Source code

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
 * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
 * copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
 * copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
 * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
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 * the License.

package org.apache.mahout.math;

import java.util.Iterator;

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured;
import org.apache.mahout.math.Vector.Element;


public final class VectorWritable extends Configured implements Writable {

    public static final int FLAG_DENSE = 0x01;
    public static final int FLAG_SEQUENTIAL = 0x02;
    public static final int FLAG_NAMED = 0x04;
    public static final int FLAG_LAX_PRECISION = 0x08;
    public static final int NUM_FLAGS = 4;

    private Vector vector;
    private boolean writesLaxPrecision;

    public VectorWritable() {

    public VectorWritable(boolean writesLaxPrecision) {

    public VectorWritable(Vector vector) {
        this.vector = vector;

    public VectorWritable(Vector vector, boolean writesLaxPrecision) {

     * @return {@link org.apache.mahout.math.Vector} that this is to write, or has
     *  just read
    public Vector get() {
        return vector;

    public void set(Vector vector) {
        this.vector = vector;

     * @return true if this is allowed to encode {@link org.apache.mahout.math.Vector}
     *  values using fewer bytes, possibly losing precision. In particular this means
     *  that floating point values will be encoded as floats, not doubles.
    public boolean isWritesLaxPrecision() {
        return writesLaxPrecision;

    public void setWritesLaxPrecision(boolean writesLaxPrecision) {
        this.writesLaxPrecision = writesLaxPrecision;

    public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
        writeVector(out, this.vector, this.writesLaxPrecision);

    public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {
        int flags = in.readByte();
        int size = Varint.readUnsignedVarInt(in);
        readFields(in, (byte) flags, size);

    private void readFields(DataInput in, byte flags, int size) throws IOException {

        Preconditions.checkArgument(flags >> NUM_FLAGS == 0, "Unknown flags set: %d", Integer.toString(flags, 2));
        boolean dense = (flags & FLAG_DENSE) != 0;
        boolean sequential = (flags & FLAG_SEQUENTIAL) != 0;
        boolean named = (flags & FLAG_NAMED) != 0;
        boolean laxPrecision = (flags & FLAG_LAX_PRECISION) != 0;

        Vector v;
        if (dense) {
            double[] values = new double[size];
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                values[i] = laxPrecision ? in.readFloat() : in.readDouble();
            v = new DenseVector(values);
        } else {
            int numNonDefaultElements = Varint.readUnsignedVarInt(in);
            v = sequential ? new SequentialAccessSparseVector(size, numNonDefaultElements)
                    : new RandomAccessSparseVector(size, numNonDefaultElements);
            if (sequential) {
                int lastIndex = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < numNonDefaultElements; i++) {
                    int delta = Varint.readUnsignedVarInt(in);
                    int index = lastIndex + delta;
                    lastIndex = index;
                    double value = laxPrecision ? in.readFloat() : in.readDouble();
                    v.setQuick(index, value);
            } else {
                for (int i = 0; i < numNonDefaultElements; i++) {
                    int index = Varint.readUnsignedVarInt(in);
                    double value = laxPrecision ? in.readFloat() : in.readDouble();
                    v.setQuick(index, value);
        if (named) {
            String name = in.readUTF();
            v = new NamedVector(v, name);
        vector = v;

    /** Write the vector to the output */
    public static void writeVector(DataOutput out, Vector vector) throws IOException {
        writeVector(out, vector, false);

    public static byte flags(Vector vector, boolean laxPrecision) {
        boolean dense = vector.isDense();
        boolean sequential = vector.isSequentialAccess();
        boolean named = vector instanceof NamedVector;

        return (byte) ((dense ? FLAG_DENSE : 0) | (sequential ? FLAG_SEQUENTIAL : 0) | (named ? FLAG_NAMED : 0)
                | (laxPrecision ? FLAG_LAX_PRECISION : 0));

    /** Write out type information and size of the vector */
    public static void writeVectorFlagsAndSize(DataOutput out, byte flags, int size) throws IOException {
        Varint.writeUnsignedVarInt(size, out);

    public static void writeVector(DataOutput out, Vector vector, boolean laxPrecision) throws IOException {

        byte flags = flags(vector, laxPrecision);

        writeVectorFlagsAndSize(out, flags, vector.size());
        writeVectorContents(out, vector, flags);

    /** Write out contents of the vector */
    public static void writeVectorContents(DataOutput out, Vector vector, byte flags) throws IOException {

        boolean dense = (flags & FLAG_DENSE) != 0;
        boolean sequential = (flags & FLAG_SEQUENTIAL) != 0;
        boolean named = (flags & FLAG_NAMED) != 0;
        boolean laxPrecision = (flags & FLAG_LAX_PRECISION) != 0;

        if (dense) {
            for (Element element : vector.all()) {
                if (laxPrecision) {
                    out.writeFloat((float) element.get());
                } else {
        } else {
            Varint.writeUnsignedVarInt(vector.getNumNonZeroElements(), out);
            Iterator<Element> iter = vector.nonZeroes().iterator();
            if (sequential) {
                int lastIndex = 0;
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    Element element =;
                    if (element.get() == 0) {
                    int thisIndex = element.index();
                    // Delta-code indices:
                    Varint.writeUnsignedVarInt(thisIndex - lastIndex, out);
                    lastIndex = thisIndex;
                    if (laxPrecision) {
                        out.writeFloat((float) element.get());
                    } else {
            } else {
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    Element element =;
                    if (element.get() == 0) {
                        // TODO(robinanil): Fix the damn iterator for the zero element.
                    Varint.writeUnsignedVarInt(element.index(), out);
                    if (laxPrecision) {
                        out.writeFloat((float) element.get());
                    } else {
        if (named) {
            String name = ((NamedVector) vector).getName();
            out.writeUTF(name == null ? "" : name);

    public static Vector readVector(DataInput in) throws IOException {
        VectorWritable v = new VectorWritable();
        return v.get();

    public static Vector readVector(DataInput in, byte vectorFlags, int size) throws IOException {
        VectorWritable v = new VectorWritable();
        v.readFields(in, vectorFlags, size);
        return v.get();

    public static VectorWritable merge(Iterator<VectorWritable> vectors) {
        return new VectorWritable(mergeToVector(vectors));

    public static Vector mergeToVector(Iterator<VectorWritable> vectors) {
        Vector accumulator =;
        while (vectors.hasNext()) {
            VectorWritable v =;
            if (v != null) {
                for (Element nonZeroElement : v.get().nonZeroes()) {
                    accumulator.setQuick(nonZeroElement.index(), nonZeroElement.get());
        return accumulator;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        return o instanceof VectorWritable && vector.equals(((VectorWritable) o).get());

    public int hashCode() {
        return vector.hashCode();

    public String toString() {
        return vector.toString();