 }, { 43, 44, 23 }, { 25, 20, 24 }, { 23, 44, 24 }, { 24, 45, 25 }, { 42, 37, 2 }, { 36, 14, 15 }, { 42, 38, 37 }, { 9, 10, 57 }, { 40, 41, 30 }, { 51, 34, 33 }, { 41, 39, 38 }, { 60, 49, 6 }, { 6, 49, 5 }, { 31, 30, 32 }, { 52, 53, 34 }, { 31, 32, 33 }, { 32, 50, 33 }, { 54, 55, 36 }, { 34, 35, 31 }, { 34, 51, 52 }, { 16, 46, 47 }, { 15, 16, 47 }, { 3, 42, 2 }, { 40, 28, 22 }, { 21, 38, 39 }, { 21, 20, 38 }, { 22, 39, 40 }, { 22, 21, 39 }, { 29, 40, 30 }, { 29, 28, 40 }, { 30, 41, 32 }, { 40, 39, 41 }, { 32, 42, 3 }, { 41, 38, 42 }, { 30, 43, 29 }, { 45, 26, 25 }, { 24, 44, 45 }, { 47, 36, 15 }, { 43, 48, 44 }, { 46, 27, 26 }, { 27, 46, 17 }, { 45, 44, 48 }, { 45, 47, 46 }, { 48, 36, 47 }, { 45, 48, 47 }, { 43, 30, 48 }, { 32, 49, 50 }, { 6, 7, 60 }, { 10, 11, 57 }, { 51, 33, 50 }, { 61, 60, 50 }, { 56, 12, 55 }, { 50, 60, 68 }, { 53, 36, 35 }, { 64, 66, 54 }, { 55, 13, 14 }, { 52, 63, 64 }, { 55, 14, 36 }, { 65, 55, 54 }, { 12, 13, 55 }, { 12, 56, 11 }, { 54, 53, 64 }, { 67, 59, 58 }, { 58, 9, 57 }, { 8, 9, 59 }, { 63, 52, 62 }, { 8, 59, 7 }, { 68, 67, 63 }, { 59, 60, 7 }, { 59, 68, 60 }, { 49, 61, 50 }, { 49, 60, 61 }, { 51, 62, 52 }, { 51, 50, 62 }, { 57, 66, 67 }, { 64, 53, 52 }, { 66, 64, 63 }, { 66, 56, 54 }, { 56, 65, 54 }, { 56, 55, 65 }, { 67, 66, 63 }, { 57, 56, 66 }, { 57, 67, 58 }, { 63, 62, 68 }, { 50, 68, 62 }, { 59, 67, 68 } }; public static Random rnd = new Random(); private static void affine(Mat mat, double[][] from, double[][] to, double[][] coeficients, Mat lienzo, double escala, double gap) { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. // // // MatOfPoint2f src_pf = new MatOfPoint2f(new Point(from[0][0], from[0][1]), new Point(from[1][0], from[1][1]), new Point(from[2][0], from[2][1])); MatOfPoint2f dst_pf = new MatOfPoint2f(new Point(to[0][0], to[0][1]), new Point(to[1][0], to[1][1]), new Point(to[2][0], to[2][1])); // //how do I set up the position numbers in MatOfPoint2f here? // Mat perspective_matrix = Imgproc.getAffineTransform(src_pf, dst_pf); Rect r1 = Imgproc.boundingRect(new MatOfPoint(new Point(from[0][0], from[0][1]), new Point(from[1][0], from[1][1]), new Point(from[2][0], from[2][1]))); Rect r2 = Imgproc.boundingRect(new MatOfPoint(new Point(to[0][0], to[0][1]), new Point(to[1][0], to[1][1]), new Point(to[2][0], to[2][1]))); MatOfPoint2f tri1Cropped = new MatOfPoint2f(new Point(from[0][0] - r1.x, from[0][1] - r1.y), new Point(from[1][0] - r1.x, from[1][1] - r1.y), new Point(from[2][0] - r1.x, from[2][1] - r1.y)); MatOfPoint tri2CroppedInt = new MatOfPoint(new Point(to[0][0] - r2.x, to[0][1] - r2.y), new Point(to[1][0] - r2.x, to[1][1] - r2.y), new Point(to[2][0] - r2.x, to[2][1] - r2.y)); MatOfPoint2f tri2Cropped = new MatOfPoint2f(new Point((to[0][0] - r2.x), (to[0][1] - r2.y)), new Point((to[1][0] - r2.x), (to[1][1] - r2.y)), new Point((to[2][0] - r2.x), (to[2][1] - r2.y))); // for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // // tri1Cropped.push_back(new MatOfPoint(new Point(from[i][0] - r1.x, from[i][1] - r1.y))); // new Point( from[i][0] - r1.x, from[i][1]- r1.y) ); // //tri2Cropped.push_back(new MatOfPoint(new Point(to[i][0] - r2.x, to[i][1] - r2.y))); // // // fillConvexPoly needs a vector of Point and not Point2f // // tri2CroppedInt.push_back(new MatOfPoint2f(new Point((int) (to[i][0] - r2.x), (int) (to[i][1] - r2.y)))); // // } // Apply warpImage to small rectangular patches Mat img1Cropped = mat.submat(r1); //img1(r1).copyTo(img1Cropped); // Given a pair of triangles, find the affine transform. Mat warpMat = Imgproc.getAffineTransform(tri1Cropped, tri2Cropped); // Mat bbb = warpMat.mul(tri1Cropped); // // System.out.println( warpMat.dump() ); // System.out.println( tri2Cropped.dump() ); // System.out.println( bbb.dump() ); // Apply the Affine Transform just found to the src image Mat img2Cropped = Mat.zeros(r2.height, r2.width, img1Cropped.type()); Imgproc.warpAffine(img1Cropped, img2Cropped, warpMat, img2Cropped.size(), 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR, new Scalar(Core.BORDER_TRANSPARENT)); //, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR, new Scalar(Core.BORDER_REFLECT_101)); // Get mask by filling triangle Mat mask = Mat.zeros(r2.height, r2.width, CvType.CV_8UC3); ///CV_8U CV_32FC3 Imgproc.fillConvexPoly(mask, tri2CroppedInt, new Scalar(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 16, 0); // Copy triangular region of the rectangular patch to the output image // Core.multiply(img2Cropped,mask, img2Cropped); // // Core.multiply(mask, new Scalar(-1), mask); // Core.(mask,new Scalar(gap), mask); //Core.multiply(lienzo.submat(r2), (new Scalar(1.0,1.0,1.0)). - Core.multiply(mask,), lienzo.submat(r2)); // img2(r2) = img2(r2) + img2Cropped; // Core.subtract(Mat.ones(mask.height(), mask.width(), CvType.CV_8UC3), mask, mask); // Mat ff = ; // este Core.multiply(img2Cropped, mask, img2Cropped); //Core.multiply(lienzo.submat(r2), mask , lienzo.submat(r2)); Core.add(lienzo.submat(r2), img2Cropped, lienzo.submat(r2)); /* Mat bb = new Mat(mat, r2); bb.setTo(new Scalar(rnd.nextInt(),rnd.nextInt(),rnd.nextInt())); Core.multiply(bb,mask, bb); Core.multiply(lienzo.submat(r2), mask , lienzo.submat(r2)); Core.add(lienzo.submat(r2), bb, lienzo.submat(r2)); */ // lienzo.submat(r2).setTo(new Scalar(rnd.nextInt(),rnd.nextInt(),rnd.nextInt())); // // Imgproc.fillConvexPoly(lienzo, new MatOfPoint( // new Point(to[0][0] , to[0][1]), // new Point(to[1][0] , to[1][1]), // new Point(to[2][0] , to[2][1] )), new Scalar(1,1,1)); // img2Cropped.copyTo(lienzo); // return; // // Imgproc.warpAffine(mat, lienzo, perspective_matrix, lienzo.size()); // Imgproc.getAffineTransform(null, null); /* // Find bounding rectangle for each triangle Rect r1 = boundingRect(tri1); Rect r2 = boundingRect(tri2); // Offset points by left top corner of the respective rectangles vector<Point2f> tri1Cropped, tri2Cropped; vector<Point> tri2CroppedInt; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { tri1Cropped.push_back( Point2f( tri1[i].x - r1.x, tri1[i].y - r1.y) ); tri2Cropped.push_back( Point2f( tri2[i].x - r2.x, tri2[i].y - r2.y) ); // fillConvexPoly needs a vector of Point and not Point2f tri2CroppedInt.push_back( Point((int)(tri2[i].x - r2.x), (int)(tri2[i].y - r2.y)) ); } // Apply warpImage to small rectangular patches Mat img1Cropped; img1(r1).copyTo(img1Cropped); // Given a pair of triangles, find the affine transform. Mat warpMat = getAffineTransform( tri1Cropped, tri2Cropped ); // Apply the Affine Transform just found to the src image Mat img2Cropped = Mat::zeros(r2.height, r2.width, img1Cropped.type()); warpAffine( img1Cropped, img2Cropped, warpMat, img2Cropped.size(), INTER_LINEAR, BORDER_REFLECT_101); // Get mask by filling triangle Mat mask = Mat::zeros(r2.height, r2.width, CV_32FC3); fillConvexPoly(mask, tri2CroppedInt, Scalar(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 16, 0); // Copy triangular region of the rectangular patch to the output image multiply(img2Cropped,mask, img2Cropped); multiply(img2(r2), Scalar(1.0,1.0,1.0) - mask, img2(r2)); img2(r2) = img2(r2) + img2Cropped;*/ } double meanshape[][] = new double[][] { { 1.256838e-002, 2.106873e-001 }, { 1.747292e-002, 3.394221e-001 }, { 3.578013e-002, 4.682388e-001 }, { 6.520592e-002, 5.949315e-001 }, { 1.155413e-001, 7.129952e-001 }, { 1.915206e-001, 8.167731e-001 }, { 2.843574e-001, 9.059237e-001 }, { 3.905894e-001, 9.783953e-001 }, { 5.149991e-001, 9.969693e-001 }, { 6.368846e-001, 9.746899e-001 }, { 7.421490e-001, 8.990841e-001 }, { 8.339061e-001, 8.067633e-001 }, { 9.080745e-001, 6.989241e-001 }, { 9.545934e-001, 5.769892e-001 }, { 9.762189e-001, 4.461308e-001 }, { 9.857039e-001, 3.152591e-001 }, { 9.851535e-001, 1.860417e-001 }, { 1.022593e-001, 9.931757e-002 }, { 1.644867e-001, 4.994748e-002 }, { 2.446417e-001, 3.827954e-002 }, { 3.271538e-001, 5.143408e-002 }, { 4.052978e-001, 8.173952e-002 }, { 5.740510e-001, 7.556236e-002 }, { 6.551629e-001, 4.036641e-002 }, { 7.364918e-001, 2.548583e-002 }, { 8.167213e-001, 3.339841e-002 }, { 8.796170e-001, 7.498893e-002 }, { 4.946619e-001, 1.822989e-001 }, { 4.967373e-001, 2.696140e-001 }, { 4.986898e-001, 3.572696e-001 }, { 5.006424e-001, 4.464839e-001 }, { 4.090080e-001, 4.983330e-001 }, { 4.544147e-001, 5.163332e-001 }, { 5.022232e-001, 5.329508e-001 }, { 5.510655e-001, 5.145033e-001 }, { 5.947884e-001, 4.959074e-001 }, { 2.016858e-001, 1.965780e-001 }, { 2.496515e-001, 1.631910e-001 }, { 3.132342e-001, 1.632745e-001 }, { 3.635419e-001, 2.033908e-001 }, { 3.093938e-001, 2.201657e-001 }, { 2.485716e-001, 2.204947e-001 }, { 6.281433e-001, 1.970816e-001 }, { 6.756425e-001, 1.546035e-001 }, { 7.381816e-001, 1.518766e-001 }, { 7.874967e-001, 1.830104e-001 }, { 7.457050e-001, 2.081456e-001 }, { 6.865413e-001, 2.109641e-001 }, { 3.218994e-001, 6.692314e-001 }, { 3.881646e-001, 6.364731e-001 }, { 4.559404e-001, 6.212181e-001 }, { 5.024618e-001, 6.324677e-001 }, { 5.548361e-001, 6.193335e-001 }, { 6.259208e-001, 6.325519e-001 }, { 6.927118e-001, 6.595991e-001 }, { 6.318220e-001, 7.277653e-001 }, { 5.639777e-001, 7.575285e-001 }, { 5.076104e-001, 7.641836e-001 }, { 4.561192e-001, 7.603441e-001 }, { 3.885973e-001, 7.338657e-001 }, { 3.505859e-001, 6.728396e-001 }, { 4.566433e-001, 6.668332e-001 }, { 5.039410e-001, 6.702354e-001 }, { 5.570302e-001, 6.640377e-001 }, { 6.637214e-001, 6.650139e-001 }, { 5.586920e-001, 6.916318e-001 }, { 5.047532e-001, 6.987404e-001 }, { 4.565848e-001, 6.943512e-001 } }; // int CantidadTriangulos = 111; static double Shape3D[][] = new double[][] { { 0.0079472212856871, 0.1718322301369845, 0.009608727145607697 }, { 0.0029027686449141343, 0.3124944808466294, 0.007441504229196194 }, { 0.013773105410669916, 0.4434437098969056, 0.01939895479844035 }, { 0.03651859955128158, 0.5703311263585017, 0.04218938793887264 }, { 0.07214407167584935, 0.6976600444775358, 0.08460478104076212 }, { 0.1367266588066494, 0.808918322891433, 0.15410715421192583 }, { 0.22533360324173343, 0.8966887413831958, 0.2490664825250194 }, { 0.33741682112655597, 0.9682119210625493, 0.36325717441374705 }, { 0.49553910913978944, 1.0, 0.5014642938449363 }, { 0.6619740080932731, 0.9695364240275048, 0.36325717441374705 }, { 0.7776197734163803, 0.8929801330311357, 0.2490664825250194 }, { 0.870154653940633, 0.7987637968145085, 0.15410715421192583 }, { 0.9271554094403093, 0.685033113334411, 0.08460478104076212 }, { 0.957025997955651, 0.5552317883927378, 0.04218938793887264 }, { 0.9735598702269629, 0.42286975745116906, 0.01939895479844035 }, { 0.9803195764526476, 0.2877704196459939, 0.007441504229196194 }, { 0.9707281025996445, 0.14993377472629232, 0.009608727145607697 }, { 0.09032219801999612, 0.1006622519341335, 0.2941536134345652 }, { 0.15517882670168917, 0.034701987417528085, 0.3549770137625481 }, { 0.23894436028389646, 0.018189845553113367, 0.4098714096890551 }, { 0.32079159999881435, 0.024900663068025675, 0.4666058409414325 }, { 0.3932300600607115, 0.0736423852764097, 0.4998287060462161 }, { 0.58789129546406, 0.07055187743814043, 0.4998287060462161 }, { 0.6669981138988914, 0.01660044204535044, 0.4666058409414325 }, { 0.7467443632882594, 0.008918322791064913, 0.4098714096890551 }, { 0.8266733076303693, 0.02198675584254764, 0.3549770137625481 }, { 0.887145263468339, 0.08309050840032962, 0.2941536134345652 }, { 0.49791414051439253, 0.12803532006835958, 0.48720019336654347 }, { 0.4996497406835394, 0.22092715357095097, 0.5369799021016239 }, { 0.5008372559944612, 0.3091390737201519, 0.6032795978818601 }, { 0.5021161189072139, 0.3918763803930594, 0.6737457983989252 }, { 0.4201775320923048, 0.4802649009041317, 0.5196379475293907 }, { 0.4489519534003944, 0.4766445909765689, 0.545907831058906 }, { 0.4986449195725997, 0.4824724064312042, 0.5695198807300385 }, { 0.5466936346830074, 0.4755849893071796, 0.545907831058906 }, { 0.5796700321256403, 0.48176600498371835, 0.5196379475293907 }, { 0.18751579444438424, 0.1851655634803546, 0.3500226162268996 }, { 0.24278095052767318, 0.1489624714814003, 0.3935669973177866 }, { 0.30708949485298104, 0.14781456938015564, 0.3935669973177866 }, { 0.36125848197257987, 0.1818101553501979, 0.3500226162268996 }, { 0.30590197979297895, 0.2037086100081306, 0.3911139642293072 }, { 0.24460789779681108, 0.2067108176654642, 0.3911139642293072 }, { 0.6329255469907287, 0.17924944759386385, 0.3500226162268996 }, { 0.6929407655723047, 0.14286975799315585, 0.3935669973177866 }, { 0.7552396676757331, 0.1426048569485091, 0.3935669973177866 }, { 0.8031970351843101, 0.17739514429605316, 0.3500226162268996 }, { 0.7512203842356533, 0.19955849949679305, 0.3911139642293072 }, { 0.6956811860996318, 0.19805739616996593, 0.3911139642293072 }, { 0.3304744204499691, 0.6566887419552928, 0.4547478332616692 }, { 0.39624452364445034, 0.6167770421061183, 0.5048376919423653 }, { 0.44876925844765275, 0.5975275936290166, 0.5360160730709402 }, { 0.4962698879470763, 0.6075938195250055, 0.5623899169537041 }, { 0.5463282450284441, 0.5969977927943222, 0.5360160730709402 }, { 0.6040597798372469, 0.6139514348106561, 0.5048376919423653 }, { 0.6747626399809173, 0.6476821189832923, 0.4547478332616692 }, { 0.6123723897738182, 0.6911258278263349, 0.48858404375587344 }, { 0.5590255288124177, 0.7083443703854757, 0.514548991180352 }, { 0.5112508557547426, 0.7129359823033317, 0.540411713577669 }, { 0.45826938419698576, 0.7095805749259343, 0.514548991180352 }, { 0.4035523127210016, 0.694481235956491, 0.48858404375587344 }, { 0.3757827137784508, 0.6542163356344938, 0.4891973891452939 }, { 0.4579953423951728, 0.637174393186304, 0.5281448097204178 }, { 0.4984622246198579, 0.6395584995770874, 0.5537008601250171 }, { 0.5381983292918547, 0.6379690955674849, 0.5281448097204178 }, { 0.6253437153596053, 0.6470640182185818, 0.4891973891452939 }, { 0.5393858448536967, 0.660309050377337, 0.5213980124023716 }, { 0.49873626692351036, 0.6613686530504052, 0.5432739915936363 }, { 0.45872612120246004, 0.6602207501964011, 0.5213980124023716 } }; double frontalancho = 89.13250393181819, frontalalto = 90.57584652272726; double lateralancho = 54.54846572727275, lateralalto = 80.93841643181817; }