Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 1998-2010 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import java.sql.*; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import; import; import*; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.javabb.bbcode.BBCodeProcessor; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.BeanPropertyRowMapper; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.BeanPropertySqlParameterSource; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.SimpleJdbcInsert; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.SimpleJdbcTemplate; import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.SingleConnectionDataSource; public class Message implements Serializable { private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(Message.class); private final int msgid; private final int postscore; private final boolean votepoll; private final boolean sticky; private String linktext; private String url; private final String title; private final int userid; private final int guid; private final boolean deleted; private final boolean expired; private final int commitby; private final boolean havelink; private final Timestamp postdate; private final Timestamp commitDate; private final String groupTitle; private final String groupUrl; private final Timestamp lastModified; private final int sectionid; private final int commentCount; private final boolean moderate; private final String message; private final boolean notop; private final int userAgent; private final String postIP; private final boolean lorcode; private final boolean resolved; private final int groupCommentsRestriction; private final boolean minor; private final Section section; private static final long serialVersionUID = 807240555706110851L; public static final int POSTSCORE_MOD_AUTHOR = 9999; public static final int POSTSCORE_UNRESTRICTED = -9999; public static final int POSTSCORE_MODERATORS_ONLY = 10000; public static final int POSTSCORE_REGISTERED_ONLY = -50; public Message(Connection db, int msgid) throws SQLException, MessageNotFoundException { this(db, null, msgid); } public Message(Connection db, SectionStore sectionStore, int msgid) throws SQLException, MessageNotFoundException { Statement st = db.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT " + "postdate, as msgid, userid, topics.title, " + "topics.groupid as guid, topics.url, topics.linktext, ua_id, " + "groups.title as gtitle, urlname, vote, havelink, section, topics.sticky, topics.postip, " + "postdate<(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP-sections.expire) as expired, deleted, lastmod, commitby, " + "commitdate, topics.stat1, postscore, topics.moderate, message, notop,bbcode, " + "topics.resolved, restrict_comments, minor " + "FROM topics " + "INNER JOIN groups ON ( " + "INNER JOIN sections ON ( " + "INNER JOIN msgbase ON ( " + "WHERE" + msgid); if (! { throw new MessageNotFoundException(msgid); } this.msgid = rs.getInt("msgid"); int ps = rs.getInt("postscore"); if (rs.wasNull()) { postscore = POSTSCORE_UNRESTRICTED; } else { postscore = ps; } votepoll = rs.getBoolean("vote"); sticky = rs.getBoolean("sticky"); linktext = rs.getString("linktext"); url = rs.getString("url"); userid = rs.getInt("userid"); title = StringUtil.makeTitle(rs.getString("title")); guid = rs.getInt("guid"); deleted = rs.getBoolean("deleted"); expired = !sticky && rs.getBoolean("expired"); havelink = rs.getBoolean("havelink"); postdate = rs.getTimestamp("postdate"); commitDate = rs.getTimestamp("commitdate"); commitby = rs.getInt("commitby"); groupTitle = rs.getString("gtitle"); groupUrl = rs.getString("urlname"); lastModified = rs.getTimestamp("lastmod"); sectionid = rs.getInt("section"); commentCount = rs.getInt("stat1"); moderate = rs.getBoolean("moderate"); message = rs.getString("message"); notop = rs.getBoolean("notop"); userAgent = rs.getInt("ua_id"); postIP = rs.getString("postip"); lorcode = rs.getBoolean("bbcode"); resolved = rs.getBoolean("resolved"); groupCommentsRestriction = rs.getInt("restrict_comments"); minor = rs.getBoolean("minor"); rs.close(); st.close(); try { if (sectionStore == null) { section = new Section(db, sectionid); } else { section = sectionStore.getSection(sectionid); } } catch (SectionNotFoundException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } public Message(SectionStore sectionStore, ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { msgid = rs.getInt("msgid"); postscore = rs.getInt("postscore"); votepoll = rs.getBoolean("vote"); sticky = rs.getBoolean("sticky"); linktext = rs.getString("linktext"); url = rs.getString("url"); userid = rs.getInt("userid"); title = StringUtil.makeTitle(rs.getString("title")); guid = rs.getInt("guid"); deleted = rs.getBoolean("deleted"); expired = !sticky && rs.getBoolean("expired"); havelink = rs.getBoolean("havelink"); postdate = rs.getTimestamp("postdate"); commitDate = rs.getTimestamp("commitdate"); commitby = rs.getInt("commitby"); groupTitle = rs.getString("gtitle"); groupUrl = rs.getString("urlname"); lastModified = rs.getTimestamp("lastmod"); sectionid = rs.getInt("section"); commentCount = rs.getInt("stat1"); moderate = rs.getBoolean("moderate"); message = rs.getString("message"); notop = rs.getBoolean("notop"); userAgent = rs.getInt("ua_id"); postIP = rs.getString("postip"); lorcode = rs.getBoolean("bbcode"); resolved = rs.getBoolean("resolved"); groupCommentsRestriction = rs.getInt("restrict_comments"); minor = rs.getBoolean("minor"); try { section = sectionStore.getSection(sectionid); } catch (SectionNotFoundException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } public Message(Connection db, AddMessageForm form, User user) throws SQLException, UtilException, ScriptErrorException, UserErrorException { // Init fields userAgent = 0; postIP = form.getPostIP(); guid = form.getGuid(); Group group = new Group(db, guid); groupCommentsRestriction = group.getCommentsRestriction(); linktext = form.getLinktextHTML(); url = form.getUrl(); // url check if (!group.isImagePostAllowed()) { if (url != null && !"".equals(url)) { if (linktext == null) { throw new BadInputException(" URL ?"); } url = URLUtil.fixURL(url); } } // Setting Message fields // tags = new Tags(Tags.parseTags(form.getTagsHTML())); title = form.getTitleHTML(); havelink = form.getUrl() != null && form.getLinktext() != null && form.getUrl().length() > 0 && form.getLinktext().length() > 0 && !group.isImagePostAllowed(); sectionid = group.getSectionId(); // Defaults msgid = 0; postscore = 0; votepoll = false; sticky = false; deleted = false; expired = false; commitby = 0; postdate = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); commitDate = null; groupTitle = ""; groupUrl = ""; lastModified = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); commentCount = 0; moderate = false; notop = false; userid = user.getId(); lorcode = true; resolved = false; minor = false; message = form.processMessage(group); try { section = new Section(db, sectionid); } catch (SectionNotFoundException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } public Message(Connection db, Message original, ServletRequest request) throws BadGroupException, SQLException, UtilException, UserErrorException { userAgent = original.userAgent; postIP = original.postIP; guid = original.guid; Group group = new Group(db, guid); groupCommentsRestriction = group.getCommentsRestriction(); if (request.getParameter("linktext") != null) { linktext = request.getParameter("linktext"); } else { linktext = original.linktext; } if (request.getParameter("url") != null) { url = request.getParameter("url"); } else { url = original.url; } // if (request.getParameter("tags")!=null) { // List<String> newTags = Tags.parseTags(request.getParameter("tags")); // // tags = new Tags(newTags); // } else { // tags = original.tags; // } // url check if (!group.isImagePostAllowed()) { if (url != null && !"".equals(url)) { if (linktext == null) { throw new BadInputException(" URL ?"); } url = URLUtil.fixURL(url); } } if (request.getParameter("title") != null) { title = HTMLFormatter.htmlSpecialChars(request.getParameter("title")); } else { title = original.title; } if (request.getParameter("resolve") != null) { resolved = "yes".equals(request.getParameter("resolve")); } else { resolved = original.resolved; } havelink = original.havelink; sectionid = group.getSectionId(); msgid = original.msgid; postscore = original.getPostScore(); votepoll = original.votepoll; sticky = original.sticky; deleted = original.deleted; expired = original.expired; commitby = original.commitby; postdate = original.postdate; commitDate = original.commitDate; groupTitle = original.groupTitle; groupUrl = original.groupUrl; lastModified = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); commentCount = original.commentCount; moderate = original.moderate; notop = original.notop; userid = original.userid; lorcode = original.lorcode; minor = original.minor; if (request.getParameter("newmsg") != null) { message = request.getParameter("newmsg"); } else { message = original.message; } try { section = new Section(db, sectionid); } catch (SectionNotFoundException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } public boolean isExpired() { return expired; } public boolean isDeleted() { return deleted; } public String getTitle() { return title; } public String getSectionTitle() { return section.getName(); } public String getGroupTitle() { return groupTitle; } public Timestamp getLastModified() { if (lastModified == null) { return new Timestamp(0); } return lastModified; } public int getGroupId() { return guid; } public int getSectionId() { return sectionid; } public int getCommentCount() { return commentCount; } private int getCommentCountRestriction() { int commentCountPS = POSTSCORE_UNRESTRICTED; if (!sticky) { if (commentCount > 3000) { commentCountPS = 200; } else if (commentCount > 2000) { commentCountPS = 100; } else if (commentCount > 1000) { commentCountPS = 50; } } return commentCountPS; } public int getPostScore() { int effective = Math.max(postscore, groupCommentsRestriction); effective = Math.max(effective, section.getCommentPostscore()); effective = Math.max(effective, getCommentCountRestriction()); return effective; } public String getPostScoreInfo() { return getPostScoreInfo(getPostScore()); } public static String getPostScoreInfo(int postscore) { switch (postscore) { case POSTSCORE_UNRESTRICTED: return ""; case 100: return "<b> </b>: " + User.getStars(100, 100); case 200: return "<b> </b>: " + User.getStars(200, 200); case 300: return "<b> </b>: " + User.getStars(300, 300); case 400: return "<b> </b>: " + User.getStars(400, 400); case 500: return "<b> </b>: " + User.getStars(500, 500); case POSTSCORE_MOD_AUTHOR: return "<b> </b>: ? "; case POSTSCORE_MODERATORS_ONLY: return "<b> </b>: ? "; case POSTSCORE_REGISTERED_ONLY: return "<b> </b>: ? ? "; default: return "<b> </b>: ? ? , score>=" + postscore; } } public Message getNextMessage(Connection db, SectionStore sectionStore) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement pst; int scrollMode = Section.getScrollMode(sectionid); switch (scrollMode) { case Section.SCROLL_SECTION: pst = db.prepareStatement( "SELECT as msgid FROM topics WHERE topics.commitdate=(SELECT min(commitdate) FROM topics, groups, sections WHERE AND topics.commitdate>? AND AND groups.section=? AND (topics.moderate OR NOT sections.moderate) AND NOT deleted)"); pst.setTimestamp(1, commitDate); pst.setInt(2, sectionid); break; case Section.SCROLL_GROUP: pst = db.prepareStatement( "SELECT min( as msgid FROM topics, groups, sections WHERE AND>? AND topics.groupid=? AND AND (topics.moderate OR NOT sections.moderate) AND NOT deleted"); pst.setInt(1, msgid); pst.setInt(2, guid); break; case Section.SCROLL_NOSCROLL: default: return null; } try { ResultSet rs = pst.executeQuery(); if (! { return null; } int nextMsgid = rs.getInt("msgid"); if (rs.wasNull()) { return null; } return new Message(db, sectionStore, nextMsgid); } catch (MessageNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { pst.close(); } } public Message getPreviousMessage(Connection db, SectionStore sectionStore) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement pst; int scrollMode = Section.getScrollMode(sectionid); switch (scrollMode) { case Section.SCROLL_SECTION: pst = db.prepareStatement( "SELECT as msgid FROM topics WHERE topics.commitdate=(SELECT max(commitdate) FROM topics, groups, sections WHERE AND topics.commitdate<? AND AND groups.section=? AND (topics.moderate OR NOT sections.moderate) AND NOT deleted)"); pst.setTimestamp(1, commitDate); pst.setInt(2, sectionid); break; case Section.SCROLL_GROUP: pst = db.prepareStatement( "SELECT max( as msgid FROM topics, groups, sections WHERE AND<? AND topics.groupid=? AND AND (topics.moderate OR NOT sections.moderate) AND NOT deleted"); pst.setInt(1, msgid); pst.setInt(2, guid); break; case Section.SCROLL_NOSCROLL: default: return null; } try { ResultSet rs = pst.executeQuery(); if (! { return null; } int prevMsgid = rs.getInt("msgid"); if (rs.wasNull()) { return null; } return new Message(db, sectionStore, prevMsgid); } catch (MessageNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { pst.close(); } } public int getMessageId() { return msgid; } public boolean isCommited() { return moderate; } public int getPageCount(int messages) { return (int) Math.ceil(commentCount / ((double) messages)); } public static int getPageCount(int commentCount, int messages) { return (int) Math.ceil(commentCount / ((double) messages)); } public boolean isVotePoll() { return votepoll; } public boolean isSticky() { return sticky; } public boolean updateMessageText(Connection db, User editor, List<String> newTags) throws SQLException { SingleConnectionDataSource scds = new SingleConnectionDataSource(db, true); PreparedStatement pstGet = db.prepareStatement( "SELECT message,title FROM msgbase JOIN topics ON WHERE FOR UPDATE"); pstGet.setInt(1, msgid); ResultSet rs = pstGet.executeQuery(); if (! { throw new RuntimeException("Can't fetch previous message text"); } String oldMessage = rs.getString("message"); String oldTitle = rs.getString("title"); rs.close(); pstGet.close(); List<String> oldTags = Tags.getMessageTags(db, msgid); EditInfoDTO editInfo = new EditInfoDTO(); editInfo.setMsgid(msgid); editInfo.setEditor(editor.getId()); boolean modified = false; SimpleJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new SimpleJdbcTemplate(scds); if (!oldMessage.equals(message)) { editInfo.setOldmessage(oldMessage); modified = true; jdbcTemplate.update("UPDATE msgbase SET message=:message WHERE id=:msgid", ImmutableMap.of("message", message, "msgid", msgid)); } if (!oldTitle.equals(title)) { modified = true; editInfo.setOldtitle(oldTitle); jdbcTemplate.update("UPDATE topics SET title=:title WHERE id=:id", ImmutableMap.of("title", title, "id", msgid)); } if (newTags != null) { boolean modifiedTags = Tags.updateTags(db, msgid, newTags); if (modifiedTags) { editInfo.setOldtags(Tags.toString(oldTags)); Tags.updateCounters(db, oldTags, newTags); modified = true; } } if (modified) { SimpleJdbcInsert insert = new SimpleJdbcInsert(scds).withTableName("edit_info").usingColumns("msgid", "editor", "oldmessage", "oldtitle", "oldtags"); insert.execute(new BeanPropertySqlParameterSource(editInfo)); } return modified; } public String getUrl() { return url; } public String getLinktext() { return linktext; } public int addTopicFromPreview(Connection db, Template tmpl, HttpServletRequest request, String previewImagePath, User user) throws SQLException, UtilException, IOException, BadImageException, InterruptedException, ScriptErrorException { Group group = new Group(db, guid); int msgid = allocateMsgid(db); if (group.isImagePostAllowed()) { if (previewImagePath == null) { throw new ScriptErrorException("previewImagePath==null!?"); } ScreenshotProcessor screenshot = new ScreenshotProcessor(previewImagePath); screenshot.copyScreenshotFromPreview(tmpl, msgid); url = "gallery/" + screenshot.getMainFile().getName(); linktext = "gallery/" + screenshot.getIconFile().getName(); } PreparedStatement pst = db.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO topics (postip, groupid, userid, title, url, moderate, postdate, id, linktext, deleted, ua_id) VALUES ('" + request.getRemoteAddr() + "',?, ?, ?, ?, 'f', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ?, ?, 'f', create_user_agent(?))"); // pst.setString(1, request.getRemoteAddr()); pst.setInt(1, group.getId()); pst.setInt(2, user.getId()); pst.setString(3, title); pst.setString(4, url); pst.setInt(5, msgid); pst.setString(6, linktext); pst.setString(7, request.getHeader("User-Agent")); pst.executeUpdate(); pst.close(); // insert message text PreparedStatement pstMsgbase = db .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO msgbase (id, message, bbcode) values (?,?, ?)"); pstMsgbase.setLong(1, msgid); pstMsgbase.setString(2, message); pstMsgbase.setBoolean(3, lorcode); pstMsgbase.executeUpdate(); pstMsgbase.close(); String logmessage = "?? " + msgid + ' ' + LorHttpUtils.getRequestIP(request);; return msgid; } private static int allocateMsgid(Connection db) throws SQLException { Statement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { st = db.createStatement(); rs = st.executeQuery("select nextval('s_msgid') as msgid");; return rs.getInt("msgid"); } finally { if (rs != null) { rs.close(); } if (st != null) { st.close(); } } } public boolean isCommentsAllowed(User user) { if (user != null && user.isBlocked()) { return false; } if (deleted || expired) { return false; } int score = getPostScore(); if (score == POSTSCORE_UNRESTRICTED) { return true; } if (user == null || user.isAnonymous()) { return false; } if (user.canModerate()) { return true; } if (score == POSTSCORE_REGISTERED_ONLY) { return true; } if (score == POSTSCORE_MODERATORS_ONLY) { return false; } boolean isAuthor = user.getId() == userid; if (score == POSTSCORE_MOD_AUTHOR) { return isAuthor; } if (isAuthor) { return true; } else { return user.getScore() >= score; } } public void checkCommentsAllowed(User user) throws AccessViolationException { user.checkBlocked(); if (deleted) { throw new AccessViolationException( "?? ? ?"); } if (expired) { throw new AccessViolationException(" ?"); } if (!isCommentsAllowed(user)) { throw new AccessViolationException( " ? ? "); } } public int getUid() { return userid; } public boolean isNotop() { return notop; } public String getLinkLastmod() { if (expired) { return getLink(); } else { return getLink() + "?lastmod=" + getLastModified().getTime(); } } public boolean isHaveLink() { return havelink; } public int getId() { return msgid; } public int getUserAgent() { return userAgent; } public Section getSection() { return section; } public String getMessage() { return message; } public String getProcessedMessage(Connection db) throws SQLException { return getProcessedMessage(db, false); } public String getProcessedMessage(Connection db, boolean includeCut) throws SQLException { if (lorcode) { BBCodeProcessor proc = new BBCodeProcessor(); proc.setIncludeCut(includeCut); return proc.preparePostText(db, message); } else { return "<p>" + message; } } public Timestamp getPostdate() { return postdate; } public String getPostIP() { return postIP; } public int getCommitby() { return commitby; } public Timestamp getCommitDate() { return commitDate; } public boolean isLorcode() { return lorcode; } public List<EditInfoDTO> loadEditInfo(Connection db) { SingleConnectionDataSource scds = new SingleConnectionDataSource(db, true); SimpleJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new SimpleJdbcTemplate(scds); List<EditInfoDTO> list = jdbcTemplate.query("SELECT * FROM edit_info WHERE msgid=? ORDER BY id DESC", BeanPropertyRowMapper.newInstance(EditInfoDTO.class), msgid); return ImmutableList.copyOf(list); } public boolean isResolved() { return resolved; } public void resolveMessage(Connection db, boolean b) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement pstMsgbase = db .prepareStatement("UPDATE topics SET resolved=?,lastmod=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE id=?"); pstMsgbase.setBoolean(1, b); pstMsgbase.setInt(2, msgid); pstMsgbase.executeUpdate(); } public String getLink() { return Section.getSectionLink(sectionid) + groupUrl + '/' + msgid; } public String getLinkPage(int page) { if (page == 0) { return getLink(); } return Section.getSectionLink(sectionid) + groupUrl + '/' + msgid + "/page" + page; } public void commit(Connection db, User commiter, int bonus) throws SQLException, UserErrorException { if (bonus < 0 || bonus > 20) { throw new UserErrorException("? bonus"); } PreparedStatement pst = null; try { pst = db.prepareStatement("UPDATE topics SET moderate='t', commitby=?, commitdate='now' WHERE id=?"); pst.setInt(2, msgid); pst.setInt(1, commiter.getId()); pst.executeUpdate(); User author; try { author = User.getUser(db, userid); } catch (UserNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } if (author.getScore() < 300) { author.changeScore(db, bonus); } } finally { if (pst != null) { pst.close(); } } } public void changeGroup(Connection db, int changeGroupId) throws SQLException { Statement st = db.createStatement(); st.executeUpdate("UPDATE topics SET groupid=" + changeGroupId + " WHERE id=" + msgid); /* to recalc counters */ st.executeUpdate("UPDATE groups SET stat4=stat4+1 WHERE id=" + guid + " or id=" + changeGroupId); st.close(); } public boolean isMinor() { return minor; } }