Java tutorial
/* * PermissionsEx - Permissions plugin for Bukkit * Copyright (C) 2011 t3hk0d3 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package ru.tehkode.permissions.backends.hybrid; import org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource; import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection; import; import ru.tehkode.permissions.PermissionsData; import ru.tehkode.permissions.PermissionsGroupData; import ru.tehkode.permissions.PermissionsUserData; import ru.tehkode.permissions.backends.PermissionBackend; import ru.tehkode.permissions.PermissionManager; import ru.tehkode.permissions.backends.SchemaUpdate; import ru.tehkode.permissions.backends.caching.CachingGroupData; import ru.tehkode.permissions.backends.caching.CachingUserData; import ru.tehkode.permissions.exceptions.PermissionBackendException; import ru.tehkode.utils.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; /** * @author code */ public class HybridBackend extends PermissionBackend { public final static char PATH_SEPARATOR = '/'; public FileConfig permissions; public File permissionsFile; private final Map<String, List<String>> worldInheritanceCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final ReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); private final AtomicReference<ImmutableSet<String>> userNamesCache = new AtomicReference<>(); private Map<String, Object> tableNames; private SQLQueryCache queryCache; private static final SQLQueryCache DEFAULT_QUERY_CACHE; static { try { DEFAULT_QUERY_CACHE = new SQLQueryCache( HybridBackend.class.getResourceAsStream("/sql/default/"), null); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e); } } private BasicDataSource ds; protected String dbDriver; public HybridBackend(PermissionManager manager, ConfigurationSection config) throws PermissionBackendException { super(manager, config); fileBackend(manager, config); sqlBackend(manager, config); } private void sqlBackend(PermissionManager manager, ConfigurationSection config) throws PermissionBackendException { final String dbUri = getConfig().getString("uri", ""); final String dbUser = getConfig().getString("user", ""); final String dbPassword = getConfig().getString("password", ""); if (dbUri == null || dbUri.isEmpty()) { getConfig().set("uri", "mysql://localhost/exampledb"); getConfig().set("user", "databaseuser"); getConfig().set("password", "databasepassword"); manager.getConfiguration().save(); throw new PermissionBackendException("SQL connection is not configured, see config.yml"); } dbDriver = dbUri.split(":", 2)[0]; this.ds = new BasicDataSource(); String driverClass = getDriverClass(dbDriver); if (driverClass != null) { this.ds.setDriverClassName(driverClass); } this.ds.setUrl("jdbc:" + dbUri); this.ds.setUsername(dbUser); this.ds.setPassword(dbPassword); // this.ds.setMaxActive((Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 2) + 1); this.ds.setMaxWait(200); // 4 ticks this.ds.setValidationQuery("SELECT 1 AS dbcp_validate"); this.ds.setTestOnBorrow(true); InputStream queryLocation = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/sql/" + dbDriver + "/"); if (queryLocation != null) { try { this.queryCache = new SQLQueryCache(queryLocation, DEFAULT_QUERY_CACHE); } catch (IOException e) { throw new PermissionBackendException("Unable to access database-specific queries", e); } } else { this.queryCache = DEFAULT_QUERY_CACHE; } try (SQLConnection conn = getSQL()) { conn.checkConnection(); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.getCause() != null && e.getCause() instanceof Exception) { e = (Exception) e.getCause(); } throw new PermissionBackendException("Unable to connect to SQL database", e); } getManager().getLogger().info("Successfully connected to SQL database"); addSchemaUpdate(new SchemaUpdate(2) { @Override public void performUpdate() throws PermissionBackendException { // Change encoding for all columns to utf8mb4 // Change collation for all columns to utf8mb4_general_ci try (SQLConnection conn = getSQL()) { conn.prep( "ALTER TABLE `{permissions}` DROP KEY `unique`, MODIFY COLUMN `permission` TEXT NOT NULL") .execute(); } catch (SQLException | IOException e) { throw new PermissionBackendException(e); } } }); addSchemaUpdate(new SchemaUpdate(1) { @Override public void performUpdate() throws PermissionBackendException { try (SQLConnection conn = getSQL()) { PreparedStatement updateStmt = conn.prep("entity.options.add"); ResultSet res = conn .prepAndBind("SELECT `name`, `type` FROM `{permissions_entity}` WHERE `default`='1'") .executeQuery(); while ( { conn.bind(updateStmt, res.getString("name"), res.getInt("type"), "default", "", "true"); updateStmt.addBatch(); } updateStmt.executeBatch(); // Update tables conn.prep("ALTER TABLE `{permissions_entity}` DROP COLUMN `default`").execute(); } catch (SQLException | IOException e) { throw new PermissionBackendException(e); } } }); addSchemaUpdate(new SchemaUpdate(0) { @Override public void performUpdate() throws PermissionBackendException { try (SQLConnection conn = getSQL()) { // TODO: Table modifications not supported in SQLite // Prefix/sufix -> options PreparedStatement updateStmt = conn.prep("entity.options.add"); ResultSet res = conn.prepAndBind( "SELECT `name`, `type`, `prefix`, `suffix` FROM `{permissions_entity}` WHERE LENGTH(`prefix`)>0 OR LENGTH(`suffix`)>0") .executeQuery(); while ( { String prefix = res.getString("prefix"); if (!prefix.isEmpty() && !prefix.equals("null")) { conn.bind(updateStmt, res.getString("name"), res.getInt("type"), "prefix", "", prefix); updateStmt.addBatch(); } String suffix = res.getString("suffix"); if (!suffix.isEmpty() && !suffix.equals("null")) { conn.bind(updateStmt, res.getString("name"), res.getInt("type"), "suffix", "", suffix); updateStmt.addBatch(); } } updateStmt.executeBatch(); // Data type corrections // Update tables conn.prep("ALTER TABLE `{permissions_entity}` DROP KEY `name`").execute(); conn.prep("ALTER TABLE `{permissions_entity}` DROP COLUMN `prefix`, DROP COLUMN `suffix`") .execute(); conn.prep( "ALTER TABLE `{permissions_entity}` ADD CONSTRAINT UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`, `type`)") .execute(); conn.prep("ALTER TABLE `{permissions}` DROP KEY `unique`").execute(); conn.prep( "ALTER TABLE `{permissions}` ADD CONSTRAINT UNIQUE `unique` (`name`,`permission`,`world`,`type`)") .execute(); } catch (SQLException | IOException e) { throw new PermissionBackendException(e); } } }); this.setupAliases(); this.deployTables(); performSchemaUpdate(); try (SQLConnection conn = getSQL()) { conn.prep("ALTER TABLE `{permissions}` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci") .execute(); conn.prep( "ALTER TABLE `{permissions_entity}` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci") .execute(); conn.prep( "ALTER TABLE `{permissions_inheritance}` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci") .execute(); } catch (SQLException | IOException e) { // Ignore, this MySQL version just doesn't support it. } } SQLQueryCache getQueryCache() { return queryCache; } protected static String getDriverClass(String alias) { if (alias.equals("mysql")) { return "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; } else if (alias.equals("sqlite")) { return "org.sqlite.JDBC"; } else if (alias.matches("postgres?")) { return "org.postgresql.Driver"; } return null; } public SQLConnection getSQL() throws SQLException { if (ds == null) { throw new SQLException("SQL connection information was not correct, could not retrieve connection"); } return new SQLConnection(ds.getConnection(), this); } public String getTableName(String identifier) { Map<String, Object> tableNames = this.tableNames; if (tableNames == null) { return identifier; } Object ret = tableNames.get(identifier); if (ret == null) { return identifier; } return ret.toString(); } @Override public PermissionsUserData getUserData(String name) { CachingUserData data = new CachingUserData(new HybridUserData(name, HybridUserData.Type.USER, this), getExecutor(), new ReentrantReadWriteLock()); updateNameCache(userNamesCache, data); return data; } /** * Update the cache of names for a newly created data object, if necessary. * * @param list The pointer to current cache state * @param data The data to check for presence */ private void updateNameCache(AtomicReference<ImmutableSet<String>> list, PermissionsData data) { ImmutableSet<String> cache, newVal; do { newVal = cache = list.get(); if (cache == null || (!cache.contains(data.getIdentifier()) && !data.isVirtual())) { newVal = null; } } while (!list.compareAndSet(cache, newVal)); } /** * Clear the names cache for the type of the provided data object * * @param data The data object that was updated making this necessary. */ void updateNameCache(HybridUserData data) { updateNameCache(userNamesCache, data); } /** * Gets the names of known entities of the give type, returning cached values if possible * * @param cacheRef The cache reference to check * @param type The type to get * @return A set of known entity names */ private ImmutableSet<String> getEntityNames(AtomicReference<ImmutableSet<String>> cacheRef, HybridUserData.Type type) { while (true) { ImmutableSet<String> cache = cacheRef.get(); if (cache != null) { return cache; } else { try (SQLConnection conn = getSQL()) { ImmutableSet<String> newCache = ImmutableSet .copyOf(HybridUserData.getEntitiesNames(conn, type, false)); if (cacheRef.compareAndSet(null, newCache)) { return newCache; } } catch (SQLException | IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } } @Override public boolean hasUser(String userName) { try (SQLConnection conn = getSQL()) { ResultSet res = conn.prepAndBind("entity.exists", userName, HybridUserData.Type.USER.ordinal()) .executeQuery(); return; } catch (SQLException | IOException e) { return false; } } @Override public Collection<String> getUserIdentifiers() { return getEntityNames(userNamesCache, HybridUserData.Type.USER); } @Override public Collection<String> getUserNames() { // TODO: Look at implementing caching Set<String> ret = new HashSet<>(); try (SQLConnection conn = getSQL()) { ResultSet set = conn.prepAndBind( "SELECT `value` FROM `{permissions}` WHERE `type` = ? AND `permission` = 'name' AND `value` IS NOT NULL", HybridUserData.Type.USER.ordinal()).executeQuery(); while ( { ret.add(set.getString("value")); } } catch (SQLException | IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return Collections.unmodifiableSet(ret); } protected final void setupAliases() { ConfigurationSection aliases = getConfig().getConfigurationSection("aliases"); if (aliases == null) { return; } tableNames = aliases.getValues(false); } private void executeStream(SQLConnection conn, InputStream str) throws SQLException, IOException { String deploySQL = StringUtils.readStream(str); Statement s = conn.getStatement(); for (String sqlQuery : deploySQL.trim().split(";")) { sqlQuery = sqlQuery.trim(); if (sqlQuery.isEmpty()) { continue; } sqlQuery = conn.expandQuery(sqlQuery + ";"); s.addBatch(sqlQuery); } s.executeBatch(); } protected final void deployTables() throws PermissionBackendException { try (SQLConnection conn = getSQL()) { if (conn.hasTable("{permissions}") && conn.hasTable("{permissions_entity}") && conn.hasTable("{permissions_inheritance}")) { return; } InputStream databaseDumpStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/sql/" + dbDriver + "/deploy.sql"); if (databaseDumpStream == null) { throw new Exception("Can't find appropriate database dump for used database (" + dbDriver + "). Is it bundled?"); } getLogger().info("Deploying default database scheme"); executeStream(conn, databaseDumpStream); setSchemaVersion(getLatestSchemaVersion()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new PermissionBackendException( "Deploying of default data failed. Please initialize database manually using " + dbDriver + ".sql", e); } PermissionsGroupData defGroup = getGroupData("default"); defGroup.setPermissions(Collections.singletonList("modifyworld.*"), null); defGroup.setOption("default", "true", null);; getLogger().info("Database scheme deploying complete."); } @Override public void close() throws PermissionBackendException { super.close(); if (ds != null) { try { ds.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new PermissionBackendException("Error while closing", e); } } } public void fileBackend(PermissionManager manager, ConfigurationSection config) throws PermissionBackendException { String permissionFilename = getConfig().getString("file"); // Default settings if (permissionFilename == null) { permissionFilename = "permissions.yml"; getConfig().set("file", "permissions.yml"); } String baseDir = manager.getConfiguration().getBasedir(); if (baseDir.contains("\\") && !"\\".equals(File.separator)) { baseDir = baseDir.replace("\\", File.separator); } File baseDirectory = new File(baseDir); if (!baseDirectory.exists()) { baseDirectory.mkdirs(); } this.permissionsFile = new File(baseDir, permissionFilename); addSchemaUpdate(new SchemaUpdate(1) { @Override public void performUpdate() { ConfigurationSection userSection = permissions.getConfigurationSection("users"); if (userSection != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> e : userSection.getValues(false).entrySet()) { if (e.getValue() instanceof ConfigurationSection) { allWorlds((ConfigurationSection) e.getValue()); } } } ConfigurationSection groupSection = permissions.getConfigurationSection("groups"); if (groupSection != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> e : groupSection.getValues(false).entrySet()) { if (e.getValue() instanceof ConfigurationSection) { allWorlds((ConfigurationSection) e.getValue()); } } } } private void allWorlds(ConfigurationSection section) { singleWorld(section); ConfigurationSection worldSection = section.getConfigurationSection("worlds"); if (worldSection != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> e : worldSection.getValues(false).entrySet()) { if (e.getValue() instanceof ConfigurationSection) { singleWorld((ConfigurationSection) e.getValue()); } } } } private void singleWorld(ConfigurationSection section) { if (section.isSet("prefix")) { section.set(buildPath("options", "prefix"), section.get("prefix")); section.set("prefix", null); } if (section.isSet("suffix")) { section.set(buildPath("options", "suffix"), section.get("suffix")); section.set("suffix", null); } if (section.isSet("default")) { section.set(buildPath("options", "default"), section.get("default")); section.set("default", null); } } }); reload(); performSchemaUpdate(); } @Override public int getSchemaVersion() { lock.readLock().lock(); try { return this.permissions.getInt("schema-version", -1); } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } } @Override protected void setSchemaVersion(int version) { lock.writeLock().lock(); try { this.permissions.set("schema-version", version); } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } save(); } @Override public List<String> getWorldInheritance(String world) { if (world != null && !world.isEmpty()) { List<String> parentWorlds = worldInheritanceCache.get(world); if (parentWorlds == null) { synchronized (lock) { parentWorlds = this.permissions.getStringList(buildPath("worlds", world, "inheritance")); if (parentWorlds != null) { parentWorlds = Collections.unmodifiableList(parentWorlds); worldInheritanceCache.put(world, parentWorlds); return parentWorlds; } } } else { return parentWorlds; } } return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public Map<String, List<String>> getAllWorldInheritance() { synchronized (lock) { ConfigurationSection worldsSection = this.permissions.getConfigurationSection("worlds"); if (worldsSection == null) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } Map<String, List<String>> ret = new HashMap<>(); for (String world : worldsSection.getKeys(false)) { ret.put(world, getWorldInheritance(world)); } return Collections.unmodifiableMap(ret); } } @Override public void setWorldInheritance(final String world, List<String> rawParentWorlds) { if (world == null || world.isEmpty()) { return; } final List<String> parentWorlds = new ArrayList<>(rawParentWorlds); worldInheritanceCache.put(world, parentWorlds); getExecutor().execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { synchronized (lock) { permissions.set(buildPath("worlds", world, "inheritance"), parentWorlds); save(); } } }); } private ConfigurationSection getNode(String basePath, String entityName) { if (permissions.isLowerCased(basePath)) { entityName = entityName.toLowerCase(); } String nodePath = HybridBackend.buildPath(basePath, entityName); lock.readLock().lock(); try { ConfigurationSection entityNode = this.permissions.getConfigurationSection(nodePath); if (entityNode != null) { return entityNode; } if (!permissions.isLowerCased(basePath)) { ConfigurationSection users = this.permissions.getConfigurationSection(basePath); if (users != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : users.getValues(false).entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(entityName) && entry.getValue() instanceof ConfigurationSection) { return (ConfigurationSection) entry.getValue(); } } } } } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } lock.writeLock().lock(); try { ConfigurationSection section = this.permissions.createSection(nodePath); this.permissions.set(nodePath, null); return section; } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } } @Override public PermissionsGroupData getGroupData(String groupName) { ConfigurationSection section = getNode("groups", groupName); final CachingGroupData data = new CachingGroupData(new FileData(section, "inheritance"), getExecutor(), lock); data.load(); return data; } @Override public boolean hasGroup(String group) { lock.readLock().lock(); try { if (this.permissions.isConfigurationSection(buildPath("groups", group))) { return true; } ConfigurationSection userSection = this.permissions.getConfigurationSection("groups"); if (userSection != null) { for (String name : userSection.getKeys(false)) { if (group.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { return true; } } } return false; } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } } @Override public Collection<String> getGroupNames() { lock.readLock().lock(); try { ConfigurationSection groups = this.permissions.getConfigurationSection("groups"); return groups != null ? groups.getKeys(false) : Collections.<String>emptySet(); } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } } public static String buildPath(String... path) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); boolean first = true; char separator = PATH_SEPARATOR; // permissions.options().pathSeparator(); for (String node : path) { if (node.isEmpty()) { continue; } if (!first) { builder.append(separator); } builder.append(node); first = false; } return builder.toString(); } @Override public void reload() throws PermissionBackendException { FileConfig newPermissions = new FileConfig(permissionsFile, new Object(), "users"); newPermissions.options().pathSeparator(PATH_SEPARATOR); try { newPermissions.load(); getLogger().info("Permissions file successfully reloaded"); worldInheritanceCache.clear(); userNamesCache.set(null); this.permissions = newPermissions; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { if (this.permissions == null) { // First load, load even if the file doesn't exist worldInheritanceCache.clear(); this.permissions = newPermissions; initNewConfiguration(); } } catch (Throwable e) { throw new PermissionBackendException("Error loading permissions file!", e); } } /** * This method is called when the file the permissions config is supposed to * save to does not exist yet,This adds default permissions & stuff */ private void initNewConfiguration() throws PermissionBackendException { if (!permissionsFile.exists()) { try { permissionsFile.createNewFile(); // Load default permissions permissions.set("groups/default/options/default", true); List<String> defaultPermissions = new LinkedList<>(); // Specify here default permissions defaultPermissions.add("modifyworld.*"); permissions.set("groups/default/permissions", defaultPermissions); permissions.set("schema-version", getLatestSchemaVersion());; } catch (IOException e) { throw new PermissionBackendException(e); } } } @Override public void loadFrom(PermissionBackend backend) { this.setPersistent(false); try { super.loadFrom(backend); } finally { this.setPersistent(true); } save(); } @Override public void setPersistent(boolean persistent) { super.setPersistent(persistent); this.permissions.setSaveSuppressed(!persistent); if (persistent) {; } } @Override public void writeContents(Writer writer) throws IOException { writer.write(this.permissions.saveToString()); } public void save() { lock.readLock().lock(); try {; } catch (IOException e) { getManager().getLogger().severe("Error while saving permissions file: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } } }