Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of the RUNA WFE project. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 * of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. */ package ru.runa.wfe.presentation.hibernate; import java.util.List; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.SQLQuery; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.transform.ResultTransformer; import ru.runa.wfe.commons.ApplicationContextFactory; import ru.runa.wfe.presentation.BatchPresentation; /** * Builds query for {@link BatchPresentation}. */ public class HibernateCompilerQueryBuilder { /** * {@link BatchPresentation}, used to build SQL query. */ private final BatchPresentation batchPresentation; /** * Parameters, used to build query. */ private final CompilerParameters parameters; /** * Component to build HQL query for {@link BatchPresentation}. */ private final HibernateCompilerHqlBuider hqlBuilder; /** * {@link Session}, used to create a {@link Query}. */ private final Session session = ApplicationContextFactory.getCurrentSession(); /** * Creates instance of component, used to build {@link Query} for {@link BatchPresentation}. * * @param batchPresentation * {@link BatchPresentation}, used to build SQL query. * @param parameters * Parameters, used to build query. */ public HibernateCompilerQueryBuilder(BatchPresentation batchPresentation, CompilerParameters parameters) { hqlBuilder = new HibernateCompilerHqlBuider(batchPresentation, parameters); this.parameters = parameters; this.batchPresentation = batchPresentation; } /** * Builds {@link Query} for {@link BatchPresentation}. * * @return {@link Query} to load data from database. */ public Query build() {; String sqlRequest = translateToSQL(); if (parameters.isCountQuery() || parameters.isOnlyIdentityLoad()) { return session.createSQLQuery(sqlRequest).setResultTransformer(CountIdResultTransformer.INSTANCE); } else { SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlRequest); query.addEntity(batchPresentation.getType().getPresentationClass()); return query; } } /** * Returns Map from SQL positional parameter name to parameter value, generated after build method call. * * @return Map from SQL positional parameter name to parameter value. */ public QueryParametersMap getPlaceholders() { return hqlBuilder.getPlaceholders(); } /** * Translates HQL from hqlBuilder to SQL and makes ordering and filtering inheritance tuning. * * @return SQL query string. */ private String translateToSQL() { HibernateCompilerTranslator queryTranslator = new HibernateCompilerTranslator(hqlBuilder.getQuery(), parameters.isCountQuery()); List<String> phSeq = HibernateCompilerPlaceholdersHelper.getPlaceholdersFromHQL(hqlBuilder.getQuery(), hqlBuilder.getPlaceholders()); StringBuilder sqlRequest = new StringBuilder(queryTranslator.translate()); HibernateCompilerPlaceholdersHelper.restorePlaceholdersInSQL(sqlRequest, phSeq); sqlRequest = tuneSelectClause(sqlRequest); new HibernateCompilerInheritanceFiltersBuilder(batchPresentation, hqlBuilder, queryTranslator) .injectFiltersStatements(sqlRequest); new HibernateCompilerInheritanceOrderBuilder(batchPresentation, hqlBuilder, queryTranslator) .injectOrderStatements(sqlRequest); new HibernateCompilerLeftJoinBuilder(batchPresentation).injectLeftJoin(sqlRequest); return sqlRequest.toString(); } /** * Removes from SQL select clause all column names and 'as' statements. So it's converts SQL like 'select TABLE.ID as T_ID, TABLE.NAME as T_N' to * 'select TABLE.*'. Actually only 'as' statements removing is required, but removing all columns is much simple and resulting request is much * clever. * * But for joined table generate new aliases. * * @param sqlRequest * SQL request to tune select clause. */ private StringBuilder tuneSelectClause(StringBuilder sqlRequest) { if (parameters.isCountQuery() || parameters.isOnlyIdentityLoad()) { return sqlRequest; } int posDot = sqlRequest.indexOf("."); int posFrom = HibernateCompilerHelper.getFromClauseIndex(sqlRequest); return sqlRequest.replace(posDot + 1, posFrom, "*"); } /** * Used to load object's count and object's identities query. Oracle in object's identities query if setFirstResult is not 0 returns tuple: * [object id; row id]. */ static class CountIdResultTransformer implements ResultTransformer { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public static final CountIdResultTransformer INSTANCE = new CountIdResultTransformer(); @Override public Object transformTuple(Object[] tuple, String[] aliases) { return tuple[0]; } @Override public List transformList(List collection) { return collection; } } }