Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2013 AMALTHEA REU; Dillon Rose; Michel Rouly
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package root.hap.responsibility;

import java.util.Arrays;

import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Reducer;
import org.apache.mahout.math.DenseVector;
import org.apache.mahout.math.VectorWritable;

import root.hap.util.KeyUtilities;

 * <p>
 * Reducer class for updating responsibility.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * This reducer takes in a set of columns from the input matrices and uses their
 * contents to update the Responsibility matrix.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * <code>Input key [Text]:</code> information about these columns<br />
 * <code>Input value [Iterable&lt;Text&gt;]:</code> the corresponding input 
 * columns
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * <code>Output key [Text]:</code> tab separated list: {Row Number, Level, 
 * Matrix ID}
 * <br />
 * <code>Output value [VectorWritable]:</code> vector of appropriate data
 * </p>
 * @author Dillon Rose
 * @author Michel Rouly
 * @since 2013.06.25
 * @see HierarchicalResponsibilityDriver
 * @see ResponsibilityReducer
public class ResponsibilityReducer extends Reducer<Text, Text, Text, VectorWritable> {

     * <p>
     * This method serves to update the responsibility matrix by accessing a
     * single column of each matrix.
     * </p>
     * @param keyIn vector identification block
     * @param valIn vector data
    public void reduce(Text keyIn, Iterable<Text> valIn, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {

        int N = context.getConfiguration().getInt("matrixN", -1);
        int numLevels = context.getConfiguration().getInt("numLevels", -1);

        // data structures to reconstruct the rows we're working on
        DenseVector A = new DenseVector(N);
        DenseVector diagA = new DenseVector(N);
        DenseVector ALevelAbove = new DenseVector(N);
        DenseVector R = new DenseVector(N);
        DenseVector diagR = new DenseVector(N);
        DenseVector S = new DenseVector(N);
        DenseVector T = new DenseVector(1);
        DenseVector P = new DenseVector(1);
        DenseVector C = new DenseVector(1);

        int reducerRowNum = Integer.valueOf(keyIn.toString().split("\t")[0]);
        int reducerLevelNum = Integer.valueOf(keyIn.toString().split("\t")[1]);

        for (Text text : valIn) {
            // **** important, do not remove this conversion ****
            // we must do this for some reason..not sure why.
            // if we don't the loop doesn't iterate properly.
            // **** important, do not remove this conversion ****
            text = new Text(text.toString());

            String[] textData = KeyUtilities.explode(text, true);

            String col = textData[KeyUtilities.INDEX];
            String val = textData[KeyUtilities.VALUE];
            String level = textData[KeyUtilities.LEVEL];
            String id = textData[KeyUtilities.ID];

            int colInt = Integer.valueOf(col);
            double valDouble = Double.valueOf(val);
            int levelInt = Integer.valueOf(level);

            switch (id.charAt(0)) {
            case 'R':
                R.setQuick(colInt, valDouble);
            case 'r':
                diagR.setQuick(colInt, valDouble);
            case 'A':
                if (reducerLevelNum == levelInt) {
                    A.setQuick(colInt, valDouble);
                } else {
                    ALevelAbove.set(colInt, valDouble);
            case 'a':
                diagA.setQuick(colInt, valDouble);
            case 'S':
                S.setQuick(colInt, valDouble);
            case 'C':
                C.setQuick(0, valDouble);
            case 'T':
                T.setQuick(0, valDouble);
            case 'P':
                P.setQuick(0, valDouble);
                System.err.println("[ERROR]: Invalid matrix ID.");

        //      printInput(A, ALevelAbove, diagA, R, diagR, S, T, P, C);

        outputTau(context, T, reducerRowNum, reducerLevelNum, "T");

        // We want this part to get skipped on the 1st iteration
        int numIteration = context.getConfiguration().getInt("numIteration", -1);

        if (numIteration == 0) {

            outputExemplars(context, C, reducerRowNum, reducerLevelNum, "C");

        } else {

            updateExemplars(context, A, R, diagA, diagR, C, reducerRowNum, reducerLevelNum, N, "C");


        if (reducerLevelNum != numLevels - 1 && numIteration != 0) {

            updatePhi(context, ALevelAbove, S, P, reducerRowNum, reducerLevelNum, N, "P");

        } else {

            outputPhi(context, P, reducerRowNum, reducerLevelNum, "P");


        outputAvailability(context, A, reducerRowNum, reducerLevelNum, "A");

        if (reducerLevelNum == 0) {
            outputSimilarity(context, S, reducerRowNum, reducerLevelNum, "S");

        updateResponsibility(context, A, S, R, T, reducerLevelNum, reducerRowNum, N, "R");

        keyIn = null;
        valIn = null;
        A = null;
        diagA = null;
        ALevelAbove = null;
        R = null;
        diagR = null;
        S = null;
        T = null;
        P = null;
        C = null;

    //   private void printInput(DenseVector A, DenseVector ALevelAbove, DenseVector diagA,
    //         DenseVector R, DenseVector diagR, DenseVector S, DenseVector T, DenseVector P,
    //         DenseVector C) {
    //      System.out.println(A);
    //      System.out.println(ALevelAbove);
    //      System.out.println(diagA);
    //      System.out.println(R);
    //      System.out.println(diagR);
    //      System.out.println(S);
    //      System.out.println(T);
    //      System.out.println(P);
    //      System.out.println(C);
    //      System.out.println("------------");
    //   }

     * Output Tau directly.
    private void outputTau(Context context, DenseVector T, int reducerRowNum, int reducerLevelNum, String tau)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {

        VectorWritable TWritable = new VectorWritable(T);

        context.write(new Text(reducerRowNum + "\t" + reducerLevelNum + "\t" + tau), TWritable);


     * Output Exemplar Preferences directly.
    private void outputExemplars(Context context, DenseVector C, int reducerRowNum, int reducerLevelNum,
            String exemplar) throws IOException, InterruptedException {

        VectorWritable CWritable = new VectorWritable(C);

        context.write(new Text(reducerRowNum + "\t" + reducerLevelNum + "\t" + exemplar), CWritable);


     * ALGORITHM: Update Exemplars C(i,l) = argmax [ A(i,j,l) + R(i,j,l) ] where
     * A(j,j,l) + R(i,j,l) > 0 Find the maximum of A+R keeping row constant
     * varying column for level equal level to lower C level
    private void updateExemplars(Context context, DenseVector A, DenseVector R, DenseVector diagA,
            DenseVector diagR, DenseVector C, int reducerRowNum, int reducerLevelNum, int N, String exemplar)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {

        boolean[] validExemplars = new boolean[N];
        boolean validExist = false;
        Arrays.fill(validExemplars, false);

        for (int diagIter = 0; diagIter < N; diagIter++) {
            double diagVal = diagA.get(diagIter) + diagR.get(diagIter);
            if (diagVal > 0) {
                validExemplars[diagIter] = true;
                validExist = true;

        DenseVector sum = (DenseVector);
        double maxValue = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;

        if (validExist) {

            for (int diagIter = 0; diagIter < N; diagIter++) {

                double validValue = sum.get(diagIter);
                if (validExemplars[diagIter] && validValue > maxValue) {
                    maxValue = validValue;


        } else {

            maxValue = sum.maxValue();


        C.setQuick(0, maxValue);

        VectorWritable CWritable = new VectorWritable(C);

        context.write(new Text(reducerRowNum + "\t" + reducerLevelNum + "\t" + exemplar), CWritable);


     * Output Phi directly.
    private void outputPhi(Context context, DenseVector P, int reducerRowNum, int reducerLevelNum, String phi)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {

        VectorWritable PWritable = new VectorWritable(P);

        context.write(new Text(reducerRowNum + "\t" + reducerLevelNum + "\t" + phi), PWritable);


     * ALGORITHM: Update Phi P(i,l)=max( A(i,j,l+1) + S(i,j,l+1) )
     * Find the maximum of A+S keeping row constant varying column for level one
     * above level of lower P level
    private void updatePhi(Context context, DenseVector ALevelAbove, DenseVector SLevelAbove, DenseVector P,
            int reducerRowNum, int reducerLevelNum, int N, String phi) throws IOException, InterruptedException {

        DenseVector sum = (DenseVector);
        double maxValue = sum.maxValue();

        P.setQuick(0, maxValue);

        VectorWritable PWritable = new VectorWritable(P);

        context.write(new Text(reducerRowNum + "\t" + reducerLevelNum + "\t" + phi), PWritable);

     * Output Availability directly.
    private void outputAvailability(Context context, DenseVector A, int reducerRowNum, int reducerLevelNum,
            String availability) throws IOException, InterruptedException {

        VectorWritable AWritable = new VectorWritable(A);

        context.write(new Text(reducerRowNum + "\t" + reducerLevelNum + "\t" + availability), AWritable);


     * Output Similarity directly.
    private void outputSimilarity(Context context, DenseVector S, int reducerRowNum, int reducerLevelNum,
            String similarity) throws IOException, InterruptedException {

        VectorWritable SWritable = new VectorWritable(S);

        context.write(new Text(reducerRowNum + "\t" + reducerLevelNum + "\t" + similarity), SWritable);


     * ALGORITHM: Update Responsibilty R(i,k) = S(i,k) - max[ S(i,j) + A(i,j) ]
     * Find the maximum of S+A excluding self, subtract this from S, store this
     * in self (R).
    private void updateResponsibility(Context context, DenseVector A, DenseVector S, DenseVector R, DenseVector T,
            int reducerLevelNum, int reducerRowNum, int N, String responsibilty)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {

        DenseVector oldR = R.clone();
        DenseVector sum = (DenseVector);

        double maxValue = sum.maxValue();
        int maxValueIndex = sum.maxValueIndex();
        maxValue *= -1;

        sum.set(maxValueIndex, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);

        double tau = T.get(0);

        double YH = Math.min(maxValue, tau);

        double actualMax = sum.maxValue();
        actualMax *= -1;

        double YH2 = Math.min(actualMax, tau);

        R = (DenseVector);
        R.setQuick(maxValueIndex, S.get(maxValueIndex) + YH2);

        // Dampen
        double lambda = context.getConfiguration().getFloat("lambda", 0);
        R = (DenseVector) R.times(1 - lambda);
        oldR = (DenseVector) oldR.times(lambda);
        R = (DenseVector);

        VectorWritable RWritable = new VectorWritable(R);

        context.write(new Text(reducerRowNum + "\t" + reducerLevelNum + "\t" + responsibilty), RWritable);
