Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Alexey O. Shigarov ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package ru.icc.cells.ssdc; import*; import java.nio.file.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.*; import java.sql.Timestamp; import; import org.apache.commons.cli.*; import org.kie.api.event.rule.DebugAgendaEventListener; import; import; import org.kie.internal.KnowledgeBase; import org.kie.internal.KnowledgeBaseFactory; import org.kie.internal.builder.KnowledgeBuilder; import org.kie.internal.builder.KnowledgeBuilderFactory; import org.kie.internal.definition.KnowledgePackage; import; import org.kie.internal.runtime.StatefulKnowledgeSession; import ru.icc.cells.ssdc.model.*; import ru.icc.cells.ssdc.writers.*; /** * Created by Alexey Shigarov ( on 01.02.2015. */ public final class App { // Params private static File inputExcelFile; private static List<Integer> sheetIndexes; private static File drlFile; private static Path catDirectory; private static boolean withoutSuperscript; private static boolean useCellValue; private static Path outputDirectory; private static boolean debuggingMode; private static boolean useCellsRuleLang; // TODO DSL_PATH initialisation from settings is needed private static final String DSL_PATH = "./crl/crl.dsl"; // Statistics private static final StatisticsManager statisticsManager = StatisticsManager.getInstance(); private static long totalRuleFiringTime; private static long currentRuleFiringTime; private static final DataLoader DATA_LOADER = DataLoader.getInstance(); private static final CategoryTemplateManager CATEGORY_TEMPLATE_MANAGER = CategoryTemplateManager.getInstance(); private static final KnowledgeBase KNOWLEDGE_BASE = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase(); private static File parseInputExcelFileParam(String inputExcelFileParam) { File file = new File(inputExcelFileParam); if (file.exists()) { if (file.canRead()) { return file; } else { System.err.println("The input excel file cannot be read"); System.exit(0); } } else { System.err.println("The input marked excel file does not exist"); System.exit(0); } return null; } private static List<Integer> parseSheetIndexesParam(String sheetIndexesParam) { if (sheetIndexesParam != null) { if (Pattern.matches("\\d+(((,\\s?)|(-))?\\d+)*", sheetIndexesParam)) { List<Integer> sheetIndexes = new ArrayList<Integer>(); String[] ranges = sheetIndexesParam.split(","); for (String range : ranges) { range = range.trim(); int firstHyphenPos = range.indexOf('-'); int lastHyphenPos = range.lastIndexOf('-'); if (firstHyphenPos > -1) { String s0 = range.substring(0, firstHyphenPos); String s1 = range.substring(lastHyphenPos + 1); int initialIndex = Integer.parseInt(s0); int lastIndex = Integer.parseInt(s1); for (int i = initialIndex; i < lastIndex + 1; i++) sheetIndexes.add(i); } else { sheetIndexes.add(Integer.valueOf(range)); } } return sheetIndexes; } else { System.err.println("The sheet range is incorrect"); System.exit(0); } } // When sheetIndexes field is null, then all sheets in the input Excel workbook are processed return null; } private static File parseDrlFileParam(String drlFileParam) { File file = new File(drlFileParam); if (file.exists()) { if (file.canRead()) { String fileExtension = FilenameUtils.getExtension(file.getName()); final String DSLR_EXTENSION = "DSLR"; final String DRL_EXTENSION = "DRL"; if (DSLR_EXTENSION.equalsIgnoreCase(fileExtension)) { useCellsRuleLang = true; } else if (DRL_EXTENSION.equalsIgnoreCase(fileExtension)) { useCellsRuleLang = false; } else { System.err.println("The knowledge base file extension must be DSLR_EXTENSION or DRL_EXTENSION"); System.exit(0); } } else { System.err.println("The knowledge base file cannot be read"); System.exit(0); } } else { System.err.println("The knowledge base file does not exist"); System.exit(0); } return file; } private static Path parseCatDirectoryParam(String catDirectoryParam) { if (null != catDirectoryParam) { try { return Paths.get(catDirectoryParam); } catch (InvalidPathException e) { System.err.println("The cat directory path is invalid"); e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } private static Path parseOutputDirectoryParam(String outputDirectoryParam) { if (null != outputDirectoryParam) { try { return Paths.get(outputDirectoryParam); } catch (InvalidPathException e) { System.err.println("The output directory path is invalid"); e.printStackTrace(); } } else { // Creating default output directory String defaultOutputDirectoryPath = inputExcelFile.getParent(); return Paths.get(defaultOutputDirectoryPath); } return null; } private static boolean parseWithoutSuperscriptParam(String withoutSuperscriptParam) { if (null != withoutSuperscriptParam) { return Boolean.valueOf(withoutSuperscriptParam); } return false; } private static boolean parseUseCellValueParam(String useCellValueParam) { if (null != useCellValueParam) { return Boolean.valueOf(useCellValueParam); } return false; } private static boolean parseDebuggingModeParam(String debuggingModeParam) { if (null != debuggingModeParam) { return Boolean.valueOf(debuggingModeParam); } return false; } private static String traceParsedParams() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Command line parameters:\r\n"); char indent = '\t'; try { sb.append(indent).append(String.format("Excel file: \"%s\"%n", inputExcelFile.getCanonicalPath())); if (null != sheetIndexes) { StringBuilder sb0 = new StringBuilder(); final char comma = ','; for (int i = 0; i < sheetIndexes.size(); i++) { Integer sheetIndex = sheetIndexes.get(i); sb0.append(sheetIndex); if (i < sheetIndexes.size() - 1) sb0.append(comma); } sb.append(indent).append(String.format("Sheets: [%s]%n", sb0.toString())); } else { // When sheetIndexes field is null, then all sheets in the input Excel workbook are processed sb.append(indent).append("Sheets in processing: ALL\n"); } sb.append(indent).append(String.format("DRL file: \"%s\"%n", drlFile.getCanonicalPath())); if (null != catDirectory) sb.append(indent).append(String.format("Category directory: \"%s\"%n", catDirectory.toRealPath())); sb.append(indent).append(String.format("Ignoring superscript text: %b%n", withoutSuperscript)); sb.append(indent).append(String.format("Using cell values as text: %b%n", useCellValue)); sb.append(indent).append(String.format("Output directory: \"%s\"%n", outputDirectory.toRealPath())); sb.append(indent).append(String.format("Debugging mode: %b", debuggingMode)); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return sb.toString(); } /* * Command line parameters: * - input marked excel *.xlsx file [ inputFile ] * - sheet indexes [ -s 0-2, 4,5, 7-10 ] * - rule file *.drl file [ -k drlFile ] * - to ignore superscript text in cells [ -ss true ] * - to use cell values as text [-v true ] * - output directory [ -o outputDirectory ] * - debugging mode [ -m true ] * - domain file [ -d domainFile ] */ @SuppressWarnings("static-access") private static void parseCommandLineParams(String[] args) { // Creating command line parameters Option inputExcelFileOpt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("excel file").hasArg() .withDescription("an input excel workbook (*.xlsx) file").isRequired().create("i"); Option sheetIndexesOpt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("sheet indexes").hasArg() .withDescription("sheet indexes (e.g. \"0-2,4,5,7-10\") in the input excel workbook").create("s"); Option drlFileOpt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("drl or dslr file").hasArg() .withDescription("a rule (*.drl or *.dslr) file").isRequired().create("k"); Option catDirectoryOpt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("cat directory").hasArg() .withDescription("directory with *.cat files").create("c"); Option withoutSuperscriptOpt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("true|false").hasArg() .withDescription("use true to ignore superscript text in cells").create("ss"); Option useCellValueOpt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("true|false").hasArg() .withDescription("use true to use cell values as text").create("v"); Option outputDirectoryOpt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("output directory").hasArg() .withDescription("a directory for outputting results").create("o"); Option debuggingModeOpt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("true|false").hasArg() .withDescription("use true to turn on debugging mode").create("m"); Options options = new Options(); options.addOption(inputExcelFileOpt); options.addOption(sheetIndexesOpt); options.addOption(drlFileOpt); options.addOption(catDirectoryOpt); options.addOption(withoutSuperscriptOpt); options.addOption(useCellValueOpt); options.addOption(outputDirectoryOpt); options.addOption(debuggingModeOpt); CommandLineParser parser = new BasicParser(); try { CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args); String inputExcelFileParam = cmd.getOptionValue(inputExcelFileOpt.getOpt()); inputExcelFile = parseInputExcelFileParam(inputExcelFileParam); String sheetIndexesParam = cmd.getOptionValue(sheetIndexesOpt.getOpt()); sheetIndexes = parseSheetIndexesParam(sheetIndexesParam); String drlFileParam = cmd.getOptionValue(drlFileOpt.getOpt()); drlFile = parseDrlFileParam(drlFileParam); String catDirectoryParam = cmd.getOptionValue(catDirectoryOpt.getOpt()); catDirectory = parseCatDirectoryParam(catDirectoryParam); String withoutSuperscriptParam = cmd.getOptionValue(withoutSuperscriptOpt.getOpt()); withoutSuperscript = parseWithoutSuperscriptParam(withoutSuperscriptParam); String useCellValuParam = cmd.getOptionValue(useCellValueOpt.getOpt()); useCellValue = parseUseCellValueParam(useCellValuParam); String outputDirectoryParam = cmd.getOptionValue(outputDirectoryOpt.getOpt()); outputDirectory = parseOutputDirectoryParam(outputDirectoryParam); String debuggingModeParam = cmd.getOptionValue(debuggingModeOpt.getOpt()); debuggingMode = parseDebuggingModeParam(debuggingModeParam); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } } private static void loadWorkbook() { //final DataLoader DATA_LOADER = new DataLoader( inputExcelFile ); try { DATA_LOADER.loadWorkbook(inputExcelFile); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } // When sheetIndexes field is null, then all sheets in the input Excel workbook are processed // Generating indexes for all sheets in the input excel workbook if (null == sheetIndexes) { sheetIndexes = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < DATA_LOADER.numOfSheets(); i++) sheetIndexes.add(i); } } private static void loadCatFiles() { if (null != catDirectory) { File folder = catDirectory.toFile(); try { for (File file : folder.listFiles()) { if (file.isFile()) { if (file.exists()) { if (file.canRead()) { // TODO checking file extension: it must be *.cat System.out.println(file.getName()); CATEGORY_TEMPLATE_MANAGER.load(file); } else { System.out.printf("The file cannot be read: \"%s\"%n", file); System.exit(0); } } else { System.out.printf("The file is not exists: \"%s\"%n", file); System.exit(0); } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } // TODO implement it public static void start(String[] args) { main(args); } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.printf("Start timestamp: %s%n%n", new Timestamp(new Date().getTime())); try { parseCommandLineParams(args); System.out.printf("%s%n%n", traceParsedParams()); loadWorkbook(); loadRules(); loadCatFiles(); DATA_LOADER.setWithoutSuperscript(withoutSuperscript); DATA_LOADER.setUseCellValue(useCellValue); int count = 0; // Processing sheets from the input Excel workbook for (int sheetNo : sheetIndexes) { DATA_LOADER.goToSheet(sheetNo); String sheetName = DATA_LOADER.getCurrentSheetName(); int tableNo = 0; while (true) { CTable table = DATA_LOADER.nextTable(); if (null == table) break; count++; System.out.printf("#%d Processing sheet: %d [%s] | table %d%n%n", count, sheetNo, sheetName, tableNo); Tables.recoverCellBorders(table); if (CATEGORY_TEMPLATE_MANAGER.hasAtLeastOneCategoryTemplate()) CATEGORY_TEMPLATE_MANAGER.createCategories(table); fireRules(table, KNOWLEDGE_BASE); table.update(); System.out.println(table.trace()); System.out.println(); ///* CanonicalForm canonicalForm = table.toCanonicalForm(); //System.out.println( canonicalForm.trace() ); System.out.println("Canonical form:"); canonicalForm.print(); System.out.println(); //*/ StatisticsManager.Statistics statistics = statisticsManager.collect(table); System.out.println(statistics.trace()); System.out.printf("Current rule firing time: %s%n%n", currentRuleFiringTime); String fileName = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(inputExcelFile.getName()); //String outFileName = String.format("%s\\%s_%s_%s.xlsx", outputDirectory, fileName, sheetNo, tableNo); String outFileName = String.format("%s\\%s.xlsx", outputDirectory, sheetName); //System.out.println(outFileName); //canonicalForm.writeToExcel(new File(outFileName)); EvaluationExcelWriter writer = new EvaluationExcelWriter(new File(outFileName)); writer.write(table); tableNo++; } } // Checking and creating output data directory if (Files.notExists(outputDirectory)) Files.createDirectory(outputDirectory); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { System.out.println(statisticsManager.trace()); System.out.printf("Total rule firing time: %s%n%n", totalRuleFiringTime); System.out.printf("End timestamp: %s%n", new Timestamp(new Date().getTime())); CATEGORY_TEMPLATE_MANAGER.release(); } } private static void loadRules() { final KnowledgeBuilder kBuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder(); Resource resource = ResourceFactory.newFileResource(App.drlFile.getAbsolutePath()); if (useCellsRuleLang) { Resource dslResource = ResourceFactory.newFileResource(DSL_PATH); kBuilder.add(dslResource, ResourceType.DSL); kBuilder.add(resource, ResourceType.DSLR); } else { kBuilder.add(resource, ResourceType.DRL); } if (kBuilder.hasErrors()) { System.out.println(kBuilder.getErrors().toString()); throw new RuntimeException("Unable to compile"); } final Collection<KnowledgePackage> pkgs = kBuilder.getKnowledgePackages(); KNOWLEDGE_BASE.addKnowledgePackages(pkgs); } private static void fireRules(CTable table, KnowledgeBase knowledgeBase) { //final StatelessKnowledgeSession kSession = KNOWLEDGE_BASE.newStatelessKnowledgeSession(); final StatefulKnowledgeSession kSession = knowledgeBase.newStatefulKnowledgeSession(); if (debuggingMode) { kSession.addEventListener(new DebugAgendaEventListener()); //kSession.addEventListener( new DebugWorkingMemoryEventListener() ); } //List facts = new ArrayList(); //Iterator<CRow> rows = table.getRows(); //while ( rows.hasNext() ) facts.add( ); //Iterator<CCol> cols = table.getCols(); //while ( cols.hasNext() ) facts.add( ); Iterator<CCell> cells = table.getCells(); while (cells.hasNext()) { //facts.add( ); kSession.insert(; } Iterator<CCategory> categories = table.getLocalCategoryBox().getCategories(); while (categories.hasNext()) { kSession.insert(; } Date startDate = new Date(); //kSession.execute( facts ); kSession.fireAllRules(); Date endDate = new Date(); currentRuleFiringTime = endDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime(); totalRuleFiringTime += currentRuleFiringTime; } private App() { } }